01.1 Intro Annotated

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uan 8oneh

Course Cvervlew
Cnllne CrypLography Course uan 8oneh
uan 8oneh
Course ob[ecuves:
Learn how crypLo prlmluves work
Learn how Lo use Lhem correcLly and reason abouL securlLy
My recommendauons:
1ake noLes
ause vldeo frequenLly Lo Lhlnk abouL Lhe maLerlal
Answer Lhe ln-vldeo quesuons
uan 8oneh
CrypLography ls everywhere
!"#$%" #'(($)*#+,'):
web Lramc: P11S
wlreless Lramc: 802.11l WA2 (and WL), CSM, 8lueLooLh
-)#%./,)0 12"3 ') 4*35: LlS, 1rueCrypL
6')7")7 /%'7"#,') (e.g. uvu, 8lu-ray): CSS, AACS
83"% +$79"),#+,')
. and much much more
uan 8oneh
Secure communlcauon
no eavesdropplng
no Lamperlng
uan 8oneh
Secure SockeLs Layer / 1LS

1wo maln parLs
1. Pandshake roLocol: -37+:2*39 39+%"4 3"#%"7 5".
$3*)0 /$:2*#;5". #%./7'0%+/9. (2
parL of course)
2. 8ecord Layer: <%+)3(*7 4+7+ $3*)0 39+%"4 3"#%"7 5".
Lnsure condenuallLy and lnLegrlLy (1
parL of course)
uan 8oneh
roLecLed les on dlsk
llle 1
llle 2
Allce Allce
no eavesdropplng
no Lamperlng
Analogous Lo secure communlcauon:
Allce Loday sends a message Lo Allce Lomorrow
uan 8oneh
8ulldlng block: sym. encrypuon
L, u: clpher k: secreL key (e.g. 128 blLs)
m, c: plalnLexL, clpherLexL
Lncrypuon algorlLhm ls publlcly known
never use a proprleLary clpher
k k
uan 8oneh
use Cases
!*)02" $3" 5".: (one ume key)
key ls only used Lo encrypL one message
- encrypLed emall: new key generaLed for every emall
=$2, $3" 5".: (many ume key)
key used Lo encrypL muluple messages
- encrypLed les: same key used Lo encrypL many les
need more machlnery Lhan for one-ume key
uan 8oneh
1hlngs Lo remember
CrypLography ls:
A Lremendous Lool
1he basls for many securlLy mechanlsms
CrypLography ls noL:
1he soluuon Lo all securlLy problems
8ellable unless lmplemenLed and used properly
SomeLhlng you should Lry Lo lnvenL yourself
- many many examples of broken ad-hoc deslgns
uan 8oneh
Lnd of SegmenL

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