Magazine Analysis: The Cover

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Magazine Analysis

The Cover The title of the magazine is Q. The title of the magazine is called Q because the full name of the magazine is Q the music however, it used to be written as Cue the music but it was changed to Q because it was more simplistic and the magazine was also being mistaken for a snooker magazine so they changed the name of the magazine. The Q in the title of the magazine was abbreviated from the word cue in order to make the magazine more stylish and modern which would please their target readers. The Q is boldly written in a white font which contrasts from a red background which is in the square. The letter Q is largely written in a white colour and on top of the Q it clearly states The worlds greatest music magazine which is written in a bold font but the letters are black rather than white like the letter Q. This makes the strapline stand out from the red background to emphasise to the readers that the magazine is indeed the worlds greatest music magazine so it means it is better than other magazines. The strapline is short and straight forward which shows that the producers are serious and competitive about being the best magazine. The main image is an image of a pale boy who is playing a guitar. The young guitarist/musician is englishman Jake Bugg who released his debut album which was fairly quite successful. In the picture, Jake Bugg has short black hair which matches the black rock stylish jacket which he is wearing. Furthermore, the Jake Bugg was wearing black jeans and his jacket is unzipped which reveals the black shirt which he is wearing under the jacket. Jack Buggs guitar is brown which is in contrast to the colourof the clothes he is wearing. The image of the the musician is a body shot which helps to show off his clothes. His facial expression looked serious and his eyes are also quite focused to the left. In addition, the his face is also turnt to the left whereas, his body is facing the right and his body language is cool, calm and collective perhaps similar to his lifestyle. The image suggests that Jake Bugg is very rebelious because he is looking away from the camera which shows some arrogance. Furthermore, the dark clothes which he is wearing portrays that he is trying to be a bad boy with the whole rockstar look and his facial expression. This shows the reader that Jake Bugg is very much prestige and also quite cool. In addition, there is also a close up shot of Bob Dylan who is a musician/artisit. In the picutre, Bob Dylan has black hair and his facial expressions are quite strict which makes him look abit intimidating. He is holding the strings of his guitar which indicates to the readers who do not who is he that he is a musician. Furthermore, it states his name above his picture which helps people recognise who he is. There are many contents which are promoted by the

cover lines. Firstly, there are 3 interviews with Jake Bugg, Usain bolt and Ann Calvi. These are promoted by the cover lines. There are also a few articles about the most recent news in the music world and some articles dedicated to one or two celebrities such as the Rolling stones and Ellie Goulding. These are all promoted by the cover lines. In the front page of the magazine there are many different font sizes and colours for different purposes. Most of the interviews are highlight in gold which shows how exclusive and important the interviews are. The articles and quotes from the articles are written in a bold black font to express how secretive and also exclusive the articles are. Music bands and celebrities are highlighted in red to show their superiority in the music industry. However, Jake Buggs name is highlighted in white to show how different and more superior he is from the rest of the celebrities. There is also a yellow section on the right hand side dedicated a Bob Dylan who is a music legend so the yellow background shows his legendary status. In the front cover, simple colloquial language such as revealing, special and hanging are used in the front cover. However, there are a lot of exaggeration used in the front cover to make the celebrities seem more important and special then they really are. Furthermore, there are similes used in the front page it was like seeing Jesus Christ for the first time , this shows how excited a fan was to see a celebrity. The cover uses excitement and exaggeration to persuade its readers to buy the magazine and read the magazine. The cover is slightly different from other magazines because other magazines do not always have a colour pattern for celebrities, interviews and articles where the Q magazine does. However, some magazine companies have the same format and layout as the Q magazine. The OK magazine is quite similar because it has a model in the middle just like other magazines and the contents are on the sides. Finally, the USP of the magazine is not clear but it could also be the same as the strapline and this makes it seem better than other magazines because the strapline is quite strong.

Overall, there are 138 pages in the magazine however, 27 pages out of the 138 are all adverts of high quality products such as perfumes and music albums. 9 pages of the adverts are mainly perfumes adverts, 10 pages are adverts of new albums, 5 pages of alcohol products and 3 pages of clothing and other things. There are many topics and features on the magazine such as: Exclusive interviews on celebrities/singers such as Jake Bugg, London grammar and James Blunt. The interview consists of different questions being asked about the lifestyles of the celebrities and new ideas which they are planning in the future. Articles on celebrity lifestyle: These articles focus on celebrity lifestyles which includes how they dress, how they behave and what they do on and off the camera.

Articles on new celebrities: These articles mainly focus on the new/upcoming celebrities such as Lorde Pure Heroine and Jake Bugg Articles on concerts: These articles in the magazine are mainly on upcoming or previous concerts. They have statitics of many people came to the concert, how much the concert made and many other statitics. In the magazine there are many articles on concerts such as Jay Zs concert, Bob dylans tour concerts and Mac Fleetwoods concert. Articles on bands: The articles are based on old bands such as the beatles, rolling stones and the spices girls. Furthermore, it also features a few modern bands such as the fray, one direction and coldplay. There are 20 double page spread and most of them are about interviews, adverts and also concert articles. There wasnt any advertorials which were unclear, all the pages were clear in stating what they were meant for. There is no particular house style to the magazine, however, at the bottom of each page it has Q written marked in red . There are many colours involved in the colour scheme which is appropriate because the magazine has different music genres so the different colours represent different music genres.

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