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Curriculum Vitae

Anish Kumar
Specialization: Rural Management Batch: 2012-14 Phone: +91- 982660160 !mail i":ani#h$ra%eheart080&gmail'com (a%ier )n#titute o* Management+ ,a$alpur -M'P. Career Objective ) am pur#uing P/0M 1ith #pecialization in Rural Management *rom (a%ier )n#titute o* Management+ ,a$alpur -()M,.' ) am loo2ing *or an e3citing opportunit4 in the *iel" o* #ocial 1or2 #o that ) can utilize m4 #2ill#+ learning an" potential to the $e#t o* m4 a$ilitie#' ) am loo2ing *or an organization that pro%i"e# me the a"e5uate plat*orm to learn an" gro1 at the #ame time' 1' Pur#uing P/0M -Rural Management. *rom (a%ier )n#titute o* Management+ ,a$alpur -2012-2014.' 2' Pa##e" BBM *rom Bangalore 6ni%er#it4+ 2012 ' Pa##e" 12th *rom Bihar $oar" in 1999 4' Pa##e" 10th *rom Bihar $oar" in 1997 Project Planning through, Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Project: Churchs Au iliary and !ocial Action -89S9. "ield#ork: Betul+ M'P $uration:60 "a4# %esearch &heme: 9 Stu"4 :n )mplementation :* M/;R!/9 )n Betul 0i#trict+ -Ma"h4a Pra"e#h. Venue: The research was based on the MGNREGA in Betul district. I was assigned two blocks in that; I evaluated the im act ! "uture ossible interventions o" MGNREGA# vulnerable destitute households a"ter the collection o" data. I have also done monitoring o" villages in rogram areas# like#$% Awareness on MGNREGA among the villagers Migration for unemployment Working status of MGNREGA in that area Project '( CA%)&A! )*$)A "ield #ork ' Sagaur+M'P $uration ' < "a4# %esearch &heme ' Rural e3po#ure in the *iel" o* Harit Prayas Proje t! Venue ' The research was to evaluate the ro&ect im lementation o" 'ARITA( IN)IA# in "our villages o" (agaur district# M.*

Educational Qualification

Proficiency Project Work

Project' Annual !tatus of Education %e+ort ,A!E%. "ield#ork' 0in"ori+ Ma"h4a Pra"e#h $uration' 0 "a4# %esearch &heme' 9S!R Venue' The research was based on the A(ER ro&ect o" the +Annual (tatus o" Education Re ort o" *artham,. I was assigned -. villages and in that# I evaluated the learning ca acit/ o" the children a"ter the collection o" data. Project' Com+arison of unit linked insurance +lans #ith traditional insurance +lans"ield#ork' .an/alore+ =arnata2a $uration' 0 "a4# %esearch &heme' )8)8) Pru"ential Venue" The research was based on com arison o" unit linked insurance lans with traditional insurance lans which re0uired e1tensive "ieldwork ! interaction with customers. Achievement E tra Curriculum Activities

>on 1#t Prize in ?uiz at School le%el Partici+ated at )nternational Conference on C!% at ()M, Core Committee 0ember o* @;ational SeminarA at ()M, 0ember o* @(cur#ion :rganizing committeeA at ()M,

Com+uter Proficiency 1an/ua/e Proficiency

MS o**ice !ngli#h+ Bin"iC BhoDpuri+ Maghai'


Sel*-moti%ate" 1hile 1or2ing 1ith other#+ /oo" team pla4er an" goo" communication #2ill#+ Eea"er#hip 5ualit4

Personal $etail "athers *ame $ate of .irth 0arital !tatus : Shri ;an" lal 9grahari : 1#t ,anuar4+ 1982 : 6nmarrie"

Permanent Address Contact *umber 2ome &o#n Current 1ocation $eclaration

: Fillage-Purnea+ Po#t-Purnea+ 0i#trict- Purnea+ ;ear $4 S'0': 2othi+ Pin' 8<4 01+ Bihar' : +91-982660160 : Purnea' : ,a$alpur -M'P. : ) here$4 "eclare that the a$o%e in*ormation i# true to $e#t o* m4 2no1le"ge'

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