2010 Preseason College Football Magazine

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Football 2010



Compiled By: Karl Finkbeiner (Age 12)Summer o 2!1!

My Preseason Top 25

1" Alabama 2" Boi#e St" $" %&io St" '" (iami (Fl") )" *ebra#ka +" Florida ," -C. /" %kla&oma 0" -e1a# 1!" 2o3a 11" Arkan#a# 12" 4ou#ton 1$" 5irginia -e6&

1'" 7itt#burg& 1)" *ort& Carolina 1+" Wi#6on#in 1," .SC 1/" Florida St" 10" 7enn St" 2!" Cin6innati 21" We#t 5irginia 22" 8eorgia 2$" -e1a# A&( 2'" 9S. 2)" .ta&

Heisman Pick 'Em

1. Ryan Mallett- -&e ormer :1 ;uarterba6k re6ruit 6oming out o &ig& #6&ool< (allett tran# erred rom (i6&igan 3&en t&e #pread o en#e 6oa6& =i6& =odrigue> took o?er at .-(" *o3< 3it& a great team around &im< (allett &a# t&e 6&an6e to really #&ine in Arkan#a#@ pro #tyle o en#e" 2. Dion Lewis- % t&e returning =B# rom la#t year< 9e3i# led t&em all in ru#&ing yard#" 4e i# t&e mo#t e1plo#i?e ba6k in t&e 6ountry< and &a# t&e potential to ra6k up 4.8A number#" 2 7itt#burg& 3in# t&e Big Aa#t and 3ind# up in a BCS bo3l game< &e 3ill be t&e o6u#< and t&at 3ill in6rea#e &i# 6&an6e# at t&e trop&y" 3. ellen Moore- 4e 3ill be t&e o6u# o a non AB team 3&o 6ould make a #trong pu#& or a BCS -itle 8ame bert&" Boi#e St" return# 2! #tarter# rom a team t&at 3ent 1'-! and 3on t&e Fie#ta Bo3l in 2!!0" All eye# 3ill be on t&i# team< gi?ing (oore t&e kind o #potlig&t to make a maCor 4ei#man run" !. "ake Locker- (any people predi6t &im a# t&e :1 *F9 dra t pi6k ne1t year< and a ter de6iding to #tay or &i# #enior #ea#on< 9o6ker &a# one more 6&an6e to #tabili>e t&i#" Wit& &i# #trong arm and mobility< &e 6ould &a?e ea#ily been in t&e 4ei#man trop&y ra6e la#t year i &e &ad a better team" 5. Mark #n$ram- Dou 6an ne?er 6ount t&e ormer 4ei#man trop&y 3inner out o t&e ra6e< e?en t&oug& t&e only player e?er to 3in t3o 4ei#man trop&ie# 3a# Ar6&ie 8ri in" 2 2ngram Er" put# up t&e #ame number# a# la#t year< &e 6ould ind &im#el in t&e t&i6k o t&e ra6e on6e again"

My Heisman Dark Horses

%ase een&m- 2 4ou#ton 3in# a e3 toug& non 6on eren6e game# and 6apture# t&eir 6on eren6e< Keenum 6ould ind &im#el at t&e &ead o a BCS bo3l game 6ontender" "acory Harris- 2 4arri# 6an 6ut do3n on t&e inter6eption# and (iami 6an beat %&io State< &e 6ould po#e a big 4ei#man t&reat" 4e 3a# in

t&e ra6e la#t year until turno?er# plagued &im and t&e F.F 3ent into a #lump"

'i$$est (ames o) 2*1*

1. 'oise +tate ,s. -ir$inia Tec. /0eek 11- -&i# game 3ill &a?e &uge title impli6ation#" 2 Boi#e St" 3in# again#t a maCor BCS po3er a3ay rom t&e blue ield< t&ey 3ill gain mu6& re#pe6tability a6ro## Ameri6a" 2 5irginia -e6& 3in#< t&ey 6ould end up in t&e -itle &unt early in t&e #ea#on" -&i# game al#o put# 4ei#man trop&y 6andidate# Kellen (oore and -yrod -aylor to t&e te#t ?ery early in t&e #ea#on" 2. Miami /2l.1 ,s. 3.io +tate /0eek 21- For %&io State< t&i# game mean# e?eryt&ing" 2 t&ey 3in< t&ey 6ould be on t&eir 3ay to a BCS title game" 9o#e< and a toug& Big -en #6&edule 6ould kno6k t&em out o t&e ra6e" For (iami< a 3in 3ill boo#t t&eir 6on iden6e &eading into 6&allenging game# again#t 7itt#burg&< Clem#on< and Florida St" 2t 3ould al#o gi?e t&em t&e national 6redibility needed to make a national 6&ampion#&ip run" 3. 2lori4a ,s. 5la6ama /0eek 51- Alt&oug& bot& team# 6ould #till 6ome ba6k rom a lo## &ere and 3in t&eir di?i#ion< it 3ill be important or bot& o t&e#e 6on ident team# not to get kno6ked o t&eir #tride early" -&i# remat6& o t&e la#t t3o SAC title game# #&ould tell Florida &o3 good t&ey are 3it&out -im -ebo3< and i Alabama 6an rene3 t&eir 2!!0 glory" !. 3kla.oma ,s. 2lori4a +t. /0eek 21- %kla&oma i# on t&e border bet3een being good and being great" -&i# #&ould be an early te#t to t&eir 6&an6e# o 3inning t&e 6on eren6e and maybe t&e BCS national 6&ampion#&ip" From Florida State@# per#pe6ti?e< a 3in 3ould make t&em #eriou# about 6ompeting or a BCS bo3l game"

5. 3re$on +tate ,s. T%7 /0eek 11- -&e 4orned Frog# are 6oming o a great year in 3&i6& t&ey made t&eir ir#t e?er BCS bo3l game" -&i# year< 3it& Eerry 4ug&e# gone to t&e *F9< many 3onder i -C. 6an #till be a# dominant a# t&ey 3ere la#t year" -&ey 3ill ind out early< a# a lo## to a good Bea?er# team 3ould kno6k t&em out o BCS 6ontention" %regon State 3ould be boo#ted by a 3in again#t an e;ually mat6&ed -C. team and 6ould go on to 3in t&e rat&er 3eak 7a6-1!"

A ter a ourt& #traig&t member &a# 3on t&e *ational C&ampion#&ip< t&e Sout&ea#tern Con eren6e remain# t&e premier 6on eren6e in 6ollege ootball entering 2!1!" -&ey #&ould &a?e anot&er team in t&e -itle 8ame t&i# year< 3&et&er it be Alabama< Florida< 8eorgia< 9S.< Arkan#a#< or any ot&er #6&ool t&at 6ould make a run in6luding Auburn and -enne##ee" 9ike it i# e?ery year< t&i# 6on eren6e 3ill be 3ide open< and only ot&er team# in t&e SAC may be able to kno6k o title 6ontender#" 4eading into t&e #ea#on< Alabama appear# to be t&e ront runner to 3in t&e SAC" 4o3e?er< t&ey do &a?e to play Florida t&i# year< and mu#t go to 9ittle =o6k to a6e a mu6& impro?ed Arkan#a# team in t&e SAC We#t" Florida< in t&e Aa#t< al#o &a# a toug& #6&edule t&at 6ould kno6k t&em out o t&e title &unt< in6luding going to Alabama and Florida St" and a6ing ar6&-ri?al 8eorgia in Ea6k#on?ille" A# you 6an #ee< t&i# 6on eren6e i# #tar-#tudded a# al3ay#" A1pe6t anot&er great #ea#on rom t&e SAC< in6luding t&e po#t#ea#on" 4ang on< 6au#e it@ll be an e16iting ride"

SAC Standing#

We#t 7roCe6ted

1. 5la6ama- -&e Crim#on -ide are ranked pre#ea#on :1 a ter 6oming o a 1'-! #ea#on 3&i6& 3a# 6apped o 3it& a 3in o?er t&e -e1a# 9ong&orn# in t&e BCS *ational C&ampion#&ip 8ame" -&i# year< 3it& / returning o en#i?e #tarter# in6luding 4ei#man -rop&y 3inner (ark 2ngram< a national 6&ampion#&ip 3ill be e1pe6ted to be broug&t on6e again to -u#6aloo#a" But it i# ar rom a guarantee" -&e bigge#t 6on6ern or Alabama i# on de en#e< 3&ere t&ey only return t3o #tarter# rom 2!!0 (in6luding GA (ar6ell Gareu#)" %n t&at #ide o t&e ball< t&ey lo#t -erran6e Cody< =olando (6Clain< and Ea?ier Arena#< among ot&er#< and 6ould need more point# to be #ure o a 3in" *i6k Saban 3ill ind a 3ay to put toget&er a good de en#e< t&oug&< and e1pe6t t&e Crim#on -ide to &a?e anot&er great #ea#on" Schedule: San Eo#e St"< 7enn St"< HGuke< HArkan#a#< Florida< HSout& Carolina< (i##i##ippi< H-enne##ee< H9S.< (i##i##ippi St"< 8eorgia St"< Auburn

A &ig& #6oring Florida team 3ill put Alabama@# ine1perien6ed de en#e to an early te#t" -&i# game #&ould al#o gi?e u# a ;ui6k idea o 3&o@# t&e be#t team in t&e SAC" Bowl Prediction: BCS *ational C&ampion#&ip 8ame

2. 5rkansas- -&e 4og# are de inetely on t&e ri#e" =yan (allett 3ill &a?e a breakout year< and Arkan#a# 3ill 3in one game t&ey #&ouldn@t" 2@ll tell you 3&y" Fir#t< Eoe Adam# lead# 3&at 2 belie?e i# t&e top re6ei?ing 6orp in t&e 6ountry" -ig&t end GE William# and =B =onnie Wingo 3ill al#o 6ontribute to one o t&e be#t o en#e# in t&e nation" 2 t&eir de en#e i# de6ent< t&i# team 6ould be #pe6ial" Schedule: -enne##ee -e6&< .9(< H8eorgia< Alabama< -e1a# A&(< HAuburn< (i##i##ippi< 5anderbilt< HSout& Carolina< .-A7< H(i##i##ippi St"< 9S. -&i# game 6ould ea#ily de6ide t&e SAC We#t" 2 t&ey play to t&e be#t o t&eir ability< t&ey 6an pull o an up#et at &ome to gi?e t&em &uge momentum early" Bowl Prediction: Capital %ne Bo3l 3. L+7- 2t all 6ome# do3n to t&e de en#e or 9S." *ot too long ago< t&e -iger# boa#ted t&e 6ountry@# top de en#e in mo#t 6atagorie#" Guring t&at #tret6&< t&ey &ad 11I 3in# ' out o ) year#" -&e la#t t3o year#< &o3e?er< t&e de en#e #truggled and #o did t&e re6ord" 2n bot& year#< t&ey ailed to rea6& 1! 3in#" 9a#t year@# bo3l lo## ended a our year bo3l 3inning #treak" 9u6kily or 9S.< t&e -iger#@ de en#e appear# to be on t&e ri#e" 2 BB Eordan Ee er#on 6an be6ome a better pa##er and de6i#ion maker< &e 6an take ad?antage o #ome great 3ide re6ei?er# and get 9S. ba6k to elite #tatu#"

Schedule: *ort& Carolina< H5anderbilt< (i##i##ippi St"< We#t 5irginia< -enne##ee< HFlorida< (6*ee#e St"< HAuburn< Alabama< .9(< (i##i##ippi< HArkan#a# 2 t&ey &a?e a good #ea#on< t&i# 6ould be t&e game t&at get# t&em o?er t&e edge" -&ey al3ay# &a?e #truggled again#t t&e =a>orba6k#< e#pe6ially in 9ittle =o6k" Bowl Prediction: Cotton Bowl

!. 5&6&rn- 2 don@t e1pe6t t&e -iger# to &a?e a bad year< Cu#t not ;uite a# good a# #ome people t&ink t&ey 3ill be" -&e ;uarterba6k po#ition i# 3&at really 3orrie# me< a# nobody at t&at po#ition &a# yet e#tabli#&ed &im#el " -&e de en#e i# #olid< and t&ere are #ome #killed player# #u6& a# W= Gar?in Adam# on o en#e< #o t&ey 6ould emerge a# a long #&ot dark &or#e to 3in t&e SAC" Schedule: Arkan#a# St"< H (i##i##ippi St"< Clem#on< Sout& Carolina< .9(< HKentu6ky< Arkan#a#< 9S.< H(i##i##ippi< C&attanooga< 8eorgia< HAlabama -&i# toug& non 6on eren6e game 6ould #et t&e tone or a #ea#on impre##i?e enoug& to turn t&e attention a3ay rom t&e Crim#on -ide and onto t&eir 2ron Bo3l ri?al" Bowl Prediction: C&i6k- il-a Bo3l

5. Mississippi- A ter t3o #traig&t Cotton Bo3l ?i6torie#< Ee?an Snead@# early departure &a# %le (i## plumeting a# t&e re#t o t&eir 6on eren6e i# on t&e ri#e" -&ey 3ill #till be de6ent< but don@t e1pe6t anyt&ing great out o t&i# year@# =ebel#"

Schedule: Ea6k#on?ille St"< H-ulane< 5anderbilt< Fre#no St"< Kentu6ky< HAlabama< HArkan#a#< Auburn< 9oui#ianna< H-enne##ee< H9S.< (i##i##ippi St" A bo3l game 6ould be on t&e line &eading into t&i# ri?alry again#t an impro?ed (i##i##ippi St" team" Bowl Prediction: (u#i6 City Bo3l

8. Mississippi +tate- Gan (ullen &a# t&e Bulldog# on t&e rig&t tra6k< but t&ey@re not t&ere yet" (i##i##ippi St" an# 3ill probably &a?e to 3ait anot&er year or a po#t#ea#on appearan6e" Schedule: (emp&i#< Auburn< H9S.< 8eorgia< Al6orn St"< H4ou#ton< HFlorida< .AB< Kentu6ky<HAlabama< Arkan#a#< H(i##i##ippi -&i# game 6ould be or t&e inal bo3l #lot a3arded to t&e SAC" Bowl Prediction: *one

SAC Aa#t 7roCe6ted Standing#

1. 2lori4a- Coming o o a #ea#on 3&i6& ended 3it& a blo3out Sugar Bo3l ?i6tory o?er unde eated Cin6innati< Florida &a# to repla6e a player 3&om many 6on#ider one o t&e be#t in 6ollege ootball &i#tory in -im -ebo3" -&ey al#o lo#e All Ameri6an# Aaron 4ernande>< Brandon Eame#< Carlo# Gunlap< Eoe 4aden< and Brandon Spike#" Wide re6ie?er =iley Cooper i# al#o gone to t&e *F9" But t&e 8ator# 6an and &a?e de?eloped ne3 talent" Eo&n Brantley<t&e Cunior 3&o did 3ell to repla6e t&e inCured -ebo3 in Florida@# ?i6tory in Geat& 5alley la#t year under t&e lig&t# again#t 9S." 4e bring# a di erent #et o #kill# to t&e table t&an -ebo3< a# &e i# more o a pa##ing BB like C&ri# 9eak rat&er t&an a battering ram" .rban (eyer i# 3orking on t&e o en#i?e 6&ange< 3&i6& 3on@t be &ard be6au#e o t&e #kill le?el o t&e#e 8ator#"
Schedule: (iami (%&")< Sout& Florida< H-enne##ee< Kenku6ky< HAlabama< 9S.< (i##i##ippi St"< 8eorgia< H5anderbilt< Sout& Carolina< Appala6&ian St"< HFlorida St"

Florida &a# dominated t&i# #erie# o late" -&i# year< an impro?ed Florida St" team 6ould 6o#t t&e 8ator# a BCS bo3l game a# 3ell a# t&e #tate@# bragging rig&t#" Bowl Prediction: Sugar Bo3l

2. (eor$ia- -&e Bulldog# lo#t BB (att&e3 Sta ord a# t&e :1 *F9 dra t pi6k t3o year# ago" 9a#t year< Eoe Co1 took o?er at t&at po#ition" 2n 2!1!< t&ey 3ill try out yet anot&er ;uarterba6k to put under 6enter" 4i# name i# Aaron (urray" -&e red#&irt re#&man 3ill be needed to &ook up 3it& t&e SAC@# be#t W=< AE 8reen" -&e la#t e3 year#< a ter being ranked pre#ea#on :1 in t&e A7 7oll< 8eorgia &a# 6ome ar #&ort o Bulldog e1pe6tation#" -&i#

year< a ten 3in #ea#on 3ill be ne6e##ary to keep (ark =i6&t@# &ead 6oa6&ing Cob 6ompletely #e6ure" -&ey &a?e t&e talent< but no3 t&ey Cu#t need to #&o3 it"

eor!ia"s Schedule: 9oui#iana< HSout& Carolina< Arkan#a#< H(i##i##ippi St"< HColorado< -enne##ee< 5anderbilt< HKentu6ky< Florida< 2da&o St"< HAuburn< 8eorgia -e6& A 3in in t&i# ri?alry 3ill be key to keep t&e Bulldog# 6ompetiti?e in t&e SAC Aa#t" Bowl Prediction: %utba6k Bo3l

3. Tennessee- -&e 5ol# eel betrayed by 9ane Ki in lea?ing or .SC a ter only one year a# -enne##ee@# &ead 6oa6&" 4o3e?er< Gerek Gooley i# trying to build a team t&at 6an gain #ome ground o?er t&e -roCan# t&roug&out t&e ne1t e3 year#" A great 3ide re6ei?ing 6orp lead# a ?ery talented 5olunteer# ootball team" Schedule: .- (artin< %regon< Florida< .AB< H9S.< H8eorgia< Alabama< HSout& Carolina< H(emp&i#< (i##i##ippi< H5anderbilt< Kentu6ky Bot& team# are e1perien6ed but going t&roug& #ome rebuilding" 2 -enne##ee 6an get a 3in &ere< t&eir 6on iden6e 3ill be boo#ted &eading into league play" Bowl Prediction: 8ator Bo3l

!. +o&t. %arolina- Gon@t e1pe6t t&e 8ame6o6k# to 6ontend or an SAC title< but do e1pe6t / 3in# and a de6ent bo3l game" Step&en 8ar6ia return# a ter a noti6able #op&more #ea#on a# t&e

top player on a ie#ty 8ame6o6k #;uad" 9ike al3ay#< t&ey #&ould 3in a game t&i# year again#t a SAC po3er&ou#e" Schedule: Sout&ern (i##"< 8eorgia< Furman< HAuburn< Alabama< HKentu6ky< H5anderbilt< -enne##ee< Arkan#a#< HFlorida< -roy< HClem#on .SC al3ay# gi?e# 8eorgia a toug& time< but it@# about time t&ey get a 3in out o t&e e ort" Bowl Prediction: 9iberty Bo3l

5. ent&cky- -&e Wild6at# are again near t&e bottom o t&e SAC" -&at doe#n@t 6ount t&em out o t&e po#t#ea#on< t&oug&" -&ey aren@t going to repeat 2!!,< but t&ey@ll &a?e a de6ent re6ord a ter a 3eak non 6on eren6e #6&edule" Schedule: H9oui#?ille< WK.< Akron< HFlorida< H(i##i##ippi< Auburn< Sout& Carolina< 8eorgia< H(i##i##ippi St"< C&arle#ton Sout&ern< 5anderbilt< H-enne##ee -&i# traditional ri?alry i# al3ay# t&e mo#t important game on Kentu6ky@# #6&edule" Bowl Prediction: 7apaCo&n#"6om Bo3l

8. -an4er6ilt- A roug& #6&edule 3on@t &elp t&e #truggling Commodore# in t&eir ;ue#t or a i t& o?erall bo3l appearan6e"
Schedule: *ort&3e#tern< 9S.< H(i##i##ippi< HConne6ti6ut< Aa#tern (i6&igan< H8eorgia< Sout& Carolina< HArkan#a#< Florida< HKentu6ky< -enne##ee< Wake Fore#t

A 3in &ere 3ould lea?e a good ta#te in t&e mout&# o 5anderbilt player# a ter anot&er toug& #ea#on"

Bowl Prediction: *one


-&e Big

-en Con eren6e< a ter year# o po#t#ea#on #truggle#< inally &ad a 3inning bo3l re6ord la#t year" Again< t&ey &a?e a #eriou# 6&ampion#&ip 6ontender< 3&i6& t&ey didn@t &a?e la#t year" -&at 6ontender i# %&io State" 9a#t year< t&e Bu6keye# de eated %regon< gi?ing t&e Big -en t&eir ir#t =o#e Bo3l ?i6tory #in6e 2!!!" -&i# year< -errelle 7ryor return# to a team t&at &a# a #&ot at making t&eir t&ird *ational C&ampion#&ip 8ame in ) year#" -&ey 3ill be 6onte#ted in 6on eren6e< t&oug&" For t&e ir#t time in a 3&ile< t&e Big -en@# bo3l dept& 6ould go eig&t team# deep< 3it& ' or ) o t&em in BCS 6ompetition until t&eir o3n 6on eren6e kno6k# t&em out o it late in t&e #ea#on" %&io State< 2o3a<

Wi#6on#in< and 7enn State are all in my pre#ea#on 2!< 3it& (i6&igan inding t&eir ground at number 2$" 2 (i6&igan State and 7urdue #tep up< t&i# 6ould be a ?ery 6ompetiti?e< intere#ting< and nationally meaning ul 6on eren6e"


-en 7roCe6ted Standing#

1. 3.io +tate- -&e Bu6keye# pre#ent a talented ro#ter illed 3it& e1perien6ed player# 3&o kno3 3&at it take# to 3in it all" -errelle 7ryor #&o3ed glymp#e# o &i# dual t&reat potential la#t #ea#on< e#pe6ially in t&e =o#e Bo3l 3&en &e 6ompleted 2$ o 2, pa##e# or 2++ yard# and 2 tou6&do3n#" -&eir de en#e return# #enior talent# in =o## 4oman and Cameron 4ey3ard< along 3it& ot&er#" %?er t&e la#t #e?eral year#< %&io State &a# been t&e 6lear a?orite to 3in t&e 6on eren6e" -&i# year< t&e gap i# #maller< and

t&e Bu6keye# 3ill &a?e to bring t&eir A game e?ery Saturday" *ot t&at t&i# ta#k 3ill be a problem or a team t&at i# al3ay# pu#&ing t&em#el?e# art&er" -&e goal t&i# year i# not a =o#e Bo3l" -&at 3ould be an undera6&ie?ement by t&e #tandard# o t&i# year@# %&io State an#" A1pe6t a determined Bu6keye# team to take t&e ield ea6& 3eak< or t&ey &a?e learned rom .SC t&at no team i# a pu#& o?er< no matter 3&at t&eir re6ord i#" Schedule: (ar#&all< (iami (Fl")< %&io< Aa#tern (i6&igan< H2llinoi#< 2ndiana< HWi#6on#in< 7urdue< H(inne#ota< 7enn St"< H2o3a< (i6&igan 2#n@t it ob?iou#J 9o#e t&i# game and %&io State 6an orget about t&e *ational C&ampion#&ip and #tart o6u#ing on t&e =o#e Bo3l" Bowl Prediction: =o#e Bo3l

2. #owa- -&e 4a3keye# &a?e t&e talent to 6ompete 3it& %&io State or t&e Big -en" -&ey return 1' #tarter# rom t&e 11-2 team t&at 3on t&e %range Bo3l la#t year" -&o#e #tarter# in6lude de en#i?e linemen Adrian Clayborn (my :1 rated de en#i?e end in t&e nation)< Karl Klug< and C&ri#&tian Ballard< a# 3ell a# ;uarterba6k =i6ky Stan>i" -&i# year< don@t e1pe6t 2o3a to &a?e #o many nailbitter#" -&ey #&ould get t&roug& t&eir #6&edule 3it& talent #mart play# rat&er t&at 3it& lu6k and per#er?eran6e" 2 t&ey play a# 3ell a# t&ey 6an e?ery game< t&e Big -en ra6e 6ould get tig&ter t&an %&io State i# 6om ortable 3it& &eading into a *o?ember 2! duel" #owa"s Schedule: Aa#tern 2llinoi#< 2o3a St"< HAri>ona< Ball St"< 7enn St"< H(i6&igan< Wi#6on#in< (i6&igan St"< H2ndiana< H*ort&3e#tern< %&io St"< H(inne#ota

Eu#t a# it 3a# la#t year< t&i# game 6ould de6ide t&e Big -en" -&i# year< t&oug&< 2o3a &a# &ome ield ad?antage again#t a team t&ey almo#t beat in 2!!0 3it& a ba6kup ;uarterba6k" Bowl Prediction: Capital %ne Bo3l

3. 0isconsin- For t&e ir#t time in a long time< t&e Badger# 3ill &a?e t&e #ame ;uarterba6k t3o year# in a ro3" -&at ;uarterba6k i# S6ott -ol>ien" 4e led Wi#6on#in to a 1!-$ #ea#on 6apped o by a C&amp# Sport# Bo3l ?i6tory o?er (iami (Fl")" -&ey #&ould be mo?ing up3ard t&i# year" 9an6e Kendri6k# 3ill 6ontinue t&e line o good tig&t end# at Wi#6on#in< and Eo&n Clay &ope# to pi6k up 3&ere &e le t up la#t year in ollo3ing 7E 4ill a# one o t&e Big -en@# top running ba6k#" *i6k -oon al#o return# and 3ill lead t&i# #killed re6ei?ing 6orp" -&ey #&ould 6ompete or t&e Big -en to at lea#t #ome degree" Schedule: H.*95< San Eo#e St"< Ari>ona St"< Au#tin 7eay< H(i6&igan St"< (inne#ota< %&io St"< H2o3a< H7urdue< 2ndiana< H(i6&igan< *ort&3e#tern A 3in &ere 6ould really #&ake up t&e Big -en ra6e and gi?e t&e Badger# a ne3 li e late in t&e #ea#on" Bowl Prediction: %utba6k Bo3l

!. Penn +tate- Alt&oug& t&ey do return ir#t team Big -en running ba6k A?an =oy#ter< Garyll Clark i# gone a ter &i# i t& year on t&e 7enn State ootball team" -&i# lo## i# enoug& to pu#& t&e *ittany 9ion# to ourt& in t&e Big -en be&ind Wi#6on#in" -&ey #&ould 3in at lea#t 0 game# again t&i# year and lurk around in 6ontention or t&e Big -en title"

Penn St$"s Schedule: Doung#to3n St"< HAlabama< Kent St"< -emple< H2o3a< 2llinoi#< H(inne#ota< (i6&igan< *ort&3e#tern< H%&io St"< 2ndiana< (i6&igan St" 7enn State &a# put up embarra##ing per orman6e# ea6& o t&e time# t&ey@?e ?i#ited Kinni6k Stadium #in6e 1000< ne?er 3inning" -&i# game 3ill be more or re#pe6t t&an anyt&ing" Bowl Prediction: 2n#ig&t Bo3l

5. Mic.i$an- -&e Wol?erine# &a?e &ad a roug& e3 #ea#on# under =i6& =odrigue>< but t&ey do #eem to be &eading in t&e rig&t dire6tion" Buarterba6k re6ruit Ge?on 8ardner 3ill add to a deep BB ro#ter t&at 3ill battle it out rig&t up to Week 1" -ate For6ier appear# to be t&e a?orite or t&e Cob< but Genard =obin#on 6ould #teal t&e po#ition 3it& impro?ed pa##ing #kill#" (i6&igan 6an get a3ay 3it& 3&at t&ey &a?e on o en#e< but i t&eir de en#e (3it&out Brandon 8ra&am) doe#n@t #tep it up< it 6ould be anot&er long #ea#on in Ann Arbor" 8reg =obin#on i# t&e type o de en#i?e 6oordinator t&at 6an turn a de en#e around< but t&e player# are t&e one# 3&o &a?e to put &i# tea6&ing# to 3ork" Speaking o 6oa6&e#< anyt&ing #&ort o , 3in# 0#LL &a?e .-( looking or #omeone to repla6e =i6& =od be ore t&e 2!11 #ea#on" Schedule: Conne6ti6ut< H*otre Game< (a##a6&u#ett#< Bo3ling 8reen< H2ndiana< (i6&igan St"< 2o3a< H7enn St"< 2llinoi#< H7urdue< Wi#6on#in< H%&io St" -&i# i# a mu#t 3in or t&e Wol?erine#< e#pe6ially at &ome" 2 t&ey don@t 3in< (S. (t&eir F9ittle Brot&erF) 3ill &a?e 3on t&ree #traig&t in t&i# in-#tate ri?alry< urt&er 3eakening t&e pride o t&e &i#toryri6& (i6&igan program" Bowl Prediction: 8ator Bo3l

8. Mic.i$an +tate- A ter a t&ree year bo3l droug&t rom 2!!'!+< (i6&igan St" &a# rea6&ed t&ree #traig&t po#t#ea#on game# under &ead 6oa6& (ark Gantonio" -&ey are al#o on a t3o game 3inning #treak again#t in-#tate ri?al (i6&igan< 3&i6& i# a big t&ing in Aa#t 9an#ing" Kirk Cou#in# &ope# to lead a good team t&i# year< but don@t e1pe6t a Big -en 6ontender in t&i# year@# Spartan#" Schedule: We#tern (i6&igan< Florida Atlanti6< *otre Game< *ort&ern Colorado< Wi#6on#in< H(i6&igan< 2llinoi#< H*ort&3e#tern< H2o3a< (inne#ota< 7urdue< H7enn St" A t&ird #traig&t 3in again#t (i6&igan< 3it& t&i# one in Ann Arbor< 3ould gi?e momentum mid-#ea#on to 3in a toug& game late and rea6& eig&t 3in#" Bowl Prediction: Alamo Bo3l

9. #llinois- A ter a di#appointing $-0 #ea#on la#t year< t&e Fig&ting 2llini repla6e in6on#i#tant ;uarterba6k 2an FEui6eF William# 3it& red#&irt re#&man *at&an S6&eel&aa#e" Ge en#i?e end Clay *ur#e return# rom a 2!!0 de en#e t&at 3a# al#o in6on#i#tant" -&e potential i# #till t&ere (in t&e di#tan6e)< but t&ey &a?e to put t&at #kill le?el to good u#e"
Schedule: (i##ouri< Sout&ern 2llinoi#< *ort&ern 2llinoi#< %&io St"< H7enn St"< H(i6&igan St"< 2ndiana< 7urdue< H(i6&igan< (inne#ota< *ort&3e#tern< HFre#no St"

2 2llinoi# play# to it# potential t&roug& t&e 6our#e o t&e #ea#on< a 3in &ere 6ould gi?e t&em a bo3l game"

Bowl Prediction: 9ittle Cea#ar# Bo3l

:. ;ort.western- Gon@t e1pe6t t&i# Wild6at# team to be a# good a# t&ey 3ere la#t year 3it& (ike Ka ka< but t&ey #&ould make a bo3l game 3it& a de6ent de en#e and a bag ull o tri6k play# put toget&er by &ead 6oa6& 7at Fit>gerald"

%orthwestern"s Schedule: H5anderbilt< 2llinoi# St"< H=i6e< Central (i6&igan< H(inne#ota< 7urdue< (i6&igan St"< H2ndiana< H7enn St"< 2o3a< 2llinoi#< HWi#6on#in -&i# i# a big &ome6oming game again#t a #lig&tly better (S. team t&at 3ill tell u# &o3 good t&i# team really i#" Bowl Prediction: Galla# Football Cla##i6

<. #n4iana- -&e 4oo#ier# return mu6& o t&eir team rom la#t #ea#on" -&at mig&t not be a good t&ing or a team t&at 3ent '-/ la#t year< ini#&ing la#t in t&e Big -en" -erran6e -urner i# a playmaking 3ide re6ei?er 3&o 6an take #nap# rom t&e pi#tol ormation" Schedule: -o3#on< HWK.< Akron< (i6&igan< H%&io St"< Arkan#a# St"< H2llinoi#< *ort&3e#tern< 2o3a< HWi#6on#in< 7enn St"< H7urdue Bot& team# 3ill be &oping or a 3in to end out 3&at mo#t likely 3ill be anot&er toug& #ea#on"

1*. Minnesota- BB Adam Weber t&e 8olden 8op&er# 3ill &a?e a really toug& time adding to t&eir t3o year bo3l #treak< e#pe6ially 3it& Ari6 Ge6ker gone to t&e *F9"

Schedule: H(iddle -enn"< Sout& Gakota< .SC< *ort&ern 2llinoi#< *ort&3e#tern< HWi#6on#in< H7urdue< 7enn St"< %&io St"< H(i6&igan St"< H2llinoi#< 2o3a Ge eating a good Blue =aider# team 3ould gi?e (inne#ota a good eeling early"

11. P&r4&e- -&e #truggling Boilermaker# 3ill need all t&e &elp t&ey 6an get to a?oid a 5A=D long #ea#on" Schedule: H*otre Game< We#tern 2llinoi#< Ball St"< -oledo< H*ort&3e#tern< (inne#ota< H%&io St"< H2llinoi#< Wi#6on#in< (i6&igan< H(i6&igan St"< 2ndiana

-&e ACC &a# &ad t&eir up# and do3n#" -&e late 10!!@# 3a# dominated by t&i# 6on eren6e< but it &a#n@t been too great #in6e t&en" -&i#< t&oug&< 6ould be t&e breakt&roug& year" 2t &a# many team# in ea6& di?i#ion t&at 6ould make a pu#& or t&e ACC title game" (iami (Fl") appear# to be t&e a?orite in t&e Coa#tal di?i#ion< but 5irginia -e6&< *ort& Carolina< and 8eorgia -e6& 6ould all make a #trong pu#&" 9ike3i#e< in t&e Atlanti6 di?i#ion< Florida St" i# t&e ront runner 3it& Bo#ton College and Clem#on rig&t on t&eir tail" -&e main o6u# o t&i# 6on eren6e i# de en#e" (iami 6ould &a?e t&e be#t de en#e in t&e 6ountry< a# 6ould *ort& Carolina" Bo#ton College and 5irginia -e6& 3ill al#o &old team# to minimal point# and yard#" Again< Florida State@# #e6ondary 3ill be &ard to pa## again#t" 2t look# like 3e@ll &a?e #ome important lo3#6oring nail bitter# t&i# #ea#on in t&e ACC t&i# year< #o be #ure not to mi## any o t&em"

ACC Coa#tal 7roCe6ted Standing#

1. Miami /2l.1- -&e @Cane# boa#t 3&at 6ould ea#ily be t&e be#t de en#e in t&e nation" -&e de en#i?e line i# led by Allen Bailey< but (ar6u# =obin#on< Eo#& 4olme#< and (ar6u# =or#ton 3ill al#o add tremendou# pre##ure to t&e oppo#ing ;uarterba6k" Sean Spen6e and Colin (6Cart&y are t&e &ead o a puni#&ing lineba6ker 6orp< 3&ile Brandon 4arri# and =ay-=ay Arm#trong are t&e #tar# o an ama>ing #e6ondary" Gon@t e1pe6t to #ee (iami (Fl") in?ol?ed in many &ig& #6oring game# t&i# all" -o top it all o < t&e o en#e 3ill de inately be able to ba6k up t&e de en#e" BB Ea6ory 4arri# i# a 4ei#man trop&y 6ontender< 3&ile Gamiem Barry appear# to be taking 6ontrol o a ?ery deep ra6e or t&e #tarting running ba6k #pot" -&e F.F al#o 6laim# #ome o t&e be#t 3ide re6ei?er# in t&e *CAA" 9eonard 4anker#on< 3&o

i# being 6ompared to ormer 4urri6ane#@ re6ei?er Andre@ Eo&n#on< lead# t&i# team o 3ideout#" 9e t ta6kle %rlando Franklin 3ill prote6t 4arri#< a# 3ill t&e re#t o t&e o en#i?e line e?en 3it&out Ea#on Fo1" W&en you 6ombine t&e o en#e< de en#e< and great #pe6ial team#< you &a?e a legimate BCS title 6ontender in (iami (Fl")" Schedule: Florida A&(< H%&io St"< H7itt#burg&< HClem#on< Florida St"< HGuke< *ort& Carolina< H5irginia< (aryland< H8eorgia -e6&< 5irginia -e6&< .SF 2 t&ey 6an 3in a -ER= toug& non 6on eren6e game in t&eir road opener in t&e 4or#e#&oe< (iami 3ill ind t&em#el?e# in a po#ition to 6ontrol t&eir o3n de#tiny in a national title &unt" Bowl Prediction: %range Bo3l


-ir$inia Tec.- Be6au#e o t&e a6t t&at 5irginia -e6& return# mo#t o t&eir o en#e rom la#t year and ' de en#i?e #tarter#< many 3onder 3&y t&ey aren@t a?ored to 3in t&e t&e ACC Coa#tal di?i#ion" Well< rom t&e la#t page< 2@m #ure your ;ue#tion 3a# an#3ered" But t&at doe#n@t mean by any #tret6& o t&e imagination t&at t&ey are out o t&e ra6e" -&e 4okie# pre#ent ;uarterba6k -yrod -aylor< 3&o &ad #&ining moment# la#t #ea#on< but 3a# ob?iou#ly ine1perien6ed"

-&i# year< &e #&ould be better at &i# de6i#ion making< and i t&e #enior 6ut# do3n on &i# relea#e time 3&en t&ro3ing t&e ball< &e 3ill be6ome a ?ery dangerou# duel t&reat ;uarterba6k" -&e running game 3ill al#o eature running ba6k# =yan William# and Garren A?an#< 3&o igure to #plit t&e 6arrie#" Bot& &a?e &ad 1<!!! yard ru#&ing #ea#on# in t&eir 6areer#< 3it& A?an#@ 6oming in 2!!/ and William# ra6king up &i# yard# la#t year 3&ile A?an# 3a# on t&e di#abled li#t" -&ey #&ould bot& &elp in deli?ering anot&er #u66e## ul #ea#on to 5irginia -e6& an#"
Schedule: Boi#e St"< Eame# (adi#on< Aa#t Carolina< HBo#ton College< H*C State< Central (i6&igan< Wake Fore#t< Guke< 8eorgia -e6&< H*ort& Carolina< H(iami (Fl")< 5irginia

-&i# i# a H7(E opening game< again#t a non 6on eren6e po3er at FedA1 Field on (onday nig&t" Boi#e St" 3ill be a great team t&i# year< and beating t&em 3ould be an ama>ing 6on iden6e boo#t" Bowl Prediction: C&i6k- il-a Bo3l

3. ;ort. %arolina- -&i# 6ould be t&e breakt&roug& #ea#on or a -ar 4eel# team t&at &a# been building up or a great year" -&ey are e1perien6ed on bot& #ide# o t&e ball< returning 1! o en#i?e #tarter# and 0 de en#i?e #tarter#" -E Date# ;uarterba6k# a team t&at &a# t&e talent to go a long 3ay" But t&e real greatne## 6ome# on t&e de en#i?e #ide" =obert Buinn< (ar?in Au#tin< and Bru6e Carter 6ould all ea#ily be ir#t round dra t pi6k# to t&e *F9 ne1t year" Gon@t be #urpri#ed i *ort& Carolina 3ind# up 3it& ten 3in# in 2!1!"

%orth Carolina"s Schedule: 9S.< 8eorgia -e6&< H=utger#< Aa#t Carolina< Clem#on< H5irginia< H(iami (Fl")< William & (ary< HFlorida St"< 5irginia -e6&< *C State< HGuke

-&i# #ea#on opener 3ill tell bot& team# a lot about &o3 good t&ey are" 2 t&e 4eel# #u er a lo## in t&i# game< t&ey 3ill ind t&em#el?e# ;ue#tioning t&eir ability" Bowl Prediction: C&amp# Sport# Bo3l

!. (eor$ia Tec.- -&e Dello3 Ea6ket# return BB Eo#& *e#bitt rom a team t&at 3on t&e ACC but lo#t t&e %range Bo3l 2'-1' again#t 2o3a" -&ey al#o bring ba6k ) ot&er o en#i?e #tarter# and / de en#e #tarter#" W&y< t&en< are t&ey not one o t&e top a?orite# to 3in t&e ACC< or at lea#t &ig&er t&an ourt& in t&eir o3n di?i#ionJ Well< t&eir di?i#ion i# #ta6ked" A toug& #6&edule all around 6ould kno6k t&em out o t&e ra6e< but t&e triple option o en#i?e atta6k 3ill #till be &ard or e?eryone to #top" Schedule: Sout& Carolina St"< HKan#a#< H*ort& Carolina< *C State< HWake Fore#t< 5irginia< (iddle -ennne##ee< HClem#on< H5irginia -e6&< (iami (Fl")< Guke< H8eorgia =eally< any o t&e game# again#t t&e t&ree team# 3&o 2 pla6ed a&ead o 8- in t&e Coa#tal di?i#ion 6ould be t&e game o t&e year to keep t&e Ea6ket# in 6ontention" Bowl Prediction: (u#i6 City Bo3l

5. -ir$inia- A de6ent de en#e 3on@t be ba6ked up by good a enoug& o en#e to 3in" Schedule: =i6&mond< H.SC< 5(2< Florida St"< H8eorgia -e6&< *ort& Carolina< Aa#tern (i6&igan< (iami (Fl")< HGuke< (aryland< HBo#ton College< H5irginia -e6&

8. D&ke- A toug& #6&edule 3ill lo3er t&e 6on iden6e and t&u# #lo3 t&e gro3t& o t&i# team"

Schedule: Alon< HWF< @Bama< Army< H(aryland< (iami (Fl")< H5-< H*a?y< 5ir"< BC< H8-< *C

ACC Atlanti6 7roCe6ted Standing#

1. 2lori4a +tate- -&e Seminole# inally got Bobby Bo3den o t&eir ba6k" *ot t&at &e 3a#n@t a great 6oa6&< but t&ey &a?e been 3aiting to in#tall t&e ne3 #6&eme o Eimbo Fi#&er or a 3&ile" *o3 t&at t&ey no longer &a?e t&e di#tra6tion o 3ondering 3&en Bo3den 3ould lea?e< t&ey 6an #tart o6u#ing on ootball and 3&at it take# to 3in t&i# year" -&i# team i# ?ery e1perien6ed< e#pe6ially on o en#e" C&ri#tian 7onder return# or &i# #enior #ea#on a# Florida State@# ;uarterba6k< and t&e ?eteran 3ill play a big role in &i# team@# #u66e##" -alented Cunior running ba6k Eermaine -&oma# 3ill al#o &elp t&e o en#e ra6k up t&e point#" %n de en#e< middle lineba6ker Kendall Smit& 6ould be a real di eren6e maker< and CB 8reg =eid 3a# a #&ining #tar a# a re#&man" =eid 3ill be a big part o a #e6ondary t&at &a# been de6lining o?er t&e pa#t #e?eral year#" Schedule: Sam ord< H%kla&oma< BD.< Wake Fore#t< H5irginia< H(iami (Fl")< Bo#ton College< H*C State< *ort& Carolina< Clem#on< H(aryland< Florida -&i# in #tate ri?alry i# al3ay# ?ery important or bragging rig&t#< e#pe6ially t&i# year 3it& all t&e Florida team# being good" Al#o< t&i# game 3ill &elp t&e @*ole# get a eel or 3&ere t&ey all in t&e ACC a ter playing t&eir ir#t toug& 6on eren6e opponent" Bowl Prediction: Sun Bo3l

2. 'oston %olle$e- -&e Aagle# return an e1perien6ed team< 3it& t&e mo#t #tarter# 6oming ba6k on o en#e" -&e de en#e< t&oug&< #&ould be t&e rea#on or BC@# #u66e## t&i# 6oming #ea#on" -&ey

return key player# #u6& a# GA Ale1 Albrig&t and S9B (ark 4er>li6& on t&at #ide o t&e ball" =unning ba6k (ontel 4arri# #&ould &elp a good o en#i?e #;uad t&i# year" 2t i# ;uarterba6k Ga?e S&in#kie t&at really need# to #tep up< t&oug&" Bo#ton College &a# &ad trouble o?er t&e pa#t e3 year# inding #omeone to repla6e (att =yan< 3&o le t a ter t&e 2!!, #ea#on"
Boston Colle!e"s Schedule: Weber St"< Kent St"< 5irginia -e6&< *otre Game< H*C State< HFlorida St"< (aryland< Clem#on< HWake Fore#t< HGuke< 5irginia< HSyra6u#e

Wit& a ne3 6oa6&< t&e Fig&ting 2ri#& #&ould be good t&i# year" A 3in &ere< and BC i# lying &ig& only t3o 3eek# be ore playing Florida St" in a 6ru6ial 6on eren6e game" Winning 3ould al#o gi?e t&em a 6&an6e to pu#& or a BCS at large #pot i t&ey don@t 3in t&eir 6on eren6e" Bowl Prediction: (eineke Car Care Bo3l

3. %lemson- 9a#t year< t&e -iger# 3on t&e ACC Atlanti6 Gi?i#ion" .n ortunately< t&ey lo#t All-Ameri6an running ba6k CE Spiller to t&e Bu alo Bill# in t&e ir#t round o t&i# April@# *F9 Gra t" -&i# year< t&ey &a?e a 6&an6e to 3in t&e di?i#ion< Cu#t not a really good 6&an6e" -&eir &ope# rely on t&e de6i#ion 3&i6& #uppo#ed ;uarterba6k Kyle 7arker 3ill make #ometime be ore t&e #ea#on begin#" -&e de6i#ion i# 3&et&er &e 3ill lea?e 6ollege to be6ome an (9B ba#eball player (&e 3a# dra ted t3enty- ir#t in t&i# year@# (9B dra t) or #tay a# Clem#on@# #tarting ;uarterba6k again" 2 &e #tay#< t&ey 6ould make a run at 3inning t&e 6on eren6e" 2 &e lea?e#< ine1perien6ed Cunior ;uarterba6k Willy Korn 3ill &a?e to take o?er a team t&at 6on#e;uently mig&t not &a?e a 6&an6e at 3inning t&e 6on eren6e 6ome *o?ember"

Schedule: *ort& -e1a#< 7re#byterian< HAuburn< (iami (Fl")< H*ort& Carolina< (ayland< 8eorgia -e6&< HBo#ton College< *C State< HFlorida St"< HWake Fore#t< Sout& Carolina Beating t&i# e;ually mat6&ed non-6on eren6e team in Week $ 3ould tell t&e re#t o t&e ACC t&at t&ey are #eriou# about 6ompeting or t&e 6on eren6e on6e again" Bowl Prediction: 2ndependen6e Bo3l

!. ;% +tate- 9a#t year< t&e Wol pa6k undera6&ei?ed< not e?en making a bo3l game" *o3< many predi6tion# &a?e t&em la#t in t&e ACC Atlanti6" 2< t&oug&< am going to gi?e t&em a #e6ond 6&an6e" Buarterba6k =u##ell Wil#on 3ill be good< e?en better t&an la#t year be6au#e t&e e1pe6tation# 3on@t be #o &ig&" 2 &e &a# a good year< t&e team 6ould end up in a bo3l game a# t&ey 3ere in 2!!/" Schedule: We#tern Carolina< H.CF< Cin6innati< H8eorgia -e6&< 5irginia -e6&< Bo#ton College< HAa#t Carolina< Florida St"< HClem#on< Wake Fore#t< H*ort& Carolina< H(aryland -o make a bo3l game< t&e Wol pa6k &a?e to 3in one game t&ey #&ouldn@t" 2 t&ey play to t&e be#t o t&eir ability< t&i# i# a game t&at t&ey 6ould 3in" Bowl Prediction: Aaglebank Bo3l

5. Marylan4- -&e -errapin# &ad a di#apointing 2-1! #ea#on la#t year" -&ey 3ill try to boun6e ba6k t&i# year like t&ey &a?e a ter toug& #ea#on# earlier in t&e de6ade"

Schedule: *a?y< (organ St"< HWe#t 5irginia< F2.< Guke< HClem#on< HBo#ton College< Wake Fore#t< H(iami (Fl")< H5irginia< Florida St"< *C State A good *a?y team 3ill be a te#t or t&e @7in# rig&t o t&e bat"

8. 0ake 2orest- Eu#t our year# remo?ed rom an %range Bo3l bert&< t&e Gemon Gea6on# are &eading in t&e 3rong dire6tion< and it 6ould get 3or#e 3it& all time #6&ool pa##ing leader =iley Skinner gone" Schedule: 7re#byterian< Guke< HStan ord< HFlorida St"< 8eorgia -e6&< *a?y< H5irginia -e6&< H(aryland< Bo#ton College< H*C State< Clem#on< H5anderbilt Bot& team# need a 3in &ere to Cump out o la#t pla6e in t&eir di?i#ion#"

'i$ Twel,e
*ot e?en a mont& ago< many o u#< in6luding my#el < t&oug&t t&at 2!1! 3ould be t&e Big -3el?e@# la#t #ea#on a# a 6on eren6e< a# it looked like t&e -e1a# and %kla&oma team#< a# 3ell a# Colorado #eemed &eaded or t&e 7a6-1!" *o3< a ter -e1a# managed to #a?e t&e 6on eren6e rom e1tin6tion< it i# one o t&e top 6on eren6e# on6e again" But< 2 don@t #ee t&e 6on eren6e being ;uite a# good a# it &a# been t&e la#t e3 year#" 2 mig&t be undere#timating t&i# 6on eren6e< and i 2 am< 2 3ill ind out early" %kla&oma and Kan#a# bot& take a6e ACC po3er# only a e3 3eek# into t&e #ea#on<

3&ile -e1a# A&( and Colorado bot& a6e good team# rom t&e SAC" Alt&oug& t&e 6on eren6e &a# it# air #&are o !ood team#< 2@d be #urpri#ed i any are !reat" W&en looking at t&e Big 12@# bat6& o team# &eading into t&i# year< 2 6an@t pi6k out a real title 6ontender"

Big -3el?e Sout& 7roCe6ted Standing#

1. 3kla.oma- Ge#pite lo#ing our player# to t&e ir#t round o t&i# April@# *F9 dra t< t&e Sooner# are #till title 6onte#tant# going into 2!1!" 2t really &elp# t&i# year@# team t&at Brad ord got &urt la#t year and 9andry Eone# no3 &a# almo#t a year e1perien6e under &i# belt" Al#o< %kla&oma pre#ent# great 3ide re6ei?er# led by =yan Broyle#" =unning ba6k Ge(ar6o (urray 6ap# o a talented o en#e all t&e 3ay around" Wit&out 8erald (6Coy on de en#e< t&e real ;ue#tion or t&e Sooner# 3ill be on t&at #ide o t&e ball" 9u6kily< t&e o en#e #&ould be able to re#pond to &o3e?er many point# t&e ot&er team #6ore# ea6& game" 2 t&e de en#e i# de6ent and t&e inCurie# are minimal< %kla&oma 6ould be looking or a repeat o 2!!/"

Schedule: .ta& St"< Florida St"< Air For6e< HCin6innati< -e1a#< 2o3a St"< H(i##ouri< Colorado< H-e1a# A&(< -e1a# -e6&< HBaylor< H%kla&oma St" W&en i# t&e =ed =i?er =i?alry not t&e bigge#t game or eit&er o t&e#e team#J %n a rat&er #moot& road< t&e 9ong&orn# are t&e bigge#t bump in t&e 3ay o a national title 6elebration in *orman< %kla&oma at t&e end o t&e #ea#on" Bowl Prediction: Fie#ta Bo3l

2. Te>as- -&e @4orn# lo#t many player# to t&i# year@# *F9 dra t< in6luding t&e #6&ool@# all time leader in pa##ing yard# and 3in#< Colt (6Coy" Coming o a lo## in t&e national 6&ampion#&ip game again#t Alabama< #ome -e1a# an# are more 3orried t&an t&ey #&ould be about t&eir team@# 6&an6e# t&i# year" Buarterba6k 8arrett 8ilbert< 3&o played mu6& o t&e BCS title game a ter (6Coy 3ent do3n 3it& an inCury< 3ill be under a lot o pre##ure a ter &i# per orman6e in t&e big game" -&e true re#&man (la#t year) 6ame into t&e game in t&e ir#t ;uarter 3it& a +-! lead and put up &orrible number# in a lo#ing e ort" 4i# #tat# 3eren@t &elped by t&e re#t o &i# o en#e< t&oug&" A per e6t tou6&do3n pa## 3a# dropped by (al6om William#< and t&e (ar6ell Gareu# pi6k #i1 at t&e end o t&e ir#t &al 3a# ir#t bobbled by a 9ong&orn#@ running ba6k" Wit& time to gro3< 8ilbert 3ill de?elop into a talented ;uarterba6k< and &i# team 3ill ri#e 3it& &im"

Schedule: =i6e< Wyoming< H-e1a# -e6&< .C9A< %kla&oma< H*ebra#ka< 2o3a St"< Baylor< HKan#a# St"< %kla&oma St"< Florida Atlanti6< -e1a# A&( Four o t&e la#t i?e =ed =i?er =i?alrie# &a?e been 3on by -e1a#" 9a#t year@# game 3a#n@t pretty< and it doe#n@t need to be t&i# year eit&er a# long a# t&e 9ong&orn# ind a 3ay to again de eat t&eir ar6& ri?al# and #tay in t&e title &unt" Bowl Prediction: Cotton Bo3l

3. Te>as 5?M- -&e Aggie# 6ould be t&e mo#t impro?ed team t&i# #ea#on" A ter a &ery medio6re 2!!0 6ampaign< -e1a# A&( return# 1+ #tarter# in6luding duel t&reat ;uarterba6k Eerrod Eo&n#on< 3&o put up '$0 yard# in a lo#ing e ort again#t t&e e?entual national 6&ampion#&ip parti6ipant and t&eir ar6& ri?al# in t&e -e1a# 9ong&orn#" A1pe6t an /-' #ea#on t&i# year in College Station" Schedule: Step&en F" Au#tin< 9oui#iana -e6&< F2.< H%kla&oma St"< Arkan#a#< (i##ouri< HKan#a#< -e1a# -e6&< %kla&oma< HBaylor< *ebra#ka< H-e1a# -&i# toug& mid#ea#on non6on eren6e game 3ill prepare t&i# team or t&e big boy# t&e Aggie# 3ill a6e in 6on eren6e during t&e #e6ond &al o t&e #ea#on a ter a #o t #6&edule o t&e bat" Bowl Prediction: 4oliday Bo3l

!. Te>as Tec.- 2n 2!!/< t&e =ed =aider# pre#ented an 11-2 team lead by BB 8ra&am 4arrell and W= (i6&eal Crabtree< bot& o 3&om 3ere 6on#idered one o t&e be#t at t&eir po#ition#" A ter t&at year< bot& o t&o#e #tar# le t or t&e *F9< lea?ing -e1a# -e6& #ome3&at #tranded" -&ey did manage a 0-' #ea#on under t&e leader#&ip o Cunior ;uarterba6k -aylor 7ott# and Cunior running ba6k Baron Bat6&" Bot& return to a team t&at &ad mu6& turmoil o t&e ield" (ike 9ea6&< -e1a# -e6&@# &ead 6oa6& or t&e pre?iou# ten year#< lo6ked W= Adam Eame# up in a dark #&ed or #e?eral &our# be6au#e &e 6ouldn@t pra6ti6e due to a 6on6u##ion" 9ea6& 3a# t&en ired and 3ill be repla6ed by ormer Auburn &ead 6oa6& -ommy -uber?ille< 3&o led t&e -iger# to a 1$-! #ea#on in 2!!'" A1pe6t -- to &a?e t&eir 1/t& #traig&t 3inning #ea#on< but not&ing #pe6ial"

Schedule: S(.< H*e3 (e1i6o< -e1a#< H2o3a St"< Baylor< %kla&oma St"< HColorado< H-e1a# A&(< (i##ouri< H%kla&oma< Weber St"< 4ou#ton

-&i# game again#t 3&at #&ould be a ?ery good 4ou#ton team 3ill be t&e di eren6e bet3een a lo3er tier and middle tier bo3l game" Bowl Prediction: 2n#ig&t Bo3l

5. 'aylor- Guring &i# re#&man 6ampaign< Baylor ;uarterba6k =obert 8ri in #&o3ed #ign# o greatne##" -&i# year< &e 6ould &elp t&e Bear# end a 1) year bo3l droug&t" Schedule: Sam 4ou#ton St"< Bu alo< H-C.< H=i6e< Kan#a#< -e1a# -e6&< HColorado< Kan#a# St"< H-e1a#< H%kla&oma St"< -e1a# A&(< %kla&oma A lo## &ere 6ould blo3 Baylor@# 6&an6e# o a bo3l bert&" Bowl Prediction: Galla# Football Cla##i6

8. 3kla.oma +tate- -&e lo## o all-time #6&ool pa##ing leader Ka6 =obin#on and ir#t round *F9 dra t pi6k Ge> Bryant 3ill be too mu6& or t&e Co3boy# to o?er6ome" -&ey do return running ba6k Kendall 4unter to a team t&at ini#&ed at 0-' t&e pa#t t3o #ea#on#< but &e 3on@t be a# e e6ti?e 3it&out t&e de en#e 3orrying #o mu6& about t&e pa##ing game" Schedule: Wa#&ington St"< -roy< -ul#a< -e1a# A&(< H9oui#iana< H-e1a# -e6&< *ebra#ka< HKan#a# St"< Baylor< H-e1a#< HKan#a#< %kla&oma
-&e 3inner o t&i# game #&ould get a #lot in t&e la#t bo3l game gi?en to t&e Big 12"

Big -3el?e *ort& 7roCe6ted Standing#

1. ;e6raska- -&e lo## o 4ei#man -rop&y inali#t *damukong Su& 3ill be ar rom enoug& to &old ba6k t&e 6&arging 4u#ker# rom a ?ery #pe6ial #ea#on in 9in6oln" Ka6 9ee return# or &i# #enior #ea#on a# *ebra#ka@# ;uarterba6k and ot&er o en#i?e 3eapon# in6lude running ba6k =oy 4elu and 3ideout *ile# 7aul" 2 t&e e1plo#i?e o en#i?e i#n@t enoug& to gi?e *ebra#ka a legimate run at bot& t&e Big -3el?e and *ational C&ampion#ip< &ead 6oa6& Bo 7elini &a# told t&e media t&at t&i# year@# de en#e 6ould be e?en better t&an la#t year@# de en#e (t&e one 3L Su& t&at yielded only 1$ point# to -e1a# in t&e Big 12 title game)" -&e Corn&u#ker# ended up t&eir 2!!0 6ampaign a tent& o a #e6ond a3ay rom #tunning -e1a# and t&en by pounding a ?ery good Ari>ona team in t&e 4oliday Bo3l $$-!" -&ey &ope to pi6k up t&i# year 3&ere t&ey ended la#t year" -&e e1pe6tation# are &ig&< but by no mean# more t&an t&i# team &a# earned" All t&e 6&ip# are in pla6e< and *ebra#ka doe#n@t #eem to be &a?ing any trouble &andling e1pe6tation# ba#ed on &o3 t&ey are 3orking t&i# o #ea#on" Alt&oug& t&ey #&ould be good or many year# to 6ome ba#ed on t&eir re6ruit#< t&i# i# t&e year t&ey &a?e t&e be#t 6&an6e to do #ome damage" -&e main rea#on i# t&at -e1a# i# repla6ing t&eir all-time pa##ing leader in Colt (6Coy< #o t&ey #&ould be as toug& o an opponent t&i# year a# t&ey 3ere la#t year" -&e red 6arpet &a# been laid out or t&em" *o3 all t&ey &a?e to do i# 3alk do3n it" Schedule: WK.< 2da&o< HWa#&ington< S" Gakota St"< HKan#a# St"< -e1a#< H%kla&oma St"< (i##ouri< H2o3a St"< Kan#a#< H-e1a# A&(< Colorado Wit&out a doubt t&e toug&e#t opponent on a rat&er ea#y #6&edule< t&i# game again#t -e1a# 3ill be a pi?otal one or t&e 6on iden6e o t&i# team &eading into t&e #e6ond &al o t&e #ea#on"

Bowl Prediction: %range Bo3l


Misso&ri- 2n 2!!,< t&e -iger# 3ere in t&e mi1 or t&e national title until t&ey lo#t to %kla&oma in t&e regular #ea#on and t&en again in t&e Big 12 C&ampion#&ip 8ame" 2n 2!!/< t&ey 3ere t&e pre#ea#on a?orite to 3in t&e Big 12< a# t&ey returned i?e All-Ameri6an# rom t&eir Cotton Bo3l 3inning team t&e year be ore" -&ey 6ouldn@t &andle t&e e1pe6tation#< &o3e?er< and lo##e# to %kla&oma St"< -e1a#< and Kan#a# &ad t&em at a 0-$ mark a ter t&e regular #ea#on" -&i# re6ord 3a# enoug& to 6laim t&e 3eak Big 12 *ort&< t&oug&< and t&e opportunity o a BCS bo3l game 3a# #till t&ere" .n ortunately< a lo## to en?entual *ational C&ampion#&ip 8ame parti6ipant %kla&oma ruined (i##ou@# 6&an6e#< and t&ey &ad to #ettle or t&e Alamo Bo3l" 9a#t year< repla6ing all time #6&ool pa##ing leader C&a#e Ganiel a# 3ell a# $ ot&er ormer All-Ameri6an# 3a# enoug& to &old t&e -iger# to an /-) re6ord a ter t&e -e1a# Bo3l" Sop&more ;uarterba6k Blaine 8abbert did #&o3 #ign# o &i# great talent< t&oug&< and &i# maturity t&i# year #&ould dra3 #ome 6ompari#on# to C&a#e Ganiel" 2 t&i# i# true< ten 3in# 3ouldn@t be a ar #tret6& 3&en talking about t&i# year@# -iger#"
Schedule: 2llinoi#< (6*ee#e St"< San Giego St"< (iami (%&")< Colorado< H-e1a# A&(< %kla&oma< H*ebra#ka< H-e1a# -e6&< Kan#a# St"< H2o3a St"< Kan#a#

An e?enly mat6&ed A&( team 3ill be a do3n to t&e 3ire 6onte#t in 3&i6& 2 3ouldn@t be #urpri#ed to #ee ea6& team #6ore at lea#t $! point#" Bowl Prediction: Alamo Bo3l

3. %olora4o- -&roug&out &i#tory< t&e Bu # &a?e been one o t&e po3er&ou#e team# in 6ollege ootball" %?er t&e pa#t #e?eral year#< t&oug&< t&e on6e- ier6e Bu aloe# &a?e looked like not&ing more t&an goat#" -&i# o #ea#on< t&oug&< Colorado 3a# in?ited to Coin t&e 7a6 1! 6on eren6e< and t&ey 3ill #tart play t&ere in 2!12" An a3ay game again#t Cal t&i# year 3ill &elp t&em prepare or t&at 6on eren6e< but t&i# de6ent team 3ill &a?e to get ba6k to bu#ine## in t&eir 6urrent 6on eren6e #oon a ter or t&ey mig&t end up #taring at a i t& #traig& lo#ing #ea#on" Schedule: Colorado St"< HCali ornia< 4a3aii< 8eorgia< H(i##ouri< Baylor< -e1a# -e6&< H%kla&oma< HKan#a#< 2o3a St"< Kan#a# St"< H*ebra#ka -&i# i# one o t&o#e game# t&at Colorado could 3in but probably 3on@t" Cali ornia 3on@t be a# good o a team 3it&out Ea?id Be#t< and 3inning &ere 3ould be a big momentum grab and 6ould turn t&e Bu aloe#@ ortune# in t&eir dire6tion" Bowl Prediction: 7in#tripe Bo3l

!. ansas +tate- -&e Wild6at# #&ould again be a team t&at i# #ome3&ere around ")!! 3&en t&e #ea#on i# o?er" A de6ent ;uarterba6k and a good running ba6k #&ould make K-State okay< but 2 e1pe6t t&e bo3l droug&t to 6ontinue"

Schedule: .C9A< (i##ouri St"< 2o3a St"< .CF< *ebra#ka< HKan#a#< HBaylor< %kla&oma St"< -e1a#< H(i##ouri< HColorado< H*ort& -e1a# -&i# game again#t an e;ually mat6&ed non6on eren6e opponent in t&e #ea#on opener i# a mu#t 3in i Kan#a# State 3ant# to play in a bo3l game t&i# year"

5. #owa +tate- -&e Cy6lone# get t&eir top ru#&er ba6k rom a team t&at 3ent ,-+ la#t year" .n ortunately or an#< &e probably 3on@t be enoug& to boo#t 2S. to a #e6ond 6on#e6uti?e bo3l game" Schedule: *ort&ern 2llinoi#< H2o3a< Kan#a# St"< *ort&ern 2o3a< -e1a# -e6&< .ta&< H%kla&oma< H-e1a#< Kan#a#< *ebra#ka< HColorado< (i##ouri -&i# 3ill be a good te#t to #ee 3&ere 2S. #tand# a ter t&eir ir#t Big 12 game"

8. ansas- -urner 8ill 3ill get t&e Eay&a3k# ba6k on tra6k #&ortly< but t&i# team lo#t too mu6& talent to 3in rig&t a3ay"
Schedule: *ort& Gakota St"< 8eorgia -e6&< HSout&ern (i##"< *e3 (e1i6o St"< HBaylor< Kan#a# St"< -e1a# A&(< H2o3a St"< Colorado< H*ebra#ka< %kla&oma St"< (i##ouri

Pac 1*
-o #ay t&e lea#t< t&i# 3ill de inately not be t&e #tronge#t #ea#on or t&i# 6on eren6e in re6ent memory" .SC 3ill probably #u er under it# ir#t year o bo3l ban#" %regon lo##e# ;uarterba6k Eeremia& (a#oli to a year long #u#pen#ion< 3&i6& i# a re#ult o a #e6ond degree robbery and t&e po##e##ion o illegal #ub#tan6e#" %regon State lo#e# t&eir ;uarterba6k< Sean Can ield< to t&e *F9< and Cali ornia and Stan ord bot& &a?e to turn o?er ne3 running

ba6k# a ter lo#ing a ?ery talented one" Anot&er 6on6ern about t&i# 6on eren6e i# t&at it goe# #e?en or eig&t deep in !ood team#< but t&ere i# no real national title 6ontender in t&i# bun6&" Alt&oug& t&e on- ield produ6t 3on@t be a# entertaining t&i# year a# in pre?iou# one#< t&e o #ea#on a6&ie?ement# made by t&e 7a6 1! ga?e an# a rea#on to be e16ited" -&ey grabbed Colorado rom t&e Big 12 and .ta& rom t&e (ountain We#t and got t&em to Coin t&eir 6on eren6e" Colorado i# 6urrently under a rebuilding proCe6t t&at 6ould &a?e t&em ba6k near t&e top in a e3 year#< 3&ile t&e .te# 6ontinue 3inning and &ope to a6&ie?e t&eir t&ird #traig&t double digit 3in #ea#on" A little time< and t&e 7a6 1! 3ill be rig&t ba6k into national 6ontention"

7a6 1! 7roCe6ted Standing#

1. +tan)or4- -&i# may be a &ery '3LD predi6tion< but 2 belie?e t&at Andre3 9u6k 6an really 6arry t&i# team" -oby 8er&art may be gone< and t&i# 6ould &urt t&i# o en#e a little< but t&e e1perien6ed de en#e #&ould be able to make up t&at ground" 9a#t year< t&e Cardinal ?i#ited t&eir ir#t bo3l game #in6e 2!!1" Gon@t look or anot&er bo3l droug&t anytime #oon< a# &ead 6oa6& Eim 4arbaug& &a# t&i# team &eading in t&e rig&t dire6tion" *ot only i# Stan ord good< but t&eir opponent# aren@t t&at great" A 6ouple o in 6on eren6e te#t# 6ould gi?e Stan ord a lo## &ere and t&ere< but t&ey #&ould be able to boun6e ba6k ;ui6kly a# to not go on a lo#ing #kid" Again< red#&irt re#&man ;uarterba6k Andre3 9u6k &old# t&e key#< and i Stan ord 3in# t&e 6on eren6e< 9u6k #&ould ind &im#el in t&e 4ie#man #potlig&t at t&e end o t&e #ea#on" Schedule: Sa6ramento St"< H.C9A< Wake Fore#t< H*otre Game< H%regon< .SC< Wa#&ington St"< HWa#&inton< Ari>ona< HAri>ona St"< HCali ornia< %regon St" -&i# mat6&up 6ould be an unplanned 6on eren6e 6&ampion#&ip game in Stan ord@# nint& game o t&e #ea#on" 2 bot& team# meet my e1pe6tation# or t&em< Stan ord Stadium 3ill be ele6tri6 or t&i# pi?otal mat6&up" Bowl Prediction: =o#e Bo3l

2. 5ri@ona- *i6k Fole# led t&i# team to a good /-' mark la#t year and &ad t&em in 7a6 1! 6ontention late in t&e #ea#on" Be6au#e o t&eir regular #ea#on per orman6e< t&ey 3ould &a?e probably been my pi6k to 3in t&i# 6on eren6e i it 3eren@t or an embarra#ing $$-! lo## to *ebra#ka in la#t year@# 4oliday Bo3l" -&e talent i# de inately t&ere< t&oug&< and anot&er 7a6 1! run i# ine?itable" *o3< t&i# older team &a# to be mature enoug& to &andle t&e e1pe6tation# 6oming o a good #ea#on" 2 t&ey do t&i#

and t&eir de en#e #tep# it up rom la#t year< t&e Wild6at# 6ould ind t&em#el?e# at t&e top o t&e 6on eren6e 3&en e?eryt&ing i# all #aid and done" 'ri(ona"s Schedule: H-oledo< -&e Citadel< 2o3a< Cali ornia< %regon St"< HWa#&ington St"< Wa#&ington< H.C9A< HStan ord< .SC< H%regon< Ari>ona St" -&i# ?ery toug& non6on eren6e game in 3eek t&ree o t&e #ea#on 3ill be a &uge te#t to Ari>ona@# 6&an6e# do3n t&e #tret6& in t&e 7a6 1!" Bowl Prediction: 4oliday Bo3l

3. 3re$on +tate- -&e lo## o talented ;uarterba6k Sean Can ield &a# t&i# team a little #et ba6k rom 3&ere t&ey 3ere la#t year< but =yan Kat>< &i# pro6eder< #&ould be de?eloped by mid#ea#on" A ter all< &ead 6oa6& (ike =iley &a# a &i#tory o turning de6ent ;uarterba6k# into good one#" 9u6kily< t&oug&< Kat> #&ouldn@t &a?e too mu6& pre##ure on &im a# running ba6k Ea6;ui>> =odger# 3ill 6arry mu6& o t&e load o t&i# o en#e on &i# ba6k" 4e #&ould be t&e ir#t team All-Ameri6an running ba6k in t&e 7a6 1! t&i# year< i not a national All-Ameri6an" 4ope ully< %regon State 6an get &i# brot&er t&e ball a# o ten a# la#t year de#pite t&e young ;uarterba6k< be6au#e Eame# =odger# i# a big playmaker Cu#t like Ea6;ui>>" Schedule: -C.< 9oui#?ille< HBoi#e St"< Ari>ona St"< HAri>ona< HWa#&ington< Cali ornia< H.C9A< Wa#&ington St"< .SC< HStan ord< %regon A##uming t&at t&e Bea?er# 3ill 3in a game or t3o t&ey are a?ored to lo#e< a# t&ey &a?e in pre?iou# year#< a 3in in t&e Ci?il War 6ould put %regon State in t&e =o#e Bo3l" 2t &a# been like t&at or t&e pa#t t3o year#< and %regon &a# beaten t&em bot& time#"

Bowl Prediction: Alamo Bo3l

!. 7+%- -&e -roCan# are de inately not t&e team t&ey &a?e been or t&e pa#t #e?en year#" *CAA #an6tion# &a?e banned t&em rom bo3l game#< taken a3ay re6ruiting pri?elage#< and put a #6ar a6ro## t&e pride o .SC ootball" 7ete Carroll< t&e &ead 6oa6& t&at built t&i# program ba6k into elite #tatu#< le t or t&e *F9 to 6oa6& t&e Seattle Sea&a3k# rig&t in t&e middle o t&e in?e#tigation< #tranding""" """t&e team" 9ane Ki en (3&o doe#n@t &a?e a ?ery 6lean re6ord &im#el ) take# o?er a team t&at not only la6k# in t&e #3agger t&ey &ad be ore< but Cu#t doe#n@t &a?e t&e #ame talent anymore" 8one are t&e dominating< 6ru#&ing de en#e# t&at are loaded 3it& our or i?e uture ir#t round *F9 dra t pi6k#" -&e ne?er ending line o #tar ;uarterba6k# i# in t&e pa#t" *o3< .SC &a# to #tart o?er again 3it& a team t&at i# not&ing better t&an good" (att Barkley need# to #tep it up t&i# #ea#on and pro?e to t&e 6ountry t&at t&e -roCan# 3ill be ready to 3in a 6&ampion#&ip 3&en t&e bo3l ban i# inally o?er"
Schedule: H4a3aii< 5irginia< H(inne#ota< HWa#&ington St"< Wa#&ington< HStan ord< Cali ornia< %regon< Ari>ona St"< HAri>ona< H%regon St"< *otre Game< H.C9A

A ))-21 lo## la#t year to t&e Cardinal 3a# one o a e3 embarra##ing lo##e# or t&i# team" 2 .SC 6an 3in in Stan ord again#t one o t&e 7a6 1!@# be#t team#< t&ey 3ill pro?e t&at alt&oug& t&ey 6an@t 6ompete or a national title< t&ey 3on@t lo#e o6u# on anot&er 6on eren6e title" )%ote: .SC i# under a t3o year po#t#ea#on ban< 3&i6& make# t&em unable to make a bo3l game no matter 3&at t&eir re6ord i#"

5. 3re$on- Eeremia& (a#oli &a# really let &i# team do3n" 9a#t year< &e led t&e Gu6k# to a 1!-2 regular #ea#on re6ord< 3&i6& 3a#

good enoug& to ;uali y t&em or t&e =o#e Bo3l" 4e 3a# t&e team leader and 3a# a maCor rea#on or t&e boun6eba6k a ter a terrible lo## to Boi#e State in t&e #ea#on opener in 3&i6& 9a8arrette Blount 3a# #u#pended or t&e #ea#on" *o3< 3it& (a#oli #u#pended or all o t&i# #ea#on a ter a robbery< #omeone el#e on t&i# team 3ill &a?e to #tep up a# t&e leader t&i# year" 2t 6ould be #op&more running ba6k 9a(i6&ael Eame#< 3&o &ad a great year illing in or Blount< 3&o turn# out to be t&e leader o t&i# team" A?en 3it&out (a#oli< C&ip Kelly 3ill ind a 3ay to put t&i# team in t&e po#ition to make a national #pla#& on6e again" Garron -&oma# &a# to 6ome t&roug& at ;uarterba6k to make t&i# a reality< t&oug&" -&e talent i# de inately t&ere or t&e Gu6k# to be ?ery e1plo#i?e on6e again" Schedule: *e3 (e1i6o< H-enne##ee< 7ortland St"< HAri>ona St"< Stan ord< HWa#&ington St"< .C9A< H.SC< HCali ornia< Ari>ona< H%regon St" A ter ro6king t&e -roCan# at &ome la#t year 3it& t&e &elp o a mon#ter game by Eeremia& (a#oli< %regon &a# to go to t&e Coli#eum 3it&out (a#oli t&i# year and 6&e6k t&em#el?e# a# t&ey begin a toug& i?e game #tret6& in 6on eren6e at t&e end o t&e #ea#on" Bowl Prediction: 9a# 5ega# Bo3l

8. 0as.in$ton- Eake 9o6ker de6lined entering t&e *F9 dra t a ter &i# Cunior #ea#on la#t year de#pite t&e good 6&an6e t&at &e 3ould be t&e :1 o?erall pi6k" *o3< e1pe6tation# are &ig&er or t&e 4u#kie#< and &e 3ill &a?e to lead t&em to t&eir ir#t bo3l game #in6e 2!!2 or &i# de6i#ion (6oming ba6k) to be 6on#idered a good one" Anyt&ing #&ort o a po#t#ea#on appearan6e 3ould be a 3a#ted year t&at &e 6ould &a?e been gaining e1perien6e in t&e *F9" Wit& a de6ent team around &im< 9o6ker #&ould be able to do

3&at &e 6ame ba6k to do< 3&i6& i# bring t&e .ni?er#ity o Wa#&igton ootball ba6k on t&e pat& to re#pe6tability" Schedule: HBD.< Syra6u#e< *ebra#ka< H.SC< Ari>ona St"< %regon St"< HAri>ona< Stan ord< H%regon< .C9A< HCali ornia< HWa#&ington St" Wa#&ington &a# a &i#tory o putting toget&er a ?ery toug& #6&edule or t&em#el?e#< and t&at #treak 6ontinue# t&i# year" -&e 4u#kie# 3ill get a eel or &o3 good t&ey are in t&e #ea#on opener again#t a ?ery toug& BD. team" Bowl Prediction: Kra t Fig&t 4unger Bo3l

9. %ali)ornia- A ter lo##ing t&eir be#t player on ea6& #ide o t&e ball< t&e 8olden Bear# not ;uite a# good to #tart t&i# year a# t&ey 3ere la#t year" 2 ;uarterba6k Ke?in =iley play# to &i# ull potential and #o doe# =B S&ane 5ereen< t&i# team 6ould top la#t #ea#on@#" -&e de en#e< 3it&out 6ornerba6k Syd@Buan -&omp#on< 3ill al#o be a key pie6e to 3&et&er t&ey &a?e #u66e## t&i# #ea#on" Schedule: .C Ga?i#< Colorado< H*e?ada< HAri>ona< .C9A< H.SC< Ari>ona St"< H%regon St"< HWa#&ington St"< %regon< Stan ord< Wa#&ington -&e Wol 7a6k are a ?ery good team t&i# year t&at 3ill be to3ard t&e top o t&e WAC t&i# year" -&i# i# a big game or Cal Cu#t be ore t&eir 7a6 1! #6&edule begin#" Bowl Prediction: Armed For6e# Bo3l

:. 7%L5- -&e Bruin# &a?e lo#t a lot o re6ruiting 3ar# 3it& .SC lately< but 3ere able to bring in t&e #e6ond ranked 6la## in t&e 7a6 1! t&i# year be&ind only t&e -roCan#" A toug& #6&edule 3ill

be toug& or t&i# medio6re team to o?er6ome t&i# year< but t&ey #&ould be better in t&e near uture due to .SC@# #6&olar#&ip lo##" Schedule: HKan#a# St"< Stan ord< 4ou#ton< H-e1a#< Wa#&ington St"< HCali ornia< H%regon< Ari>ona< %regon St"< HWa#&ington< HAri>ona St"< .SC -&e Bruin# &a?en@t beaten t&eir ar6&ri?al# #in6e 2!!+" -&i# year t&ey get a 3eaker -roCan# team at &ome< and t&i# i# de inately t&e time to beat t&em"

<. 5ri@ona +tate- (i6&igan tran# er Ste?en -&reet look# to lead a team t&at &a#n@t made a bo3l game #in6e a promi#ing 1!-$ #ea#on in 2!!," Schedule: 7ortland St"< *ort&ern Ari>ona< HWi#6on#in< %regon< H%regon St"< HWa#&ington< HCali ornia< Wa#&ington St"< H.SC< Stan ord< .C9A< HAri>ona AS. took Cal do3n to t&e 3ire in a 21-2$ lo## la#t #ea#on"

1*. 0as.in$ton +tate- -&e Cougar# &a?e only $ 3in# in t&e la#t 2 #ea#on# 6ombined"

Schedule: H%kla&oma St"< (ontana St"< HS(.< .SC< H.C9A< %regon< Ari>ona< HStan ord< HAri>ona St"< Cali ornia< H%regon St"< Wa#&ington %t&er t&an (ontana State< t&i# i# t&e only 3innable game or WS. t&i# #ea#on"

'i$ East
2n 2!!+< t&e Big Aa#t &ad t&ree team# rom it# 6on eren6e (9oui#?ille< We#t 5irginia< and =utger#) t&at ea6& ended t&e

regular #ea#on 3it& 11I 3in#" -&o#e team# beat ea6& ot&er #o e?eryone &ad one lo## but We#t 5irginia and =utger# bot& lo#t anot&er in 6on eren6e game to ini#& 1!-2" *o3< only our year# later< t&i# 6on eren6e@# pa#t glory &a# been orgotten" (any people are &oping t&at t&e (ountain We#t #&ould be t&e #i1t& BCS 6on eren6e in#tead o t&e Big Aa#t" -&e real problem t&e pa#t e3 year# 3it& t&e Big Aa#t &a# been t&at t&ey &a?en@t &ad a #eriou# title 6ontender #in6e We#t 5irginia in 2!!," 9a#t year< 7itt#burg& and Cin6innati 3ent into a t&riller to de6ide t&e 6on eren6e title" 2t 3a# ?ery e16iting< but t&en you &ad to kno3 t&at t&e 3inner 3ould lo#e in t&eir bo3l game any&o3" -&e Big Aa#t appear# to &a?e t&e #ame problem a# t&e 7a6 1! t&i# year: t&e la6k o a national

6&ampion#&ip 6ontender"



7roCe6ted Standing#
1. Pitts6&r$.- 9a#t year< alt&oug& many people o?erlook t&i#< t&e 7ant&er# &ad t&e #e6ond mo#t #a6k# in t&e Big Aa#t" -&i# year< t&ey do &a?e to repla6e i?e #tarter# on de en#e< t&ey #&ould #till be to3ard t&e top o t&e 6on eren6e in t&at 6atagory again t&i# year" And i opponent# 6an@t #6ore point#< t&ey@re going to &a?e a real toug& time &andling an o en#e t&at 3ill Cu#t dare you to keep up 3it& t&em" Gion 9e3i# led t&e Big Aa#t in ru#&ing la#t year< and 6ould ea#ily be a 4ie#man trop&y 6ontender t&i# #ea#on" 2 &e get# &urt< t&oug&< t&ere 3ould be no need or pani6 on t&e part o 7itt an#" 4i# ba6kup< =ay 8ra&am< 3a# t&e #uppo#ed #tarter going into la#t #ea#on until 9e3i# #tole t&e Cob< and &i# talent# are al#o endle##" *ot only i# t&e run #tellar< but t&i# team al#o &a# one o t&e top ranked 3ide re6ie?er# in t&e 6ountry in Eon Bald3in" -&e ;uarterba6k 3&o i# pa##ing to &im i#n@t among t&e top in t&e nation< but &e i# good" %n6e &e get# in #yn6 3it& t&i# #y#tem and t&i# team< 7itt#burg& 3ill be o and runningM Schedule: H.ta&< *e3 4amp#&ire< (iami (Fl")< F2.< H*otre Game< HSyra6u#e< =utger#< 9oui#?ille< HConne6ti6ut< H.SF< We#t 5irginia< HCin6innati -&e t3o &a?en@t met #in6e .ta&@# $)-, blo3out o t&e 7anter# in t&e 2!!' Fie#ta Bo3l" 2 7itt#burg& 6an get a 6on?in6ing 3in o

t&eir o3n again#t t&i# ?ery good non 6on eren6e team< t&ey 3ill #end a 3arning 6all out to t&e Big Aa#t and to t&e re#t o t&e 6ountry" Bowl Prediction: Sugar Bo3l

2. %incinnati- Ge#pite a ne3 6oa6&< 2 t&ink Cin6innati 6ould #till make a #trong pu#& to 3in t&e Big Aa#t or t&e t&ird #traig&t #ea#on" Alt&oug& Brian Kelly 3on 6on eren6e 6oa6& o t&e year &onor# t&e pa#t t3o #ea#on#< &e i# repla6ed by anot&er great 6oa6& in But6& Eone#" 2n t&ree year# a# &ead 6oa6& or Central (i6&igan< Eone# led t&em to t&ree bo3l game#< in6luding a 12-2 #ea#on la#t year" %n t&e ield< t&e main problem or t&e Bear6at# i# t&eir de en#e" -&ey only return i?e #tarter# rom a de en#e la#t year t&at &ad a lot o &ole# in it< gi?ing up an a?erage o 21 point# per game in t&e regular #ea#on" -&ey 6ould a ord it< t&oug&< be6au#e t&eir o en#e a?eraged '! point# per game during t&at #pan" -&ey do &a?e to repla6e -ony 7ike< t&eir ;uarterba6k 3&o 3a# in t&e 4ie#man running until &e 3a# inCured< and (ardy 8ilyard< t&e #6&ool@# all time re6ie?ing leader" -&e good ne3 i# t&at 7ike@# repla6ement put up 4ie#man number# 3&ile -ony 3a# &urt la#t year" -&at ;uarterba6k i# Ka6& Collaro#" 4e 3ill be pa##ing to Armon Binn# and GE Wood# mu6& o t&e time< bot& o 3&om &elped orm a great trio 3it& 8ilyard la#t year" Dou add =B

2#aia& 7ead to t&e mi1< and you &a?e a dominant o en#e on6e again" Schedule: HFre#no St"< 2ndiana St"< H*C State< %kla&oma< (iami (%&")< H9oui#?ille< .SF< Syra6u#e< HWe#t 5irginia< =utger#< HConne6ti6ut< 7itt#burg& -&i# game 6ould again de6ide t&e Big Aa#t 6&ampion" -&i# time< 7itt #&ould be t&e team to beat 6oming into t&i# mat6&up" Bowl Prediction: (eineke Car Care Bo3l

3. 0est -ir$inia- A ter t&ree #traig&t 11 3in #ea#on#< &ead 6oa6& =i6& =odrigue> le t to 6oa6& at (i6&igan" Bill Ste3art took o?er and t&e (ountaineer# &a?e been &eld to nine 3in# in ea6& o t&e t3o year# #in6e" But t&e #6&ool i# #till eeling t&e pre#en6e o =i6& =od< in a bad 3ay" -&e *CAA i# looking into maCor ?iolation# &e may &a?e 6omminted 3&ile &e 3a# #till at We#t 5irginia" For t&e time being t&oug&< t&e 6urrent team need# to o6u# on t&i# 6oming #ea#on" *oel Ge?ine< 3&o 3ill be a Big Aa#t All-Ameri6an< i# at t&e &ead o a team t&e 3ill #till 6ontend or t&e 6on eren6e title i t&ey 6an put a#ide t&e o ield di#tra6tion# and Cu#t play ootball"

Schedule: Coa#tal Carolina< H(ar#&all< (aryland< H9S.< .*95< .SF< Syra6u#e< HConne6ti6ut< Cin6innati< H9oui#?ille< H7itt#burg&< =utger# 7itt#burg& ruined We#t 5irginia@# national 6&ampion#&ip &ope# in 2!!," 2 e?eryt&i# 6li6k# in or 7itt< W5 6ould &a?e a 6&an6e to #poil t&e 7anter#@# #ame dream" Bowl Prediction: 7apaCo&n#"6om Bo3l

!. +o&t. 2lori4a- At a point in 2!!,< .SF 3a# ranked :2 in t&e nation" -&ey ended at 0-'< and &a?e gone only /-) t&e la#t t3o year# #in6e" -&i# year< t&oug&< 6ould be t&e #ea#on t&at t&ey

6ome ba6k and make #ome noi#e in t&e Big Aa#t" A toug& non6on eren6e #6&edule in6luding going to Florida and (iami (Fl") 3ill make it ?ery &ard to 6ontend nationally< but a e3 &ard 3in# in 6on eren6e 6ould make t&em a legimate dark &or#e" BE Ganiel#< Sout& Florida@# #tar ;uarterba6k< #&ould be at lea#t a #e6ond team Big Aa#t All-Ameri6an" Skip 4olt> repla6e# t&e ired Eim 9ea?itt a# &ead 6oa6& and look# to build t&i# program ba6k up into national 6ontention be ore Ganiel# in gone"
Schedule: Stony Brook< HFlorida< WK.< Florida Atlanti6< Syra6u#e< HWe#t 5irginia< HCin6innati< =utger#< H9oui#?ille< 7itt#burg&< H(iami (Fl")< Conne6ti6ut

-&e 8ator# 3ill #till be adCu#ting to t&e ne3 o en#e 3it& Eo&n Brantley< and look to an up#et in t&e S3amp" Bowl Prediction: St" 7eter#burg& Bo3l

5. %onnectic&t- Ge#pite t&e tragi6 deat& o Ea#per 4o3ard< a &uge lo## to t&i# team< .Conn 3a# able to boun6e ba6k 3it& an /-) #ea#on" -&i# year< e1pe6t t&e #ame re6ord" -&e run game< led by #e6ond team Big Aa#t All-Ameri6an Eordan -odman< 3ill be good again t&i# year" But t&e pa##ing atta6k o BB Ka6& Fra>ier #&ould be t&e real o6u# o de en#e#" Fra>ier< 3&o #&ould make it a# a Big Aa#t All-Ameri6an t&i# #ea#on< 3a# t&i# team@# leader la#t year during t&e time #&ortly a ter t&e deat& o 4o3ard"

Schedule: H(i6&igan< -e1a# Sout&ern< H-emple< Bu alo< 5anderbilt< H=utger#< H9oui#?ille< We#t 5irginia< 7itt#burg&< HSyra6u#e< Cin6innati< H.SF -&e#e t3o Big Aa#t dark &or#e# 6ould 3ind up orming t&eir o3n 6on eren6e 6&ampion#&ip game t&i# year mu6& a# 7itt and Cin6y did la#t #ea#on" Bowl Prediction: 7in#tripe Bo3l

8. R&t$ers- 2n 2!!+< t&e S6arlet Knig&t# 3ere t3o 3in# #&ort o running t&e table" Sin6e t&en< t&ey &a?en@t been any better t&an a?erage" -&i# #ea#on< -om Sa?age look# to lead a team t&at &a# good talent but i# #till ?ery young< e#pe6ially on o en#e" Schedule: *or olk St"< HF2.< *ort& Carolina< -ulane< Conne6ti6ut< Army< H7itt#burg&< H.SF< Syra6u#e< HCin6innati< 9oui#?ille< HWe#t 5irginia 2 =utger# 6an get a 3in in =aymond Eame# Stadium< t&ey #&ould #olidi y a +t& #traig&t bo3l bert&" Bowl Prediction: -e1a# Bo3l

9. Lo&is,ille- A?er #in6e t&e Cardinal#@ magi6al #ea#on in 2!!+< t&ey &a?e ailed to make a bo3l game" Adam Froman 3ill try to Coin a great line o 9oui#?ille BB#" Schedule: Kentu6ky< Aa#tern Kentu6ky< H%regon St"< HArkan#a# St"< (emp&i#< Cin6innati< Conne6ti6ut< H7itt#burg&< HSyra6u#e< .SF< We#t 5irginia< H=utger#

:. +yrac&se- -&e lo## o W= (ike William# and BB 8reg 7aulu# 6ould be enoug& to &old t&i# team to no 3in# t&i# #ea#on"
Schedule: HAkron< HWa#&ington< (aine< Colgate< H.SF< 7itt#burg&< HWe#t 5irginia< HCin6innati< 9oui#?ille< H=utger#< Conne6ti6ut< Bo#ton College

Mo&ntain 0est

-&roug&out t&e la#t e3 year#< t&i# 6on eren6e &a# been pleading or an automati6 BCS bert&" -&ey &a?e made t&eir 6a#e< too< a# bot& .ta& and -C. &a?e &ad unde eated #ea#on# and BD. &a# beaten many good BCS team#" -&i# year< -C. #&ould roll t&roug& t&eir ea#y #6&edule and rea6& t&eir #e6ond 6on#e6uti?e BCS bo3l game" .ta& &a# a good team in t&e making< and #&ould rea6& 1! 3in# 3it&out trouble" BD.@# toug& #6&edule 3ill gi?e t&em a #truggle in getting to double digit ?i6torie#< but it i# #till a #trong po##ibility e?en 3it&out BB (a1 4all" A?eryone kno3# about t&e Big -&ree (.ta&< -C.< and BD.)< but 6an t&e ot&er #i1 team# #tep up and make t&i# 6on eren6e de#er?ing o a BCS bert&J -&i# year< bot& Air For6e and Wyoming 3ill be good" 2 t&ey 6an 6ombine or 1) regular #ea#on 3in#< t&ey 6an dra3 attention to t&e dept& o t&e (ountain We#t"

(ountain We#t 7roCe6ted Standing#

1. T%7- 9a#t year< t&e 4orned Frog# &ad 3&at 3a# probably t&eir be#t #ea#on in #6&ool &i#tory" 4eading into t&i# #ea#on< e1pe6tation# are &ig&er t&an e?er or a team t&at i# lo#ing ' #tarter# on de en#e< in6luding All-Ameri6an de en#i?e end Eerry 4ug&e#" -&i# lo## #&ouldn@t be enoug& to &old ba6k t&i# determined group< t&oug&" -C. doe# return 0 o t&eir o en#i?e #tarter# rom la#t year< in6luding BB Andy Galton" Galton i# a great leader< and &e mo#tly lead# by e1ample" 4e already &a# e#tabli#&ed &im#el a# t&e all time pa##ing leader in 4orned Frog# &i#tory 6oming into &i# #enior #ea#on" An ea#y #6&edule and load# o talent all o?er on bot& #ide# o t&e ball #&ould &a?e -C. ba6k in a BCS bo3l game 3it& an unde eated regular #ea#on re6ord" Schedule: %regon St"< -enne##ee -e6&< Baylor< HS(.< HColorado St"< Wyoming< BD.< Air For6e< H.*95< H.ta&< San Giego St"< H*e3 (e1i6o .ta& i# entering it# inal #ea#on in t&e (ountain We#t be ore lea?ing to t&e 7a6 1!" -&ey 3ill 3ant to make a good la#t impre##ion< #o look or t&em to be iring on all 6ylinder# 6ome late #ea#on 3&en t&ey take on t&e 4orned Frog#" Bowl Prediction: Fie#ta Bo3l

2. 7ta.- -&e .te# are tied 3it& Boi#e State or t&e mo#t BCS bo3l 3in# by a team rom a non-AB 6on eren6e" 9a#t year 3a# t&eir #e6ond 6on#e6uti?e #ea#on 3it& double digit 3in total#" -&i# all pre#ent# t&em 3it& a #6&edule t&at i#n@t ea#y< but de inately not too mu6& to &andle" Eordan Wynn mu#t get adCu#ted to t&e o en#e ;ui6kly< a# to be in good #&ape or t&e #ea#on opener again#t 7itt#burg&< my pi6k to 3in t&e Big Aa#t" -&i# i# a ?ery

young team< a# t&ey mu#t repla6e , #tarter# rom t&e 2!!0 de en#e (in6luding All-Ameri6an 9B Ste?en#on Syl?e#ter) and $ on o en#e" Ge#pite t&e#e lo##e#< &ead 6oa6& Kyle W&itting&am &a# t&i# team in a po#ition to make one la#t run at t&e (ountain We#t title be ore mo?ing to t&e 7a6 1! 6on eren6e" Schedule: 7itt#burg&< .*95< H*e3 (e1i6o< San Eo#e St"< H2o3a St"< HWyoming< Colorado St"< HAir For6e< -C.< H*otre Game< HSan Giego St"< BD. Wit& .ta& on t&e mo?e< t&i# 6ould be t&e la#t meeting bet3een t&e#e t3o &i#tori6al ri?al# or a e3 year#" A 3in 6ould al#o #e6ure a t&ird #traig&t #ea#on 3it& ten or more 3in#" Bowl Prediction: 7oin#ettia Bo3l

3. '=7- Alt&oug& t&ey don@t &a?e a BCS 3in to #&o3 or it< t&e Cougar# &a?e 3on ten or more game# in ea6& o t&eir la#t our #ea#on#" -&i# year< t&ey #&ould be rig&t ba6k in t&e mi1 in t&e (ountain We#t" -&ere are t&ree key 6omponent# t&at make me 3a?e a red lag in my mind" %ne i# t&eir la6k o e1perien6e on bot& #ide# o t&e ball< a# t&ey only return 12 total #tarter# rom la#t year@# 11-2 #;uad" Anot&er 3eak #pot in t&i# ootball team i# at ;uarterba6k< 3&ere unpro?en< true re#&man Eake 4eap# &a# to repla6e #e6ond all-time #6&ool pa##ing leader (a1 4all" 4e mu#t be ready out o t&e gate< a# t&e Cougar# &a?e to a6e Wa#&ington< Air For6e< Florida State< and *e?ada in t&e ir#t our game# o t&e #ea#on" -&i# take# me to my t&ird ;ue#tion point" A mont#ter #6&edule eature# #i1 po##ible lo##e#< i# ar belo3 BD. #tandard#" Schedule: Wa#&ington< HAir For6e< HFlorida St"< *e?ada< H.ta& St"< San Giego St"< H-C.< Wyoming< .*95< HColorado St"< *e3 (e1i6o< H.ta&

Eake 9o6ker and a mu6& impro?ed Wa#&ington team 6ome# into 9a?ell Ad3ard# Stadium on t&e ir#t 3eek on t&e #ea#on and #&ould pro?ide a &uge te#t to t&e young de en#e" A 3in 3ould gi?e BD. 6on iden6e going or3ard to Air For6e" Bowl Prediction: 9a# 5ega# Bo3l

!. 5ir 2orce- -&e triple option atta6k o Air For6e i# e1tremely underrated< a# 2 t&ink it 3a# t&e #e6ond be#t in t&e 6ountry be&ind only 8eorgia -e6&" -&e 6enter point o t&at o en#e 3a# ull ba6k Eared -e3< but tailba6k A#&er Clark< BB -im Ee er#on< and W=K Eonat&an War>eka 3ill al#o be &uge a6tor#" -&e Fal6on# look to be ?ery #u66e## ul t&i# year< a# t&e u#e o 3ar ta6ti6# and tri6k# are pre#ent on t&e ootball ield" -&i# i# a team 3it& a lot o e1plo#i?e talent t&at 6ould be a dark &or#e #leeper in t&e (ountain We#t t&i# #ea#on" Schedule: *ort&3e#tern St"< BD.< H%kla&oma< HWyoming< *a?y< Colorado St"< HSan Giego St"< H-C.< .ta&< HArmy< *e3 (e1i6o< H.*95 All t&e Armed For6e# team# 3ill be impro?ed t&i# year< and a 3in again#t ri?al *a?y 3ill be e##ential or Air For6e to 3in t&e Commander-in-C&ie -rop&y" Bowl Prediction: Armed For6e# Bo3l

5. 0yomin$- -&e Co3boy# &a?e been #3imming Cu#t belo3 ")!! or t&e mu6& o t&i# de6ade" 9a#t #ea#on< t&ey 6ame up out o t&e 3ater to take a breat& o a bo3l game" Could t&i# be t&e year t&ey #tep onto dry land and ind t&eir 3ay into t&e top 2) or t&e

ir#t time #in6e 10//J Well< t&ey mig&t &a?e been able to i it 3eren@t or t&e deadly #6&edule 3&i6& t&ey mu#t a6e" Schedule: Sout&ern .ta&< H-e1a#< Boi#e St"< Air For6e< H-oledo< H-C.< .ta&< HBD.< San Giego St"< H*e3 (e1i6o< H.*95< Colorado St" From game :2 to game :/< Wyoming play# + team# t&at &a?e more talent t&an t&em" % t&o#e game#< t&i# i# t&e ea#ie#t< and a mu#t 3in or 6on iden6e" Bowl Prediction: 2ndependen6e Bo3l

8. +an Die$o +tate- -&e A>te6# are trying to break a ten year bo3l droug&t" -&e non6on eren6e #6&edule i#n@t loaded< gi?ing t&i# team a legimate #&ot" A?eryt&ing 3ill &a?e to 6li6k or San Giego State to make a bo3l game po##ible< but 2 t&ink it 3ill" A #i1t& bo3l member 3ould be &uge or t&i# 6on eren6e" Schedule: *i6&oll# St"< H*e3 (e1i6o St"< H(i##ouri< .ta& St"< HBD.< Air For6e< H*e3 (e1i6o< HWyoming< Colorado St"< H-C.< H.ta&< H.*95 -&i# i# one o t&o#e e?enly mat6&ed game# t&at t&e A>te6# mu#t 3in in order to make a bo3l game" Bowl Prediction: *e3 (e1i6o Bo3l

9. %olora4o +tate- -&e =am# &a?e &ad i?e 3inning #ea#on# t&i# de6ade< but la#t year 3a#n@t one o t&em" Gon@t e1pe6t t&i# year to be great or CS. eit&er" Schedule: Colorado< H*e?ada< H(iami (%&")< 2da&o< -C.< HAir For6e< .*95< H.ta&< *e3 (e1i6o< HSan Giego St"< BD.< HWyoming

-&e =am# al3ay# play t&eir in-#tate ri?al# toug&< and t&ey 3ill need to bring t&eir ' game to &ang 3it& a 6limbing Bu aloe# team"

:. 7;L-- -&e e1perien6e i# t&ere< but t&e talent #imply i#n@t" *ot only t&at< but t&e =ebel# turn o?er a ne3 6oa6& and play a #6&edule t&at doe#n@t plan on treating t&em kindly" Schedule: Wi#6on#in< H.ta&< H2da&o< *e3 (e1i6o< *e?ada< HWe#t 5irginia< HColorado St"< -C.< HBD.< Wyoming< Air For6e< HSan Giego St"< H4a3aii -&i# i# one o only a 6ouple 3inable game# eatured on .*95@# brutal #6&edule"

<. ;ew Me>ico- -&roug&out mo#t o t&i# de6ade< t&e 9obo# &a?e &o?ered Cu#t abo?e ")!! e?ery year" -&e la#t t3o year#< &o3e?er< t&ey &?e allen ;uite a bit #&ort o a bo3l appearan6e"

Schedule: H%regon< -e1a# -e6&< .ta&< H.*95< .-A7< H*e3 (e1i6o St"< San Giego St"< HColorado St"< Wyoming< HAir For6e< HBD.< -C.

-&i# i# anot&er 6on eren6e t&at &ad &ope# o getting an automati6 BCS bid a 6ouple year# ago a ter bot& Boi#e State and 4a3ai@i &ad played in a BCS bo3l game" *o3< t&oug&< t&eir &ope# are #eeming dim" -&i# i# mainly be6au#e Boi#e State i# lea?ing or t&e (ountain We#t ne1t year< but t&ey@re not t&e only team lea?ing" 4a3ai@i may be6ome 2ndependent< 3&ile *e?ada and Fre#no

State bot& are 3aiting or o i6ial in?itation# to Coin t&e (ountain We#t" 2 t&at &appen#< t&en t&i# 6on eren6e 3ill be in #&amble#" For no3< t&ey &a?e at lea#t one more #ea#on< t&oug&< and #ome o t&e top team# 3ill try to make t&e mo#t o it"


7roCe6ted Standing#
1. 'oise +tate- 2n #imple term#< t&e Bron6o# are L35DED" -&ey return 2! total #tarter# rom la#t year@# team< a team t&at 3ent 1'-! and 3on t&e Fie#ta Bo3l" % t&o#e many returning #tarter#< Eeremy A?ery< Au#tin 7etti#< -itu# Doung< and Eeron Eo&n#on are in6luded" -&e mo#t notable returnee< t&oug&< i# ;uarterba6k Kellen (oore" (oore t&re3 or $0 tou6&do3n# to only $ inter6eption# in 2!!0< and i# rig&t in t&e t&i6k o t&e 4ei#man 6on?er#ation &eading into &i# Cunior #ea#on"

9a#t year< Boi#e State #6ored orty-plu# point# in ten game#" -&e o en#e 3ill be more impro?ed t&i# year< 3&i6& 3ill lead to e?en more point#" *obody &a# e?er doubted t&e o en#e< t&oug&" W&at e1pert# ;ue#tion i# t&e de en#e" -&ey do lo#e t&eir top 6ornerba6k< Kyle Wil#on< but G- Billy Winn and SS Eeron Eo&n#on are among t&o#e t&at 6an #tep up and lead t&i# de en#e" And alt&oug& t&e de en#e 3a#n@t among t&e be#t in t&e nation la#t #ea#on< t&i# group only #urrendered eig&t point# again#t t&e &ig& po3ered %regon o en#e t&at 3ent on to play in t&e =o#e Bo3l at t&e end o t&e #ea#on" -&e argument again#t putting non AB 6on eren6e team# (parti6ularly Boi#e State) in t&e national 6&ampion#&ip game i# t&at t&ey didn@t play a #6&edule toug& enoug& to pro?e t&at t&ey 6ould &andle an opponent like Alabama" -&i# #6&ool &a# tried to #et up game# again#t &ea?y3eig&t# rom BCS 6on eren6e#< but &a?e been turned do3n in mo#t 6a#e#" -&i# year< t&ey mig&t a6tually &a?e put toget&er a #6&edule toug& enoug& to gi?e t&em a 6a#e or t&e title game i t&ey go unde eated" 2 t&ey 3in out in impre##i?e a#&ion< a# 2 t&ink t&ey 3ill< 3&y not at lea#t gi?e t&em a 6&an6e at 3inning t&e big game in 8lendale< Ari>onaJ
Schedule: 5irginia -e6& (FedA1 Field)< HWyoming< %regon St"< H*e3 (e1i6o St"< -oledo< HSan Eo#e St"< 9oui#iana -e6&< 4a3ai@i< H2da&o< Fre#no St"< H*e?ada< .ta& St"

Anybody 3&o doe#n@t t&ink t&i# i# Boi#e State@# bigge#t game i# 6ra>y" 2 t&ey 3in t&i# game in 6on?in6ing a#&ion and go on to 3in t&e re#t o t&eir game# t&e #ame 3ay< t&ey 6ould end up playing or t&e national title at t&e end o t&e #ea#on" Bowl Prediction: *ational C&ampion#&ip 8ame 2. ;e,a4aAult and t&e &a?e been Coa6& C&ri# Wol 7a6k building up to

t&i# #ea#on or a long time" Colin Kaeperni6k i# a #enior t&i# year< and t&e duel t&reat BB &a# &im#el in t&e 4ei#man 6on?er#ation or t&e ir#t time in &i# 6areer" 4e i#n@t t&e only o en#i?e talent on t&i# team< t&oug&< a# *e?ada return# nine #tarter# on t&at #ide o t&e ball" -&e o en#e 3ill be good< but &o3 about t&e de en#eJ Alt&oug& t&e de en#e 3a#n@t good la#t year< an# do &a?e rea#on or &ope" Si1 #tarter# rom 2!!0 6ome ba6k< and e?en t&oug& t&e de en#e de initely 3on@t great< it #&ould be de6ent enoug& to gi?e t&e o en#e a 6&an6e to #6ore more t&an t&e opponent"
Schedule: A" Wa#&ington< Colorado St"< Cali ornia< HBD.< H.*95< San Eo#e St"< H4a3ai@i< .ta& St"< H2da&o< HFre#no St"< *e3 (e1i6o St"< Boi#e St"< H9oui#iana -e6&

-&i# i# one o t&ree game# t&at *e?ada 6ould eit&er 3in or lo#e" Win# in ea6& o t&e#e 6onte#t# 6ould gi?e t&e Wol 7a6k a 12-1 regular #ea#on ini#&" Bowl Prediction: Kra t Fig&t 4unger Bo3l

3. 2resno +tate- -&e Bulldog# 3ere predi6ted to 3in t&e WAC in 2!!/" 2n#tead< t&ey mounted a di#appointing ,-+ re6ord" 2n 2!!0< =yan (att&e3# emerged a# t&e nation@# leading ru#&er< a# &i# team ama##ed an /-) re6ord" (att&e3# 3a# t&e 12t& o?erall #ele6tion in t&i# #pring@# *F9 dra t" -&i# #ea#on< e1pe6tation# are not&ing &uge in Fre#no< #o t&e pre##ure 3ill not be t&ere a# it 3a# in @!/" -&i# i# good ne3# or 7at 4ill< a# &e &a# a 6&an6e to ;uietly build t&i# team into a double-digit 3inner" Senior ;uarterba6k =yan Colburn i# t&e mo#t notable on a li#t o 1) returning #tarter# rom la#t year@# team"
Schedule: Cin6innati< H.ta& St"< H(i##i##ippi< Cal 7oly< 4a3ai@i< *e3 (e1i6o St"< HSan Eo#e St"< H9oui#iana -e6&< *e?ada< HBoi#e St"< 2da&o< 2llinoi#

-&e re#ult o t&i# underrated mat6&up in Week 1 3ill gi?e u# a good idea o 3&ere t&e#e t3o team# are a ter bot& 3ent t&roug& turno?er rom la#t #ea#on" Bowl Prediction: *e3 (e1i6o Bo3l

!. Hawai'i- -&e Warrior# parti6ipated in t&e Sugar Bo3l in 2!!,< a# t&e t&ird team rom a non-AB 6on eren6e to play in a BCS bo3l game" .n ortunately< 8eorgia #laug&tered t&em< 3inning by a t&e #6ore o '1-1!" Colt Brennan< t&e #6&ool@# #e6ond all time leading pa##er< le t or t&e *F9@# Wa#&ington =ed#kin# a ter t&at magi6al #ea#on" 9a#t year< 3it& a +-, regular #ea#on re6ord< 4a3ai@i didn@t make a bo3l game or t&e ir#t time #in6e 2!!)" Senior# Bryant (oni> and 8reg Sala# look to lead t&i# team ba6k to #u66e##"
Schedule: .SC< HArmy< HColorado< C&arle#ton Sout&ern< 9oui#iana -e6&< HFre#no St"< *e?ada< H.ta& St"< 2da&o< HBoi#e St"< San Eo#e St"< H*e3 (e1i6o St"< .*95

-&i# to## up game i# one o a e3 t&at 6ould #eparate 4a3ai@i rom a ten 3in #ea#on and anot&er #i1 3in one" Bowl Prediction: 4a3ai@i Bo3l

5. Lo&isiana Tec.- A ter an /-) inal re6ord in 2!!/< t&e pre##ure to per orm 3a# &ig&er t&an e?er< but t&ey ini#&ed 2!!0 3it& a '-/ re6ord" W&en 2 look at t&eir #6&edule t&i# #ea#on< 2 #ee more team# t&at 3ill beat 9oui#iana -e6& t&an t&o#e 3&o 3ill lo#e to t&em< and don@t be #urpri#ed i t&i# mat6& la#t year@# WL9 total" Schedule: 8rambling St"< H-e1a# A&(< *a?y< Sout&ern (i##i##ippi< H4a3ai@i< .ta& St"< 2da&o< HBoi#e St"< Fre#no St"< H*e3 (e1i6o St"< HSan Eo#e St"< *e?ada

-&e re#ult o t&i# game 3ill &a?e a &uge e e6t on t&e mental #tate o t&i# team a# t&ey prepare to 6ro## t&e 7a6i i6 %6ean t&e ollo3ing 3eek and battle 4a3ai@i" 8. #4a.o- -&e 5andal# rea6&ed Cu#t t&eir #e6ond bo3l game e?er la#t #ea#on< and t&ey return ten de en#i?e #tarter# rom t&at team" .n ortunately or &ead 6oa6& =obb Akey< t&e o en#e i# not 3&at it 3a# la#t year< 3&i6& 6ould #trand t&em rom a bo3l game"
Schedule: *ort& Gakota< H*ebra#ka< .*95< HColorado St"< HWe#tern (i6&igan< H9oui#iana -e6&< *e3 (e1i6o St"< H4a3ai@i< *e?ada< Boi#e St"< H.ta& St"< HFre#no St"< San Eo#e St"

9. 7ta. +tate- -&i# i# an e1perien6ed team t&at return# 1+ total #tarter# (eig&t on ea6& #ide o t&e ball) to a team t&at 3ent '-/ la#t #ea#on" Alt&oug& t&ey &a?e a lot o ?eteran#< t&i# team doe#n@t &a?e t&e kind o lead-by-e1ample player# t&at are needed to 6reate a bo3l team"
Schedule: H%kla&oma< 2da&o St"< Fre#no St"< HSan Giego St"< BD.< H9oui#iana -e6&< 4a3ai@i< H*e?ada< *e3 (e1i6o St"< HSan Eo#e St"< 2da&o< Boi#e St"

:. ;ew Me>ico +tate- 2t doe#n@t #ay mu6& i you@re at t&e bottom o t&e WAC" -&e Aggie# al#o &a?en@t &ad a 3inning #ea#on #in6e 2!!2< and &a?en@t made a bo3l game #in6e 10+!" Schedule: San Giego St"< H.-A7< HKan#a#< Boi#e St"< *e3 (e1i6o< HFre#no St"< H2da&o< San Eo#e St"< H.ta& St"< 9oui#iana -e6&< H*e?ada< 4a3ai@i

<. +an "ose +tate- -&e Spartan# did make a bo3l game in 2!!+< but t&eir general la6k o #u66e## o?er t&e la#t 2! year# #&ould 6ontinue 3it& a poor team 6oming into t&i# #ea#on"

Schedule: H@Bama< HWi#6"< Sout&" .ta&< H.ta&< .C Ga?i#< H*e?ada< Boi#e St"< Fre#no St"< H*e3 (e1i6o St"< .ta& St"< H4a3aii< 9oui#iana -e6&< H2da&o

%on)erence 7+5
-&i# 6on eren6e &a# been 6on#idered one o t&e 3eake#t or a long time no3< and it@# time t&ey #tart to make a mo?e up t&e #tair#" -&i# mig&t be t&at year" Si1 team# rom t&i# 6on eren6e made a bo3l game la#t year" % t&o#e team#< t&e mo#t notable 3a# 4ou#ton< 3&o looked like a po##ible BCS bu#ter until #lipping up again#t .-A7 in Week '" S(. &ad t&eir ir#t 3inning #ea#on #in6e 10/'< and Sout&ern (i##i##ippi rounded out t&e de6ade 3it& anot&er bo3l appearan6e< 3&i6& ga?e t&em a 3inning #ea#on e?ery year t&i# pa#t de6ade" -&e uture look# good or t&i# 6on eren6e< too< a# a lot o talent return# rom a #u66e## ul year in 2!!0"


We#t 7roCe6ted S6&edule

1. Ho&ston- -&e Cougar# kno6ked o good %kla&oma State and -e1a# -e6& team# to rea6& $-! at t&e #tart o la#t #ea#on" 4eading into .-A7 in Week '< t&ey 3ere ranked :12 in t&e poll#" -&at@# a# &ig& a# t&ey 3ould get< t&oug&< a# .-A7 be6ame t&e ir#t o our di#appointing lo##e# in 2!!0 t&at dropped 4ou#ton@# inal re6ord to 1!-'" Coming into t&e 2!1! #ea#on< t&e e1pe6tation# are &ig& or t&i# team" Ca#e Keenum< 6oming ba6k or &i# #enior #ea#on< i# 1) yard# a3ay rom breaking Ke?in Kolb@# all time #6&ool pa##ing re6ord" Keenum< 3&o t&re3 or o?er )<!!! yard# la#t year< i# &ig& up on many pre#ea#on 4ei#man predi6tion li#t# (#ee pg"$)" 4i# team< on t&e ot&er &and< return# 1' total

#tarter# rom @!0" -&ey #port a #6&edule t&at #&ould #upport an unde eated #ea#on in t&ey &a?e no mental lap#e# like t&ey did la#t year" 2 t&ey do< in a6t< run t&e table and 3in t&e C.SA< 2 3ould be ?ery intere#ted to #ee 3&at t&e BCS doe# 3it& t&em (6on#idering Boi#e State and -C. go unbeaten al#o)" .n ortunately< t&e #6&edule mig&t not be di i6ult enoug& to 3arrant a BCS bert&" -ime 3ill tell" Schedule: -e1a# St"< .-A7< H.C9A< -ulane< (i##i##ippi St"< H=i6e< HS(.< H(emp&i#< .CF< -ul#a< HSout&ern (i##"< H-e1a# -e6& -&i# C.SA mat6&up in Galla# may be t&e toug&e#t game on 4ou#ton@# #6&edule< and t&e bigge#t ob#ta6le in t&e 3ay o an unde eated #ea#on in -e1a#@# 6apital" 2t may al#o de6ide t&e 3inner o t&e We#t di?i#ion" Bowl Prediction: Sun Bo3l

2. +M7- -&e (u#tang# &adn@t made a bo3l game in 2) year# prior to la#t #ea#on@# 4a3ai@i Bo3l appearan6e in 3&i6& t&ey de eated *e?ada ')-1!" -&e 2!!0 6ampaign ollo3ed ba6k-to-ba6k 1-11 #ea#on# in 3&i6& t&ey only beat -e1a# State and *ort& -e1a#" -&i# year@# team return# 1) total #tarter# rom la#t year@#< and t&ey &a?e t&eir be#t 6&an6e in a lon! time at 3inning t&e 6on eren6e" An e1plo#i?e team o 3ide re6ei?er# 3ill get t&e ball ;uite a bit< a# BB Kyle 7adron &a# a good #et o #kill#" Speedy re#&man =B Garryl Field# and a #olid de en#e 6ompliment t&i# pa##ing atta6k< and S(. #&ould &a?e a mu6& better team t&an t&ey did la#t #ea#on"

Schedule: H-e1a# -e6&< .AB< Wa#&ington St"< -C.< H=i6e< -ul#a< H*a?y< 4ou#ton< H-ulane< H.-A7< (ar#&all< HAa#t Carolina
Bot& t&e (u#tang# and t&e (id#&ipmen are ready to make big leap# t&i# year" -&i# non6on eren6e mat6&up in t&e middle o t&e S(.@# #ea#on i# #;uee>ed bet3een &ome 6onte#t# again#t -ul#a and 4ou#ton< bot& o 3&i6& 3ill &a?e &uge C.SA impli6ation#"

Bowl Prediction: 9iberty Bo3l

3. T&lsa- 9a#t year< t&e 8olden 4urri6ane ailed to make a bo3l game" At )-,< t&ey 3ere #till pretty 6lo#e" -&i# year@# team< e#pe6ially on o en#e< return# load# o o en#i?e talent" -&e de en#e< 3&i6& doe#n@t bring ba6k a# many player#< i# repla6ed by enoug& to get -ul#a ba6k on a 3inning pat&"
Schedule: HAa#t Carolina< Bo3ling 8reen< H%kla&oma St"< Central Arkan#a#< H(emp&i#< HS(.< -ulane< H*otre Game< =i6e< H4ou#ton< .-A7< Sout&ern (i##" -ul#a mig&t get a 6&an6e to end Sout&ern (i##"@# C.SA 6&an6e# in t&i# #ea#on inale"

Bowl Prediction: Aaglebank Bo3l

!. 7TEP- -&e (iner# ini#&ed 2!!0 3it& a '-/ re6ord" -&ey &a?en@t made a bo3l game in ' year#< and t&at #treak 6ould ?ery ea#ily e1tend to ) a ter t&i# #ea#on" Schedule: Arkan#a#-7ine Blu < H4ou#ton< *e3 (e1i6o St"< (emp&i#< H*e3 (e1i6o< =i6e< H.AB< -ulane< H(ar#&all< S(.< HArkan#a#< H-ul#a

5. Rice- -&e %3l# &a?e t&e e1perien6e< but not t&e talent to #eriou#ly 6ompete" Schedule: -e1< H*" -e1< *W< Bay< S(.< H.-A7< 4ou< H.CF< H-ul< H-ulane< AC.< .AB

8. T&lane- %nly 11 #tarter# return rom la#t year@# $-0 team"

Schedule: SA 9ou< (i##< H4ou< H=ut< Army< H-ul< H.-A7< S(.< S" (i##< =i6e< .CF< H(ar

C.SA Aa#t 7roCe6ted Standing#

1. %entral 2lori4a- -&e Knig&t# ini#&ed t&e 2!!0 #ea#on 3it& an /-) re6ord in6luding a 2'-') lo## to t&e =utger# in t&e St" 7eter#burg Bo3l" 2n 2!!,< .CF 3on t&e C.SA@# Aa#t Gi?i#ion" Gon@t be #urpri#ed i t&ey do t&at again t&i# year< led by a good de en#e t&at only allo3ed an a?erage o /$ ru#& yard# per game" Schedule: Sout& Gakota< *C State< HBu alo< HKan#a# St"< .AB< H(ar#&all< =i6e< Aa#t Carolina< H4ou#ton< Sout&ern (i##"< H-ulane< H(emp&i# =u##ell Wil#on and t&e Wol pa6k pre#ent a non6on eren6e 6&allenge in Week 2" Bowl Prediction: 4a3ai@i Bo3l

2. +o&t.ern Miss- -&e 8olden Aagle# #&ould &a?e a de6ent de en#e< but t&e o en#e only return# t&ree #tarter#" -&ey #till #&ould make a bo3l game< t&oug&"
Schedule: HS" Car< 75 A&(< Kan< H9-< (ar< AC.< H(em< .AB< H-ula< H.CF< 4ou< H-ul#

Bowl Prediction: *e3 %rlean# Bo3l

3. Mars.all- -&e bo3l team rom la#t year return# 1' #tarter# in 2!1!"
Schedule: H%S.< HW5< HB8< %&io< HS" (i##< .CF< HAC.< .-A7< H.AB< (em< HS(.< -ulane Bowl Prediction: St" 7eter#burg Bo3l

!. 75'- Schedule: FA.< HS(.< -roy< H-enn< H.CF< .-A7< H(i## St< HS" (i##<
(ar< AC.< (em< H=i6e

5. E%7- Schedule: -ul#< (em< H5-< H*C< HS" (i##< *C St"< (ar< H.CF< *a?y<
H.AB< H=i6e< S(.

8. Memp.is- Schedule: H(i## St< HAC.< ( -enn< H.-A7< -ul#< H9ou< S (i##<
4ou< -enn< H(ar< H.AB< .CF

M5% ProAecte4 'owl Teams

Temple- -&e %3l# &a?e a 4ei#man 6ampaign going or =B Bernard 7ier6e" %otable ames: Conne6ti6ut< H7enn State< %&io

Bowl Prediction: 9ittle Cae#ar# 7i>>a Bo3l

3.io- 9a#t year@# bo3l appearan6e 3a#n@t a luke" -&ey #&ould be ba6k t&i# year" %otable ames: H%&io State< H-emple

Bowl Prediction: 8(AC Bo3l

;ort.ern #llinois- -&e 4u#kie# #&ould emerge a# t&e (AC We#t 6&amp t&i# year" %otable ames: H2o3a State< -emple< HWe#tern (i6&igan

Bowl Prediction: Aaglebank Bo3l

0estern Mic.i$an- -im 4iller lea?e#< but t&e Bron6o# get 1$ #tarter# ba6k" %otable ames: H(i6&igan State< H*otre Game< *ort&ern 2llinoi#

Bowl Prediction: 4umanitarian Bo3l

+&n 'elt ProAecte4 'owl Teams

Mi44le Tennessee- 9a#t year@# ten 3in #ea#on 3a# t&e mo#t in #6&ool &i#tory" %otable ames: (inne#ota< -roy< Florida Atlanti6

Bowl Prediction: *e3 %rlean# Bo3l

2lori4a 5tlantic- Alt&oug& t&ey lo#e 0 o en#i?e #tarter#< t&e G #&ould be good" %otable ames: *ort& -e1a#< H(iddle -enne##ee< -roy

Bowl Prediction: 8(AC Bo3l

;a,y- -&i# 6ould be a breakout year or t&e (id#&ipmen" BB =i6ky Gobb# return# and t&e #enior #&ould t&ri?e in t&i# o en#e on6e again" -alent return# all o?er t&e ield< in6luding t&e de en#e" *a?y mu#t take ad?antage o t&i# opportunity< or t&i# may be t&e la#t year t&at *otre Game i# do3n" Schedule: (aryland< 8eorgia Sout&ern< H9oui#iana -e6&< HAir For6e< HWake Fore#t<
S(.< *otre Game< Guke< HAa#t Carolina< Central (i6&igan< Arkan#a# St"< Army

2 *a?y 3ant# to F3inF t&e 2ndependent#< t&i# i# a mu#t 3in game" Bowl Prediction: 7oin#ettia Bo3l

;otre Dame- Brian Kelly i# de initely t&e rig&t 6&oi6e or &ead 6oa6&" 2t may be a 6ouple more year# be ore t&e 2ri#& are #eriou# title 6ontender#< t&oug&" Schedule: 7urdue< (i6&igan< H(S.< Stan ord< HBC< 7itt< HW(< *a?y< -ul#a< .ta&< Army< H.SC Bot& team# #&ould make a bo3l game t&i# year< and t&i# i# a mu#t 3in or *G@# 6on iden6e" Bowl Prediction: C&amp# Sport# Bo3l

5rmy- -&ey #&ould 6ome 6lo#e< but 2 t&ink t&at a bo3l game i# Cu#t out o t&e Bla6k


2 u#ed 8oogle 2mage# and 7&il Steele@# 2!1! College Football 7re?ie3 maga>ine" -&ank you to bot&M 2 &ope you enCoyed my 2!1! 7re#ea#on College Football maga>ineM

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