Risk Management For Oasis

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Human Service Agencies Dr.

Carla Bluhm The Oasis ~ Caring for the Homeless and the Nearly Homeless Shamara Thomas Managing Risks: A New Framework This article is a"out managing ris s in organi#ations through a rule "ased model and alternative a$$roaches. Summary There are three categories of ris management% &reventa"le ris s' Strategy ris s' and ()ternal ris s. The first thing to create *hen starting an organi#ation is an effective ris management system. +hat ma es an effective ris management system is having a clear Ris !anagement

understanding of the ty$es of ris s that organi#ations face. ,or instance' if my grou$ o$erates a homeless shelter' then *e need to determine *hat $otential $ro"lems may occur in the shelter' *ith the occu$ants of the shelter' as *ell as the staff. (ven $ro"lems that may never occur should still "e ta en into consideration in order to $revent things from ha$$ening. -f *e can control it' then *e need to $revent it. Not all ris s *ill occur inside of the organi#ation. Some ris s *ill "e e)ternal and occur outside of the organi#ation. -n this case' natural and $olitical disasters' and ma.or economic shifts cannot "e avoided "ut organi#ations can modify their ris management system to accommodate these e)ternal factors. Organi#ations should have a rule "ased model "uilt should the occurrence of any defects or errors ha$$en. By having a rule "ased model or ris management system in $lace *ill lessen the cost of correcting any ris s the organi#ation encounters /0a$lan 1 !i es' 23425. Megan West Corporate Governance and Risk Management in eve!oping Market: A "ogic Ana!ysis and #roposa! -n this article tal a"out the im$ortance of choosing your "oard mem"ers' shareholders' and managers.

Human Service Agencies Dr. Carla Bluhm The Oasis ~ Caring for the Homeless and the Nearly Homeless Summary The article relates that the *ay these grou$s of $eo$le act and res$ond to certain situations *ithin the com$any can directly affect that com$anies *ell "eing. Since the "oard of directors mainly deal *ith decisions *ithin the com$any' it also 6$erforms its fiduciary duties such as monitoring the activities of management and selecting the staff for the firm.7 /8iaoyan' 23495 There are also t*o ty$es of directors *ithin the "oard' those no*n as outsider or inde$endent and insider. There is a distinguished name difference "ecause each has their o*n o$inions' vie*s' and $ersonalities. 6The "oard si#e should "e chosen *ith the o$timal com"ination of inside and outside directors7 /8iaoyan' 23495 so that there is less li ely to "e any "ias in any final decision in regards to the com$any. -n relation to our human service agency' Oasis: our "oard has "een set *ith "oth the insider *ho no*s *hat it;s li e to "e homeless and has dealt in this area "efore and the outsider *ho is eager to volunteer and lend a hel$ing hand to $rogress these individuals. $acey #opham Nonpro%it Risk Management This article gave an insightful "rea do*n of all the a$$ro$riate <uestions and to$ics related to ris management. Summary !ancuso first identified that ris management is the $rocess in *hich you identify all your legal and financial ris s in o$erating an organi#ation and ho* you can avoid them. -n ris management $lanning' it is im$ortant to identify ris s' assess the ind of effect each ris *ould have on the organi#ation' offer *ays of $revention' and outline strategies. To identify a ris ' you must first no* *hat a ris is. After defining *hat a ris is' loo closely at them to determine ho* they *ould affect your organi#ation. -t is "eneficial to research further to find out *hy Ris !anagement

Human Service Agencies Dr. Carla Bluhm The Oasis ~ Caring for the Homeless and the Nearly Homeless Ris !anagement

organi#ations are susce$ti"le to these ty$es of ris s. Then you can go even further and as yourself *hat ste$s you can ta e to $revent or minimi#e the ris . The ey o".ectives to

successfully managing ris s are to allo* your organi#ation to run under normal conditions and to outline the ste$s that have to "e follo*ed if an o$eration or $rocedure needs to "e changed. The article goes on to give a <uestions chec list that you need to "e a"le to ans*er *hen it comes time for annual revie*s. Trisa Chancey Risk Management Our te)t"oo % Managing the Challenges in Human Service Organizations, A Casebook, "y Austin' et. al.' 233=5 doesn>t have a s$ecific section for ris management' "ut - found three cases that seem to relate to the to$ic' and can assist *ith ris management at the Oasis. Summary Case ?.43 /$. 4325' 6Damage Control'7 addresses the ris of detrimental information a"out em$loyees 6lea ing7 to the $ress. The ris evaluated here is that of "eing "lasted in the Court of &u"lic O$inion or' if the findings are false' "eing ta en to court for *rongful firing. There is a very great ris in either case. Being tried in the Court of &u"lic O$inion can have lasting effects even if' ultimately' the charges "rought against the $erson are found to "e false. On the other hand' if the accusations are found to "e true' it is im$ortant that the issue "e addressed concisely. Case 9.? /$. ?@5' 6The &erfect Storm'7 $resents the case of a gentleman ma ing the "est choices he no*s ho*' and holding his em$loyees to a high standard of "ehavior' only to have untrue charges "rought against him' resulting in the loss of his .o". Ho*ever' he agreed to leave <uietly for a certain amount of money' so he really has no recourse. But it does sho* ho* false accusations can increase ris in any organi#ation' es$ecially a nonA$rofit.

Human Service Agencies Dr. Carla Bluhm The Oasis ~ Caring for the Homeless and the Nearly Homeless Ris !anagement

Case B.@ /$. 4B?5' 6-nformation Services Overload'7 addresses $a$er*or . There is a lot of $a$er*or that e)ists on a 6CCB7 /Cover Cour Butt5 "asis' attem$ting through a $a$er*or trail to ensure that client rights are $rotected' "ut that the organi#ation is $rotected as *ell. The $a$er*or theory is that if everyone is in agreement on $a$er' the $ossi"ility of the ris of misunderstanding decreases. Synthesis !egan>s article seems to "e a good $lace to start *ith ris management. Beginning ris management *ith the selection of the Board of Directors hel$s ensure that other ris s are minimi#ed. 0acey>s article is a good $lace to go ne)t' to identify $ossi"le ris s and create a $lan of action to counteract those ris s. Shamara>s article adds detail to the ris management $lan "y creating rules "y *hich decisions are made to reduce the ris inherent in our organi#ation. Ta ing into account the $u"licity ris s mentioned in our te)t"oo ' this e)$lains *hy it is im$ortant to avoid even the $ossi"le a$$earance of evil or *rongdoing.

Human Service Agencies Dr. Carla Bluhm The Oasis ~ Caring for the Homeless and the Nearly Homeless References Austin' !. D.' Brody' R.' 1 &ac ard' T. /233=5. Managing the challenges of human services organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: SA ! "ublications, #nc. 0a$lan' R. S.' 1 !i es' A. /23425. !anaging ris s% A ne* frame*or . Harvard $usiness %evie&, '(/B5' ?@AB3. !ancuso' !. /23425. Non$rofit ris management. The "hilanthro)ist, *+/95' 4=4A4=E. Retrieved from htt$%FFthe$hilanthro$ist.caFinde).$h$F$hilFarticleFvie*F=9=FE=4 8iaoyan' +. /23495. Cor$orate governance and ris management in develo$ing mar et% A logic analysis and $ro$osal. Canadian Social Science' '/95' 422A42?. Ris !anagement

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