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The Lords Day Worship Service

The First Sunday of Advent: December 1, 2013 ~ Ne !ity !hurch of !a"#ary

Welcome $e are #"ad you have %oined us today& $hether you are a !hristian see'in# to #ro in your re"ationshi( ith )esus !hrist, or a s'e(tic "oo'in# for ans ers, or someone ho is stru##"in# to ma'e sense of "ife and are "oo'in# for a carin# community, you are arm"y e"come here& $e*re #"ad you came& There is a nursery avai"ab"e for 'ids a#ed 0+2 years& ,ids are a" ays e"come in the service ith us too& After the Service -"ease stay around for some refreshments after the service and meet someone ne & .f you before, ("ease come say /0e""o&1 $e*d "i'e to ma'e that connection& Pastors John Ferguson & i!e "vancic e haven*t met

#eflections & Preparation for Worship O God, by Your power may we, together with all the saints, comprehend the breadth and length and height and depth of the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that we may be filled with Your fullness. Amen. ~ based on phesians !"#$%#&

In the Christian view, the ultimate evidence for the existence of God is Jesus Christ._ If there is a God, we characters in his play have to hope that he put some information about himself in the play. But Christians believe he did more than ive us information. !e wrote himself into the play as the main character in history, when Jesus was born in a man er and rose from the dead." # $imothy %eller, 'he (eason for God" )elief in an Age of *kepticism $he entire meanin of the incarnation is that God enters our human condition, embraces it, comes to where we are to save us. # &u ene 'eterson, +eap Over a ,all Could it be true, this Bethlehem story of a Creator descendin to be born on one small planet( If so, it is a story li)e no other. *ittle wonder a choir of an els bro)e out in spontaneous son , disturbin not only a few shepherds but the entire universe. # 'hilip +ancey, 'he -esus . /ever 0new Infinite and yet an infant. &ternal and yet born of a woman. ,lmi hty, and yet nursin at a woman-s breast. .upportin a universe, and yet needin to be carried in a mother-s arms. !eir of all thin s, and yet the carpenter-s despised son. # Charles !addon .pur eon 1

$od %alls &s To Worship +et everything that has breath praise the +ord. ~ 1salm #23"4
The Lighting of the Advent %andle

'he lighting of the Advent Candle depicts our growing e5pectation for the coming of Christ, the +ight of the world.
The %all to Worship 2eader: ' from #evelation ()*+,-. Psalm /*(,0

3reat and marve"ous are 4our deeds, 2ord 3od A"mi#hty5 )ust and true are 4our ays, ,in# of the a#es& $ho i"" not fear 4ou, 6 2ord, and brin# #"ory to 4our name7 For 4ou a"one are ho"y& A"" nations i"" come and orshi( 4ou5 We 1ill give than!s to 2ou3 4 Lord3 1ith our 1hole heart. We 1ill tell of all 2our 1onderful deeds5 We 1ill 6e glad and e7ult in 2ou5 We 1ill sing praise to 2our name3 4 ost 8igh5


8ymns of Praise & Worship 98o1 $reat 2ou Are: 6ur 3od is #reat The Father of creation 0is s("endor fi""s the earth The "i#htnin# crash The thunder sin#s 0is (raises The #a"a8ies can*t he"( but shout 0is orth chorus 9y sou" must sin# to 4ou an offerin# 0o #reat 4ou are 9y sou" must sin#, oh, "et the heavens rin# 0o #reat 4ou are 6h, ho #reat 4ou are The $ord made f"esh 3od*s (romise to the fa""en 0e came ith (o *r to save The "i#ht of "ife as crushed for our rebe""ion 0e died our death and rose u( from the #rave 6ur ,in# i"" come $ith trum(et b"asts resoundin# To c"aim 0is b"ood+ ashed bride 0e*"" rend the s'ies, descendin# in 0is #"ory And in an instant faith i"" turn to si#ht

9 a;esty of 8eaven: 9a%esty of heaven 4our #"ory fi""s the s'ies 2i#ht of the or"d 4ou are 2ord of a"" 0umb"ed by 4our (resence Ama:ed by $ho 4ou are Nothin# com(ares 4ou are 2ord of a"" chorus To 4ou the nations bo do n To 4ou creation cries out, 9a%esty A"" thin#s 4ou ho"d to#ether 4our Name i"" stand forever 9a%esty, 4ou are ma%esty

9ercifu" and mi#hty 9y heart is over he"med 4ou stand a"one 4ou are 2ord of a"" ;re(eat chorus<

brid#e 4our name above a"" others 0i#h and e8a"ted 4our ,in#dom sha"" rei#n forever 0i#h and e8a"ted ;re(eat chorus<

$od $raciously #ene1s &s in %hrist 6ave mercy on me, O God, in Your faithful love, in Your great tenderness wipe away my offenses7 wash me thoroughly from my guilt, purify me from my sin. ~ 1salm 2#"#%8
%all to %onfession 2eader: ' from the Prophet "saiah ))*<,=

The -ro(het .saiah dec"ared, /See' the 2ord hi"e 0e may be found= ca"" on 0im hi"e 0e is near& 2et the ic'ed forsa'e his ay and the evi" man his thou#hts& 2et him turn to the 2ord, and 0e i"" have mercy on him, and to our 3od, for 0e i"" free"y (ardon1 ;.saiah >>:?+@<&

Prayer of %onfession 2eader: 9ost ho"y and #racious Father, e ac'no "ed#e and confess before 4ou that our sinfu" natures are (rone to evi" and s"o to do #ood& 4ou a"one 'no ho often e have sinned in anderin# from 4our ays, in astin# 4our #ifts, and in for#ettin# 4our "ove& $e are ashamed and sorry of a"" the ays in hich e have dis("eased 4ou& ' Silent confession & reflection &nison* erciful Lord3 teach us to hate our errors5 %leanse us from our 1andering 1ays and forgive our sins through Jesus %hrist our Savior5 $rant us 2our po1er that 1e might live in 2our light and 1al! in 2our 1ays3 according to the commandments of Jesus %hrist our Lord3 1e pray5 Amen5

The Words of the $ospel 2eader: . dec"are this sure (romise: /The 2ord is com(assionate and #racious, s"o to an#er, aboundin# in "oveA&For as hi#h as the heavens are above the earth, so #reat is 0is "ove for those ho fear 0im= as far as the east is from the est, so far has 0e removed our trans#ressions from us1 ;-sa"m 103:B, 12<& >ecause of 2our Love: )esus, 4ou endured my (ain Savior, 4ou bore a"" my shame A"" because of 4our "ove 9a'er of the universe C Dro'en for the sins of the earth A"" because of 4our "ove C A"" because of 4our "ove chorus

Song of #esponse

Decause of 4our cross 9y debt is (aid Decause of 4our b"ood 9y sins are ashed a ay No a"" of my "ife . free"y #ive Decause of 4our "ove Decause of 4our "ove . "ive .nnocent and ho"y 'in# Died to set the ca(tives free A"" because of 4our "ove 2ord 4ou #ave 4our "ife for me So . i"" "ive my "ife for 4ou A"" because of 4our "ove A"" because of 4our "ove ;re(eat chorus< 4ou did it for me 4ou did it for "ove .t*s 4our victory )esus, 4ou are enou#h ;re(eat< ;re(eat chorus<

$od #eceives 4ur 4fferings 9:lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. ;or where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.< # Jesus, in /atthew

The Prayers of the People for the %ity3 %hurch & World 2eader: &nison* /2et us (rayA1
;The "eader (rays for s(ecific reEuests as the assemb"y (rays a"on# ith him<&

94ur Father in heaven3 hallo1ed 6e 2our name5 2our !ingdom come3 2our 1ill 6e done3 4n earth as it is in heaven5 $ive us this day our daily 6read3 And forgive us our de6ts As 1e also have forgiven our de6tors5 And lead us not into temptation3 6ut deliver us from evil5: For the !ingdom3 the po1er3 and the glory are yours3 ?o1 and forever5 Amen5

The Presentation of our Tithes and 4fferings

This co""ection of our tithes and offerin#s is for those ho consider Ne !ity !hurch their church fami"y and re#u"ar"y benefit from her ministry& .f you are visitin# ith us, ("ease fee" no ob"i#ation to #ive& 8ymn of Praise & Worship 9%ome3 Thou Long,@7pected Jesus: !ome, thou "on#+e8(ected )esus Dorn to set Thy (eo("e free From our fears and sins re"ease us 2et us find our rest in Thee .srae"*s stren#th and conso"ation 0o(e of a"" the earth Thou art Dear desire of ev*ry nation )oy of ev*ry "on#in# heart )oy to those ho "on# to see Thee Days(rin# from on hi#h, a((ear !ome, Thou (romised Fod of )esse 6f Thy birth e "on# to hear 6*er the hi""s the an#e"s sin#in# Ne s, #"ad tidin#s of a birth 3o to 0im, your (raises brin#in# !hrist the 2ord has come to earth !ome to earth to taste our sadness 0e hose #"ories 'ne no end Dy 0is "ife 0e brin#s us #"adness 6ur Fedeemer, She(herd, Friend 2eavin# riches ithout number Dorn ithin a catt"e sta"" This the ever"astin# onder !hrist as born the 2ord of a"" Dorn Thy (eo("e to de"iver Dorn a chi"d and yet a ,in# Dorn to rei#n in us forever No Thy #racious 'in#dom brin# Dy Thine o n eterna" S(irit Fu"e in a"" our hearts a"one Dy Thine a""+sufficient merit Faise us to Thy #"orious throne

$od $ives &s 8is Words of @ternal Life +ord -esus, to whom shall we go= You have the words of eternal life> +et Your word dwell in us richly, that whatever we do, in word or deed, we may do everything in Your name, giving thanks to the ;ather through You. # based on John 0106, Colossians 7150458

Todays Scripture Lesson* $enesis +*(,()

9And Then "t All Went Wrong:

)ohn Fer#uson, 2ead -astor

1 9ow the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the *ord God had made. !e said to the woman, :id God actually say, ;+ou shall not eat of any tree in the arden-(" 2 ,nd the woman said to the serpent, <e may eat of the fruit of the trees in the arden, 3 but God said, ;+ou shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the arden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.-" 4 But the serpent said to the woman, +ou will not surely die. 5 =or God )nows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be li)e God, )nowin ood and evil." 6 .o when the woman saw that the tree was ood for food, and that it was a deli ht to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to ma)e one wise, she too) of its fruit and ate, and she also ave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. 7 $hen the eyes of both were opened, and they )new that they were na)ed. ,nd they sewed fi leaves to ether and made themselves loincloths. 5

8 ,nd they heard the sound of the *ord God wal)in in the arden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the *ord God amon the trees of the arden. 9 But the *ord God called to the man and said to him, <here are you(" 10 ,nd he said, I heard the sound of you in the arden, and I was afraid, because I was na)ed, and I hid myself." 11 !e said, <ho told you that you were na)ed( !ave you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat(" 12 $he man said, $he woman whom you ave to be with me, she ave me fruit of the tree, and I ate." 13 $hen the *ord God said to the woman, <hat is this that you have done(" $he woman said, $he serpent deceived me, and I ate." 14 $he *ord God said to the serpent, Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestoc) and above all beasts of the field> on your belly you shall o, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life. 15 I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offsprin and her offsprin > he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.

$od Feeds &s 8is %ovenant eal ;rom the east and the west, from the north and the south, people will come and take their places at the ban?uet in the 0ingdom of God. # based on *u)e 5712?
A Word A6out Participating in The Sacrament of The Lords Supper The 2ord*s Su((er is a s(ecia" fami"y mea" that !hrist #ave to 0is Dride, the !hurch& For %hristians, this mea" is a time to receive these si#ns and sea"s of the Ne !ovenant hich !hrist has estab"ished ith them& De"ievers come to this Tab"e to meet ith their 2ord and Saviour by faith, to be rene ed by 0im and stren#thened in their ca""in#s and mission as they eat the bread and drin' the ine& Therefore, all 6aptiAed %hristians ho trust in !hrist a"one as their 2ord and Saviour, ho are connected to a church that (roc"aims 0is 3os(e", and ho are at (eace ith their fe""o be"ievers, are invited to come to the Tab"e& "f you are not yet a %hristian , or if for hatever reason you are not (re(ared to share in this mea", e ou"d encoura#e you to s(end this time in (rayer ;(erha(s usin# one of the (rayers "isted be"o <& !onsider the invitation of )esus, /. am the bread of "ife= hoever comes to me sha"" not hun#er, and hoever be"ieves in me sha"" never thirstAfor my Father*s i"" is that everyone ho "oo's to the Son and be"ieves in 0im sha"" have eterna" "ife, and . i"" raise him u( at the "ast day1 ;)ohn ?:3>, G0<& $e ou"d as' that children 1ho have not yet professed 6elief in the 2ord )esus a"so refrain from (arta'in# unti" doin# so& The (astor ou"d be de"i#hted to s(ea' to fami"ies about hat it means to (artici(ate in the 2ord*s Su((er& The Words of "nstitution

9'he +ord -esus, on the night he was betrayed took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, @'his is my body which is for you. Ao this in remembrance of me.B .n the same way also he took the cup, after supper, saying, @'his cup is the new covenant in my blood, do this as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.B ;or as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the +ordBs death until he comes.< ~ # Corinthians ##"8!%84
The Sacrament of The Lords Supper Please come for1ard 6y ro1s to the center ais"e and form a semi+circ"e in front of the Tab"e to receive the bread and the ine& $hen finished, ("ace your cu( at the side tab"es and (roceed to your seat via the outer is"es& .f you are unab"e to come for ard, e ou"d be de"i#hted to serve you at your seat& ?e1 %ity %hurch uses 1ine in serving the Lords Supper & $e ou"d encoura#e you to ta'e of the ine since it is a symbo" of %oy and ce"ebration in Scri(ture& 0o ever, ;uice is also provided if you cannot drin' ine due to hea"th reasons or issues of conscience& Prayers for Those ?ot %ommuning A Prayer Searching for the Truth* )esus, 4ou c"aim to be the ay, the truth, and the "ife, and that no one comes to the Father e8ce(t by 4ou& .f hat you c"aim is true, ("ease #uide me and teach

me& 6(en to me the rea"ity of ho 4ou are& 3rant that . mi#ht be undaunted in fo""o in# 4ou as . consider the reasons for doin# so& 3ive me an understandin# of 4ou that is coherent, convincin#, and "eads to the eterna" "ife that 4ou (romise& Amen& A Prayer of Trust in the Lord Jesus* )esus, . confess that . am more bro'en, f"a ed, and sinfu" than . had ever before dared to admit& 4et 4ou te"" me that . am more "oved than . ever dared to ho(e, and that 4ou acce(t a"" ho turn to 4ou in sim("e faith& . am doin# that ri#ht no & . than' 4ou for ta'in# the %ustice that my sins deserved hen 4ou died on the !ross& . ea#er"y trust 4ou for the for#iveness for my sins, and . receive from 4ou no the eterna" "ife that 4ou (romise to a"" ho come to 4ou& Amen& A Prayer for Those Struggling 1ith Sin* 2ord )esus, 4ou 'no the batt"e that ra#es ithin my heart& 3rant that in my batt"es ith sin, . may see in 4ou the fu"fi""ment of a"" my needs& 3ive me stren#th to turn from every fa"se satisfaction to find my u"timate %oy in 4ou& Hnab"e me to "ay aside the sin that c"in#s so c"ose"y to me, and fi"" me ith your S(irit to run ith (erseverance the race you have set before me, "oo'in# to 4ou, the (ioneer and cham(ion of my faith& Amen& A Prayer for %hildren B1ho have yet to profess faithC* )esus, the Dib"e te""s me that 4ou b"essed 'ids "i'e me& 0e"( me to 'no ho 4ou are and to understand hat 4ou have done for me& Amen& %ommunion 8ymns 6 #reat 3od of hi#hest heaven 6ccu(y my "o "y heart 6 n it a"" and rei#n su(reme !onEuer every rebe" (o er 2et no vice nor sin remain That resists 4our ho"y ar 4ou have "oved and (urchased me 9a'e me 4ours forevermore . as b"inded by my sin 0ad no ears to hear 4our voice Did not 'no 4our "ove ithin 0ad no taste for heavenIs %oys 94 $reat $od: Then 4our S(irit #ave me "ife 6(ened u( 4our $ord to me Throu#h the #os(e" of 4our Son 3ave me end"ess ho(e and (eace 0e"( me no to "ive a "ife ThatIs de(endent on 4our #race ,ee( my heart and #uard my sou" From the evi"s that . face 4ou are orthy to be (raised $ith my every thou#ht and deed 6 #reat 3od of hi#hest heaven 3"orify 4our Name throu#h me

9Jesus "s the ?ame A6ove All ?ames: 3reat !reator of the heavens and the earth 4ou 'no every star by name A esome (o er is revea"ed in a"" 4our or's And forever 4ou i"" rei#n Fi#hteous Soverei#n over history and time And one day every 'nee i"" humb"y bo And every ton#ue confess a"oud that chorus )esus is the name above a"" names 0e is orthy of a"" (raise )esus is the name above a"" names $ho""y 3od yet fu""y man $hat a mystery that 4ou "eft 4our throne on hi#h To return ith nai"+scarred hands

,in# of 'in#s for end"ess days -erfect isdom in the mercy of the !ross Sti"" .*"" never understand $hy a rebe" so un orthy of such cost $ou"d be ransomed by 4our hand ;re(eat chorus< 98osanna: . see the ,in# of #"ory !omin# on the c"ouds ith fire The ho"e earth sha'es The ho"e earth sha'es . see 0is "ove and mercy $ashin# over a"" our sin The (eo("e sin# The (eo("e sin# chorus 0osanna, hosanna 0osanna in the hi#hest 0osanna, hosanna 0osanna in the hi#hest . see a #eneration Fisin# u( to ta'e their ("ace $ith se"f"ess faith $ith se"f"ess faith . see a near reviva" Stirrin# as e (ray and see' $e*re on our 'nees $e*re on our 'nees ;re(eat chorus< 0ea" my heart and ma'e it c"ean 6(en u( my eyes to the thin#s unseen Sho me ho to "ove "i'e 4ou 0ave "oved me Drea' my heart for hat brea's 4ours Hverythin# . am, for 4our ,in#dom*s cause As . a"' from earth into eternity ;re(eat chorus<

4ur %onfession of Faith 2eader: &nison* 2et us confess our faith to#etherA

' Philippians 0*),((

We 6elieve in our hearts and confess 1ith our lips that %hrist Jesus3 96eing in very nature $od did not consider eDuality 1ith $od something to 6e grasped3 6ut made 8imself nothing3 ta!ing the very nature of a servant3 6eing made in human li!eness5 9And 6eing found in appearance as a man3 8e hum6led 8imself and 6ecame o6edient to deathEeven death on a crossF 9Therefore $od e7alted 8im to the highest place and gave 8im the name that is a6ove every name3 that at the name of Jesus every !nee should 6o13 in heaven and on earth and under the earth3 and every tongue confess that Jesus %hrist is Lord3 to the glory of $od the Father5 Amen5:

$od Sends &s 4ut "nto The World With 8is >lessing 9God has shown you what is good. And what does the +ord re?uire of you= 'o act Custly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.< # from /icah 016
2eader: /No may the 3od of (eace ho brou#ht a#ain from the dead our 2ord )esus, the #reat She(herd of the shee(, by the b"ood of the eterna" covenant, eEui( you ith everythin# #ood that you may do 0is i"", or'in# in us that hich is ("easin# in 0is si#ht, throu#h )esus !hrist, to hom be #"ory forever and ever1 ;0ebre s 13:20+21<& AmenF


Than!s For Worshiping With ?e1 %ity %hurch

$e*re de"i#hted to have had you ith us today& .f you are "oo'in# for a ("ace to e8("ore !hristianity and its "ife+ chan#in# re"evance, e ho(e that you i"" find Ne !ity !hurch a safe ("ace to as' Euestions and to #ro in your understandin# of the (erson and mission of the 2ord )esus !hrist& .f you have any Euestions about Ne !ity !hurch, !hristianity, or the uniEueness of )esus of Na:areth, ("ease don*t hesitate to as' us& 4ou can contact -astor )ohn at %ohnJne citychurch&ca or ca"" G03&KK1&>>>>& .f you or' in the do nto n area, touch base ith -astor 9i'e .vancic ho a"so or's in do nto n& 4ou can contact 9i'e at mi'eJne citychurch&ca or ca"" G03&B2B&22G1&


%ommunity Life


onthly Potluc! Luncheon "s Today After The Service 6n the first Sunday of every month, e ce"ebrate a mea" to#ether after the service& -"ease stay and %oin us5 GGG4ur childrens Sunday School classes 1ill put on a lighthearted presentation of the ?ativity story5

Junior 8igh $irls >i6le Study $roup A"" #ir"s a#ed 12 to teens are invited to %oin us for a time of bib"e study and fe""o shi( t ice a month, on Friday evenin#s from @+K(m& Danie""e Deatty and Sharon -eters i"" be "eadin# the #rou( thou#h a study of 3od"y characteristics for youn# omen, usin# the boo', /-o"ished !ornerstones1 by -am Forrester& For more information, contact Danie""e Deatty at G03+3??+ @33? beattyGJsha &ca or Sharon -eters at G03+2@G+K200 sharon&(etersJte"us&net & 9eetin# dates and "ocations for 2013: December 13+ !hristmas event, "ocation TDA

Premise* A %hristianity Worth Thin!ing A6out 6ur /-remise1 meetin#s are desi#ned to ans er your Euestions and to he"( you articu"ate and defend the true truth of !hristianity in the mar'et ("ace of ideas& $e i"" be continuin# our series, /Are there #ood reasons to be"ieve that 3od e8ists7 0o can . 'no 71 )oin us ne8t Sunday evenin# as e "oo' at the e8istence of 3od from the case for mora"ity& Do e need 3od to be #ood, or can mora"ity be #rounded in somethin# e"se7 !ome and brin# your Euestions a"on# ith your thin'in# ca(s as -astor )ohn (resents this case usin# e8am("es from cu"ture and fi"m& ?e7t eeting* Sunday3 Decem6er () H <pm5

Do1nto1n Study 3race on the Do is a ("ace here you are invited and e"comed to e8("ore and "oo' at the s(iritua" issues that "ie at the heart of "ife& $e e8amine this s(ecifica""y from a !hristian (ers(ective in order to discover hat hi#h"y re"evant resources this ancient faith (rovides to our contem(orary or"d and hy it matters& $e fu""y antici(ate and #enuine"y e"come (eo("e re#ard"ess of their (ersuasion and current state in their s(iritua" %ourney& .n other ords, a"" our e"come& $e i"" meet every Thursday at the She"" Dui"din# ;G00 G Avenue S$< from 12:00 noon to 1:00& $e meet at the foyer on the main f"oor to si#n in and the #o u( to our meetin# room& For more detai"ed information contact 9i'e .vancic at G03&B2B&22G1 or mi'eJne citychurch&ca All songs used 6y permission5


!!2. "icense L 2@3300& -arts of the orshi( service are ada(ted from or re(rinted by (ermission from The Worship Sourcebook, c& 200G, !F! -ub"ications& %are %ommission 9any of you may or may not 'no that Ne !ity !hurch has a !are !ommission& The (ur(ose of the !are !ommission is to he"( or#ani:e mea"s or other ty(es of care to those in our con#re#ation ho are in need in the ho(es of b"essin# them and sho in# our su((ort and e"", care5 $e have a "ist of (eo("e at Ne !ity ho are active"y a (art of the !are !ommission and ho e can ca"" on to (rovide a mea" to others in the con#re#ation ho are in need& .f you are ne to Ne !ity and ou"d "i'e to be a(art of the !are !ommission, ("ease "et "et 0o""y 9c!abe or 3ay"e Hn# 'no & And, .f you are ever in need of this service ;or 'no someone in the con#re#ation ho is< ("ease donIt hesitate to contact 0o""y or 3ay"e& Special Than!s from Jason Duec! & S!ateLife /Than' you to everyone ho (artici(ated, donated, vo"unteered, or made coo'ies for S'ate2ifeIs ?th annua" hoc'ey day in !a"#ary5 S(ecia" than's to 3ay"e for he"(in# or#ani:e a team from Ne !ity !hurch5 The day as a hu#e success& $e ere ab"e to reach our #oa" of MG>,000& 3od is #ood51 ~ )ason Wee!ly Servants Schedule

$iving &pdate

G?on,?%% indicates funds raised outside the con#re#ation of Ne

!ity !hurch to aid in this church ("antin# (ro%ect&

?e1 %ity %hurch 4nline5 Nisit us N!! on"ine at &Ne !ity!hurch&ca& 0ere, you can find our sermons O sermon notes (osted& 4ou can a"so subscribe to our sermons via iTunes& )ust search for /Ne !ity !hurch !a"#ary1 and you can find us on iTunes& $e*re a"so on Faceboo' O have a b"o# for those ho are not on Faceboo' as e""&



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