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Conservation and Ecotourism in Penang National Park



Conservation and Ecotourism in Penang National Park

Sunset at Pantai Kerachut, Penang National Park. Photo by Forest Ang (2006)

A Final Thesis Presented to

The Academic Department
Of the School of Social and Human Studies
In the Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of Master in Conservation and Natural Resources

Copyrighted material use for reference without any restriction.

Contact Author at:



Acknowledgements 4

Abstract 5

Chapter 1: General Introduction 7

Chapter 2: Definition of the Issue 12

Chapter 3: Dynamics of the Anticipated Solution 16

Chapter 4: Overall Outcomes 19

Chapter 5: Analysis 60

Chapter 6: Conclusions 67

References 72

Appendix I National Park Enactment 74

Appendix II Newspaper Cuttings 76

Appendix III Wildlife Department Organization Chart 83

Appendix IV Rules and Regulations In The Penang National Park 84

Appendix V Department of Wildlife and National Parks Penang 85

Appendix VI Local Parks and Wildlife Reserves in Peril 86

Appendix VII Email to the MNS group on Penang National Park Draft Plan. 90

Appendix VIII Comments sent to Wildlife Department 92

Appendix IX Map of Penang National Park 95


My grateful thanks to my family for being the main inspiration for my project. I
would also like to record my thanks to Dr Chan Lai Kheng, Jungle Leong, Joy Lee
and the committee of the scientific expedition of Pantai Acheh project, for providing
me with help and information on the park. I am also indebted to Dr. Gopalla, Ms
Wong and Ms Ang for their assistance in writing this dissertation.

Penang National Park was declared on 4th April, 2003 and gazetted under the National
Parks Act on April 10, 2003. It is a timely step towards the protection of Penang‟s
conservation and natural resources. The increasing population density and the
advancement in modern infrastructures will continue to contribute to the increase of
stress to nature resources. The creations of National Parks are related to the
philosophy of conservation and natural resources. It has been accepted that the
original thought of National Parks was as recreational forests. Today, they are much
more than that. They are concerned with the protection of our natural resources
including water catchments areas, forestry, natural heritage, and management of
wildlife, educational and scientific research interest and tourism. They are essential
for a quality life of Malaysians. In Malaysia, the National Parks Act 1980, National
Parks (Amendment) Act 1983 (NPA) developed to protect and assure the natural
heritages are well defined for the well being of Malaysia. As human population and
food resources become increasingly sacred and more critical, the future of our
national parks to protect the natural habitat of the flora and fauna are being
challenged. Although it is unrealistic to assume that these places will provide
sufficient refuge, it warrants the intervention of proper management system on
policing and enforcement of the National Parks‟ acts. I wish to demonstrate how
proper management is crucial and necessary in a protected National Park for the
conservation and protection of its natural resources.

(Word count for the dissertation: 22,863 words approximately)

Fig 1: Rocky coast of

Penang National Park
Figure 2: Satellite Photo of Penang National Park. It is the
smallest National Park in the World. Note the perimeter of
1.5 km of sea incorporated into the National Park.
Photo extracted from Draft Plan of Penang National Park.

Muka Head

Teluk Bahang
Chapter 1: General Introduction

1.1 Contextual Data

In the article, Local Parks and Wildlife Reserves in Peril (Appendix VI), Hilary
Chiew, an environment columnist of the STAR (7th June, 2005) wrote, “Malaysia is
not short of parks and wildwife reserves but are these sites being managed for
conservation or have they merely been turned into new destinations for mass
tourism?” He cited an example of the management of the Endau-Rompin National
Park in Johore on the setting up of a petting zoo as an added attraction for visitors.
The plan is puzzling. Is the park short on nature appreciation programmes or is it just
keen to provide a crowd-pleasing activity in the hope of increasing visitor numbers?
(Hilary, 2005)

Ecotourism and conservation are synonym to the survival of the wilderness. One can
no longer assume that the natural areas that we take for granted in the past, such as
good beaches, waterfalls and forest trails would still be there for our enjoyment (Chia,
2003) Chia in fact attributes that they will remain only if they are legally protected.
How right he is! It is with this dissertation, that I wish to research on and to show that
being legally protected does not conform well if proper management and conservation
are not represented with care.

Penang National Park was declared by Datuk Abdullah Badawi, the Acting Prime
Minister on 4th April, 2003. It was subsequently gazetted on the 10th of April 2003
(P.P. No: 80, Pelan Warta 736). It is no doubt Penang National Park will now be
protected. These have undoubtedly hastened the development fund from the Federal
Government as from then, Penang National Park will be under the funding of the
Federal Authority.

The fast paced development projects undertaken will increasingly be an issue that
might affect the balance of conservation of nature and the ecotourism.

The reason I choose conservation and the ecotourism aspect of Penang National Park
was the so called state of development on the fragile environment. Already some of
the unrealistic approaches by the authority merely on the interest of a few have
taxpayers‟ money being spent unnecessarily and wastefully. Concrete bridges were
being rebuilt with wooden structures. Cemented signboards were replaced with
timber. The useable chalets at Sg Tukun were taken over by the Wildlife Department
but were left rot until now. They were ransacked and left to rot merely because the
authority concerned has no proper plan for the facilities.

It was on this basis that I believe that the conservation and ecotourism aspect of
Penang National Park would make an excellent case study to examine some of the
issues come to be represented within this park:

 how development of the park could be detrimental to the of conservation of

the natural environment of the protected area
 how exposure of the park has provide heavy usage of the trails and causing
unnecessary erosion, trash and stress to the fauna and flora.

1.2 Background Information

This chapter will look into the beginning of the initiative to lobby for the park. The
later part of the chapter will provide details of the committees and the course taken
until the successful declaration of Penang National Park.

Geographically, Penang National Park is situated on the northwest corner of Penang

Island. The park is considered to be the smallest national park in the world. It covers
an area of 1462 ha of which 1181 ha on land and 1381 ha in the marine zone. It was
the first national park to be gazetted under the National Parks Act of 1980 (Refer
Appendix I). Part of the park had been logged between the late 1910s and the late
1930s. The area has seen been silviculturally treated (Ong and Dhanarajan, 1976).
Despite being logged previously, however, there are currently about 72 ha of virgin
jungle reserve left in the park and these areas are floristically rich (Leong, Undated).

Despite its small size, Penang National Park processes some unique characteristics.
Among them, its diversity of ecological habitats, the rich fauna and the number of
unique flora found. The Penang National Park is one of the few remaining areas on
Penang Island which still comprises natural rainforest and small mammals. It offers a
wide variety of ecosystem from mangrove to sandy beach, rocky coastal lowland and
dipterocarp hill forest.

In 1959, the then Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve was first proposed to be gazetted as a
national park or state park initiated by a group known as Committee for the
Preservation of Areas of Natural Beauty, Pulau Pinang (Quek, 1998).

In an official memorandum in 1976, the MNS, Penang Branch requested the state
government of Penang to elevate Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve to that of a national

Between October to November 1978, the MNS, Penang Branch with the collaboration
with School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia(USM) conducted a
natural resources survey on the park. In that brief survey; 25 species of mammals, 53
species of butterflies, 46 species of birds and considerable variety of marine life (such
as sea anemones, corals, mollusks, crustaceans, echinoderms and sea turtles) were
recorded. This list is, however, far from being comprehensive (Quek, 1998).

Again in November 1985, the – MNS, Penang Branch in a memorandum to the

Structure Plan Unit advocated that Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve be designated as a
national park in the Penang Island Structure Plan (Quek, 1998). Although the state
government did nothing about the memorandum, it did recognize the importance of
the conservation of PAFR by commissioning two comprehensive studies on “The
Penang Environmental Conservation Strategy” and “The Balik Pulau Drainage

In 1999, the MNS Penang Branch‟s executive committee in the monthly meeting
proposed to follow up with the Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve proposal of 1985. A
fundraising campaign was organized. Programs were organized to collect fund.
Finally, in 2000, a scientific expedition was organized at the park. Below was the list
of the steering committee for the project.

Fig 1.1: Steering committee for the Scientific Expedition

Fig 1.2: Group Photograph of Volunteers for the Expedition

There were numerous trekking trails, some were very remote and found along the
ridges. Only several trails were well used and marked by the former Forestry
Department and presently under the jurisdiction of the Wildlife Department. The
Wildlife Department, being supported by the federal funding had embarked on many
Fig 1.3 : A remote trail in
the Penang National Park

The Seminar – The Case for a State Park

The seminar entitled “Conservation of Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve: The Case for A
State Park” had provided a case for the State Government to declared PAFR as a
National Park. The expedition and research for the seminar had been an important
instrument in reporting and documenting the findings for future reference.

The seminar was jointly organized by Malaysian Nature Society, Penang Branch and
Universiti Sains Malaysia with cooperation of State Forest Department, State Wildlife
Department and Penang Fisheries Research Institute. The objectives of the
proceedings are (Chan LK, 2003):-
· present the scientific findings regarding the ecosystem well being and unique
biodiversity of PAFR
· create public awareness and obtain their views on the need to protect and conserve

The seminar papers presented were:-

a) Towards a System of Conservation Areas in Penang
By YB Chia Kwang Chye, Parlimentary Secretary, Ministry of Energy,
Communications and Multimedia, Malaysia
b) The Conservation of Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve: The Universiti Sains
Malaysia‟s Involvement
By Mashhor Mansor, Head of Environmental Research Sector USM
c) Creation of Protected Areas in Penang
By Misliah Mohamad Basir and Sivananthan Elagupillay
d) Should Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve be a State Park or a State National Park
for Penang?
By Lee Shok Mee and Leong Yueh Kwong
e) Potential of Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve of Penang (PAFR)
By James Leong, Ang Sek Chuan and Sam Teng Wah
f) The Geography, Climate and hydrology of Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve
By Chan Ngai Weng, Wan Ruslan Ismail and Abdul Latif Ibrahim
g) Formation of the meromictic lake at Pantai Kerachut and preliminary readings
on water temperature and salinity
By Ibrahim Jaafar and Adrian J. Chang
h) Notes on the macrofungi of Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve
By Darah I., Siti Nurdijati B. and Baharudin Sulaiman
i) Notes on Termite Spesies Diversity in Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve, Penang
Island, Malaysia
By Chow-Yang Lee, Peng-Soon Ngee, Leng-Choy Lee and Julie Na
j) Prelimary Study on the Distributions of aquatic insects in Pantai Acheh Forest
Reserve, Penang Island, Malaysia
By Che Salmah, M.R., Jongkar G. and Abu Hassan, A.
k) Fern distribution in Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve
By Chan Lai Keng, Choy Li Lee, Ang Boon Haw, K.S.Han, Koh Wan Yee, J.
Runting, Boey Huey Fern, Goi Wai Fun, P.L.Boey, and Looi Kok Soon
l) Notes on the distribution of riparian plants at Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve,
By Norhidayat K., M. Asyraf and Mashhor Mansor
m) The dicotyledoneae (Angiosprem) from the Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve
By Shaida Fariza Sulaiman and Siti Nurdijati B.
n) The diversity and species composition of forest vegetation in Pantai Acheh
Forest Reserve
By M. Asyraf and Ahmad Sofiman Othman
o) Mangrove in Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve
By Foong Swee Yeok, Kumaradevan S. and Lock C.H.
p) A survey of medicinal plants in Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve
By Chan Lai Keng, Choy Li Lee, Ang Boon Haw, K.S.Han, Koh Wan Yee,
N.Singaram, Punitha, Boey Huey Fern, Moktar bin Shomdar
q) The herpetofauna of Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve
By Ibrahim Jaafar, Shahrul Anuar Md. Sah and Roswadi Che Yusoff
r) Avifauna survey of Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve
By Kanda Kumar
s) Mammalian diversity at Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve
By Ibrahim Jaafar, Shahrul Anuar Mohd. Sah and Rosnida Roskan
t) Vertebrates collected and recorded during the MNS-USM Pantai Acheh Forest
Reserve expedition
By Shahrul Anuar M.Sah and Ibrahim Jaafar
u) Growth and development of young captive Rattus surifer from Pantai Acheh
Forest Reserve expedition
By Adrian J. Chang and Ibrahim Jaafar
v) The fish, prawn, crab and gastropods assemblages of Kerachut meromictic
lake, Penang
By Ahmad Husin Alias, Md. Akhir Arshad, Abdul Haris Hilmi and Abdul
Razak Latun
w) Fish Diversity of Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve, Penang, Malaysia
By Amirrudin A., Yusri Y., Siti Azizah M.N. and A.B.Ali
Chapter 2: Definition of the Issue

2.1 Statement of the Issue

I was interested in doing a project on the Penang National Park as I had many years of
experiences of walking the trails. The passion for walking the trails has eventually
helped me to write a trail book “Selected Nature Trails of Penang Island” and was
published by Malayan Nature Society in 1999.

My initial plan on my dissertation was to write about the ecotourism and the natural
features of the Penang National Park. However, I was alarmed by the extensive
infrastructure development after the Wildlife Department took over the park from the
Forestry Department. Many unnecessary developments were seen. The park was in a
“dilemma”. I “regretted” being an accomplice to turn the Forest Reserve into a
National Park. Should the park be as what it was as a Forest Reserve then these
unnecessary developments might not have taken place. But then again, Forest Reserve
can be exploited into tourism area.

To document every aspect of the park, I have to cover the whole area in the park and
would involve extensive criss-crossing of the trails. I have to monitor the on going
development of unnecessary infrastructures. The walks were carried out in the course
of several years since 2000 from the start of the scientific expedition.

The reservation that while I have walked through many of the trails, I felt that I need
to revisit them to update the many sections that may have changes over time. I felt it
would be interesting to capture the people‟s feelings about the park, that this in itself
would be an interesting subject which could not be included in this dissertation.

2.1 Description of the Issue

The bulk of literatures written on the biodiversity of the national park were done by
students and researchers from the Universities. I could not find any writing on the
conservation and ecotourism aspect of the park. Resources for writing this thesis were
limited and hence most of the contents were done by walking the trails over a period
of years beginning from 1985 as a casual hiker to author for trail book to trail
manager and lately as an undergraduate for this thesis.

In terms of fauna, the park is reasonably rich in small mammals, birds and insects.
Besides the common wild boar and mouse deer, one would occasionally find tree
shrew, slow loris, flying lemur, sea otters, pangolin and civet cat. “There is even
reported sighting of the clouded leopard.” (Quek, 1998). A strayed leopard cat was
found some 20km away from the park in May 2004, which confirmed that leopard cat
are indeed common in Penang and the park in particular. Other updated details of the
flora and fauna found in the park can be found in the compilation of the seminar
papers in the book, Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve, The Case For A State Park, 2003,
edited by Chan Lai Kheng.
Pantai Kerachut, one of the popular beaches in the park holds a seasonal lake that is
visible only between the months of March to August. It formed under very special
condition when the sea water meets with fresh water from nearby streams. The
westerly monsoon built up the sand embankment and thus dammed up the enclosure
to form a seasonal lake. What is intriguing about the lake is that both layers somehow
remain unmixed! This renders the lake one of its special features. Scientifically
known as “meromictic lake”, it has two distinctively different temperature with warm
salt water lying underneath the cool fresh water. This lake is unique as it is the only
known meromictic lake in the country.

The seasonal lake was most of the time silted with mud. At the river mouth, the waves
bring in sand and the estuary has sandy bottom. The tsunami of 26 Dec, 2004 had
brought in an embankment of sand into the fronting of the lake, has in a way affected
the diversity of the mud creatures that thrive on the mud, they include musllous, and

During weekdays and in the late evenings or early morning when human present are
not felt, one may sometimes catch sight of sea otters bathing in the lake. The
surrounding gelam trees (Eugenia spp) when flowers, attract various species of insects
and birds. A study by Ahmad et. al.,(2000) found at least 13 fish species, 3 crab
species, 4 species of shrimps and 2 common gastropods at the meromictic lake.

Other added attraction of Pantai Kerachut is the nestling sites for two of the seven
species of world seaturtles. The Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) arrive between the
months of April to August and are subsequently followed by the Olive-Ridley
(Lepidochelys olivacea) from September to February. Infact, Penang and Trengganu
are the only know breeding sites for the Olive-Ridleys in Malaysia (Quek, 1998).
Three turtles were reported by Ibrahim (2000), namely Green turtle, Hawksbill turtle
and Olive-Ridleys turtle. The name “Green Turtle” is actually derived from the colour
of its fat content. A mature turtle would grow to about 1 m and weight almost 150kg.
The fact that green turtles are herbivorous feeding on seagrass and sea algae are a
testimonial that the sea off Penang National Park is rich in biodiversity of sea grasses
and sea algae. Occasionally, the waves brought to the shore sea weeds and sea fans. A
turtle hatchery was established at the southern end of Pantai Keracut by the Fishery
Department in 1995.

The researches on this former forest reserves did revealed substantial amount of flora
and fauna unique to this part of Penang.

The papers from the proceeding of the PAFR scientific expedition reveal the rich
biodiversity. There were about 53 species of macrofungi (mushrooms and toadstools)
were encountered from the study areas from undisturbed areas especially at Pantai
Kerachut, Pantai Mas and Teluk Kampi (Darah et. al., 2000) A total of 24 species of
termites from 5 subfamilies and 14 genera accounted about 15% of the total species of
termites in Peninsular Malaysia. The diversity is considered high for a relatively small
areas (Chow et. al., 2000). Forty-four taxa representing 28 families and nine orders of
aquatic insects were collected from the five streams. The relatively high scores of
aquatic insects indicated all streams were in good condition (Che Salmah et. al., 2000)
The 55 fern species recorded in the park made up about 11% of the 500 species of
ferns recorded in Peninsular Malaysia. Among the recorded ferns, several uncommon
and rarely seen ferns were found in the park (Chan LK et. al., 2000) Different type of
riparian plants composition lead to the rich diversity of the stream ecosystem. A total
of 28 families, 46 genera and 51 species of riparian plant have been recorded at the 12
sampling stations (Norhidayat et. al., 2000) Shaida et. al. (2000) had identified 327
species of tree (from the class Dicotyledoneae) from the listed 342 species by Raich
and Turner (1989). Turner (1990) classified this area as a coastal-hill forest dominated
by the Shorea-Eugeisonna complex and he has recorded 350 species of trees in the
park. Many of the tree species found were rare and indigenous to the park (Shaida et.
al, 2000)

In the paper, Foong SY et. al. (2000) wrote; “The reclaiming rate of mangrove for
alternative use increases as the demands for coastal lands grow. At the same time,
more studies have revealed the usefulness of mangroves in maintaining channel depth
(Wolanski et al., 1992), provide coastal protection during exceptional storm events, as
rich fishing and nursery grounds for various aquatic species (Chong 1996) as well as
sanctuary and migratory stops for birds (Chan et al., 1993); Sasekumar, 1996). To top
it all mangrove also performs as a living laboratory for school children to study the
unique adaptation features of flora and fauna in this harsh yet fascinating ecosystem”.

Natural disaster like the tsunami of 26 Dec., 2004 had created a sudden important for
the mangroves in the survival of the coastal inhabitants. Politicians began to realize
that mangroves formed a very important part in the ecosystem such as a buffer for
human civilization. The present of only a hectare of mangrove (Foong SY et. al.,
2000) in the park will from now be appreciated. Already, the mangrove population at
the remotest beach of Pantai Mas has rejuvenated. The size of 2 football field of
mudflat is now growing with young mangrove trees. Truly, nature has taken its

The park also has rich diversity of known medicinal plants. A total of 77 plant species
in the park could be considered as medicinal plants (Chan LK et. al., 2000). Among
the commonest was Eurycoma longifolia or locally known as Tongkat Ali.

The study of herpetofauna (reptiles and amphibians) done by Ibrahim et. al. (2000)
collected 44 species of reptiles from 13 families. There were 14 lizards, 6 species of
tortoises and turtles, and 24 snakes. Nineteen species of amphibians were present
including one caecilian, 8 species of toads, 9 species of frogs and one treefrog. The
Simpson Diversity Index for the herptiles is quite high with a value of 0.96 (Ibrahim
et. al., 2000)

As for the avifauna (study of birds), a reasonably healthy diversity of bird species of
151 species form 38 families were present (Kanda, 2000). The park also harbors 31
species of mammals from 14 families in 9 orders. From the 31 species of mammals,
six species are listed as totally protected mammal, nine species are listed as other
protected mammal while 16 species are not protected under Protection of Wildlife Act
1972 (Ibrahim et. al., 2000) As for the bats population, 4 species from the family of
Pteropodidae were recorded (Shahrul & Ibrahim, 2000) The Pteropodids defecates
seeds in flight and while roosting (Phue & Corlett, 1989; Tan et al., 1999) making
them an important seed dispersal agent in the forest.
Department of Wildlife and National Parks (Perhilitan) is the government agency
responsible for the implementation and enforcement of the Protection of Wildlife Act
1972. There are two categories for animal protection in the act. Schedule I is for the
totally protected wild animals consisting of 55 species of mammals and five species
of reptiles. They are gazetted from being hunted, killed, kept, sold or exported.
Schedule II is for protected wild animals which consist of 17 species of mammals and
two species of reptiles. They are similarly protected by law but may be hunted, killed,
kept, sold or exported subject to conditions and permits.

The extensive documentations and researches on the park eventually helped turned
the Forest Reserve into a National Park. Within a short span from April 2003, the park
was flowing with development activities – from building of unnecessary pavements,
to building of bridges, to rebuilding, to repainting and wastages. These so called
developments on fragile environment had caused much stress to the flora and fauna of
the park. And it is with this reason; a thorough study to investigate the issue was
Chapter 3: Dynamics of the Anticipated Solution

A comprehensive trail map and description is set out in Chapter 4. The detailed
description of the trails will provide the basis for undertaking my research questions.

3.1 Goals and Objectives of the Issue

My research questions as mentioned in Chapter One were:

 how development of the park could be detrimental to the of conservation of

the natural environment of the protected area
 how exposure of the park has provide heavy usage of the trails and thus
causing unnecessary erosion, trash and stress to the fauna and flora.

The uniqueness of the park partly lies in its isolation and partly in the variety of its
steep terrain. In order to uncover these themes an extensive trail exploration were
undertaken. The trail explorations were done on all the network of trails, both
common and popular as well as those remote and rarely used. These fieldworks were
taken over a period of a several years. Most of my earlier notes were done
subconsciously unaware of this dissertation. Repeated trail trekking to the more
popular trails were done to get up-to-date information on the extensive development
of the park. The fieldworks were an important part of this research, since I was
researching the development of the park and trying to uncover how the development
have caused stress to the natural resources of the park.

The Penang National Park draft plan listed six environmental risks from the effect of
tourism. They are:

i) Ecosystems – the risks are:

a) construction of accommodation, visitors centers, infrastructure, and other
services has a direct impact on the environment from vegetataion
removal, animal disturbance, elimination of habitats, impacts on
drainage etc
b) Wildlife habitat may be significantly changed by all kinds of tourist
development and use.

ii) Soils – the risks are:

a) Soil compaction can occur in well used areas.
b) Soil removal and erosion also occurs and may continue after disturbance
is gone.

iii) Vegetation – the risks are:

a) Concentrated use of facilities has a negative effect on vegetation
b) Transportation may have direct negative impacts on the environment –
vegetation removal, weed transmission, animal disturbance.
c) Fire frequency may change due to tourists and park tourism
iv) Water – the risks are:
a) Increased demands on fresh water
b) Disposal of sewage or litter into streams, lake and the sea.
c) Release of oil and fuel from boats
d) Propeller – driven watercraft may effect certain aquatic plants and

v) Air – the risks are:

a) Motorised transportation may cause pollution from emissions both
terrestrial and marine.

vi) Wildlife – the risks are:

a) Hunting and fishing may change population dynamics
b) Introduction of exotic species.
c) Impacts occur on insects and small invertebrates from effects of
transportation abs introduced species.
d) Disturbance by visitors can occur for all species including that are not
attracting visitors.
e) Impact of disturbances beyond the breeding, eating and movement of
f) Marine fauna may be hurt or killed by boat impacts or propeller.
g) Habituation to humans can cause changed wildlife behavior.

With the six environmental risks mentioned, it becomes apparent that any extensive
development will surely affect a combination of the elements. Therefore, it is
necessary to uncover all possible areas in my research.

Based on the risks from the Draft Plan, the objectives to investigate the following
issues were anticipated:-
1. To investigate the unnecessary development that has affected the ecosystem.
2. To investigate soil erosion that has caused by heavy usage.
3. To investigate degrading or destruction of vegetation
4. To investigate water usage and pollution.
5. To investigate air pollution.
6. To investigate wildlife stress, disturbances and lost.

3.2 Methodology

Walking the Trails

The bulk of research would not be complete without actually having walked all the
trails in the park and recording the findings. This is aimed at getting the actual data
and supportive findings that may not be available if only limited trails were walked.

With reference to the trail map, the trails were marked according to the marked
numbers used in the Pantai Acheh Scientific Expedition; drawn and marked by myself
in the year 2000. There are typically 15 main trails crisscrossing the park. Some trails
were practically very remote and not frequented by hikers. Several popular trails were
walked several times.

Development at these popular trails were extensive and changes can be seen in a week
or two. Photographic pictures were documented as evident for my research. The
photographic evident were displayed in my website
( for the public awareness.

To begin, a trail map and the description are set below. This provides the backdrop for
undertaking of my research questions

Fig 3.1: Trail Map of Penang National Park

Chapter 4 : Overall Outcomes

This chapter will look into the following areas:-

4.1 Trails Route

4.2 Interviews
4.3 Potential of Penang National Park
4.4 Pictorial account of the Park
4.5 Current Management of the park

Fig 4.1: Trail Routes of PNP

The trail routes covered were as follows:

Trail Description of the Route

1 Trail 1 runs along the coast from Teluk Bahang until Teluk Duyung
passing through Pasir Pandak, Sungai Tukun, Tanjung Pandang, Teluk
Aling, Tanjung Duyong, Teluk Duyong and ending at Muka Head. It was
subdivided into 5 sectors, namely Trails 1A till 1E

2 Trail 2 is the trail starting from Teluk Duyong cutting across the valley to
Teluk Ketapang.

3 Trail 3 is the ridge trail and the longest trail in the park that transverses
from the north to the south ending at Kampung Pantai Acheh. It was
subdivided into Trails 3A till 3I.

4 Trail 4 is the trail that branch out from between 3A and 3B. It passes to
the highest peak in the north at Bukit Telaga Batu and slope down to the
coast in the west.

5 Trail 5 is a short trail branching from trails 1B and 1C to join trail 6A.

6 Trail 6 leads from Teluk Bahang to Pantai Kerachut cutting Trail 3B and
3C at the highest point of the route.

7 Trail 7 starts from the back of the flats at Teluk Bahang to join the ridge
trail at 3C and 3D.

8 Trail 8 centres around Tanjung Kerachut. It joins trail 6 at Pantai

Kerachut and trail 9 that joins to trail 10 and ending at the ridge trail.

9 Trail 9 starts from trail 6D and 6E at Pantai Kerachut and going south
ward on another ridge that late curves south west to Tanjung Kalok
between Teluk Kampi and Pantai Mas.
10 Trail 10 is the shortest trail in the park that join the two ridge trails of 9
and 3.

11 Trail 11 is from the United Hokkein Cemetery going uphill and cutting
trail 3 and descend to Pantai Mas.

12 Trail 12 branches off from trail 3G and 3I and runs north east to United
Hokkien Cemetery.

13 Trail 13 branches off between trail 3F and 3G and runs down to Pantai
Mas and Tanjung Gemeroh.

14 Trail 14 branches off between trail 3H and 3I and runs down to join trail
15B and 15A.

15 Trail 15 is the coastal trail from Pantai Acheh to Pantai Mas.

There are many trekking trails; some are very remote found along the ridges. They are
not well used and they were previously marked by the former Forestry Department.
New markings have been put up by the present authority, namely the Wildlife
Department. Since the transfer of authority to the Wildlife Department, many new
changes were being developed from the federal funding.


Length: 2.5 km 1½ hours
Recreational grading : 2.5
Condition: well used (Teluk Bahang to Teluk Aling)
natural (Teluk Aling to Teluk Duyung)
Use: crowded on weekends, some visitors during weekdays.

Fig 4.2 : Muka Head‟s lighthouse.

The most popular trail in the Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve is from Teluk Bahang to
Teluk Duyong and on to Muka Head lighthouse. This is one and a half hour walk
starting from a well trodden path from the office of Wildlife Department, Telok
Bahang. Follow this track along the coast. It leads past Pasir Pandak, a sandy beach
and arrives at a small stream with a rest hut and a bridge. After crossing the bridge
you will see a signboard indicating several different destinations. Take the right-hand
track which leads to the coast. Then follow the coastal track. After 7-10 minutes you
will reach a river called Sungai Tukun. There are several A-shaped huts by this river.
Walk across a suspension bridge and follow the coastal path further. The track climbs
gently in an undulating manner always along the coast and then descends slowly to
Teluk Aling.

There is a short stretch of sandy beach at Teluk Aling. On the left is the Universiti
Sains Malaysia (USM) biological field station. There is a jetty which serves as a
landing place for boats ferrying students and workers from Teluk Bahang jetty to the
field station. It will take you 10-15 minutes to reach this jetty from Sungai Tukun.

At the end of the short Teluk Aling beach, the track to Teluk Duyong continues. The
direction is straight ahead, following the coast until one reaches the next beach.
Before bridges and wooden walkways were built by the Wildlife Department, tracking
on this part of the trail was described, “The first 15 minutes of the track can be rather
intimidating for nervous hikers. The gang planks spanning rocks and boulders are
improvised from fallen telephone poles or wooden beams. Many of them are so rotten
that crossing them involves some peril. You will come across at least three of these
crossings. Some hikers refer to this part of the trek as an „adventure trail.‟ Due to the
difficult progress and depending on the number of hikers in your group, the journey
could take longer then expected.” (Ang, 1999) It normally takes 30-40 minutes to
reach Teluk Duyong from Teluk Aling. At the end of the trek there are many big
boulders between you and the beach. This was also being remedied by building silted
bridge on the boulders.

The lighthouse is visible from this end of the beach. To reach it, walk the full length
of the beach to the other end. Then climb the long flights of steep steps to reach the
top. It will take you about 30 minutes to reach the top, where you will be rewarded by
a panoramic view of the sea as well as Pulau Songsong and Gunung Jerai (Kedah

The lighthouse was built in 1883. Its revolving light flashes every 20 seconds. There
is a useable well in the compound of the lighthouse. Ask the guard politely and he
will be pleased to show you around.

A night hike from Teluk Duyung to Muka Head‟s Lighthouse was taken on 24 Dec
2004 between 8.30 -1030pm. It was a quite night with the full moon coming 2 days
later. There were no breeze and no nocturnal animal seen. I was expecting to see toad
and frog but was only greeted by the glittering green eyes of the spiders.

Teluk Duyung is also called monkey beach and it lies on the north of Penang Island. It
is the northern most coast in Penang. It is a private land covering the surrounding low
land. The beach is about 1 km long and 200 meters wide. It stretches right to the foot
hill. On the slope of the foothill, there is a durian orchard and rubber trees. The rubber
trees were abandoned but traces of recent trapping were seen as the price of rubber
has increased. As for the lowland, coconut palms were planted indiscriminately. Teluk
means bay and duyung means mermaid. Literally, the beach means Bay of Mermaid.
It is a shallow bay where larger boats cannot land on the beach during low tide. It is a
suitable place for swimmers as the shallow bay provide good place for people to swim
and picnic.

The beach at Teluk Duyung was noticeably dirtier during the period I was there from
the 24th till 26th December, 2004 with much rubbish washed ashore. There were two
sweepers who came early in the morning during low tide to sweep the beach. I
interviewed the sweeper and he explained that the Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang
(MPPP) or Penang Town Council employed him to do the cleaning of the beach. He
had the contract from the council and he brought his son to help along. The contract
covered 3 beaches, namely Teluk Aling (USM), Teluk Duyung dan Pantai Kerachut.
He will sweep the beach twice a week. For Teluk Duyung, he has his chores on
Wednesday and Sunday. He was paid RM100 per day with boat and engine supplied
by the council. The fuel will be bond by him. The council gives strict rules that no
rubbish should be burnt. The rubbish collected should be carried by boat and deposed
in the town‟s waste dump. He was seen throwing some bigger items into the rubbish
dump infront of the bungalow. When asked, the sweeper said the area was not
covered by the contract and that the area is a private land. According to the sweeper,
there was more rubbish during the month of November to March when the northerly
wind is blowing. Less rubbish will be seen when the wind blow from the west. A
survey was done after the sweeper left and found that the sweeping was only
concentrated on the tourists‟ area rather than the area in front of the Boon Siew‟s

The animals found at Teluk Duyung include long tailed macaques, mouse deer, wild
dogs, squirrels, sea otters and wild boars. There were two groups of long tailed
macaques. One group which stayed at the eastern end of the coast, around the tourist
areas was more aggressive as compared to the group at the western end. The caretaker
for the lighthouse had claimed that he had poisoned several wild dogs after they killed
his domesticated goats. Each morning, there were many white bellied sea eagles
making calls on the hills surrounding Teluk Duyung bay. Creatures found along beach
were mussels (siput), sponges, barnacles, starfishs, sea urchins, crabs, ghost crab,
clam and jelly fish. The fact that starfishs, sponges and sea urchins that can be found
at Teluk Duyung indicated that the water around the area is not polluted.

There were plantation trees like durian, coconut palm and rubber trees. Some common
flora observed were kamunting, cashew nut, screw pines, sea almond, kapur tree,
hibiscus, lalang and aroid.

There were two noticeable streams at Teluk Duyung. Other smaller streams are
seasonal and depend on the monsoon. A water pipe was laid from one of the stream to
supply the needed fresh water for the abandoned bungalows. The tourists used the
stream to wash.

The tourist resorts along the coast of Batu Feringghi and Teluk Bahang organizes
packages to Teluk Duyung. The package includes boat rides and a barbeque lunch.
The hotel employees had hard time chasing the long tailed macaques which raided the
barbeque pits to steal food. Although the monkeys were there to the delight of the
tourists, they will be a nuisance and annoying by the raiding monkeys. They have the
habit of taking people‟s belongings so keep your rucksack close to you. The tourists
started to arrive as early as 9.30am and depart back to their hotels between 3.00 pm to
5.00 pm.


Length: 1.2 km 30 minutes

Recreational grading : 2-3
Condition: disturbed but some natural character remaining
Use: light
Status: orchard and overgrowth forest

Teluk Ketapang is originally known as „Monkey Beach‟ as it is frequented by long-

tailed macaque monkeys before it was abandoned in favoured of Teluk Duyung.
Fig 4.3 : Teluk Ketapang.
The beach was named
after the Sea Almond trees
found there.
Teluk Ketapang derived its name from the huge sea almond trees growing there. One
of the huge trees has since collapsed during to erosion of the beach. It is a small sandy
cove to the south of Muka Head lighthouse. It is accessible from Teluk Duyung via
the valley transecting south-west between the hills of Muka Head and Bkt Telaga
Batu. You can reach Teluk Ketapang from Teluk Duyung in 15 minutes if you know
the trail. For those who are unfamiliar with the trail, it will take about 30 minutes.
Although the trail is short, many hikers have lost their way. Several years ago, a
Japanese tourist was lost in the forest for several hours.

The trail starts from the first big casuarina tree near the abandoned Boon Siew
Bungalow. Find the trail that leads away from the beach towards the forested valley.
You have to walk through thick overgrown lalang. There is a small canal with a
makeshift bridge over it. Cross the canal.

The trail tends to be overgrown with lalang except during the fruit season. If you
persevere you will eventually reach a shed. If the bushes have been cleared you
should be able to see a hill slope with durian trees and also the forest edge beyond it.
Walk along the flattened shoulder of the hill towards the ascending hill slope. There
may be several seasonal trails. Follow the one that heads towards the corner where
there are many large, overgrown wild ginger plants skirting the edge of the forest.
Enter the forest edge to the right of the overgrown wild ginger plants.
From here the forest trail begins. A word of warning - you can easily get lost on this
forest trail. Keep walking parallel with the valley on your right and zigzag at some
parts of the trail. Look for signs and markers made by hikers over the years.
Backtrack if you are not sure of the trail. There is a part where you need to make an
abrupt 90 degrees ascent to the left near a giant tree. The trail will level off when you
come to the ridge between the two hills. Then continue walking towards the other side
of the hill where it descends to the beach. The valley is now on your left.

As you approach the beach, you should hear the sound of the waves and, perhaps,
fishing boats. Some years ago, there was a flowing stream which is safe to drink
direct from it. Now, the stream has mysteriously disappeared and replaced with a
small tickle not enough for a camping group. Look out for pokok ketapang also
known as the sea almond tree.


Length: 8 km 6 hours
Recreational grading : 3-4
Condition: remote & overgrown
Ridge trail with numerous timber trees
Use: rarely use

Our trail starts from the new admintration office of the wildlife department at Teluk
Bahang. Walk along the new path to the end of the path. There is a gazebo and a
bridge. On crossing the bridge, the right trail along the coast will take you to Sg.
Tukun and Teluk Duyung. The left will take you to Pantai Kerachut. The first part of
the trail is literally on cemented steps. These steps were built by the Forestry
Department several years ago. Some of the cemented steps have broken down due to
erosion. The wildlife department had developed the path with wooden structures. You
will pass through secondary forest to Sg Tukun and Teluk Aling before coming to
Tanjung Duyung. This is the shoulder of Bkt Telaga Batu(1100 feet), the highest
northerly point in Penang National Park.

You will find a junction going up the slope. Trail 3A is relatively sloping upwards all
the way on a southerly direction. You will pass through “bertam” forest and some big
trees. There is a animal wallow on the trail. The area was probably flooded with mud
during the rainy season. Wild boars‟ footprints were seen around the vicinity.

The trail proceeded until to a plateau where trail 3A joined 3B. Trail 4 will leads to
Bukit Telaga Batu. Trail 3B is a down hill trail where you will descend down to the
cross trail joining 6A and 6B with the ridge trail 3C going uphill. For the first 10
minutes, trail 3C is very steep. Eventually, you will come to the hill lock and a little
downhill before making steep ascend to the junction 3D and 7.

Trail 3D is relatively easy as you trek south-westerly into the centre of the national
park before coming to junction 3E & 10. Trail 3E curved south-east which is very
steep joining trail 11A, 11B and 3F. Trail 3F continues on the ridge trail uphill on
another steep slope. It branches south to 13A and continues to 3G on a westerly
direction to a junction at trail 12 and 3H. Trail 3H continues on the ridge trail
southward as it climbs up to the highest peak in Penang National Park. Bukit Batu
Hitam was marked as 464 m and is the only maintained rain gauge in the park. It is
the boundary for the water catchment for the Teluk Bahang Dam. From the hill road
from Balik Pulau, you will be able to see a massive exposed black rock on the slope
of the hill. This is where the name for Bukit Batu Hitam (Black Rock Hill) derived.
Trail 3H continues passing by trail 14 and joins to trail 3I. Trail 3I leads downhill
crossing the boundary of the park before hitting a T-junction. The right motorcycle
path will take you to Kampung Pantai Acheh.

Comment on ridge trail :- no development from the previous Forestry Department and
the present Wildlife Department has not embark on any upgrading of this trail. Little
frogs were seen in abundant during December on the slope of Trail 3C.


Length: 1 km 1½ hours
Recreational grading : 4-5
Condition: thickly overgrown
Use: remote and very rarely used
Fig 4.4 : Trail to Bukit Telaga
Batu passed through wild boar

Fig 4.5 : Bukit Telaga Batu

has a six inch well home to
Spiny turtles.

Bukit Telaga Batu (1100 feet) gets its name from the present of a little well on top a
big boulder. It is the highest point in the north and the second peak after Muka Head.
The well is only about 6 inches in depth. However, it has served the fauna around the
peak of this hill. On a trip to the peak, I observed three Spiny Turtles (Heosemys
spinosa) in the well. They were fully immersed in the cool blackish water on a noon
day dry weather. Also found in the well were some black tadpoles which could be
frogs or toads.
Trail 4 branches out to the west from the junction of 3A and 3B. The terrain at
junction is relatively flat. The first few minutes of the track slope downward and
eventually it sloped up to reach the peak. To get to the well, you need to continue
down for a further 10 meters where you will see another big boulder. On top of the
boulder is the well. The trail continues down passing through overgrown palm trees.
The trail has since disappeared as not many people use them over the year. The trail
ends at the coast greeted by big boulders. There are not trail along the coast and it is
suggested that one have to use a boat to get back to civilization or go on bouldering to
get to Teluk Ketapang or Pantai Kerachut in order to get back.


Length: 1 km ½ hours
Recreational grading : 2.5
Condition: disturbed
Use: used by those taking a long route to Pantai Kerachut from Sungai Tukun

Trail 5 is relatively a short trail. It starts from the estuary of Sungai Tukun. The
Wildlife Department is planning to build the park headquarter at the vicinity. There
were many exotic flora not native to the park had been planted to beautify the place.
On crossing the concrete bridge, you will have to turn left toward the upper stream of
Sungai Tukun. The right turn is the continuation of trail 1C that leads to Teluk
Duyung. From the junction, you will slowly ascend along trail 5 which is parallel with
the stream. The stream will be on the left and you will find camping sites along the
way. It will pass through steep trail with boulders. As you reach higher, you will find
a mini dam where the campers get their water supply. Here, there are quite a number
of timber trees. The stream then disappears underground and reappears again. The
trail will cross the stream. The trail then ascends higher until it joins trail 6A.


Length: 3 km 1½ hours
Recreational grading: 2-3
Condition: disturbed
Use: moderate to regular on weekends.

Fig 4.6: Gazebo overlooking the

meromictic lake at Pantai
Fig 4.7: Ranger station
at Pantai Kerachut

There is more than one way to reach Pantai Keracut. This trail is the shortest route.
The entry point is near the fishing jetty at Teluk Bahang. Follow the track along the
coast until you cross a gazebo and a concrete bridge. There is a signboard showing the
trails to the different beaches. Take the path on the left which leads away from the

About 20 metres away from the signboard there is a steep flight of steps going uphill.
Climb the steps. After about 20 minutes you will reach a junction. Continue straight
ahead. You will cross a stream. The water from the stream is drinkable. It flows
down to Sungai Tukun. Then you will pass a track which leads down to Sungai
Tukun. A minute or so later you will be standing at the highest point on this trail.
Look out for the rengas tree. The rengas tree is a timber tree. Although its wood is
hardy, the logging of the tree has to be done with care as the poisonous black sap
might inflict great injury. The black poisonous sap when inflicted on the skin, it will
rot your skin and no amount of soap, kerosene or solvent can wash it off. If it is
raining, do not stand under it. The branches of the tree might break and the poisonous
sap might drop down.
There are many paths leading away from this junction. Take the one that goes directly
downhill. If you are observant, you will notice many trees with name tags along the
way. You could find the famous eurycoma longifolia. This tree is locally known as
tongkat Ali, and is reputed to have aphrodisiac qualities. The last part of the trail
makes a steep descent into the Pantai Keracut valley. Pantai Keracut is just ahead.
You have to wade across a stream to reach the beach (Ang 1999). In 2002, the
forestry department built a hanging bridge over this stream.

One of the special attractions of Pantai Keracut is the meromictic lake, visible for
only six months of the year usually from April to September. The lake has two layers
of water of different temperatures. The bottom layer of sea water is normally warmer
than the surface fresh water. The beach is a popular campsite.

There is a turtle hatchery at the far end of the beach. Take care not to disturb the turtle
nesting grounds. If you must camp, do not light a fire. Pitch your tent away from the
beach. Let's save the turtles.


Length: 1 km 1 hours
Recreational grading: 3-4
Condition: overgrown
Use: remote and rarely use

Fig 4.8: Pantai Pandak

Trail 7 is a remote trail. As it has not been used often, it is suggested that you start
from the junction of trail 3C and trail 3D. From the ridge, you will first make a
descend to a valley and then ascend gradually until you reach Bukit Pasir Pandak. The
secondary forest with occasional larger trees can be seen along this trail. From the
peak here, you will descend on an easterly direction until you hit the flats at the


Length: 1 km 1 hour
Recreational grading : 3-4
Condition: natural
Use: light

There are 6 sectors for trail 8. They are : - Trail 8A from southern end of Pantai
Kerachut to the peak of Tanjung Kerachut. Trail 8B from the peak to the coast
opposite the small island known as Tukun Tok Merinih. Trail 8C continues from 8C
to Teluk Kampi. Trail 8D starts from Teluk Kampi going into the interior and turning
north to join the Tanjung Kerachut. Trail 8E is from the peak using the eastern ridge
of Tanjung Kerachut to join Trail 8F and Trail 9B. Trail 8F turn north down to join
the Pantai Kerachut‟s trail.

The most popular trail to Teluk Kampi is that of Trail 8A and Trail 8D. It takes about
an hour to reach Teluk Kampi.

At Pantai Keracut walks towards the southern end of the beach. You will pass a jetty
and the turtle hatchery site. There is a small, tickling stream flowing beside a putat
laut tree. The start of the trail is between this big tree and the sea. Look for an
ascending path.

The ascending path will lead you straight to the top of the hill. After 15-20 minutes
you should reach big boulders where you can get a good view of the Pantai Keracut
coastline. This is a good place to rest. The top of the hill is only 5-10 minutes away.
At the top there is a junction.

Take a right turn and make a steep descent towards the sea. Enjoy the sea view when
you reach the coast after about 25 minutes. You now have rocky boulders between
you and the beach. If you have not tried bouldering before, this is an opportunity to
do so. Be warned that some boulders may be slippery. You may have to wade
through the water if the tide is high. You are now at the Teluk Kampi beach.
The return trip you can use Trail 8D to get back to the peak. You will need some
dedicated orienteering and trekking because the trail is seldom used. About 30 metres
from the stream, look for a clearing. You should notice an overgrown path leading
from the clearing. Take this path and walk straight ahead. Keep to the left-hand trail
and you should reach a small stream about 5 minutes after leaving the beach. Jump
across the stream and a few metres ahead take the left turn heading towards a bigger
stream. You can refill your water bottle there.

Once across this big stream, the path begins to ascend slowly. The trail may become
more challenging, as you may suddenly find yourself suddenly "lost" with no trail
ahead. Don't worry, the trail may normally be found again just beyond a fallen tree
trunk or behind some big boulders. Backtrack if you overshoot. Remember that
beneath forest trees, there is not much undergrowth, making it difficult to pick up the
trail. Overgrown bushes usually occur in open ground making the path more obvious.

After about 30 minutes, you should reach the top of the hill. If you are not careful you
might make the same descent to the rocky beach again. From this junction you will be
returning on the same trail as the one you came on, back to Pantai Keracut.


Length: 3 km 4 hours
Recreational grading : 4-5
Condition: remote & overgrown
Use: rarely used

Trail 9 starts near the meromictic lake between trail 6D and trail 6E. The trail is some
20 m before the gazebo. It was an old trail with deep eroded valley-like trail. I would
advise you not to use the valley-like trail as there will be no escape in case of
emergency. Take the trail above the eroded valley-like trail. You will ascend steeply.
During the scientific expedition, a remote camera was placed along this trail but no
animal was found after a week. This area does not have much fauna. Trail 9A will
join 8E on the right and continue on the left with 9B. Trail 9B is a shoulder ridge that
eventually meets 9C at the highest point of this trail. Trail 10 branches off from here
to join the ridge trail 3. Trail 9C branches off south-westerly on a relatively flat
shoulder. It will cross peak 906 before descending westward to end at Tg. Kalok.


Length: 0.5 km 15 min

Recreational grading : 2-3
Condition: remote & clear
Use: rarely used

Trail 10 is a short trail connecting from the ridge of Tg Kalok to join the main ridge
trail running from north to south. The trail is relatively easy with the last few minutes
of ascent to join the junction at trail 3D and 3E at a small hillock. This part of the trail
has huge timber trees and is part of the unlogged virgin jungle left in the park.
Trail 11: FROM TELUK BAHANG TO PANTAI MAS (11C-3F-11B to Pantai Mas)

Length: 3 km 2½ hours
Recreational grading : 4-5
Condition: remote & overgrown
Use: rarely used

Fig 4.9: Pantai Mas

Trail 11A starts from the United Hokkien Cemetery‟s parlour house in Teluk Bahang.
The first part of the journey is on kampong path, passing orchards of rambutans and
durian. It is almost a straight path heading west ward. One will need to cross two
streams. A hill shoulder will be on the right. From here, you need to hike up the slope
to the top of the shoulder. On reaching the top, there will be a path going up the ridge.

Follow the path heading up the hill slope on the ridge of the hill‟s shoulder. During
the off fruit seasons, the trail is usually overgrown with bracken ferns. The view of
the Telok Bahang village will be visible as we go higher on this steep trail. You will
come to an abandoned cemented water tank on the left of the trail. A trail on the right
branches down to the nutmeg orchard. Use the trail ahead. It inches up parallel with
the ridge. Here, the bracken ferns proved too dense to pass through. You will see
another cemented water tank on the ridge before you come to the border of the
Penang National Park. A signboard greeted you here. The jungle begins here. There
are many huge and tall trees. The trail branches to the left after the signboard. It leads
up the hill on the ridge. A rare minute frog about the size of 1 cm was found here at
10.00am. No stream was found around the vicinity. Several gelam trees can be seen
here. They have smooth peeling barks.

As one goes higher, sun ferns were noticeably present as compared with the bracken
ferns found on disturbed cum cultivated land. About 1.5 hours from the cemetery‟s
parlour, you should reach the top of the ridge which is flat. The left trail leads to
Pantai Acheh while the right leads down to a valley where trail 11A-11B joins 3E-3F.

At this cross paths, the flat 11B trail is on the left. The first 30 meters are considered
flat. Here, thick rattan with overgrowing roots can be seen. A rare cave centipede was
found here during a day trip. The almost straight trail then abruptly slide down to the
left avoiding the overgrown trail straight ahead. It zig-zags along the slope to join
back the main trail.

Some twenty minutes later, you see several huge boulders on your right. You can rest
here before we proceed. Continuing, a further 5 minutes down hill will leads you to
right turn. At this point, a wildboar wallow can be seen on the left. During raining
season, the wallow could be filled with water.

Further down hill, a python was seen beside the trail. A tortoise was seen feeding a
mushroom. As we come near the coast, an area filled with healthy nepenthes can be
found. It has the hanging features unlike the normal one which grow on the ground.
Clay jugs and empty barrel can be seen here. A testimony that the area could be used
for moonshine or illegal liquor many years ago.

A stream greets you as we near the coast. The water here is drinkable. One has to find
his way out as the place has overgrown. It was formerly a coconut plantation. At one
time ducks were reared here. After 1995, the farmer had abandoned the duck farm.
This could be one of the reasons why Pantai Mas was covered with mud. Another
factor could be the pigs‟ discharge from the adjacent Pantai Acheh‟s pig farms at the
village. A more environment friendly treatment had been enforced on the farms.
Since then, the beach has seen great renewal with sand beach. And for once, the name
Pantai Mas (Golden Beach) may hold truth.


3G & 3H
Length: 1.5 km 2 hours
Recreational grading : 3-4
Condition: overgrown ferns
Use: light

Pantai Mas is the most remote of the six beaches in the Pantai Acheh forest reserve.
At Telok Bahang fishing village look out for the signboard to the United Hokkien
Cemetery. The junction is beside a Chinese temple. Follow the road until you reach
the United Hokkien Cemetery Kongsi and park your vehicle there. The hike starts
from here.

Continue walking along the tarred road and at the first junction take the right-hand
road. The road continues to ascend until it meets a drain on your right. Follow the
drain uphill until you see a broad flight of steps. Head towards the steps. When you
reach the top of the steps, continue on and climb over a huge boulder. There is a well-
defined trail from this point.

After about 30 minutes you will reach a rain gauge. Then continue walking for 20-25
minutes until you come to a three-way junction. Take the right-hand path. The trail
descends steeply. You will come to another junction. Take the path on your left. The
trail continues downhill for about 10 minutes before reaching another junction. Take
the right-hand path. This portion of the trail becomes more challenging as you will
encounter boulders. You need to use all your limbs to negotiate them. After 30-40
minutes you will come to a rather confusing part of the trail where it branches to the
right instead of continuing downward. Follow the branch. You will be able to hear the
waves as you approach Pantai Mas. The trail suddenly opens out into a coconut
plantation with overgrown lalang. Walk along the forest edge until you find a clear
path leading to the beach.


Length: 2 km 3 hours
Recreational grading : 3-4
Condition: remote & overgrown
Use: rarely used

Trail 13 can be subdivided into trail 13A, 13B and 13C. Trail 3A starts from the ridge
trail of the junction of 3F and 3G. The trail inches slowly south through thick
overgrowth as this is a remote trail. Some half hour of blazing, you will notice a Y-
junction. The right is trail 3B and the left is trail 3C. Trail 3B will be descent
downward right into Pantai Mas. While trail 3C will continue southwesterly to Tg.
Gemuroh, joining the coastal trail 15B and 15C.


Length: 1 km 1 hours
Recreational grading : 3-4
Condition: remote & overgrown
Use: very rarely used

This trail is an isolated trail and has not been used by hikers. It was so overgrown that
finding the trail can be a problem. About half an hour south of the peak of Bkt Batu
Hitam the highest point in the Penang National Park, you will come to a junction. The
left trail will continue on the main ridge trail. On the right is trail 14. The trail
descends south west to meet the coast at between trail 15A and 15B.


Length: 1.5 km 1 hours
Recreational grading : 2-3
Condition: remote
Use: light

Fig 4.10: Crossing the

wooden bridge from
Kg Pantai Acheh to
Pantai Mas

You will have to travel until the end of the main road at Kampung Pantai Acheh.
Keep left until you come to a fenced compound. You could hear animal commotion
from the pig sty. Skirt by the perimeter of the farm and look out for a crossing over a
stream. This is where the trail to Pantai Mas starts. Refer picture below.

After crossing the narrow-treetrunk bridge, you will climb steeply up for about 10
meters before you hit an elevated path following the contour of the hill slope. From
here, you will take about 20 minutes to reach the only stream running beneath the
boulders found along the path. You will continue another 20 minutes passing through
huge hanging boulders before coming down to the beach.

4.3 Interviews

I interviewed several persons at PNP. They include a park officer, a boatman, the
sweeper at the beaches and hikers in the park. Questions were rather informal as I
believe the feedback will be more genuine. Most of the questions will be based on the
conservation aspect of the park.

(i) Park Officer

Question: Why strong concrete signboards were broken down and replaced
with wooden one?
Park Officer: This is the concept used for “eco” where all infrastructures
should be as “natural” as possible. Wooden signboards are considered
Question: Don‟t you think wooden signboards will be eaten up by
Park Officer: The woods used were of hardwood and should not pose any

(ii) Boatman
Question: How do you find business after the forest reserve declared a
National Park?
Boatman: Very good. On weekend, my income can be several hundred.
Question: Who are you customers?
Boatman: Both foreigners and local.
Question: You are burning rubbish (at old bungalows at Teluk Duyung).
Did the ranger stop you from burning?
Boatman: They allowed me to burn near the bungalows. Outside the
compound, I am not allowed.

(iii) Sweeper (December 2004)

Question: How many beaches do you sweep in the park?
Sweeper: Three beaches – Teluk Duyung, Pantai Kerachut and Teluk
Question: How often do you sweep the beaches?
Sweeper: Twice a week.
Question: How many sweepers?
Sweeper: Only myself. My son only helps me to do the job.
Question: Who pay for your job – is it the wildlife department?
Sweeper: No, the Town council.

(iv) Local Hiker

Question: How often do you come to Penang National Park?
Hiker: I have been here many years ago. I didn‟t know that it is now a
National Park until after I arrived.
Question: How do you find the beaches after so many years?
Hiker: The beaches are now more crowded. There are now a lot more
rubbish. I can see patches of bushes being burnt causing an ugly sight.
Question: Do you want to come to the park again?
Hiker: Of course. It is the only unspoilt place in Penang.
Question: Do you agree with the building of wooden walkway?
Hiker: I think it is waste of fund. They should build more educational

(v) Foreign Tourist

Question: How often do you come to Penang National Park?
Tourist: Ooh it is my first time in the park.
Question: Do you like the park?
Tourist: Ooh yes, the beautiful scenery in the forest and the meromictic
lake at Pantai Kerachut.
Question: Is there anything that can be improved in the park?
Tourist: Yes, a lot of rubbish. Do Malaysians like to throw rubbish?
Question: Oh….well only some uncivilized minded people…..

(vi) Outstation Local

Question: How often do you come to Penang National Park?
Answer: This is my first time.
Question: Do you like the park?
Answer: If not for the beaches, the park looks all the same as my backyard
in Perak.
Question: Why is it so?
Answer: Nothing much to see, only the beaches. Well, I came here to walk
in a real forest but here, I am walking on raised platform!
Question: Wouldn‟t it be better to walk on raised platform?
Answer: I think the authority should let the park be as natural as it is.

4.4 Potential of Penang National Park

Penang National Park was declared on 4th April 2003. Located at the north-western
corner of Penang Island stands the last wilderness and nature heritage of Penang,
covering an area of about 2562 ha. Part of the area forms the catchment of Teluk
Bahang dam. It is the most remote part of the state. Lying way out of civilization, it is
the nature park for scientific & nature studies and recreational activities. Penang
National Park is all lush green and the fragrance of the sea breeze is enchanting. It
conveys to us the message of eco-balance that everyone should live life joyfully. Its
ecosystem consists mainly of tropical lowland forest with coastal features. Be it
beaches, hills, forest trails or even lake, it offers big biodiversity as a national park.

There are 8 beaches. The beaches of Penang National Park are popular amongst
tourists as well as locals. Each beach has its own uniqueness; richness of variety of
floras and faunas and of its potential tourism activities.

1) Pasir Pandak
It should be noted that Teluk Bahang is the area where the Bahang Bay is located. It is
usually being confused with the Teluk Bahang township. At the very edge of the
northern boundary of the forest reserve lays Teluk Bahang the forest reserve. The
panoramic fishing jetty engulfing the backdrop is a rare sight by itself - built of

Fig 4.11: Signboard

of the PNP

mangrove timber and palm trunks. This scenic beach is bustling with tourists and
campers going into the national park. The area is disturbed with sandy beach and
seasonal muddy seabed. Much litter have accumulated and scarred the scenic beach.
A little stream flows into the bay. A scout camp was supposedly built here to replace
the coronation camp at the Botanic Gardens. Army reserves trainings were common

Flora: – Disturbed secondary forest and hardy plants such as the screw pines
dominate the coast. The red paper-like bark called pelawan trees are abundant.
Undergrowth and ferns spread between the trees.
Fauna: – Reptile such as monitor lizards and snakes are common. Squirrels and
monkeys occasionally make an appearance.
Tourism: - This beach is easily accessible within walking distance from the jetty and
the restaurant. There is a shady camping ground and with civilization just around the
corner – makes suitable venue for family outings.
How to reach there:
From Georgetown, use the northern coastal road passing through Tanjung Tokong,
Tanjung Bungah, Batu Fringghi and Teluk Bahang town. At the Teluk Bahang
roundabout, continue straight towards the fishing jetty. Use trail 1A along the coast
after the jetty.

2) Teluk Tukun
Sungai Tukun flows into Teluk Tukun. A small island opposite is Pulau Tukun
Tengah. At the estuary, the forestry department had built chalets. The national park
headquarter will be situated here. Camping pits were built along Sungai Tukun. There
are several small swimming pools for campers. The piped water is supplied from the
upper stream.

Fig 4.12: Campsite at Sungai

Flora: - The cool stream feeding the Tukun bay fans out into the shallow sea. Several
mangrove trees are found along the estuary. Secondary forest is the main feature.
Exotic flowering plants and ornamental plants are decorated along the trail parallel
with the stream. Timber trees are found along the upper reaches of the stream.
Fauna: - Two types of monkeys are found here. The dusky leaf monkeys and the long
tailed macaque can be seen if you are observance enough. Birds are aplenty.
Tourism: - Proper camping ground and amenities provided by the authority make
camping a luxury. Birdwatching should not be missed here. The swimming pools
provided good place for family outings and nature camps.
How to reach there:
It is about 20 minutes from the jetty. You need to walk along the coast to reach the
beach of Teluk Tukun. The trail is clear and easy. Use trail 1A-1B.
3) Tanjung Aling

Tanjung Aling housed the USM‟s research centre. There is a jetty to bring in supply
from town. The forest and coastal areas are been used for research on bio-technology.
The research station‟s collection museum has vast collection of flora and fauna

Fig 4.13: Teluk Aling. The jetty

serves the USM‟s biological

Flora: - The secondary forest surrounding the centre has vast variety of plants. Herbal
plants are aplenty and need more research to discover the potentials.
Fauna: - Rats, birds, monitor lizards, snakes and squirrels are common. The
occasional landing of turtles provide record of the larger fauna found here.
Tourism: - The beach is easily accessible and it is a suitable camping site for campers
who prefer to camp within the vicinity of the biological station. It is also a resting
place for hikers enroute to Muka Head and beyond.
How to reach there:
It will take about 30 minutes to reach Tanjung Aling from Teluk Bahang. One needs
only to follow the coastal trail via Sungai Tukun. Use trail 1A-1B-1C.

4) Teluk Duyung
Teluk Duyung is a beautiful bay protected by the Muka Head‟s cape. It is the most
popular beach for tourists. Teluk Duyung is also called Muka Head, named after the
Muka Head‟s peak which stands a majestic lighthouse. It is a private land cultivated
with coconuts and durians. A burial ground of at least 80 years old resembles that of
Indonesian‟s Acheh is an interesting historical artifact.
Fig 4.14: Teluk Duyung is a
beautiful beach.

Flora: - Pyrrosia angustata an uncommon fern found only in this part of national
park. Other noticeable trees planted include casuarina trees, sea almond, cashew nuts
and the swaying coconut palms. A colony of unidentified aroids grow between a
section of the coconut orchard.
Fauna: –The fact that Teluk Duyung is also popularly known as Monkey Beach
suggests that monkeys are abundant. The species that are common here are the Long
Tailed Macaque. Other animals include the vipers, monitor lizards, squirrels and rats.
Amongst the most noticeable big birds are the White bellied Sea Eagles and the
Brahminy Kites.
Tourism: - It is an ideal swimming bay with flat and sandy seabed. Beachcombers
will enjoy collecting mollous during low tides. Lunch packages were organised by the
beach hotels. Barbecue pits were built by them to cater for the tourists. A broad flight
of steps leads up from the beach to the lighthouse. The peak offers a panoramic view
of the Kedah‟s peak and the surrounding islands. The lighthouse was built in 1883
and has a useable well on the peak.
How to reach there :
A nice walking trail with cemented bridges over small ravines have been built by the
Forestry Department to provide easy access to Teluk Duyung. One should be able to
reach Teluk Duyung within 90 minutes from Teluk Bahang. Larger boats can only
reach there during high tide. Use trail 1A-1B-1C-1D.

5) Teluk Ketapang
This is a small isolated beach stretching less than 100 meters. It was originally known
as Monkey Beach. This is where monkeys roam the beach scavenging and ransacking
campers. The beach got it name from the numerous sea almond trees known locally as
Pokok Ketapang. The seed of the sea almond when cut open give a white kernel
tasting like almond and hence the name sea almond.

Fig 4.15: Teluk Ketapang

Flora: - There are many exotic trees planted by the previous inhabitant of this isolated
beach. Quite a number of matured timber trees are found along the trail between
Teluk Duyung and Teluk Ketapang. Some rare herbs can also be found. These include
the famous aphrodisiac plant called eurycoma longifolia or locally known as tongkat
Fauna: - Bats are abundant here as the sea almond attracts fruit bats. The long tailed
macaques are common. Monitor lizards and sea otters are often seen around the rocky
Tourism: - This secluded beach with a small bay can be easily accessed by boat. The
hotels that offer packages often come to this beach to prepare barbecue lunch for the
guests. Turbulent current around the Muka Head‟s cape hindered smaller boats from
easy assess to this beach. Black sand is found along the beach. A little stream flows to
the sea providing the needed fresh water for campers and tourists.
How to reach there :
The easier way to reach there is by boat from Teluk Bahang's jetty. For the hikers, you
need to get to Teluk Duyung before cutting across the valley behind the bungalows to
reach Teluk Ketapang in less than 30 minutes. However, the trail is usually
overgrowth with bushes. Use trail 1A-1B-1C-1D-2.
6) Pantai Kerachut

Famous for its seasonal meromictic lake, it is a popular picnic and camping site and
famous turtle hatchery. Collecting of the turtles‟ eggs is prohibited. Pantai Kerachut is
the only beach where the Green Sea Turtle Chelonia mydas can be spotted. It is
believed that the Green Turtle only migrate here for nesting as extensive algae are not
known and found around Penang Island. It is one of the largest sea turtle and the
Penang National Park will ensure the continuity of the turtle‟s visit.

Fig 4.16: Hanging bridge at

Pantai Kerachut

Fig 4.17: Pantai Kerachut

Flora: – Cashew nuts are common here. This indicates that some agriculture activities
had taken place many years ago. Fully-grown timber trees are found inside the forest
beyond the coast. From afar the tree crowns look greyish from the crowns of shorea
Fauna: – Bats and birds are common. Long Tailed Macaques are a nuisance as they
raided campsites for food. The other Dusky Leaf Monkeys which are shy are harder to
spot. The calls from a pair of resident stock billed kingfisher in the evening
occasionally break the monotonous beating waves and chirping birds. Wildboars,
monitor lizards, and mousedeers are quite common during low tourist seasons.
Tourism: - The memorictic lake is the greatest attraction here. Warm saline water
below and fresh water on top. Crab, rare fishes and large prawns are quite common.
The fishery department has built a turtle sanctuary.
How to reach there:
There are more than one way to reach Pantai Keracut. If you are coming from the
fishing jetty, follow the track along the coast until you cross a gazebo and the bridge.
Take the path on the left that leads away from the coast. The path is well used. You
should be able to reach there in an hour and a half. Use trail 1A-6A-6B-6C/6D/6E.

7) Teluk Kampi
Teluk Kampi has the longest beach in the park. Tell signs of trenches were found
along the northern coast indicating a defense post for the Japanese Army. Historically
this could be the best landing place for seafarer. There are many artifacts and past
history to be found if one is to venture further.

Fig 4.18: Teluk Kampi

Flora: –The beach is long and plants are aplenty ranging from rocky bonsai to timber
and herbal plants. Wild orchids found on steep rocky slopes are common. An old
fruiting pokok malacca can be found along the beach. The tree bear fruits throughout
the year welcoming hikers to refresh their taste buds.
Fauna:– Fish are wild. Campers will never have to bring food if they care to fish.
Wild boar and some wild cats have been sighted. A couple of sea otters can be seen
basking on the beach from afar.
Tourism: - A stroll from one end of the beach to the other offered a sweeping
panorama over the blue ocean far beyond. Lazing on this isolated beach, the distant
skyline with passing steamers and setting sun guarantee to refresh and charge up your
life again.
How to reach there:
This is the furthest beach from any starting point. There are several trails that can lead
to Teluk Kampi. The most common is the one from Pantai Kerachut over Tanjung
Kerachut and down to Teluk Kampi. Use trail 1A-6A-6B-6D-6E-8A-8B-8C.

8) Pantai Mas
Pantai Mas is a golden beach. It was a beautiful beach until the pig farm at Pantai
Acheh village polluted it with muddy discharge from the farm. The beach still looks
“golden” with the golden sand if not for the enormous amount of rubbish washed
ashore. Being very close to civilization, mud and mangrove create a wilderness few
people would like to go. The difficulty to access Pantai Mas by sea could be the
reason why dwellers abandoned their homes here.

Fig 4.19: Pantai Mas

Flora: – Formally a coconut plantation, it is now a wasteland overgrown with lalang

and other undergrowth. Strangely not too distant from the coast a whole colony of
nepenthes manages to survive the coastal habitat. The muddy seabed also helps
mangrove trees to propagate. The soft wood sea hibiscus with the yellow flowers has
flourished right to the edge of the beach.
Fauna: – Lizards are common. Aroids and some exotic ornamental plants can be
found. A resident otter family can be seen every day along the mangroves.
mousedeers, civet cats and small mammals are found in the interior.
Tourism: – With muddy seabed and difficult accessibility by boat, Pantai Mas is an
adventure beach. Here streams run throughout the year.
How to reach there:
Access to and from the sea to Pantai Mas was by means of small fishing boats during
high tides. The next access is through the overgrown trails from United Hokkien
Cemetry or the longer ridge trail starting from Teluk Bahang. The easier walking trail
will be from Pantai Acheh village. It takes about 45 minutes. Use trail 15A-15B-15C.

The Hills
The vast stretch of hills stretching from Teluk Bahang to Pantai Acheh holds great
potentials for adventure and tourism. It has undulating topography with ravines and
little valleys and hills of irregular height linked by ridges. It is through these ridges
that many trails crisscrossed each other to form an intervene web of trails in the park.
The highest point is Batu Itam at 1500 feet on the southern flank of park. Bukit
Telaga Batu is about 1100 feet and has potential folklore of a 6 inches deep well on a
boulder on top the western flank of the hill. The magnificent serviceable lighthouse
stands majestically on the Muka Head peak of 700 feet is still faithfully guiding
seafarers into our Penang's water. The hill practically joins to form a ridge bisecting
the park into West and East. It is fortunate that a dam has been built on the southern
east of park providing the needed buffer zone whereby rich flora and fauna will
thrive. The eastern side of the park is therefore a vital water source. This area should
be a protected area for wild species against human intrusion. Most of the hills remind
us of clear skys and dark forest, of steep climbing and flat terrains, of slippery leaflets,
of large boulders, of cheerful friends shared by a common memories of pain and fun.
Perhaps this could be the only place where hikers are free to roam in Penang.

4.5 Pictorial account of the Park

These photographs taken after the Wildlife Department took over from the Forestry
Department. Huge funding from the Federal Government to the National Park has
spurred unnecessary developments. Money was not spent wisely in conservation and
protecting of the fauna and flora, but was instead spent just because there were money
to spend. The following pictures were taken from the period 2000 to 2005.

4.5.1 Some Fauna in Penang National Park

Penang National Park is rich in fauna as it has been documented that there are at least
25 species of mammals, 53 species of butterflies, 46 species of birds (including a
significant number of migrants) and considerable variety of marine life in the adjacent
seas (including sea anemones, corals, mollusks, crustaceans, schinoderms, and sea
turtles). There are also many species of land and sea snakes, the python being most
commonly found. Other fauna sighted include the common tree shrew, slow loris,
flying lemur, sea otters, pangolin or scaly ant-eater, leopard cat and civet cat. Wild
boar and mouse deer are common. There are also many species of bats, and campers
are often treated to the flight of giant flying foxes and giant fruit bats. In the swampy
areas, monitor lizards are abundant; the common ones being the black jungle monitor,
the water monitor and the tree monitor (Chan, 2002)
There is a rich diversity of both local and migratory birds. The white-bellied sea eagle
can be found in abundance at the park. There were at least 10 pairs of breeding adults
seen during one of my trekking along the coast.
The park is also home to two species of monkeys - the long-tailed macaque and the
dusky leaf monkey. The long-tailed macaque can be a nuisance as they raided
campsites and steal foodstuffs from visitors.

Fig 4.20: Horned Lizard

(Gonocephalus sp.) Malay
name (Sesumpah Pokok
Bertanduk) digging on the

Fig 4.21: White bellied

sea eagle.
Fig 4.22: Temple viper
found along the trail to
Teluk Duyung.

Fig 4.23 : Soft-shelled

turtle found only in
crystal clear streams in
the park.

Fig 4.24: Asian giant


Fig 4.25: Hanging

Termite nest provides
home for some birds

Fig 4.26: Mudskippers

at Pantai Mas
Fig 4.27: Juvenile
Monitor lizard

Fig 4.28: Agamid


Fig 4.29: A foot long

giant worm

Fig 4.30: A miniature

frog along the ridge

Fig 4.31: Jewel

beetle coexist with
Fig 4.32: Red spiny

Fig 4.33: Freshwater


Fig 4.34: A non poisonous

bronze-backed snake was
killed by a group of
children before I could
stop them at the entrance
of the park.

Fig 4.35: Sting less


Fig 4.36: Ghost crab

Fig 4.37: Brush-tailed
porcupine taken with
heat sensing camera.

Fig 4.38: Lesser mouse

deer taken with heat
sensing camera.

Fig 4.39: Common palm

civet taken with heat
sensing camera.

Fig 4.40: Measuring and

collecting data on avian.

Fig 4.41: Tagging Stork-

billed kingfisher
Fig 4.42: Collecting data
on bat

Fig 4.43: Horned Tree


Fig 4.44: Plaintive


Fig 4.45: Trek of Water

monitor lizard at Telok
Kampi beach

Fig 4.46: Cicada found

at the park.
4.5.2 Some Flora in Penang National Park

The flora in the park consists of coastal mangrove forest, lowland dipterocarp forest
and some hill dipterocarp forests. The main families in the dipterocarp forest are
Dipterocarpaceae, Leguminosae, Apocynaceae, Burseraceae, Dilleniaceae, and
Palmae. Herbaceous plants include Araceae, Marantaceae, Gesneriaceae,
Zingiberaceae and Commelinaceae. Some commercially important species are Balau
(Shorea nateriales), Seraya (Shorea curtisii), Meranti (Shorea sp.), Resak (Hopea
avriculata), Merawan (Hopea albescens) and Damar Laut. Another common tree is the
fig tree belonging to the family Moraceae. (Chan, 2002)

There are many fern species found in the park. One unique species is the stag horn
fern (Platycerium coronarium). The oak leaf fern (Drynaria spp.) are found growing in
abundance on the beach of Teluk Kampi. The other is the bird‟s nest fern (Asplenium
nidus) which are found on tree trunks and branches. At higher elevation, the sun-
loving ferns such Dipteris conjugate and Dicranopteris linearis can be found.

Wild orchids grow abound. The forests are also the home of many species of wild
ginger. Two common pitcher plants are the Nephenthes albomarginata, recognized by
the white ring below the pitcher‟s mouth found on the western slope of the hill, and
the Nepenthes ampullaria found mostly along streams.

Mangroves are found in small pockets along the coast. Other coastal vegetation
includes the colorful sea morning glory (Ipomoea pes-caprae) on sandy shores, with it
prominent purple flowers.

Penang National Park is not a virgin forest as timber extraction was carried out
between the late 1910s and the late 1930s and the area has been silviculturally treated
(Ong and Dhanarajan, 1976). Nevertheless there are some 72ha of virgin jungle
reserve left, and these areas are rich in flora (Chan, 2002)

Fig 4.47: Mata pelandok


Fig 4.48: Bintangor

(Calophyllum spp) found
in the park. The same tree
in Sarawak claimed to
have properties to cure
Fig 4.49: Medang
kemangi (Cinnamomum
porrectum) The plant
produces sarsi aroma. The
roots can be used for body

Fig 4.50: Ficus spp. The

plant that has its flowers
inside the fruits.

Fig 4.51: Kelat Gelam

(Syzygiup cerinum) Before
the invent of dye, the
reddish barks were used
for dying leather

Fig 4.52: Kamunting. The

fruits can be eaten.

Fig 4.53: Meranti

melantai. One of the
timber tree found in the
Fig 4.54: Nepenthes
ampullaria found along
stream in the park.

Fig 4.55: Nibong

(Oncosperma tigirarium)
commonly found at Pantai

Fig 4.56: Ornamental


Fig 4.57: Rengas

(Anagardiaceae) A timber
tree with black poisonous

Fig 4.58: Screw pine

found along the coastal
area of the park.
Fig 4.59: Strangling ficus

Fig 4.60: Tongkat ali

Fig 4.61: Strange

looking tree at Pantai

Fig 4.62: Aroid at

Teluk Duyung

Fig 4.63: Mangrove at

Sg Tukun.
Fig 4.64: Nature‟s art.

Fig 4.65: Selaginella

intermedia. A herb used
for treating cancer.

Fig 4.66: Giant Fungi

Fig 4.67: Mushroom.

Fig 4.68: Flower from

Fig 4.69: Wild

4.5.3 Infrastructures, Development & Attractions in Penang National Park

Fig 4.70: Unnecessary

new road

Fig 4.71: Poor management of

the park. Almost 3 months
and the same ugly looking
scenario at the entrance.

Fig 4.72: Wooden stairs

being built down to the edge
of the beach.
Fig 4.73: Burnt forest near
the trail to Teluk Duyung.

Fig 4.74: Used materials to

built the park infrastructure
were indiscriminately burnt
along the trail.

Fig 4.75: Cemented

Bridge built by the
Forestry Department in
1998 still in good

Fig 4.76: There is no urgency

to repair this section of the
trail as compare to Fig 4.77.

Fig 4.77: Unnecessary

wastage of fund. Solid bridges
being “camouflaged” with
Fig 4.78: Contractor used
the A-frame chalet to work
from. Remain of sawn wood
and roofing and rubbish
were being thrown onto the

Fig 4.79: Deplorable state of

A-frame chalet at Sungai

Fig 4.80: New signboards left

along the remote trail to
Pantai Mas from United
Hokkien Cemetery, Teluk
Bahang. An indication of poor
management of the park.

Fig 4.81: Trees including

this screw pine being burnt
when tour boat operator
burnt the rubbish.

Fig 4.82: Dirty beach at

Teluk Duyung.
Fig 4.83: Missing
signboard at Teluk

Fig 4.84: January 2005.

Massive destruction at
Teluk Duyung.

Fig 4.85: Graffiti at

Teluk Duyung.

Fig 4.86: Littering by

hikers at a remote trail.

Fig 4.87: Illegal squatters

hut at Teluk Duyung.
White feathers of migrant
birds slaughtered for food
by the illegal immigrant
Fig 4.88: Rubber tapping
in the National Park.

Fig 4.89: The cemented

jetty refurnished with
wood after the Wildlife
Department took over the

Fig 4.90: Wastage of fund

by building silted
walkway over cemented

Fig 4.91: Mist net found at

the edge of Penang
National Park.

Fig 4.92: Wooden signage

erected. The concrete
signage was destroyed
which could last for years
and maintenance free.
Fig 4.93: Fishery
Department signage at
Teluk Ketapang and the
deplorable state. The
beach is also a turtle
laying area.

Fig 4.94: Domesticated

goats in the National Park
at Teluk Duyung.

Fig 4.95: Poorly erected

signboard on a remote

Fig 4.96: Unnecessary

uplifted walkway. Note
that this area is not prone
to flooding as it is on high
ground. Wastage again.

Fig 4.97: Rubbish burning

outside the compound of
USM‟s field station.
Fig 4.98: Washing of paint
into the sea – polluting the

Fig 4.99: The new Pasir

Pandak bridge – the
gateway into PNP today.

Fig 4.100: Less than a year,

this unnecessary wooden
walkway need to be
repainted to keep the shine –
wouldn‟t it be wiser to use
the fund for patrolling the

Fig 4.101: June 24, 2005.

Tour operator burning rubbish
at Teluk Duyung.

4.6 Current Management of the park

With the gazetting of PNP in April 2003, the Department of Wildlife and National
Parks (PERHILITAN) took over the site management from the Penang State Forestry
Department (FD). At present, the PERHILITAN is manning the Teluk Bahang
entrance and a ranger station at Pantai Kerachut. The state PERHILITAN director is
the park manager (penguasa). Table 4.102 shows the current staff strength and
Fig 4.102: Current staff strength and designation (Source: Penang National Park, Vol
1 (Draft), 2005)

No Designation Number
of staff
1 Director 1
2 Deputy Director 1
3 Assistant Enforcement Officer – Ecotourism and Management 1
4 Assistant Enforcement Officer – Information, Education, 1
Services and Community
5 Wildlife Assistant 1
6 Enforcement Officer 4
7 Chief Clerk 1
8 Assistant Accountant 1
9 Administrative Assistant 1
10 Enforcement Unit 8

The draft plan proposed that the staff strength be increased. It suggested 6 officers, 15
rangers and 11 laborers (PNP draft, 2005) The increase in staff strength is necessary
as they will be required to police the protected area against illegal intruders and
Chapter 5: Analysis

5.1 Interpretation of Results

5.1.1 Unnecessary Development Affecting the Ecosystem

The object of development according to the concept of ecotourism as explained by the

ranger was to ensure as far as possible a more “natural look”, one that would be
consistent with the natural surrounding. The colors and the materials used should be
as natural as possible. It was on this interpretation that concrete signboards which
were “maintaining free” were knocked down and replaced with wooden structures.
These new wooden signboards‟ structure had their timber sourced from other part of
the jungle in Malaysia. Indirectly, this interpretation of “natural look” had affected the
increase in demand of timber and thus increase logging activities and destruction of
ecosystem from another part of the jungle in Malaysia. It is ironical that this
conservation of Penang National Park has indirectly affected the degrading of other
forest ecosystem in Malaysia.

Destroying structures and rebuilding them will increase the stress to the surrounding –
to the fauna and the flora. Contractors building the structures produce waste which
was burnt. Some of the wastes were thrown on the beach without any regard on the
ecosystem. Grease and building materials were washed into the fragile streams. The
aquatic larva, fishes and other marine fauna will be affected by the waste.

Fig 5.1: Picture at Sungai

Tukun. Stream with cement
washing seen here due to the
contract work (inset).

On the trail from Teluk Aling to Teluk Duyung, a raise wooden platform had actually
caused a huge liana tree to be chopped to make way for the platform. The huge liana
would have taken years to grow. It would have supported many other fauna with food
and shelter. With the beautiful platform, a tree was chopped and it had affected the
macro ecosystem in that area. That was a sheer waste of fund which was unnecessary.

The steep rocky coast was cut to make way for wooden platform to provide easy
access to hikers. Hikers had been using the natural trail without complaint. Barely a
year, the wooden platform needed to be repainted with a coat of shellac. Beside, these
cuttings of the coast destroyed some of the natural formation of the coast and destroy
the fauna and flora found on the sites. A rare earthworm of a foot long was seen
struggling on this path to find a new home. How many fauna were under stressed and
perished due to the development will not be known.
Fig 5.2: New coat of shellac
on the less-than-a-year
platform. This money
should have been used to
maintain other important
infrastructure. Arrow points
to unpainted area.

Fig 5.3: Concrete platform

on swampy land was
neglected – just because this
structure is not “natural
looking”? Picture taken on
Jan „06

5.1.2 Soil erosion that has caused by heavy usage

The most eroded trail in Penang National Park is that of trail to Pantai Kerachut. This
trail has been shifted several times during the custodian of Forestry Department.
Wooden steps were later being replaced with hardened cement. Yet, erosion could not
be controlled as the trail is steep and lack leaves litter. Without top layer of leaves
litter, the soil was exposed to flowing rain water. These caused erosion to the trail.

With influx of tourists and the heavy usage, the trail was “eroded” of top cover and
thus exposed to the natural element. At the highest point of the trail, the steep bank of
the trail collapsed during one of the raining season in 2005.

Fig 5.4: The black burnt oil

palm kernels laid on the trail
with the wooden drain cover
on the left found at the
beginning of the trail to
Pantai Kerachut. Note the
expensive wood used.

The park authority realizing the seriousness of the erosion started an experimental
system of drainage. A section of the path was covered with burnt oil palm kernels.
The oil palm kernels were porous and do not retain water. Concealed below the
material was a piping to drain excess water. Whether these burnt oil palm kernels
have any effect on the indigenous fauna and flora is still not to be seen at this
moment. Could the material have any side effect on the animals or plants?
5.1.3 Degrading or destruction of vegetation

Rule No: 3 of the Appendix IV on the Rules and Regulations In The Penang National
Park states that throwing of rubbish in the park is an offence. Rule No: 5 also states
that burning and campfire are not allow. These codes of rules in the national park on
the strict regulation on human activities are very commendable indeed. However,
enforcement or the lacks of responsibility of the park custodians make the park the
dirtiest national park in the world (Ang, 2005). Rampant rubbish burnings were
openly done at Teluk Duyung, Teluk Ketapang and Teluk Aling. The path to Sungai
Tukun was burning with construction material left behind after the construction of
wooden platform. All these human activities were degrading and destructive to the
fauna and flora of the park.

Fig 5.5: Tour operator burning

rubbish at the edge of the forest
at Teluk Duyung.

5.1.4 Water usage and pollution

The highest point in this state park is Bukit Batu Itam (464 m) which is relatively a
low hill. The water catchments around Pantai Kerachut were limited. A camp site
with toilet facilities, a Ranger Post and the Fishery Department Post housing the turtle
hatchery will create demand for water in the near future during drier season. At the
moment, taps were not repair. Water was left flowing at a toilet. The rangers
managing the area were not bothered about the leakage. The water source came from
a mini pond behind the Fishery Department‟s hatchery post. Water from the small
stream had been a source of live for the flora and fauna in that area. With the increase
in usage, it will indirectly affect the ecosystem and increase stress to the flora and
fauna in that area.

At the northern end of Pantai Kerachut, most campers preferred to use streams to
wash. Soap and waste water flowing into the meromictic lake will caused pollution
and thus depilated the crustacean in the lake. Increase usage and increase tourists to
the park will surely give a serious impact if a sustainable carrying capacity is not well

5.1.5 Air pollution

The crucial role of natural forests is more importantly in the conservation of soil,
water and wildlife, as well as in the protection of the environment (Rashid, 1996).
Many patches of the park were burnt indiscriminately. The beaches at Teluk Aling, Sg
Tukun, Teluk Duyung and Teluk Ketapang were areas where open burnings were
done occasionally especially during dry months. These beaches were frequented by
tourists. Tour operators were seen burning the rubbish instead of taking out the trash.
Smokes were emitted from burning rubbish and bushes and trees. Tourist boats and
water scooters add to the increasing air pollution in the park. Noise and air pollution
although seem insignificant, they posed stress and hazard to the natural inhabitants.

Unlike the national park of Kuala Tahan, laughter and excessive noises were not
tolerated. On a trip to Kuala Tahan, a ranger actually reprimanded a local tourist for
not adhering to the rules. The tourist guide was also given a lecture. This enforcement
was lacking in Penang National Park although it is under the same authority.

5.1.6 Wildlife stress, disturbances and lost

Kiew (1996) mentioned that the growing interest in ecotourism is putting much
pressure on biodiversity. With the infrastructures and new bridges, there will be an
influx of tourists into the park. These will definitely cause pressure to the animals and
plants. A noticeable different is the fauna surrounding the meromictic lake. With the
permanent ranger post at Pantai Kerachut, there are no sea otters to watch at
meromictic lake. During the night, there were fewer fireflies (Pteropytx tener) as
compared to the pre national park status. The other larger forest fireflies‟ species
(unknown) were not seen behind campers‟ toilet. Could they have extinct because of
human activities?

During the development of the camping facilities and the ranger post, Indonesian
workers were found using mist net to trap birds and bats for food. Mist nets were laid
at the forest edge bordering the meromictic lake. There was no proper supervision of
the workers or could it be “pagar makan padi” (malay proverb: fence to protect but
instead it destroys the crop).

Fig 5.6: A full load of sea mollusk on

a wheel burrow being collected from
the small island within the national
park by park rangers. The “harvest
everything” is very damaging to the
population and natural wildlife. This
is a typical example of “pagar makan
padi”. (Picture taken beside the
ranger post. Jan „06)

There were lesser mousedeers and other small mammals at the vicinity of Pantai
Kerachut. I have not seen them for a long time since the forest reserve became a
national park.

5.2 Questions about alternatives

The draft plan open for public scrutiny in March 2005 was a hasty approach made to
be bulldozed through. A time frame between 16 March and 25 March 2005 was given
to read 2 volumes totaling more than 500 pages. The draft was put up in the website
but the website was always down when one need to assess it. Only selected NGOs
were given a copy each for scrutiny. I was given a copy to read by a friend from an
NGO. A thorough reading could not be completed in time. Therefore, a brief
summary of the content and the comments (Appendix VII) were posted by me to the
email group to which I am a member.

The following questions were noted from my reading:-

a) Building of an access road from Teluk Bahang to Pantai Kerachut.

The benefits stated in the draft plan were not concrete enough. It mentioned that with
the access road, it will improve access for the less mobile tourists and lower the
service costs and reduced time for emergency response.

Road kills. The most widespread and damaging threat (Kiew, 1996) is the opening up
of the surrounding land. Divided lands restrict animals‟ movement. A research done
showed that an area divided will affect the growth of animals' population.

Less mobile tourists have always been using the boat to reach Pantai Kerachut and
there is no reason why they can‟t do it after it became a national park. Is it necessary
to cater for this group but detriment the already fragile and small park?

Response to emergency can be done by using radio communication (Source:

Appendix C page 7, Draft Plan). This was mentioned in the draft plan but it was
ironical that the draft plan proposed an access road to improve communication where
radio communication can serve this purpose. A repeater station had already been set
up at Muka Head‟s peak since 2005 to serve the ranger post at Pantai Kerachut.

Emergency evacuation can be done by sea. Gunung Tahan which is so remote and
dangerously vulnerable to accident and need 3 days walk to the nearest medical help
at Kuala Tahan still do not need any access road. Pantai Kerachut which is only 45
minutes walk to Teluk Bahang definitely does not need a road.

Access road will over develop Pantai Kerachut which is also a turtle hatchery. Easy
access will increase the tourists‟ arrival and thus the sustainability of this smallest
park in the world could be jeopardize.

Access road will pollute the streams that feed the fragile meromictic lake and Sg
Tukun. While there is a "…need to minimize swimming pools on
streams…constraining the movement of aquatic species" at Sg Tukun (Pg 144 Last
para, Draft plan). This access road at the head stream will affect the aquatic species. It
should be noted that "These streams are all short, and relatively steep" (Pg19 para 1,
Draft plan). These are features of the park which will not be conducive for building an
access road. Erosion will cause pollution of streams and affect the quality of the water
and will be a threat to the environment and ecology of the park. This threat is
especially real for the meromictic lake.
The draft also proposed an environment friendly transport. This could only meant
battery operated transport. Can a battery operated transport have the horsepower to
climb hill. What will be the maintenance cost for such vehicle? Or can it be
maintenance locally?

Talk about limiting access and closure (Pg 177, Draft plan) is unnecessary if easy
access by road is none. Let nature "apply the limit" rather than the unpopular
regulation of "limited access". Limiting access by enforcement also involved costs in
increase in park officers and the required paper works.

A win-win situation to the fishermen who have been affected by the declaration of the
coastal limit of the park. Without an access road, these fishermen can become boat
operators ferrying tourists in the park. (Pg 52 Para 4, Draft plan). One of the criteria
for ecotourism is the need for the involvement of local resident in the industry. The
employment created from the boat business can only be realized if there is no access

"The immediate concern is to sustain the nesting sites for marine turtles in the park"
(Pg 50 Para 1, Draft plan). Access road brings more intrusion and creates enforcement
problems and costs.

b) Building new wilderness trails while some other wilderness trails will be closed!

This is very ironical - build new trails and close the others. One of our nature policies
is to strictly stick to the old trails. Opening new trails are not encouraged.

A new wilderness trail to Bukit Telaga Batu was proposed. A viewpoint at the top will
be built. There is already an existing trail to Bukit Telaga Batu. The trail to the peak is
very steep. Not many people would want to hike to this peak as it involved strenuous
climb. An existing view point at Sungai Tukun was neglected because there were not
many people going up to this view point. There is no rational reason to build one at
Bukit Telaga Batu which is much further than Sungai Tukun.

New wilderness trails will affect the carrying capacity and increase stress to the
animals as the park is very SMALL. Hunters and plant collectors will have easy
access to remote areas and there will be no control of the collection of protected
species of plants as well as animals when enforcement is lacking.

A community of shy Spiny Turtles used the shallow “well" at the peak at Bukit
Telaga Batu to cool themselves. The development of the new trail and the view point
will destroy this habitat as there is no alternative water source at the peak. Please help
save the spiny turtles.
Fig 5.7: A juvenile spiny turtle
found along the trail at Bukit
Telaga Batu. His days are
numbered if a view tower

c) Building "hardened" trails to replace the "natural" trail. This project had already
started even before the draft plan was approved.

Fig 5.8: Before. Hardened

trail using wood. Built in

Fig 5.9: After. A year later,

the same hardened trail of
wood was replaced with
pebbles and concrete. A
sheer waste of public fund.
Worker seen repairing in

The project to build hardened trail to replace “natural” trail is a “double standard”
applied merely to fulfill the need of the authority. On one hand they mentioned that all
infrastructures should be built to look “natural” but on the other hand they try to build
artificial walkway over natural trail. With poor maintenances, these man made
artificial structures will be an eyesore within a short span of a several months (Fig

Trekkers and hikers would prefer natural trails to hardened trails. Hardened trails will
cause knee injuries and gave an artificial looking surrounding to nature lovers. These
hardened trails are actually wastage of fund. High maintenances are required to put
these hardened trails in good-looking.
Chapter 6: Conclusions

6.1 General Discussions

Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) School of Biological Sciences dean Prof Masshor
Mansor reminded the park management planners and decision-makers that there was a
clear difference between a national park and a garden. There were plan to incorporate
foreign flora such as Chinese bamboo and exotic Brazilian plants to beautify the
landscape (The Star, 11 April 2005)

National parks should be left alone in their primeval condition (Masshor, 2005)
Ironically, the PNP had already embarked on the development although the deadline
for feedback of the draft plan was March 31, 2005. It was a shame as only 6 person
out of 1.2 million Penangites gave their feedback before the deadline. The 566-page
daft plan was uploaded onto the website for public scrutiny with only 2 weeks for
their comments. This was the reason Penangites commented that they had yet to finish
reading the content (The Star, 11 April 2005)

PNP is touted to be the smallest national park in the world. The 2,562 ha park covers
1,181 ha of land and 1,381 of sea. It would even be smaller had the perimeter of 1.5
km of sea did not incorporated into the park. With this, minor disturbances to the
environment will have a far-reaching implication on the ecosystem. The proposed
building of road from the park HQ to Pantai Kerachut will have major impact on the
fragile ecosystem. It would provide an extra passage for animals such as stray dogs
and rats to invade the jungle (Masshor, 2005)

The existing fish cages at Pasir Pandak has caused pollution and silting of fish wastes
on the beaches. Between the livelihood of fisherman and the fragile ecosystem, the
latter should be of tantamount important if the concept of national park is to be taken
into consideration.

6.2 Recommendations

6.2.1 Enforcement

It will be useful to look at the enforcement aspect of the National Park before I
summarize the findings of the previous chapters. It is important that protection of the
forests and the environment urgently requires a pragmatic and down-to-earth (Rashid,
1996) approaches. Enforcement is an important aspect in the efficient management of
a sustainable national park. An impact on the environment will be felt when there are
no proper enforcement by the rangers on enforcing the legislation. Lukewarm altitude
of the enforcement officers at Pantai Kerachut where no action was taken to protect
the rules and regulations of the park.

On the New Year eve of 2006, the park rangers at Pantai Kerachut had an outdoor
barbeque with his family and friends. Smoke from the barbeque pit was blown by the
fresh sea breeze into the forest behind. The air was filled with oily smoke. Fire
crackers and fire works display were released by campers in front of the ranger post.
Fig 6.1: Left over of fireworks
display on Pantai Kerachut. These
create stress to the natural
inhabitants of the park.

The rangers did not take any action. Empty casings of the fire works were littered on
the beach. Although these events did not pose any known significant damages on the
beach, a detailed study could prove otherwise. The smoke from the fireworks was
blown towards the meromictic lake which had a small colony of fireflies, some rare
aquatic insects and small mammals. How much damages and disturbances on fireflies,
bats and nocturnal faunas were not be known.

Fig 6.2: Kingcrabs are rarely

found at Pantai Kerachut.
With no strict enforcement,
campers were free to catch
rare creature.

This lack of enforcement is perceived as partly due to the lacking in management

efficiency. Enforcement officers were jobseekers who do not have consciousness on
the environment. Shaharuddin (2000) mentioned, “…sound forestry policy and
legislation is a prerequisite for the efficient management, conservation and utilization
of forest resources.”

6.2.2 Management of the park

With the gazetting of PNP in April 2003, the Department of Wildlife and National
Parks (PERHILITAN) took over the site management from the Penang State Forestry
Department (FD). At present, the PERHILITAN is manning the Teluk Bahang
entrance and a ranger station at Pantai Kerachut. The state PERHILITAN director is
the park manager (penguasa). Fig 6.3 shows the current staff strength and designation.

Fig 6.3: Current staff strength and designation (Source: Penang National Park, Vol 1 (Draft), 2005)
No Designation Number
of staff
1 Director 1
2 Deputy Director 1
3 Assistant Enforcement Officer – Ecotourism and Management 1
4 Assistant Enforcement Officer – Information, Education, 1
Services and Community
5 Wildlife Assistant 1
6 Enforcement Officer 4
7 Chief Clerk 1
8 Assistant Accountant 1
9 Administrative Assistant 1
10 Enforcement Unit 8

The draft plan proposed that the staff strength be increased. It suggested 6 officers, 15
rangers and 11 laborers (PNP draft, 2005). The increase in staff strength is necessary
as they will be required to police the protected area against illegal intruders and
hunters. With only 8 enforcement officers, there is a need to increase the number to
manage the enforcement of the park. However, even with the increase in the number,
there won‟t be any effect on the protection if the officers are lacking in their

The park‟s development committee chairman Teng Chang Yeow (Star, 21 Mac 2006)
said that there are now 21 staff members manning the park. Another 16 staff member
will be added before the scheduled official opening in April 2007.

6.2.3 Sustainable Carrying Capacity

Elaine (1993) noted that rapid growth of trekking tourism involving channeling of
trekkers along a small number of routes has caused a conflict between this desire to
confine tourists to specific locations and the small carrying capacity of these
locations. This has been compounded by the sensitivity of many natural and cultural
environments. To address these issues, Elaine (1993) suggested that Government
should support environmental management schemes.

To counter the consumer culture, people need to regard reducing consumption not as a
sacrifice, but as a substitution for the intangible factors that enhance a harmonious
relationship with the environment (Razali, 1996). The plan for administration of eco-
tourism development by the Wildlife Department should be managed by a sustainable
strategy. One that will not cause a conflict of interest between increase in tourists and
sustainable environment. To this effect, I would propose a limit to these adverse
impacts with the following suggestions:

- Imposing an entrance fee of at least RM5 for locals and RM20 for foreigners.
- Limiting visitor numbers and implementing a ban on camping-based tourism
on some remote beaches.
- Penalties for non-compliance of rules and regulations
- Contributions to special funds for environment management, waste disposal
and trash clean-up
- Tourists need to pack out trash by imposing a deposit for every disposal
container used
Fig 6.4: A tariff system from Yayasan Sabah – a sustainable management of forest park. Two rates one
for local and the other for foreigner.

6.3.4 Sustainable Ecological Development

Since the national park is a complex ecosystem maintained by ecological processes

and by complex interactions among species, Salleh and Manokaran (1993) have
pointed out that these processes and interactions must not be so disrupted in the
pursuance of economic activities that there is serious disruption in the goods and
services provided by the ecosystem (Chee, 1996). Rampant developments,
unnecessary developments, eyes pleasing infrastructures, new facilities, new plans
and more tourists attracting wastages which have already being built, being planned
or in mid development were seen as wastages that indirectly harm the ecosystem.

Fig 6.5: Trees were chopped down by

contractor to build trail. Main picture
showed building materials being left
indiscriminately along trail to Pantai
Kerachut. Inset top left: logs left to

Turner & Others (1990) wrote, “People have exploited forests for millennia, but they
can only carry on doing so if this exploitation is truly sustainable; using methods that
do not give short term profits at the expense of long term yields.” It is on this note that
the prospect of Penang National Park should be at her natural state as it is now for
many years to come. A sustainable method of development is in urgent need. A
transparent blueprint of the on going projects should be make known to the public, not
just the authority and its committees.

Conclusion: The Right to Live

Each evening looking out on the distant setting sun, the raptors make their final catch
before going back to the tall seraya trees. Hovering and guiding gracefully above and
making a dashing dive, and emerging with a catch or two seem much more enjoyable
than seeing caged exotic wildlife imported from far away places. This is best natural
safari of Penang National Park.

Tourism forms the basis of northern Penang's economy, to which the park make a
small significant contribution. The beach tours were adequately promoted on the sun,
sand and sea. The variety of unexpected sights offered by the coastline, the greenery,
the greyish canopy tree tops, the acrobatic raptors, the golden beaches combed with
fresh sea breeze, can be fully appreciated while on a boat. At present there are not
much resort facilities at the park. The only available chalet accommodation at Sungai
Tukun had been abandoned. The Wildlife Department had built camping facilities at
Sungai Tukun and Pantai Kerachut. The old buildings at Teluk Duyung were
abandoned as well. The other beaches do not have camping facilities. Campers need
permission to camp on the beaches.

Under the shadow of the Penang National Park, all wild life dwells. It is the last
wilderness in Penang and must be preserved at all cost at its present state to face the
constant challenges to that very distracting force seeking to pit against nature called
development. With vibrant beauty, all flora and fauna sing in harmony and invoke us
to treat them with love and care. Nature has so extravagantly bestowed upon us this
last wilderness called Penang National Park.

A very important significant of setting up a park is to conserve, protect and sustain it

for the benefit of the present and future generation. These numerous so-called
developments; on building infrastructures, on beautifying the park; and perhaps
turning the park into a “theme” park was a mistake. It is with this note; I felt sad to
see the custodians of the Penang National Parks embarking on a so-called tourist
attracting-development with poor sustainable regard to the fragile ecosystem.

Thank you.

Ministry of Housing and Local Government Malaysia. (1996). Bukit Bendera Local
Plan, Municipal Council of Penang Island. Publisher: Ministry of Housing and Local
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Chan, N.W. (2000). The Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve Penang‟s First State Park?.
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Society, Malaysia.

N.D.Jayal & etc. (1986). Conservation, Tourism & Mountaineering in the Himalayas.
Publisher: Indian Mountaineering Foundation, India

British Mountaineering Councils. (1993). Greater Ranges Conference. Publisher:

BMC Greater Ranges Conferences, India.

Elaine Brook. (1993). Tourism Impact in Upper Mustang, Nepal. Publisher: BMC
Greater Ranges Conferences, India.

I.M.Turner & others. (1990). The Dynamics of Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve: a
Synthesis of Recent Research. Proceedings of the International Conference on
Tropical Biodiversity, Kuala Lumpur. Pg 166-174.

Allen & Unwin. (1992). Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hill, 5th Edition.
Publisher: Allen & Unwin

Charles Shuttleworth. (1981). Malaysia‟s Green and Timeless World. Publisher:

Heinemann Educational Books (Asia) Ltd

MNS publication. (June 1976). Malayan Naturalist. Publisher : Malayan Nature

Society, Malaysia.

John Briggs. (1988). Mountains of Malaysia – a practical guide and manual.


Ang Sek Chuan et. al. (1999). Selected Nature Trails of Penang Island. Publisher:
Malaysian Nature Society, Penang Branch

Chan Lai Keng, Editor. (2003). Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve: The case for a State
Park. Publisher: Universiti Sains Malaysia

DCT Consultancy Services. (2005). Penang National Park, Volume 1 The

Management Plan (Draft) & Volume 2 Supporting Studies And Additional
Information For The Management Of Penang National Park (Draft).
Quek, L.F. (1998). Help Us Make Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve The First State Park
in Penang. Newsletter of Malaysian Nature Society (Penang Branch), April issue,

Consumers Association of Penang. (1996). State of The Environment In Malaysia.

Publisher: Consumers‟ Association of Penang, Malaysia.

Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Perlis. (2002). The Concept of Park Development In

Malaysia (Institutional Framework, Management And Operation). Publisher: Jabatan
Perhutanan Negeri Perlis.

Shaharuddin bin Mohamad Ismail. (2002). The Potential of Forest Legislation in Park
Management in Peninsular Malaysia. Publisher: Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Perlis.

Sira Habibu and Choong Kwee Kim. (2005) Leave park alone, say nature lovers.
Publisher: The Star Monday 11 April, 2005.
c_hp/hp_kelp_history.asp (about kelp spp – sea weed)
l (sea urchin) (sponges) (America‟s Premier Watershed Restoration

Partnership) (Dirtiest National Park) (Penang National Park 2004) (Penang National Park I) (Penang National Park II) (Pantai Mas)

Appendix I

National Park Enactment


The first National Park in Peninsular Malaysia was declared in 1938/1939 which
includes an area of 4,343 square kilometer. 57% of the area is in National Park
Pahang and the area is 2,477 square kilometer, 24% of the area which is 1,043 square
kilometer is in Kelantan and the rest 853 square kilometer is in Terengganu.

The Penang National Park is under the National Park Acts No: 226 (1980). The
National Parks that was declared in 1938/1939 is under the National Park Enactment
(Pahang) No: 2 (1939) which is only enforced in the state of Pahang, National Park
Enactment (Kelantan) No:14 (1939) is for Kelantan and National Park Enactment
(Terengganu) No: 6 (1939) is for the state of Terengganu. Beside the enactments,
Wildlife Protection Acts No:76 (1972) are being enforced to protect wildlife and birds
in the parks.

National Park Acts No: 226 (1980)

National Park Acts No: 226 (1980) was introduced on February 28, 1980. It contains
11 sections which include the declaration of the National Park, reasons for the Acts,
Advicing Council, Functions, Responsiblity, Restrictions and others related

These Acts are only applicable to the present National Parks that will be declared in
Peninsular Malaysia. These Acts DO NOT apply to the National Parks of Pahang,
Kelantan and Terengganu.

National Parks Advising Council

According to the Acts, Advising Council must be chaired by a Minister, State

Secretary for the state involved, three representatives from each state, Head of
Directors, representative from Treasury, State Economy Planning Unit, Ministry of
Culture, Arts and Tourism, Forestry Department and not more than 6 representatives
elected by the Minister.

National Parks Advising Council will advise the Minister on rehabilitation, use, care,
enforcement, management and development of the National Parks and other matters
that need to refer to the Minister from time to time (Section 6).

Establishment of National Parks Committee

The committee members appointed by the Minister must include the following:
- State Secretary for each state.
- A representative from Federal Government Department if the Minister felt there is a
- Less than 3 representatives appointed by the Minister.
- State Secretary will be the Chairperson for the committee.


The appointed Head of Directors under Section 4(1) Wildlife Protection Acts No: 76
(1972) will be responsible for the implementation of the Acts. Head of Director has
the right of supervising and directing each procedure on the National Parks.

National Park Acts No.226 (1980)

National Park Acts No.A571 (1983)
Appendix II

Newspaper Cuttings
Appendix III Wildlife Department Organisation Chart









Appendix IV Rules and Regulations In The Penang National Park


It is an offence under National Park Acts 226/1980 if a person breaks the regulation of
the National Park. The offences are as follow:

1. Enter the Park without an authorized permit.

2. Take, destroy and smuggle out any wildlife, plant and any natural artifact from
the Park without any authorization except for purposes of research which need
the written authorization from the authority.

3. Throwing rubbish or littering in the Park is an offence.

4. Defacing plants, buildings or any permanent structures in the Park that are
decimating to the beauty of the Park.

5. Burning, campfire or throwing of cigarette butts in the Park except designated

area. This is to prevent forest fire.

6. Make noise or any activities that may disturb the peace of other visitors along
trails or campsites except with special permission in certain area.

7. Performing any activity or acting as a guide in the Park need permission from
the authority. Only certified Nature Tourist guides from the local community are
allowed to operate in the Park.

8. Bringing animal/pet or exotic plant into the Park is an offence.

Note : Need all visitors‟ cooperation to the Penang National Park to follow the
above regulations to maintain the natural habitat and to become an attractive
ecotourism destination.
Appendix V

Department of Wildlife and National Parks Penang

a) Enforcement of Wildlife Protection Act 76/72

Issuance of commercial, hunting, trapping and import/export licenses.

Patrolling to control the hunting and smuggling of wildlife.
Conduct inspection on wildlife business premises and private residence.
Prosecute and compound offences committed under the Wildlife Protection Act No.

b) Wildlife Management

Investigate and provide assistance to public where wildlife disturbances occur

Monitoring of wildlife population and mitigating wildlife disturbances in problem

c) Conservation Education

Create awareness on the importance of preserving and conserving the environment,

particularly for wildlife. Extension programs and exhibitions for schools and members
of the public


Puan Misliah Mohd Basir


Jabatan PERHILITAN Pulau Pinang

Tingkat 40, Komplek Komtar
10200 Georgetown
Pulau Pinang

Tel: 04-261 3039

Fax: 04-261 0330
Appendix VI

Tuesday June 7, 2005

Local parks and wildlife reserves in peril


The management of the Endau-Rompin National Park is considering setting up a

petting zoo as an added attraction for visitors.

The plan is puzzling.

Is the park short on nature appreciation programmes or is it just keen to provide a

crowd-pleasing activity in the hope of increasing visitor numbers?

The intention reflects the inability to convey the conservation message to the public
and the lack of understanding of the role of a protected area (PA) – to conserve the
natural ecosystem together with its flora and fauna.

It also highlights the fact that

while some PAs are making
significant strides in the right
direction, others are struggling
to implement their basic

An assessment of PAs by the

World Wide Fund for Nature
Malaysia (WWF) found that
several nature parks in the
country are operating without
management plans – the basic
tool that spells out the policies
and strategies for managing
This leopard was injured after being caught in a these wild places.
poacher‟s snare in the Endau-Rompin National
Park. The accessibility of protected areas makes the Only “a few” of the 18 PAs
wildlife in them vulnerable to poachers. assessed were either finalising a
management plan or about to
develop one. Some existing plans require updating and revision while others rely on a
business or protection plan which is incomplete or unsuitable. Although setting aside
a piece of forest for conservation is the crucial first step, it must be followed up with
financial commitment by the authorities.

“It is more difficult to obtain allocation for developing management plans than for
infrastructure development,” explained Surin Suksuwan, WWF senior scientific
officer who headed the assessment team, at a two-day workshop that presented the
preliminary results of the assessment. He suggested that the federal government,
which benefits from park entry fee collections, fund the development of management

The WWF assessed these terrestrial parks: Taman

Negara, Endau-Rompin, Gunung Ledang, Tanjung
Piai and Perlis State Park in the peninsula; Bako,
Gunung Mulu, Gunung Gading, Kubha, Niah,
Lambir Hills, Loagan Bunut, Similajau, Tanjung
Datu and Batang Ai in Sarawak; and Kinabalu,
Tawau Hills and the Crocker Range in Sabah. These
come under five authorities: Department of Wildlife
and National Parks (Perhilitan), Perlis Forestry
Department, Johor State Parks Corporation, Sabah
Parks and Sarawak Forestry Corporation.

Respondents who were appointed by the respective

park authorities answered 19 questions designed to
evaluate the management effectiveness of the parks.
These range from biological importance to socio-
These unusual and majestic
economic values of the PAs to legal security and
limestone pinnacles are among
allocation of resources such as staffing,
the tourist attractions of Mulu
infrastructure construction and funding. Substantial
Caves in Miri, Sarawak.
focus was given to assessing the pressures and
threats faced by the PAs.

The methodology is based on a framework developed by the World Commission on

Protected Areas for Nature and has been applied in Algeria, Bhutan, Cameroon,
China, France, Gabon, Mexico, Russia, South Africa and Swaziland.

Assessment of PAs is deemed crucial as conservationists realise that while there are
over 44,000 PAs worldwide covering an area the combined size of India and China,
many exist in name only. Some have been seriously degraded while others face
increasing pressure from poaching, logging, mining and alien species invasion.
Staffing and funding to ensure full protection are also inadequate.

Establishment of PAs is widely recognised as the cornerstone of biodiversity

conservation and is one of the ways to achieve the 2010 goal of significantly reducing
the rate of biodiversity loss called by the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD).

Some ecosystems under-represented

The CBD also called for conservation of at least 10% of each ecological region by
2010. Countries are encouraged to develop a PA network that is representative of their
diversity. As the primary agency tasked with ensuring that Malaysia puts in measures
to fulfil its CBD commitments, Perhilitan is concerned that Malaysia still has a long
way to go. Its protected area division director Sahir Othman said Malaysia has
achieved 6% of the collective global target.
“Certain ecosystems are under-represented in
our PA system. We still lack representation
in the realms of freshwater, coastal ecology
and marine,” said Sahir, highlighting the
reluctance of state governments to enact
parks under the Perhilitan-sponsored
National Park Acts 1980. He identified these
ecosystems to be the south-east Pahang
peatswamp forest, alluvial swamps of Sedili
Kecil in Johor, the Terengganu limestone
hills and the coastal dipterocarp forest of
Dinding and Segari in Perak.

WWF‟s Suksuwan added montane

ecosystem to the list. He pointed out that
except for Gunung Tahan, the whole of the
main range is left out of the PA system. The
highest peak in the peninsula is part of the
The Perlis State Park protects rare tri-state park Taman Negara which is
limestone formations. managed by Perhilitan. Although Perhilitan
protects 751,413ha of forested lands through
its 40 wildlife reserves and two national parks (Taman Negara and the Penang
National Park), the coverage is still insufficient. It is only a mere 8.5% of peninsula
forests, compared with the 78% controlled by the Forestry Department.

While Forestry Department officials present at the workshop argued that Virgin
Jungle Reserves (VJRs) should be included in the country‟s PA coverage, Sahir said
VJRs lack vital information on boundary, location, size and conservation status.

The Forestry Department also said that the 23,002ha spread out in 87 VJRs and
representing five forest types – mangrove, heath, peatswamp as well as lowland and
hill dipterocarp forests – are essentially a bastion of conservation. However, as VJRs
come under the department‟s “protected forest” category which is still subjected to
degazettement, conservationists are wary of their protected status.

Borneo shines

In comparison, Sabah and Sarawak have done a fairly decent job of protecting their
natural reserves. Sabah Parks manages six parks that represent most major habitats in
the state. Sound management with a strong research tradition has put it in a far better
financial position than its counterparts in the peninsula. For instance, revenue from
visitor fees is around RM10mil a year.
To date, more than 300 major research projects have
been completed and the findings published in
scientific journals, both locally and internationally.

Sarawak is also making strides in putting more

forested areas into its PA network. It will be the first
state to have a terrestrial trans-boundary park when
the Lanjak-Entimau Transboundary Park is
established with Indonesia.

Rahimatsah Amat, the former director of Perlis State

Park, said PA authorities must develop scientific
research programmes and subsequently prioritise
their conservation efforts. “For the first five years, it
is all right to do baseline research but subsequent
research should be more intense,” she said.

Land conversion, logging and hunting – either legal

Recreational activities that
or illegal – are the major problems facing PAs in the
inculcate nature appreciation,
country. Encroachment by licensed loggers into park
such as trekking, should be
areas is a common occurrence. Encroachment
developed to draw visitors
happens as PAs boundaries are either not properly
instead of unsuitable activities
demarcated or the accessibility of the parks makes
like fish-feeding.
them vulnerable to poachers.

The Upeh Guling waterfalls in the

Endau Rompin National Park.
- Photo by ANDREW SIA

Illegal hunting is more rampant in PAs where native communities are prohibited to
hunt. Suksuwan pointed out that such conflicts with local communities were less
apparent in Sarawak where indigenous rights to sustainable use of forest resources are
upheld. In Sarawak, poaching by outsiders for pure commercial purposes has been
controlled via the Wildlife Protection Ordinance 1998 that bans all trade in wildlife.

Tourism also poses considerable pressure to national parks. In the Mulu National
Park, for instance, visitors have stuffed spent batteries into crevices in caves.
Appendix VII

An email sent to the MNS group in March 2005 concerning the Penang National Park
Draft Plan.

Dear Nature Lovers,

I am sending this email to you to let you know that the Penang National Park draft
management plan is ready for public scrutiny.

The URL was published in the STAR on 16 March 2005 and they expected the public
to finish reading the 2 volumes of 250++ pages each (total about 550 pages!) and to
submit feedback before 21 March, 2005! Well, this could only meant one thing - that
they are rushing through the plan where several developments will be detrimental to
the environment. Whatever the motive, let us do our part to submit feedback to them -
all for the love of MOTHER NATURE!

Please login to this website. However, please be patient as login in to the slow server
will be a problem - perhaps that is another motive?

The following concerned points were noted from my reading-

A) Building of an access road from Teluk Bahang to Pantai Kerachut.
B) Building new wilderness trails while some other wilderness trails will be closed!
(Ironical isn't it?)
C) Building "hardened" trails to replace the "natural" trail (ironically the project had
started even before the draft plan has been approved?)

My comments:
A). On building road.
Benefit given – improved access for less mobile, lower service costs, reduced time
for emergency response.

Comment –
1. Road kill. Divided lands restrict animals‟ movement. A research done showed
that an area divided will affect the growth of animals' population.
2. Less mobile tourists can use the sea to reach Pantai Kerachut. Is it necessary to
cater for this group but detriment the already fragile and small park?
3. Response to emergency can be done by using radio communication (Refer
Appendix C page 7)
4. Emergency evacuation can be done by sea. For example at Gunung Tahan which
is so remote and dangerously vulnerable to accident and 3 days walk to Kuala Tahan
still do not need any access road. Pantai Kerachut is only 45 minutes walk to Tlk
5. Access road will over develop Pantai Kerachut which is also a turtle hatchery
(which do not need many tourists) and would not sustain the already smallest NP in
the world.
6. Access road will pollute the streams that feed the fragile meromictic lake and Sg
Tukun. While there is a "…need to minimize swimming pools on
streams…constraining the movement of aquatic species" at Sg Tukun (Pg 144 Last
para, Draft plan) This access road at the head stream will affect the aquatic species. It
should be noted that "These streams are all short, and relatively steep" (Pg19 para 1,
Draft plan)
7. Environment friendly transport can only meant battery operated transport. Can a
battery operated transport have the horsepower to climb hill. What will be the
maintenance cost for such vehicle? Or can it be maintenance locally?
8. Talk about limiting access and closure (Pg 177, Draft plan) is unnecessary if
easy access by road is none. Let nature "apply the limit" rather than the unpopular
regulation of "limited access". Limiting access by enforcement also involved costs.
9. A win-win situation to the fishermen - don't build access road so that fishermen
can be boatmen to ferry tourist to Pantai Kerachut. (Pg 52 Para 4, Draft plan)
10. "…immediate concern is to sustain the nesting sites for marine turtles in the
park" (Pg 50 Para 1, Draft plan). Access road brings more intrusion and create
enforcement costs.

B) On building new wilderness trail

Comments –
1. Built new wilderness trail to Bkt Telaga Batu viewpoint when closure of remote
trails were encouraged! (Ironical?)
2. New wilderness trail will affect the carrying capacity and more stress to the
animals as the park is very SMALL.
3. A community of shy Spiny Turtles used the shallow “well" at the peak to cool
themselves. The development of the new trail and the view point will destroy this
habitat as there are no alternative water source at the peak. Please help save the spiny

Thank you for your time. Remember to read the draft and send your feedback to the
email address shown in the website before 21 March 2005 (send them by 20 Mac)
If you love nature, if you love Penang - this is the time to do your bit....

Forest Ang
Appendix VIII

Email sent to Wildlife Department on

Comment on Draft Management Plan of Penang National Park

From: Forest Ang <>

Reply-To: Forest Ang <>
Date: Mar 20, 2005 6:54 PM
Subject: Comment on Draft Mgmt Plan of Pg Natioal Park

I am Forest Ang, the one who has came out with the website on the dirtiest national
park at

I am sure many people were not happy with the website but then again there are many
more who think such 'dirty' scenarios shouldn't have happened in a national park at
all. Alot of the damages were done by the contractors and tour operators. They should
be penalized for burning and dirtying the park.

I am happy that a mangrove walkway will be built at Pantai Acheh. I only hope that it
will be built with concrete rather than wood. Please refer to Kuala Selangor Nature
Park's walkway. I think the present one is probably the 3rd generation where wooden
walkway eventually collapsed and posed hazard to users. So please use concrete in
building the walkway.

I am also happy with the canopy walkway but I would prefer the money be spent on
other urgent matter, like patrolling the park.

Three main concerned about the Draft were:–

1. Developing access road from Teluk Bahang to Pantai Kerachut
2. Developing new wilderness trails which are unnecessary
3. Developing "hardened" trails over the "natural" trails

1. Developing access road from Teluk Bahang to Pantai Kerachut

My comments –
i) Road kill. Divided lands restrict animals‟ movement. Research done showed that an
area divided will affect the growth of animals' population. With the road, wildlife
population will be expected to dwindle or diminish.

ii) It is not necessary to build road for less mobile tourists as they can use the sea to
reach Pantai Kerachut. This is a small park and by building a road many flora and
fauna will disappear.

ii) With modern telecommunication, emergency response can be done by sea. The
marine police and 911 have such facilities for emergency.
iv) Gunung Tahan which is so remote and dangerously vulnerable to accident is
THREE days walk to the nearest civilization (Kuala Tahan) butl do not need any
access road. Here, Pantai Kerachut is only 45 minutes walk to Tlk Bahang.

v) Access road will bring in many more tourists and eventually Pantai Kerachut will
be over developed. This will affect the turtle hatchery and eventually killing the goose
that lays the golden egg.

vi) An access road will cut through the hill where two streams, one feeding the fragile
meromictic lake and the other Sg Tukun. While in Sg Tukun there is a "…need to
minimize swimming pools on streams…constraining the movement of aquatic
species" at Sg Tukun (Pg 144 Last para) Can access road guarantee that the head
stream will not affect the aquatic species?? It should be noted that "These streams are
all short, and relatively steep" (Pg19 para 1)

vii) No access road will be a better alternative where nature will "apply the limit"
rather than the would be unpopular regulation of "limited access" Limiting access by
enforcement also involved costs.

viii) A win-win situation to the fishermen - don't build access road so that fishermen
can be boatmen to ferry tourist to Pantai Kerachut. (Pg 52 Para 4)

2. Developing new wilderness trails which are unnecessary & view point
at Bkt Telaga Batu

My comments:-
i) It is better to follow existing wilderness trail to Bkt Telaga Batu rather than have
new trail which will caused more damages to the steep terrain from Teluk Duyung to
Bkt Telaga Batu.

ii) New wilderness trail will affect the carrying capacity and more stress to the
animals as the park is very SMALL.

iii) A community of shy Spiny Turtles used the "well" at the peak to cool themselves
(Ang, 2005). The development of the new trail and the view point will destroy this
habitat as there are no alternative water source at the peak.

3. Developing "hardened" trails over the "natural" trails

My comments:-
i) 'Hardened' trails over extensive area will give stress to animals.

ii) 'Hardened' trails would mean the wooden structures (which are being built now)
which will be a wastage of fund and they need regular maintenance. Please check the
Tmn Negara Kuala Tahan's wooden structure to Bkt Teresek to see the wastage.

iii) All trekking tourists prefer natural trails. Please do a survey and you will know.

Other suggestions:
i) In Singapore where nature parks are limited, there are many volunteer organisations
helping the authority to keep watch of the park. Perhaps there should be one for PNP.

ii) All contractors doing work should be 'watched' over their shoulders. All rules
should be applied to the contractors too. If not enough staff then call for volunteers.
Tour operators should also be given warning.

There are many more smaller issues but i think the 3 main issues should be addressed
(through the reasons given) and hence all other minor issues will be minimized.

Thank you so much for reading

In Nature One Must be Humble

One for Nature
forest ang

Replies by the Wildlife Department

Reply Forward Invite

tnpp to me More options 3/21/05

Hi Sir,

Thank you for your thoughts and feedback. We will take your opinion
into considerations.

Best Regards,
Management PNP

Reply Forward Invite to Gmail

hutan to me More options 3/23/05

Many thanks for your contribution.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Forest Ang" <>
To: <>; <>;
Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2005 6:54 PM
Subject: Comment on Draft Mgmt Plan of Pg Natioal Park
Appendix IX

Map of Penang National Park. Source : PNP Draft Plan

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