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The Bicycle

Stage 2 | English

Visual Literacy: visualize/verbalize - Responding & Composing. OBJECTIVE !" B" C & # The major task from the unit is the development of a literary description of an illustration from the book The Bicycle. The aim of this unit is to develop students knowledge & skills in descriptive writing.

Term 3 ! weeks.

Board of Studies NSW Program Builder pb.bos.ns

Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright.


#ey concepts

$ontinuum mar%ers

Board of Studies NSW Program Builder pb.bos.ns

Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright.

English #&!'

"#$%$& plans' composes and reviews a

range of te(ts that are more demanding in terms of topic' audience and language
"#$%3& uses effective handwriting and

Creating descriptions $rom %isual images /0efer to & 1iterature -ompanion for teachers by 1orraine 2c.onald -hpt ) % 3"T&&4
#oun groups .escriber and classifier adjectives Building a description "(tending description using 5ualifying

O11ORT23ITIE TO ! E CO3TI3224 4!R5ER .


Cluster 6 : Voca7ulary 8no,ledge

;ses synonyms for a range of common

;ses simple content specific vocabulary

publishes te(ts using digital technologies

"#$%)B identifies and uses language

in appropriate ways when creating te(ts.

;ses relevant vocabulary associated with

forms and features in their own writing appropriate to a range of purposes' audiences and conte(ts

phrases and clauses

.escribing with verbs and adverbs

digital technology and electronic te(ts.

.emonstrates e(panded content

"#$%*B uses effective and accurate

sentence structure' grammatical features' punctuation conventions and vocabulary relevant to the type of te(t when responding to and composing te(ts

&rammar /Re$er to cope & e'uence o$ grammar & punctuation stg $(:
adjectives possessive6 numbering6

vocabulary by drawing on a combination of known and new topic knowledge. Cluster -9 : Voca7ulary 8no,ledge
8hows awareness that there are a

describing6 comparing6 classifying. conjunctions6 connectives.

"#$%+,- thinks imaginatively' creatively

-ohesive links7connectives eg. pronouns6 -lause -omple( sentences. 8imple sentences. -ompound sentences. verbs action6 thinking6 feeling. -reative language features simile6

number of ways to work out the meaning of unknown words.

<inds the meaning of unknown7unfamiliar

and interpretively about information' ideas and te(ts when responding to and composing te(ts

words in reference sources' e.g. dictionaries' thesauruses.

"#$%++. responds to and composes a

Cluster 6: !spects o$


range of te(ts that e(press viewpoints of the world similar to and different from their own

-ontributes relevant ideas to

discussions' asks 5uestions and re% phrases to clarify meaning. responses to what others say and constructively builds on the ideas of others.

metaphor6 idiom6 personification. Visual Literacy )Re$er to T*e *ape o$ Te+t to Come - Jon Callo, pgs-./-0(
9nteracting & relating ga:e to viewer6

1istens attentively' makes appropriate

;ses group discussion protocols' e.g.

shot distance6 angles6 ga:e' pro(imity and angel between participants6 colours6 authenticity.
.esign & 1ayout salience6 reading

turn taking. Cluster -9: !spects o$ pea8ing

3rovides detail and supporting evidence

Board of Studies NSW Program Builder pb.bos.ns

paths6 placement6 layout6 framing.

in a logical manner when speaking about

Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright.

Board of Studies NSW Program Builder pb.bos.ns

Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright.

Stage 2 & Spea%ing and listening !
respond appropriately to the reading

Teaching* learning and assessment

VISUALISING VERBALISING E IO3 -: Vie,ing/Orientation to t*e te+t Show students the book cover. Predict what the book could be about7what might its purpose be= . .iscuss student responses. Read the book blurb on the back cover. Orient students to the purpose of the book read parts of the prologue from -olin Thompson & 8u::ane .vorak. .o a >book walk through> 8how each page to the class. .o a second book walk through this time students are to chose a favourite illustration. Ask students to turn <ace to <ace with another students. They discuss what illustration is their favourite so far & why they liked that image. -ome back together as a whole group' sitting in a circle students share their responses.

The Bicycle % 8ave the -hildren by -olin Thompson. http 77www.writeawrong.com7thebook.htm #8? 8yllabus for the &ustralian -urriculum "nglish @%+, The 8hape of Te(t to -ome % Aon -allow & #ew Brammar -ompanion for teachers % Beverly .erewianka. & 1iterature companion for teachers by 1orraine 2c.onald. -hpt +$. 8oftware % ?riting workshop + % #arratives % descriptive language. T&1" % 8yllabus bites ttp udes7trap.html= uidC2TDyE.A&FB<20FGy2.&+H,0<F"(8 TF*?2gCC http,s tru%l+%5ui:

of te(ts to demonstrate enjoyment and pleasure

use interaction skills' including active

listening behaviours and communicate in a clear' coherent manner using a variety of everyday and learned vocabulary and appropriate tone' pace' pitch and volume (ACELY1688, ACELY1792)

understand that successful

cooperation with others depends on shared use of social conventions' including turn%taking patterns' and forms of address that vary according to the degree of formality in social situations (ACELA1476)

Stage 2 & Writing and representing !

.evelop and apply conte(tual knowledge
identify key elements of planning'

IO3 :: I;B %ie,ing

composing' reviewing and publishing in order to meet the demands of composing te(ts on a particular topic for a range of purposes and audiences

Board of Studies NSW Program Builder pb.bos.ns

View the te(t on the 9?B at website allowing students time to respond to the images and again offer their opinions. page by page. http 77www.writeawrong.com7thebook.htm . ?rite down comments made about the illustrations creating a comments bank for display.

Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright.


Teaching* learning and assessment

!#J2 T4E3T % CONSIDERA IONS for ?hole classroom
adjustments to classroom organisation appropriate materials and resources that

CRO C2RRIC2L24 1RIORITIE ustaina7ility Epportunity is provided in this unit for discussion around treating people fairly and actions to improve sustainability . Epportunities e(ist is to discuss and further investigate social sustainability and to also advocate action to improve sustainability.

support teaching and learning activities' eg the use of technology' alternate formats such as large print' disk or Braille' simplified te(ts' subtitled .F.s6 oral sign interpreters or readers and scribes6 modifications to e5uipment or furniture6 and adjustments to enable participation in field trips and e(cursions be covered in a particular lesson or unit or the time allocated to complete work

adjustments to the amount of content to

consideration of their individual

communication strategies' including verbal and non%verbal communication systems concepts and skills by the teacher' teachers aide or a peer with structured opportunities for guided and independent practice' as well as effective feedback

additional demonstration of key

a range of appropriate learning activities

additional support through group work'

volunteer or peer tutoring. -E#89."0&T9E#8 for individual students % ?riting

writing simple answers to 5uestions

Board of Studies NSW Program Builder pb.bos.ns

Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright.


Teaching* learning and assessment

ticking pre%prepared checklists using photographs' pictures or symbols'


eg the student se5uences pictures to tell a story' combines symbols to convey meaning' circles a selection of symbols on a page to create a list uses a drawing program and pictures to write' uses scanned pictures and7or digital photographs in a multimedia presentation' uses assistive technology to select te(t or pictures from the screen

using computer software' eg the student

using electronic communication devices'

such as speech to te(t


&E3ER!L C!1!BILITIE Intercultural understanding Epportunities e(ists in this unit for students to develop interacultural undesrtandings as they learn to understand their own identify in relation to others from different cultures and backgrounds. Critical and creati%e t*in8ing Epportunities e(ist for students to develop critical and creative thinking through responding and compose te(ts. Et*ical understanding

Fisualise7verbalise descriptive writing piece % criterion marked.

Board of Studies NSW Program Builder pb.bos.ns

Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright.


Teaching* learning and assessment

Epportunities present to discuss ethical issues in the te(t ie. opportunities to access education6 opportunities to e(perience childhood past times. Epportunities that we take for granted.

/ssessment o0er0ie
8yllabus referenced assessment % ?riting.


Board of Studies NSW Program Builder pb.bos.ns

Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright.

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