6.4.20 Reinstatement of Working Areas: Dhofar Power Company SAOG

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Dhofar Power Company SAOG

Mott MacDonald

anti-climbing guards and danger and notice plates, shall be undertaken without delay. The Contractor shall be responsible for compacting and relevelling ground to the original surface level and gradient. Where agreed by the Owner/Engineer a percentage of the spoil may be disposed of by local spreading and the balance, if any, shall be removed from site.
6.4.20 Reinstatement of Working Areas

Reinstatement of all working, access and storage areas shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. A programme for reinstatement works shall be submitted to and approved by the Owner/Engineer prior to the issue of the taking over certificate. This is a Hold Point. Reinstatement where specified shall include all necessary topsoil preparation, hydroseeding and the planting of shrubs and trees to a standard at least equal to the condition of the site prior to construction. The sequence of work shall be such as to ensure establishment of all species and the age and state of growth of plants shall be such as to ensure successful replanting at site. All such work shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Owner/Engineer and the relevant regulatory authorities.
6.4.21 Site Stabilisation

Where foundations are installed on sloping or unstable ground the Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring the stability of the area and the safety of the public, all to the satisfaction of the Owner/Engineer and local regulatory authorities. Positioning of towers in the area of a wadi should be avoided as far as possible. If, however, it becomes unavoidable to position a tower within the area of a wadi then the foundations and the bottom section of the tower must be protected to above flood level against scouring and/or debris brought down by the flood water. Stabilisation shall be achieved by approved methods such as retaining walls, buttresses, sprayed concrete, rock bolts, dowels or gabion baskets / mattresses. Site assembly of gabion baskets and mattresses shall be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Ga1?ions shall be placed in position prior to filling and secured to adjoining gabions with lacing wire. Filling material shall be between 100 and 150 mm; 90 percent of the fill to be retained on a 100 mm ring. The fill shall be tightly packed with no apparent voids, and shall be overfilled by 25-50 mm to allow for settlement. Lids shall be laced immediately after filling. Where necessary to prevent erosion and as stipulated by the Owner/Engineer, or the appropriate authority, surface drainage channels shall be provided; surge chambers, stopped ends and sub lets shall be formed as required. Where surface vegetation has been removed from sloping ground such that erosion could occur the area shall be re-instated by planting of grasses using hydroseeding methods or band sprigging.
6.4.22 Site Protection

Where specified support legs or foundations are in areas open to vehicle access, the Contractor shall install barriers of a type approved by the Owner/Engineer to prevent vehicles coming into contact with the support or foundation.
6.4.23 Earthing

All tower foots shall be earthed according to provision in Clause 7.2.20.

Construction of 132kV Overhead line between Awqad GSS & SFZ GSS and Associated Works (Package-1) Volume 2 Overhead Line Specification Rev. No. Date

:A : December 2010 :Page 17 of 32

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Section 6 Foundations

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