Council Minutes March 4, 2013

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Council Minutes

March 4, 2013

March 4, 2013 Middletown, PA 17057 The March 4, 2013 regular business meeting of the Middletown Borough Council was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Council Vice President Robert Louer. Following the invocation by Council Vice President Robert Louer, and the Pledge of Allegiance, the following Council members answered roll call: Donald Brooks, John Brubaker, Robert Louer, Judy Putric, David Rhen, Scott Sites and Suzanne Sullivan. Barbara Arnold was absent due to family personal reasons and Council President Christopher R. McNamara was absent due to illness, Vice President Louer reported. Also in attendance were Mayor Robert G. Reid, Borough Manager Tim Konek, and Borough Secretary Chris A. Courogen. PUBLIC COMMENT Dawn Knull commented about a news report which stated electric rates could increase if the Borough is unable to recover monies lost due to alleged improper investments of money in the Electric Rate Stabilization Trust Fund. She also commented on the plan for new decals on Borough vehicles, the removal of equipment from a police vehicle and the bottle bomb incident. Michael Dalton commented on the status of the Demps Bar demolition. James Curry commented that he hopes Council will approve the M&H Railroads request to use Hoffer Park for its Civil War event, which he said will help foster the towns historic heritage. Rodney Wagner commented on the Electric Rate Stabilization Trust Fund and suggested the trust agreement be posted on the Borough Web site. Karen Clark commented on an attempted break-in in her neighborhood and voiced support for the police department. Rodney Wagner added comments in support of the police, saying he does not know why they are getting a bad name. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7:18 p.m. Council went into executive session. Council reconvened publicly at 7:48 p.m., with Vice President Louer announcing matters pertaining to litigation and labor negotiations were discussed, with no action to be taken at this time. MAYORS REPORT Mayor Reid had nothing to report. SECRETARYS REPORT Borough Secretary Courogen reported on resignations, plans to update the decals on public works department vehicles and plans to consolidate the borough employee uniform suppliers to a single vendor. MANAGERS REPORT Borough Manager Konek gave an update on the transition of the administrative offices to downstairs in Borough Hall, the status of the new phone system project, and the status of work to upgrade the Boroughs IT infrastructure.

Council Minutes

March 4, 2013

Councilor Sites asked for a final cost tally on the downstairs renovations. Vice President Lower said the costs were very minimal since all the materials used, other than new carpet, were already on hand from a project that had never been completed in the past. Councilman Rhen also pointed out the Boroughs Public Works Department provided all the labor. Vice President Louer added that John Hevel, who led the crew doing the renovations, was to be commended for doing an excellent job. Councilor Sullivan made a motion to accept Todd Webbs resignation. The motion was seconded by Councilor Brooks and approved by a unanimous 7-0 vote. Councilor Sullivan made a motion to accept Rachelle Reids resignation as an alternate for the Zoning Hearing Board. The motion was seconded by Councilor Sites and approved by a unanimous 7-0 vote. Councilor Sullivan made a motion to accept Jeffrey Millers resignation from the Borough Authority. The motion was seconded by Councilor Putric and approved by a unanimous 7-0 vote. Councilor Sullivan made a motion to accept Tom Handleys resignation from the Borough Authority. The motion was seconded by Councilor Putric and approved by a unanimous 7-0 vote. Councilor Brubaker made a motion to appoint A. B. Shafaye the Borough Authority. The motion was seconded by Councilor Rhen and approved by a unanimous 7-0 vote. Councilor Sites made a motion to approve the M&H Railroads request to use Hoffer Park for its annual Civil War reenactment event. The motion was seconded by Councilor Brubaker. Councilor Rhen questioned the date and was told it is the weekend of September 21-22. Councilor Brooks asked if it will be advertised. Borough Secretary Courogen said both the M&H and the Borough will promote the event. The motion was approved by a unanimous 7-0 vote. Councilor Brubaker made a motion the Borough discontinue its membership in AMP-Ohio. The motion was seconded by Councilor Rhen. Councilor Sites asked what the basis was of Councilor Brubakers recommendation. Councilor Brubaker said because the Borough no longer purchases electricity from the organization. The measure then was approved by a unanimous 7-0 vote. Councilor Brooks made a motion to authorize advertisement of Ordinance 1292 setting the Boroughs electric rate. The motion was seconded by Councilor Sites and approved by a unanimous 7-0 vote. Councilor Rhen made a motion to authorize the new decals for the Boroughs vehicle fleet. The motion was seconded by Councilor Brooks and approved by a 6-1 vote, with Councilor Sites dissenting.

Council Minutes

March 4, 2013

NEW BUSINESS There was no new business brought before the Council. Councilor Brooks moved to adjourn. Councilor Sites seconded the motion. It was approved by unanimous consent and Council adjourned at 8:07 p.m.

Borough Secretary

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