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Blogging Around The World

Cover Design: Cara Williams Photography: Cara Williams Copyright 200 !y Cara Williams All rights reserved

By Cara Williams


Chapter %: Chapter 2: Chapter &:

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Chapter One
Amy picked us up at 9am (with our mountain of luggage) and we were on the road at 9.45am. We arrived at New uay in 5.5 hours and after a uick stop at !escos for supplies (wine)" we found !olcarne #each $urf $hack" which was to %e our home for the night. !he hut was literally on the %each and was well e uipped with & %unk %eds (with %lankets and some deck chairs). !he toilets were a 5 minute walk away. 't cost us (&) each for the night ((*) per night) and we loved it. http+,,,surfshacks.htm We arrived at the hut at .pm and spent the afternoon watching the #ody #oard /hampionships while sipping 0rosecco in the sun. 1n the !olcarne #each site" there were a couple of (pricey) cafes" a surf %oard hire shop and an admin office. After two %ottles of 0rosecco" we decided to get changed and head up the cliff into town. !he town of New uay itself is full of %ars and cheap restaurants. 2or some reason" the town was dead on the $aturday night" which was a %it of a disappointment" as ' was in party mode3 We chose to have 4reek for dinner" as $tavros 4reek !averna. !he food wasnt great and was pricey for what it was. After dinner" we went in search of a pu% that someone had recommended to 2aye 5 the New uay Arms. 't ended up %eing a lot of fun. !he music and the cocktails were really good" particualrly 6ittle 7iss $unshine. After a couple of cocktails" 8oe decided it would %e a good idea to dare me to do stuff and she started %y daring me to get a photo with a lairy group of guys dressed as 9ail%irds" on a stag do. 6uckily" the guys had left the %ar %efore ' had a chance to get the photo. !he %ar was uiet %ut we stayed for some time" as they %lasted 9):s music out on the dance floor. 1ne of the %ar staff said that a typical 3

$aturday night in Ne uay starts at midnight" which is why we hd the %ar to ourselves. We held out until ;;..)pm %ut then got itchy to move on. 't had got a %it %usier %y now outside and (unfortunately) 8oe spotted the stag party at a %ar called :/entral:. ' got it over and done with straight away. ' went up to the guys" told them how pretty they looked and 9umped in the middle of the crowd for a picture. After the photo" the groom (dressed as a female police woman3<) came up to me and said :you:ve got gorgeous eyelashes. /lose your eyes: and he gve me a slo%%ery kiss. ' am so gulli%le. After successfully completing my ne=t dare (to get a picture with some superheroes3<) ' went in the pu% and found 8oe and 2aye sitting at a ta%le with a random guy. >ust %y the look of him" ' knew he was going to %e annoying 5 and he was. ?e wouldnt leave 2aye:s side and even when his friends came over to save us from him" he wouldnt %udge. ?is :friends: were a really drunk guy" who had a really thick Wigan accent and a lady" who we found out was a hairdresser. !he guy had gone to get his hair cut earlier that day and fallen in lust with the hairdresser and this was their first date. 't was all uite weird... We stayed a polite amount of time with the group and then made our e=cuses and left. We ducked into the suita%ly named :?elp: %ar across the road and hoped we were well hidden at the %ack. !his %ar was smaller and uieter than the others" %ut we stayed for a drink anyway. 8oe decided at this point to dare me again. !his time" ' had to clim% over a roped off area of the %ar" run up a flight of stairs and make my way into the :secret: area on the top floor. ' checked the %ar staff weren:t looking and literally flew up the stairs...and was 4

really disappointed to see that this specially guarded area was in fact 9ust a plain old upstairs %ar area. What ' hadnt realised is that the %ouncer had seen me and apparently was running at top speed to protect the %ar and everyone in it from whatever ' was plotting. ' cant really remem%er what ' said to e=plain myself" %ut ' must have ended up winning him round" as ' found this photo on my camera the ne=t day 5 and it was not taken in a 9ail cell. We were so distracted %y the whole %ouncer incident that we didnt notice our new friends sneak into the %ar. Again" we politely stayed for one drink" %ut found a reason to escape when Wigan and hairdresser had their first drunken and long drunken kiss3 We headed %ack to the surf shack at a%out &..)am and sat and admired the view %efore passing out.

Chapter Two
We woke up and lay in the shack with the front door open" watching the waves for a while the ne=t morning. We had all slept well and were ready for more fun. As we were staying at the comple= off season (there were the four of us plus one other couple staying during that weekend)" reception e=tended our check out time to ;..)pm" so we could go surfing,%ody %oarding. #ut %efore that" we headed to the cafe on-site for an over priced" poor uality %reakfast. (!he only saving grace was the porcelain cow milk 9ugs). After %reakfast" we hired wetsuits and %ooked an hour:s %ody%oarding session 5 when in New uay...3 't only cost (9 which ' thought was good value. 't took me a%out an hour to get my wetsuit on" at which point Amy pointed out that ' had out it on %ack to front... We all had fun in the water 5 the wetsuit was surprisingly warm and the waves were good 5 %ut the current was also really strong and we didnt realise uite how far away from the %each we had drifted" even after ;) 5

minutes. ' loved the %ody %oarding and the random weather 5 within the space of an hour" there was %right sunshine" rain" a rain%ow and sun again. We had to check out of our seafront home after %ody%oarding 5 %ut %efore that" 8oe and ' went in search of the shower %lock. !he !olcarne site is not that %ig and yet 8oe and ' spent a%out ;5 minutes trying to find the showers. After asking a%out 4 different people" we found them" %ut" in our defense" they were not signposted and the %uilding looked nothing like a shower %lock. 1nce we were all showered and packed up" we made our way %ack up the steep hill and stopped to have a gourmet picnic of ham and marmite sandwiches and pringles on the cliff top. 1ur ne=t stop was the Acorn /amping @ 4lamping site in $t. #laAey. 't was a%out a half hour drive from !olcarne" and was well hidden" off the %eaten track" in a forrest. #y the time we arrived" it was cold and getting dark. We found the cottage that the owner lived in 5 and we were delighted to see that she was uite ho%%it-like herself. $he showed us to our ho%%it hut (which was down a muddy" loose path in the forrest) 5 the toilet %lock was off down another muddy path and she showed us how to use the camping stove" outside our hut. !he ho%%it huts themselves look fantastic. !hey are less impressive on the inside" %ut still cleverly done. !here was wood dBcor throughout" plus a wooden chair and two side ta%les. !here was a kerosene lamp to add to the effect. !he hut was e=tremely cosy for the four of us" %ut we were too e=cited to care. After unpacking,dumping our %ags in any spare %it of space we could find" we dcided to head into /harlestown (where the ho%%it lady said we would find nightlife). 't was a half hour drive away and was as ' remem%ered it from last time we went there with mum. /harlestown is a very small seaside port" (which is famous for its tall ships) and ho%%it lady had said that there was some filming going on so it should %e lively.

Chapter Three
1n reaching the port" ' was immediately disappointed. No filming" no people" no nightlife. ' dont trust ho%%its anymore. !here were a%out . restaurants in /harlestown and one old mans pu%. We ended up in the 0ier ?ouse ?otel for dinner" where (we realised) was the same place we had eaten with mum when we came here last time. And to complete the memory" we were even sat at the same ta%le as we had %efore. After a %elow parr meal" it %ecame apparent that ' was the only one who wanted to have another lively night. !he others looked e=chausted. ' could see it was a losing %attle" %ut ' negged them to go for one drink at the local old mans pu% 5 !he Cashleigh Arms. We had the pu% to ourselves and so did what any other old man would do 5 played darts" pool and cards" while sipping on a %lackcurrant and soda. We started heading %ack to the hut at a%out ;)..)pm and got lost at a%out ;)..5pm. !he roads were pitch %lack and unrecognisa%le in the dark. Dnfortunately we didnt have the postcode of the campsite with us and none of our phones had any reception. We drove around aimlessly for a%out &) minutes" until (%y some miracle) Amy recognised a 9unction and %etween them" she and 8oe managed to get us home. 't was a %it hairy for a while 5 and while ' found it all uite e=citing (as it made for good %log fodder)" ' would have %een disappointed to miss out on the eventful night in the ho%%it hut. 't had started pouring with rain while we were lost and we got drenched 9ust walking from the car to the hut. 't was also freeAing. After a couple of trips to the toilet" we all settled down for the night 5 (as much as we could in the space) and tried to sleep. We all awoke at Eam needing the toilet. At this point" it was still %ucketing down with rain and 8oe and 2aye decided that" rather than go out and soak the hut when they came %ack" they would use a makeshift toilet in the hut (a saucepan3)

1nce everyone had peed in their respective receptacles" we all tried to get %ack to sleep and ended up missing the alarm. We had planned to get up early and go for a walk through the meadows and wood" as there were smeant to %e some good trails" %ut as it had rained so much" the ground was waterlogged" so we decided to change plan and head to another place we en9oyed when we were here last 5 7evagissey. 7evagissey is a pretty sea front village. !he main attraction is the har%our front" which is lined with cafes and %outi ue shops. !he streets leading to the har%our front are co%%led and narrow" %ut they open up to reveal a really pretty scene. We had a cream tea in a cafe while taking in the view and were 9ust a%out to start wander around the shops" when it started pouring again and we got soaked. !his was our cue to head %ack to the car and start that long drive %ack to 6ondon.

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