Mexico Civic Empowerment

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Mexico City places first in Civic Engagement among youth

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!"#$$%&$' )* +,-%./%" )0123 MLxlCC Cl1? places flrsL ln 'Clvlc LngagemenL' for 2014 ln
Lhe flrsL comprehenslve lndex measurlng 23 of Lhe world's blggesL clLles from a youLh

?ouLh analysLs found LhaL Mexlco ClLy had Lhe mosL youLh lnLeracLlng and consulLlng
wlLh clLy councll leadlng Lo lLs Lop ranklng. Llma's hlgh percenLage of youLh populaLlon
place second, whlle So aulo 16 year old voLlng age conLrlbuLed Lo Lhlrd place flnlsh.

laclng elghLh, new ?ork ClLy was Lhe only uS, Canadlan or Luropean clLy Lo make lL lnLo
Lhe Lop Len.

arL of Lhe overall ?ouLhfulClLles lndex release on november 23, 2013, Lhe clvlc
engagemenL sub-lndex was measured uslng four lndlcaLors: youLh populaLlon (ages 13-
29), Lhe clLy's voLlng age, volunLeer opporLunlLles wlLhln Lhe clLy, and opporLunlLles for
youLh Lo formally lnLeracL wlLh clLy councll. uaLa was collecLed by youLh from each of
Lhe 23 clLles.

8eglna dela orLllla, Mexlco ClLy urban uecoder for ?ouLhfulClLles sald: "#$%& &'(%)
#*+,-$%. $/* 0''1,%) 2'/ -3$%)* $%4 $/* 5,/*4 '2 6$,5,%)7 .' 53*& 3$8* .5$/5*4 5'
5$1* 9$55*/. ,%5' 53*,/ '6% 3$%4.: ;*6 5*-3%'0'),*. 3$8* $00'6*4 53*9 5' </'$4*%
53*,/ .-'=* $%4 -'99(%,-$5* 6,53 *$-3 '53*/7 $. 6*00 $. .3$/* 53*,/ ,4*$. $%4
'=,%,'%.: >3*& $/* $0.' /*-0$,9,%) =(<0,-7 .'-,$0 $%4 ='0,5,-$0 .=$-*.:"
Speaklng aL a Luropean unlon meeLlng of young pollLlcal represenLaLlves ln 8russels,
Son[a Mlokovlc, Clobal ulrecLor of ?ouLhfulClLles sald: ?ouLhful clLles are ones LhaL
engage young people ln Lhe pollLlcal process."

ClLles can affecL Lhe voLlng age, Lhey can affecL Lhe number of youLh Lhey engage ln Lhe
pollLlcal process Lhrough advlsory boards, and Lhey can cerLalnly lmpacL Lhe awareness
LhaL young people have wlLh volunLeer opporLunlLles."


+,7%$ 7, %687,"$3
1he full ranklng llsL of 23 clLles for Clvlc LngagemenL ls:
1. Mexlco ClLy
2. Llma
3. Sao aulo
4. nalrobl
3. 8uenos Alres
6. Calro
7. !ohannesburg
8. new ?ork ClLy
9. Mumbal
10. Lagos
11. Manlla
12. 8ogoLa
13. lsLanbul
14. Seoul
13. Chlcago
16. arls
17. klnshasa
18. London
19. uallas
20. 8ome
21. Los Angeles
22. Shanghal
23. 1oronLo
24. 8erlln
23. 1okyo
llve clLles were selecLed ln each ma[or global reglon based on populaLlon slze - Asla, Afrlca, Lurope, LaLln
Amerlca, Lngllsh-speaklng norLh Amerlca.

1he clLles were measured across Lhe followlng lndlcaLors ln all 23 clLles:
?ouLh percenLage of clLy populaLlon (13-29 year olds)
voLlng Age ln Lhe clLy
volunLeer CpporLunlLles
ollLlcal arLlclpaLlon (opporLunlLles for youLh Lo formally lnLeracL and consulL wlLh clLy councll)
lull deLalls on meLhodology can be found here.

lndlcaLors Lo be added ln 2013 lnclude:
?ouLh voLer LurnouL
Average age of clLy councll members

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?ouLhfulClLles ls a global soclal venLure enabllng youLh Lo bulld beLLer clLles. lL has Lhree maln programs:
A) ?ouLhfulClLles lndex - measurlng Lhe youLhfulness of clLles, 8) ?ouLhfulClLles urban ?ouLh Survey -
Cauglng Lhe aLLlLudes of youLh Lowards Lhelr clLy, C) ?ouLhfulClLles 30neLwork - 30 young leaders ln each
clLy generaLlng new ldeas Lo make Lhelr clLy more youLhful. 1he venLure has lnvolved Lhousands of youLh
Lo daLe from around Lhe world. CurrenLly, ?ouLhfulClLles ls operaLlng ln 23 large urban cenLres worldwlde
and collecLlng daLa on 80 lndlcaLors, grouped lnLo 16 caLegorles ranglng from publlc space, LransporLaLlon
and affordablllLy Lo employmenL and pollLlcal parLlclpaLlon. lL plans Lo expand Lo 100 clLles ln 2014.

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uecode ls ?ouLhfulClLles' foundlng parLner. lL ls a youLh lnnovaLlon consulLancy LhaL has worked wlLh
youLh slnce 1994 Lo generaLed new lnslghLs and ldeas LhaL change Lhe markeLplace, workplace and
socleLy. uecode's work ls global and Lranscends publlc, prlvaLe and nCC secLors. lor more lnfo see

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Chaanah CrlchLon or Aolfe Mcuonald [ Ldelman

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