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Teacher: Justin DeRoo Grade: 5 Lesson Title: How the digestive system works story Duration: 3x hour classes

s General and Specific Learning Outcomes: Science: SLO 5!"!#$ %denti&y the ma'or com(onents o& the digestive system) and descri*e its role in the human *ody+ ,LO D") -. -nglish "+.+" Develop Understanding. /se (rior knowledge and ex(eriences selectively to make sense o& new in&ormation in a variety o& contexts+ "+.+3 Combine Ideas. Organi0e ideas and in&ormation in ways that clari&y and sha(e understanding+ .+.+" Experiences Various Texts. -x(erience texts &rom a variety o& &orms and genres and cultural traditions1 ex(lain (re&erences &or (articular ty(es o& oral) literary) and media texts+ 3+"+3 Contribute to Group Inquiry. Share (ersonal knowledge o& a selected to(ic to hel( &ormulate relevant 2uestions a((ro(riate to a s(eci&ic audience and (ur(ose &or grou( in2uiry or research+ 3+3+. Record In ormation. Record in&ormation in own words1 cite authors and titles al(ha*etically and (rovide (u*lication dates o& sources+ Learning Outcome: Students will demonstrate a working understanding o& the digestive system and its (arts *y creating a short story or gra(hic novel a*out the adventures o& Jack) who a giant mistook &or a 'elly*ean) ate) and washed down with water3 Jack doesn4t want to get &lushed down the giant4s toilet) so once he gets to the large intestine he will have to &ind his way *ack u() or (erha(s a rescue mission could *e mounted) or an o(eration had with the giant doctor+ %t4s u( to the students how Jack is saved3

Activating Strategy: Day " 5sk students i& they know what ha((ens to &ood a&ter you eat it+ %ntroduce !ax "tom#s T$e Digestive %ystem to students+ Acquiring Strategy: List the (arts o& the digestive system) and what the role o& each is) holding u( the 6model4 o& each (art as it is descri*ed+ Day . %ntroduce Jack) who doesn4t have a *ean stalk+ Students will actively o*serve) listen and hel( narrate Jack4s adventures while the teacher washes a 'elly*ean down through a model skull) attached to a length o& tu*e 7eso(hagus8) into a clear (lastic *ag 7stomach8) and through the two medical tu*es 7large and small intestines8+ %& students are u( &or it) an animal4s digestive tract could *e used 7we did this in grade &ive38 9:ote students with weaker stomachs should *e warned in advance a*out this i& an actual digestive tract is used3 ;ost grade &ives will *e a*le to handle o*serving a teacher4s working with dissected organs) however) like any grade) some may *ecome 2ueasy+ Applying Strategy: Have students &ill out Science <L; 5!5) the 6&unction4 column o& the <ody Systems chart as each (art is descri*ed while Jack makes his way down the digestive system as (art o& a note taking exercise+ Day 3 =he next day have students then a((ly Jack4s adventure into -nglish <L; $" Story ;a() making it into a story+ Assessment: >ormative O*serve students) walk around class to ensure they are on task+ /se <L; 5? to ensure active listening is achieved during the ;ax 5tom reading and during the exercise Summative Have students &ill out Science <L; 5!5 in order to esta*lish they have an understanding o& the roles o& each organ+ Have students &ill out -nglish <L; $" Story ;a() and have them com(lete a short story or gra(hic novel a*out Jack4s adventure+ Students can change the nature o& the story i& they wish) (rovided it is a*out the digestive system+ Foundation Words: =eeth) tongue) mouth) eso(hagus) stomach) small intestines) large intestines+ Settings) character) goal) events or action) conclusion) result+

esources: -nglish <L;4s 5? and $" Story ;a( and 5ctive Listening Science <L; 5!5 <ody >unction ;odel skull @ut o&& snorkel &or eso(hagus Alastic *ag &or stomach .x si0es o& medical tu*ing &or smallBlarge intestines Duct ta(e to (ut it all together Jelly*ean Cater !ax "tom#s t$e Digestive %ystem

System!"arts Function

Digestive System

"arts ;outh






Small %ntestine

Large %ntestine

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