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L0nsEnas Plans

Subject: Re: Christmas plans

5:H',,1113,T;#.,To :

"Robin Gattis,' <gattis. robin@g mail. com>

Robin if yu do not communicate.with me how wourd rever know? seriousry? r do not read minds. I make my best assumptions ort as you iam snetered. you so if choose not to be honest but to be ugty anl n"t"t r. "a-i r,,n-".i i""pr"r*"rro ret V, v"a,rliJo. wn.t V, is a parent roves their .niro ,J !3r" at the same time doeJ not have to 3: :;L::x""


Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


From: Robin Gattis <gattis.> uare: Mon, 12Dec2011 07:31:20 _0900

Subject Re: Christmas plans

you think you,re right but you,re just not. things aren,t going to magica,y ln the rast 60 days lve made.$SO,000, but r don,t want this, r want to be normar, have a job and a car and a girlfriend r want to ;M want to b; to have a sun under mv pirrtw, rdon;t;;;io';;1i.,!


;;il;;,;1;, ,y



i,]in. ,,*

You're so shertered vou must think rife is ail parties a1d.fr1n for me, my innocence is dead, have no survivar instinct anymore because rior;iininr rdeserve to rive, this isn,t fun and games, you don't know what hell is until yorV" O."n *nere l,ve been. you've responded to every,cry tor nerp ui truriirg more, so I don,t expect you to grve a shit about anything I siy, or tninr. inrii;rlr.i-fr",,,ng around here. It's not hate, it's pain, but it's getting hard for me to feet anything anymore

il *:l

onMon,Dec12,2o11al7:01AM,LynnGattisG!h}'wrote: I do and you shourd arso give , i.p" a shit and my whore rife for -uui you Maybe

"ilit. did too much. t oon't know ir'"iiio_tno* is r.arways had you as my number one priority. a*::1-a-:-r1.,;t" I as you aged it became never enough. .movies, books. Whatever. And gooi"nirgh. o, Now that you are an adurt and working and on your own |m [ in"" takes. r enjoyed takins care of you and ryan. I do noo" .or" ffitn"r. Even tho yu are hat_efut now. I :?T:9_"V know being hateful will eat """ a persons soul Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T



Date: Mon,


Oec ZOTG:56:44 _0900


Subject: Re: Christmas plans

but nobody ever gave me a chance. maybe t'il be abte to putt it aritogethe;iirlui"any
I am. smart,



covenrmenr ! E erxran

rrerp like l've always had to, or maybe

I of3

Case 3:12-cr-00074-RRB ->

Document 281-19 Filed 11/26/13 Page 1 of 3



it'll all go down in flames. who gives a shit about robin gattis either way On Mon, Dec12,2011 at6 ru otn n g l *,.ote, l, 3t i# ch oose. you "i'-"*Jil are .r"rt Jno o.rind

#; g*i r;ir;;J,;rri[:ilr?Jl fi;ffi :l ?:li #i rdo t,; v;;;#;;#;ii rtry very hard to reave you arone :SIil:#ilJ;:fns

#;jX",;!ffi r

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


From: Robin Gattis <qattis. robin@q Dato: Mon, 12 Dec 20i-ii6:40:42

mail. com>


bjecr Re' ch rEimZiEtar s

,:'J;S?illf"'f:iffi,i3[if y":?i,ff iff :f,ff romyou,, lll,Jt1H,,:,.,,,:lenf

On Mon,. Dec 12, 2011 at 6:37 AM, Robin Gattis <oattis I wasn't , r,qo,r ( ,,,vurve.,, ,,inr,rrrrai,, ..,,. a--ttrolt!-9grnglLeo> wrote: invotveJ,-untlsJ unress you vou carr call ,,involved,,*t"n [ri,ii"r"o )r:ir_l?1=,"^d I say "so for it, they,re pricrs;"-" """ nothine to do with you, t,m waitins ;Ht,"ffi,T"Hl:I"j.:r;Jwanred for your and so lcan laugh on yolr. gr"r.. r btame I sraves. brame you vo, ror rnr r^,h-+ , what r n"url"ilr!'ffi,J,"XJ? ^^..^t:!l: J;cu.r rlce' you set me up for failure so you could call yourself irght in the



I'm terrified and alone, but that,s never meant shit to you.

On Mon, Dec 12,2011 al6:25 AM I rrnn Aa++i^ "s:fl

xffi tre#Hi##it"?Tii,._,.,"* i?*.",

From: Robin Gattis <oattis. robin@q mdil. com> Date: Mon, 12 Dec 207l-06;09:07 _0900

lruoject: Re: Christmas plans

so plan away if you want, I don,t care


you realy woutdn,t say that ir

ffiT[..,X,lX["lffii*=*?:ffi tike tdo mGt*,,rn*:::*", H,f:ig:.:igg.!,;rcffiy; ntght--s anJ k;;'#;i ft;fi.jrT,ilr",,

at6:08 AM, Robin Gattis <qatri

On Mon, Dec 12,2011 at5:52 AM, Lynn Gattis




Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


iSin' '"n,

a christmas workins as wer. rjust wasn't sure


Case 3:12-cr-00074-RRB Document 281-19 Filed 11/26/13 Page 2 of 3

Ke: ChrtStTaS Plans

From: Robin Gattis <qattis. robin @q mail. com> Date: Mon, 12 Dec 20110S:aAii _OSOO

]oilvnnGattis<5 Subject: Re: Christmas plans


don't know what |il be doing yet, r've been too busy with work to figure it out

On Mon, Dec12,2011 at 5:29AM, Lynn Gattis



I haven't heard from either of vou in regards to christmas prans. r understand if you are busy. I just would like to know.




I of3

Case 3:12-cr-00074-RRB Document 281-19 Filed 11/26/13 Page 3 of 3

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