Shemhamephorash and The Solomonic Oath

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Shem ha-Mephoresh, The Divine Name of Extension

The Shem ha Mephoresh (Hebrew: "Name of Extension"), is the famed seventy-two-fo d Name of !ivinity" #n tr$th, it is a %o e%tion of 72 three- ettered Names whi%h embody the &reat 'hee of the (odia%" )rom these Names we derive *+ ,n-e i% .rin%es responsib e for the manifestation of the (odi%a )or%es in rea ity, and who a%t as &$ides and .rote%tors thro$-h o$r wor d" ,s there are / %hoirs of ,n-e s, there are severa names, i0e those whi%h are be ow, whi%h des%ends from name of &od,

19: ,nd the ,n-e of the E ohim that went before the %amp of #srae removed and wentbehind them, and the pi ar of % o$d went from before their fa%e and stood behind them" 20: ,nd it %ame between the %amp of the E-yptians and the %amp of #srae 1 and it was a % o$d of dar0ness to them, b$t it -ave i-ht by ni-ht to these: so that one %ame not near the other a the ni-ht" 21: ,nd Moses stret%hed o$t his hand over the sea, and the !ivine )or%e %a$sed the sea to -o ba%0 by a -reat east wind a that ni-ht, and made the sea dry and, and the waters were divided"

The *+-fo d Name its se f %omes from three verses of Exod$s1 %hap 23 verses 2/, +4, and +2 o$tside of the fa%t that the atter is asso%iated with the 5odia%, and the 5odia% itse f is r$ ed by twe ve perm$tations of the Tetra-rammaton" #n and of itse f, the Tetra-rammaton r$ es (amon- other thin-s) the (odia%a )or%es" The fo$r E ementa .owers of the Name are rearran-ed into twe ve "perm$tations" to show forth the .owers of the Twe ve Si-ns"

These three verses, when written in the ori-ina Hebrew, ea%h %ontain exa%t y *+ etters" THE FOUR ELEMENTAL POWERS -Y 6 )ire, ,5ti $th: the 'or d of !ivinity, )ather" -H 6 'ater, 7riah: the 'or d of 8reation, Mother" -V 6 ,ir, 9et5irah: the 'or d of )ormation, Son" -H 6 Earth, ,ssaiah: the 'or d of ,%tion, !a$-hter Rul !s"#$: T %!&'!&((&%o) &)d %" T* l+ S#')s ,ries YHVH :eo HVYH Sa-" VYHH 8an%er HVHY S%orp" VHHY .is%es HHVY :ibra VHYH ,;$ar" HYVH &emini YVHH 8apr" HYHV Ta$r$s YHHV <ir-o HHVY

#n this way does the Tetra-rammaton -overn the 'hee of the (odia%" There are on y twe ve possib e ways for a -ro$p of fo$r etters to be arran-ed, and #% #s ( &)% %o #llus%!&% "o* %" Fou! El ( )%s ,o(-#) #) d#.. !#)' ,o(-#)&%#o)s %o $!odu, .ou! T!#$l#,#%# s" The twelve Zodiacal Signs themselves are traditionally divided into three parts each- called Decanates. There are 36 such Decans, each one ruled by a Planetary orce, and lasting about ten days. !ust as we saw above how each Sign is shown "by the #lders$ in it%s &ising and alling aspects, so each Decan has a dualmani'estation- called the (uinences. That gives us the 'inal total o' )* +idioms+ within the Zodiac. #ach (uinence lasts 'ive days, and that is the meaning o' the +seventy-two 'ives+ ,grippa describes above. ,lso, these 'ive-day periods are sometimes re'ered to as the +day+ and +night+ o' the Decan, instead o' rising and 'alling. The te%hni;$e of derivin- Names, des%riptions, f$n%tions, et% from S%ript$re is a on-estab ished =aba isti% Tradition" )or instan%e, if an $nnamed ,n-e de ivers a messa-e, simp y ta0e the first etter of ea%h word He spea0s and yo$ wi have the ,n-e >s Name" Ta0e a des%ription of an ,n-e and add $p the n$meri% va $e of the entire phrase, then see what Hebrew words and phrases have the same va $e, and yo$ wi -et a % $e into the f$n%tion of the ,n-e " The possibi ities are end ess" ,%%ordin- to tradition, the *+ names of &od, was manifested by the ,n-e to Moses o$r father with whi%h he performed many mira% es before pharaoh and prea%hed a his ife with h$mi ity, p$rity and sin%erity, and these sixty and twe ve names, draw their ori-in and so$r%e from the -reat ho y name of fo$r etters: #?!-HE-<,@-HE" The sixty and twe ve verses of the bib e of whi%h ea%h of the said verses %ontain in it one of the *+ -reat names of &od and %ontain three sa%red %hara%ters whi%h by the virt$e of the Ho y Spirit is %omposed of an admirab e word, formed of three etters in whi%h the 'ise Men say there is an inte i-en%e or an an-e of &od who %arries with him the MaAesty and .ower of the !ivine Name expressed by the three verses" The three verses are to be written in a pattern %a ed " &s %" ox $lo*s": the first verse is written on one ine, from ri-ht to eft1 the se%ond verse is written dire%t y $nder the first, from eft to ri-ht1 and the fina verse is written be ow the se%ond from ri-ht to eft" The res$ t is three hori5onta ines of seventy-two etters, whi%h are then read in downward %o $mns to re%eive *+ Names of three etters a pie%e" Ea%h ,n-e i% Name is %reated by addin- E or 9ah to the end of the Shem ha Mephoresh Name whi%h He or She embodies

The si-nifi%an%e of these verses is rather s$bt e, o$tside of the simp e fa%t that they %ontain *+ etters apie%e" The main fo%$s is on the Angelic Presence which guided and protected the Israelites on their escape from Egypt " Exodus 2/:20-21 des%ribes Him: "Behold, I send an Angel before you, to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared .Beware of Him, and obey His voice provoke Him not, for He will not pardon thy transgressions for !y "ame is in Him. But, if though shalt indeed obey His voice, and do all that I speak, then I will be an enemy unto your enemies, and an adversary unto your adversaries. #or my Angel shall go before you, and bring you unto the Amorites, and the Hittites $...etc...% and I will cut them off.& ,s most modern Ma-es wi te yo$, the above is a perfe%t des%ription of the Ho y &$ardian ,n-e , who is set over yo$ at birth to -$ide and prote%t yo$, and to ead yo$ $nto yo$r destiny" 9o$ m$st fo ow the <oi%e of this ,n-e , for His is the voi%e of Barma, and to i-nore it- to ref$se earnin- the essons the @niverse has to tea%h yo$- is to invite hardship" The si-nifi%an%e of the above is the one phrase 0.o! (1 N&( #s #) H#(02 be%a$se the Ho y &$ardian ,n-e ho ds the ,$thority of the !ivine So$r%e in yo$r ife" ,s &od said of the ,r%h ,n-e Metetron (who is itera y the Ho y &$ardian ,n-e of the entire @niverse),""""what He wi %ommand at My biddin-, ye m$st observe and do"" The ,n-e of Exodus 14 is the Ho y &$ardian ,n-e of the Nation of #srae , and there is amp e reason to be ieve that this ,n-e wo$ d nat$ra y be viewed as (odia%a in nat$re" The most important % $e is that of the Twe ve Tribes themse ves" )or, it is by these that #srae repeated y defines and identifies itse f in 7ib i%a writin-s, and the twe ve-fo d power of #srae is shown thro$-ho$t the Tana0h (? d Testament)" )or instan%e, the Ma-i% $sed by the .atriar%hs of &enesis seems a ways to be (odia%a , Moses> Staff possessed a twe ve-fo d .ower (m$%h i0e the &o den !awn>s (odia%a ":ot$s 'and"), and the Ho y Cites of #srae were a ways formatted aro$nd a twe ve-fo d system of some 0ind (s$%h as the stones on the Hi-h .riest>s breastp ate- one for ea%h Tribe)" Sin%e anythin- in physi%a rea ity is nothin- more than a ref e%tion of the Ho y &$ardian ,n-e set above it, then the ,n-e in this %ase m$st a so embody these Twe ve )or%es" T"us -1 %"#s (1s% !#ous Ps&l( ,o($os d o. s#x%1 &)d %* l+ + !s s: 1ou *ould $!&#s &)d &do! 3od -1 %" +o,&%#o) o. %" s#x%1 &)d %* l+ )&( s2 &)d &%%!&,% %o 1ou!s l. %" $!o% ,%#o) o. %" s#x%1 &)d %* l+ &)' ls4 #% #s %"!ou'" %" #! +o,&%#o) %"&% o) o-%&#)s -1 ! + l&%#o) o! #) o%" ! *&1s *"&% o) ! 5u s%s .!o( 3od6 T" 1 $! s )% %o H#( ou! ! 5u s%s &)d ou! $!&1 !s &)d &lso ( d#&% - %* ) us &)d H#(6

#NSTC@8T#?NS )?C THE ?.EC,T#?NS: C#T@,: ?): THE SHEM,M.H?C,SH @S#N& THE 8?HEN 8#C8:E
T" O$ !&%#o) o. %" S" (&($"o!&s" ,&) - do) &)1%#( 6
7N8ENSE: The #n%ense to be $sed is )ran0in%ense and Myrrh, in e;$a proportions, we p$ veri5ed and thoro$-h y mixed" THE T7ME: Ea%h evenin-, between / p"m" and midni-ht, a one in the ?ratory, with profane i-htin- extin-$ished, the ?perator wi i-ht a white wax %and e, in the %enter of the %ir% e, p a%in- it near the etter >SH#N>, (see dia-ram) and wi stand in the %enter with the 8and e between his e-s" 8ONSE8RAT7ON OF THE 87R8LE: The 8ir% e and the 8ir% es %orrespondin- to the fo$r %orners wi be %onse%rated by re%itin- the .sa ms -iven f$rther on" ,fter havin%ensed the %ir%$mferen%e of the 8ir% e three times on the first evenin- of the ?peration, it wi not be ne%essary to %ense it a-ain $nti the ast ni-ht of the ?peration1 neverthe ess, %are sho$ d be ta0en to ,:',9S 7@CN , :#TT:E #N8ENSE in the %enser" THE METHO9: The ?perator, standin- th$s in the %enter of the %ir% e, and ho dinanother %and e in his eft hand, wi read the respe%tive rit$a , fo owin- the ora y %omm$ni%ated instr$%tions" )o owin- are a%%$rate y drawn Hebrew %hara%ters:

9?! HE SH#N <,@ N?T#8E - N?T#8E - N?T#8E - The Sma ?ffi%e of the Ho y Spirit, the Miserere Mei (Ps&l( :1) and the !e .rof$ndis (Ps&l( 1/0) are for the p$rpose of p$rifi%ation" The Shemamphorash and Cit$a of ++ Names is for the p$rpose of stren-thenin- onese f with spirit$a power" This set of Cit$a s is %omp imentary"

START: #N<?B#N& C#T@,: ?) THE .ENT,&C,M


A% %" E&s%2 , )s %"! %#( s &)d ! ,#% : Ps&l( 19 The heavens de% are the - ory of #oh1 and the firmament sheweth his handywor0" !ay $nto day $ttereth spee%h, and ni-ht $nto ni-ht sheweth 0now ed-e" There is no spee%h nor an-$a-e, where their voi%e is not heard" Their ine is -one o$t thro$-h a the earth, and their words to the end of the wor d" #n them hath he set a taberna% e for the S$n, 'hi%h is as a bride-room %omin- o$t of his %hamber, and reAoi%eth as a stron- man to r$n a ra%e" His -oin- o$t is from the end of the heaven, and his %ir%$it $nto the ends of it: and there is nothin- hid from the heat thereof" The aw of ,donai is perfe%t, %onvertin- the so$ : the testimony of the :ord is s$re, ma0in- wise the simp e" The stat$tes of ,donai are ri-ht, reAoi%in- the heart: the %ommandment of the :ord is p$re, en i-htenin- the eyes" The fear of ,donai is % ean, end$rin- forever, the A$d-ements of the :ord are tr$e and ri-hteo$s a to-ether" More to be desired are they than -o d, yea, than m$%h fine -o d: sweeter a so than honey and the honey%omb" Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in 0eepin- of them there is -reat reward" 'ho %an $nderstand his errorsD % eanse tho$ me from se%ret fa$ ts" Beep ba%0 thy servant a so from pres$mpto$s sins1 et them not have dominion over me: then sha # be $pri-ht and # sha be inno%ent from the -reat trans-ression" :et the words of my mo$th, and the meditation of my heart, be a%%eptab e in thy si-ht, ? ,donai, my stren-th and my redeemer"

A% %" Sou%"2 , )s %"! %#( s &)d ! ,#% : Ps&l( 11 #n ,donai p$t # my tr$st: how say ye to my so$ , ) ee as a bird to yo$r mo$ntainD )or, o, the wi%0ed bend their bow, they ma0e ready their arrow $pon the strin-, that they may privi y shoot at the $pri-ht in heart" #f the fo$ndations be destroyed ? #ah what %an the ri-hteo$s doD ,donai is in his ho y temp e, ,donai>s throne is in heaven: his eyes beho d, his eye ids try, the %hi dren of men" ,donai trieth the ri-hteo$s: b$t the wi%0ed and him that oveth vio en%e his so$ hateth" @pon the wi%0ed he sha rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrib e tempest: this sha be the portion of their %$p" )or the ri-hteo$s ,donai oveth ri-hteo$sness1 his %o$ntenan%e doth beho d the $pri-ht" A% %" W s%2 ! $ &% %" O$ !&%#o) &)d ! ,#% : Ps&l( 1:

,donai, who sha abide in thy taberna% eD who sha dwe in thy ho y hi D He that wa 0eth $pri-ht y, and wor0eth ri-hteo$sness, and spea0eth the tr$th in his heart" He that ba%0biteth not with his ton-$e, nor doeth evi to his nei-hbo$r, nor ta0eth $p a reproa%h a-ainst his nei-hbo$r" #n whose eyes a vi e person is %ontemned1 b$t he hono$reth them that fear #aoh" He that sweareth to his own h$rt, and %han-eth not" He that p$tteth not o$t his money to $s$ry, nor ta0eth reward a-ainst the inno%ent" He that doeth these thin-s sha never be moved"

A% %" No!%"2 , )s &'&#) &)d ! ,#% : Ps&l( ; ? ,donai o$r :ord, how ex%e ent is thy name in a the earthE who hast set thy - ory above the heavens" ?$t of the mo$th of babes and s$%0 in-s hast tho$ ordained stren-th be%a$se of thine enemies, that tho$ mi-htest sti the enemy and the aven-er" 'hen # %onsider thy heavens, the wor0 of thy fin-ers, the moon and the stars, whi%h tho$ hast ordained1 'hat is man, that tho$ art mindf$ of himD and the son of man, that tho$ visitest himD )or tho$ hast made him a itt e ower than the an-e s, and ha t %rowned him with - ory and hono$r" Tho$ madest him to have dominion over the wor0s of thy hands1 tho$ hast p$t a thin-s $nder his feet: , sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the fie d1 The fow of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth thro$-h the paths of the seas" ? ,donai o$r :ord, how ex%e ent is thy name in a the earthE T" PSALM o. SHEMAMPHORASH 2" 9o$ are my defender, my - ory and the pride of my head, VEHU7AH" +" That is why, <EL7EL, do not withho d yo$r he p m$%h on-er, %ome to prote%t me" F" 9o$ are S7TAEL, my defender and my ref$-e, he is my &od and in him wi # p$t a my tr$st" 3" )or in death there is no-one who remembers yo$, ELEM7AHE 'ho then in the depths of sheo thin0s of praisin- yo$D G" # have so$-ht MAHAS7AH, and he has answered me and he has de ivered me from a my fears" H" Sin-, LELAHEL, who ives in Sion, anno$n%e his p ans amon-st the NationsI" *" 8ompassionate and mer%if$ is A8HA7AH, s ow to p$nish and mer%if$ " J" 8ome then, et $s worship and bow down before 8AHETEL who %reated $s" /" Cemember yo$r -oodness, A=7EL, and yo$r mer%ies in the most an%ient times" 24" Then et yo$r mer%y, ALA97A2 be $pon $s inasm$%h as we have tr$sted in yo$"

22" LAUV7AH ivesE ,nd b essed be my &odE May the &od of my sa vation be exa ted" 2+" 'hy oh HAHA7AH, do yo$ remain distant and %on%ea yo$rse f in times of tro$b e" 2F" Sho$t for Aoy $nto 7E=ALEL: oh a the wor d, sin- and exa t, and p ay the psa tery" 23" )or ME>AHEL has made himse f the ref$-e of the poor, his he p in times of need and in trib$ ation" 2G" 7$t HAR7EL has be%ome a ref$-e for me, and &od is the he p of my expe%tations 2H" HA?AM7AH, &od of my sa vation, day and ni-ht # %ryE :et my prayer %ome $nto yo$" 2*" LAUV7AH, my :ord, how wonderf$ is thy name in a the wor dE 2J" K$d-e me, 8AL7EL, a%%ordin- to the K$sti%e and the inno%en%e within me" 2/" 'hi e waitin-, # awaited LEUV7AH and he noti%ed me" +4" !e iver my so$ from imp$re ips, PAHAL7AH, and from a de%eitf$ ton-$e" +2" 7$t # on y tr$st in yo$, NELE>AEL, and # say, yo$ on y are my &od - in yo$r hands # entr$st my destiny" ++" May the :ord prote%t yo$, 7E7AEL, he is to yo$r ri-ht" +F" May MELAHEL prote%t yo$r %omin- in and yo$r -oin- o$t, now and for ever" +3" ,nd now the eyes of HAHU7AH are $pon those who tr$st in his mer%y" +G" # wi praise yo$, N7TH-HA7AH, with a my heart, and # wi te of yo$r wonders" +H" # %ried with a the stren-th of my heart" ,nswer my prayer, HAA7AH, # wi see0 yo$r A$stifi%ation" +*" <ERETHEL, wrest me from the Evi Man, de iver me from the @nA$st Man" +J" SEE7AH, do not forsa0e me, my &od %ome to my aid" +/" ,nd now &od %omes to my aid, and RE77EL is the s$pport of my so$ " F4" )or it is yo$, ORNAEL, who is my firm s$pport and my ref$-e" F2" Sin%e # have 0nown no vain s%ien%e, then # wi enter into the a$thority of LE8A>EL" F+" )or the word of VASAR7AH is so$nd and a his wor0s are in a%%ordan%e with the fide ity of the promises" FF" 7EHU7AH 0nows that the tho$-hts of men are vain" F3" May #srae tr$st in LEHAH7AH from now $nti eternity" FG" # ove 8HEVA?7AH, be%a$se ,donai wi answer the voi%e of my prayer" FH" MENA9EL, # ove the bea$ty of yo$r dwe in- p a%e and the p a%e where yo$r - ory resides" F*" AN7EL, -od of the armies, %onvert me and show me yo$r fa%e, and we sha be saved" FJ" 7e%a$se yo$ have said, HAAM7AH2 yo$ are my on y hope, it is in the Most Hi-h that yo$ have p a%ed yo$r ref$-e" F/" REHAEL has heard, he has had pity on me, ,donai %ame to my aid" 34" 'hy 7E7A=EL do yo$ reAe%t my prayer and t$rn yo$r fa%e from meD 32" HAHAHEL, de iver my so$ from $n-od y ips and from a de%eitf$ ton-$e" 3+" M7?AEL prote%ts yo$ from a evi , may the :ord prote%t yo$r so$ " 3F" ,nd $nto yo$, VEUAH7AH2 # %ried, and from the mornin- my prayer informs yo$"


33" 8onsider p easant the vo $ntary trib$tes from my mo$th, 7ELAH7AH, and tea%h me yo$r A$d-ements" 3G" #f # said, my foot has fa tered, yo$r mer%y SEAL7AH2 %ame to my aid" 3H" AR7EL is -ent e to a , and his %ommiseration extends to a his wor0s" 3*" How ma-nifi%ent are yo$r wor0s, ASAL7AH, yo$ have done a thin-s with wisdom, the earth is f$ of yo$r -oodness" 3J" M78HAEL has made 0nown his sa vation, in the presen%e of the nations, he has revea ed his A$sti%e" 3/" &reat is VEHUEL, and infinite y praiseworthy, and his -reatness 0nows no bo$nds G4" 8ompassionate and mer%if$ is 9AN7EL, s ow to p$nish and very mer%if$ " G2" May the - ory of HAHAS7AH be %e ebrated for ever, ,donai wi reAoi%e in his wor0s" G+" # sha praise 7MAM7AH a%%ordin- to his A$sti%e, and # sha sin- the name of &od Most Hi-h" GF" # have seen NANAEL that yo$r A$d-ments are e;$ity and that it is in yo$r tr$th that yo$ have h$mb ed me" G3" N7THAEL has estab ished his throne in the Heavens and his empire sha have dominion over a thin-s" GG" 7$t yo$, MA>A7AH, yo$ remain eterna y and the memory of yo$r name extends from -eneration to -eneration" GH" PO7EL s$pports a those who are near to fa in- and he pi%0s $p a who have been 0no%0ed down" G*" Those who fear NEMMAM7AH have tr$sted in him" He is their he p and their prote%tor" GJ" T$rn towards me, 7E7ALEL, and de iver my so$ " Save me thro$-h yo$r mer%y" G/" )rom the risin- to the settin- of the s$n, the name of HARAHEL is worthy of praise" H4" M7=RAEL is A$st in a his ways and ho y in a his wor0s" H2" 7 essed be the name of UMA>EL forever, now and forever" H+" See how # have oved yo$r %ommandments" 7AH-HEL, in yo$r mer%y, -ive me ife" HF" Serve AN7ANUEL in fear, and reAoi%e with him tremb in-" H3" ,nd now the eyes of MEH7EL are on those who tr$st in his mer%y" HG" 8ome ba%0 to me, 9AMA>7AH1 $nti whenD ,nd be exorab e in the eyes of yo$r servants" HH" !o not forsa0e me, MANA?EL, my &od, do not eave" H*" .$t yo$r de i-hts in 7TA7EL, and he wi -ive yo$ what yo$r heart desires" HJ" .raise @A>U7AH be%a$se he is -ood, for his mer%y is forever" H/" , fate has befa en me in an ex%e ent p a%e, for my inheritan%e is ex%e ent for me, oh RO8HEL" *4" #n the be-innin-, <A>AM7AH %reated heaven and earth" *2" Then # sha - orify HA7EL with a the stren-th of my voi%e, # sha sin- his praises in the midst of a m$ tit$de" *+" Now, oh my so$ , ret$rn to yo$r rest, for MUM7AH has improved yo$"


, the .sa ms %o$ d be re%ited %o e%tive y, and a -enera p ea made to the an-e s or a parti%$ ar ,n-e %o$ d be se e%ted as # did in the examp e whose he p is re;$ested for a parti%$ ar p$rpose"


7esham E Me e%h =adosh He fi ed the %osmos with the radian%e of the i-ht of his fa%e" He extended to it the power of the etters of His awe over every ,n-e , %onste ation, Ainn and shatan" He was feared by a of His %reation, and the Ber$bim heeded and obeyed from their hi-hest p a%es and prostrated and answered the %a of His -reat Name" They ;$i%0 y answered with the spe%ia %onfirmations %on%ea ed in the tab ets of the hearts of the administrator" # %onA$re yo$ ? %e estia an-e s and spirit$a ro$haniah and servants of this an%ient oath by what was -athered from the sea of names from the i-ht of Ma 0$th to answer my %a and f$ fi my need, ( -ere state your re.uest) which is that /ichael, the 0*nd ,ngel o' the great )* ,ngels o' the S-#/,/P-1&,S- whose seal is within this triangle o' invocation, shall help /r. --- win his court case. may /r.--- be attuned and awa2ened to the awesome power and presence o' the spirits o' the
S-#/,/P-1&,S-, giving him victory in his court case$

#n the - ory of > !-"&%-1&" A/xB2 ?&-! ! /x2T&%-l -1&" /x2To"-!&) /x M&C-D&l /x >&C-D&l /xT&"!-5&- /x >&!-"&s" /x 3"&l-(&s" /x2 8"o-% ! /x2 E&l-#)-"od /x2>&!s"&) /x ?&%C-" ! /x N&(o" S" l ," /x > !"&1ol& /x >&s"-F -l&," /x E&C M&C /x A)-'"&l&-l % /x E&--&-!&% /x 3"&-1&-"& /x ?&1 d-"o-l& /x S" (-,"&-" ! /x S" (-"&-" ! /x >&F-"&%-"o)-1&" /x >&-s"&-! s" /x To-) s" /x S" (-,"&- >&!o," /x Cespond ? hosts of spirit$a spirits, ? honored p$re and %haste an-e s, ? entities of essen%e and -host of :i-ht, by the privi e-e of this nob e ?ath over yo$ and its obedien%e amon- yo$" # avow and assert on yo$ by the 0nower of a that is hidden and visib e, the &reat and Exa ted, and by the names of yo$r %ovenant on the door of the -reat temp e 7aLa Sa;esh Mahara;esh, Mahra;esh, ,;sham;esh, ,;sham;esh, ,;sham;esh, Sha;monhesh, Sha;monhesh" # swear $pon these, ? yo$ spirit$a ro$hanianh, to help /r. --- *#) "#s ,ou!% ,&s . *#%" & !&1 .!o( %" *o!ld o. %" s$#!#%s o. 72 A)' ls o. %" S-#/,/P-1&,S- L % %" s S737L OF M78HAEL - ,o( & l#+#)' ,o+ )&)% - %* ) ( A.ull )&( B &)d %" s$#!#%sGA)' ls o. %" S-#/,/P-1&,S-2 so %"&% -1 %" ! 5u s% *!#%% ) o) %" $&!,"( )% * ! #) #s ,o)%&#) d %" S737L OF M78HAEL2 o) o. %" 72 A)' ls o. %" S-#/,/P-1&,S-2


/r.--- be attuned and awa2ened to the awesome power and presence o' the spirits o' the S-#/,/P-1&,S- ,ngels, giving him victory in his court case$ 7y the name by whi%h the 0in- of spirits Metraton spo0e and fe ed in prostration the Me a%him, ro$%hanim, %her$bim $nder the throne of the :ord of the @niverse and it is 9an0eer Fx Horeen Fx Horesh Fx 9aro%h ,bara%h ,bada%h Tashteesh 9ah-Nateetee$in 9ah-Nateeteeoh She esh :eesh Sha esh 7a0ra0rroa0 E =adosh1 )$ fi yo$r %ovenant with &od if yo$ p ed-ed and donLt brea0 the faith after its %onfirmation1 donLt be a oof and %ome to me in pea%e, ;$i%0 y, and obedient to the names of &od, the :ord of the @niverses 23-3/x 8LOSE: THE 7,N#SH#N& C#T@,: ?) THE .ENT,&C,M

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