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For each space in each sentence, use the verb Get (in the correct tense) with one

of the prepositions from the box. Sometimes you need to put the object/pronoun between the main verb and the preposition - in these cases, the object/pronoun can be found in the brackets. ver n ut !round "hrou#h !cross $own !way with !round to %y n &p

'. ( was )ate for work because ( didn*t

in time. .

+. ,an we finish this tomorrow- ( am rea))y tired and it*s .. "hat fat kid a)ways

of doin# sport for some reason or other. .

/. "he buses in this town are awfu) and ( prefer to use my mountain bike to 0. (t is rainin# a#ain. 1eather )ike this rea))y 2. "he ki))er (me).

his crime because the po)ice cou)dn*t find any evidence. doin# it. 4e is )a5y, ( think6

3. ( asked him to )ook for that report but he said he never had time to 7. 1e wi)) find it easier to 8. She never '9. 4e didn*t workin# for him. ''. ( can*t

once you #et that part-time job at the supermarket. )osin# that dream job of hers and has been depressed ever since. with his boss and fina))y decided to )eave the company rather than stay there to "om on this phone - there*s no si#na) in this bui)din#.

'+. :ou need to to your wife how terrib)e )ife wou)d be without her. ;aybe then, she wi)) chan#e her mind about the divorce. Phrasal Verbs with 'get' ,omp)ete the sentences. &se each partic)e on)y once. '. +. .. /. 0. 2. 3. 7. 8. <et*s #et 4ow do you #et business. with your c)assmateshim soon.

( know that you*re sti)) in )ove with your ex. %ut be)ieve me, you wi)) #et =uick, #et ( tried to #et my point the car. (*m not supposed to stop here. , but nobody seemed to care. .

1ith '9 do))ars per day, one can hard)y #et 1e have to #et ;y sister he)ped me #et the bus at the next stop. the exam.

1hat you did was very mean. ( don*t think you*)) #et

so easi)y.

'9. 1e won*t #et

the sea today if you don*t cyc)e a bit faster.

For each space in each sentence, use the verb >o (in the correct tense) with one of the prepositions from the box. Sometimes you need to put the object/pronoun between the main verb and the preposition - in these cases, the object/pronoun can be found in the brackets.

n about For ver "hrou#h ff

ff $own with ver "hrou#h ff

"op of Form '. Susan has the f)u and can*t accompany us to the theatre this evenin#. 1hat a shame6 him.

+. Steve*s dishonesty at the meetin# has rea))y made me .. ( want to

the so)ution a#ain. ( didn*t rea))y understand it. to the fina).

/. "he 4ornets need to win their fina) match by two points to 0. ! car bomb 2. (f you keep subject6

in ;adrid this mornin# near the par)iament. ?obody was injured. about your damn new car anymore, ( wi)) stop )istenin# to you. ,han#e the around @0999. very we)).

3. (f you try to se)) this on the open market, it cou)d 7. (f the Aresident makes a speech about raisin# taxes, it won*t 8. Somethin# has '9. !fter the divorce, ( Bxercise '.

in this frid#e. "here*s a terrib)e sme))6 a )ot before findin# my se)f-confidence a#ain.

Fill the gaps with the following phrasal verbs #o ahead #o away #o down with #o into #o under '. !fter #raduatin# from university ;aria decided to CCCCCCCCCCCC po)itics. +. Dunnin# a restaurant is a very tou#h business and sad)y many CCCCCCCCCCCC in the first year. .. "he man at the bar was pesterin# me so ( to)d him to CCCCCCCCCCCC. /. "he university canteen was temporari)y shut down when twe)ve students CCCCCCCCCCC food poisonin#. 0. "he weddin# is CCCCCCCCCC despite the fact the bride#room*s mother is i)) in hospita). Fill the gaps with the following phrasal verbs. #o ahead #o off #o off #o out #o throu#h '. Fran used to enjoy war fi)ms but since servin# in the army he has CCCCCCCCCCCCC them. +. "he bui)din# of a new termina) at the airport wi)) CCCCCCCCCCCC despite hu#e opposition from )oca) residents. .. ;a##ie was )ate for work this mornin# because her a)arm c)ock didn*t CCCCCCCCCCCCC . /. Eu)ie and ?ick have been CCCCCCCCCCCC for ei#ht years and p)an to #et married in the autumn. 0. "he security #uards CCCCCCCCCCCC our ba#s before we went into the footba)) stadium.

Phrasal Verbs with 'come' Complete the phrasal verbs according to their meaning in brackets.

1. 2.

When I was reading the paper, I (found) ow did this mess (happen) !

this article.

". $. %. (. ,. -. /.

We were at a complete loss, and then #ane (produced) is new novel will (be published) What it all (signifies) soon.

a brilliant idea.

is that &ou'll have to pa& more for less. from the *nited +tates.

)or the production of his new film, the actor (came here) Where did &ou (bu&) .o &ou think oil prices will (be lower) It was dark, when we (reached) this old painting in the livingroom! again! his house.

10. When I tried to open the door, the door handle (became detached)

Phrasal Verbs with 'go'

,omp)ete the sentences. &se each partic)e on)y once. '. +. .. /. 0. 2. 3. 7. 8. '9. 1e)), #o "he scarf #oes very we)) ( cannot )et him down, that #oes >o ( cannot #o ,ou)d you #o the post box and turn )eft. his su##estion. the exercise with me- ( haven*t #ot a c)ue what to fi)) in. . his father. . to prevent further wa#e cuts. bein# so se)fish and you wi)) soon have no friends anymore. your shirt. my nature.

( had just fa))en as)eep when the a)arm went "he boy needed he)p, so he went "he cost of )ivin# has #one 0999 workers went

Exercise on Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs with 'get'
You Scored 0 out of 12 This gives you a grade of E. Question 1 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: get up. Question 2 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: getting on. Question 3 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: gets out. Question - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: get around.

Question ! - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: gets "e down. Question # - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: got away with. Question $ - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: get around to. Question % - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: get &y. Question ' - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: got over. Question 1( - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: get on. Question 11 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: get through. Question 12 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: get across.
,omp)ete the sentences. &se each partic)e on)y once. '. +. .. /. 0. 2. 3. 7. 8. '9. <et*s #et down to business. 4ow do you #et a)on# with your c)assmates( know that you*re sti)) in )ove with your ex. %ut be)ieve me, you wi)) #et over him soon. =uick, #et in the car. (*m not supposed to stop here. ( tried to #et my point across, but nobody seemed to care. 1ith '9 do))ars per day, one can hard)y #et by. 1e have to #et off the bus at the next stop. ;y sister he)ped me #et throu#h the exam. 1hat you did was very mean. ( don*t think you*)) #et away so easi)y. 1e won*t #et to the sea today if you don*t cyc)e a bit faster.

This gives you a grade of E.

Question 1 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: gone down with. Question 2 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: go off. Question 3 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: go over. Question - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: go through.

Question ! - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: went off. Question # - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: going on. Question $ - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: go for. Question % - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: go over. Question ' - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: gone off. Question 1( - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: went through.

Phrasal Verbs with 'come'

,omp)ete the phrasa) verbs accordin# to their meanin# in brackets. '. +. .. /. 0. 2. 3. 7. 8. '9. 1hen ( was readin# the paper, ( came across this artic)e. 4ow did this mess come about1e were at a comp)ete )oss, and then Eane came up with a bri))iant idea. 4is new nove) wi)) come out soon. 1hat it a)) comes down to is that you*)) have to pay more for )ess. For the production of his new fi)m, the actor came over from the &nited States. 1here did you come by this o)d paintin# in the )ivin#room$o you think oi) prices wi)) come down a#ain(t was dark, when we came to his house. 1hen ( tried to open the door, the door hand)e came off.

Phrasal Verbs with 'go'

,omp)ete the sentences. &se each partic)e on)y once. '. +. .. /. 0. 2. 1e)), #o on bein# so se)fish and you wi)) soon have no friends anymore. "he scarf #oes very we)) with your shirt. ( cannot )et him down, that #oes a#ainst my nature. >o past the post box and turn )eft. ( cannot #o a)on# with his su##estion. ,ou)d you #o throu#h the exercise with me- ( haven*t #ot a c)ue what to fi)) in.

3. 7. 8. '9.

( had just fa))en as)eep when the a)arm went off. "he boy needed he)p, so he went for his father. "he cost of )ivin# has #one up. 0999 workers went out to prevent further wa#e cuts.

Exercise 1. 1. go into 2. go under ". go awa& $. went down with %. going ahead Exercise 2. 1. gone off 2. go ahead ". go off $. going out %. went through

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