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5 PrC, Psi] The Relic ,A Shadow From a Bygone Age To begin with, I created this class upon learning that there are no good Psychic Warrior prestige classes, other than a refluffed Abjurant Champion. I've specif ically made this with my character in mind, so anyone who wants to use this can feel free to tweak it a bit for their own purposes (such as by using spell casti ng instead of manifesting, or refluffing the level 5 ability). Anyways, that asi de, The Relic Adventures: Virtually without exception, the Relic's chief desire is to bring th e world back to how he remembers it. Though he may have additional interests- al truism, greed, etcetera- this will almost always be a concern. Characteristics: Relic's are rarely comfortable with their surroundings- they ar e in a world filled with strange languages, new customs, and new laws. Often, th e only thing they can find solace in is their own memory of the past. Alignment: Although not strictly required to be of any alignment, most Relics ar e neutral on the good-evil scale. Religion: Although no less likely to be religious than a normal creature, Relics often pay homage to churches and deities that have been dead for centuries. Background: Although the exact details should vary from setting to setting, virt ually all relics come from some long dead civilization, generally unlike whateve r exists in the present day. Races: Particularly long lived races are generally more likely to become Relics, but any creature could conceivably become one. Whether frozen, petrified, or hu rled through time, even the shortest lived races are theoretically able to live for a sufficiently long time to become a Relic. Other Classes: Relics are at odds with virtually everyone that does not hail fro m a similarly ancient time. They do not discriminate by abilities. Role: Much like Psychic Warriors, Relics often function as front-line fighters, augmenting their martial ability with psionic powers and unique class features. Requirements BaB: +4 Manifesting: Able to manifest 1st level powers Skills: Knowledge (History) 5 Ranks, Autohypnosis 5 Ranks Special: To qualify for this prestige class, you must have been alive at least 1 ,000 years ago (or a comparable period of time, if creatures in your campaign se tting are particularly long or short lived). You need not be alive in the interm ittent period. Game Rule Information Relics have the following in game statistics Abilities- Relics use Wisdom to determine save DCs for their class features. As secondary fighters, Constitution and Strength are both useful. Alignment- Any Hitdie- d8 Class Skills-

The Relic's class skills (and key abilities for those skills) are as follows Autohypnosis (Int), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int), Int imidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wi s), Swim (Str) Skill Points at First Level- 4*(4+Int Mod) Skill Points at Each Additional Level- 4+Int Mod Level BAB Fort Ref Will 1 +1 +2 +0 +2 isting manifesting class2 +2 +3 +0 +3 ng class 3 +3 +3 +1 +3 isting manifesting class 4 +4 +4 +1 +4 ng class 5 +5 +4 +1 +4 +1 of existing manifesting class Special Manifesting Angst 1d6, Call to Arms Angst 2d6 +1 of ex

+1 of existing manifesti +1 of ex

Angst 3d6, Burden of Time Angst 4d6

+1 of existing manifesti

Angst 5d6, Hold of the Ancients

Class Features- All of the following are class features of The Relic Weapon and Armor Proficiency- The Relic gains no additional weapon or armor prof iciencies Manifesting- At all levels, the Relics powers known and power points increase as if he had taken a level of his previous manifesting class. If the Relic has mul tiple manifesting classes, he must chose which to advance. Angst (Su)- Concentrating psionically, the Relic forces into another creature's mi nd an image of a way of life now forgotten, demonstrating both the meaninglessne ss of their life today, and that in a thousand years, even that will be forgotte n. This ability targets one living creature with intelligence 6 or higher within 100 ft. The creature must attempt a will save (DC 10+Relic Level+Wis Modifier) or take class level d6 subdual damage and be shaken (a successful save halves th e damage and negates the shaken effect). On each round following an unsuccessful save, the creature must attempt a new will save or have their fear intensify (f rom shaken to frightened, from frightened to panicked, etcetera). A successful w ill save ends the effect. This effect cannot last longer than 1 round per Relic level. This ability is a standard action to use. Should a creature fail five consecutive will saves against this ability, they be come suicidal, and must immediately attempt to end their lives in the most exped ient way possible, as per the power Death Urge. Call to Arms (Su)- The Relic is alone in the world, but the remains of those who were once his brethren remain interred in the earth below him. Wish a full roun d of concentration, the Relic is able to call them forth. All ground within thir ty feet or the Relic is considered difficult terrain by all enemies of the Relic . In addition, for each additional round of concentration, the Relic is able to summon one human skeleton per Relic level from the earth to do his bidding. Thes e skeletons act immediately and on the Relic's turn in all future rounds, and must come into being within the area of Call to Arms. All effects of this ability expire five rounds after the Relic ceases concentrat ing. This ability functions only when the Relic is standing upon solid ground. T his ability cannot be maintained for more than five rounds per Relic level.

Burden of Time (Su)- Although magic may preserve a body's functioning indefinitely , and provide food and drink in abundance, no spell can ease the burden of time. This burden, however, need not be held by one creature alone- as a standard act ion, the Relic is able to temporarily slough off his own burden onto another's sho ulders. This ability targets a single living creature within 100 ft.. The creatu re must make a will save (DC 10+Relic level+Wis Modifier) or become fatigued (if the creature is already fatigued, it instead becomes exhausted). If the creatur e fails its save, the Relic gains a 10 ft. untyped bonus to all forms of movemen t, as well as a +2 untyped bonus to all saves, attack rolls, and skill checks. T his ability lasts for 1 round/Relic level. Hold of the Ancients (Su)- The Relic pays homage to no man- he is loyal only to his memories of a bygone age. It is him against the world- and when the world pr esses its assault, he has nowhere to flee but into his own mind. Now, as he reac hes the pinnacle of his power, he is able to make his mind reality. Once per day , he is able to create an extradimensional palace reminiscent of those of ages p ast, as per the spell Mage's Magnificent Mansion (caster level equal to character level). However, the Relic may occasionally find need for a more permanent dwelling. In a 24 hour ritual, during which the Relic must expend the entirety of his daily a llotment of power points, the Relic is able to raise a palace from the ground. T he Relic must select a 100' x 170' area of comparatively flat ground, upon which the re are no existing buildings. Over the course of 24 hours, the stone and mud of the nearby area stacks itself into a palace reminiscent of whatever sort of buil ding existed in the Relic's past. This building is fully real, and can last inde finitely. Should the Relic use this ability, all previous manifestations of it- be they ex tradimensional or physical- crumble to dust, leaving all real objects and people within it unharmed at the site of the original casting. Alternate Class Feature- For Soulknives (Because coming up with witty names is h ard) Replace the manifesting prerequisite with the requirement that the character be able to manifest a mind blade. When the Relic would gain +1 Manifester level, in stead allow their mind blade to continue advancing as if they had taken a level of Soulknife. Spoiler __________________

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