Stories 2

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Two Stories Self-Sufficiency Economy, Thailand


Japan's Cutthroat School System: A Cautionary Tale for the U.S


These stories solidify a tale of predatory economics ruining youth. The selling of young people on consumerism is an easy task, as long as it fits the bill of being entertaining and stimulating. Of course stimulation is more virtual than reality. As Thailand rips apart the only democracy its ever had, Japan has managed to destroy its youths self-image and sense of worthwhileness. The Thailand article above cautions Thai people not to abandon their countryside lands, to follow the fallacy that living and working in the big city is a good life. Abandoning their traditional agrarian values is wrong. The king of Thailand presented his New Theory a few years ago, in hopes, of raising a message of caution in that people might pause and think. Unfortunately the people of the countryside continue their migrations and what has followed, is big agricultural cartels moving in and engulfing up the farmlands.
By moving to the city, people give up private property, cease pursuing productive occupations, and end up being folded into a consumerist paradigm. Within such a paradigm, problems like overpopulation, pollution, crime, and economic crises can only be handled by a centralized government and generally yield political solutions such as quotas, taxes, micromanagement, and regulations rather than meaningful technical, and most importantly, permanent solutions.

Caught up in this migration are children, the very essence of peoples immortality being abused by systems that we call education, which has pretty much become the equivalent to a feed lot. Learning has stagnated and only the exceptions to the rule prevail, who move on, washing off the stink. The self-reliance from embracing agriculture benefits helps to build and promote a healthy, vivacious, and yes a technologically advanced community. This can be done in the education of all ages. The pride that comes from feeling a part of something is what we are. Instead we are told, only the ignorant live in the countryside. To prosper is to move to the city is a fallacy and the truth be known, the city is a mass of confusion and deception. Japan, like Thailand and others have linked education to economic advancement, and its quite possible, this is a serious error. Countries have construed this as a prerequisite for economic success. The Japanese too abandon their countryside.
Anne Alison says, a unified emphasis on economic achievement and global advancement as the social purpose has left people with few resources with which to confront hard times. The path from family to school to corporation in the context of expanding capitalism underwrote people's social place to such an extent that without it, many individuals become placeless.

How is it a young boy can say, we've all become strangers to one another. Society today is very cold." This is sad, absurd and unnecessary. Japan has created a post war society that basically takes the child from the womb, to the school, to work and to the grave. Alison goes on to say, The Japanese school system is oriented fanatically towards capitalist achievement seems to have reproduced or helped create capitalist social atomization, which has lead to a disruption of ties with neighbors. An isolationism that keeps people imprisoned within. Education cannot be about economics; it has to be about being human. A peoples legacy is determined by its youth.

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