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Consumer response toward web media and their influence on advertising effectiveness Sumaira Batool (10-037) Sumaira.batool@ymail.

com Sundas Zaman MBA (HRM) (10-055) 5th semester

Department Of Business Administration University Of Sargodha, Sargodha.

Consumer response toward web media and their influence on advertising effectiveness The Authors: Sumaira Batool Research scholar at University Of Sargodha Sundas Zaman Research scholar at University Of Sargodha Supervisor: Khurram Ejaz Visiting lecturer at University Of Sargodha

Abstract This research is to measure the consumer response toward web media and their influence on advertising effectiveness. Our purpose is to test the response of viewing web media for advertising in context of Pakistan. We survey a convenience sample of 120 internet user in Sargodha, asking them to recall brands name which they see on web media, indicates advantages and disadvantages of web advertising, and recall ads see on any media, either they liked or not compared to other media. T-test used to measure the results. Consumers respond positively see more advantages as well disadvantages of web advertising. The consumers liked TV ads more than the internet ads with compare to other media. The findings show both positive and negative results which are useful for e-marketers. The research will be conducted in future using represented sample size, other techniques to calculate results and by adding new variables.

1. Introduction 1.1 Background Each year marketers stake their reputations on digital advertising programs and Web sites that deliver irrelevant content to consumers and limited business value to the enterprise. Marketers continue to waste money every year because they dont optimize their online media campaigns based on metrics that drive long-term value for the business. They want to get information and improve the effectiveness of the planning, execution, and optimization of digital media. There are many challenges ranging from allocating marketing spend across media to creating the right mix of brand and direct response marketing, about how consumers behave when they visit a page. How long do they spend on a page? Where do they stop scrolling? Increasingly, advertisers are shifting brand dollars online from more traditional branding media, including television, radio and print newspaper. Advertising through web media can be viewed as consisting of two parts like Offline traditional media advertising included T.V, Printed magazine, Printed newspaper, radio Online advertising included websites, display ads (banners & interstials), search related ads (Google & yahoo) Kotler (no date) 13th edition, chapter 17.

Both online and offline are combined to make an integral part of integrated marketing communication strategy. Almost every one grows up in the world which is flooded with the mass media e.g. television, magazines, newspapers, internet and radio etc for advertising. In early days of E-commerce banners ad appear to have been effective in creating brand awareness and positive attitudes (Briggs and Hollis, 1997) Of all marketing weapons, advertising is renowned for its long lasting impact on viewers mind, as its exposure is much broader (Katke, 2007).Technology innovation has developed with the change of consumer behaviour. Internet, as arguably the most significant technological phenomenon today, provides completely new competitive opportunities to the tourist firms (Andrlic and Ruzic, 2010). Online social media offer the opportunity to connect with the audiences, unlike traditional media (Brown, Broderick and Lee, 2007). Advertising is one of the main components of E-Commerce strategy (Goldsmith and Lafferty, 2002). Internet advertisement offers an enhanced ability to interact with desired target audience and help to established stronger links (Nicovich et al, 2005). The marketers give the concept of brand image just like the marketer injects emotion into the consumers learning and process of advertisements (Jalees, 2006).Internet advertising can be delivered via any channels, in any form, and provides information at any degree (Schlosser et al., 1999).Traditional hierarchy-of-effects models of advertising state that advertising exposure leads to cognitions, such as recall the advertisement, the brand; which in turn leads to attitudes, i.e. Product liking and attitude toward purchase; which in the end leads to buying behaviors, (Mendelson and Bolls,2002). ). There are some factors that

contribute toward the ineffective online advertising. Rettie (2001) found that disruption in flow by banners, interstitials, pop-ups and other form of advertisements can create negative response toward web advertising. 1.2 Objective of the study The purpose of this study is to assessed two issues To find out the consumers response web media influence their subsequent brand attitudes To find out the consumer response to web media influence their behaviour toward internet advertising itself.

1.3 Importance of the study Web media can be an important medium for attracting, retaining and developing a strong relation with consumer. As the primary objective of each marketer is to approach the customer and influence their attitude toward the web advertising. Online marketing is the fastest-growing form of direct marketing. One other main goal of internet advertising should be brand building.

creating a website

setting up online social network

conducting online marketing

using email

placing ads online

Web media for online marketing

As consumers spend more and more time on the internet, many organizations are moving toward the online advertising to build their brands or to attract visitors to their web media. 1.4 Sequence of the study The section two represents the literature review of the study and third section consists on model which contains the dependent variables and independent variables. The fourth section of this study contains analysis & discussion of results. And finally at the last fifth section contain conclusion, recommendation, limitation and future research.

2. Literature review Goldsmith and Lafferty (2002) have conducted a study to test various hypotheses regarding the effect of viewing websites on internet advertisement in USA in this modern era. The objective of this study was to describe perceived advantages and disadvantages of online advertisement and to recall ads encountered in all media that whether these are liked or not. The source used to get information was questionnaire and sample of 329 undergraduate students. The findings of study present a complex picture of internet advertising that should be useful to online advertiser.More consumers reported that visiting a brands websites improved their views about the brand but it improved by only one-third of the sites visited while remaining visit had no effect on perceptions of the brand. Haque et al.(2007)have studied an attitudinal difference of gender and race towards internet advertising in Malaysia. The objective of the study was to check that males and females perceive and respond differently to internet advertisement. The source used to collect data was structured questionnaire administered through 650 respondents (internet users) selected randomly. Two methods i.e. t-test and ANOVA have been used in the study for analysis of data.The result indicates that male seems to more positive beliefs about internet advertisement than the females and the finding provide straight forward applications.The study is limited to internet users only and could not cover all level of attributes of internet advertisement. Lim et al.(2011)have focused on significance of measuring advertising effectiveness in terms of attitude towards the advertisements, ad recall and click-through rates in explaining online purchase decisions in case of Malaysia. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of online advertisements. The sample of 200 Malaysian internet users (lecturers) was selected to gather data through questionnaires. The model of the study included variables such as attitude toward internet advertisement, add recall and frequency of clicking online ads and online purchasing decision. The statistical techniques of correlation and regression have been employed for drawing results from data. The findings suggest that online advertising is a powerful marketing tool in the context of online purchase. Voorveld (2010) has provided an integrated review of factors influencing consumers responses to brand websites, described the state of research on the issue in the past and give an overview of the theories related to brand websites. The source used to gather relevant information was the 95 relevant studies from peerreviewed journals. the study used a formal votecounting analysis to synthesize the relevant literature. The variables are cognitive responses, affective responses, behavioral responses to the websites; personal related and brand related factors. The study showed that the current state of research is limited by the use of forced exposure, student samples and the measurement of affective responses.

Svencionyt (2003) have emphasized on the use of advertising on library websites in Europe and U.S. This article discusses the frequency of advertising and the use of self and commercial advertising on these websites. Data collected from a survey of 243 library websites. An aim of this activity was to create a general understanding of internet advertising on library websites and to help in establishing some standards for the use of Internet advertising on library websites. The data was gathered from a survey of Internet advertising on special, national and public library websites. The findings of the study showed that internet advertising used on library websites show use of both self and commercial advertising. However, libraries tend to use self-advertising more frequently. Pergelova (2004) has researched on the use of internet as an advertising tool, its affects on overall advertising efficiency and whether there is any change in advertising efficiency over time in Spain. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and stochastic Frontier (SF) approaches have been used for data collection. The variables included in study are advertising efficiency and internet advertisement, time, advertising expense, conventional media. The findings of the study show that there is significant difference in advertisement efficiency by using internet. The limitation of the study is that production functions are flexible, not all companies in industry were included in sample. Jamalzadeh et al (2012) has worked on the e-mail advertisement characteristics and their influences on customers' attitude about email based advertisement in Malaysia. The three independent variables i.e. entertainment, in formativeness and privacy, moderating variables are age, gender and internet experience and dependent variable is customer attitude toward internet advertising. Quantitative approach has been chosen to test the variables and their correlations by choosing sample of graduate and under graduate students through questionnaire for structure and hypotheses testing. Findings of the study indicate that entertainment and informativeness of advertising email content is strongly and positively affected by customers attitude about email based advertisement. Choi and Rifon (2002)has tried to explore antecedent and consequences of online advertising credibility and examines the effects of website credibility, ad relevance (the advertised product's relevance to website content), advertiser credibility on ad credibility, advertisement and brand attitudes, and product purchase intentions. The sample of 294 male (45%) and female (55%) students used for data collection through paper-pencil questionnaires and results were generated through t-test and ANOVA. This study suggest that source credibility is vital to understanding web advertising effectiveness, popular websites with high prices that reach many Internet users may not be good choices for banner ad placements if the website content is too general to generate relevance perceptions and the subsequently desirable brand attitudes and purchase intent. Kim at el (2008) have analyzed a comprehensive roadmap of web advertisements and their effects on information seeking. This was an extensive qualitative study which has reviewed 59

journals based on the (information encountering) IE model, which includes viewer, web ads and website. Data collected through survey, interview, and experiments.The result suggested that: website owners need to maintain their websites regularly and user-friendly; users search strategies about Web ads; websites credibility; and finally display their ads on websites (content relevant to the ads). The web ad providers and website owners will derive benefits from these findings by attracting more viewers toward their Web ads, and users will gain benefits by minimizing annoyance from web ads and promoting the information encountering experience. Niazi et al.(2012) have examined the relationship between environmental response, emotional response and consumer buying behavior in Pakistan by using sample of 200 responses. This paper is based on theoretical model. Questionnaire was used for data collection and regression is used in study for analysis of data. The study has showed that consumers purchase products by emotional response rather that environmental response. Ha (2008) has reviewed online advertising. The purpose of review were three fold: first was to analyze conceptual foundation, theoretical and practical contribution of online advertising research, second was to examine state-of-art practices of online advertising and the third one was to propose agenda for future online advertising. The study has addressed various online advertising areas. The results of this study based on unsophisticated online ads, low penetration, and narrow banned connection will not be valid. On line advertising can changed the expectation of advertisers and consumers on the information and entertainment value of advertising. Due to rapid growth in penetration of the online media user become more experienced with the web. Aziz and Ariffin(2012) attempted to explore web user beliefs, attitudes and use of web advertising in Malaysia. The purpose of the study was to identify the major component of web ad beliefs and to determine the factors affecting consumer behavior towards websites. The study has used descriptive statistics, cross tabulation, factor analysis and regression for analysis of data. Questionnaire was used as research instrument and 500 is sample size of the study. The findings of the study show that they have appositive attitude toward web ads a good thing to look at. This also seen that web advertising seen as advantageous but there is still issue concerning web advertising. Limitations of this study include that it is self- reported and findings are limited to the specific question. Wei et al.(2012)has assessed the impact of online advertising features on purchase intentions in Malaysia. The study has discussed and examined three features of online advertising i.e. multimedia, pictures and content. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) has been used for data analysis and sample size of the study is 150 students of universities and colleges in Klang Valley. The research instrument was questionnaire which was of 5 points interval scale. The findings of the study showed that the features of online advertising do generate positive influence on purchase intentions. This study has limitations like small sample size and has focused on consumer behavior from individual aspect, not include the social group aspect.

Tih et al. (no date) have compiled a research study to examine the adequacy of online consumer attitudes by comparing the attitudes of students towards online retailing services with the attitudes of non-students towards such services in United Kingdom. Data was gathered through questionnaires. The three variables have been addressed in the study i.e. satisfaction, perception and behavioral intention. The t-test has been applied in study for data analysis. Finding of this study suggests that undergraduate student samples may be appropriate for use in studies aimed at assessing the attitudes of internet users; particularly in the context of online retailing. This study is limited by scope and generalizability. Tavor (2011) has checked that whether there is a difference in efficiency between banner advertisement and pop-up advertisement in Israel. The dependent variable used for comparison included age, gender, status, industry, years and the factors that affect web advertisement like advantages and disadvantages of web advertising, its major means and web properties. The study has gathered data through 1000 questionnaires filled by several Israeli businesses. T-test and binary logistic model has been used for data analysis. It is concluded that probability that a manager will choose a banner advertisement is higher if the manager is either a female, married, older or employed in the real estate, car dealership and wedding industry. Lee et al.(2004)have addressed the issue that how an attitude towards the website influence consumer brand choice and confidence while shopping online. The purpose of the study was to examine that how attitude toward the website affects consumer brand choice and to examine the association between consumers' confidence in choice and the effect of consumer product knowledge. 39 undergraduate students from a southwestern state university was recruited to fill online survey questionnaire. Descriptive analysis, t-test, Pseudo was used for analysis of data. Favorable increases likelihood for brand choice and attitude toward the Web site appears to be a good predictor of consumer brand choice and confidence in that choice. Maurer and Liu (2007) has studied internet marketing and employee recruitment to offer six development implications for creating an effective e-recruitment source on a corporate website in India. The aim of this study was to create an online recruiting website that effectively influences the search decisions and behaviors of a target market of desired job candidates. Variables in study include consumer characteristics, influence route emphasis, sourced feature and consumer intention to job product. This study has yielded the few principles for designing an effective recruiting source within an employer's website. Assenov and Khurana (2012) has studied to determine the importance of social media for the hotel selection process of tourists in Thailand. The aim of this study to identify how hotels use social media for their marketing communications and also to determine its effectiveness and importance of this media on consumers hotel selection process through face-to-face interviews, an online questionnaire distributed to Face book, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Trip Advisor users. Different hotels have different ways to measure social media marketing effectiveness. To some hotels, social media are increasingly one of the channels for generating revenue, although

social media are not yet directly revenue generating for some hotels, they are an increasingly effective Word Of Mouth and Personal Relation tool for the hospitality industry. Abideen (2012) has investigated the relationship between independent variables environmental response and emotional response with attitudinal and behavioural aspect of consumer buying behaviour, by responses of 200 respondents using telecommunication services from Rawalpindi, Islamabad, and Lahore. The basic objectives of this research are to assess the influence of emotional advertising through consumers buying behaviour and analyse the influence of environmental advertising through consumers buying behaviour. Questionnaire used to collect data and multiple regression statistical tools used to analysed data. In this study statistics shows a positive association between emotional response and consumer buying behaviour while environmental response is negative associated with the overall consumer buying behaviour. Hou Poh and adam (2002) has explored the increase the generalizability, validity and reliability of earlier studies concerning the relationship between attitude toward the ad and aspect of advertising hierarchy of effect model in the online marketing context in Australia. This study focused on webs efficacy in marketing communications (advertising) effectiveness. The concepts included in this study are hierarchy of effect model, attitude toward the ad and attitude toward the websites. Convenience sample 200 of postgraduate students used and data collected through questionnaire. Data analyzed by correlation technique. The finding suggested that there is appositive relationship between the attitude toward websites and brand attitude. Participant attitude toward the website can influence the advertising effectiveness of an on line commercial. Jin and Jun (2007) has explored the role of the creative platform in consumer attitude formation and behavioral intention on the Web in Florida in South America. The main purposes of this study are to examine how the creative factors and interactivity influence consumer attitude and to explore the relationship that may exist between a set of creative variables and click-through intentions on the Web. Sound, color, text, animated motion, and interactivity are independent variables and consumer response dependent variable. Through questionnaire data collected from 308 undergraduate students & analyzed by Cronbachs alpha. The results were quite conclusive showing a significant positive relationship between creative factors and attitude toward advertising even though we failed to find significant roles of color and text. Morimoto and Chang (2006) have studied to understand consumer attitudes towards two major direct marketing techniques: unsolicited commercial e-mail and postal direct mail in America. The purpose of this study compares audience perceptions of advertising intrusiveness, loss of control, and irritation for direct marketing and spam that predicted by Psychological Reactance. Undergraduate students used as a sample and t-test apply to analyzed data. The statistical analyses indicted that there was a significant difference in how intrusive consumers perceived postal direct mail and unsolicited commercial e-mail (spam). For successful direct marketing campaigns, advertisers are encouraged to understand consumer perceptions of various communication channels including direct mail and spam, and the psychological effects

Wu et al (1999) hasto examine the relationship between perceived interactivity and attitude toward Websitein New Mexcio. The main purpose of this study is thatthere should be a relationship between perceived interactivity and attitude toward websites. There are 104 student used as sample.The experiment took place in a computer training room equipped with 15 Mac computers connected with the Ethernet. The findings show that interactivity is positively related to attitude toward the Web site. The correlation coefficient is significant for both sites (r=.64, p< .01, two-tailed for the Hallmark Cards site; r= .73, p< .01, two-tailed).In sum, by factoring in consumers needs and requirements, perceived interactivity can be manipulated to Web advertisers advantage. Luo et al (2012) has explored influences of independent variables in-formativeness, entertainment, and irritation on various online consumer behaviors such as attitude toward the Web, Web usage, and satisfaction. The main purpose of this study to linking the well-grounded uses and gratification frame work to online consumer behavior. This was tested with a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. Web survey of 238 respondents used to collect data. The results indicated that electronic marketers should not only provide useful information to Web users, but also go beyond this by entertaining them in cyber space &e-marketers should avoid confusing or irritating surfers by such practices as too flashy and big size graphics, messy presentation of the information, or even deceptive content on the Web. 3.Model Variables involved in model are

dependent variables
ads recalled (encountered in all media) advantages /disadvantages of internet advertisig free recall ads liked or not internet use

independent variables
consumer response toward web advertising


H1 Consumers who have positive response to web media will be more likely to recall brand advertised on web than those who do not response positively H2 Consumers who have positive response to web media will see more advantages to advertising on internet than those who do not response positively. H3 Consumers who have positive response to web media will see fewer disadvantages to advertising on internet than those who do not response positively H4There will be no difference in the valence of response to add recalled from the internet compared to ad recalled from traditional media. Methodology Sample The data for this study come from convenience sample of internet user of Sargodha. Minimum limit of sample size is 90 respondents. Total 120 questionnaires prepare out of which 104 are completed and return that are useable. There were 42 males (40.38 %) and 62 females (59.62%). The age of respondents ranged from 18 to 49years. Most of the respondents was between the ages of 18 to 28, with an overall mean of 23.63 years (SD=2.99), Table no. 01. There was no significant difference between the mean age of males and females. Tool The tool used for data gathering is questionnaire. With containing first part of demographic questions includes age, gender, education, marital status of the respondent, the questionnaire covered many aspects of internet and other media use. The first question related to the time spent on with each of the following on average weekday and on an average weekend day in hours. These are T.V Radio Magazines Newspapers Internet

In second question asking about the consumer behavior, attitude, mood and future intention related to different brands of product that you have visited on web media. The third and fourth question is containing the twelve brands regarding the advertising, websites and articles seeing/actually looking for on the Internet.

In fifth question checks the consumer behavior, attitude, mood and future intention regarding q.3 and q.4. The q.6 and q.7 relates to advantages and disadvantages of advertising on internet with compare to other media. In the last question asked the respondent to recall five adds which you recently watch on any media and write down also the media and whether you liked or disliked. Techniques In this study we used different statistical techniques to measure the results like Mean, Median and Mode, S.D and t-test used to measure different variables as discussed in the results. 4. Analysis and Discussion of result In H1stated the consumers who have positive response to web media will be more likely to recall brand advertised on web than those who do not response positively. The consumer response toward web advertising is the independent variable. For getting response about web advertising the respondents were asked about three questions to tick yes or no these are as: Improve your view of brand? Detract from it? Have no effect? Frequency of tick yes 96 20 42

Questions Improve your view of brand? Detract from it? Have no effect? The results show that
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2

Improve your view of brand? Detract from it? Had no effect?


The findings of this response show that the web advertising has positive impact on consumers. Therefore there is no difference in the perception of male and female toward web media, evenly they both show positive response toward it. So there was no significance difference between using net and perceptions of web media influence on the perception of brand. The dependent variable RECALL OF WEB ADS was analyzed by using 12 brands name and asking them to tick that they recall seeing on the internet, whether the website, or advertising or an article. The consumer response related to brands on web media as under:
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


The consumers responses regarding dependent variable RECALL related to 12 brands on web media summed with mean 35.3, median 36.5, mode 39 and SD of 16.18. A T-test was use to compare the response of consumers between two groups about the mean number of recalled advertising on web media, those who indicate that web media improved their view of brand and those who respond that web media had no effect. The results show that the mean of improved their view of brand=X1 is 2.67 and SD=8 have recalled more ads than the mean of had no effect=X2 2.61 and SD=4.4, t=0.056, df =136 and p=0.10, for independent variables. Hence H1 not supported that the consumers who respond about web media improved their view of brands could recall more brands than who respond as the web media had no effect on their view of brands. The total occurrence for the response of consumers to report the brands whether they improved their view of brands or detracted from it or had no effect was 447 by which 57.49% improved their view of brands, 24.6% had no effect, 17.8% detracted from it (only one has no response). H2 Consumers who have positive response to web media will see more advantages to advertising on internet than those who do not response positively. H3 Consumers who have positive response to web media will see fewer disadvantages to advertising on internet than those who do not response positively. The questionnaire asked respondents to indicate the advantages of web advertising compared with other media. There are six options of advantages which to respond.

Also asked respondents to response the four options of the disadvantages of web advertising compared with other media. The result show as under: Advantages No. checking Can you act on interest 31 (29.8%) immediately Generally offers more 56 information compared to other (53.84%) media Can look at what you want 28 (26.92%) privately 38 More interesting to look at (36.53%) Permit easy clicking to get 53 (50.96%) more information 6 Dont see any advantages (5.76%) Average no. of advantage 1.98 (SD=8.9) checked Disadvantages No. checking Usually cluttered and hard to 28 (26.92%) read Concerned about acting because 22 (21.15%) of privacy I have to come across it; it does 31 not reach me (like TV or Radio) (29.80%) 36 Dont see any disadvantages (34.61%)

Average no. of disadvantage 0.78 (SD=4.52) checked

This table also showed that the consumers who respond web advertising improved their view of brand tick more generally offers more information compared to other media, permit easy clicking to get more information and more interesting to look at. The percentages of advantages of the web advertising respond by consumers

Can you act on interest immediately Generally offers more information compared to other media Can look at what you want privately More interesting to look at Permit easy clicking to get more information


The percentages of disadvantages of web advertising respond by consumers

Usually cluttered and hard to read Concerned about acting because of privacy I have to come across it; it does not reach me (like TV or Radio) Dont see any disadvantages

We used T-test to compare the mean of advantages and disadvantages of web advertising as compared to other media between those who said web media improved their view of brand and those who said web media had no effect on their view of brand. H2 confirmed by the result of those who said web advertising improved their view of brand tick more advantages ( M=2.03, SD=8.83) than those who respond as web advertising had no effect (M=1.97, SD=5.34) and t=0.048, df=136, p=0.10 two tailed test. The result of hypothesis consumer who respond positively web advertising would see fewer disadvantages to advertising who do not respond positively showed that the consumers respond that the web advertising improved their view of brands checked more disadvantages (M=0.76, SD=4.22) than those who respond web advertising had no effect (M=0.73, SD=2.6) and t=0.050, df=136, p=0.10 two-tailed test. Therefore the consumer age, gander does not effect their response, and net use lead consumers about the web media is a good source for brand advertising and also about advantages and disadvantages of it. In H4 there will be no difference in the valence of response to add recalled from the internet compared to ad recalled from traditional media. To obtained the response regarding this variable questionnaire asked respondent to free recall ads and medium on which these appeared and either they liked or not. Total 340 ads recalled. There are four media mentioned most those are given below:


TV 190 Magazines 3 Newspaper 23 Internet 124 Liked 173 3 19 120 315 (92.65%) Disliked 17 4 4 25 (7.35%) Total 190 (55.8%) 3 (0.9%) 23 (6.8%) 124 (36.5%) 340 (100%)

Advertising medium TV Magazines Newspaper Internet Total

The ads liked 92.65% and disliked 7.35% out of 340. The TV and internet ads are liked more than the magazine and newspaper ads. Most of that disliked the TV ads (17) than the Internet (4). Likeness of consumers toward media for advertising

TV Magazines Newspaper Internet

Dis-likeness of consumers to media for advertising

TV Magazines Newspaper Internet


Conclusions The present research is motivated for marketer interest for web advertising by the result of interest of young consumer influenced by web media they visited. Based on the literature, we formulated four hypotheses and tested by T-test using data from a survey of 120 internet user of Sargodha. More consumers respond that the web media improved their view of brand than the detracted from it or had no effect. More than half said that the web media improved their view of brands. The web media improved the perception of brands appearing on the web media of the consumers and also have a little negative impact on the consumer regarding brand perceptions (detracted from it=20). Consumers with positively response toward web media seek advantages of web based advertising as well as disadvantages. There is still issue regarding the privacy and I have come across it; it does not reach me like TV or Radio. Finally, the consumers free recalled ads in our study and described the ads they watch on any media, they liked or not. The most ads they recalled appeared on TV but the Internet is the next most frequent medium for ads. The advertising on internet liked most frequently after the TV compared with other media. The internet takes time of consumers than the other media liked TV magazines etc. The findings of this study are positive and negative for e-marketers for advertising on web media. More than half respondents positively react toward advertising on web media about featured brand, few respondent detracted from it, this indicated that the web media performing well for advertising. And also they saw the advantages and disadvantages with compare to those who said they had no effect. Recommendation The e-marketers should be improve that web media by the help of consumers who response positively to web media, with the help of these consumers identify problems related to web advertising and to minimized them. The consumers liked ads on TV more than the Internet, so the marketers should be take more care and attention toward the quality of web advertising, yet the consumers like more. Limitations The data gathered through convenience sample of 120 internet users. The findings are limited because the some questions asked which specify the consumers about their response. Future research There are many issues regarding the consumer response toward web advertising that are not addressed without new data/variables, so in future that variables are added. The research will be

conducted in future using represented sample size and using other techniques to calculate results. As future research conduct, it will enhance the concept of consumer response regarding the web media. References Abideen, Z. and Saleem, S. (2012) Effective advertising and its influence on consumer buying behavior,European Journal of Business and Management, 3(3) Assenov, I. and Khurana, N. (2012), Social Media Marketing and the Hospitality Industry, International Conference on Business and Management, 6 7 September 2012, Phuket Thailand Aziz, N. and Ariffin, A. (2010), Exploring consumers attitude toward web advertising and its influence on web ad usage in Malaysia, Journal Pengurusan 31, pp. 55-63 Choi, S.M. and Rifon, N.J. (2002), Antecedents and Consequences of Web Advertising Credibility, Journal of interactive advertising, 3(1) Goldsmith, R.E. and Lafferty, B.A. (2002), Consumer response to websites and their influence on advertising effectiveness, Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy 12(4), pp 318-328 Haque, A. Mahmud, S. Tarofder, A and Ismail, A. (2007), Internet advertisement in Malaysia, The Electronic Journal on Information System in Developing Countries (EJISDC), 9, pp 1-15 Ha, L.(2008), Online advertising Research in advertising journal: a review, Journal of current issue and research in advertising, 3(1) Jin, C.H. and Jun, J. (2007), Consumer Responses to Creative Platform of the Internet Advertising, Jamalzadeh, M. Behravan, N. and Masoudi, R. (2012), An Empirical Study of Email-Based Advertisement and its Influence on Consumers Attitude, International Review of Management and Marketing, 2(3), pp.130-138 Kim, Y. Zhang, P. and Lankes, R. (2008), Future of Information Seeking on the Internet and Web Advertising: How Can We Guide Web Advertising for Users Information Seeking on a Website? Kotler (no date), The Principle of Marketing, 13th edition, chapter 17 Lee, B. Hong, J. and Lee, W. (2004), How Attitude Toward the Web Site Influences Consumer Brand Choice and Confidence While Shopping Online, JCMC 9 (2),


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Table no. 01 Age limit 18-28 29-39 40-50 Frequency(f) Midpoint (x) 99 23 4 34 1 45 total=104 f.x 2277 136 45 total=2458 (x-mean) (x-mean)^2 -0.63 10.37 21.37 0.3969 107.5369 456.6769 f(x-mean)^2 39.2931 430.1476 456.6769 total=926.1176

Overall mean of age 23.63 with SD 2.99. Fig.01

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 18-28 29-39 40-50 Frequency(f)



Personal questions: Name:________________

Profession: _____________

Sex of respondent: Male / Female

Age of respondent: 18-28



Education: Undergraduate



Marital status: widower





1. Please summarize the time spent with each of the following on an average weekday and on an average weekend day. You may use fraction of hours. If you do not spend any on an activity, please write in 0. Hours per Week day Watching TV ________hour hours per weekend day __________hour __________hour __________hour __________hour __________hour

Listening to the radio, over- the- air ________hour Reading printed magazines Reading printed newspapers On the internet ________hour ________hour _________hour

2. In general, for web media for brands of product that you have visited, did contact with these media overall, ( Yes/No ( Yes/No ( Yes/No ) Improve your view of brand? ) Detract from it? ) Have no effect?

3. Can you recall seeing any of the following on the internet, whether a website or advertising or an article? Check all that apply: Unilever Pepsi Pak army 4. Paki design (Dress) 7. Nokia 5. Financial institutes 6. Business services 8. Nestle 10. Dawlance 11.

9. PIA airlines 12. Automobiles

4. Can you recall actually looking for any of the following on the internet, whether a website or advertising or an article? Check all that apply: 1. Unilever 2. Pepsi 3. Pak army 4. Paki design (Dress) 7. Nokia 5. Financial institutes 6. Business services 8. Nestle 9. PIA airlines 10. Dawlance 11. 12. Automobiles


5. If you indicated yes to any brand in either q.3 or q.4 please write the number mention in front of the name of brand and check the appropriate box to show if this contact on the internet: Improved your view of the brand Detract from it Had no effect ( ( ( ) ) ) ( ( ( ) ) ) ( ( ( ) ) ) ( ( ( ) ) )

6. What advantages do you see for you personally when you come across advertising in the internet? 1. Can you act on interest immediately 2. Generally offers more information compared to other media 3. Can look at what you want privately 4. More interesting to look at 5. Permit easy clicking to get more information 6. Dont see any advantages 7. What disadvantages do you see for you personally when you come across advertising in the internet compared to other media? Check all that apply 1. Usually cluttered and hard to read 2. Concerned about acting because of privacy 3. I have to come across it; it does not reach me (like TV or Radio) 4. Dont see any disadvantages 8. Thinking about advertising from any medium, please list below the last five ads you can recall seeing, whether or not you can recall the brand, the brand advertised (if you can recall it), the medium in which it appeared and what you think captured your attention. This is not a test! Dont do any research to answer it, just give your top-of-the-mind response from memory. Description Brand, if Medium Whether of advertising can recall in which liked it it or not appeared What captured your attention



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