Tamara Apoyo Exam

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I wish I would meet her some day.

I hope...

I hope to meet her some day. 2. I start on Monday. I'm worried.

Im worried...

Im worried about starting on Monday. 3. I just wanted to help.

I just tried...

I just tried to help. 4. I can ski now. I learned it.


I learned to ski. 5. I wish I worked closer to home.

I'd like...

I'd like to work closer to home. 6. Speaking in public frightens me.

I'm ...

I'm frightened of speaking in public. 7. It was difficult but I got the tickets.


I managed to get the tickets. 8. I'll pick you up at school, I promise.


I promise to pick you up at school. 9. She loves walks in the country.

She loves...

She loves walking in the country. 10. Cooking is okay. I like it.


I like cooking. 1. My brother asked if Tom would have lunch with Ann.

My brother said:"Will Tom have lunch with Ann?" 2. He told me not to talk so fast. He said to me:"Don't talk so fast!" 3. Beth asked me if I had watched the latest film. Beth said to me:"Did you watch the latest film?" 4. Jim wondered where she parked her car. Jim said:"Where does she park her car?" 5. The employer asked Bob where he had studied for his first degree. The employer said to Bob:"Where did you study for your first degree?" 6. He asked Ann whether she wanted to swim with him. He said to Ann:"Do you want to swim with me?" 7. Jim told Bob not to play that song. Jim said to Bob:"Don't play this song!" 8. He said that Bob had just arrived. He said:"Bob has just arrived." 9. A woman asked when the train to Zaragoza left. A woman said:"When does the train to Zaragoza leave?" 10. He asked her where she used to go. He asked her:"Where did you use to go?"


He wanted to know if he could help.

He said:"Can I help?" 2. He told us that Jim had flown to London two weeks before. He said to us:"Jim flew to London two weeks ago." 3. She asked Tom who had just given him the folder. She said to Tom:"Who has just given you the folder?" 4. He told her not to fly via Paris. He said to her:"Don't fly via Paris!" 5. Grandfather asked where his glasses were. Grandfather said:"Where are my glasses?" 6. Mum wanted to know why Bob hadn't gone to the party the night before. Mum said:"Why didn't Bob go to the party last night?" 7. The boy asked if he had to do his homework that afternoon. The boy said:"Must I do my homework this afternoon?" 8. He asked whether Tim was leaving on Friday or Saturday. He asked me:"Is Tim leaving on Friday or Saturday?" 9. He told the children that they ate too much junk food. He said to the children:"You eat too much junk food." 10. He told us that the boys were reading that book. He said to us:"The boys are reading this book."


Dad:"Will it rain?" Dad asked if it would rain.

2. Bill said to his son:"You are always shouting at your brother!" Bill told his son he was always shouting at his brother. 3. He said to me:"Don't call me in a fortnight!" He told me not to call him in a fortnight. 4. He said to the children:"Go and play football in the garden!" He told the children to go and play football in the garden. 5. They said to me:"We will do our best in the exams tomorrow." They told me that they would do their best in the exams the next day. 6. "They will have finished painting my house by next week", she said. She said they would have finished painting her house by the following week. 7. Tom said to us:"I wish I could watch the new film!" Tom told us that he wished he could watch the new film. 8. The teacher said to the class:"Don't forget your homework!" The teacher asked the class not to forget their homework. 9. Ann:"What time are we going to play tennis today?" Ann asked what time they were going to play tennis that day. 10. He said to them:"Don't open the door!" He told them not to open the door.

refrasing 1. It's his first trip to London.

It's the ...

It's the first time he has been to London.

2. He entered the place. They immediately stared at him.

No sooner...

No sooner did he enter the place than they immediately stared at him. 3. I want to play in their team.

I wish...

I wish I played in their team. 4. The porter often saw people leaving the building late at night.

The porter was used...

The porter was used to seeing people leaving the building late at night. 5. I can't believe that he told her the truth.


He can't have told her the truth. 6. She regrets not meeting him earlier.

If only...

If only she had met him earlier. 7. It was a horrible sight! He had never seen that.


It was the worst sight he had ever seen. 8. She's likely to have gone out with her friends.

She ...

She may have gone out with her friends. 9. He said: Let's go to my club.


He suggested going to his club. 10. It was unusual for anyone to call him so early.


He wasn't used to being called so early.


I'm sure that they tried to get into the house.


They must have tried to get into the house. 2. I went back home early, so my parents didn't get worried.

I ...

I went back home early so that my parents wouldn't get worried. 3. I'll have to send her an e-mail. She's never in when I phone.


As she's never in when I phone, I'll have to send her an e-mail. 4. Bob thought that I was lying. He never believes anything.


Bob, who never believes anything, thought that I was lying. 5. He went to Paris. He could improve his French.


He went to Paris so that he could improve his French. 6. The children couldn't fall asleep unless their parents kissed them good night.


If their parents didn't kiss them good night, the children couldn't fall asleep. 7. She asked a detective to follow her associate.


She had her associate followed by a detective. 8. It was raining but we kept on playing our match.


Despite the rain, we kept on playing our match. 9. We left the party. It was very noisy.

It ...

I was so noisy that we left the party. 10. "Please, give me the key." she said to Tom.

She ...

She asked Tom for the key.


Bob usually walks to work. He doesn't like driving in the city.


Bob, who doesn't like driving in the city, usually walks to work. 2. You won't ask anyone to carry it out for you.


You won't have it carried out. 3. I went home because I didn't want to spare more time uselessly.

In order...

In order not to spare more time uselessly, I went home. 4. He will go to the meeting although he has just come back from Italy.

Despite ...

Despite having just come back from Italy, he will go to the meeting. 5. Bill should ask whether the ceremony is for all the personnel or only for heads.


Bill had better ask whether the ceremony is for all the personnel or only for heads. 6. I enjoyed the reading, even though I didn't understand everything.


Although I didn't understand everything, I enjoyed the reading. 7. He's the man. I lost his umbrella.


He's the man whose umbrella I lost. 8. She spoke in a very low voice. Nobody could hear what she said.


She spoke in such a low voice that nobody could hear what she said. 9. I won't go to the cinema tomorrow if I can't find a babby-sitter. Unless... Unless I can find a baby-sitter, I won't go to the cinema tomorrow. 10. She lost her train because she had been caught in a traffic jam.

Due ...

Due to a traffic jam, she lost her train.


The children are worried. They need to know what they should do.

The children...

The children who need to know what they should do are worried. 2. They were very expensive books. We couldn't buy them all.


They were such expensive books that we couldn't buy them all. 3. Many people expect that the Cabinet solve economic problems.

The Cabinet...

The Cabinet is expected to solve economic problems. 4. Some people buy expensive houses because they want to show off.


As they want to show off, some people buy expensive houses. 5. When he found out that his car had been stolen, he called the police.

No sooner...

No sooner did he find out that his car had been stolen, he called the police. 6. If his broker can't sell all his bonds, he will lose a lot of money.


Unless his broker can sell all his bonds, he will lose a lot of money. 7. That is the field. The teams played there.


That is the field where the teams played. 8. Jim is going to tell someone to finish this report by Thursday.


Jim is going to have this report finished by Thursday. 9. The government might put prices down if the European Community reaches an agreement.

Providing ...

Providing that the European Community reaches an agreement, the government might put prices down. 10. "My advice is that you shouldn't dress too casually" she said to him.

She ...

She advised him not to dress too casually.


Someone used to bring breakfast to his room.


He used to have breakfast brought to his room. 2. Jim and I are going to a new club. We have never played there.

Jim ...

Jim and I are going to a new club where we have never played. 3. Bill should stop being so childish.


Bill had better stop being so childish. 4. I couldn't finish the Sudoku puzzle because it was too difficult.


If the Sudoku puzzle had been easier, I could have finished it. 5. Jill told me all about their journey. She was here a moment ago.


Jill, who was here a moment ago, told me all about their journey. 6. The pop star didn't appear. He was voiceless.

The pop star...

The pop star, who was voiceless, didn't appear. 7. They sold tickets for the concert all the week.


Tickets for the concert had been sold all the week. 8. It's expected that the government will explain the situation.

The government...

The government is expected to explain the situation. 9. People believed his book was very interesting.

His book...

His book was believed to be very interesting. 10. It was a pity we couldn't talk to him at the meeting.

If only...

If only we could have talked to him at the meeting.

EXCLAIM Para las exclamaciones: Direct Speech (Estilo directo) He said, "How beautiful!" Reported Speech (Estilo indirecto) He exclaimed it was beautiful.

(l dijo: "Qu bonito!")

(l exclam que era bonito.)

He exclaimed it was a beautiful house.

He said, "What a beautiful house!"

(l dijo: "Qu casa ms bonita!")

(l exclam que era una bonita casa.)

He exclaimed they were beautiful houses.

He said, "What beautiful houses!"

(l dijo: "Qu casas ms bonitas!")

(l exclam que eran bonitas casas.)

Verbo + "that clauses" Estos verbos expresan la intencin del hablante: Direct Speech (Estilo directo) Reported Speech (Estilo indirecto)

He said, "All right! I'll talk He agreed that he would to them." talk to them.

(l dijo: "Est bien, hablar con ellos.")

He said, "I'm sure I've lost it."

(l estuvo de acuerdo en que hablara con ellos. )

He claimed that he had lost it.

(l dijo: "Estoy seguro de que lo he perdido.")

He said, "It's too hot in here."

(l asegur que lo haba perdido.)

He complained that it was too hot in there.

(l se quej de que haca (l dijo: "Hace demasiado demasiado calor all calor aqu dentro.") dentro.)
He said, "I can't go because I've got a meeting." He explained that he couldn't go because he had a meeting.

(l dijo: "No puedo ir porque tengo una reunin.")

He said, "I'll learn it, I promise."

(l explic que no poda ir porque tena una reunin.)

He promised that he would learn it.

(l dijo: "Lo aprender, lo prometo.")

He said to us, "Don't forget that you have to finish early."

(l prometi que lo aprendera.)

He reminded us that we had to finish early.

(l nos dijo: "No olvidis que tenis que acabar

(l nos record que tenamos que acabar temprano.)

He said to them, "I'm busy." He replied to them that he was busy.

(l les dijo: "Estoy ocupado.")

(l les contest que estaba ocupado.)

He said to her, "There's a diversion ahead."

(l le dijo: "Hay un desvo ms adelante.")

He warned her that there was a diversion ahead.

(l le avis de que haba un desvo ms adelante.)

Verbo + objeto + (not) to + infintivo Adems de "tell" y "ask", ya vistos, tienen esta estructura los siguientes verbos: Direct Speech (Estilo directo) He said to us, "If I were you, I'd called her." Reported Speech (Estilo indirecto) He advised us to call her .

(l nos dijo: "Si fuera vosotros, la llamara.")

(l nos aconsej que la llamramos.)

He said to Jane, "Would you like to come to the cinema?"

He invited Jane to go to the cinema.

(l le dijo a Jane: "Te

(l invit a Jane a ir al cine.)

gustara venir al cine?")

He said to the boy, "Don't touch that switch!" He ordered the boy not to touch that switch.

(l le dijo al chico: "No toques ese botn!")

(l orden al chico que no tocara ese botn.)

Verbo + verbo acabado en '-ing' Direct Speech (Estilo directo) Reported Speech (Estilo indirecto)

He said to Tom , "You He accused Tom of cheated at the exam." cheating at the exam.

(l le dijo a Tom: "Copiaste en el examen.")

He said, "I've forgotten it, actually."

(l acus a Tom de copiar en el examen.)

(l dijo: "Lo he olvidado, en realidad")

He admited forgetting it.

(l admiti haberlo olvidado.)

He said, "I'm sorry, I'm He apologised for late." being late .

(l dijo: "Lo siento, llego tarde.")

(l pidi perdn por llegar tarde.)

He said, "As I've already said, we should go all together."

He insisted on going all toghether.

(l dijo: "Como ya he dicho, deberamos ir todos juntos.")

(l insiti en ir todos juntos.)

He said, "You'd better take an umbrella."

(l dijo: "Ms vale que cojis un paraguas.")

He recommended taking an umbrella.

(l recomend coger un paraguas.)

He said, "Why don't we meet at the restaurant? "

(l sugiri quedar en (l nos dijo: "Por qu el restaurante.) no quedamos en el

He suggested meeting at the restaurant.


She said to him, "It's your fault if we are lost."

(Ella le dijo: "Es tu culpa si estamos perdidos.")

She accused him of being lost .

(Ella lo acus de estar perdidos.)

1. The coach said to the players: "We lost the match because you didn't play well." (blame) The coach blamed the players for losing the match. 2. The teacher said to Bob:"Well done! I knew you'd pass this test this time." (congratulate) The teacher congratulated Bob on passing his test. 3. Bob said: "I'm sorry I didn't bring my homework." He apologised for not bringing his homework. 4. My teacher said to me:"Well, if I were you I'd start studying hard." (advise) My teacher advised me to start studying hard. 5. "It's very hot in here. Would you mind opening the window?" said my mother to me. (ask) (apologise)

My mother asked me to open the window because it was very hot in there. 6. Mr Blot said:"The excursion is cancelled." (announce)

Mr Blot announced that the excursion was cancelled. 7. She said to us: "Yes, it's a terrible problem." She agreed that it was a terrible problem. 8. "OK, it was me. I hid the books," said Jim. Jim admitted hiding the books. 9. "The mechanic didn't show up,"she said. She complained about the mechanic. 10. "It was you who take my car, Tom, wasn't it?" said father. Father accused Tom of taking his car. (accuse) (complain) (admit) (agree)

1. "Oh no, I didn't take my wallet," he said. He forgot to take his wallet. 2. "Don't drive too quickly," said Jim to Bob. Jim warned Bob not to drive too quickly.



3. "Would you like to come to our house for dinner on Friday?" said Ann to Tom. (invite) Ann invited Tom to come to dinner on Friday. 4. "Don't worry. I won't be late," he said. He promised not to be late. 5. "Sorry I'm late. I couldn't find a parking space," he said. He explained why he was late. 6. "I certainly didn't leave the door open," said Tom. Tom denied leaving the door open. 7. "I'm not setting the table tonight. I did it yesterday," said Bill. (refuse) (deny) (explain) (promise)

Bill refused to set the table that night. 8. "If you're late again we'll start without you," they said to him. They threatened to start without him. 9. "Remember you have to go to the dentist's," said my wife.(remind) My wife reminded me to go to the dentist's. 10. "Those bags must be heavy, Beth. Shall I take one?" said Bob. Bob offered to carry a bag for Beth 1. "Please, please don't tell anyone!" he said to Tom. He begged Tom not to tell anyone. 2. "If you take my iPod again, I'll pinch you very hard," said my sister to Tim. (threaten) My sister threatened to pinch Tim very hard if he took her iPod again. 3. "I won't do it," he said. He refused to do it. 4. "Why doesn't she tell him?" said Jim. Jim suggested she tell him. 5. "Have dinner with me," Tom said to Beth. Tom invited Beth to have dinner with him. 6. "I hope he phones tonight," said Ann. Ann hoped he would phone that night. 7. "I didn't lose it," he said. He denied losing it. 8. "I promise I'll take you to school," said my sister to them. My sister promised to take them to school. 9. "We really must go with you," they said to Bob. They insisted on going with Bob. (insist) (promise) (deny) (hope) (invite) (suggest) (refuse) (beg) (offer) (threaten)

10. "Don't forget to phone when you arrive," said Mum to us. Mum reminded us to phone when we arrived.


"HAVE" CAUSATIVE (2) "Have" causativo (2)

Un ejercicio para 2 Bachillerato (An exercise for Advanced students)

1. Someone should bring it to you in a box. You...

You should have it brought in a box.

2. Does anyone deliver your shopping?

Do you have your shopping delivered?

3. I'm going to tell someone to add an extra room. I...

I'm going to have an extra room added.

4. I'll ask someone to make a new one. I...

I'll have a new one made.

5. We ordered somebody to repair the ceiling. We...

We had the ceiling repaired.

6. We must find somebody to install the new aerial. We...

We must have the new aerial installed.

7. Your car used to be checked there. You...

You used to have your car checked there.

8. Was he used to asking anyone to clean his room?

Was he used to having his room cleaned?

9. Someone should sharpen your knives. You...

You should have your knives sharpened.

10. Nobody took any photograph for them. They...

They hadn't any photograph taken.

1. She asked Bill to paint the living room last week. She... She had the living room painted by Bill last week. 2. Somebody will have to do it for you. You... You will have to have it done. 3. Somebody sends Tom his cigars from Havana. Tom... Tom has his cigars sent from Havana. 4. Will anyone tune her guitar for Ann? Will Ann have her guitar tuned? 5. Someone ought to translate it into Spanish for them. They... They ought to have it translated it into Spanish. 6. My little brother washed my car for me yesterday. I... I had my car washed by my little brother yesterday. 7. Your hair wants cutting. You must... You must have your hair cut. 8. Someone doesn't bring them for us every day. We... We don't have them brought everyday. 9. No one can renew her season tickets. She... She can't have her season tickets renewed. 10. Should he have asked anyone to make the report?

Should he have had the report made?

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