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Vodafone India is a member of the Vodafone Group and commenced operations in 1994 when its predecessor Hutchison Telecom acquired the cellular license for Mumbai. The company now has operations across the country with o er 1!" million customers. Vodafone India has firmly established a stron# position within the Vodafone Group too$ ma%in# it the lar#est subscriber base #lobally. This &ourney is a stron# testimony of Vodafone's success in a hi#hly competiti e and price sensiti e mar%et. Vodafone India has been awarded the Most (dmired Telecom )perator and *est +G )perator at the recent Telecom )perator (wards ,"1,. The company has also recei ed the #lobally reco#ni-ed presti#ious ./roduct of the 0ear ,"1,' consumer award for Vodafone (pps 1tore in the Mobile 1er ices 2ate#ory. In another sur ey conducted by 3ielsen$ Vodafone India was the only telecom player in the Top 1" .Most 45citin# 0outh *rands' in India. Vodafone India also features in the Top 1" .Most Trusted *rands in India' for ,"11$ in a sur ey conducted by a leadin# financial daily. 1er in# the needs of an enterprise$ Vodafone *usiness 1olutions is a total communications offerin# that caters to all their oice and data$ wireless and 6i5ed7line requirements. 8ith the ad anta#e of #lobal e5pertise and e5perience and the %nowled#e of local mar%ets$ the business is run throu#h the followin# erticals 9 Vodafone Global 4nterprise$ 1M4 di ision$ 3ational corporate and %ey accounts. 1ince its inception$ Vodafone *usiness 1olutions has #arnered o er + million corporate customers in India and currently pro ides ser ices to o er :""" Global and national accounts equipped with a robust and superior networ% infrastructure and a ,45; 3)2. Vodafone has been recently awarded the <4nterprise Mobile 1er ice /ro ider of the 0ear< at the ,"1, 6rost = 1ulli an India I2T (wards. (t Vodafone$ sustainability is an inte#ral part of the company's mission and strate#y$ shapin# the conduct of business e eryday. Vodafone India$ in line with its #roup philosophy has released the 2orporate 1ustainability >eport for India 9 6ootprints ,"1"711. To iew the online ersion of the report$ please isit www. Vodafone Group is one of the world<s lar#est mobile communications companies by re enue with o er +9? million customers as at @ecember +1$ ,"11. Vodafone currently has equity interests in o er +" countries across fi e continents and more than 4" partner networ%s worldwide. 6or more information$ please isit www.

199,A Hutchison 8hampoa and M(B #roup establish Hutchison Ma5 ,"""A (cquisition of @elhi operations and entry into 2alcutta Cnow Dol%ataE and Gu&arat mar%ets throu#h 4ssar acquisition ,""1A 8on auction for licences to operate G1M ser ices in Darnata%a$ (ndhra /radesh and 2hennai

( <0ou and I< print ad ertisement of Hutch featurin#2hee%a Cdo#E

,""+A (cquired (ir2el @i#ilin% C(@IF G 411(> 1ubsidiaryE which operated in >a&astan$ Httar /radesh 4ast and Haryana telecom circles and rebranded it <Hutch<. ,""4A Faunched in three additional telecom circles of India namely /un&ab$ Httar /radesh C8estE and 8est *en#al. ,""!A (cquired */F Mobile operations in + circles. This left */F with operations only in Mumbai$ where it still operates under the brand <Foop Mobile<. ,"";A Vodafone acquires a :;I sta%e in Hutchison 4ssar for J1".; billion. The company is renamed Vodafone 4ssar. <Hutch< is rebranded to <Vodafone<. ,""?A Vodafone acquires the licences in remainin# ; circles and starts its pendin# operations inMadhya /radesh circle$ as well as in )rissa$ (ssam$ 3orth 4ast and *ihar. ,"11A Vodafone Group buys out its partner 4ssar from its Indian mobile phone business. It paid J!.4: billion to ta%e 4ssar out of its ++I sta%e in the Indian subsidiary. It left Vodafone ownin# ;4I of the Indian business.

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