LP Maths L3time Exploring Half Hour Times

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Lesson Plan Template 1 Primary & Secondary Unit/Topic: !

ate: Th rs "#/$/1% Time: 1&'%&-11'&&am (ey Learning )rea: *aths +ear Le,el: 1! Lesson: % of ........................................................................................................... / rric l m o tcomes for the nit: *eas rement and 0eometry Location and transformation Give and follow directions to familiar locations (ACMMG023) Using units of measurement escri!e duration using mont"s# wee$s# da%s and "ours (ACMMG02&) 'ell time to t"e "alf("our (ACMMG020) 1 m2er and )lge2ra Mone% and financial mat"ematics )ecognise# descri!e and order Australian coins according to t"eir value (ACM*A0&+) *um!er and ,lace value Count collections to &00 !% ,artitioning num!ers using ,lace value (ACM*A0&-) evelo, confidence wit" num!er se.uences to and from &00 !% ones from an% starting ,oint. /$i, count !% twos# fives and tens starting from 0ero (ACM*A0&2) )ecognise# model# read# write and order num!ers to at least &00. Locate t"ese num!ers on a num!er line (ACM*A0&3) )e,resent and solve sim,le addition and su!traction ,ro!lems using a range of strategies including counting on# ,artitioning and rearranging ,arts (ACM*A0&1) 2atterns and alge!ra Time Exploring half-ho r times

(Key Knowledge and Skills students should achieve in the lesson taken f o! elevant cu iculu! docu!ents"# Make connections between time units. Read, say and represent time to the half hour Match half-hour representations on an analogue and digital clock.

LESS31 ST4U/TU4E: Time 1&'%&1&'%" 5ntrod ction 6Set7: Ma$e connections to ,rior learning re o3cloc$ times on digital and analogue cloc$s. 'ime units4 seconds# minutes# "ours 50 secs 6 & minute# 50 minutes 6 & "our# 2- "ours 6 & da% Teaching )pproaches 78,eriencing t"e old 2rior learning connections

Time 1&'%"am11'&&

*ain /ontent:

Teaching )pproaches 78,eriencing t"e old and new

)nalog e cloc8s from reso rce room9 Sho: an analog e cloc8 :ith min te mar8ings'
2osition "ands to dis,la% a 3 o3cloc$ and as$ students t"e answer. Move t"e minute "and cloc$wise to ,oint directl% to t"e 5. iscuss conce,t of t"e long hand mo,ing half :ay aro nd the cloc8' iscuss that the short hand 6ho r hand7 has mo,ed half:ay 2et:een the % and - !ut "asn3t reac"ed t"e - %et. 9nform students4 . :hen the long hand is positioned at the ; :e read the long hand first half past' . then :e read the short hand w"ic" "as ,assed t"e 3 !ut "asn3t reac"ed t"e %et. . /tate half past %. . :ave students use analogue cloc$s to identify o<cloc8 times (eg ; o3cloc$). . *o,e the min te hand cloc8:ise to n m2er ; to display half past times' . 5dentify and say ne: time 6half past $7' . *otice t"at the ho r hand has mo,ed too half :ay 2et:een $ and #' . )einforce t"at t"e "our "and "asn3t reac"ed num!er < so we read t"e time as "alf ,ast ;. 4epeat :ith other half ho r times' =a,e some st dents come o t to sho: the class examples of their o:n'

9n.uir% tec"ni.ues 'eac"er led .uestioning :ands u, to answer# !ut also involve ot"ers. ?ne voice at a time. A,,l%ing functionall% D Anal%sing criticall%

Conce,tualisng !% naming# anal%sing functionall%

/onnect %& min tes to half-ho r times

=ighlight the min te mar8ings aro nd the cloc8 face. 9dentif% eac" mar$ing as a minute = t"ere are 50 minutes in one "our. Move t"e minute "and cloc$wise w"ile t"e st dents co nt the mar8ings 1-;&' >uic$er wa% to co nt min tes 2y s8ip co nting 2y ><s. :ig"lig"t t"ere are fi,e min tes from one n m2er to the next around t"e cloc$ face. :ave students co nt in steps of fi,e as the hands mo,e aro nd the cloc8 6to 1") to ,oint to eac" num!er. 7m,"asise t"at a cloc$ tells us two t"ings4 "ours and minutes. ? estion: 5f there are ;& min tes in one ho r@ ho: many min tes :o ld there 2e if the long hand mo,ed half:ay aro nd the cloc8 to n m2er ; to sho: half-pastA 9n.uir% a,,roac"# anal%sing criticall% Conce,tualising !% naming# anal%sing functionall%

/ompare ho r and half-ho r d ration

?n w"ite!oard in two columns4 9dentif%# discuss and list activities t"at ta$e a half-ho r# eg morning tea# music# 27# )eading activities# '@ s"ow# BE4SUS one ho r4 art# :istor%# lunc" and ,la% time. ? estions: A"ic" unit of time is longerBs"orter4 an "our or "alf("ourC A"at ma$es %ou t"in$ t"atC A"at are some activities %ou would li$e to do for an "ourC 78,lain.

A,,l% a,,ro,riatel%

Tell time to the half ho r on a digital cloc8

)einforce t"at t"ere are %& min tes in half an ho r and we can dis,la% E"alf( ,ast3 or E"alf("our3 times on a digital cloc8 2y sing the digits % and & to represent %&' emonstrate t"at the first n m2er 2efore the colon identifies the ho r = we say that first' 78,lain the n m2er %& after the colon means %& min tes or half the ho r :e say that part next' Sho:: 2oint to eac" numeral on t"e digital cloc$ as %ou sa% nine-thirty' =a,e st dents demonstrate: . use t"e digital cloc$ to ma$e and identif% "alf("our times (eg ;.30) . identif% and sa% t"e new time (eg "alf ,ast ;# ;.30) )e,eat wit" ot"er "alf("our times 5n pairs@ ta8e t rns to: . nominate a "alf("our time eg ("alf ,ast +# &&.30) . dis,la% t"e time on an analogue cloc$ . dis,la% t"e time on a digital cloc$ Anal%sing functionall% Conce,tualising !% naming Anal%sing criticall% Co(o,erative learning and reci,rocal teac"ing A,,l% a,,ro,riatel%# Anal%se functionall% Conce,tualising !% naming

3n the 5CD display an analog e and digital cloc8 displaying the same half-ho r time
? estions: A"at is t"e time on t"e analogue and digital cloc$C :ow do %ou $now !ot" cloc$s are telling t"e same timeC A"at t"ings are t"e same on !ot" cloc$sC A"at is differentC A"at cloc$ do %ou find easier to read "alf("our timesC 78,lain.

Practice telling time to the ho r and half-ho r

From Lesson -4 s"ow Learning o!Gect H :alf(,ast :arr% to identif% "alf("our times on analogue and digital cloc$s. Learning o!Gect H Cloc$s4 Analogue and digital = to create "our and "alf("our time# "ear it vocall% and see t"e recorded word form. Anal%sing functionall% Conce,tualising !% naming A,,l%ing a,,ro,riatel% )eci,rocal teac"ing

Time 1'&&1'&>pm

/oncl sion: 4eflection A"at are t"e two different t%,es of cloc$s and watc"es we can use to tell us t"e timeC :ow is "alf(,ast re,resented on an analogue cloc$Bwatc" :ow is "alf(,ast re,resented on a digital cloc$Bwatc"

Teaching )pproaches 9n.uir% tec"ni.ues Consolidation

Post 4eflection:

4ES3U4/ES (9nclude e.ui,ment re.uired for class andBor for teac"er ,re,aration)

S)EET+ /31S5!E4)T531S/*)TE45)LS

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