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Ministerul Educa iei i Cercet rii Serviciul Na ional de Evaluare i Examinare


Proba scris la Limba Englez
L1 Intensiv
Varianta 15
Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu.
Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore.

30 points


10 points

Read the text below and sum it up in 50 words.

Detective Bill Eldon finished the office work at the local police station, lit a cigarette, and
settled back in his chair to read the evening newspaper. He sometimes had to work late, and when
he knew his wife's sister, Doris, was paying them a visit, he always worked late. It wasn't that he
ever got into arguments with Doris, but that was simply a result of his own temperament. He never
argued. Doris found that part of his character even more annoying than his lack of ambition.
Doris felt that his brother-in-law simply didn't try enough to get to a better position in the police
force. Still a detective, and over 45 years of age! She would tell anyone who listened to her that
she advised her sister not to marry Bill Eldon, but her sister was stubborn. Doris was certain that
Bill was simply a slow person, without any real energy. Doris was not the only person who mistook
Bill's slow manner for stupidity. In fact Bill preferred people to think of him as a slow-thinking
person because when he was questioning people, they would soon start feeling confident, then get
careless, and finally give Bill much more information than they would have given anyone who
appeared really clever and quick.
Bill also looked as though he were incapable of moving quickly, or of losing his temper. In fact,
he was as fit as ever but he also liked to give people the impression that he was physically slow.
As for losing his temper, there were some people at present spending long periods in prison who
knew that Bill could be more frightening when he looked as if he were about to lose his temper
than most men were when they were shouting and screaming in rage.
b. Characterise detective Bill Eldon from the point of view of his sister-in-law. (50 words)
10 points
c. Characterise detective Bill Eldon from your own point of view. (50 words)
10 points

30 points

a. Choose the variant that best completes each of the following sentences. Write the
correct letter on your answer sheet.
10 points
1. The parrot seemed afraid the cat it.
A. shall eat
B. will eat
C. should eat
D. might eat
2. Recently, supermarkets in almost all countries as part of the process of globalization.
A. will be established
B. have been established
C. are being established
D. are to be established
3. with empty bottles, the lorry left the warehouse before noon.
A. After loading
B. Loading
C. Having been loaded
D. After having loaded
4. You cant come right now; Im a shower.
A. making
B. taking
C. getting
D. giving
5. The patient was in a coma but he was brought ... by the doctors in this hospital.
A. round
B. through
C. after
D. up
Proba scris la Limba englez , L1 Intensiv

Varianta 15

Ministerul Educa iei i Cercet rii Serviciul Na ional de Evaluare i Examinare

b. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that it contains the word given and so the
meaning stays the same. Do not change the word in bold.
10 points
1. Petrol is very expensive these days.
2. George lost his job six months ago.
George has
3. It was careless of you not to tell me to cancel the meeting.
4. I cant wait to meet your family.
5. She hasnt been here for five years.


c. Translate into English.


10 points

Nu pot s vorbesc acum; iau prnzul cu un client important.

De-abia am pus masa, c au i sosit musafirii.
Mi se vorbea foarte oficial cnd a n v lit n birou copilul cel r sf at al efului.
A pleca ntr-o c l torie n jurul lumii dac a c tiga la loto.
Vom redecora apartamentul dup ce vom repara ma ina.


30 points

Write a for and against essay on the issue: People convicted of minor crimes should do
community service rather than go to prison. Support your ideas with relevant examples from
your personal experience, reading or observation. (300 words / 30 lines)

Proba scris la Limba englez , L1 Intensiv

Varianta 15

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