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"Man Above Other Ms" Man, the human person is above other Ms (material resources, machine, methods, management,

, money, etc.). The human labor, the spiritual worker, the intelligent capital, with God-given sublime dignity, is the real wealth (John Paul II, 1981) Business Factors Create Wealth - Providers of capital, otherwise known as shareholders or stockholders, lay claim to most wealth that public corporations create or generate Marjorie Kelly (2001), in her book The Divine Right of Capital, questions the idea that achieving 15 percent returns for the shareholders is more important than paying employees a living wage or protecting a community's source of water. For her, other stakeholders of business, particularly labor, should also become a priority All Material Capital Came From - In philosophical terms, all capital is apparently the result of the historical heritage of human labor, which means it is human labor that gave birth to capital "Capital is the Fruit of Labor" Abraham Lincoln - US President Abraham Lincoln believed so. In his 1859 Annual Address before the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, and repeated in his 1861 State of the Union Message before the US Congress, Lincoln said that "capital is the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed; that labor can exist without capital, but that capital could never have existed without labor. Hence, they hold that labor is the superior - greatly the superior of capital (1859).

Human Labor as a Sacrificial Lamb It may happen that management hits rank - and - file staff the strongest in times of regional or global "stagflation" (stagnation and inflation combined), recession, or period of reengineering. As Richard Gwyn (1997) puts it, "Labor is sacrificed on the inflation rate's altar of oblation"

Labor, means to economic development The human person is not the means to be used for economic development. The other way is true, that is, economic development of the human person

Capital at the Service of Labor This is where ethical management comes in, knocking on the front door hurriedly and persistently. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) means that business opens itself to the social order that constantly yield to the person, since the order of persons and not the other way around. Capital

is meant to be at the service of labor and not labor at the service of capital. Spirit is superior over matter More and more employees came to treat labor with appreciation and respect by putting more significant values on the working men than what they are worth in muscle, sweat and energy.

Business to practice this principle It seems easy to say that the technical, economic and financial factors of business are subordinated To human values and that the worker is more than a mere figure on the salary list, more than an accessory to a factory system and more than a mere factor in production processes. Reality is not always according to idealism. The awareness of CSR is the first step towards the realization of a dream.

Human dignity is preserved among our migrant workers or OFW's Every human being, more specifically the breadwinner of the family, has the right to work and earn. But in exercising this fundamental right, it is only proper that individual workers are guaranteed humane treatment, just wage and good working conditions worthy of the human person.

More philosophical understanding of human dignity Human dignity is in the laborer, as it is in the customer who has the right to be served beyond satisfaction. It is in the community, the beneficiary of the CSR program, as it is in those in the bottom of the pyramid.

Human labor at times reduced to some aspects below his dignity For trade and commerce, the human person is reduced from homo sapiens (thinking being) to homo faber (working man)

Human dignity is reduced to homo oeconomicus From homo politicus, labor is at times reduced to homo oeconomicus, as if the whole essence of the human person is equal only to his quantified materiality, position occupied in the corporate ladder, income bracket, number of credit cards, insurance, or financial worth.

Reduction of the human person to homo orcobomicus is the most despicable The human actor at specific instances an emphasize his character as homo oeconomicus, but he should not reduce everything to this without falling into an over simplification according to market forces

Imago dei, relevant to human labor That image and likeness of God is our spiritual nature, our intelligence, our freewill. As professed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

"all men are created equal in dignity and rights" that is, every man, woman and child possess intrinsic dignity, regardless of race or color, religion, sex, party affiliation, or business connections. The appropriate assessment of human labor in trade and industry The consideration of human dignity is significant, depending on what philosophy of life dictates those who run business. As expected, this consideration could also be last among the many priorities of trade and commerce.

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