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Civitas School of Leadership Discipline Plan

Discipline Policy
Our school has seven core values: democracy, truth, humanity, diversity, leadership, peace, justice, and intellect. By abiding to these core values, our students have the opportunity to be part of a safe environment that respects education and everyone in our school community.

Behaviors Addressed by Teachers/Parents Behavior First Offense Second Offense

Teacher/ arent Contact !Conference or hone Call" Teacher/ arent Contact !Conference or hone Call" Teacher/ arent Contact !Conference or hone Call" Teacher/ arent Contact !Conference or hone Call" Teacher/ arent Contact !Conference or hone Call" Teacher/ arent Contact !Conference or hone Call" Teacher/ arent Contact !Conference or hone Call" Teacher/ arent Contact !Conference or hone Call" #etention

Third Offense (ODR



Teacher/Student conference


Teacher/Student conference


$acial Slurs

Teacher/Student conference


Being #isrespectful to Others

Teacher/Student conference


%nstigating or Spreading $umors

Teacher/Student conference


&ot 'ollo(ing #irections

Teacher/Student conference


)*cessive Tal+ing or #isruption of Class

Teacher/Student conference


,al+ing Out of the Classroom ,ithout a ass &o uniform

Teacher/Student conference


Teacher/ arent


Contact !Conference or hone Call" Cell hone or i od use Teacher confiscates electronic devicestudent gets the device after class. Teacher confiscates the electronic device- student gets the device after school.
Teacher confiscates the electronic deviceparent must come pic+ it up from the


. Teacher must have documentation of teacher/student conference and parent contact prior to assigning detention. . Students (ho do not serve detention hours by the end of the year (ill have to complete those hours as part of their community service. . Students (ill have the option of serving their detention hours by serving the school.

Behaviors Addressed by Ad!inistrator Behavior

Se*ual /arassment

First Offence
Office #iscipline $eferral 0dministrator/ arent/Student Conference Office #iscipline $eferral 0dministrator/ arent/Student Conference Office #iscipline $eferral 0dministrator/ arent/Student Conference Office #iscipline $eferral 0dministrator/ arent/Student Conference Office #iscipline $eferral 0dministrator/ arent/Student Conference Office #iscipline $eferral 0dministrator/ arent/Student Conference Office #iscipline $eferral 0dministrator/ arent/Student Conference arent Contact

Second Offence
er 102S# 3uidelines

Severe Bullying

er 102S# 3uidelines

Treats of bodily harm hysical 'ights

er 102S# 3uidelines

er 102S# 3uidelines

Selling on Campus

er 102S# 3uidelines

#efacing School roperty ,eapons on Campus

er 102S# 3uidelines

er 102S# 3uidelines

$epeated #isobedience ,al+ing out of Class ,ithout a ass

Office #iscipline $eferral 0dministrator/ arent/Student Conference Office #iscipline $eferral 0dministrator/ arent/Student Conference

arent Contact

To be posted in every teacher"s classroo!

Core #al$es #emocracy %&pected Behaviors articipate in all class activities. Share your opinions and thoughts (hile accepting input from others. Submit your o(n, original (or+- plagiarism of any +ind !intentional or not" (ill not be accepted. Treat everyone (ith respect. $espect others4 opinions, personalities, and choices- respect others4 language, race, and ethnicity- respect others4 se*ual orientation. 2nderstand that everyone different. 5aintain an e*cellent attendance record- help all members of our learning community- treat yourself and others (ith dignity and respect- be an active and productive member of Civitas. 3reet others- use appropriate voice, tone, and language at all times- refrain from using cell phones or other electronicsconduct yourself respectfully and appropriately at all times. 2nderstand that violating the core values (ill result in an appropriate conse7uence. Complete all assignments and projects on time and to the best of your ability- engage yourself fully in your (or+- as+ 7uestions.

Truth /umanity #iversity


eace 6ustice %ntellect

Positive Behavior
On 2niform #aily Seniors/6uniors 8.9 3 0 and &o #etentions erfect 0ttendance

Positive Conse'$ence
'ree dress day pass once a month Off campus lunch pass !valid for every grading period" 0(ard Ceremony

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