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Speakout Pre-Intermediate Worldlist Page 1

Un|t age Lxerc|se neadword art of speechNotes on homographs Def|n|t|on Lxamp|e Sentence Greek 1rans|at|on
Lead-ln 6 1 co|nc|dence n when Lwo Lhlngs happen LogeLher, ln a surprlslng way lL was pure colncldence LhaL we were on Lhe same Lraln. ounuoq
Lead-ln 6 1 throughout adv ln every parL of a place 1hanksglvlng ls celebraLed LhroughouL Lhe uS. novou
Lead-ln 6 1 amaz|ng|y adv very surprlslng Pe made me an amazlngly generous offer. ovonvco, ontocuo
Lead-ln 6 1 ath|et|cs n sporLs such as runnlng and [umplng My favourlLe parL of Lhe Clymplcs ls Lhe aLhleLlcs. oto
Lead-ln 6 1 anarch|st n someone who belleves LhaL governmenLs, laws, eLc. are noL
unk muslc ls very popular wlLh anarchlsLs. ovoptko
1 7 Peadlng |dent|ty n who someone ls 1he ldenLlLy of Lhe klller ls sLlll unknown. ouoqo
1.1 8 2A vocabulary ancestor n a member of your famlly who llved a long Llme ago, before your
Pls ancesLors came from lLaly. npoyovo
1.1 8 2A vocabulary background n famlly background someone's educaLlon, famlly, and experlence All Lhe klds here come from very dlfferenL backgrounds. unoo0po
1.1 8 2A vocabulary ce|ebr|ty n a famous llvlng person Anyone can become a celebrlLy nowadays. tooqoqo
1.1 8 2A vocabulary extended fam||y ad[ exLended famlly a famlly group LhaL conslsLs of parenLs, chlldren, and also of
grandparenLs, aunLs, uncles, eLc.
My glrlfrlend has a very large exLended famlly. cupcto otkoycvcto
1.1 8 2A vocabulary fam||y h|story n phr Lhe pasL evenLs and lnformaLlon of someone's famlly Mary has a very lnLeresLlng famlly hlsLory. otkoycvctoko tooptko
1.1 8 2A vocabulary great-grandparent n Lhe moLher or faLher of someone's grandparenL My greaL-grandparenLs moved from ScoLland Lo Canada. nponnnou kot
1.1 8 2A vocabulary |mmed|ate fam||y n phr people who are very closely relaLed Lo you, such as your
parenLs, chlldren, broLhers, and slsLers
l'm only lnvlLlng my lmmedlaLe famlly Lo my weddlng Lhls
ocvq otkoycvcto
1.1 8 2A vocabulary |nher|t v Lo recelve money or properLy from someone when Lhey dle Pe lnherlLed 10,000 from hls aunL. k\qpovou
1.1 8 2A vocabulary re|ated to ad[ Lo be from Lhe same famlly as someone uanny ls relaLed Lo a very famous professlonal fooLballer! ouyycvq c
1.1 8 2A vocabulary re|at|ve n famlly relaLlves a member of your famlly Pes sLaylng wlLh relaLlves. ouyycvq
1.1 8 2A vocabulary s|de of the fam||y n phr Lhe blood relaLlves of elLher your moLher or faLher My moLher's slde of Lhe famlly orlglnally comes from lrance. n\cup q otkoycvcto
1.1 8 2A vocabulary take after phr v Lo have Lhe same ablllLles as an older famlly member She's very good aL arL - she Lakes afLer her faLher. ot(u
1.1 8 3C 8eadlng roya| ad[ belonglng Lo or connecLed wlLh a klng or queen 1he head of Lhe 8rlLlsh royal famlly ls Cueen LllzabeLh ll. oot\tko
1.1 8 3C 8eadlng roots n famlly rooLs Lhe orlglns of your famlly My famlly's rooLs are ln Wales. pt(c
1.1 8 3C 8eadlng |nc|ude v Lo make someone or someLhlng parL of a larger group or seL 1he prlce of Lhe hollday lncludes fllghLs. ncpt\ovu
1.1 8 3C 8eadlng gen|us n someone who has an unusually hlgh level of lnLelllgence,
ablllLy, or sklll ln a parLlcular sub[ecL
newLon was a maLhemaLlcal genlus. ttouto
1.1 8 3C 8eadlng fortune n make a forLune a very large amounL of money Pe made a forLune buylng and selllng properLy. ncptouoto
1.1 8 3C 8eadlng meda|||st n someone who has won a medal ln a compeLlLlon Pls uncle was an Clymplc sllver medalllsL ln rowlng. koo co\\tou
1.1 8 3C 8eadlng sub-Saharan ad[ comlng from a counLry Lo Lhe souLh of Lhe Sahara deserL ln
Cameroon ls a sub-Saharan counLry. unooopto
1.1 8 3u readlng arrangement n plans and preparaLlons LhaL you musL make so LhaL someLhlng
can happen ln Lhe fuLure
Lee's maklng arrangemenLs for hls weddlng. cotooto
1.1 8 3u readlng pun|shment n someLhlng LhaL ls done Lo punlsh someone 1he punlshmenL for murder ls llfe ln prlson. tupto
1.1 9 3C 8eadlng abandon v abandoned hls famlly Lo leave a person or Lhlng, especlally one LhaL you are
responslble for, and noL go back for Lhem
1he baby was abandoned ouLslde a hosplLal. cykoo\ctnu
1.1 9 3C 8eadlng sentence v senLenced Lo prlson when a [udge senLences someone, he or she glves Lhem a
punlshmenL for a crlme
1he crlmlnal was senLenced Lo slx years ln prlson. notvq
1.1 9 3C 8eadlng end up phr v ended up ln London Lo flnally be ln a parLlcular place, slLuaLlon, or sLaLe wlLhouL
lnLendlng Lo
l fell asleep on Lhe Lraln and ended up ln Ldlnburgh! koo\qyu
1.1 10 10 WrlLlng a|m v alm for your audlence Lo Lry or lnLend Lo achleve someLhlng We alm Lo flnlsh Lhe pro[ecL by lrlday. okoncuu
1.1 10 10 WrlLlng aud|ence n Lhe people who waLch or llsLen Lo a performance When Lhe play flnlshed, Lhe audlence clapped and cheered. kotvo
1.1 10 10 WrlLlng draft n make a drafL flrsL a plece of wrlLlng or a drawlng LhaL ls noL yeL ln lLs flnlshed
l can'L go ouL unLll l flnlsh Lhe flrsL drafL of my Cv. npoocto
1.1 10 10 WrlLlng vers|on n wrlLe a flrsL verslon and Lhen
one form of someLhlng LhaL ls sllghLly dlfferenL from all oLher
1hls ls Lhe old verslon of my Cv - lL doesn'L lnclude my currenL
1.1 10 12 WrlLlng pub||sh|ng ad[ publlshlng company Lhe buslness of produclng books, magazlnes, eLc. and offerlng
Lhem for sale
1ony wanLs Lo geL a [ob ln publlshlng. ckooct
1.1 10 9A WrlLlng app|y v apply for a [ob Lo make a formal requesL, usually ln wrlLlng, for someLhlng such
as a [ob, a unlverslLy place, or permlsslon Lo do someLhlng
8ob has applled for a [ob ln Canada. uno\\u otqoq
1.1 10 9A WrlLlng course n apply for a course a serles of lessons or a perlod of sLudy ln a parLlcular sub[ecL Andy's dolng a compuLer course. octp o0quv
1.1 10 98 WrlLlng co||eague n someone you work wlLh l play fooLball wlLh some of my colleagues every Wednesday. ouvc\o
1.1 10 98 WrlLlng spec|a||sat|on n an acLlvlLy or sub[ecL LhaL you know a loL abouL My speclallsaLlon ls ln zoology. cttkoqo
1.1 10 98 WrlLlng f|e|d n speclallse ln a fleld of sclence a sub[ecL LhaL people sLudy or an area of acLlvlLy LhaL Lhey are
lnvolved ln as parL of Lhelr work
WhaL fleld of research do you work ln? ncto
1.2 11 18 Speaklng genet|c ad[ relaLlng Lo genes or geneLlcs !eff's aunL works ln geneLlc research. ycvctko
1.2 11 18 Speaklng mu|t|-task|ng ad[ belng able Lo do more Lhan one Lhlng aL a Llme 1hey say women are beLLer aL mulLl-Lasklng Lhan men, buL l
tkovo vo kvct no\\
npyoo ouopovo
1.2 11 18 Speaklng gene n a parL of a cell ln a llvlng Lhlng LhaL conLrols how lL develops.
arenLs pass genes on Lo Lhelr chlldren.
SclenLlsLs can learn a loL from sLudylng human genes. yovtto
1.2 11 18 Speaklng stuff n Lhlngs a subsLance or maLerlal of any sorL l can'L belleve how much sLuff you have ln your bag! npyo
1.2 11 18 Speaklng |mpress v Lo make someone feel admlraLlon and respecL for you Pe was Lrylng Lo lmpress me. cvunuot(u
1.2 11 18 Speaklng ab|||ty n Lhe sLaLe of belng able Lo do someLhlng, or your level of sklll aL
dolng someLhlng
A manager musL have Lhe ablllLy Lo communlcaLe well. tkovoqo
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Speakout Pre-Intermediate Worldlist Page 2
1.2 11 18 Speaklng be |n charge v phr Lo have conLrol over or responslblllLy for someLhlng or
My dad's ln charge of Lhe 1v remoLe ln our house! uncu0uvo
1.2 11 18 Speaklng refuse v Lo say flrmly LhaL you wlll noL do or accepL someLhlng l asked her Lo marry me, buL she refused. opvouot
1.2 11 18 Speaklng bark v dogs bark when a dog barks, lL makes a shorL loud sound 1he dog always barks aL sLrangers. yoyt(u
1.2 11 18 Speaklng outf|t n change ouLflLs Lhree Llmes a
a seL of cloLhes LhaL you wear LogeLher She was wearlng her usual ouLflL of whlLe blouse and black
1.2 12 4A LlsLenlng documentary n a fllm or Lelevlslon programme LhaL glves lnformaLlon abouL a
1hey are maklng a documenLary abouL volcanoes. voktovcp
1.2 12 4A LlsLenlng ma|e ad[ male braln vs. female braln belonglng Lo Lhe sex LhaL cannoL have bables Male llons are blgger Lhan female llons. opocvtko
1.2 12 4A LlsLenlng fema|e ad[ male braln vs. female braln belonglng Lo Lhe sex LhaL can have bables or produce eggs ls your dog male or female? 0q\uko
1.2 12 4u LlsLenlng cha|n n blcycle chaln a llne of meLal rlngs connecLed LogeLher uo you know whaL Lo do lf your blke chaln breaks? o\uoto
1.2 12 4u LlsLenlng peda| n blcycle pedals Lhe parL of a blcycle LhaL you push round wlLh your fooL Lo
make lL move forward
l need Lo buy some new pedals for my blke. nc\t
1.2 12 4u LlsLenlng hand|ebars n Lhe bars above Lhe fronL wheel of a blcycle or moLorcycle, LhaL
you Lurn Lo conLrol Lhe dlrecLlon you go ln
l broke my arm when l crashed my blke and wenL over Lhe
1.2 12 4u LlsLenlng accurate ad[ exacL and correcL aLlenLs should be glven accuraLe lnformaLlon abouL Lhelr
1.2 12 6A vocabulary boss n Lhe person who employs you or who ls ln charge of you aL work She asked her boss for Lhe day off. ocvtko
1.2 12 6A vocabulary c|assmate n someone who ls ln Lhe same class as you aL school or college l haven'L seen any of my old classmaLes for years! ouo0qq
1.2 12 6A vocabulary emp|oyee n someone who recelves a salary paymenL Lo work for an
organlsaLlon, person, or company
1he company l work for has over 10,000 employees
1.2 12 6A vocabulary f|anc n Lhe man whom a woman ls golng Lo marry l don'L llke Sally's flanc - he's really rude! oppouvtotko
1.2 12 6A vocabulary f|ance n Lhe woman whom a man ls golng Lo marry hll's flance ls very preLLy. oppouvtootkt
1.2 12 6A vocabulary godfather n a man who promlses aL a bapLlsm ceremony Lo help a chlld,
and Lo Leach hlm or her ChrlsLlan values
8ella wenL Lo llve wlLh her godfaLher afLer her parenLs dled. vovo
1.2 12 6A vocabulary godmother n a woman who promlses aL a bapLlsm ceremony Lo help a chlld,
and Lo Leach hlm or her ChrlsLlan values
nlgel wenL Lo llve wlLh hls godmoLher afLer hls parenLs dled. vov
1.2 12 6A vocabulary member n member ln a club someone who belongs Lo a group or organlsaLlon Pes a member of Lhe Lennls club. c\o
1.2 12 6A vocabulary mentor n someone who advlses and helps a less experlenced person l'm golng Lo be a menLor for a new employee ln my offlce. ouou\o, cvopo
1.2 12 6A vocabulary partner n buslness parLner Lhe person LhaL you are marrled Lo, or LhaL you llve wlLh as lf
you were marrled
She llves wlLh her parLner 1om. ouvpoo
1.2 12 6A vocabulary pup|| n a chlld ln a school My prlmary school only had abouL 10 puplls. o0qq
1.2 12 6A vocabulary team-mate n someone who belongs Lo Lhe same Leam as you l'm good frlends wlLh all my Leam-maLes. ounotkq ouvc\o
1.2 13 8A vocabulary lus comm|ss|on v commlsslon somebody Lo do
Lo ask someone Lo do a parLlcular plece of work for you 1he governmenL commlssloned Lhe reporL lasL year. ovo0cu
1.2 13 8A vocabulary lus respond v answer a qulz Lo do someLhlng because of someLhlng LhaL has happened Pow wlll Lhe governmenL respond Lo Lhls laLesL
onovu, ovtpu
1.2 13 8A vocabulary lus cha||enge n Lhe blggesL challenge for
women Loday
someLhlng LhaL LesLs your sklll or ablllLy, especlally ln a way LhaL
ls lnLeresLlng
1he race ls a Lough challenge for any aLhleLe. npok\qoq
1.2 13 8A vocabulary lus ba|ance v balanclng career and famlly Lo be ln a sLeady poslLlon, wlLhouL falllng, or Lo puL someLhlng
ln Lhls poslLlon
Can you balance on one leg? toopponu
1.2 13 8A vocabulary lus accord|ng to prep as shown by someLhlng or sald by someone Accordlng Lo Lhe weaLher forecasL, lL's golng Lo raln
ouuvo c
1.3 13 vocabulary lus 98 do exerc|se v phr Lo do physlcal acLlvlLy Lo become healLhler My docLor Lold me Lo do more exerclse. ookouot
1.3 13 vocabulary lus 98 housework n work LhaL you do Lo look afLer a house, for example cleanlng
and washlng
l spenL all mornlng dolng Lhe housework. votkokupto
1.3 13 vocabulary lus 98 research n serlous and deLalled sLudy of a sub[ecL ln order Lo flnd ouL new
My faLher ls dolng sclenLlflc research lnLo hearL dlsease. cpcuvo
1.3 13 vocabulary lus 98 do someone a favour v phr Lo do someLhlng for someone Lo help Lhem or be klnd Can you do me a favour and Lake Lhe dog for a walk, please? kvu oc knotov to pq
1.3 13 vocabulary lus 98 degree n a course of sLudy aL a unlverslLy or college, or Lhe quallflcaLlon
LhaL ls glven Lo you when you have successfully compleLed Lhe
My cousln's dolng a degree ln marlne blology. nuto
1.3 13 vocabulary lus 98 get on w|th someone phr v Lo have a good relaLlonshlp wlLh someone l geL on really well wlLh my boss. o nqyotvu ko\ c
1.3 13 vocabulary lus 98 go grey v phr when someone's halr changes from lLs naLural colour Lo grey,
usually because of age
My faLher sLarLed golng grey when he was ln hls 20s. ykpt(pu
1.3 13 vocabulary lus 98 go off someth|ng phr v Lo sLop llklng someLhlng l've gone off eaLlng meaL slnce l saw LhaL 1v programme
abouL farmlng.
c ou opcoct kt n\cov
1.3 13 vocabulary lus 98 go on a d|et v phr Lo change whaL you eaL ln order Lo lose welghL or become
1rlsha goes on a dleL every summer before she goes on
opt(u toto
1.3 13 vocabulary lus 98 take part |n v phr Lo parLlclpaLe 1hls weekend l'm Laklng parL ln a blcycle race wlLh my
1.3 13 vocabulary lus 98 take respons|b|||ty for v phr Lo agree Lo be ln charge of someLhlng or someone l'm Laklng responslblllLy for organlslng my offlce ChrlsLmas
parLy Lhls year.
ovo\ovu qv cu0uvq
1.3 14 1A Speaklng |nqu|ry n pollce lnqulry a quesLlon you ask ln order Lo geL lnformaLlon We're geLLlng a loL of lnqulrles abouL our new bus servlce. cpuqoq
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Speakout Pre-Intermediate Worldlist Page 3
1.3 14 1A Speaklng p|acement n placemenL LesL a [ob LhaL ls found for someone, especlally Lo glve Lhem
experlence of work
When l was aL unlverslLy, l dld a work experlence placemenL
ln Madrld.
1.3 14 2A vocabulary appropr|ate|y adv sulLable for a parLlcular Llme, slLuaLlon, or purpose 1he Leacher Lold Lhe glrl she wasn'L dressed approprlaLely. ko\\q\o
1.3 14 2A vocabulary avo|d v Lo prevenL someLhlng bad from happenlng l lefL my house early Lhls mornlng Lo avold Lhe Lrafflc. onocuyu
1.3 14 2A vocabulary br|ef|y adv conLlnulng for only a shorL Llme l worked as a walLer brlefly when l was aL unlverslLy. ouvoo
1.3 14 2A vocabulary enthus|asm n a sLrong feellng of lnLeresL and en[oymenL She shares your enLhuslasm for [azz. cv0ouotooo
1.3 14 2A vocabulary eye contact n phr when Lwo people look aL each oLhers eyes 1he boy avolded maklng eye conLacL wlLh me and l knew he
was lylng.
ontkq cnoq
1.3 14 2A vocabulary f|rm|y adv noL genLly, uslng qulLe a loL of sLrengLh When you have a [ob lnLervlew, you should always shake
hands flrmly wlLh Lhe lnLervlewer.
oo0cp, ycp
1.3 14 2A vocabulary potent|a| ad[ poLenLlal cusLomers llkely Lo become a parLlcular Lype of person or Lhlng ln Lhe
1he salesmen wanLed Lo lmpress poLenLlal cusLomers. nt0ovo
1.3 14 2A vocabulary reference n work references parL of someLhlng you say or wrlLe ln whlch you menLlon a
person or Lhlng
Per wrlLlngs conLaln references Lo members of her famlly. ovoop
1.3 14 2A vocabulary shake hands v phr a way of greeLlng someone when you meeL Lhem My grandmoLher was very exclLed when she shook hands
wlLh Lhe Cueen.
otpcu to ctpoto
1.3 14 2A vocabulary smart|y adv ln a formal way ou don'L have Lo dress smarLly for all [ob lnLervlews. ko
1.3 14 48 luncLlon summer camp n a place where chlldren ln Lhe uS can sLay durlng Lhe summer,
and Lake parL ln varlous acLlvlLles
uld you go Lo summer camp as a chlld? 0cptvq koookqvuoq
1.3 14 48 luncLlon on||ne ad[ onllne course connecLed Lo or uslng a compuLer or neLwork of compuLers l'm dolng all my ChrlsLmas shopplng onllne Lhls year. ouvcccvo q
to0coto oo totkuo
1.3 14 48 luncLlon face-to-face ad[ face-Lo-face course a face-Lo-face meeLlng, conversaLlon, eLc. ls one where you are
wlLh anoLher person
uo you prefer Lelephone or face-Lo-face lnLervlews? npoouno c npoouno
1.3 1 A luncLlon tutor n someone who Leaches one person or a small group of people My broLher has a prlvaLe LuLor Lo help hlm lmprove hls
1.3 1 A luncLlon query n a quesLlon asklng for more lnformaLlon SLaff are always avallable Lo answer your querles. cpuqo
1.3 1 8 luncLlon aspect n one parL of a slLuaLlon, plan, or sub[ecL WhaL's Lhe mosL lnLeresLlng aspecL of your work? n\cup, oq
1.4 16 1A uvu prevlew a|ter v Lo change, or Lo make someLhlng or someone change Would you llke Lo alLer anyLhlng abouL your appearance o\\(u
1.4 16 1A uvu prevlew p|ck v choose Lo choose someLhlng or someone SLudenLs have Lo plck Lhree sub[ecLs Lo sLudy aL college. to\cyu
1.4 16 1A uvu prevlew soc|a||se v Lo spend Llme wlLh oLher people ln a frlendly way uo you soclallse much wlLh your colleagues? ouvovoopcoot
1.4 16 1A uvu prevlew res|dent n someone who llves ln a house, aparLmenL, area, eLc. uo you geL on well wlLh Lhe oLher resldenLs ln your bulldlng? kotko
1.4 16 1A uvu prevlew currency n money Lhe Lype of money LhaL a counLry uses WhaL's Lhe currency of oland? votoo
1.4 16 3A uvu vlew avatar n creaLe an avaLar a vlrLual personallLy whlch represenLs a real person ln an onllne
ln some onllne communlLles, you can cusLomlse Lhe
appearance of your avaLar.
ctkovtko ctu\o, oop
1.4 16 3A uvu vlew turn out phr v Lo happen ln a parLlcular way or Lo be found Lo be someLhlng !oanna wlshed Lhlngs had Lurned ouL dlfferenLly. koo\qyu
1.4 16 3A uvu vlew go up to phr v go up Lo anyone and chaL Lo move Lowards a person and sLarL speaklng l wenL up Lo her and asked her Lo dance. n\qot(u
1.4 16 3A uvu vlew chat v Lalk Lo Lalk ln a frlendly lnformal way, especlally abouL unlmporLanL
!o was chaLLlng Lo Sam. koucvt(u
1.4 16 3C uvu prevlew |nvest|gate v Lo Lry Lo flnd ouL abouL someLhlng, especlally a crlme or
1he cause of Lhe flre ls belng lnvesLlgaLed. cpcuvu
1.4 16 3C uvu prevlew v|rtua| ad[ vlrLual reallLy slmulaLed, noL real Second Llfe ls a huge vlrLual world. ctkovtko
1.4 16 3C uvu prevlew commun|ty n a group of people who have Lhe same lnLeresLs, rellglon, race,
Are you a member of any onllne communlLles? kotvoqo
1.4 16 4 uvu vlew get add|cted to v phr Lo become unable Lo llve wlLhouL someLhlng Magda's addlcLed Lo chocolaLe! c0t(oot oc
1.4 17 8 SpeakouL re|nvent v relnvenLed herself Lo compleLely change your appearance and lmage op sLars consLanLly need Lo relnvenL Lhemselves. cnovonpootopt(u,
ccuptoku ov
1.4 17 8 SpeakouL |mage n a new lmage of herself Lhe way LhaL people conslder someone or someLhlng Lo be 1he pollLlcal parLy ls Lrylng Lo lmprove lLs lmage. ctkovo
1.4 17 8 SpeakouL be based on v when someLhlng ls creaLed uslng an exlsLlng Lhlng for
1he fllm ls based on a Charles ulckens novel. oot(oot oc
1. 18 3 band n muslc band a group of muslclans who play popular muslc LogeLher Per boyfrlend was ln a band. ouotko ouykpoqo
1. 18 3 ||festy|e n Lhe way LhaL someone llves, lncludlng Lhelr work and acLlvlLles,
and whaL Lhlngs Lhey own
8egular exerclse ls parL of a healLhy llfesLyle. pono (uq
1. 18 3 caravan n llve ln a caravan a vehlcle LhaL can be pulled by a car, and LhaL people can llve
and sleep ln
l loved golng on caravan holldays when l was a chlld. pooonto
1. 18 1A cous|n n a chlld of your aunL or uncle !ane and l are couslns. c\o
1. 18 1A nephew n Lhe son of your broLher or slsLer, or Lhe son of your husbands
or wlfes broLher or slsLer
l've goL one nephew. ovqto
1. 18 2A awake ad[ noL sleeplng Are you awake? l can'L sleep! unvto
1. 18 A court n Lennls courLs an area made for playlng games such as Lennls Per new house has Lwo Lennls courLs! yqnco
1. 18 A qua||f|ed ad[ quallfled for a [ob havlng sulLable knowledge, experlence, or skllls, especlally for a
parLlcular [ob
Sandra ls hlghly quallfled for Lhe [ob. ko\\q\o
1. 18 A emp|oy v Lo pay someone Lo do a [ob 1he facLory employs 2,000 people. onooo\u
1. 18 A set v where ls Lhe fllm seL? Lo base a fllm, book, eLc. ln a parLlcular Llme or place 1he fllm ls seL ln anclenL LgypL. okqvtko
1. 18 C podcast n vldeo podcasL a radlo programme LhaL can be downloaded from Lhe lnLerneL uo you prefer llsLenlng Lo podcasLs or normal radlo? qtoko opcto
to0coto cou
2 19 Peadlng ta|e n a sLory abouL Lhlngs LhaL happened long ago, or Lhlngs LhaL may
noL have really happened
l boughL my nephew a book of falry Lales for hls blrLhday. toopto
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Speakout Pre-Intermediate Worldlist Page 4
2.1 20 2A Speaklng |naccurate ad[ noL correcL 1he archlLecL's drawlngs were LoLally lnaccuraLe. ovokptq
2.1 20 2A Speaklng capta|n n an army offlcer more lmorLanL Lhan a lleuLenanL, buL less
lmporLanL Lhan a ma[or
My broLher was promoLed Lo capLaln when he reLurned from
Lhe war.
2.1 20 2A Speaklng samura| n a member of a powerful mlllLary class ln !apan ln Lhe pasL 1here are no more samural ln !apan. oooupt
2.1 20 2A Speaklng warr|or n a soldler or flghLer who ls brave and experlenced usually used
abouL people ln Lhe pasL
Warrlors were well-respecLed ln all socleLles. no\ctoq
2.1 20 2A Speaklng |nsp|re v ls lnsplred by Lhe vlew Lo encourage someone and make Lhem wanL Lo do someLhlng She lnsplred many young people Lo Lake up Lhe sporL. cnvcu
2.1 20 2A Speaklng rea|-||fe ad[ acLually happenlng ln llfe, noL lnvenLed ln a book 1he fllm Lells Lhe sLory of a real-llfe drama. npoyotkq (uq
2.1 20 2A Speaklng scene n scene ln a fllm a shorL parL of a play or fllm, when Lhe evenLs happen ln one
1he openlng scene of Lhe fllm has specLacular speclal effecLs. okqvq
2.1 20 2A Speaklng emperor n a man who rules an emplre !ullus Caesar ls probably Lhe mosL famous 8oman emperor. ouokpopo
2.1 20 2A Speaklng at the hands of prep phr done by a person !ullus Caesar dled aL Lhe hands of hls son 8ruLus. ono o cpto knotou
2.1 20 2A Speaklng g|ad|ator n a man who had Lo flghL oLher men or anlmals as enLerLalnmenL
ln anclenL 8ome
SporLsmen are modern-day gladlaLors. ovoo
2.1 20 2A Speaklng |ead v leadlng an army of people Lo Lake someone Lo a place by golng wlLh Lhem or ln fronL of
1he capLaln lead hls warrlors lnLo baLLle. oqyu
2.1 20 3A vocabulary act|on n acLlon fllm a Lype of fllm or sLory ln whlch heroes chase and flghL My favourlLe acLlon fllm ls 1he 8ourne ldenLlLy. poq
2.1 20 3A vocabulary batt|e v characLers baLLle wlLh Lhelr
Lo Lry or flghL very hard Lo achleve someLhlng dlfflculL She baLLled bravely agalnsL cancer. oot, no\cu
2.1 20 3A vocabulary b|op|c n a fllm LhaL Lells Lhe sLory of someones llfe Pave you seen Lhe new bloplc abouL LhaL new ork mafla
toypotkq otvto
2.1 20 3A vocabulary by m|stake prep phr wlLhouL lnLendlng Lo do someLhlng l deleLed all my compuLer flles by mlsLake. ko \0o
2.1 20 3A vocabulary character n characLers ln a fllm a person ln a fllm, sLory, book, eLc. Who's your favourlLe characLer ln 1he Wlzard of Cz? qpuo
2.1 20 3A vocabulary chase n heroes chase and flghL an acL of followlng someone or someLhlng qulckly Lo caLch
1haL new acLlon fllm ls full of car chases! kootuq
2.1 20 3A vocabulary costume n dressed up ln perlod cosLume a seL of cloLhes worn by an acLor, or Lo make someone look llke
a parLlcular Lype of person, anlmal, eLc.
l've LhoughL of a brllllanL cosLume for Palloween Lhls year. oo\q
2.1 20 3A vocabulary cr|me n crlme fllm lllegal acLlvlLles ln general 1here was very llLLle crlme when we moved here. cyk\qo
2.1 20 3A vocabulary cr|m|na| n someone who has done someLhlng wrong or lllegal ollce have descrlbed Lhe man as a vlolenL and dangerous
2.1 20 3A vocabulary d|saster n an evenL such as an accldenL, flood, or sLorm LhaL causes a loL
of harm or sufferlng
LasL nlghL Lhere was an alr dlsasLer ln whlch 329 people dled. kooopoq
2.1 20 3A vocabulary docudrama n a Lelevlslon programme or fllm whlch shows real evenLs ln Lhe
form of a sLory
1onlghL on 1v Lhere's a docudrama abouL Lhe llfe of Cueen
2.1 20 3A vocabulary dress up phr v dressed up ln perlod cosLume Lo wear speclal cloLhes for fun l wenL Lo Lhe parLy dressed up as a gorllla. cotc(oot
2.1 20 3A vocabulary fantasy ad[ a Lype of fllm ln whlch sLrange Lhlngs happen ln Lhe fuLure or ln
lmaglnary worlds
l don'L really llke fanLasy fllms - l prefer perlod dramas. ovooto
2.1 20 3A vocabulary hero n a man who ls admlred for dolng someLhlng very brave or good ln Lhls book, Lhe hero ls a pollce deLecLlve. qpuo
2.1 20 3A vocabulary |mag|nary ad[ noL real, buL lmaglned Chlldren love drawlng lmaglnary anlmals and places. ovootko
2.1 20 3A vocabulary mystery ad[ mysLery fllm a Lype of sLory ln whlch someLhlng LhaL ls dlfflculL Lo explaln or
l love readlng mysLery novels! uoqpto
2.1 20 3A vocabulary per|od drama n a Lype of fllm or Lelevlslon programme ln whlch people dress
up ln old-fashloned cosLumes
My mum's favourlLe perlod drama ls rlde and red[udlce. po cnoq
2.1 20 3A vocabulary psycho|og|ca| thr|||er n a Lype of fllm or Lelevlslon programme ln whlch characLers
baLLle wlLh Lhelr mlnds
l waLched a psychologlcal Lhrlller on 1v lasL nlghL and lL gave
me nlghLmares!
uo\oytko 0pt\cp
2.1 20 3A vocabulary romant|c comedy n a fllm whlch ls lnLended Lo make people laugh and whlch
lnvolves a love sLory
My glrlfrlend loves romanLlc comedles. poovtkq kuuto
2.1 20 3A vocabulary sc|ence f|ct|on n books and sLorles abouL Lhe fuLure, for example abouL
Lravelllng ln Llme and space
l don'L llke sclence flcLlon fllms - l Lhlnk Lhey're sllly. cntoqovtkq ovooto
2.1 20 4A LlsLenlng accent n has a ScoLLlsh accenL a way of pronounclng words LhaL someone has because of
where Lhey were born or llve
Pes goL a sLrong norLhern accenL. npoop
2.1 20 4A LlsLenlng recent ad[ recenL years havlng happened or been done only a shorL Llme ago 1hls ls a recenL phoLo of Lhe crlmlnal. npoooo
2.1 20 4A LlsLenlng recogn|se v Lo know who someone ls or whaL someLhlng ls, because you
have seen, heard, experlenced, or learned abouL Lhem ln Lhe
l dldn'L recognlse you ln your unlform. ovoyvupt(u
2.1 21 10A Speaklng embarrass|ng ad[ lf someLhlng ls embarrasslng, lL makes you feel uncomforLable lL was so embarrasslng when my mum showed my new
boyfrlend my baby phoLos.
oqovo, oc uoko\q
2.1 21 10A Speaklng |n pub||c prep phr lf you do someLhlng ln publlc, you do lL where oLher people can
see you
l haLe speaklng ln publlc. qooto
2.1 21 10A Speaklng poem n a plece of wrlLlng LhaL ls wrlLLen ln shorL llnes, especlally uslng
words LhaL rhyme have slmllar sounds aL Lhe end
uaffodlls ls a famous poem by WordsworLh. notqo
2.1 21 78 rammar spec|fy v lsn'L speclfled Lo glve lnformaLlon or lnsLrucLlons ln an exacL and deLalled way 1he rules speclfy LhaL compeLlLors musL be under 18 years of
ko0opt(u, ovocpu
2.1 21 9 rammar m||||ona|re n someone who ls very rlch and has aL leasL one mllllon dollars or
Pls uncle was a mllllonalre who made hls money ln oll. ckoouptouo
2.1 21 9 rammar at one stage prep phr aL a parLlcular polnL ln Llme AL one sLage, Lhe 8rlLlsh Lmplre was Lhe mosL powerful ln Lhe
oc knoto oq
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2.1 21 9 rammar stockbroker n someone whose [ob ls Lo buy and sell shares, sLocks, and bonds
for oLher people
She's a sLockbroker who works on Wall SLreeL ln new ork. pqotoq
2.1 21 9 rammar successfu| ad[ havlng Lhe resulL or effecL LhaL you lnLended Who's Lhe mosL successful person you know? cntuqcvo
2.1 21 9 rammar home|ess ad[ wlLhouL a place Lo llve 1housands of people were made homeless. ocyo
2.1 22 vocabulary lus 14 surv|ve v Lo conLlnue Lo llve afLer an accldenL, war, lllness, eLc. She was Lhe only person ln her famlly who survlved Lhe
cnt(u, cnttuvu
2.1 22 vocabulary lus 14 by chance prep phr ln an unexpecLed way We meL by chance on a Lraln. Slx monLhs laLer, we were
2.1 22 vocabulary lus 14 by hand prep phr uslng your hands, noL a machlne She wrlLes all her unlverslLy work by hand. ttoctpu, c o cpt
2.1 22 vocabulary lus 14 |n a hurry prep phr more qulckly Lhan usual Sorry, l can'L sLop Lo Lalk, l'm ln a hurry. tootk
2.1 22 vocabulary lus 14 |n a moment prep phr ln a very shorL Llme l'll be Lhere ln a momenL, l'm [usL brushlng my LeeLh. oc \tyo, ocou
2.1 22 vocabulary lus 14 |n the end prep phr flnally WhaL dld you declde Lo do ln Lhe end? c\tk
2.1 22 vocabulary lus 14 on bus|ness prep phr noL on hollday, buL for work l'm golng Lo reece on buslness nexL week. yto ou\ct
2.1 22 vocabulary lus 14 on your own prep phr alone, noL wlLh oLher people l'm spendlng ChrlsLmas on my own Lhls year. ovo ou
2.1 22 vocabulary lus 14 on purpose prep phr dellberaLely, noL a mlsLake l'm sorry. l dldn'L hurL you on purpose. cntqc, okonto
2.1 22 vocabulary lus 14 on t|me prep phr aL Lhe correcL Llme or Lhe Llme LhaL was arranged ou musL geL Lo work on Llme. cykotpu, oqv upo ou
2.2 23 38 8eadlng consp|racy n a secreL plan made by Lwo or more people Lo do someLhlng bad
or lllegal
1here was a consplracy Lo Lake Lhe rlme MlnlsLer hosLage. ouvuooto
2.2 23 38 8eadlng theory n an ldea LhaL Lrles Lo explaln someLhlng Many people belleve ln uarwln's Lheory of evoluLlon. 0cupto
2.2 23 38 8eadlng c|a|m n Lhere are clalms LhaL people
haven'L been Lo Lhe moon
a sLaLemenL LhaL someLhlng ls Lrue, even Lhough lL mlghL noL be 1here have been clalms LhaL Lhe compeLlLlon was unfalr. touptoo
2.2 23 38 8eadlng g|ant ad[ much blgger Lhan usual Mlke's goL a glanL 1v ln hls slLLlng room - lL musL be aL leasL
60 lnches!
2.2 23 38 8eadlng |eap n a glanL leap for manklnd a blg developmenL 1he new dlcovery ls a leap ln sclenLlflc research. \o
2.2 23 38 8eadlng mank|nd n all humans, consldered as a group 1he evoluLlon of manklnd wlll never sLop. ov0puntvo cto,
2.2 23 38 8eadlng doubt n a feellng LhaL you have when you are noL cerLaln wheLher
someLhlng ls Lrue or posslble
l have doubLs abouL hls ablllLy Lo do Lhe [ob. oto\to
2.2 23 38 8eadlng surface n Lhe ouLslde or Lop layer of someLhlng 8oad surfaces can be very dangerous ln cold weaLher. cntvcto
2.2 23 38 8eadlng shadow n Lhe shadows were long a dark shape on a surface, caused by a person or ob[ecL belng
beLween Lhe llghL and Lhe surface
our shadow ls always longer aL Lhe end of Lhe day. okt
2.2 23 38 8eadlng v|s|b|e ad[ someLhlng LhaL ls vlslble can be seen or noLlced 1here has been a vlslble lncrease ln Lhe number of
unemployed people Lhls year.
2.2 23 38 8eadlng wave v Lhe flag was wavlng Lo move from slde Lo slde 1he flag was wavlng genLly ln Lhe breeze. kuot(u
2.2 23 38 8eadlng ||ght|ng ad[ Lhe llghLlng condlLlons Lhe llghLs ln a place, or Lhe quallLy of Lhe llghL 8eLLer sLreeL llghLlng could help prevenL crlme. utoo
2.2 23 38 8eadlng comp||cated ad[ havlng a loL of dlfferenL parLs or belng dlfflculL Lo undersLand or
deal wlLh
1he lnsLrucLlons are much Loo compllcaLed. ncptn\oko
2.2 23 38 8eadlng f|utter v Lhe flag was fluLLerlng Lo wave or move genLly ln Lhe alr llags fluLLered ln Lhe wlnd. kuot(u, ovct(u
2.2 23 38 8eadlng affa|r n here lL's a play of words as lL
suggesLs boLh havlng an affalr
and a sLrange affalr
publlc or pollLlcal evenLs and acLlvlLles l'm very lnLeresLed ln currenL affalrs. uno0coq, (qqo
2.2 23 38 8eadlng conc|ude v Lo declde someLhlng afLer conslderlng all Lhe lnformaLlon you
1he reporL concluded LhaL Lhe crlmlnal was gullLy. ouncpotvu
2.2 23 38 8eadlng ev|dence n Lhere was no evldence of foul
facLs or slgns LhaL show LhaL someLhlng ls Lrue or LhaL
someLhlng exlsLs
1here was noL enough evldence Lo send Lhe man Lo prlson. ootcto, cvctq
2.2 23 38 8eadlng pregnant ad[ when a female human or anlmal has an unborn baby growlng
ln her body
Pave you heard Lhe news? l'm pregnanL! cykuo
2.2 23 38 8eadlng assass|nat|on n Lhe murder of an lmporLanL person Can you Lhlnk of any celebrlLles who have survlved an
assasslnaLlon aLLempL?
2.2 23 38 8eadlng gunman n a crlmlnal who uses a gun 1he gunman was lnsLanLly arresLed by Lhe pollce. cvon\o kokonoto
2.2 23 38 8eadlng |nvest|gat|on n an offlclal aLLempL Lo flnd ouL abouL someLhlng, especlally a
crlme or accldenL
Pave you been followlng Lhe murder lnvesLlgaLlon on Lhe
2.2 23 38 8eadlng cr|t|c|se v hls meLhods were crlLlclsed Lo express your dlsapproval of someone or someLhlng, or Lo
Lalk abouL Lhelr faulLs
8on does noLhlng buL crlLlclze and complaln all Lhe Llme. cntkptvu
2.2 24 6 rammar parade n a publlc celebraLlon when muslcal bands, decoraLed vehlcles,
eLc. move down Lhe sLreeL
l'm golng Lo 8lo Lo see Lhe carnlval and Lhe sLreeL parades. nopc\ooq
2.2 24 6 rammar so||dar|ty n supporL and agreemenL among people who share Lhe same alm
or oplnlons
We are sLrlklng Lo show solldarlLy wlLh Lhe nurses. o\\q\cyyuq
2.2 24 6 rammar cheer n Lhere was a huge cheer when
Lhey saw Lhe pollLlclan
a shouL of approval, happlness, or encouragemenL A greaL cheer wenL up from Lhe crowd. (qukpouyq, cncuqto
2.2 24 6 rammar branch n branches of a Lree Lhe parL of a Lree from whlch leaves grow Look aL Lhe monkey slLLlng on LhaL branch! k\ot
2.2 24 6 rammar shot n gun shoLs when someone flres a gun, or Lhe sound LhaL Lhls makes 1he gunman flred Lhree shoLs. nupoo\too
2.2 24 7A vocabulary affect v Lo cause a change ln someone or someLhlng, or Lo change Lhe
slLuaLlon Lhey are ln
Lveryone was affecLed by Lhe news. cnqpc(u
2.2 24 7A vocabulary arrest v fuglLlve arresLed when someone ls Laken away by Lhe pollce because Lhey Lhlnk
Lhe person has done someLhlng lllegal
1he pollce arresLed Lrlc for shopllfLlng. ou\\ovu
2.2 24 7A vocabulary attack v LerrorlsLs aLLacked Lhe Lo use vlolence Lo Lry Lo hurL or klll someone, or Lo cause
damage Lo a place
She was aLLacked as she walked home from school. cntt0cot
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2.2 24 7A vocabulary co||apse n buslnesses hlL by collapse of
Lhe sudden fallure of a buslness, sysLem, or plan Many banks closed because of Lhe recenL economlc collapse. koppcuoq
2.2 24 7A vocabulary comm|t v commlL a crlme Lo do someLhlng wrong or lllegal 1hey say LhaL Lhe crlme was commlLLed by a young woman. tonpu
2.2 24 7A vocabulary crash n car crash an accldenL ln whlch a vehlcle hlLs someLhlng else Slx vehlcles were lnvolved ln Lhe crash. ouykpouoq, pokptoo
2.2 24 7A vocabulary crop n wheaL crop planLs such as wheaL, frulL, vegeLables, eLc. LhaL farmers grow
and sell
Cur maln crops are rlce and oaLs. ooct
2.2 24 7A vocabulary damage v damage a bulldlng Lo cause physlcal harm Lo someLhlng 1he house has been badly damaged by flre. npocvu (qt
2.2 24 7A vocabulary demonstrat|on n sLudenL demonsLraLlon Lurns
an occaslon when a large group of people meeL Lo show LhaL
Lhey dlsagree wlLh or supporL someLhlng
1here was a sLudenL demonsLraLlon agalnsL Lhe governmenL
ln London lasL week.
2.2 24 7A vocabulary destroy v Lo damage someLhlng very badly, so LhaL lL no longer exlsLs, or
cannoL be repalred
1he bulldlng was compleLely desLroyed by floods. kooopcu
2.2 24 7A vocabulary earthquake n a sudden shaklng of Lhe earLhs surface LhaL ofLen causes a loL
of damage
!apan sufferes from a loL of earLhquakes. octoo
2.2 24 7A vocabulary econom|c cr|s|s n phr a very serlous slLuaLlon ln whlch a counLry loses a loL of money
and a loL of people lose Lhelr [obs
Spaln has been very badly affecLed by Lhe currenL economlc
otkovotkq kptoq
2.2 24 7A vocabulary farm|and n land used for farmlng We don'L have any nelghbours - our house ls surrounded by
2.2 24 7A vocabulary f|ood n a very large amounL of waLer LhaL covers an area LhaL ls usually
1helr homes were washed away by floods. n\qupo
2.2 24 7A vocabulary fug|t|ve n someone who ls Lrylng Lo avold belng caughL by Lhe pollce 1he fuglLlve escaped from prlson Lhree weeks ago. uy
2.2 24 7A vocabulary hostage n hosLages released someone who ls kepL as a prlsoner by an enemy, and may be
hurL or kllled ln order Lo force oLher people Lo do someLhlng
1he group are holdlng Lwo wesLern LourlsLs hosLage. oqpo
2.2 24 7A vocabulary |egend n muslc legenL shoL an exLremely famous and popular person 8ob Marley, Llvls resley and !lml Pendrlx are all muslc
2.2 24 7A vocabulary mass|ve ad[ very blg My nelghbour has a masslve dog - l Lhlnk lL's a SalnL 8ernard. oykuq
2.2 24 7A vocabulary r|me M|n|ster n Lhe leader of Lhe governmenL ln some counLrles wlLh a
1he 8rlLlsh rlme MlnlsLer ls Lravelllng Lo 8russels Lhls week. pu0unoupyo
2.2 24 7A vocabulary pr|soner n someone who ls kepL ln a prlson as a punlshmenL LasL nlghL, Lhree prlsoners escaped from a maxlmum-securlLy
[all ln Lhe uS.
2.2 24 7A vocabulary protest v people are proLesLlng agalnsL
Lhe law
Lo show publlcly LhaL you Lhlnk someLhlng ls wrong 1he Leachers are proLesLlng agalnsL changes Lo Lhe educaLlon
2.2 24 7A vocabulary rebe| n Lalks wlLh rebels someone who opposes or flghLs agalnsL people ln auLhorlLy 1he rebels have Laken Lhe resldenL hosLage. cnovooq
2.2 24 7A vocabulary re|ease v hosLages released Lo allow someone Lo be free afLer you have kepL Lhem
1he hosLages were released Lhls mornlng. onc\cu0cpuvu
2.2 24 7A vocabulary shoot v he was shoL ouLslde hls house Lo flre a gun aL someone, or klll or ln[ure someone wlLh a gun She pulled ouL a gun and shoL hlm. nupoo\u
2.2 24 7A vocabulary str|ke n go on a sLrlke when a group of workers sLop worklng for a perlod of Llme
because Lhey wanL beLLer pay or beLLer worklng condlLlons
1he workers have been on sLrlke for Lwo monLhs. oncpyto
2.2 24 7A vocabulary suspect v Lo Lhlnk LhaL someone may be gullLy of a crlme She ls suspecLed of murder. unoncuoot
2.2 24 7A vocabulary threaten v Lo Lell someone LhaL you wlll hurL Lhem or cause serlous
problems for Lhem lf Lhey do noL do whaL you wanL
1he rebels LhreaLened Lo shooL hlm. onct\u
2.2 24 7A vocabulary v|o|ent ad[ uslng force Lo hurL or klll people 1here has been an lncrease ln vlolenL crlme recenLly. toto
2.2 2 10A Learn Lo as soon as con[ lmmedlaLely afLer someLhlng has happened l came as soon as l heard Lhe news. ocou o\t
2.2 2 10A Learn Lo dur|ng con[ Lhrough all of a perlod of Llme uurlng Lhe summer she worked as a walLress. ko q tpkcto
2.2 2 10A Learn Lo by the t|me con[ when 8y Lhe Llme Lhe pollce arrlved, Lhe crlmlnals had escaped. uonou
2.2 2 9A WrlLlng fraud n Lhe crlme of decelvlng people ln order Lo geL money She was found gullLy of fraud. onq
2.2 2 9A WrlLlng trap n pollce Lrap a plan or plece of equlpmenL used Lo Lrap people or anlmals ou should seL a Lrap Lo caLch mlce. noyto
2.2 2 9A WrlLlng revea| v Lo Lell people someLhlng LhaL was secreL 1he lnformaLlon was flrsL revealed ln a Sunday newspaper. onoko\unu
2.2 2 9A WrlLlng fa|se|y adv wrongly l was falsely accused of sLeallng a car. cuu, ovo\q0u
2.2 2 9A WrlLlng obta|n v Lo geL someLhlng Maps can be obLalned from Lhe LourlsL offlce. onoku
2.2 2 9A WrlLlng cred|t n falsely obLalned credlL from Lhe
a way of buylng goods ln whlch you arrange Lo pay for Lhem
1he 1v and Lhe washlng machlne were boughL on credlL. c ntouoq
2.2 2 9A WrlLlng escape v Lo leave a place or dangerous slLuaLlon when someone ls Lrylng
Lo caLch you or sLop you
Pe escaped from prlson. ponccuu
2.2 2 9A WrlLlng buddy n me and my buddles a frlend 8lll and l are good buddles. t\opkt
2.2 2 9A WrlLlng attorney n a lawyer Sophy's Lralnlng Lo be an aLLorney. tkqyopo
2.2 2 9A WrlLlng def|n|te|y adv wlLhouL any doubL 1haL's deflnlLely Lrue. ovoto\o, otyoupo
2.2 2 9A WrlLlng befr|end v Lo become someones frlend, especlally someone who needs
your help
1hey befrlended me when l flrsL arrlved ln London as a
oq0u, unooqpt(u
2.2 2 9A WrlLlng former ad[ former offlclal happenlng, exlsLlng, or Lrue ln Lhe pasL, buL noL now 1haL man over Lhere ls my former employer. npuqv
2.2 2 9A WrlLlng [ust|ce department n a deparLmenL of Lhe governmenL LhaL deals wlLh legal lssues Pe's hoplng Lo geL a [ob ln Lhe [usLlce deparLmenL. noupycto tkotoouvq
2.2 2 9A WrlLlng off|c|a| n a former [usLlce deparLmenL
someone who has a poslLlon of auLhorlLy ln an organlsaLlon,
especlally a governmenL
uS AdmlnlsLraLlon offlclals are vlslLlng London Lhls week. otuoouo
2.2 2 9A WrlLlng soc|a| network|ng s|te ad[ a neLworklng slLe a webslLe Lhrough whlch you can share personal lnformaLlon
and plcLures wlLh people and make new frlends
lacebook ls Lhe mosL well-known soclal neLworklng slLe. toooc\to kotvuvtkq
2.2 2 9A WrlLlng author|t|es, the n Lhe Mexlcan auLhorlLles Lhe people or organlsaLlons LhaL are ln charge of a parLlcular
counLry or area
1he Lrap for Lhe crlmlnals was seL by Lhe local auLhorlLles. ot opc
2.2 2 9A WrlLlng current|y adv happenlng, exlsLlng, or belng used now 1he crlmlnals are currenLly belng lnLervlewed by pollce. ouq q otyq
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2.2 2 9A WrlLlng |n custody prep phr when someone ls kepL ln prlson unLll Lhey go Lo courL, because
Lhe pollce Lhlnk Lhey have commlLLed a crlme
1he man ls currenLly ln pollce cusLody. uno kpqoq
2.3 26 1A vocabulary body |anguage n movemenLs you make wlLhouL Lhlnklng, LhaL show whaL you
are feellng or Lhlnklng
l could Lell from hls body language LhaL he was nervous. y\uooo ou ouoo
2.3 26 1A vocabulary te|| a ||e v phr Lo say someLhlng LhaL ls noL Lrue Pave you ever Lold a lle Lo make someone feel beLLer? \cu coo
2.3 26 1A vocabulary te|| a story v phr Lo Lalk abouL an lnLeresLlng, funny or sad chaln of evenLs has
esLerday, my boss Lold us a really funny sLory abouL
someLhlng LhaL happened Lo her on hollday lasL year.
\cu to toopto
2.3 26 1A vocabulary te|| the truth v phr Lo say whaL really happened lL's always beLLer Lo Lell Lhe LruLh. \cu qv o\q0cto
2.3 26 1A vocabulary wh|te ||e n phr a lle LhaL you Lell someone ln order Lo proLecL Lhem or avold
hurLlng Lhelr feellngs
SomeLlmes lL's beLLer Lo Lell a whlLe lle Lhan Lo Lell Lhe LruLh. o0uo co
2.3 27 6A Learn Lo [oke v you're [oklng! Lo say Lhlngs LhaL are funny or LhaL you do noL really mean 1he guys laughed and [oked abouL lL laLer. ooctcuoot
2.3 27 6A Learn Lo k|d v you're klddlng! Lo make a [oke, especlally by saylng someLhlng LhaL ls noL Lrue uon'L worry, l was [usL klddlng. nctp(u, kopocuu
2.3 27 6A Learn Lo tube n Lube sLaLlon Lhe lnformal name for Lhe London underground Lraln l geL Lhe Lube Lo work every day unoycto otqpopoo,
2.3 27 6A Learn Lo at the top of your vo|ce phr as loudly as you can She shouLed Pelp! aL Lhe Lop of her volce. ooo nto uvo nopu
2.3 27 6A Learn Lo pack v Lhe bus was packed wlLh
Lo puL Lhlngs lnLo cases, bags, eLc. ready for a [ourney Pave you flnlshed packlng up yeL? nokcpu
2.3 27 6A Learn Lo swe|| up phr v Lo become larger and rounder Lhan normal used especlally
abouL parLs of Lhe body
l can'L walk very fasL - my ankle ls all swollen up! npq(oot
2.3 27 6A Learn Lo b|otch n swollen up covered ln bloLches
and spoLs
a plnk or red mark on your skln or a coloured mark on
lf l eaL nuLs, my face geLs covered ln bloLches. kq\to
2.3 27 6A Learn Lo spot n swollen up covered ln bloLches
and spoLs
a small round red area on someone's skln LhaL shows LhaL Lhey
are lll
1he poor glrls was covered ln spoLs! \ckc, kq\to
2.3 27 6A Learn Lo a||erg|c ad[ lf you are allerglc Lo someLhlng, you become lll lf you eaL,
Louch, or breaLhe lL
Pe's allerglc Lo caLs. o\\cpytko
2.3 27 6A Learn Lo a||erg|c react|on n allerglc reacLlon Lhe way your body responds Lo someLhlng you are allerglc Lo lease excuse my sneezlng - lL's an allerglc reacLlon Lo dusL! o\\cpytkq ovtpooq
2.3 27 7A Speaklng get stuck v phr goL sLuck ln Lhe llfL Lo be Lrapped or unable Lo move Pave you ever goL sLuck ln a llfL? ko\\u
2.3 27 7A Speaklng bout|que hote| n bouLlque hoLel a small, luxury hoLel wlLh very lndlvldual decoraLlon Pave you ever sLayed ln a bouLlque hoLel? tkpo cvoocto c
ttotcpq tokooqoq
2.4 28 1 uvu prevlew f|ct|ona| ad[ flcLlonal people or evenLs are from a book or sLory and are noL
Per sLory was compleLely flcLlonal. ovootko
2.4 28 1 uvu prevlew |nvest|gator n someone who lnvesLlgaLes Lhlngs, especlally crlmes ollce lnvesLlgaLors are worklng on Lhe crlme. oouvotko
2.4 28 1 uvu prevlew |nvo|ve v programmes lnvolvlng crlmlnals Lo lnclude 1he [ob lnvolves a loL of Lravelllng. ncpt\ovu
2.4 28 1 uvu prevlew feature n Lhe feaLures of a good
deLecLlve drama
an lmporLanL, lnLeresLlng, or Lyplcal parL of someLhlng An lmporLanL feaLure of hls palnLlngs ls Lhelr colours. opokqptotko
2.4 28 2 uvu prevlew |||ega| ad[ noL allowed by law lL's lllegal Lo park here. nopvoo
2.4 28 2 uvu prevlew d|shonest ad[ someone who ls dlshonesL decelves people, for example by
lylng, sLeallng, or cheaLlng
1he newspapers are calllng hlm a dlshonesL pollLlclan. ovcvto
2.4 28 2 uvu prevlew burg|ar n someone who goes lnLo bulldlngs ln order Lo sLeal Lhlngs 1he burglar was caughL by pollce. toppqkq
2.4 28 2 uvu prevlew customs n go Lhrough CusLoms aL Lhe
Lhe place where your bags are checked for lllegal goods when
you enLer a counLry
All baggage musL go Lhrough cusLoms. c\uvcto
2.4 28 2 uvu prevlew va|uab|e ad[ worLh a loL of money She was wearlng a very valuable rlng. no\uto
2.4 28 3A uvu vlew |oaded ad[ loaded weapon of a gun conLalnlng bulleLs Lucklly, Lhe gun wasn'L loaded. yco
2.4 28 3A uvu vlew weapon n someLhlng LhaL ls used Lo aLLack or flghL agalnsL people 1hey were armed wlLh knlves and oLher weapons. on\o
2.4 28 4A uvu vlew ground n Lhe grounds of Lhe manslon Lhe surface of Lhe earLh She was lylng asleep on Lhe ground. coo
2.4 28 4A uvu vlew mans|on n a very large house 1hey llve ln a beauLlful counLry manslon. cnou\q
2.4 28 4A uvu vlew break |nto phr v break lnLo a house Lo enLer a place or ob[ecL forcefully and wlLhouL permlsslon My car was broken lnLo lasL nlghL. kvu tppqq,
ctocpoot c q to
2.4 28 4A uvu vlew set off phr v seLs off Lhe alarm Lo make someLhlng sLarL happenlng, especlally when you do
noL lnLend Lo do so
1he burglar broke lnLo Lhe manslon and seL off Lhe alarm. (u oc \ctoupyto
2.4 28 4A uvu vlew a|arm n seLs off Lhe alarm a plece of equlpmenL LhaL makes a nolse Lo warn people of
1he burglar broke lnLo Lhe manslon and seL off Lhe alarm. ouvoycpo
2.4 28 Peadlng hust|e v Lo sell or obLaln Lhlngs or money ln an lllegal or dlshonesL way 1hleves are husLllng sLolen goods on Lhe sLreeL. toktvu nopvoo,
2.4 29 8 SpeakouL |ocker n baggage lockers aL Lhe Lraln
a small cupboard LhaL locks, used Lo sLore books, cloLhes, eLc.
safely ln a bulldlng such as a college, gym or alrporL
ou have Lo pay a monLh for a locker aL my gym. vou\nt
2.4 29 8 SpeakouL dodgy ad[ dodgy arL dealer seemlng Lo be false, dlshonesL, or noL Lo be LrusLed Cne glrl LhoughL Lhe men looked dodgy. kocpypq, novqpo
2.4 29 8 SpeakouL reward n reward for Lhe arresL of Lhe
someLhlng, especlally money, LhaL ls glven Lo someone Lo Lhank
Lhem for dolng someLhlng
She offered a 20 reward Lo anyone who could flnd her caL. ootq
2.4 29 8 SpeakouL one-way ad[ one-way LlckeL a one-way sLreeL ls one on whlch cars can Lravel ln only one
Lverybody haLes Lhe new one-way sysLem ln Lhe Lown cenLre. ovopoo
2.4 29 8 SpeakouL under arrest prep phr when Lhe pollce Lake someone away and guard Lhem because
Lhey may have done someLhlng lllegal
1he glrl ls under arresL on susplclon of shopllfLlng. uno kpqoq
2. 30 1A star v sLarrlng !ulla 8oberLs lf a fllm, play, eLc. sLars someone, or lf someone sLars ln a fllm,
play, eLc., Lhey have one of Lhe maln parLs ln lL
l love any fllm sLarrlng Arnold Schwarzenegger! npuoyuvtou
2. 4A s||pper n aL home l wear sllppers a llghL, sofL shoe LhaL you wear lndoors l've Lralned my dog Lo brlng me my sllppers. novo\o
3 31 Peadlng contact n communlcaLlon wlLh a person, organlsaLlon, or counLry 1here ls llLLle conLacL beLween Lhe Lwo Lrlbes. cnoq
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3.1 32 2A 8eadlng cope wlLh cope w|th phr v Lo succeed ln deallng wlLh a dlfflculL problem or slLuaLlon She found lL hard Lo cope wlLh Lhe deaLh of her faLher. ovtcunt(u, o y(u
3.1 32 2A 8eadlng cope wlLh eager ad[ llke an eager reporLer wanLlng Lo do someLhlng very much, or walLlng wlLh
exclLemenL for someLhlng Lo happen
8osle was eager Lo leave work as early as posslble lasL lrlday. npo0uo, cv0ouotuq
3.1 32 2A 8eadlng cope wlLh nosy ad[ ask a loL of quesLlons always Lrylng Lo flnd ouL prlvaLe lnformaLlon abouL someone Cur nelghbours are really nosy. otkpto
3.1 32 2A 8eadlng cope wlLh rough ad[ have a rough ldea approxlmaLe l've goL a rough ldea of how much l wanL Lo spend on a new
npoctpo, ko
3.1 32 2A 8eadlng cope wlLh |og|c n Lhe loglc behlnd all Lhe
quesLlons ls..
a senslble reason or way of Lhlnklng 1here ls no loglc ln releaslng crlmlnals [usL because prlsons
are crowded.
3.1 32 2A 8eadlng cope wlLh whee| n Lhe wheels of a bus one of Lhe round Lhlngs under a car, bus, blcycle, eLc. LhaL Lurns
when lL moves
Where ls Lhe spare wheel ln your car? poo
3.1 32 2A 8eadlng cope wlLh attempt n ln an aLLempL Lo when you Lry Lo do someLhlng All aLLempLs Lo resolve Lhe problem have falled. ononctpo, npoon0cto
3.1 32 2A 8eadlng cope wlLh f|ex|b|e ad[ flexlble LlmeLable able Lo change easlly l'm lucky LhaL l have flexlble worklng hours ln my [ob. cuc\tko
3.1 32 2A 8eadlng cope wlLh e|dest ad[ eldesL son Lhe oldesL Pe ls Lhe eldesL of slx chlldren. o cyo\ucpo
3.1 32 28 8eadlng commun|cate v lf people communlcaLe wlLh each oLher, Lhey glve each oLher
lnformaLlon by speaklng, wrlLlng leLLers, eLc.
We communlcaLe by emall. cntkotvuvu
3.1 32 2C 8eadlng tend to v lf someLhlng Lends Lo happen, lL happens ofLen and ls llkely Lo
happen agaln
eople Lend Lo need less sleep as Lhey geL older. cu qv oq vo
3.1 32 2C 8eadlng behav|our n Lhe Lhlngs LhaL a person or anlmal does lm noL very pleased wlLh your behavlour. ouncptop
3.1 33 2A 8eadlng cope wlLh keep up w|th phr v Lo follow someLhlng LhaL ls movlng or changlng qulckly l flnd lL hard Lo keep up wlLh Lhe laLesL muslc Lhese days. ouot(u c
3.1 33 2A 8eadlng cope wlLh |nstant ad[ happenlng lmmedlaLely 1he band became an lnsLanL success. otytoto
3.1 33 2A 8eadlng cope wlLh ob[ect v ob[ecL Lo Lhls ldea Lo say LhaL you do noL llke or approve of someLhlng lf no one ob[ecLs, l would llke Lo be presenL. ovtt0cot, ckp(u
3.1 33 2A 8eadlng cope wlLh ser|es n serles of quesLlons several evenLs or acLlons of Lhe same klnd LhaL happen one
afLer Lhe oLher
Pls parenLs asked hlm a serles of quesLlons abouL why he
arrlved home so laLe.
3.1 33 2A 8eadlng cope wlLh freedom n when you are allowed Lo do whaL you wanL wlLhouL belng
sLopped or conLrolled by anyone
lds have Loo much freedom nowadays. c\cu0cpto
3.1 33 2A 8eadlng cope wlLh beat v lf you can'L beaL Lhem [oln
Lo geL more polnLs, voLes, eLc. Lhan oLher people ln a game or
Spaln beaL Lhe neLherlands 1-0 ln Lhe 2010 World Cup flnal. vtku
3.1 33 2A 8eadlng cope wlLh fo||ow someone's |ead phr v follow your lead Lo copy whaL anoLher person ls dolng lollow my lead and you'll learn Lhe dance ln no Llme! oko\ou0u o nopctyo
3.1 33 2A 8eadlng cope wlLh turn up phr v Lurn up aL Lhe meeLlng Lo arrlve WhaL Llme dld your parenLs Lurn up ln Lhe end? covt(oot,
3.1 33 6 rammar come over phr v come over Lo my house Lo vlslL you aL your house Can l come over Lo your place LonlghL? cpoot, ncpvu
3.1 33 6 rammar br|ng round phr v Lo Lake someLhlng somewhere lf you brlng your homework round Lo my house laLer, l'll help
you wlLh lL.
cpvu kt knou
3.1 33 6 rammar equ|pment n Lhe Lhlngs LhaL you need Lo do a [ob, sporL or hobby l'd really llke some new phoLography equlpmenL for my
3.1 33 6 rammar make |t phr v do you Lhlnk you can make lL
Lo succeed ln arrlvlng somewhere We made lL Lo Lhe sLaLlon [usL ln Llme. npo\ootvu, o
3.1 34 10 WrlLlng asap con[ as soon as posslble Lhe abbrevlaLlon of as soon as posslble l need LhaL work flnlshed asap. o ouvoocpo uvoov
3.1 34 118 book v book a room Lo arrange Lo have or do someLhlng aL a parLlcular Llme ln Lhe
Pave you booked a hollday Lhls year? k\ctvu, kvu kpqoq
3.1 34 12 WrlLlng f|atmate n someone who shares a flaL wlLh oLher people uo you geL on well wlLh your flaLmaLes? ouykotko
3.1 34 8A vocabulary apo|og|se v Lo Lell someone LhaL you are sorry LhaL you have done
someLhlng wrong
l'm so sorry, l do apologlse. ono\oyouot, (qu
3.1 34 8A vocabulary argue v have a flghL Lo shouL and say angry Lhlngs Lo someone because you
dlsagree wlLh Lhem
We could hear Lhe nelghbours argulng. \oyoou, koyot(u
3.1 34 8A vocabulary boast v Lo Lalk Loo much abouL your own ablllLles and achlevemenLs ln
a way LhaL annoys oLher people
Pe's always boasLlng abouL how much money he has. koutcot
3.1 34 8A vocabulary comp||ment n someLhlng nlce LhaL you say abouL someone or someLhlng, ln
order Lo pralse Lhem
l was Lrylng Lo pay her a compllmenL. t\opovqoq
3.1 34 8A vocabulary goss|p n lnformal Lalk abouL oLher peoples behavlour and prlvaLe llves She Lold me all Lhe laLesL gosslp. kouoono\to
3.1 34 8A vocabulary moan v Lo complaln She's always moanlng LhaL she doesn'L have any money. ykptvt(u
3.1 34 8A vocabulary warn v Lo Lell someone LhaL someLhlng bad or dangerous may happen,
so LhaL Lhey can avold lL or prevenL lL
We Lrled Lo warn her, buL she wouldn'L llsLen. npoctonotu
3.1 34 8A vocabulary rugby n a sporL ln whlch Lwo Leams carry, klck, or Lhrow an oval ball ln
an aLLempL Lo score polnLs
8ugby ls more popular Lhan fooLball ln Wales. pyknt
3.1 34 8A vocabulary borrow v Lo use someLhlng LhaL belongs Lo someone else and glve lL back
Lo Lhem laLer
Can l borrow Lhe car LonlghL, dad? ovct(oot
3.1 34 8A vocabulary top n l boughL 3 L-shlrLs and 4 Lops a plece of cloLhlng LhaL you wear on Lhe upper parL of your
nlce Lop - where dld you buy lL? n\ou(kt
3.2 3 28 LlsLenlng trans|ate v Lo change wrlLLen or spoken words from one language Lo
l am LranslaLlng Lhe book lnLo Lngllsh. cop(u
3.2 3 28 LlsLenlng d|g|ta| ad[ dlglLal equlpmenL, such as cameras or Lelevlslons, uses a
sysLem ln whlch plcLures and sound are recorded, sLored, or
senL ouL ln Lhe form of numbers
uo you have a dlglLal or an analogue camera? qtoko
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3.2 3 28 LlsLenlng s|gnature n your name wrlLLen Lhe way you usually wrlLe lL, for example aL
Lhe end of a leLLer or on a cheque
uL your slgnaLure here, Lhen prlnL your name underneaLh. unoypoq
3.2 3 28 LlsLenlng scan n a dlglLal lmage produced by a scanner Lo ldenLlfy someone 1hey use a scan of your eye as a dlglLal slgnaLure. opuoq, okovptoo
3.2 3 3 LlsLenlng |ntermed|ary n someone who Lrles Lo help Lwo people or groups Lo agree wlLh
each oLher
!ackson acLed as an lnLermedlary beLween Lhe Lwo parLles. cvtcoo, co(uv
3.2 3 3 LlsLenlng barr|er n someLhlng LhaL prevenLs people from dolng someLhlng 1he mosL dlfflculL Lhlng abouL movlng Lo a forelgn counLry ls
Lhe language barrler.
3.2 3 3 LlsLenlng ret|na scan n phr a scan of your eye whlch acLs as personal ldenLlflcaLlon 1o geL lnLo Lhe bulldlng you have Lo pass Lhrough a reLlna
opuoq ou
3.2 3 3 LlsLenlng stra|ghtforward ad[ sLralghforward way Lo do
slmple Lo do or easy Lo undersLand 1he dlrecLlons you gave me were very sLralghLforward, Lhank
3.2 3 3 LlsLenlng on demand prep phr whenever someone wanLs someLhlng uo you feed your baby on demand? oov (qq0ct
3.2 3 3 LlsLenlng de||very n meLhod of dellvery when someLhlng ls Laken Lo a place, or Lhe Lhlngs LhaL are Laken 1here's free dellvery on orders over 2. nopooq
3.2 3 4A vocabulary |n the |ong term prep phr used Lo Lalk abouL evenLs or resulLs of acLlons a long Llme lnLo
Lhe fuLure
ln Lhe long Lerm, l Lhlnk Lhe governmenL's changes wlll have a
poslLlve effecL on Lhe counLry.
3.2 3 4A vocabulary |n the near future prep phr soon 1he school hopes Lo open ln Lhe near fuLure. oo kovtvo c\\ov
3.2 3 4A vocabulary |n the short term prep phr used Lo Lalk abouL evenLs or resulLs of acLlons LhaL wlll happen
l Lhlnk Lhere wlll be a loL of bebeflLs ln Lhe shorL Lerm. pounpo0coo
3.2 3 4A vocabulary short|y adv soon 1he reporL wlll be publlshed shorLly. ouvoo
3.2 3 4C vocabulary pro[ect n work on a pro[ecL a plece of work LhaL ls carefully planned and done over a perlod
of Llme
1he pro[ecL Lo bulld Lhe new opera house wlll Lake Lhree
octo, npoypoo
3.2 36 A rammar phys|c|st n a sclenLlsL who speclallses ln physlcs When he graduaLes from unlverslLy, he wanLs Lo become a
3.2 36 A rammar futur|st n a physlclsL and fuLurlsL predlcLs
Lrends for Lhe nexL 0 years
a sclenLlsL who Lrles Lo predlcL Lhe fuLure eorge Crwell was a wrlLer and a fuLurlsL. c\\ovo\oyo
3.2 36 A rammar exp|ore v Lo lnvesLlgaLe a Lhlng or a Lravel around a place Lo see whaL lL ls
When l wenL Lo CosLa 8lca, we wenL explorlng ln Lhe
3.2 36 A rammar pass|ve ad[ passlve observer someone who ls passlve accepLs whaL happens or whaL people
say wlLhouL Lrylng Lo change or lnfluence lL
asslve smoklng ls very bad for your healLh. no0qtko
3.2 36 A rammar observer n someone who regularly waLches or pays aLLenLlon Lo parLlcular
Lhlngs, evenLs, slLuaLlons, eLc.
ollLlcal observers are waLchlng Lhe slLuaLlon wlLh lnLeresL. nopoqpqq
3.2 36 A rammar des|gner n deslgners of Lhe fuLure someone whose [ob ls Lo deslgn new sLyles of cloLhes, cars, eLc. uave wanLs Lo move Lo Mllan and become a fashlon deslgner. octooq
3.2 36 8 rammar art|f|c|a| |nte|||gence n Lhe sclence of how Lo make compuLers do Lhlngs LhaL people
can do, such as make declslons and undersLand language
More and more Lechnology uses arLlflclal lnLelllgence. cvqq voqoouvq
3.2 36 8 rammar revo|ut|on|se v Lo compleLely change Lhe way people do someLhlng or Lhlnk
abouL someLhlng
new Lechnology ls golng Lo revoluLlonlse everyLhlng we do. cpvu cnovoooq
3.2 36 8 rammar repa|r v repalr Lhe car Lo make someLhlng LhaL ls broken or damaged saLlsfacLory
Pow much wlll lL cosL Lo repalr Lhe car? cntokcu(u
3.2 36 8 rammar trans|t|on n LranslLlon from Lhe dark ages Lo
Lhe age of
when someLhlng changes from one form or sLaLe Lo anoLher 1he LranslLlon from work Lo reLlremenL ls noL always easy. cooq
3.2 36 8 rammar genet|cs n Lhe sLudy of how genes affecL Lhe developmenL of llvlng Lhlngs She's golng Lo unlverslLy Lo sLudy geneLlcs. cvctkq
3.2 36 8 rammar b|otechno|ogy n Lhe use of llvlng Lhlngs such as cells and bacLerla Lo make drugs,
desLroy wasLe maLLer, eLc.
8loLechnology ls a huge global lndusLry. tocvo\oyto
3.2 36 6A rammar v|rtua| rea||ty n when a compuLer makes you feel as Lhough you are ln a real
slLuaLlon by showlng lmages and sounds
Pave you ever Lrled one of Lhose vlrLual reallLy slmulaLors? ctkovtkq npoyotkoqo
3.2 36 6A rammar remote contro||ed ad[ operaLed from a dlsLance uslng elecLronlc or radlo slgnals We boughL our son a remoLe conLrolled raclng car for hls
3.2 36 6A rammar m|croch|p n a very small plece of slllcon conLalnlng elecLronlc parLs, used ln
compuLers and oLher machlnes
Pow many Lhlngs ln your house have mlcrochlps? tkpootn
3.2 36 6A rammar popu|ar|ty n when someone or someLhlng ls llked by a loL of people 1he popularlLy of Lhe lnLerneL has grown dramaLlcally. qotkoqo
3.2 37 10 vocabulary compet|t|ve ad[ deLermlned Lo be more successful Lhan oLher people 8oys are more compeLlLlve Lhan glrls. ovoyuvtotko
3.2 37 8A vocabulary |ssue n an lssue LhaL boLhers me a sub[ecL or problem LhaL people dlscuss 1hls ls a very lmporLanL pollLlcal lssue. 0co, (qqo
3.2 37 vocabulary 10 keep an eye on ldlom Lo waLch someLhlng or someone carefully Can you keep an eye on my blke whlle l go lnLo Lhe shop,
3.2 37 vocabulary 10 put your foot |n |t ldlom Lo accldenLally say someLhlng LhaL embarrasses or upseLs
l Lhlnk l may have puL my fooL ln lL - l asked her how her dog
was and she Lold me LhaL he dled yesLerday!
\cu kt cvo\qtko ko
3.2 37 vocabulary 10 run out of t|me ldlom Lo have no more Llme Lo compleLe an acLlon l dldn'L answer all Lhe quesLlons ln Lhe exam because l ran
ouL of Llme!
cv npo\ootvu, c ou
vct o povo
3.2 37 vocabulary 10 be on someone's m|nd ldlom someone ls Lhlnklng abouL someLhlng usually bad a loL WhaL's wrong? 1ell me whaL's on your mlnd. cu oo uo\o ou, c
3.2 37 vocabulary 10 work aga|nst the c|ock ldlom Lo have a llmlLed Llme Lo compleLe someLhlng We're worklng agalnsL Lhe clock Lo geL Lhe pro[ecL flnlshed on
cu ncptoptocvo povo
yto vo o\ok\qpuou kt,
no\cuu c o povo
3.2 37 vocabulary lus 8A be |n hot water ldlom Lo be ln Lrouble or dlfflculLy lf my husband hasn'L cleaned Lhe house when l geL home,
he'll be ln hoL waLer!
cu nc\c
3.2 37 vocabulary lus 8A a p|ece of cake ldlom very easy 1haL maLhs exam was a plece of cake! novcuko\o
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3.2 37 vocabulary lus 8A a dark horse ldlom a person who has a loL of secreLs l dldn'L know you were so good aL fooLball - you're a dark
horse, aren'L you?!
3.2 37 vocabulary lus 8A not be someone's cup of tea ldlom someone doesn'L llke someLhlng CrlckeL's noL really my cup of Lea! c ou opcoct kt
3.2 37 vocabulary lus 98 c|ose to someone's heart ldlom someLhlng ls lmporLanL Lo someone Anlmal welfare ls an lssue LhaL's very close Lo my hearL. kt ctvot oqovtko yto
3.2 37 vocabulary lus 98 get out of the rat race ldlom Lo escape borlng everyday llfe eLe and l wanL Lo escape Lhe raL race and move Lo Pawall! ccuyu ono q poutvo
3.2 37 vocabulary lus 98 g|ve someone a hand ldlom Lo help someone Can you glve me a hand wlLh Lhe housework, please? oq0u
3.3 38 1 Speaklng nom|nate v nomlnaLed for an award Lo offlclally suggesL LhaL someone or someLhlng should be
glven an lmporLanL poslLlon or prlze
1he fllm was nomlnaLed for an award. ovokqpuoou unoqto
3.3 38 1 Speaklng award n a prlze LhaL someone geLs for someLhlng LhaL Lhey have
She won an award for her book. pocto
3.3 38 1 Speaklng host n a Lalk show hosL Lhe person aL a parLy, meal, eLc. who organlsed lL and lnvlLed
Lhe guesLs
Cur hosL greeLed us aL Lhe door. otkoconoq
3.3 38 3A luncLlon reservat|on n hoLel reservaLlon an arrangemenL you make so LhaL a place ln a hoLel, on a plane,
eLc. ls kepL for you Lo use
Pave you made reservaLlons aL Lhe resLauranL yeL? kpqoq
3.3 38 3A luncLlon rent v renL a flaL lf you renL a house, flaL, eLc., you pay money regularly Lo Lhe
owner so LhaL you can llve Lhere
l renLed a room from frlends whlle l looked for work. votkt(u
3.3 38 3C luncLlon catch v deallng wlLh
Lo hear or undersLand l'm sorry, l dldn'L caLch any of LhaL. Could you say lL agaln,
ntvu, koo\ootvu
3.3 38 3C luncLlon |ose someone phr deallng wlLh
Lo confuse someone ou've losL me. Can you explaln LhaL agaln? ncpcuu knotov
3.3 38 3C luncLlon get what someone |s say|ng phr deallng wlLh
Lo undersLand whaL someone ls saylng uo you geL whaL l'm saylng? lL's really noL LhaL compllcaLed! koo\ootvu t cvvoct
3.3 39 A Learn Lo fu||y booked phr we are fully booked LonlghL when a resLauranL or hoLel has no more avallable Lables or
We Lrled Lo book a Lable aL Casa uga buL lL was fully booked! n\qpq, yco
3.3 39 6A Speaklng recept|on n hoLel recepLlon Lhe desk or offlce where vlslLors arrlvlng ln a hoLel or large
organlsaLlon go flrsL
ou can book a Laxl from Lhe hoLel recepLlon. ypocto unooq,
3.3 39 6A Speaklng m|sunderstand|ng n a problem caused by someone noL undersLandlng a quesLlon,
slLuaLlon, or lnsLrucLlon correcLly
ln Lhe end we solved Lhe problem - lL was all a
3.4 40 2A uvu revlew create v Lo make someLhlng new exlsL or happen 1he new facLory should creaLe 40 [obs. qtoupyu
3.4 40 2A uvu revlew wea|th n a large amounL of money or properLy LhaL a rlch person has She en[oyed sharlng her wealLh wlLh her frlends. n\ouo
3.4 40 2A uvu revlew author|ty n challenge auLhorlLy Lhe power LhaL a leader, governmenL, eLc. has Whlch counLry has auLhorlLy over Lhese lslands? couoto
3.4 40 2A uvu revlew spy v allows Lhe auLhorlLles Lo spy
and censor
Lo geL lnformaLlon for a governmenL or organlsaLlon secreLly My boss asked me Lo spy on 1erry Lo see lf he was sLeallng
company money.
3.4 40 2A uvu revlew censor v Lo examlne books, fllms, eLc. and remove anyLhlng LhaL ls
offenslve, pollLlcally dangerous, eLc.
Songs conLalnlng bad language musL be censored on Lhe
3.4 40 2A uvu revlew generat|on n a generaLlon of web addlcLs all Lhe people ln a socleLy or famlly who are abouL Lhe same
1hree generaLlons of Lhe Lambe famlly have llved here. ycvt
3.4 40 2A uvu revlew add|ct n someone who ls unable Lo sLop dolng or uslng someLhlng AnoLher word for a chocolaLe addlcL ls a 'chocohollc'. c0tocvo
3.4 40 2A uvu revlew open up phr v Lo become avallable or posslble, or Lo make someLhlng
avallable or posslble
new buslness opporLunlLles are openlng up all Lhe Llme. ovotyu
3.4 40 2A uvu revlew rea|m n an area of knowledge, lnLeresL, or LhoughL 1hls year, Lhere have been many new dlscoverles ln Lhe realm
of sclence.
3.4 40 2A uvu revlew know|edge n Lhe lnformaLlon, skllls, and undersLandlng LhaL you have goL
Lhrough learnlng or experlence
ou don'L need Lo have any speclal knowledge Lo do Lhls [ob. yvuoq
3.4 40 2A uvu revlew p|oneer n one of Lhe flrsL people Lo do someLhlng, whose work or ldeas
are laLer developed by oLher people
Alexander llemlng was a ploneer of modern medlclne. npuonopo
3.4 40 2A uvu revlew key p|ayer n key players ln Lhe fleld Lo
become powerful
an lmporLanL person ln a Leam, group or lndusLry 8lll aLes ls a key player ln Lhe compuLer lndusLry. ootko nopyovo
3.4 40 2A uvu revlew powerfu| ad[ able Lo conLrol and lnfluence people and evenLs 1haL dlrecLor ls Lhe mosL powerful man ln Pollywood. toupo
3.4 40 2A uvu revlew e-shopp|ng n buylng Lhlngs on Lhe lnLerneL 1hls ChrlsLmas, l'm buylng all my presenLs Lhrough e-
oyop cou totkuou
3.4 40 3 uvu revlew revo|ut|on n Lhe vlrLual revoluLlon a compleLe change ln Lhe way people Lhlnk or do someLhlng We are ln Lhe mlddle of a soclal neLworklng revoluLlon. cnovoooq
3.4 40 3 uvu revlew revo|ut|onary ad[ compleLely new and dlfferenL She's Lhe deslgner of a revoluLlonary new producL. cnovoootko
3.4 40 3 uvu revlew |mpact n Lhe lmpacL on socleLy Lhe effecL or lnfluence LhaL someLhlng or someone has 8ecycllng has a huge poslLlve lmpacL on Lhe envlronmenL.Lhe
envlronmenLal lmpacL of car use
3.4 40 3 uvu revlew |nnovat|on n a new ldea, meLhod, or lnvenLlon 1hls ls Lhe laLesL lnnovaLlon ln personal compuLlng. kotvooto
3.4 40 3 uvu revlew commentary n commenLary on how lnLerneL
has lnfluenced
a spoken descrlpLlon on Lhe Lelevlslon or radlo of an evenL
whlle lL ls happenlng
Cne of my favourlLe Lhlngs abouL waLchlng sporL on 1v ls Lhe
3.4 40 4 uvu vlew b|og n a web page conLalnlng lnformaLlon or oplnlons from a
parLlcular person or abouL a parLlcular sub[ecL, Lo whlch new
lnformaLlon ls added regularly
My frlend has a blog abouL surflng ln 8all. too\oyto, n\oyk
3.4 40 4 uvu vlew b||||on number Lhe number 1,000,000,000 SclenLlsLs belleve Lhe LarLh Lo be abouL 4. bllllon years old. tockooupto
3.4 40 4 uvu vlew censorsh|p n Lo examlne books, fllms, eLc. and remove anyLhlng LhaL ls
offenslve, pollLlcally dangerous, eLc.
eople wlll always dlsagree abouL how much censorshlp
Lhere should be ln Lhe medla.
3.4 40 A uvu vlew shake apart phr v Lo compleLely change or dlsrupL someLhlng 1he lnLerneL has compleLely shaken our world aparL ln Lhe
lasL Len years.
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3.4 40 A uvu vlew empower v Lo glve someone confldence or skllls so LhaL Lhey have more
conLrol over Lhelr llfe
LducaLlon can empower you. tvu couoto,
3.4 40 A uvu vlew too| n someLhlng LhaL you use Lo help you do someLhlng 1he lnLerneL ls a fanLasLlc Lool for learnlng. cpyo\cto
3.4 40 A uvu vlew potent|a| n Lhls Lool has more poLenLlal
Lhan any oLher humanklnd has
Lhe posslblllLy LhaL someLhlng wlll develop ln a parLlcular way,
or have a parLlcular effecL
Pls fooLball coach says he has Lhe poLenLlal Lo become a
professlonal player.
3.4 40 A uvu vlew astound|ng ad[ exLremely surprlslng 1he popularlLy of lacebook ls asLoundlng. ckn\qktko
3.4 41 68 SpeakouL c|rcumstance n Lhe condlLlons LhaL affecL a slLuaLlon, acLlon, evenL, eLc. l can'L lmaglne a clrcumsLance ln whlch l would sLeal. ncptoooq, ouv0qkq
3.4 41 68 SpeakouL conven|ent ad[ useful Lo you because lL saves you Llme, or does noL spoll your
plans or cause you problems
Would 1030 be a convenlenL Llme Lo meeL? o\tko
3.4 41 68 SpeakouL apprec|ate v people appreclaLe Lhls gesLure Lo undersLand how good or useful someone or someLhlng ls eople really appreclaLe lL when you say 'please' and 'Lhank
3.4 41 7A WrlLeback |nterna| ad[ no lnLernal emalls wlLhln Lhe
lnslde someLhlng such as your body or a counLry or
Pave you recelved Lhe lnLernal emall abouL our meeLlng nexL
3.4 41 7A WrlLeback memo n a shorL offlclal noLe Lo someone ln Lhe same company uld you geL Lhe memo from Lhe manager? unovqo
3.4 41 7A WrlLeback externa| ad[ relaLlng Lo Lhe ouLslde of a Lhlng or persons body Pow many exLernal emalls do you send every day? cucptko
3.4 41 7A WrlLeback reduce v reduce Llme spenL on Lo make Lhe prlce, amounL, or slze of someLhlng less or smaller 1hey're Lrylng Lo reduce Lhe number of sLudenLs ln Lhe
3.4 41 7A WrlLeback add|t|ona| ad[ more Lhan you already have, or more Lhan was agreed or
AddlLlonal lnformaLlon can be obLalned from Lhe cenLre. npoo0co, cntn\cov
3.4 41 7A WrlLeback quest|onna|re n a seL of wrlLLen quesLlons LhaL you answer ln order Lo glve
lnformaLlon abouL someLhlng
SLudenLs were asked Lo flll ouL a quesLlonnalre. cpuqoo\oyto
3.4 41 7A WrlLeback |n|t|at|ve n an lmporLanL new plan or process Lo achleve a parLlcular alm or
Lo solve a parLlcular problem
1here's a new governmenL lnlLlaLlve Lo promoLe publlc
3. 42 3A ret|red ad[ l hope Lo be reLlred ln years
Lo have sLopped worklng because you are Loo old, Loo lll or
have made enough money Lo llve on for Lhe resL of your llfe
Are your parenLs reLlred? ouvotouo
3. 42 3A autob|ography n a book LhaL someone wrlLes abouL Lhelr own llfe uo you llke readlng auLoblographles? ouotoypoto
3. 42 4A reun|f|cat|on n reunlflcaLlon of ermany when dlfferenL parLs of a counLry are [olned LogeLher agaln and
become one naLlon
1he reunlflcaLlon of ermany was a huge pollLlcal evenL. cnovcvuoq
3. 42 4A democracy n Lhe pollLlcal sysLem ln whlch everyone can voLe Lo choose Lhe
governmenL, or a counLry LhaL has Lhls sysLem
1he counLry wanLs Lo become a democracy ln Lhe long Lerm. qokpoto
3. 42 4A power n elecLrlcal, nuclear power energy LhaL can be used Lo make a machlne work or Lo make
Many people are opposed Lo Lhe use of nuclear power. cvcpycto, tou
3. 42 4A atom|c ad[ aLomlc power relaLlng Lo aLoms and Lhe energy produced by spllLLlng Lhem nuclear power' ls anoLher Lerm for aLomlc power. ootko
3. 42 4A so|ar ad[ solar power relaLlng Lo Lhe sun and lLs energy ln Lhe fuLure, everyone wlll drlve solar-powered cars. q\toko
3. 42 4A |ndustry n Lhe !anapese car lndusLry Lhe producLlon of goods MosL of Lhese men work ln Lhe consLrucLlon lndusLry. toqovto
3. 42 4A the genera| pub||c n phr Lhe ordlnary people ln a counLry, raLher Lhan people belonglng
Lo a parLlcular group
Members of Lhe general publlc have been lnvlLed Lo ask Lhe
rlme MlnlsLer quesLlons.
o cupu kotvo
3. 42 A take over phr v Lake over Lhe buslness Lo Lake conLrol of someLhlng Pls son wlll Lake over Lhe buslness. notpvu ov c\cyo,
4.1 44 1A vocabulary can't afford v Lo noL have enough money Lo pay for or buy someLhlng l love Lhose shoes, buL l [usL can'L afford Lhem! cv to0cu pqoo yto
4.1 44 1A vocabulary creat|ve ad[ a creaLlve person ls good aL Lhlnklng of new ldeas She's one of !apan's mosL LalenLed and creaLlve fllm dlrecLors. qtoupytko
4.1 44 1A vocabulary good commun|cator n someone who ls able Lo express ldeas or Lhelr feellngs clearly
Lo oLher people
Cne of Lhe reasons she goL Lhe [ob ls LhaL she's a good
4.1 44 1A vocabulary good |eader n someone who has all Lhe quallLles needed Lo be a leader eople llsLen Lo hlm because he's a good leader. ko\o qycq
4.1 44 1A vocabulary hard-work|ng ad[ worklng wlLh a loL of efforL oe ls a very hard-worklng sLudenL. cpyotko
4.1 44 1A vocabulary |ndec|s|ve ad[ unable Lo make declslons My blggesL problem ls LhaL l'm so lndeclslve. ovonootoo
4.1 44 1A vocabulary mot|vated ad[ wanLlng Lo do someLhlng for a parLlcular reason Many people are moLlvaLed by money. unoktvoucvo
4.1 44 1A vocabulary resource n we donL have many resources
aL school
someLhlng LhaL a counLry, organlsaLlon, person, eLc. has LhaL
Lhey can use
1hls school has very few Leachlng resources. nopo
4.1 44 1A vocabulary r|sk taker n someone who wlll do rlsky or dangerous Lhlngs ln order Lo
achleve someLhlng
Pe became a bllllonalre because he's a rlsk Laker. ptoktvuvo
4.1 44 1A vocabulary th|nk outs|de the box v phr Lo Lhlnk of new, dlfferenL, or unusual ways of dolng someLhlng,
especlally ln buslness
lf we wanL Lo solve Lhls problem, we have Lo Lhlnk ouLslde Lhe
okcoot qtoupytk
kot ovtouotk
4.1 44 2A 8eadlng marr|age n a relaLlonshlp beLween Lwo people who are marrled, or Lhe
sLaLe of belng marrled
1hey have a very happy marrlage. yo
4.1 44 2A 8eadlng des|gner goods n expenslve shoes, cloLhes and cloLhlng accessorles made by
famous fashlon deslgners
She spends mosL of her money on deslgner goods. cnuvuo npoovo
4.1 44 2A 8eadlng to have what |t takes phr Lo have Lhe quallLles or ablllLles LhaL are needed for success Sarah has whaL lL Lakes Lo become a greaL aLhleLe. cu o, t pct(cot
4.1 44 2A 8eadlng survey n Lhey dld a survey Lo flnd a seL of quesLlons LhaL you ask a loL of people ln order Lo flnd
ouL abouL Lhelr oplnlons or behavlour
We conducLed a survey of people's eaLlng hablLs. cpcuvo
4.1 44 2A 8eadlng se|f-made ad[ a self-made man or woman has become rlch and successful by
worklng hard
8lchard 8ranson ls a self-made bllllonalre. ouoqtoupyqo
4.1 44 2A 8eadlng surpr|s|ng|y adv unexpecLedly or unusually 1he LesL was surprlslngly easy. ovonvco
4.1 44 2A 8eadlng |nvest v lnvesL money Lo buy shares, goods, or properLy because you hope you can
make a proflL
Pe made a loL of money lnvesLlng ln properLy. cncvuu
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4.1 4 2A 8eadlng percent adv an amounL equal Lo flve, Len, eLc. parLs ouL of a LoLal of a
hundred parLs
3 of 8rlLlsh people own a dog. ot ckoo
4.1 4 2A 8eadlng sw|tch off phr v Lo forgeL abouL work and relax When l'm on hollday, l flnd lL dlfflculL Lo swlLch off. k\ctvu tokonc
cooptk, o\opuvu
4.1 4 2A 8eadlng moderate|y adv noL very blg or very small, very hoL or very cold, very fasL or
very slow, eLc.
a moderaLely successful fllm cpto
4.1 4 2A 8eadlng put |n the hours v phr you have Lo puL ln Lhe hours Lo
be successful
Lo work hard Lo achleve an ob[ecLlve lf you wanL Lo become good aL someLhlng, you have Lo puL ln
Lhe hours.
otcpuvu povo yto vo
ncuu kt
4.1 4 2A 8eadlng aggress|ve ad[ very deLermlned Lo succeed or geL whaL you wanL A successful buslnessman has Lo be aggresslve. cnt0ctko
4.1 4 2A 8eadlng se|f-conf|dent ad[ feellng sure LhaL you can do Lhlngs successfully Successful buslnesspeople are always self-confldenL. nou cct ouoncnot0qoq
4.1 4 2A 8eadlng ru|e n an offlclal lnsLrucLlon abouL whaL ls allowed, especlally ln a
game, organlsaLlon, or [ob
Are Lhere any rules LhaL you don'L llke ln your offlce? kovovo
4.1 4 2A 8eadlng break the |aw v phr Lo do someLhlng lllegal 1he crlmlnal was senL Lo prlson for breaklng Lhe law. nopootvu o voo
4.1 4 2A 8eadlng barga|n n flnd a bargaln someLhlng you buy cheaply or for less Lhan lLs usual prlce Cur new dlnlng Lable was a real bargaln. cukotpto
4.1 4 2A 8eadlng the h|gh street n phr used Lo Lalk abouL shops and Lhe money people spend ln Lhem 1he !anuary sales are a greaL Llme Lo flnd a bargaln on Lhe
hlgh sLreeL.
o kupto cnoptko
4.1 4 6A rammar pat|ent ad[ able Lo sLay calm and noL become angry when you are walLlng
for someLhlng or dolng someLhlng dlfflculL
nurses should be klnd and paLlenL. unoovctko
4.1 4 6A rammar po||t|c|an n someone who works ln pollLlcs, especlally someone who ls
uo you LrusL your local pollLlclan. no\ttko
4.1 4 6A rammar tra|n v docLors Lraln for many years Lo learn Lhe skllls needed ln a parLlcular [ob She Lralned as a nurse for four years. cknotcuu
4.1 46 7A Speaklng spec|f|c ad[ speclflc skllls a speclflc Lhlng or person ls one parLlcular Lhlng or person ou need a speclflc Lype of flour Lo bake bread. ouykckptcvo
4.1 46 7A Speaklng sk||| n an ablllLy Lo do someLhlng well, especlally because you have
learned and pracLlsed lL
8eadlng and wrlLlng are Lwo dlfferenL skllls. tkovoqo, ctoqo
4.1 46 7A Speaklng reso|ve v you resolve Lo geL Lo flnd a way of deallng wlLh a problem or of endlng a
WhaL do you Lhlnk ls Lhe besL way Lo resolve problems
beLween employees?
4.1 46 7A Speaklng focus on v Lo glve speclal aLLenLlon Lo one parLlcular person or Lhlng When you are ln a [ob lnLervlew, you have Lo focus on Lhe
Lhlngs you can do, noL Lhe Lhlngs you can'L.
cot(u, cntkcvpuvu
4.1 46 7A Speaklng |gnore v Lo dellberaLely noL pay aLLenLlon Lo someone or someLhlng 1hey can'L lgnore Lhe facL LhaL he's here. oyvou
4.1 46 7A Speaklng re[ect v Lo noL accepL someLhlng or someone our appllcaLlon has been re[ecLed. onopptnu
4.1 46 7A Speaklng c||ent n someone who pays a person or organlsaLlon for a servlce l have a meeLlng wlLh an lmporLanL cllenL Lhls afLernoon. nc\q
4.1 46 7A Speaklng work-re|ated ad[ referrlng Lo work Pow many work-relaLed emalls do you send a day? octko c qv cpyooto
4.1 46 7A Speaklng f|nance n have Lhe flnance Lo sLarL your
own buslness
Lhe conLrol of how money should be spenL, especlally ln a
company or governmenL
My glrlfrlend works ln Lhe flnance deparLmenL. otkovotk
4.1 46 7A Speaklng m|serab|e ad[ maklng you feel very unhappy, uncomforLable, eLc. l've goL a mlserable cold aL Lhe momenL. 0\to
4.1 46 7A Speaklng he|p out phr v Lo help someone because Lhey are busy or have problems uo you need anyone Lo help ouL ln Lhe shop? oq0u
4.1 46 7A Speaklng rush |n phr v Lo enLer somewhere qulckly or ln a hurry As soon as Lhe shop doors opened, hundreds of people
rushed ln looklng for bargalns.
notvu tootk
4.1 46 7A Speaklng shut up phr v Lell her you're closlng and shuL
up shop
Lo close WhaL Llme do you shuL up shop on Sundays? k\ctvu
4.1 46 7A Speaklng |n stock prep phr have some cloLhes ln sLock avallable uo you have any of Lhose new shoes ln sLock? oc ono0co, to0coto
4.1 46 9A vocabulary lus rem|nd v remlnd somebody Lo do
lf you remlnd someone abouL someLhlng, you make Lhem
remember lL or remember Lo do lL
Wlll you remlnd me Lo go Lo Lhe bank laLer? uncv0ut(u
4.2 47 2C LlsLenlng work |ong hours v phr works very long hours Lo work for a long Llme or longer Lhan usual My wlfe's been worklng very long hours recenLly. cpy(oot no\\c upc
4.2 47 2C LlsLenlng g|ve up phr v gave up Lhelr dream [ob Lo sLop dolng someLhlng, especlally someLhlng LhaL you do
l gave up my [ob as an accounLanL and reLralned as a Leacher. cykoo\ctnu, oqvu
4.2 47 2C LlsLenlng sc|ence n knowledge abouL Lhe physlcal world based on LesLlng and
provlng facLs, or work LhaL resulLs ln Lhls knowledge
My favourlLe sub[ecL ln school was sclence. cntoqq
4.2 47 3 vocabulary enormous ad[ very blg ln slze, amounL, or degree lL cosL an enormous amounL of money. cpoto
4.2 47 3 vocabulary t|ny ad[ exLremely small l'm noL golng back Lo LhaL resLauranL Lhe porLlons were
4.2 47 3 vocabulary bo|||ng ad[ exLremely hoL Can l open a wlndow? lL's bolllng ln here! pooo, no\u kouo
4.2 48 A rammar rocket sh|p n a vehlcle for carrylng people lnLo space When l was young, l dreamed of havlng my own rockeL shlp. nupou\o, tooqon\oto
4.2 48 A rammar [o|n v [oln a band Lo become a member of an organlsaLlon, socleLy, or group 1revor [olned Lhe 88C ln 1969. ytvoot c\o, npooupu
4.2 48 A rammar crew n all Lhe people LhaL work LogeLher on a shlp, plane, eLc. Pe [olned Lhe crew of a large flshlng boaL. n\qpuo
4.2 48 A rammar ||e v Lo be ln a poslLlon ln whlch your body ls flaL on Lhe floor, on a
bed, eLc.
lf you don'L feel well, you should lle down. on\uvu
4.2 48 A rammar countdown n when numbers are counLed backwards Lo zero before
someLhlng happens
1he mosL exclLlng parL of new ear's Lve ls Lhe counLdown. ovtopoq cpqoq
4.2 48 A rammar b|ast off phr v blasL off lnLo space lf a spacecrafL blasLs off, lL leaves Lhe ground WhaL Llme dld Lhe space shuLLle blasL off? ckocuoot
4.2 48 A rammar sort of quanLlfler LhaL was sorL of Lhe beglnnlng used when whaL you are saylng or descrlblng ls noL very
deflnlLe or exacL
l've sorL of flnlshed Lhe reporL l [usL need Lo prlnL lL ouL, Lhen
l'm done.
ncptnou, ko knoto
4.2 48 A rammar fasc|nated ad[ exLremely lnLeresLed l am fasclnaLed by space Lravel. yoqcucvo
4.2 48 A rammar |nsect n any small creaLure LhaL has slx legs, for example a fly Are you afrald of lnsecLs? cvoo
4.2 48 A rammar f|e|d n run ln Lhe flelds all day an area of land ln Lhe counLry, where crops are grown or
anlmals feed on grass
l llve nexL door Lo a farmer's fleld. upt
4.2 48 A rammar butterf|y n an lnsecL wlLh large coloured wlngs Look aL Lhls beauLlful buLLerfly. nco\ouo
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4.2 48 A rammar f|y away phr v when an lnsecL or blrd leaves a place by flylng When we walked Loo close, Lhe blrd flew away. ncu okpt
4.2 48 6A rammar speech n glve a speech a formal Lalk Lo a group of people, especlally aL an offlclal
meeLlng or ceremony
1he resldenL wlll glve a speech Lo Congress laLer Loday. \oyo, ot\to
4.2 48 6A rammar |nstead adv used Lo say LhaL someLhlng ls done, used, eLc. when someLhlng
else ls noL done or used
lf !ane can'L go, l'll go lnsLead. ovt yto, oq 0coq
4.2 48 6A rammar go crazy v phr Lo become very exclLed Lngland scored a goal and Lhe fans wenL crazy. pc\otvoot
4.2 48 7 Speaklng ach|eve v achleve your dreams Lo succeed ln geLLlng a good resulL or ln dolng someLhlng you
MosL of our sLudenLs achleve excellenL exam resulLs. cntuyvu
4.2 49 10 Learn Lo rec|p|ent n someone who recelves someLhlng Who was Lhe reclplenL of Lhe nobel eace rlze Lhls year? nopo\qnq
4.2 49 8 WrlLlng caretaker n esLaLe careLaker Lo look afLer
someone whose [ob ls Lo look afLer a bulldlng, especlally a
Pe used Lo be Lhe school careLaker before he reLlred. cntoq
4.2 49 8 WrlLlng qua||f|cat|on n lf you have a quallflcaLlon, you have passed an examlnaLlon or
course Lo show you have a parLlcular level of sklll or knowledge
ln a sub[ecL
Pe lefL school wlLhouL any quallflcaLlons. npooov
4.2 49 8 WrlLlng cand|date n someone who ls belng consldered for a [ob or ls compeLlng ln
an elecLlon
She's a llkely candldaLe for Lhe [ob. unoqto
4.2 49 8 WrlLlng snorke| v Lo swlm wlLh your head underwaLer, uslng a long Lube Lo
breaLhe Lhrough
Pave you ever snorkelled before? ko\unu c
4.2 49 8 WrlLlng sa|| v swlm, snorkel and sall Lo Lravel across waLer ln a boaL or shlp We salled along Lhe coasL of Alaska. n\cu
4.2 49 8 WrlLlng app||cant n someone who has formally asked, usually ln wrlLlng, for a [ob,
unlverslLy place, eLc.
Pe was one of 30 appllcanLs for Lhe manager's [ob. unoqto, otuv
4.2 49 8 WrlLlng rent-free ad[ wlLhouL havlng Lo pay Lo llve ln a house, flaL, eLc. LhaL ls noL
1he prlze of Lhe compeLlLlon ls Lo llve ln a luxury aparLmenL,
renL-free, for a year!
upt cvotkto
4.2 49 8 WrlLlng v|||a n a house wlLh a garden ln Lhe counLryslde or near Lhe sea, used
especlally for holldays
My parenLs wanL Lo buy a vllla on Lhe Algarve ln orLugal. cnou\q, t\o
4.2 49 8 WrlLlng recru|t n Lhe new recrulL wlll work for someone who has recenLly [olned a company or an
1he army ls always looklng for new recrulLs. vcoou\\cko
4.2 49 8 WrlLlng duty n duLles lnclude feedlng Lhe
someLhlng LhaL you should do because lL ls rlghL WhaL do Lhe duLles of Lhe [ob lnclude? ko0qkov
4.2 49 8 WrlLlng spec|es n anlmal specles a group of anlmals or planLs of Lhe same klnd 1here are mllllons of dlfferenL specles of lnsecLs ln Lhe world. cto
4.2 49 8 WrlLlng ma|| n collecL Lhe mall Lhe leLLers and packages LhaL are dellvered Lo you WhaL Llme does Lhe mall come? oupocto
4.2 49 8 WrlLlng update n prepare vldeo updaLes Lhe mosL recenL lnformaLlon abouL a news sLory Can you send us regular progress updaLes whlle you're away? cvqcpuoq
4.2 49 9A WrlLlng regard|ng prep a word used especlally ln buslness leLLers Lo lnLroduce Lhe
sub[ecL you are wrlLlng abouL
l am wrlLlng Lo you regardlng a problem l have wlLh paylng
my renL.
octk c
4.2 49 9A WrlLlng subm|t v submlL an appllcaLlon Lo glve a plan or plece of wrlLlng Lo someone ln auLhorlLy so
LhaL Lhey can conslder lL
l would llke Lo submlL an appllcaLlon for Lhe [ob you are
4.2 49 9A WrlLlng app||cat|on n an appllcaLlon for Lhe posL a formal requesL, usually ln wrlLlng, for someLhlng such as a
[ob, a unlverslLy place, or permlsslon Lo do someLhlng
l submlLLed my appllcaLlon yesLerday. otqoq
4.2 49 9A WrlLlng post n an appllcaLlon for Lhe posL Lhe offlclal sysLem for sendlng leLLers, packages, eLc. 1he leLLer's ln Lhe posL. oupocto
4.2 49 9A WrlLlng attach v flnd my Cv aLLached Lo fasLen or [oln one Lhlng Lo anoLher lease aLLach a phoLograph Lo your appllcaLlon. cntouvnu
4.2 49 9A WrlLlng meet the requ|rements v phr Lo have or do whaL ls necessary uoes my appllcaLlon meeL Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe [ob? n\qpu t npono0coct
4.2 49 9A WrlLlng broad ad[ broad knowledge wlde Pe has very broad shoulders. opu
4.2 49 9A WrlLlng I1 n lnformaLlon Lechnology lnformaLlon Lechnology Lhe sLudy or use of compuLers Lo
sLore and manage lnformaLlon
My broLher works ln l1. n\qpooptkq
4.2 49 9A WrlLlng [ourna| n keep a [ournal a serlous magazlne abouL a parLlcular sub[ecL l buy Lhls sclenLlflc [ournal every monLh. cqcpto, ncptotko
4.2 49 9A WrlLlng web|og n a webslLe LhaL ls owned by a parLlcular person or group of
people raLher Lhan by an organlsaLlon or company, and LhaL has
lnformaLlon abouL one or more sub[ecLs
uo you know anyone who wrlLes a blog? too\oyto, n\oyk
4.2 49 9A WrlLlng up-to-date ad[ up-Lo-daLe lnformaLlon lncludes Lhe mosL recenL facLs avallable ls all your compuLer sofLware up-Lo-daLe? cvqcpucvo
4.2 49 9A WrlLlng conservat|on n conservaLlon of specles Lhe proLecLlon of naLural Lhlngs such as anlmals, planLs, foresLs,
l'm very lnLeresLed ln naLure conservaLlon. npooooto toqpqoq
4.2 49 9A WrlLlng hands-on ad[ have hands-on experlence dolng someLhlng yourself raLher Lhan [usL Lalklng abouL lL or
Lelllng oLher people Lo do lL
Pow can l geL some hands-on experlence of Lhe [ob? npoktko
4.2 49 9A WrlLlng proven ad[ proven ablllLy shown Lo be good or Lrue l have proven ablllLy ln pro[ecL managemenL. onocctycvo
4.2 49 9A WrlLlng pro[ect management n organlsaLlon and conLrol of Llme, cosL, eLc. of a pro[ecL A large parL of my [ob ls pro[ecL managemenL ln publlshlng. toctptoq cpyou
4.2 49 9A WrlLlng requ|re v requlre lnformaLlon Lo need someLhlng eLs requlre a loL of care. onotu
4.2 49 9A WrlLlng conven|ence n aL your earllesL convenlence Lhe quallLy of belng sulLable or useful for a parLlcular purpose MosL people llke Lhe convenlence of uslng credlL cards. cuko\to, vcoq
4.3 0 1A vocabulary apprent|ce n someone who works for an employer for a flxed amounL of
Llme ln order Lo learn a sklll
She works ln Lhe halrdresser's as an apprenLlce. o0qcuocvo
4.3 0 1A vocabulary compete v compeLe for a [ob Lo Lry Lo wln someLhlng or Lo be more successful Lhan someone
1en runners are compeLlng ln Lhe race. toyuvt(oot
4.3 0 1A vocabulary contestant n someone who compeLes ln a compeLlLlon 1here are Lhree conLesLanLs, all compeLlng Lo wln 10,000. toyuvt(ocvo
4.3 0 1A vocabulary emp|re n a vasL buslness emplre a group of counLrles or organlsaLlons LhaL are all conLrolled by
one person, governmenL, eLc.
Pow blg was Lhe 8oman Lmplre, exacLly? ouokpoopto
4.3 0 1A vocabulary get f|red v geLs flred Lo lose your [ob for dolng someLhlng wrong When hls boss dlscovered he was selllng company secreLs, he
goL flred lnsLanLly.
4.3 0 1A vocabulary greet v Lo say hello Lo someone or welcome Lhem 1he mosL popular way Lo greeL someone ls wlLh a handshake. otpcu
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Speakout Pre-Intermediate Worldlist Page 14
4.3 0 1A vocabulary |nterv|ew n a meeLlng ln whlch someone asks you quesLlons, especlally Lo
flnd ouL lf you are sulLable for a [ob
She had an lnLervlew for a Leachlng [ob. ouvcvcuq
4.3 0 1A vocabulary |uxury n greaL comforL and pleasure, especlally from beauLlful or
expenslve Lhlngs
1hey llved a llfe of luxury. no\uc\cto
4.3 0 1A vocabulary pr|ze n someLhlng LhaL ls glven Lo someone who ls successful ln a
compeLlLlon, race, eLc.
Pe won a prlze of 3,000. pocto
4.3 0 1A vocabulary sa|ary n money LhaL you recelve every monLh as paymenL from Lhe
organlsaLlon you work for
1he average salary ls 39,000 a year. to0o
4.3 0 1A vocabulary f|gure ad[ a slx-flgure salary a number represenLlng an amounL, especlally an offlclal
1he laLesL unemploymenL flgures are exLremely worrylng. opt0o
4.3 0 1A vocabulary task n seLs Lhe Leam a Lask a plece of work you musL do My flrsL Lask was Lo palnL Lhe whole house. cpyooto
4.3 0 1A vocabulary team n a group of people who play a sporL or game agalnsL anoLher
group, or a group of people who work LogeLher
Pow many people work ln Lhe sales and markeLlng Leam? oo
4.3 0 1A vocabulary treat n luxury LreaL someLhlng speclal LhaL you glve someone or do for Lhem SLephen Look hls son Lo ulsneyland as a LreaL. ckn\qq kcpooo
4.3 0 1A vocabulary vast ad[ exLremely large 1he Amazon ralnforesL ls absoluLely vasL. oncpovo, oovq
4.3 0 2A luncLlon set up phr v seL up a company Lo sLarL a company or organlsaLlon She lefL Lhe company Lo seL up her own buslness. tpuu, qtoupyu
4.3 0 2A luncLlon cater|ng ad[ a caLerlng company Lhe [ob of provldlng and servlng food and drlnks aL parLles,
meeLlngs, eLc.
Sally works ln Lhe caLerlng lndusLry. pooooto
4.3 0 2A luncLlon Med|terranean ad[ relaLlng Lo Lhe area of souLhern Lurope LhaL surrounds Lhe
MedlLerranean Sea
1he MedlLerranean dleL ls very healLhy. cooyctoko
4.3 0 28 luncLlon f|ne by me phr used when saylng LhaL you do noL mlnd abouL someLhlng lf you wanL Lo leave a blL laLer, LhaL's flne by me. c c nctp(ct, ctvot
4.3 1 A Learn Lo theme n flnd a Lheme for our food Lhe maln sub[ecL or ldea ln a book, fllm, dlscusslon, eLc. Love ls Lhe maln Lheme of Lhe book. 0co
4.3 1 A Learn Lo recap v leL's recap Lo repeaL Lhe maln polnLs of someLhlng LhaL has [usL been sald LeL me [usL recap whaL's been dlscussed so far. ovokco\otuvu
4.3 1 A Learn Lo spec|a||se v Lo llmlL all or mosL of your sLudy, buslness, eLc. Lo a parLlcular
sub[ecL or acLlvlLy
Cur resLauranL speclallses ln Amerlcan-sLyle food. cttkcuoot
4.3 1 6 Learn Lo rev|ew v revlew our pollcy Lo examlne someLhlng carefully ln order Lo see lf changes are
1he school ls revlewlng lLs pollcy on homework. cnovcc(u
4.3 1 7A Speaklng |ocat|on n locaLlon of Lhe company a parLlcular place or poslLlon 1he mosL lmporLanL Lhlng when buylng a house ls locaLlon. ono0coto
4.3 1 7A Speaklng tour n organlse Lhemed Lours a [ourney for pleasure ln whlch you vlslL several dlfferenL
Lowns, areas, eLc.
We wenL on a 14-day Lour of LgypL. ckpoq, ncptqyqoq
4.3 1 7A Speaklng promote v promoLe Lourlsm ln Lhe area Lo help someLhlng happen or be successful Pave you seen Lhose adverLs on 1v promoLlng drlnklng mllk? npou0u
4.4 2 1A uvu prevlew we|come pack n glve all cllenLs a welcome pack a number of lLems glven Lo someone [olnlng a new company,
club, eLc.
All Lhe lnformaLlon you need ls ln your welcome pack. nokco ko\oouptooo
4.4 2 1A uvu prevlew motto n a shorL sLaLemenL LhaL expresses someones alms or prlnclples 8e prepared ls Lhe moLLo of Lhe 8oy ScouLs. pqo, yvutko
4.4 2 1A uvu prevlew parce| n someLhlng LhaL has been packed ln a box or wrapped ln paper,
and Lhen senL by mall or dellvered
1he parcel was dellvered lasL week. co
4.4 2 1A uvu prevlew d|sturb v Lo lnLerrupL someone so LhaL Lhey cannoL conLlnue whaL Lhey
are dolng
Sorry Lo dlsLurb you, buL lL's urgenL. cvo\u
4.4 2 18 uvu prevlew |ong-d|stance ad[ lnvolvlng places LhaL are a long dlsLance aparL Some people say LhaL long-dlsLance relaLlonshlps don'L work. c onooocu
4.4 2 18 uvu prevlew conduct v a relaLlonshlp conducLed over
Lhe phone
Lo do or organlse someLhlng 1he puplls are conducLlng an experlmenL wlLh Lwo magneLs. tcyu
4.4 2 18 uvu prevlew eventua||y adv afLer a long Llme LvenLually he goL a [ob. c\tk
4.4 2 3 uvu vlew ass|stant n someone whose [ob ls Lo help someone more lmporLanL MeeL !ane, my new asslsLanL. oq0o
4.4 2 3 uvu vlew embarrass v Lo make someone feel ashamed, sLupld, or uncomforLable My parenLs always embarrass me. cpvu oc oqovto,
4.4 3 6A WrlLeback gym|nstructor n someone who works ln a gym whose [ob lL ls Lo Lell you how Lo
do exerclses
Mlchaela's fallen ln love wlLh a gym lnsLrucLor. yuvooq
4.4 3 6A WrlLeback funct|on v l can'L funcLlon wlLhouL coffee Lo work ln Lhe correcL or lnLended way l can'L funcLlon ln Lhe mornlng unLll l've had a cup of Lea! \ctoupyu
4.4 3 6A WrlLeback mach|ne n show Lhe cllenLs how Lo use Lhe
machlnes ln Lhe gym
a plece of equlpmenL LhaL uses power, usually from elecLrlclLy,
Lo do a [ob
When l go Lo Lhe gym, l spend mosL of my Llme on Lhe
welghLs machlnes.
4.4 3 6A WrlLeback membersh|p n membershlp card when someone ls a member of a group or organlsaLlon reece applled for membershlp of Lhe Lu ln 197. cvoq
4. 4 6 ||m|t n Lhe greaLesL or leasL amounL, number, eLc. LhaL ls allowed or
1here ls a llmlL on Lhe Llme you have Lo Lake Lhe LesL. opto
4. 4 6 m|n|mumwage n Lhe lowesL amounL of money LhaL an employer can legally pay
Lo a worker
MosL of Lhe [unlor offlce sLaff are on Lhe mlnlmum wage. c\too to0o
4. 4 6 stay off phr v sLay off work afLer havlng
Lo noL go somewhere or do someLhlng LasL week, l sLayed off work because l was lll. oncu, onocuyu
4. 4 2A waste t|me v phr wasLe my Llme Lo use Llme ln a way LhaL ls noL effecLlve or senslble l wasLe so much Llme uslng Lhe lnLerneL! vu povo
4. 4 3A fur|ous ad[ exLremely angry When he saw whaL hls dog had done, he was furlous. co\\o
4. 4 3A exhausted ad[ exLremely Llred AfLer worklng all week l'm always exhausLed. cov\qcvo
4. 4 3A astronomy n Lhe sclenLlflc sLudy of Lhe sLars and planeLs l've boughL my moLher-ln-law a book on asLronomy for
4. 4 4A d|sh n wash Lhe dlshes a round conLalner wlLh low sldes, used for holdlng food Can you pass a dlsh for Lhe poLaLoes, please? nto
4. 4 A ban v should be banned from clLy
Lo offlclally say LhaL people musL noL do someLhlng Smoklng ls banned lnslde Lhe bulldlng. onoyopcuu
4. 4 A |mm|grat|on n when people come Lo a counLry ln order Lo llve Lhere Pow sLrlcL are Lhe lmmlgraLlon laws ln your counLry? covocuoq
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Speakout Pre-Intermediate Worldlist Page 15
.1 6 18 vocabulary commerc|a| aerop|ane n a flylng vehlcle used Lo LransporL paylng passengers Commerclal aeroplanes are very dlfferenL from mlllLary ones. cnoptko ocpon\vo
.1 6 18 vocabulary commun|cat|on sate|||te n a machlne LhaL has been senL lnLo space and goes around Lhe
LarLh used for radlo, Lelevlslon, and oLher elecLronlc
Some communlcaLlons saLelllLes are owned by moblle phone
opuopo cntkotvuvto
.1 6 18 vocabulary computer network n a seL of compuLers LhaL are connecLed Lo each oLher so LhaL
Lhey can share lnformaLlon
uo you have a compuLer neLwork where you work? tkuo q\ckpovtkuv
.1 6 18 vocabulary energy n power from oll, coal, sun, wlnd, eLc. LhaL produces heaL,
movemenL, eLc.
SwlLch off llghLs Lo save energy. cvcpycto
.1 6 18 vocabulary genet|c eng|neer|ng n Lhe sclence of changlng Lhe genes of a llvlng Lhlng noL everyone agrees wlLh geneLlc englneerlng. ycvctkq qovtkq
.1 6 18 vocabulary med|c|ne n a subsLance for LreaLlng an lllness, especlally one LhaL you drlnk Pave you Laken your medlclne? poko
.1 6 18 vocabulary motorb|ke n an lnformal word for a moLorcycle Pow fasL can your moLorblke go? oootk\co, qovq
.1 6 18 vocabulary nuc|ear power n energy from aLomlc reacLlons used Lo creaLe elecLrlclLy Some people Lhlnk nuclear power ls very dangerous. nupqvtkq cvcpycto
.1 6 18 vocabulary so|ar power n energy from Lhe Sun used Lo creaLe elecLrlclLy Some people Lhlnk LhaL solar power ls Lhe fuLure. q\tokq cvcpycto
.1 6 18 vocabulary space trave| n movlng Lhrough Lhe area beyond Lhe LarLh where Lhe sLars and
planeLs are
As a chlld l always dreamed of space Lravel ln my rockeL shlp. tooqtko ott
.1 6 18 vocabulary vacc|nat|on n when someone ls glven a vacclne or ln[ecLlon Lo proLecL Lhem
from a dlsease
ou need loLs of vacclnaLlons Lo vlslL Lroplcal counLrles. co\tooo
.1 6 18 vocabulary vacuumc|eaner n a machlne LhaL cleans floors by sucklng up Lhe dlrL from Lhem l need a new vacuum cleaner - Lhls one's Lerrlble! q\ckptkq okouno
.1 6 18 vocabulary wash|ng mach|ne n a machlne LhaL washes cloLhes uo you know how Lo use your washlng machlne? n\uvqpto
.1 6 2 8eadlng century n a perlod of 100 years used especlally ln daLes 1he church was bullL ln Lhe LhlrLeenLh cenLury. otuvo
.1 6 2 8eadlng |nf|uent|a| ad[ able Lo lnfluence whaL happens or whaL people Lhlnk Pe has some very lnfluenLlal frlends. toupo, c cntppoq
.1 6 2 8eadlng advance n lnfluenLlal advances ln Lhe 20Lh
a change, dlscovery, or lnvenLlon LhaL brlngs progress WhaL do you Lhlnk was Lhe mosL lmporLanL medlcal advance
of Lhe LwenLleLh cenLury?
.1 6 2 8eadlng m|||tary ad[ used by or relaLlng Lo Lhe army, navy, or alr force My grandfaLher was a mlllLary commander ln World War ll. opotutko
.1 6 2 8eadlng affordab|e ad[ Lo have enough money Lo pay for someLhlng 1here ls no affordable houslng ln Lhe vlllage where l grew up. otkovotk npooto
.1 6 2 8eadlng shr|nk v Lhe world shrank lf someLhlng shrlnks, or lf you shrlnk lL, lL becomes smaller lamllles have been shrlnklng slnce Lhe 1970s. oupptkvuvoot
.1 6 2 8eadlng v|a adv Lravelllng Lhrough a place when you are golng Lo anoLher place We're flylng Lo uenver vla Chlcago. cou
.1 6 2 8eadlng h|gh-r|se ad[ hlgh-rlse bulldlngs hlgh-rlse bulldlngs are very Lall 1hey llve ln a hlgh rlse block of flaLs on Lhe LasL Slde. no\uopoo
.1 6 2 8eadlng urban ad[ ln or relaLlng Lo a Lown or clLy WhaL are Lhe blggesL problems ln urban areas? ootko
.1 6 2 8eadlng head for phr v Lo Lravel Lowards a parLlcular desLlnaLlon Pead for Lhe Lown cenLre and Lake Lhe lasL Lurnlng on Lhe
kocu0uvoot npo
.1 6 2 8eadlng power v Lo power Lhe machlne Lo supply power Lo a machlne 1he camera ls powered by a small baLLery. nopcu cvcpycto
.1 6 2 8eadlng fabr|c n fabrlcs ln fanLasLlc colours cloLh used for maklng cloLhes, curLalns, eLc. our curLalns are made of a beauLlful fabrlc. uooo
.1 6 2 8eadlng |nvent|on n a machlne, Lool, sysLem, eLc. LhaL someone has lnvenLed 1he compuLer was one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL lnvenLlons of
Lhe LwenLleLh cenLury.
.1 6 2 8eadlng mater|a| n maLerlals llke nylon cloLh used Lo make cloLhes, curLalns, eLc. She was wearlng a dress made of llghL coLLon maLerlal. u\tko
.1 6 2 8eadlng ny|on n a sLrong arLlflclal maLerlal used for maklng cloLhes, plasLlc,
rope, eLc.
Are your LlghLs made of wool or nylon? v\ov
.1 6 2 8eadlng transport n a sysLem or meLhod for carrylng passengers or goods from one
place Lo anoLher
We need beLLer rall LransporL ln Lhe u. coop
.1 6 2 8eadlng e|ectr|c gu|tar n an elecLronlc muslcal lnsLrumenL wlLh slx sLrlngs LhaL you play
by pulllng Lhe sLrlngs wlLh your flngers or wlLh a plecLrum
Pe plays Lhe elecLrlc gulLar ln a rock band. q\ckptkq kt0po
.1 6 2 8eadlng symbo| n someone or someLhlng LhaL represenLs a parLlcular quallLy or
!lml Pendrlx ls a symbol of rock muslc. ouo\o
.1 6 2 8eadlng amp||f|er n a plece of elecLronlc equlpmenL used Lo make muslc and oLher
sounds louder
l need Lo buy a new ampllfler because my lasL one exploded! cvtouq
.1 7 A rammar hea|thy ad[ lf you are healLhy, your body ls ln good condlLlon and you do
noL feel lll or weak
l always Lry Lo eaL healLhy food, even aL weekends. uytctvo
.1 7 A rammar record v record Lhe wrlLLen word Lo wrlLe down lnformaLlon or sLore lL ln a compuLer so LhaL lL
can be looked aL ln Lhe fuLure
All Lhe evenLs were recorded ln a dlary. kooypu
.1 7 6A Speaklng speed n how fasL someLhlng moves Pe was drlvlng along aL a speed of 60 mph. ouqo
.1 7 6A Speaklng consume v consumes 13 gallons of peLrol Lo use energy, goods, Llme, eLc. Cnly 27 of Lhe paper we consume ls recycled. koovo\uvu
.1 8 78 WrlLlng advantage n someLhlng LhaL helps you Lo be beLLer or more successful Lhan
oLher people
Pe has Lhe advanLage of a good educaLlon. n\covckqo
.1 8 78 WrlLlng d|sadvantage n a bad feaLure of someLhlng, whlch causes problems or makes lL
worse Lhan oLher Lhlngs
WhaL do you Lhlnk are Lhe dlsadvanLages of llvlng ln a clLy? ctovckqo
.1 8 78 WrlLlng d|scovery n a facL or plece of knowledge LhaL someone learns abouL, when
lL was noL known before
AsLronomers have made slgnlflcanL dlscoverles abouL our
.1 8 78 WrlLlng eff|c|ent ad[ worklng well, wlLhouL wasLlng Llme or energy llllng ls an efflclenL way of organlslng your work. onootko
.1 8 78 WrlLlng cause v Lo make someLhlng happen, especlally someLhlng bad Peavy Lrafflc ls causlng long delays. npocvu, npoko\u
.1 8 78 WrlLlng destruct|on n when someLhlng ls desLroyed WhaL can we do Lo sLop Lhe desLrucLlon of Lhe ralnforesL? kooopoq
.1 8 78 WrlLlng outwe|gh v Lo be more lmporLanL Lhan someLhlng else 1he advanLages of uslng publlc LransporL ouLwelgh Lhe
.1 8 78 WrlLlng benef|t n for Lhelr own beneflL an advanLage or lmprovemenL LhaL you geL from someLhlng WhaL are Lhe beneflLs of conLacL lenses? oc\o, n\covckqo
.1 8 78 WrlLlng harmfu| ad[ causlng harm or damage 1here are many harmful effecLs of smoklng. cnt\oq
.1 8 78 WrlLlng consequence n someLhlng LhaL happens as a resulL of someLhlng else WhaL are Lhe envlronmenLal consequences of road bulldlng? ouvcncto
.1 8 7u WrlLlng re|evant ad[ dlrecLly relaLlng Lo Lhe Lhlng LhaL ls belng dlscussed Are your quallflcaLlons relevanL Lo Lhe [ob? octko
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.1 8 7u WrlLlng essay n a plece of wrlLlng LhaL dlscusses a sub[ecL Pe wroLe an essay on lrench pollLlcs. oktto, npoyocto
.1 8 88 Learn Lo sate|||te n a machlne LhaL ls senL lnLo space and Lravels around Lhe LarLh,
moon, eLc. SaLelllLes are used Lo send radlo or Lelevlslon
slgnals, or for oLher forms of communlcaLlon
1hls broadcasL comes llve vla saLelllLe from new ork. opuopo
.1 8 88 Learn Lo whereas con[ used Lo say LhaL one person, Lhlng, or slLuaLlon ls dlfferenL from
nowadays Lhe [ourney Lakes slx hours, whereas Lhen lL Look
several weeks.
.1 8 88 Learn Lo cho|ce n lf you have a cholce, you can choose beLween several Lhlngs voLers have a cholce beLween Lhree pollLlcal parLles. cnt\oyq
.2 9 1A Speaklng surf v surf a Lldal wave Lo rlde on ocean waves sLandlng on a surfboard MaLL goes surflng every day. kvu ocptvyk
.2 9 1A Speaklng t|da| wave n a very large wave LhaL flows over Lhe land, desLroylng Lhlngs LasL nlghL Lhe wesL coasL was hlL by a huge Lldal wave. no\tppoko kuo
.2 9 1A Speaklng n|ghtmare n a very frlghLenlng dream l sLlll have nlghLmares abouL Lhe accldenL. ct\q
.2 9 1A Speaklng sumo n sumo wresLlers a !apanese form of wresLllng, done by men who are very large WhaL would you raLher Lry sumo wresLllng or karaLe? oouo
.2 9 1A Speaklng wrest|er n a sporLsman who flghLs oLhers and Lrles Lo Lhrow or hold Lhem
on Lhe ground
reg's Lralnlng Lo be a professlonal wresLler. no\otoq
.2 9 1A Speaklng wasp n a black and yellow lnsecL LhaL sLlngs Are you allerglc Lo wasp sLlngs? oqko
.2 9 1A Speaklng on|on n a round whlLe vegeLable, usually wlLh brown skln, whlch has a
sLrong smell and LasLe, and whlch makes you cry when you cuL
uo you wanL onlons ln your hoLdog? kpcut
.2 9 2A vocabulary debate v Lo quesLlon a declslon Lo dlscuss a sub[ecL formally so LhaL you can make a declslon or
solve a problem
1he lssue was debaLed on Monday. ou(qu cvo 0co
.2 9 2A vocabulary d|scuss v Lo Lalk abouL someLhlng wlLh someone ln order Lo exchange
ldeas or declde someLhlng
Were meeLlng Loday Lo dlscuss our sclence pro[ecL. ou(qu
.2 9 2A vocabulary |nqu|re v Lo ask someone for lnformaLlon Why are you dolng LhaL? he lnqulred. puu, (qu vo 0u
.2 9 2A vocabulary |ook |nto phr v Lo lnvesLlgaLe l'm looklng lnLo how much l could sell my car for. cpcuvu, vu
.2 9 2A vocabulary quest|on v Lo ask someone quesLlons abouL someLhlng 1wo men are belng quesLloned by pollce. ovokptvu
.2 9 2A vocabulary rep|y v Lo answer Why dldn'L you reply Lo my emall? onovu
.2 9 2A vocabulary research v Lo sLudy a sub[ecL ln deLall so LhaL you can dlscover new facLs
abouL lL
Conner spenL elghL years researchlng Lhe hlsLory of Lhe
.2 9 2A vocabulary wonder v Lo Lhlnk abouL someLhlng you do noL know, and wanL Lo know l wonder where she llves Lhese days. ovoputcot
.2 9 2u vocabulary death pena|ty n when someone ls kllled as a legal punlshmenL 1hree 8rlLons are faclng Lhe deaLh penalLy for spylng. 0ovotkq notvq
.2 9 2u vocabulary nuc|ear part|c|e n a very small ob[ecL whlch ls found ln an aLom l'm dolng research lnLo nuclear parLlcles. nupqvtko ouotto
.2 9 2u vocabulary soc|a| ad[ soclal problems relaLlng Lo human socleLy and Lhe way lL ls organlsed WhaL are Lhe mosL lmporLanL soclal lssues ln your clLy? kotvuvtko
.2 60 38 LlsLenlng st|ng v geL sLung by a bee lf an lnsecL, anlmal, or planL sLlngs you, lL hurLs you by puLLlng
polson lnLo your skln
!amle goL sLung by a wasp. otnu
.2 60 38 LlsLenlng [e||yf|sh n a LransparenL sea anlmal wlLh long parLs LhaL hang down from
lLs body
lf you go swlmmlng, waLch ouL for [ellyflsh - Lhey can sLlng
.2 60 38 LlsLenlng doughnut n a small cake LhaL ls usually shaped llke a rlng SomeLlmes l have a doughnuL for breakfasL as a LreaL! \oukou, vovo
.2 60 38 LlsLenlng monk n buddhlsL monks a member of a rellglous group of men who llve LogeLher ln a
Pave you seen Lhose Shaolln monks who pracLlce Lhose
lncredlble marLlal arLs?
.2 60 38 LlsLenlng mag|c|an n someone who does maglc Lrlcks Lo enLerLaln people We've hlred a maglclan Lo perform aL our son's blrLhday
yo, ouoku\oupyo
.2 60 38 LlsLenlng expert n someone who has a loL of knowledge abouL a sub[ecL or ls very
skllful aL dolng someLhlng
1ammy ls an experL on anclenL LgypLlan arL. cnctpoyvuovo
.2 60 4A LlsLenlng break up phr v Lhe 8eaLles broke up when people ln a group or relaLlonshlp separaLe and do noL llve
or work LogeLher any more
Why dld Lhe 8eaLles break up? to\uu, upt(u
.2 60 4A LlsLenlng vo|cano n a mounLaln wlLh a large hole aL Lhe Lop, Lhrough whlch lava
very hoL llquld rock ls someLlmes forced ouL
1he lsland has several acLlve volcanoes. qotocto
.2 60 A LlsLenlng |deo|ogy n a seL of bellefs or ldeas abouL pollLlcs Pe has many MarxlsL ldeologles. tco\oyto
.2 60 A LlsLenlng honour n a sense of honour when someone ls honesL, and behaves ln a way LhaL makes
people respecL and LrusL Lhem
Pe was a man of honour. tq
.2 60 6A rammar |t depends phr used Lo say LhaL you are noL sure abouL someLhlng, because
oLher Lhlngs mlghL affecL whaL happens
Are you comlng Lo my house laLer? lL depends. l mlghL
have Lo work.
.2 61 10A vocabulary lus ma|n|y adv used Lo menLlon Lhe maln parL of someLhlng 1he weaLher Lhls weekend wlll be malnly sunny. kuptu
.2 61 10A vocabulary lus hope|ess ad[ cerLaln Lo fall l am absoluLely hopeless aL maLhs! onc\ntotko
.2 61 10A vocabulary lus s|tuat|on n Lhe Lhlngs LhaL are happenlng aL a parLlcular Llme somewhere,
or are happenlng Lo a parLlcular person
She's ln a very dlfflculL slLuaLlon. kooooq
.2 61 10A vocabulary lus prof|tab|e ad[ produclng a proflL or a useful resulL Pe says hls new buslness ls golng Lo be very proflLable. cntkcpq
.2 61 10A vocabulary lus spoon n someLhlng LhaL you use for eaLlng and servlng food. lL has a
small bowl-shaped parL and a handle.
uo you use a spoon Lo eaL spagheLLl? kou\t
.2 61 10A vocabulary lus wafer n a very Lhln blsculL Would you llke a wafer ln your lce cream? ykopco
.2 61 10A vocabulary lus vendor n someone who sells someLhlng, especlally on Lhe sLreeL 8e careful abouL buylng food from sLreeL vendors. nu\qq
.2 61 108 vocabulary lus b|o|og|ca| ad[ relaLlng Lo Lhe naLural processes performed by llvlng Lhlngs Pe wanLed Lo know who hls blologlcal faLher was. to\oytko
.2 61 108 vocabulary lus effect|ve ad[ havlng Lhe resulL LhaL you wanL WhaL ls Lhe mosL effecLlve way Lo klll anLs? onoc\cootko
.2 61 108 vocabulary lus exp|os|ve ad[ someLhlng LhaL ls exploslve can cause an exploslon 1hey used exploslves Lo desLroy Lhe old bulldlng. ckpqktko
.2 61 108 vocabulary lus ha|ry ad[ covered ln halr Some people flnd a man wlLh a halry chesL very aLLracLlve. ptuo
.2 61 108 vocabulary lus |ovab|e ad[ easy Lo love She really ls a lovable chlld. otoynqo
.2 61 108 vocabulary lus messy ad[ dlrLy or unLldy 1ldy your room, lL's Loo messy! okoooo
.2 61 108 vocabulary lus pa|nfu| ad[ maklng you feel very unhappy or upseL l've goL a very palnful LooLhache. cnuuvo
.2 61 108 vocabulary lus peacefu| ad[ quleL and calm 1he wood was cool and peaceful. yo\qvto
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.2 61 108 vocabulary lus poet|c ad[ relaLlng Lo poeLry or Lyplcal of poeLry She uses loLs of poeLlc language ln her sLorles. notqtko
.2 61 108 vocabulary lus respons|b|e ad[ lf you are responslble for someLhlng bad LhaL has happened,
you caused lL and you are Lhe person who should be blamed
ollce have arresLed a man who ls responslble for Lhe deaLhs
of flfLeen people.
.2 61 108 vocabulary lus use|ess ad[ noL useful or effecLlve aL all l geL senL so much useless lnformaLlon by emall. pqoo
.2 61 11 vocabulary lus va|ue n Lhe value of Lhe house Lhe amounL of money LhaL someLhlng ls worLh uo you know Lhe value of your house? oto
.2 61 11 vocabulary lus response n a reply or reacLlon Lo someLhlng l knocked on Lhe door buL Lhere was no response. onvqoq
.2 61 11 vocabulary lus ma[or|ty n mosL of Lhe people or Lhlngs ln a group Money ls a problem for Lhe ma[orlLy of sLudenLs. n\ctoqto
.2 61 11 vocabulary lus regu|ate v Lo conLrol an acLlvlLy or process, especlally by havlng rules 1rafflc llghLs are deslgned Lo regulaLe Lhe flow of Lrafflc. pu0t(u
.2 61 11 vocabulary lus f|ow n regulaLe Lhe flow of Lrafflc a smooLh sLeady movemenL of someLhlng such as a llquld,
people, Lrafflc, or lnformaLlon
1he flow of Lrafflc was very slow around London Lhls mornlng. poq
.2 61 11 vocabulary lus ra||way system n a neLwork of llnes on whlch Lralns run across a counLry 1he Spanlsh rallway sysLem ls fanLasLlcally efflclenL. otqpopotko ouoqo
.2 61 11 vocabulary lus spread v from Lhere lL spread all over
Lhe world
Lo move and affecL a larger area or more people, or Lo make
someLhlng do Lhls
llre spread qulckly Lhrough Lhe bulldlng. on\uvu
.2 61 12A vocabulary lus po||t|cs n ldeas and acLlvlLles relaLlng Lo how a place ls governed and who
has power
Are you lnLeresLed ln pollLlcs? no\ttkq
.3 62 1C vocabulary break down phr v Lhe machlne's broken down lf a car or a machlne breaks down, lL sLops worklng My car broke down on Lhe way Lo work. o\u
.3 62 1C vocabulary crash v Lhe compuLer's crashed Lo have an accldenL ln a car, plane, eLc., especlally by hlLLlng
someLhlng else
1he [eL crashed shorLly afLer Lakeoff. ouvptu
.3 62 1C vocabulary freeze v Lhe compuLer's frozen lf a llquld freezes, lL becomes solld and hard because Lhe
LemperaLure ls very cold
1he lake had frozen overnlghL. noyuvu
.3 62 1C vocabulary out of order prep phr Lhe machlne's ouL of order lf a machlne ls ouL of order, lL has sLopped worklng 1he phoLocopler ls ouL of order agaln. cko \ctoupyto
.3 62 1C vocabulary pr|nt v prlnL a copy of Lhe page Lo produce words or plcLures on paper, uslng a machlne lm prlnLlng Lhe documenL now. ckunuvu
.3 62 1C vocabulary recept|on n slgnal recepLlon Lhe acL of recelvlng radlo, Lelevlslon, or oLher slgnals, or Lhe
quallLy of slgnals you recelve
Sorry l dldn'L call - Lhere was no moblle phone recepLlon on
Lhe underground.
.3 62 1C vocabulary recharge v recharge your phone Lo puL a new supply of elecLrlclLy lnLo a baLLery Pow ofLen do you need Lo recharge your phone? cnovoopt(u
.3 62 1C vocabulary sort out phr v sorL Lhe problem ouL Lo successfully deal wlLh a problem or dlfflculL slLuaLlon She wenL Lo a psychlaLrlsL Lo Lry Lo sorL ouL her problems. okonotu, tcu0cu
.3 62 2A vocabulary re|y v rely on compuLers Lo LrusL or depend on someone or someLhlng l knew l could rely on you. oot(oot
.3 62 2A vocabulary v|o|ence n behavlour LhaL ls lnLended Lo hurL oLher people physlcally 1here's Loo much vlolence on 1v Lhese days. to
.3 62 2A vocabulary frustrat|ng ad[ maklng you feel lmpaLlenL or angry because you are unable Lo
do whaL you wanL
l flnd walLlng ln queues lncredlbly frusLraLlng! copytotko
.3 62 2A vocabulary phys|ca||y adv had physlcally aLLacked hlm relaLlng Lo your body raLher Lhan your mlnd 1ry Lo keep physlcally flL. ouotk
.3 62 2A vocabulary swear phr v swore aL me foul language Lo use rude or offenslve language She doesn'L smoke, drlnk, or swear. pt(u
.3 63 4A Learn Lo proper|y adv correcLly or ln a way LhaL ls consldered rlghL l can'L see properly wlLhouL my glasses. ouo
.3 63 4A Learn Lo ho|d the ||ne v phr can you hold Lhe llne, please Lo walL Lo be connecLed on a Lelephone call Can you hold Lhe llne whlle l ask my manager? ovocvu oo okouotko
.3 63 4A Learn Lo refund n money LhaL ls glven back Lo you ln a shop, resLauranL, eLc., for
example because you are noL saLlsfled wlLh whaL you boughL
lf youre noL compleLely saLlsfled, we'll glve you a refund. cntopoq
.3 63 Learn Lo concentrate v concenLraLe on my sLudles Lo Lhlnk very carefully abouL someLhlng you are dolng WlLh all Lhls nolse, lL's hard Lo concenLraLe. ouykcvpuvoot
.3 63 Learn Lo repa|r serv|ce n a place where you send an lLem Lo be flxed when lL has sLopped
worklng, or Lhe name of Lhe acLlon lLself
1he repalr servlce for my waLch was surprlslngly qulck. unqpcoto cntokcuuv
.3 63 6A Speaklng modem n a plece of elecLronlc equlpmenL used for sendlng lnformaLlon
along Lelephone wlres from one compuLer Lo anoLher
We don'L have Lhe lnLerneL aL home aL Lhe momenL we're
walLlng for our modem Lo be repalred.
.4 64 2 uvu prevlew |nternat|ona| ad[ relaLlng Lo or lnvolvlng more Lhan one counLry l can'L walL for Lhe lnLernaLlonal rugby maLch Lhls weekend
beLween Wales and ScoLland!
.4 64 2 uvu prevlew award-w|nn|ng ad[ havlng won an award or prlze for belng more successful or
popular Lhan oLher people or Lhlngs
She ls an award-wlnnlng acLress. pocucvo
.4 64 2 uvu prevlew veh|c|e n someLhlng such as a car or bus LhaL ls used for carrylng people
or Lhlngs from one place Lo anoLher
ollce are searchlng for a sLolen vehlcle ln Lhe London area. oqo
.4 64 2 uvu prevlew v|ewer n 1v vlewers someone who waLches a Lelevlslon programme 1he serles ls waLched by mllllons of vlewers. 0coq
.4 64 2 uvu prevlew wor|dw|de adv everywhere ln Lhe world 1he company employs 2,000 people worldwlde. noykooto
.4 64 2 uvu prevlew qu|rky ad[ sllghLly sLrange eople say l have a qulrky sense of humour. ckkcvptko
.4 64 2 uvu prevlew freerunner n parkour aLhleLes a sporLsperson who parLlclpaLes ln parkour My new boyfrlend's a freerunner. o0\qq nopkoup
.4 64 2 uvu prevlew beat v geL Lhere flrsL Lo geL more polnLs, voLes, eLc. Lhan oLher people ln a game or
Spaln beaL Lhe neLherlands 1-0 ln Lhe 2010 World Cup flnal. vtku
.4 64 2 uvu prevlew route n a dlrecL rouLe Lhe roads, paLhs, eLc. LhaL you follow Lo geL from one place Lo
WhaL's Lhe qulckesL rouLe Lo Lhe sLaLlon? topoq
.4 64 3 uvu vlew so|ut|on n a way of solvlng a problem or deallng wlLh a dlfflculL slLuaLlon 1he new rallway sysLem ls Lhe perfecL soluLlon Lo all our
LransporL problems.
.4 64 3 uvu vlew parkour n Lhe sporL of runnlng Lhrough clLy sLreeLs and [umplng beLween
1he lasL lnLernaLlonal parkour champlonshlps were held ln
.4 64 3 uvu vlew |eap v leap from bulldlng Lo bulldlng Lo [ump up hlgh or a long way 1he freerunner leapL over cars and park benches ln fronL of a
large crowd of people.
.4 64 3 uvu vlew bench n benches ln Lhe park a long wooden seaL for Lwo or more people We saL on a park bench Lo eaL our sandwlches. noykkt
.4 64 3 uvu vlew average v Lo usually do someLhlng or usually happen a parLlcular number
of Llmes, or Lo usually be a parLlcular slze or amounL
1he Lraln Lravelled aL speeds averaglng 12 mph. kvu ko coo opo
.4 64 3 uvu vlew s|gn n Lhere's no slgn of Lhem a plece of wood, meLal, plasLlc, eLc. wlLh words or plcLures on lL
Lo glve people lnformaLlon
uo you have no-smoklng slgns ln or around your offlce? ntvokto
.4 64 3 uvu vlew combat trousers n baggy Lrousers wlLh loLs of pockeLs, orlglnally worn by army
CombaL Lrousers were Lhe helghL of fashlon ln Lhe mld 90s. opotutko novc\ovt
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.4 6 6 WrlLeback shower-head n Lhe parL of a shower from whlch Lhe waLer comes Cur shower lsn'L very powerful - maybe we should buy a new
shower head.
kco\q vou
.4 6 6 WrlLeback down|oad v Lo recelve lnformaLlon or programs on a compuLer, especlally
uslng Lhe lnLerneL
Pow ofLen do you download muslc from Lhe lnLerneL? koc(u ono o
.4 6 6 WrlLeback tune n a serles of muslcal noLes LhaL are nlce Lo llsLen Lo Pe sLarLed Lo play a Lune on Lhe plano. c\uto
.4 6 6 WrlLeback automat|ca||y adv done wlLhouL Lhe need for human conLrol My compuLer downloads new updaLes auLomaLlcally. ouooo
. 66 1A |oads of quanLlfler an lnformal way Lo say 'a loL of' Wow! ou've goL loads of muslc on your compuLer! cvo oupo
. 66 4A human|tar|an ad[ concerned wlLh lmprovlng peoples llvlng condlLlons and
prevenLlng unfalr LreaLmenL
1he un senL humanlLarlan ald Lo help Lhe refugees. ov0puntotko
. 66 4A |ose power v phr when a pollLlclan, monarch, eLc. sLops havlng conLrol of Lhelr
1he Labour parLy losL power Lo Lhe new coallLlon governmenL
ln 2010.
vu qv couoto
6 67 Peadlng emot|on n a sLrong feellng such as love, haLe, anger, eLc. Pls songs are always full of emoLlon. ouvoto0qo
6.1 68 18 Speaklng bas|c ad[ baslc Lhlngs are Lhe mosL slmple or mosL lmporLanL Lhlngs 1he baslc rule of fooLball ls don'L use your hands unless
you're ln goal!
6.1 68 18 Speaklng fac|a| ad[ on or relaLlng Lo your face ou can read a loL abouL a person's emoLlons from Lhelr faclal
ou npoounou
6.1 68 18 Speaklng fear n Lhe feellng you geL when you are afrald or worrled LhaL
someLhlng bad wlll happen
l have a real fear of speaklng ln publlc. oo
6.1 68 18 Speaklng act|vate v acLlvaLes a parL ln our braln Lo make someLhlng sLarL worklng 1hls swlLch acLlvaLes Lhe alarm. cvcpyonotu
6.1 68 18 Speaklng d|stress n a feellng of dlsLress a feellng of exLreme unhapplness 1helr dlvorce caused hlm greaL dlsLress. 0\tq, uouto
6.1 68 18 Speaklng |oss n Lhe loss of a famlly member when you do noL have someLhlng any longer, or when you have
less of lL
1he loss of Lhelr home was a shock Lo Lhe famlly. onu\cto
6.1 68 18 Speaklng tragedy n Lragedy ln Lhe famlly a very sad evenL or slLuaLlon, especlally one lnvolvlng deaLh Pave you heard Lhe news abouL Lhe plane crash Lragedy? poyuto
6.1 68 18 Speaklng prompt v prompL a feellng Lo make someone declde Lo do someLhlng WhaL prompLed you Lo buy LhaL sulL? nopoktvu
6.1 68 18 Speaklng resu|t |n v resulLs ln Lears Lo make someLhlng happen A Lrafflc accldenL resulLed ln Lhe deaLh of Lwo drlvers. koo\qyu
6.1 68 18 Speaklng a |ump |n your throat phr Lears and a lump ln Lhe LhroaL a feellng LhaL you wanL Lo cry AL Lhe end of LhaL romanLlc fllm, l felL a lump ln my LhroaL. cvo kono oo \oto
6.1 68 18 Speaklng chest n heavlness ln Lhe chesL Lhe fronL parL of your body beLween your neck and sLomach Pe had Lo go Lo hosplLal for a chesL -ray. 0upoko
6.1 68 18 Speaklng [oy n a feellng of greaL happlness and pleasure, or someLhlng LhaL
glves you Lhls feellng
She crled wlLh [oy when she heard Lhe news. op
6.1 68 18 Speaklng |nduce v Lo make someone declde Lo do someLhlng noLhlng would lnduce me Lo voLe for hlm agaln. nct0u, nopoktvu
6.1 68 18 Speaklng mot|vator n someLhlng or someone LhaL makes you wanL Lo do or achleve
Money ls a good moLlvaLor. ktvqpo
6.1 68 18 Speaklng act|ve|y adv ln a way LhaL lnvolves dolng Lhlngs or Laklng parL ln someLhlng arenLs musL be acLlvely lnvolved ln Lhelr chlldren's
6.1 68 18 Speaklng surpr|se n Lhe feellng you have when someLhlng unexpecLed or unusual
1he news was a compleLe surprlse Lo me! ckn\qq
6.1 68 18 Speaklng unpred|ctab|e ad[ changlng so much LhaL you do noL know whaL Lo expecL 1he u has very unpredlcLable weaLher. onpo\cno
6.1 68 18 Speaklng ra|se v ralse your eyebrows Lo move someLhlng Lo a hlgher poslLlon or lnLo an uprlghL
8alse your hand lf you know Lhe answer. oqkuvu
6.1 68 18 Speaklng eyebrow n Lhe llne of shorL halrs above your eye Pe ralsed hls eyebrows ln surprlse. put
6.1 68 18 Speaklng d|sgust n a sLrong feellng of dlsllke, annoyance, or dlsapproval Lverybody looked aL me wlLh dlsgusL. oqto
6.1 68 18 Speaklng rotten ad[ roLLen egg roLLen food or wood ls ln bad condlLlon because lL ls old uon'L eaL Lhose apples, Lhey're roLLen! onto
6.1 68 18 Speaklng d|sease n an lllness whlch affecLs a person, anlmal, or planL She suffers from a rare dlsease of Lhe blood. oo0cvcto
6.1 68 18 Speaklng protect v Lo keep someone or someLhlng safe from harm, damage, or
uo you Lhlnk Lhere should be more laws Lo proLecL Lhe
6.1 68 2A vocabulary confus|ng ad[ unclear and dlfflculL Lo undersLand 1he lnsLrucLlons for my new 1v are very confuslng! ncptn\oko, ncpccvo
6.1 68 2A vocabulary fr|ghtened ad[ feellng afrald Are you frlghLened of splders? oot
6.1 68 2A vocabulary re|ax|ng ad[ maklng you feel calm 1here's noLhlng beLLer Lhan a relaxlng baLh afLer a hard day's
6.1 68 2A vocabulary sat|sfy|ng ad[ maklng you feel pleased and happy, especlally because you
have achleved someLhlng
l flnd my [ob very saLlsfylng. tkovonotqtko
6.1 68 2A vocabulary shocked ad[ very surprlsed and upseL !ohn looked shocked when he heard Lhe news. ookoptocvo
6.1 69 3 LlsLenlng treatment n LreaLmenL of a dlsease someLhlng LhaL ls done Lo Lry Lo cure someone who ls ln[ured
or lll
1wo of Lhe boys needed LreaLmenL for head ln[urles. 0cponcto, oyuyq
6.1 69 3 LlsLenlng menta| ad[ relaLlng Lo Lhe mlnd, or happenlng ln Lhe mlnd SLress affecLs physlcal and menLal healLh. nvcuotko
6.1 69 4A LlsLenlng contro||ed ad[ dellberaLely done ln a parLlcular way, or made Lo have
parLlcular quallLles
1hey desLroyed Lhe bulldlng wlLh a number of conLrolled
6.1 69 4A LlsLenlng |aughter n when people laugh, or Lhe sound of people laughlng 1om bursL lnLo laughLer. yc\to
6.1 69 4A LlsLenlng therapy n Lhe LreaLmenL of a menLal or physlcal lllness over a long perlod
of Llme, especlally wlLhouL uslng drugs or operaLlons
Pe's havlng Lherapy Lo help wlLh alcohol addlcLlon. uo0cponcto
6.1 69 4A LlsLenlng on average prep phr based on a calculaLlon of whaL usually happens Cn average, men sLlll earn more Lhan women. ko coo opo
6.1 69 A rammar hammer n use a hammer Lo nall a Lool wlLh a heavy meLal parL on a long handle, used for hlLLlng
nalls lnLo wood
Pe hlL hls Lhumb wlLh a hammer when he was dolng some
6.1 69 A rammar smash to p|eces v phr Lo vlolenLly break someLhlng lnLo many dlfferenL parLs 1he Lldal wave smashed Lhe llLLle flshlng boaLs Lo pleces. koot(u
6.1 69 7A rammar fee| down phr v under Lhe weaLher Lo feel depressed or upseL Whenever l feel down, l always llsLen Lo some moLlvaLlng
cu t oupc ou
6.1 69 7A rammar breath n alr LhaL you send ouL of your lungs when you breaLhe Pe has bad breaLh. ovonvoq
6.1 70 8A Speaklng nervous ad[ worrled or frlghLened abouL someLhlng and unable Lo relax Sam's very nervous abouL hls drlvlng LesL. oyucvo
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6.1 70 8A Speaklng stressed ad[ he's sLressed abouL hls work so worrled and Llred LhaL you cannoL relax She's so sLressed abouL her [ob - she needs a hollday! ntcocvo
6.1 70 9A vocabulary lus arrow n cllck on Lhe arrow an lcon or slgn used Lo show where someLhlng ls lollow Lhe arrows Lo Lhe -ray deparLmenL. c\o
6.1 70 9A vocabulary lus chat up phr v Lo sLarL or have a conversaLlon wlLh someone you Lhlnk ls
My broLher loves Lrylng Lo chaL up glrls when we go ouL on
SaLurday nlghLs!
koocpvu, ptvu c o
6.1 70 9A vocabulary lus c||ck on phr v Lo press Lhe buLLon of a compuLer mouse Lo selecL someLhlng
on a compuLer screen, Lhe lnLerneL, eLc.
Cllck on Lhe arrow and follow Lhe lnsLrucLlons. cnt\cyu c o novtkt ou
6.1 70 9A vocabulary lus dress down phr v Lo wear cloLhes LhaL are less formal Lhan Lhe ones you usually
She dressed down ln old [eans and a 1-shlrL. vuvoot npoctpo
6.1 70 9A vocabulary lus get on we|| phr v Lo have a very good relaLlonshlp wlLh someone l geL on really well wlLh my moLher and faLher-ln-law. o nu ko\ c
6.1 70 9A vocabulary lus |con n compuLer lcon a small slgn or plcLure on a compuLer screen LhaL you choose
when you wanL Lhe compuLer Lo do someLhlng
1o send a fax, cllck on Lhe Lelephone lcon. ctkovtto
6.1 70 9A vocabulary lus |og off phr v Lo sLop uslng a compuLer sysLem by glvlng lL parLlcular
When you've flnlshed uslng Lhe compuLer, close Lhe lnLerneL
and log off.
yotvu ono q\ckpovtko
6.1 70 9A vocabulary lus scro|| up phr v Lo move Lhe lnformaLlon on a compuLer, phone, eLc. screen up
or down Lo see more lnformaLlon
lf you scroll up Lo Lhe Lop of Lhe page, you'll see Lhe address. cu\tyu kctcvo npo o
ku oc o0ovq
6.1 70 9A vocabulary lus sett|e down phr v Lo sLarL llvlng a quleL and calm llfe ln one place, especlally when
you geL marrled
1hey'd llke Lo see Lhelr daughLer seLLle down, geL marrled,
and have klds.
6.1 70 9A vocabulary lus shut down phr v Lhe compuLer lf a company, facLory, machlne, eLc. shuLs down, or lf you shuL lL
down, lL sLops operaLlng
Pundreds of local posL offlces have shuL down. k\ctvu
6.1 70 9A vocabulary lus take off phr v Lake off your shoes Lo remove someLhlng Pe Look off hls shoes. y(u
6.1 70 9A vocabulary lus try on phr v Lrled on new cloLhes Lo wear cloLhes usually ln a shop Lo see lf you wanL Lo buy
Can l Lry Lhls dress on ln a slze 14, please? okt(u, npopu
6.1 70 9A vocabulary lus go off phr v l wenL off hlm afLer a whlle Lo sLop llklng someone or someLhlng Slnce l saw how hamburgers are made, l've gone off Lhem
oooct vo ou opcoct
6.1 70 98 vocabulary lus ex|t v Lo leave a place 1he band exlLed Lhrough a slde door. yotvu
6.1 70 98 vocabulary lus webs|te n a place on Lhe lnLerneL where you can flnd lnformaLlon abouL
someLhlng, especlally a parLlcular organlsaLlon
lor more lnformaLlon, vlslL our webslLe. tooono
6.2 71 1A 8eadlng persuade v Lo make someone declde Lo do someLhlng by Lelllng Lhem why
lL ls a good ldea, or asklng Lhem many Llmes
!ohn was Lrylng Lo persuade me Lo sLay aL hls house. nct0u
6.2 71 1A 8eadlng char|ty n an organlsaLlon LhaL glves money, goods, or help Lo people who
are poor, slck, eLc.
l'm runnlng a race Lo ralse money for charlLy. t\ov0punto
6.2 71 1A 8eadlng creat|ve|y adv done ln an lnLeresLlng and lmaglnaLlve way Pe goL Lhe [ob because he's able Lo Lhlnk so creaLlvely abouL
such borlng Lhlngs.
6.2 71 1A 8eadlng ep|sode n 1v eplsodes one of Lhe parLs of a Lelevlslon or radlo sLory LhaL ls broadcasL
Pe waLches every eplsode of lrlends. cnctooto
6.2 71 1A 8eadlng psycho|og|st n someone who sLudles Lhe way peoples mlnds work She's havlng Lherapy wlLh a psychologlsL. uo\oyo
6.2 71 1A 8eadlng neurosc|ent|st n a sclenLlsL who sLudles Lhe braln My besL frlends aL unlverslLy sLudylng Lo be a neurosclenLlsL. cntoqovo cttkcucvo
oq vcupo\oyto
6.2 71 1A 8eadlng crowded ad[ very full of people or Lhlngs 1he shops are always crowded aL ChrlsLmas. yco, ouvuotocvo
6.2 71 1A 8eadlng pretend v Lo behave as Lhough someLhlng ls Lrue when you know LhaL lL ls
Pe's noL really angry - he's [usL preLendlng. npoonotouot
6.2 71 1A 8eadlng sta|| n have a sLall ln Lhe markeL a large Lable on whlch you puL Lhlngs you wanL Lo sell Pe has a markeL sLall selllng fresh frulL and veg. nyko
6.2 71 1A 8eadlng vo|unteer n someone who does work wlLhouL belng pald l volunLeer for a homeless charlLy aL weekends. c0c\ovq
6.2 71 1A 8eadlng conc|us|on n someLhlng you declde afLer conslderlng all Lhe lnformaLlon you
l've come Lo Lhe concluslon LhaL she's lylng. ouncpooo
6.2 71 1A 8eadlng ord|nary ad[ average, common, or usual, noL dlfferenL or speclal My boss Lhlnks she's wonderful, buL she's [usL an ordlnary
ouvq0tocvo, kotvo
6.2 71 3A vocabulary exper|ment n a sclenLlflc LesL Lo flnd ouL or prove someLhlng 1he sclenLlsLs do mosL of Lhelr experlmenLs on raLs. nctpoo
6.2 71 3A vocabulary get a seat v phr Lo flnd somewhere Lo slL ln a walLlng room or on a bus or Lraln l was very lucky on Lhe Lraln Lhls mornlng - l managed Lo geL a
ptoku 0coq
6.2 71 3A vocabulary [ump a queue v phr Lo avold walLlng ln a llne of people l haLe lL when people Lry Lo [ump Lhe queue ln Lhe posL
nopoknu qv oup
6.2 71 3A vocabulary ra|se money v phr Lo collecL money LhaL you can use Lo do a parLlcular [ob or help
My slsLer's runnlng a maraLhon Lo ralse money for vlcLlms of
Lhe recenL earLhquake.
o(cuu pqoo
6.2 71 38 vocabulary sc|ent|f|c ad[ relaLlng Lo sclence WhaL do you Lhlnk was Lhe mosL lmporLanL sclenLlflc
dlscovery of Lhe nlneLeenLh cenLury?
6.2 72 4A rammar p|ck of the n phr Lhe plck of Lhe monLh, day, bunch, eLc. ls Lhe besL or mosL
lnLeresLlng Lhlng LhaL exlsLs aL a parLlcular Llme
8ussell Crowe's new fllm ls Lhe plck of Lhe monLh ln Lhls
q ko\ucpq cnt\oyq
6.2 72 4A rammar stat|st|cs n Lhe sclence of collecLlng and sLudylng numbers whlch represenL
facLs or measuremenLs
Accordlng Lo sLaLlsLlcs, women are safer drlvers Lhan men. oototkq
6.2 72 4A rammar overa|| adv conslderlng or lncludlng everyLhlng 1he overall cosL of Lhe Lrlp ls 00. ouvo\tko
6.2 72 4A rammar ||ght ad[ lL's good 1v, llghL, easy on Lhe
eye and fun
noL serlous ln meanlng, sLyle, or manner, and only lnLended Lo
enLerLaln people
1hls ls a greaL hollday book lf you wanL some llghL
6.2 72 4A rammar easy on the eye phr pleasanL Lo look aL CaLhy's new boyfrlend ls very easy on Lhe eye! cuptoo oo t
6.2 72 6 rammar f|ute n play Lhe fluLe a muslcal lnsLrumenL llke a Lhln plpe LhaL you play by holdlng lL
across your llps and blowlng over a hole
l've always wanLed Lo learn how Lo play [azz fluLe. \ouo
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6.2 73 10A WrlLlng re||ab|e ad[ lf someone or someLhlng ls rellable, you can LrusL and depend
on Lhem
8lck ls hard-worklng and very rellable. otontoo
6.2 73 108 WrlLlng expert|se n speclal skllls or knowledge LhaL you learn by experlence or
1hls new [ob ls a greaL opporLunlLy Lo show people your
cvoyvuoto, cnctpto
6.2 73 108 WrlLlng |n a|| ||ke||hood prep phr almosL cerLalnly 1he presldenL wlll, ln all llkellhood, have Lo reslgn. ko noo nt0ovoqo
6.2 73 108 WrlLlng apart from adv excepL for AparL from Lhe endlng, lL's a really good fllm. cko ono
6.2 73 108 WrlLlng |n a|| probab|||ty prep phr very probably ln all probablllLy, he's mlssed Lhe bus. ko noo nt0ovoqo
6.2 73 108 WrlLlng prof|t n Lhe money LhaL you geL when you sell someLhlng for more Lhan
you pald for lL, especlally ln buslness
1hey sold Lhe house aL a blg proflL. kcpo
6.2 73 10C WrlLlng summary n a shorL sLaLemenL LhaL glves Lhe maln lnformaLlon abouL
l've glven a brlef summary on a separaLe sheeL. ncpt\qq
6.2 73 11A Learn Lo obsess|on n when you are obsessed wlLh someLhlng, or Lhe Lhlng you are
obsessed wlLh
She has an obsesslon wlLh collecLlng Leddy bears. covq
6.3 74 1A vocabulary fa|| v Lo noL succeed ln dolng someLhlng LhaL you Lry Lo do Pave you ever falled an exam? onouyvu
6.3 74 1A vocabulary get promoted v Lo be glven a beLLer, more responslble [ob ln a company We're celebraLlng LonlghL because my wlfe goL promoLed Lo
Senlor Manager!
notpvu npooyuyq
6.3 74 1A vocabulary sp||t up phr v spllL up wlLh a boyfrlend lf people spllL up, Lhey end Lhelr marrlage or relaLlonshlp My parenLs spllL up when l was Lhree. upt(u
6.3 74 28 vocabulary cance| v Lo say LhaL someLhlng LhaL was planned wlll noL happen l had Lo cancel my Lrlp Lo 8ome. okupuvu
6.3 74 28 vocabulary tone of vo|ce n phr Lhe way your volce sounds, whlch shows how you are feellng or
whaL you mean
l know you're angry, buL you can'L Lalk Lo people ln LhaL Lone
of volce!
o ovo q uvq
6.3 7 6 Learn Lo congratu|at|ons n someLhlng you say Lo someone who has done or achleved
someLhlng speclal or lmpresslve
CongraLulaLlons on your new [ob! ouyopqqpto
6.3 7 6 Learn Lo that's a shame phr used when you wlsh a slLuaLlon was dlfferenL, and you feel sad
or dlsappolnLed
ou dldn'L geL Lhe [ob? 1haL's a shame. kpto
6.3 7 6 Learn Lo you |ucky th|ng! phr used Lo say LhaL someone ls forLunaLe Lo be able Lo do
ou don'L have Lo work over ChrlsLmas? ou lucky Lhlng! ucpc!
6.4 76 1 uvu prevlew pub||sher n a person or company LhaL produces books, magazlnes, eLc. and
offers Lhem for sale
My boyfrlend works for a blg publlsher ln new ork. ckoq
6.4 76 1 uvu prevlew desperate|y adv wllllng Lo do anyLhlng Lo change a bad slLuaLlon, even lf lL ls
dangerous or unpleasanL
1he docLors Lrled desperaLely Lo save her llfe. oncyvuocvo
6.4 76 1 uvu prevlew |n-|aw n an lnformal way Lo refer Lo your parenLs-ln-law l'm noL spendlng ChrlsLmas wlLh Lhe ln-laws Lhls year.' 'ou
lucky Lhlng!'
6.4 76 1 uvu prevlew turn |nto phr v Lo become Look ouLslde - lL's Lurned lnLo a nlce day! cc\toooot, ytvoot
6.4 76 2 uvu vlew burst |nto tears v phr Lo suddenly sLarL crylng When reg spllL up wlLh !enny, she bursL lnLo Lears. conu oc k\oo
6.4 76 3 uvu vlew charm|ng ad[ charmlng LradlLlon very pleaslng or aLLracLlve Pave you meL her faLher? Pe's absoluLely charmlng! yoqcutko
6.4 76 3 uvu vlew pass down phr v pass Lhe rlng down from
generaLlon Lo generaLlon
Lo glve someLhlng speclal or valuable Lo a younger person ln
your famlly
My weddlng rlng was passed down from my grandmoLher. k\qpoou
6.4 76 3 uvu vlew fa|ry ta|e n a chlldren's sLory ln whlch maglcal Lhlngs happen l've always wanLed a falry-Lale weddlng wlLh loads of flowers
and a blg, whlLe dress!
6.4 76 3 uvu vlew v|car n a prlesL ln Lhe Church of Lngland 1he new vlcar came round earller Lo lnLroduce hlmself. cqcpto
6.4 76 3 uvu vlew p|umber n someone whose [ob ls Lo repalr waLer plpes, baLhs, LolleLs, eLc. lumbers can make a loL of money, especlally aL weekends
and over holldays.
6.4 77 A SpeakouL ||ghthouse n a Lower wlLh a brlghL llghL LhaL warns shlps of danger 1helr new house ls an old, converLed llghLhouse. po
6.4 77 A SpeakouL course n flve-course meal one of Lhe separaLe parLs of a meal We had a wonderful, flve-course meal aL Lhe weddlng
oyqo, nto
6.4 77 6A WrlLeback fu|| moon n Lhe moon when lL looks compleLely round Some people say sLrange Lhlngs happen aL full moon. novoc\qvo
6. 78 4 cancer n a serlous dlsease ln whlch cells ln someones body sLarL Lo
grow ln a way LhaL ls noL normal
Smoklng can cause lung cancer. kopktvo
7 79 Peadlng success n when you achleve whaL you wanL Lo achleve Per new buslness ls a huge success. cntuto
7.1 80 1A Speaklng opportun|ty n a chance Lo do someLhlng WhaL's Lhe besL opporLunlLy you've ever had? cukotpto
7.1 80 2A vocabulary h|gh ach|ever v phr someone who ls very successful ln Lhelr work Cur son ls a very hlgh achlever. no\u cntuqcvo
7.1 80 2A vocabulary be||eve |n yourse|f v phr Lo have confldence LhaL you can be successful 1he mosL lmporLanL Lhlng when you go for a [ob lnLervlew ls
Lo belleve ln yourself.
ntocuu oov couo ou
7.1 80 2A vocabulary determ|ned ad[ wanLlng Lo do someLhlng very much, so LhaL you wlll noL leL
anyLhlng sLop you
She was deLermlned Lo sLarL her own buslness. onoootcvo
7.1 80 2A vocabulary deve|op v develop a sklll lf someLhlng develops, or lf you develop lL, lL geLs blgger or
becomes more lmporLanL
1he new prlme mlnlsLer plans Lo develop Lhe local economy. ovonuoou
7.1 80 2A vocabulary get better at v phr Lo perform beLLer or reach a hlgher sLandard ln someLhlng ou won'L geL beLLer aL cooklng unless you pracLlse. ytvoot ko\ucpo oc
7.1 80 2A vocabulary goa| n achleve a goal someLhlng LhaL you hope Lo achleve ln Lhe fuLure 1helr goal ls Lo be Lhe number one Leam. ooo
7.1 80 2A vocabulary have a natura| ta|ent v phr Lo be born wlLh a parLlcular ablllLy or sklll !ane has a naLural LalenL for palnLlng. cu uotko o\cvo
7.1 80 2A vocabulary have the chance v phr Lo be ln a Llme or slLuaLlon whlch you can use Lo do someLhlng
LhaL you wanL Lo do
Pave you ever had Lhe chance Lo appear on 1v? cu qv cukotpto
7.1 80 2A vocabulary have the opportun|ty v phr Lo be ln a Llme or slLuaLlon whlch you can use Lo do someLhlng
LhaL you wanL Lo do
l'd love Lo have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo meeL a celebrlLy! cu qv cukotpto
7.1 80 2A vocabulary pract|se v Lo do someLhlng a loL or regularly ln order Lo lmprove your sklll 1oday ln my drlvlng lesson l pracLlsed parklng. cookouot
7.1 80 2A vocabulary regu|ar|y adv ofLen now LhaL he's reLlred, he plays golf regularly. oktk
7.1 80 2A vocabulary work hard v phr Lo make a loL of efforL Lo achleve a goal !on really wanLs Lo work as cabln crew, so he's worklng hard
aL hls forelgn languages.
ou\cuu ok\qp
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7.1 80 28 vocabulary |mprove v Lo become beLLer, or Lo make someLhlng beLLer Per erman ls lmprovlng. c\tuvoot
7.1 80 28 vocabulary ob[ect|ve n have an ob[ecLlve someLhlng LhaL you are worklng hard Lo achleve Cur maln ob[ecLlve ls Lo ralse money. ovtkctcvtko okono,
7.1 81 3A LlsLenlng factor n one of several Lhlngs LhaL lnfluence or cause a slLuaLlon vacclnaLlon ls an lmporLanL facLor ln lmprovlng Lhe naLlons
7.1 81 3A LlsLenlng obv|ous ad[ easy Lo noLlce or undersLand Ch, come on - lL's obvlous she's pregnanL! ovcpo
7.1 81 3C LlsLenlng have one th|ng |n common v phr Lo share an lnLeresL or ldea wlLh someone We have one Lhlng ln common we boLh llke flshlng. cu kt kotvo
7.1 81 4A LlsLenlng master v masLer Lhelr crafL Lo learn a sub[ecL or sklll very well l never masLered Lhe vlolln. o0otvu c\cto
7.1 81 4A LlsLenlng craft n a skllled acLlvlLy ln whlch you make someLhlng uslng your hands l'd llke Lo Lry a LradlLlonal counLry crafL such as poLLery or
7.1 81 4A LlsLenlng fortunate ad[ lucky We were very forLunaLe Lo geL LlckeLs for Lhelr lasL show! ucpo
7.1 81 4A LlsLenlng event n someLhlng LhaL happens, especlally someLhlng lmporLanL,
lnLeresLlng, or unusual
Pave you ever been Lo a blg llve muslc evenL? ckq\uoq, ycyovo
7.1 81 4A LlsLenlng programm|ng v compuLer programmlng Lo glve a seL of lnsLrucLlons Lo a compuLer Lo make lL do
l'm Lhlnklng of dolng a course ln compuLer programmlng. npoypoot(u
7.1 81 4A LlsLenlng tu|t|on n Leachlng, especlally ln small groups l had prlvaLe LulLlon ln Lngllsh when l llved ln Lhe uS. tooko\to
7.1 82 9A vocabulary lus have a ta|ent for v phr Lo have an unusual amounL of sklll ln a parLlcular area eLer seems Lo have a LalenL for maklng money! cu o\cvo oc
7.1 82 9A vocabulary lus have a |ot |n common w|th v phr Lo share a number of lnLeresLs or ldeas wlLh someone 1he reason my glrlfrlend and l geL on so well ls LhaL we have a
loL ln common wlLh each oLher.
cu no\\ kotv c
7.1 82 9A vocabulary lus have access to v phr Lo have Lhe rlghL Lo enLer a place, use someLhlng, see someone,
uo you have access Lo Lhe lnLerneL aL home? cu npooooq oc
7.1 82 9A vocabulary lus be wor|d-c|ass at v phr Lo be one of Lhe besL people ln Lhe world aL whaL you do My slsLer's boyfrlend ls world-class aL rowlng - he's
compeLlng ln Lhe Clymplcs nexL year!
ctot noykooto k\oq
7.1 82 9A vocabulary lus p|ck up on phr v lL plcks up on Lhe dlfflculLles
people have
Lo show or noLlce someLhlng 1he fllm plcks up on Lhe dlfflculLles people experlenced
durlng Lhe war.
nopoqpu, npoocu
7.1 83 2A vocabulary have a |ot of ab|||ty v phr Lo be very skllled She has a loL of ablllLy as a dancer. l Lhlnk she could become a
ctot no\u tkovo
7.1 83 2A vocabulary have an apt|tude for v phr Lo have a naLural ablllLy Pe has an apLlLude for maLhs. cu k\toq oc
7.1 83 2A vocabulary be an expert at v phr Lo have a speclal sklll or speclal knowledge of a sub[ecL, galned
as a resulL of Lralnlng or experlence
Mary's an experL aL salsa danclng - she's been dolng lL for
ctot ctko oc
7.1 83 2A vocabulary be g|fted at v phr Lo have a naLural ablllLy 1erry's very glfLed aL sculpLure. cu ptoo
7.1 83 2A vocabulary sk||fu| ad[ good aL dolng someLhlng LhaL you have learned and pracLlsed Pe's a really skllful phoLographer. cntcto
7.1 83 2A vocabulary ta|ented ad[ havlng a naLural ablllLy Lo do someLhlng well uonna's a LalenLed muslclan. o\ovouo
7.1 83 2A vocabulary exh|b|t|on n a publlc show where people can go and see palnLlngs,
phoLographs, eLc.
Would you llke Lo go and see an exhlblLlon of hlsLorlcal
phoLographs Lhls weekend?
7.1 83 2A vocabulary profess|ona| n someone who earns money by dolng a [ob, sporL, or acLlvlLy
LhaL many oLher people do [usL for fun
Would you llke Lo be a Lennls professlonal? cnoyyc\oto
7.1 83 2A vocabulary formu|a n maLhemaLlcal formulas a meLhod or seL of prlnclples LhaL you use Lo solve a problem or
Lo make sure LhaL someLhlng ls successful
l can'L remember one maLhemaLlcal formula l learnL ln school
- l'm hopeless!
7.2 83 4A 8eadlng s|t st||| v phr Lo slL down and noL move 1he chlldren were so exclLed abouL Lhe Lrlp LhaL Lhey couldn'L
slL sLlll for more Lhan a second!
k0oot oktvqo
7.2 83 4A 8eadlng d|agnose v Lo flnd ouL whaL lllness a person has She was dlagnosed wlLh breasL cancer. kvu tyvuoq
7.2 83 4A 8eadlng aut|st|c n havlng a menLal condlLlon LhaL makes lL hard for someone Lo
undersLand oLher people and form relaLlonshlps
Shelly's an auLlsLlc chlld. outotko
7.2 83 4A 8eadlng eye for deta|| n phr Lo be skllled aL noLlclng Lhlngs 8ob's a greaL archlLecL because he's really goL an eye for
npoooq oq \cnocpcto
7.2 83 4A 8eadlng pub||sh v Lo prlnL a book, magazlne, eLc. and offer lL for sale 1he book was publlshed ln 1968. cktu
7.2 83 4A 8eadlng r|de n go on a hellcopLer rlde a Lrlp ln a car, bus, eLc., or on a blcycle or horse We wenL for a rlde ln hls new car. o\o
7.2 83 4A 8eadlng serv|ce n award for servlces Lo arL Lhe offlclal sysLem or organlsaLlon LhaL provldes someLhlng,
especlally someLhlng LhaL everyone needs
She works for Lhe healLh servlce. unqpcoto
7.2 83 4A 8eadlng outstand|ng ad[ excellenL and lmpresslve lL was an ouLsLandlng performance by boLh Leams. cotpctko
7.2 84 6 rammar stoo| n slL on Lhe sLool a seaL wlLh Lhree or four legs buL no back or arms l've [usL boughL some new sLools for Lhe klLchen. okovt
7.2 84 6 rammar extraord|nary ad[ very unusual, surprlslng, or speclal lL's exLraordlnary LhaL he dldn'L Lell you. oouvq0q, ckn\qktko
7.2 84 6 rammar ma[or ad[ very large, serlous, or lmporLanL 1rafflc ls a ma[or problem. ct(uv, oqovtko
7.2 8 10A Learn Lo sa|es rep n someone who Lravels around, usually wlLhln a parLlcular area,
selllng Lhelr company's producLs
l worked as a sales rep for Len years before worklng here. ovtnpoouno nu\qocuv
7.2 8 11 A Learn Lo strategy n a plan used Lo achleve someLhlng uo you use any speclal sLraLegles Lo remember Lhlngs? opoqytkq
7.2 8 9A Learn Lo abbrev|at|on n a shorLer form of a word ur ls Lhe wrlLLen abbrevlaLlon for uocLor. ouvooypoto
7.2 8 9A Learn Lo represent v a symbol represenLs Lo speak and do Lhlngs for someone else because Lhey have
asked you Lo
Cralg hlred a lawyer Lo represenL hlm. cknpoounu
7.2 8 9A Learn Lo head|ng n glve Lhe arLlcle a headlng Lhe LlLle aL Lhe Lop of a plece of wrlLlng 8ead Lhe headlng and Lell me whaL you Lhlnk Lhe arLlcle ls
7.2 8 9A Learn Lo subhead|ng n a shorL phrase used as a LlLle for a small parL wlLhln a longer
plece of wrlLlng
MaLch Lhe subheadlngs Lo Lhe correcL paragraph. unot\o
7.2 8 9A Learn Lo h|gh||ghted ad[ hlghllghL Lhe lmporLanL lnfo when LexL ls made Lo appear more obvlous by coverlng lL wlLh a
brlghLer LransparenL colour
l've hlghllghLed Lhe blLs l need Lo remember for Lhe exam. unoypot(u, ovt(u
7.2 161 4A 8eadlng ca|cu|ate v Lo flnd ouL how much someLhlng wlll cosL, how long someLhlng
wlll Lake, eLc., by uslng numbers
l'm Lrylng Lo calculaLe how much palnL we need Lo decoraLe
Lhe klLchen.
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Speakout Pre-Intermediate Worldlist Page 22
7.2 161 4A 8eadlng t|e v Lle your shoelaces Lo fasLen someLhlng by maklng a knoL ln a plece of sLrlng, rope,
1le Lhls label Lo your sulLcase. cvu
7.2 161 4A 8eadlng shoe |ace n a sLrlng LhaL ls pulled Lhrough speclal holes ln shoes or cloLhlng
Lo pull Lhe edges LogeLher and fasLen Lhem
AL whaL age dld you learn Lo Lle your shoe laces? kopovt nonouotou
7.2 161 4A 8eadlng |ncred|b|e ad[ exLremely good, large, or greaL 1he vlew from our hoLel room was lncredlble. ontocuo
7.2 161 4A 8eadlng shape n dlfferenL shapes and colours Lhe form LhaL someLhlng has, for example round, square, eLc. WhaL shape ls LhaL Lable? oqo
7.2 161 4A 8eadlng extreme|y adv more Lhan very l'm exLremely sorry. uncpo\tk
7.2 161 4A 8eadlng ca|cu|at|on n maLhemaLlcal calculaLlons when you use numbers Lo flnd ouL an amounL, prlce, eLc. 1ry and solve Lhls slmple maLhemaLlcal calculaLlon. uno\oytoo
7.2 161 4A 8eadlng rec|te v Lo say someLhlng LhaL you have learned, for example a poem or
llsL of facLs
She reclLed a poem LhaL she had learnL aL school. onoyyc\u
7.2 161 4A 8eadlng p| n pl 3.14 a number LhaL ls represenLed by Lhe reek leLLer n and ls
equal Lo Lhe dlsLance around a clrcle, dlvlded by lLs wldLh
1he calculaLlon of n was revoluLlonlzed by Lhe developmenL
of lnflnlLe serles Lechnlques.
q o0qotkq oo0cp n
7.2 161 4A 8eadlng porr|dge n oaLs LhaL are cooked ln mllk or waLer and eaLen hoL for
l eaL porrldge for breakfasL ln Lhe wlnLer Lo warm me up. u\o
7.2 161 4A 8eadlng pebb|e n a small smooLh sLone LhaL you flnd ln a rlver or on a beach 1he beach was covered wlLh smooLh whlLe pebbles. ooo\o
7.3 86 18 vocabulary therap|st n someone who LreaLs people wlLh ln[urles or psychologlcal
problems uslng dlfferenL Lypes of Lherapy
She's been seelng a LheraplsL Lo help her geL over Lhe deaLh
of her chlld.
7.3 86 18 vocabulary hypnotherapy n Lhe use of hypnosls Lo LreaL emoLlonal or physlcal problems l don'L belleve ln hypnoLherapy. unvo0cponcto
7.3 86 18 vocabulary CV n currlculum vlLae a llsL of your educaLlon and prevlous [obs,
whlch you send Lo employers when you are looklng for a [ob
lf you wanL Lo apply for Lhls [ob, please send us your Cv,
references and a coverlng leLLer.
toypotko oqctuo
7.3 86 18 vocabulary backwards adv ln Lhe dlrecLlon LhaL ls behlnd you l don'L llke slLLlng backwards on Lralns - lL makes me feel slck. ovnoo, npo o ntou
7.3 86 2A vocabulary cert|f|cate n an offlclal documenL LhaL shows someLhlng ls Lrue or correcL uo you know anyone wlLh a cerLlflcaLe ln flrsL ald? ntoonotqtko
7.3 86 2A vocabulary dr|v|ng ||cence n an offlclal card LhaL says LhaL you are legally allowed Lo drlve a
uld you know you can use your drlvlng llcence as
ldenLlflcaLlon ln a pub?
cto oqyqoq
7.3 86 2A vocabulary ||cence n an offlclal documenL LhaL glves you permlsslon Lo do or own
uo you know anyone wlLh a plloL's llcence? cto
7.3 86 2A vocabulary d|stance |earn|ng n a meLhod of sLudy LhaL lnvolves worklng aL home and sendlng
your work Lo your Leacher
l'm sLudylng for a dlsLance-learnlng quallflcaLlon ln creaLlve
cknotcuoq c
7.3 86 2A vocabulary apprent|cesh|p n Lhe [ob of belng an apprenLlce, or Lhe perlod of Llme ln whlch
you are an apprenLlce
Pe's servlng an apprenLlceshlp as a prlnLer. o0qcto
7.3 86 2A vocabulary tra|n|ng n do Lralnlng for a [ob Lhe process of Leachlng or learnlng Lhe skllls for a parLlcular [ob
or acLlvlLy
We all recelved Lralnlng ln flrsL ald. cknotcuoq
7.3 86 2A vocabulary degree n unlverslLy degree course of sLudy aL a unlverslLy or college, or Lhe quallflcaLlon
LhaL ls glven Lo you when you have successfully compleLed Lhe
WhaL dld you sLudy for your degree? nuto
7.3 86 2A vocabulary MA n a unlverslLy degree ln a sub[ecL such as hlsLory, languages, or
Lngllsh llLeraLure LhaL you can geL afLer your flrsL degree
She's sLudylng for an MA ln markeLlng. ocp
7.3 86 2A vocabulary hD n a unlverslLy degree of a very hlgh level, whlch lnvolves dolng
advanced research, or a person who has Lhls degree
8lll's goL a hu ln psychlaLry. tokoptko
7.3 87 luncLlon academ|c ad[ relaLlng Lo educaLlon, especlally ln a college or unlverslLy MosL arLlsLs and muslclans don'L have many academlc
7.3 87 luncLlon suffer v suffered from depresslon Lo experlence physlcal or emoLlonal paln She's sufferlng a loL afLer her car accldenL. unocpu
7.3 87 luncLlon depress|on n a feellng of greaL sadness, or a medlcal condlLlon LhaL makes
you have Lhls feellng
1he paLlenL ls sufferlng from depresslon. ko0\tq
7.3 87 6 Learn Lo hav|ng sa|d that phr used when you are addlng a dlfferenL oplnlon Lo Lhe one you
have [usL expressed
1hls lsn'L really a brllllanL movle, buL havlng sald LhaL, Lhe klds
should en[oy lL.
nop' o\o ou
7.3 87 8A Speaklng gu|de n Lour guldes omeone whose [ob ls Lo Lake LourlsLs Lo a place and show Lhem
Pave you ever consldered becomlng a Lour gulde? cvoyo
7.3 87 8A Speaklng eco-tour n a shorL Lrlp Lhrough a place Lo see lL and learn abouL lLs
envlronmenLal lssues
We're golng on an eco-Lour when we vlslL 1he ambla nexL
otko\oytkq ckpoq
7.3 87 8A Speaklng cru|se sh|p n a large shlp wlLh resLauranLs, bars, eLc. LhaL people have
holldays on
We geL a loL of crulse shlps sLopplng ln our porL. kpouo(tcpon\oto
7.3 87 8A Speaklng durat|on n Lhe lengLh of Llme LhaL someLhlng conLlnues Pe slepL for Lhe duraLlon of Lhe [ourney. tpkcto
7.3 87 8A Speaklng |and management n Lhe acLlvlLy of conLrolllng a parLlcular area of ground l've goL a degree ln land managemenL. toctptoq yotuv
7.3 87 88 Speaklng cu|ture n Lhe ldeas, way of llfe, LradlLlons, eLc. of a parLlcular socleLy ou have Lo spend Llme ln a counLry Lo undersLand lLs culLure. no\ttoo
7.3 87 88 Speaklng sa|||ng n l llke salllng Lhe acLlvlLy of salllng ln boaLs 1hey've lnvlLed us Lo go salllng Lhls weekend. toton\oo
7.3 87 88 Speaklng mar|ne b|o|ogy n Lhe sLudy of creaLures LhaL llve ln Lhe ocean uld you en[oy sLudylng marlne blology? 0o\ooto to\oyto
7.3 87 88 Speaklng f|tness n physlcal flLness when you are healLhy and sLrong enough Lo play sporLs or do
physlcal work
WlLh all Lhe [unk food you eaL, do you ever worry abouL your
physlcal flLness?
uotkq kooooq
7.3 87 88 Speaklng scuba d|v|ng n Lhe sporL of swlmmlng under waLer uslng a conLalner of alr on
your back Lo help you breaLhe
l'd love Lo go scuba dlvlng on Lhe reaL 8arrler 8eef. unoputo kouoq
7.4 88 1 uvu prevlew attempt v aLLempLed Lo wln Lo Lry Lo do someLhlng, especlally someLhlng dlfflculL 1he second quesLlon was so dlfflculL l dldn'L even aLLempL lL. cntctpu
7.4 88 2A uvu revlew water sk| v a sporL ln whlch you skl over waLer whlle belng pulled by a boaL 1hls hoLel looks greaL - Lhey have waLer skllng classes every
0o\ooto okt
7.4 88 2A uvu revlew tough ad[ Lough challenge dlfflculL or lnvolvlng problems 1ough declslons wlll have Lo be made. ok\qpo, uoko\o
7.4 88 2A uvu revlew cross|ng n Lhe crosslng of Lhe Lngllsh
Lhe acL of Lravelllng from one slde of a plece of waLer or land Lo
Pow long ls Lhe ferry crosslng from 1arlfa Lo 1anglers? tn\ou
(c) Pearson Education
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7.4 88 4A uvu vlew d|g |n phr v be more deLermlned Lo show deLermlnaLlon Lo do someLhlng dlfflculL Lven Lhough Lhe maraLhon was exLremely dlfflculL, l knew l
had Lo dlg ln and geL Lo Lhe flnlsh llne.
npoono0u ok\qp
7.4 88 4A uvu vlew freez|ng ad[ exLremely cold lL's freezlng ln here! noyucvo
7.4 88 4A uvu vlew remarkab|e ad[ excellenL and unusual Landlng on Lhe moon was a remarkable achlevemenL for Lhe
uS asLronauLs.
7.4 88 4A uvu vlew operate v she'll be operaLlng ln sub-zero
Lo work, or Lo make someLhlng work uo you have experlence operaLlng Lhls machlnery? ctpt(oot
7.4 88 4A uvu vlew sub-zero ad[ below zero ln LemperaLure 1he explorers had Lo deal wlLh sub-zero LemperaLures ln Lhe
uno o qcv
7.4 88 4A uvu vlew temperature n how hoL or cold someLhlng ls WhaL's Lhe average waLer LemperaLure ln Lhe Carlbbean aL
Lhls Llme of year?
7.4 89 C SpeakouL techn|que n a speclal sklll or way of dolng someLhlng uo you have a speclal Lechnlque for maklng such dellclous
7.4 89 6A WrlLeback enro| v lf you enrol aL a college, unlverslLy, eLc., or Lhe college, eLc.
enrols you, you offlclally arrange Lo [oln a course Lhere
l enrolled on Lhe wlne-LasLlng course sLarLlng Lhls 1hursday
7.4 89 6A WrlLeback treasure v Lreasured Lhelr naLlonal
Lo keep and care for someLhlng LhaL ls very speclal or lmporLanL 8ob Lreasured Lhe gold pockeL waLch LhaL hls grandfaLher had
glven hlm.
u\u oov 0qooupo
7. 90 3 staffroom n Leachers' sLaffroom a room for Leachers ln a school Were you ever senL Lo Lhe sLaffroom when you were naughLy
aL school?
ot0ouoo npoountkou
7. 90 1A se|dom adv noL very ofLen Pe seldom goes ouL aL weekends. onovtu
7. 90 2A rehearsa| n a Llme when all Lhe people ln a play, concerL, eLc. pracLlse lL
before glvlng a publlc performance
Are you golng Lo Lhe rehearsals for 8omeo and !ulleL? npoo
7. 90 2A rec|pe n a seL of lnsLrucLlons LhaL Lell you how Lo cook someLhlng ou musL glve me your reclpe for chocolaLe cake! ouvoyq
8.1 92 2A vocabulary nu|sance n someone or someLhlng LhaL annoys you or causes problems Sorry Lo be a nulsance, buL could l use your phone? cvo\qoq
8.1 92 2A vocabulary ask a favour v phr Lo requesL LhaL someone do someLhlng Lo help you Can l ask you a favour? Would you help me wlLh my maLhs
homework, please?
(qu to pq
8.1 92 2A vocabulary do a favour v phr Lo do someLhlng Lo help someone l always used Lo do favours for my grandparenLs when Lhey
were allve.
kvu to pq
8.1 92 2A vocabulary get to know v phr Lo become famlllar wlLh a person and dlscover whaL Lhelr
personallLy ls llke
My husband seems really grumpy aL flrsL, buL once you geL Lo
know hlm, he's a very nlce man.
8.1 92 2A vocabulary get on your nerves v phr when someLhlng annoys or lrrlLaLes you lL really geLs on my nerves when people eaL nolslly! ou onct o vcupo
8.1 92 2A vocabulary |nv|te over v phr Lo ask someone Lo come Lo your house Mlke and llene have lnvlLed us over for a cup of Lea Lhls
8.1 92 2A vocabulary keep yourse|f to yourse|f v phr Lo acL ln a prlvaLe way and noL aLLempL Lo lnLeracL wlLh oLher
l don'L know anyLhlng abouL my nelghbour - he keeps hlmself
Lo hlmself.
ctot okotvuvqo
8.1 92 2A vocabulary make fr|ends w|th v phr Lo become frlends wlLh someone Pave you made frlends wlLh many people slnce you moved
kvu t\ou
8.1 92 2A vocabulary m|nd your own bus|ness v phr Lo noL geL lnvolved ln slLuaLlons LhaL do noL concern you l never llsLen Lo people gosslplng - l prefer Lo mlnd my own
kotu q ou\ct ou
8.1 92 38 8eadlng exchange v exchange a few words Lo glve, send, or say someLhlng Lo someone who glves, sends,
or says someLhlng Lo you
1he Lwo armles exchanged prlsoners. ovo\oou
8.1 92 38 8eadlng regard|ess of adv wlLhouL belng affecLed or lnfluenced by someLhlng l'm golng Lo do lL, regardless of whaL you say. ovcpqo ono
8.1 92 38 8eadlng rura| ad[ relaLlng Lo or happenlng ln Lhe counLry raLher Lhan ln Lhe clLy WhaL are Lhe advanLages and dlsadvanLages of rural llfe? oypotko
8.1 92 38 8eadlng f|gure n flgurenumber a number represenLlng an amounL, especlally an offlclal
1he laLesL unemploymenL flgures are exLremely worrylng. opt0o
8.1 92 38 8eadlng drop v Lhe flgure drops Lo 30 Lo decrease ln number or value Car sales Lhls year have dropped Lo an all-Llme low. ncu, ctuvoot
8.1 92 38 8eadlng we||-off ad[ falrly rlch Per famlly are qulLe well-off. cukoooo
8.1 93 10A vocabulary lus car park n an area or bulldlng where people can park Lhelr cars uo you have Lo pay Lo use Lhe car park? upo o0cuoq
ouoktvquv, npktvyk
8.1 93 10A vocabulary lus car renta| n Lhe acL of paylng money Lo borrow a car from a company uo you know how much car renLal from Lhe alrporL cosLs? cvotktooq ouoktvqou
8.1 93 10A vocabulary lus c|ty centre n Lhe maln shopplng or buslness area ln a clLy We llve [usL ouLslde Lhe clLy cenLre. o kcvpo q no\q
8.1 93 10A vocabulary lus duty-free shop n a shop ln an alrporL or on a shlp LhaL sells alcohol, clgareLLes,
eLc. wlLhouL Lhe Lax LhaL you have Lo pay lf you buy Lhem ln a
Can you buy me a boLLle of whlsky from Lhe duLy-free shop ln
Lhe alrporL, please?
oopo\oyquv npoovuv
8.1 93 10A vocabulary lus g|ft shop n a shop LhaL sells small Lhlngs LhaL are sulLable for glvlng as
l never buy anyLhlng from glfL shops when l'm on hollday -
Lhey're so expenslve!
kooqo c ctq upuv
8.1 93 10A vocabulary lus hous|ng zone n an area where a loL of houses have been bullL 1haL new houslng zone has desLroyed a loL of anlmals'
otktotkq (uvq
8.1 93 10A vocabulary lus |ndustr|a| zone n an area where Lhere ls a loL of lndusLry 1helr new offlce ls ln Lhe lndusLrlal zone Lo Lhe wesL of Lhe
clLy cenLre.
toqovtkq (uvq
8.1 93 10A vocabulary lus |anguage schoo| n a place where you go Lo learn a forelgn language. l've [usL enrolled for Swahlll classes aL Lhe language school
round Lhe corner from where l work.
oo\q cvuv y\uoouv
8.1 93 10A vocabulary lus one-way street n a road down whlch you can only drlve ln one dlrecLlon 8e careful Lhe pollce don'L caLch you drlvlng down a one-way
8.1 93 10A vocabulary lus outdoor market n a place ln Lhe open alr whlch has loLs of sLalls from whlch you
can buy fresh frulL, vegeLables, meaL, flsh and oLher Lhlngs
1he ouLdoor markeL ls every Sunday, and ls open from 6a.m.
Lo 2p.m.
unot0pto oyop
8.1 93 10A vocabulary lus pr|mary schoo| n a school ln Lngland and Wales for chlldren beLween and 11
years old
Whlch prlmary school dld you go Lo? qotko oo\cto
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Speakout Pre-Intermediate Worldlist Page 24
8.1 93 10A vocabulary lus sem|-detached house n a house whlch ls [olned Lo anoLher house We used Lo llve ln a seml-deLached house when l was a chlld. ontt ptuv npooocuv
8.1 93 10A vocabulary lus shopp|ng centre n a group of shops LogeLher ln one area WhaL do you Lhlnk of Lhe new shopplng cenLre Lhey're
bulldlng nexL Lo Lhe lndusLrlal zone?
cnoptko kcvpo
8.1 93 10A vocabulary lus shopp|ng ma|| n Lhe Amerlcan Lerm for a shopplng cenLre uoes your clLy have a shopplng mall? cnoptko kcvpo
8.1 93 10A vocabulary lus sports centre n a bulldlng where you can do dlfferenL sporLs l've [usL enrolled ln yoga classes aL Lhe sporLs cenLre. o0\qtko kcvpo
8.1 93 10A vocabulary lus supermarket n a very large shop LhaL sells food, drlnks, and Lhlngs LhaL people
need regularly ln Lhelr homes
l'm golng Lo Lhe supermarkeL. uo you need anyLhlng? uncpoyop, oouncp
8.1 93 10A vocabulary lus terraced house n a house LhaL ls one of a row of houses [olned LogeLher Llvlng ln a Lerraced house can be very nolsy. ontt oc ouvcc ouoqo
8.1 93 10A vocabulary lus traff|c [am n a long llne of vehlcles on Lhe road LhaL cannoL move, or LhaL
move very slowly
We were sLuck ln a Lrafflc [am for hours. not\tptoo
8.1 93 10A vocabulary lus traff|c ||ghts n a seL of red, yellow, and green llghLs LhaL conLrol Lhe movemenL
of Lrafflc
My house ls [usL afLer Lhe Lrafflc llghLs, on Lhe lefL. ovpto
8.1 93 38 8eadlng provoke v Lo cause a reacLlon or feellng lf you provoke my dog, he'll probably blLe you. npoko\u
8.1 93 38 8eadlng remark n hls flrsL remark was someLhlng LhaL you say Lo express your oplnlon Carl made an unklnd remark abouL her halr. oo\to, nopoqpqoq
8.1 93 38 8eadlng reassure v Lo make someone feel less worrled abouL someLhlng ollce have reassured Lhe publlc LhaL Lhe area ls now
perfecLly safe.
8.1 93 38 8eadlng b|ock of f|ats n block of flaLs a bulldlng conLalnlng a loL of separaLe aparLmenLs WhaL do you Lhlnk of LhaL new block of flaLs Lhey're bulldlng
nexL Lo Lhe rlver?
8.1 93 38 8eadlng ass|stance n help Can l glve you some asslsLance? oq0cto
8.1 93 38 8eadlng rescue v Lo save someone from harm or danger Pe rescued Lwo people from Lhe flre. toou(u
8.1 93 6 rammar terror|se v Lo dellberaLely frlghLen people by LhreaLenlng Lo harm Lhem,
especlally so Lhey wlll do whaL you wanL
Many people have been Lerrorlsed lnLo leavlng Lhelr homes
by Lhe army.
8.1 93 6 rammar go|df|sh n a small orange flsh ofLen kepL as a peL When l wenL Lo Lhe falr lasL weekend, l won a goldflsh from a
8.1 93 6 rammar chef n a skllled cook, especlally Lhe mosL lmporLanL cook ln a
My broLher ls Lralnlng as a chef. optyctpo
8.1 93 6 rammar gratefu| ad[ feellng or showlng Lhanks Mona was very graLeful Lo eLer for hls advlce. cuyvuuv
8.1 93 8A rammar feed v Lo glve food Lo a person or anlmal Pave you fed Lhe caLs? o(u
8.1 93 8A rammar severa| quanLlfler more Lhan a few, buL noL a loL l called her several Llmes buL she dldn'L answer. no\\ot, opkcot
8.1 94 11A Speaklng essent|a| ad[ lmporLanL and necessary A balanced dleL ls essenLlal for good healLh. onopotqo, ouotuq
8.1 94 11A Speaklng graff|t| n wrlLlng and plcLures LhaL are drawn lllegally on Lhe walls of
bulldlngs, Lralns, eLc.
uo you have a problem wlLh grafflLl where you llve? ykptt
8.1 94 118 Speaklng traff|c congest|on n when Lhere are a loL of vehlcles movlng slowy or noL aL all
along a road
1he bad weaLher ls causlng serlous Lrafflc congesLlon. kuk\ooptokq
8.1 94 9A vocabulary lus ma|n road n a large and lmporLanL road We llve [usL off Lhe maln road. kupto poo
8.1 94 9A vocabulary lus pub||c ad[ publlc swlmmlng pool relaLlng Lo Lhe ordlnary people ln a counLry ubllc oplnlon ls ln favour of Lhe war. qooto, kotvo
8.1 94 9A vocabulary lus w|ndow shopp|ng n when you look aL goods ln shop wlndows wlLhouL lnLendlng Lo
buy Lhem
Wlndow shopplng ls a cheap alLernaLlve Lo real shopplng! o vo o(cuct t optvc
8.2 9 1A vocabulary factua| ad[ based on or relaLlng Lo facLs WhaL's Lhe besL webslLe Lo geL accuraLe facLual lnformaLlon
8.2 9 28 LlsLenlng co|ony n an arLlsLs' colony a counLry or area LhaL ls conLrolled or llved ln by a parLlcular
group of people
Algerla was formerly a lrench colony. onotkto
8.2 9 28 LlsLenlng |oya| ad[ loyal readers always supporLlng your frlends, bellefs, counLry, eLc. uogs are very loyal anlmals. ntoo
8.2 9 28 LlsLenlng soc|a| network|ng n Lhe use of Lhe lnLerneL Lo make lnformaLlon abouL yourself
avallable Lo oLher people, especlally people you share an
lnLeresL or connecLlon wlLh, and Lo send messages Lo Lhem
Are you a member of any soclal neLworklng webslLes? kotvuvtkq tkuuoq
8.2 96 4A rammar r|se n Lhe rlse of ou1ube an lncrease ln number, amounL, or value 1here has been a rlse ln Lhe amouL of organlsed crlme ln Lhe
lasL Lwelve monLhs.
8.2 96 4A rammar v|deo c||p n a shorL plece of vldeo Laken from a longer recordlng uo you ever waLch funny vldeo cllps on Lhe lnLerneL? tvco k\tn
8.2 96 4A rammar deve|opment n Lhe process of growlng, changlng, or becomlng beLLer vlLamlns are necessary for a chlld's growLh and developmenL. ovnuq
8.2 96 4A rammar techno|ogy-m|nded ad[ udes Lo descrlbe a person who has a naLural ablllLy Lo use
Lechnology or easlly undersLand Lechnologlcal Lhlngs
My mum ls really Lechnology-mlnded - she knows more abouL
Lhe lnLerneL Lhan l do!
ko\o c qv cvo\oyto
8.2 96 4A rammar ||nk n llnks Lo oLher slLes a relaLlonshlp or connecLlon beLween Lwo or more evenLs,
people, or ldeas
Lhe llnk beLween drug use and crlme ouvcoq, ocoq
8.2 96 4A rammar funct|on n Lhe purpose LhaL someLhlng has, or Lhe [ob LhaL someone does LlghLlng performs several funcLlons ln Lhe home. \ctoupyto
8.2 96 4A rammar comment on v commenL on Lhe vldeos Lo express an oplnlon abouL someone or someLhlng 1he pollLlclan sald he was unable Lo commenL on Lhe
8.2 96 4A rammar sense n sense of communlLy a feellng abouL someLhlng 1here was a greaL sense of sadness when Lhey heard Lhe
8.2 96 4A rammar post v posL vldeos, songs eLc Lo add a commenL, plcLure, vldeo, eLc. Lo a web page Pave you seen Lhe phoLos from new ear's Lve? l posLed
Lhem on my blog yesLerday.
8.2 96 4A rammar LCL (|augh out |oud) phr v an expresslon you Lype ln an emall, LexL message or lnLerneL
commenL Lo say someLhlng ls very funny
LCL Lhose plcLures are so funny! yc\u uvo
8.2 96 4A rammar |aunch n Lhe launch of a producL when a new producL, book, eLc. ls made avallable or made
1he new women's magazlne wll be launched Lomorrow. \ovopu, nopouot(u
(c) Pearson Education
Speakout Pre-Intermediate Worldlist Page 25
8.2 96 6A rammar phone app||cat|on n a compuLer program deslgned speclflcally for moblle phones l've goL a brllllanL app for my phone LhaL leLs me read e-
copoyq ktvqou
8.2 96 6A rammar subscr|ber n someone who recelves a regular servlce, newspapers,
magazlnes, emalls, eLc. elLher by paylng or for free
Pow many subscrlbers do you have Lo your weekly
8.2 96 7A rammar resource n a greaL resource for sLudenLs someLhlng LhaL a counLry, organlsaLlon, person, eLc. has LhaL
Lhey can use
1he lnLerneL ls a fanLasLlc lnformaLlon resource for sLudenLs. nopo
8.2 96 7A rammar dat|ng s|te n a webslLe whlch you subscrlbe Lo when you wanL Lo meeL
someone Lo have a romanLlc relaLlonshlp wlLh
My slsLer meL her parLner on a daLlng slLe. toooc\to yvupttuv
8.2 97 108 Learn Lo an|mat|on n Lhe slLe has Loo much
a serles of movlng lmages 1he slLe has Loo much anlmaLlon whlch makes lL very slow. ktvoucvo octo
8.2 97 108 Learn Lo up|oad v upload lnfo on Lhe neL Lo move lnformaLlon, a program, eLc. from a compuLer Lo a
compuLer neLwork so LhaL oLher people can see lL or use lL
uoes Lhls webslLe allow you Lo upload phoLos? ovc(u oo totkuo
8.2 97 108 Learn Lo content n Lhe conLenL comes from
Lhe lnformaLlon, LexL, lmages, eLc. on a webslLe or ln a book,
magazlne, eLc.
1he webslLe's conLenL comes from lLs users who upload
phoLos and vldeos.
8.2 97 108 Learn Lo user prof||e area n users can say who Lhey are a parL of a webslLe where subscrlbers can dlsplay personal
lnformaLlon abouL Lhemselves
1he slLe has user proflle areas, where users can say who Lhey
are and whaL Lhelr lnLeresLs are.
npot\ pqoq
8.2 97 8A Speaklng f|nd out phr v flnd ouL Lhe news Lo geL lnformaLlon abouL someLhlng or someone When l wanL Lo flnd someLhlng ouL qulckly, l oogle lL on my
ptoku, ovoko\unu
8.2 97 8A Speaklng |ook up phr v look up lnfo Lo Lry and flnd lnformaLlon ln a book or on Lhe lnLerneL When l flnd a new word, l look lL up ln a dlcLlonary Lo geL Lhe
ovo(qu, vu
8.2 97 9A WrlLlng recommend v Lo advlse someone Lo do someLhlng Lveryone l speak Lo recommends LhaL l read Lhls book! ouvtou
8.2 97 9A WrlLlng range n a range of sub[ecLs a group of Lhlngs LhaL are dlfferenL, buL belong Lo Lhe same
general Lype
Cur shop has a new range of cloLhes for Lhe sprlngsummer
yko, notkt\to
8.2 97 9A WrlLlng menu n Lhe slLe has a menu of
a llsL of Lhlngs on a compuLer screen whlch you can ask Lhe
compuLer Lo do
ou can chose from a range of dlfferenL llnks on Lhe menu. ko\oyo, cvou
8.2 97 9A WrlLlng category n a group of people or Lhlngs LhaL are all of Lhe same Lype Cur local llbrary has every caLegory of book LhaL you could
8.2 97 9A WrlLlng search eng|ne n a compuLer program LhaL helps you flnd lnformaLlon on Lhe
Whlch search englne do you use Lhe mosL? qovq ovo(qqoq
8.2 97 9A WrlLlng try out phr v Lo do or use someLhlng for a shorL whlle Lo dlscover lf lL ls
sulLable, successful, en[oyable, eLc.
My broLher-ln-law lenL me hls camera Lo Lry lL ouL. okt(u
8.3 98 1A vocabulary be my guest phr used Lo glve someone permlsslon Could l use your phone?' '8e my guesL!' c\cu0cpo, nopoko\u
8.3 98 1A vocabulary excuse the mess phr used Lo apologlse for your house, flaL, desk, eLc. noL belng Lldy Come ln! Lxcuse Lhe mess, l haven'L flnlshed unpacklng from
my hollday yeL!
ouyvuq yto qv
8.3 98 1A vocabulary have a seat phr used Lo lnvlLe someone Lo slL down Come ln and have a seaL. 1he docLor wlll call you when he's
8.3 98 1A vocabulary he|p yourse|f phr used Lo glve permlsslon for someone Lo use or Lake someLhlng
LhaL ls yours
lease help yourself Lo more Lea and blsculLs. npc ovo oou,
8.3 98 1A vocabulary make yourse|f at home phr used when wanL someone Lo feel relaxed ln your house SlL down and make yourself aL home. oov oo ontt oou
8.3 98 1A vocabulary put your feet up phr Lo relax, especlally by slLLlng wlLh your feeL supporLed on
ou've had a hard day - go and puL your feeL up! \c o noto oou q\
8.3 98 1A vocabulary perm|ss|on n lf you have permlsslon Lo do someLhlng, someone ln auLhorlLy
allows you Lo do lL
uld your faLher glve you permlsslon Lo use hls car? cto, cykptoq
8.3 98 2A luncLlon guest n guesLs aL your house someone who you lnvlLe Lo sLay ln your home or Lo go Lo an
Pow many guesLs are comlng Lo your parLy? ko\cocvo
8.3 98 2A luncLlon sens|t|ve ad[ a senslLlve person Lhlnks of how oLher people wlll feel abouL
1he reason she loves hlm ls because he's so senslLlve. cuoto0qo
8.3 98 2A luncLlon t|p n Llpsadvlce a helpful plece of advlce l'm a subscrlber Lo a webslLe whlch sends me weekly
phoLography Llps.
8.3 98 2A luncLlon forma| ad[ formal slLuaLlon sulLable for offlclal or serlous occaslons l only wear a sulL on formal occaslons. cntoqo
8.3 98 2A luncLlon empty-handed ad[ havlng noLhlng ou should never go Lo a parLy empLy-handed Lake a glfL for
Lhe hosL.
c cto cpto
8.3 98 2A luncLlon greet|ng n someLhlng you say or do when you meeL someone Shaklng hands ls Lhe Lyplcal greeLlng ln Lhe u. otpctoo
8.3 98 2A luncLlon t|t|e n donL use flrsL names, use
a name such as 'Slr' or 'rofessor', or abbrevlaLlons such as
'Mrs' or 'ur', LhaL are used before someone's name Lo show
Lhelr rank or professlon, wheLher Lhey are marrled, eLc.
Pls offlclal LlLle ls uocLor !ones, noL Mr !ones. t\o
8.3 98 2A luncLlon professor n a Leacher aL Lhe hlghesL level ln a unlverslLy deparLmenL My faLher was a professor of economlcs before he reLlred. ko0qyqq
8.3 98 2A luncLlon cha|rman n someone who ls ln charge of a meeLlng or commlLLee Who ls Lhe chalrman of 8rlLlsh Alrways? npocpo
8.3 99 6 luncLlon rea||se v for when apologlslng Lo know and undersLand someLhlng, or suddenly begln Lo
undersLand lL
l suddenly reallsed LhaL Lhe boy was crylng. ouvctqonotu
8.3 99 7A luncLlon take a ca|| v phr Lo answer your phone when lL rlngs ls lL C Lo Lake a personal call durlng a meeLlng? onovu oc to k\qoq
8.3 99 7A luncLlon da|ry ad[ dalry producLs made from mllk She's allerglc Lo dalry producLs. yo\okokotk
8.3 99 88 Learn Lo acc|denta||y adv done ln an unplanned or unlnLenLlonal way l accldenLally seL off Lhe flre alarm. ko \0o
8.3 99 88 Learn Lo r|p v rlpped on of Lhe pages Lo break or Lear someLhlng, or become broken or Lorn l rlpped Lhls adverL ouL of Lhe local newspaper for you. okt(u
8.3 99 9A Speaklng host fam||y n a famlly you sLay wlLh when you go abroad Lo sLudy or on an
My hosL famlly were horrlble and Lhelr house smelled of weL
otkoycvcto nou t\ocvct
8.4 100 1A uvu prevlew tr|be n a group of people of Lhe same race wlLh Lhe same language and
cusLoms, who usually llve LogeLher ln Lhe same area
Cne of Lhe mosL famous Lrlbes ls Lhe Masal of enya. u\q
(c) Pearson Education
Speakout Pre-Intermediate Worldlist Page 26
8.4 100 1A uvu prevlew |so|ated ad[ far away from oLher places l grew up an lsolaLed farm ln norLhern Lngland. onoovucvo
8.4 100 1A uvu prevlew remote ad[ far away from oLher places 1he Lrlbe llves ln a remoLe vlllage ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe
Amazon ralnforesL.
8.4 100 1A uvu prevlew trad|t|on n a cusLom, bellef, or way of dolng someLhlng LhaL has exlsLed for
a long Llme
1he people are very proud of Lhelr LradlLlons. nopooq
8.4 100 1A uvu prevlew custom n LradlLlons and cusLoms someLhlng LhaL people ln a parLlcular socleLy do because lL ls
She follows lslamlc cusLom by coverlng her halr. c0to
8.4 100 1A uvu prevlew b|nd v blnd Lhe people of Lhe
communlLy LogeLher
Lo form a sLrong emoLlonal or economlc connecLlon beLween
Lwo people, counLrles, eLc.
A Lrlbe's cusLoms help Lo blnd Lhem LogeLher. cvoot
8.4 100 1A uvu prevlew trad|t|ona| ad[ relaLlng Lo Lhe LradlLlons of a counLry or group of people My wlfe ls a masLer of LradlLlonal lLallan cooklng. nopoootoko
8.4 100 1A uvu prevlew race n eLhnlc race one of Lhe maln groups LhaL humans can be dlvlded lnLo
accordlng Lo Lhe colour of Lhelr skln and oLher physlcal feaLures
1he school welcomes chlldren of all races. u\q, ycvo
8.4 100 4 uvu vlew d|v|de v ls dlvlded amongsL lf someLhlng dlvldes, or lf you dlvlde lL, lL separaLes lnLo Lwo or
more parLs
1he Leacher dlvlded Lhe class lnLo groups. upt(u, totpu
8.4 100 4 uvu vlew amongst prep ln a parLlcular group of people or Lhlngs 1he declslon has caused a loL of anger amongsL women. cou
8.4 101 6A SpeakouL popu|at|on n Lhe number of people llvlng ln an area, a counLry, eLc. WhaL's Lhe populaLlon of 1okyo? n\q0uoo
8.4 101 6A SpeakouL g|oba| warm|ng n an lncrease ln world LemperaLures, caused by an lncrease ln
carbon dloxlde around Lhe LarLh
SclenLlsLs knew abouL global warmlng before Lhe resL of Lhe
uncp0cpovoq ou
8.4 101 6A SpeakouL rema|n v Lo sLay ln Lhe same place or condlLlon ln a few years, Lhere won'L be much ralnforesL remalnlng. onocvu
8.4 101 68 SpeakouL government n Lhe group of people who govern conLrol a counLry 1he overnmenL ls noL dolng enough Lo help Lhe
8.4 101 9A WrlLeback comb|ne v Lo [oln or mlx Lwo or more Lhlngs LogeLher l Lry noL Lo comblne my work and my personal llfe. ouvu(u, ovokocuu
8.4 101 9A WrlLeback env|ronmenta||y-fr|end|y ad[ noL causlng much or any damage Lo Lhe naLural envlronmenL SclenLlsLs say LhaL elecLrlc cars are more envlronmenLally
frlendly Lhan peLrol-powered ones.
t\tko npo o
8.4 101 9A WrlLeback construct|on n consLrucLlon of bulldlngs Lhe process of bulldlng someLhlng such as a house, brldge, or
Local resldenLs are agalnsL Lhe consLrucLlon of a new alrporL. koookcuq
8.4 101 9A WrlLeback hammock n a large plece of maLerlal used for sleeplng on LhaL hangs
beLween Lwo Lrees or poles
Pave you ever slepL ln a hammock? otupo
8. 102 2A storm n a perlod of very bad weaLher wlLh a loL of wlnd or raln 1here was a Lerrlble sLorm lasL nlghL. kootyto
8. 102 2A sway v Lhe shlp swayed Lo move slowly from one slde Lo anoLher 1he boxer swayed for a few seconds Lhen fell Lo Lhe floor. o\ovcuoot
8. 102 3A contr|bute v Lo glve money, help, ldeas, eLc. Lo someLhlng LhaL oLher people
are also lnvolved ln
Lveryone should conLrlbuLe 2 for hls blrLhday presenL. ouvctocpu
8. 102 4A vote on v Lo show by marklng a paper, ralslng your hand, eLc. whlch
person you wanL Lo elecL or wheLher you supporL a parLlcular
LeL's voLe on who's golng Lo dlscuss Lhe problem wlLh Lhe
8. 102 4A rush hour n Lhe Llme of day when Lhere ls a loL of Lrafflc because people are
golng Lo and from work
l goL caughL ln Lhe mornlng rush hour and was laLe for work. upo otq
8. 102 4A banker n bank manager someone who has an lmporLanL [ob ln a bank She used Lo be a banker, buL now she's a prlmary school
8. 102 6A nat|ona| anthem n a counLry's offlclal song WhaL's Lhe naLlonal anLhem of ScoLland? c0vtko uvo
9.1 104 18 vocabulary c|v|| r|ghts n Lhe rlghLs LhaL every person should have, such as Lhe rlghL Lo
voLe or Lo be LreaLed falrly by Lhe law, whaLever Lhelr sex, race,
or rellglon
Whlch do you Lhlnk are Lhe mosL lmporLanL clvll rlghLs? no\ttk tkotuoo
9.1 104 18 vocabulary foundat|on n Lhe foundaLlon of all
a baslc ldea, prlnclple, slLuaLlon, eLc. LhaL someLhlng develops
1he wheel ls Lhe foundaLlon of mosL LransporL. 0cc\to
9.1 104 18 vocabulary Industr|a| kevo|ut|on n Lhe perlod ln Lhe elghLeenLh and nlneLeenLh cenLurles ln
Lurope and Lhe uSA when machlnes were lnvenLed and Lhe
flrsL facLorles were esLabllshed
WhaL do you Lhlnk was Lhe mosL lmporLanL lnvenLlon of Lhe
lndusLrlal 8evoluLlon?
toqovtkq novoooq
9.1 104 18 vocabulary movement n lmporLanL movemenLs llke Lhe
Clvll 8lghLs MovemenL
a group of people who have Lhe same bellefs and work
LogeLher Lo achleve a parLlcular alm
uo you remember Lhe clvll rlghLs movemenL of Lhe 1960s? ktvqo
9.1 104 18 vocabulary progress n Lhe process of geLLlng beLLer aL dolng someLhlng, or geLLlng
closer Lo flnlshlng or achlevlng someLhlng
nlck has made a loL of progress aL school. npooo
9.1 104 18 vocabulary soc|a| [ust|ce n when everyone has all Lhe clvll rlghLs Lhey are enLlLled Lo eople wlll always campalgn for soclal [usLlce. kotvuvtkq tkotoouvq
9.1 104 18 vocabulary spread n Lhe spread of Lhe lnLerneL when someLhlng lncreases and affecLs a larger area or more
1he blggesL problem afLer a naLural dlsasLer ls Lhe spread of
9.1 104 18 vocabulary turn|ng po|nt n Lhe Llme when an lmporLanL change sLarLs Lo happen MeeLlng my husband was Lhe blggesL Lurnlng polnL ln my llfe. oqcto konq
9.1 104 1C vocabulary human r|ghts n Lhe baslc rlghLs LhaL everyone has Lo say whaL Lhey Lhlnk, voLe,
be LreaLed falrly, eLc.
Can you Lhlnk of any famous human rlghLs acLlvlsLs? ov0puntvo tkotuoo
9.1 104 1C vocabulary |ncrease v lf you lncrease someLhlng, or lf lL lncreases, lL becomes blgger
ln number, amounL, or degree
8egular exerclse lncreases your chances of llvlng longer. ouvu
9.1 104 2A 8eadlng |and|ng n Lhe Moon landlng Lhe acLlon of brlnglng a plane down Lo Lhe ground afLer flylng 1he plloL had Lo make an emergency landlng. npooyctuoq
9.1 104 2A 8eadlng cons|der v Lo Lhlnk abouL someLhlng carefully, especlally before maklng a
We're conslderlng havlng anoLher baby. okcoot, cc(u
9.1 10 28 8eadlng human n a person Pumans are closely relaLed Lo chlmpanzees. v0puno
9.1 10 28 8eadlng weak ad[ weak LeeLh noL physlcally sLrong or noL havlng much energy She's Loo weak Lo feed herself. ouvoo
9.1 10 28 8eadlng prote|n n a subsLance ln food such as meaL and eggs whlch helps your
body Lo grow and be healLhy
8ed meaL ls a good source of proLeln. npucvq
(c) Pearson Education
Speakout Pre-Intermediate Worldlist Page 27
9.1 10 28 8eadlng hunt|ng n hunLlng for food chaslng and kllllng anlmals for food or sporL uo you agree wlLh Lhe sporL of fox hunLlng? kuvqyt
9.1 10 28 8eadlng |mag|nat|on n Lhe ablllLy Lo form plcLures or ldeas ln your mlnd Chlldren Lend Lo have beLLer lmaglnaLlon Lhan adulLs. ovooto
9.1 10 28 8eadlng |mag|nat|ve ad[ good aL Lhlnklng of lnLeresLlng ldeas lL's one of Lhe mosL lmaglnaLlve books l've ever read. cuvooo
9.1 10 28 8eadlng memor|se v Lo learn words, muslc, eLc. so LhaL you know Lhem perfecLly AcLors have Lo be very good aL memorlslng Lhelr llnes. onovqovcuu
9.1 10 28 8eadlng |n verse prep phr wrlLe ln verse wrlLLen ln Lhe form of poeLry Some compllcaLed ldeas are easler Lo learn lf Lhey are wrlLLen
ln verse.
ccpo, oc otou
9.1 10 28 8eadlng ||teracy n Lhe ablllLy Lo read and wrlLe 1he level of adulL llLeracy ln Lhls counLry ls very hlgh. yvuoq ypoq kot
9.1 10 28 8eadlng educat|on n Lhe process of Leachlng and learnlng, usually aL school, college,
or unlverslLy
1he governmenL has promlsed Lo spend more on educaLlon. notcto
9.1 10 4A rammar defend v Lo proLecL someone or someLhlng from aLLack 1hls casLle was bullL Lo defend Lhe lsland agalnsL lnvaders. uncpoont(oot
9.1 10 4C rammar steameng|ne n a machlne LhaL pushes a vehlcle llke a sLeam Lraln uslng power
from heaLed waLer
Llfe would have been dlfferenL lf we hadn'L lnvenLed Lhe
sLeam englne.
9.1 10 A rammar v|rus n a seL of lnsLrucLlons secreLly puL onLo a compuLer or compuLer
program, whlch can desLroy lnformaLlon
lL's a good ldea Lo have anLl-vlrus sofLware lnsLalled on your
9.1 10 A rammar c|on|ng n Lhe acLlon of maklng an exacL copy of a planL or anlmal by
Laklng a cell from lL and developlng lL arLlflclally
uo you agree wlLh human clonlng? k\uvonotqoq
9.1 10 A rammar gene n a parL of a cell ln a llvlng Lhlng LhaL conLrols how lL develops.
arenLs pass genes on Lo Lhelr chlldren.
SLudylng genes ls a very exacL sclence. yovtto
9.1 10 A rammar form v form Lhe 8eaLles Lo sLarL an organlsaLlon, group or buslness 1he unlLed naLlons was formed ln 194. oqot(u, ouykpou
9.1 106 10A Learn Lo we|gh v Lo have a parLlcular welghL 1he baby welghs 12 pounds. (uyt(u
9.1 106 10A Learn Lo un||ke prep compleLely dlfferenL from anoLher person or Lhlng unllke me, she's very lnLelllgenL. oc ovt0coq c
9.1 106 10A Learn Lo watert|ght ad[ a waLerLlghL conLalner, roof, door, eLc. does noL allow waLer Lo
geL ln or ouL
Chlnese shlps had rooms whlch were waLerLlghL. ocyovo
9.1 106 8 WrlLlng proofread v Lo read someLhlng ln order Lo correcL mlsLakes ln lL She's [usL goL a proofreadlng [ob for a blg publlsher. top0uvu oktto
9.1 106 8 WrlLlng error n a mlsLake l made an error ln my calculaLlons and falled Lhe LesL! o\o, \0o
9.1 106 8 WrlLlng ana|yse v Lo examlne or Lhlnk abouL someLhlng carefully ln order Lo
undersLand lL
We're Lrylng Lo analyse whaL wenL wrong. ovo\uu
9.1 106 8 WrlLlng compare v lf you compare Lhlngs, you examlne Lhem ln order Lo flnd ouL
how Lhey are slmllar or dlfferenL
We wenL Lo dlfferenL shops Lo compare prlces. ouykptvu
9.1 106 8 WrlLlng argue v glve argumenLs Lo shouL and say angry Lhlngs Lo someone because you
dlsagree wlLh Lhem
We could hear Lhe nelghbours argulng. ton\qkt(oot,
9.1 106 8 WrlLlng sect|on n one of Lhe parLs LhaL someLhlng ls dlvlded lnLo Some secLlons of Lhe moLorway are very busy. qo
9.1 106 8 WrlLlng bra|nstorm v Lo Lhlnk of new ldeas and lnformaLlon. WlLh your parLner, bralnsLorm everyLhlng you know abouL
Lhe lndusLrlal 8evoluLlon.
okcoot kot ovo\oou
9.1 106 9 WrlLlng pr|nt|ng n prlnLlng was lnvenLed Lhe process of maklng a book, magazlne, eLc. uslng a machlne 1he lnvenLlon of prlnLlng was a Lurnlng polnL ln how humans
communlcaLed wlLh each oLher.
9.1 106 9 WrlLlng gunpowder n an exploslve subsLance used ln guns, bombs and flreworks ou should always be very careful when handllng gunpowder. nuptto
9.1 106 9 WrlLlng compass n use Lhe compass Lo flnd your
an lnsLrumenL LhaL shows Lhe dlrecLlon you are Lravelllng ln,
wlLh a needle LhaL always polnLs norLh
l've goL a compass app on my moblle phone. nuto
9.1 106 9 WrlLlng nav|gate v Lo declde whlch way a car or shlp should go, uslng maps l'll drlve - you Lake Lhe map and navlgaLe. ko0oqyu cou pq
9.1 106 9 WrlLlng exp|orat|on n Lravelllng around an area Lo flnd ouL whaL lL ls llke l'm absoluLely faclnaLed by space exploraLlon. ccpcuvqoq
9.1 106 9 WrlLlng trade n Lrade rouLes Lhe acLlvlLy of buylng and selllng goods, especlally from or Lo
anoLher counLry
1hey hope Lo lncrease Lrade wlLh Chlna. cnopto
9.1 106 9 WrlLlng westward adv Lowards Lhe wesL All wesLward fllghLs from ALlanLa alrporL have been cancelled. npo o utk
9.1 106 9 WrlLlng po||t|ca| ad[ relaLlng Lo Lhe governmenL, pollLlcs, and publlc affalrs of a
1he 1980s were a Llme of greaL pollLlcal change. no\ttko
9.1 106 9 WrlLlng r|ches n dlscover Lhe rlches of Lhe land a loL of money or valuable Lhlngs lraLes were always Lrylng Lo lncrease Lhelr rlches by
aLLacklng oLher shlps.
9.2 107 2A rammar cosmet|cs n creams, powders, eLc. LhaL you use Lo make your face and body
more aLLracLlve
l sLrongly dlsagree wlLh LesLlng cosmeLlcs on anlmals. ko\\uvtk
9.2 107 2A rammar appea| to v lf someone or someLhlng appeals Lo you, Lhey seem aLLracLlve
and lnLeresLlng
1he ldea of worklng abroad really appeals Lo me. ouyktvu, ou opcoct
9.2 107 3A rammar |nf|uence v Lo change how someLhlng develops, or how someone behaves Pls advlce sLrongly lnfluenced my declslon. cnqpc(u
9.2 107 3A rammar vamp|re n ln sLorles, a dead person who blLes peoples necks and sucks
Lhelr blood
vamplre fllms are very popular aL Lhe momenL. puko\oko
9.2 107 3A rammar prevent from v Lo sLop someLhlng from happenlng, or sLop someone from
dolng someLhlng
We were prevenLed from enLerlng Lhe museum because we
arrlved Loo laLe.
cnot(u, onopcnu
9.2 108 4A vocabulary age n an age of lnsecurlLy a parLlcular perlod of hlsLory We are llvlng ln Lhe age of Lechnology. cnoq
9.2 108 4A vocabulary decade n a perlod of Len years ln whlch decade were you born? ckocto
9.2 108 4A vocabulary era n a perlod of Llme ln hlsLory 1he fllm ls seL ln Lhe posL-war era. cnoq
9.2 108 4A vocabulary fortn|ght n Lwo weeks 1he meeLlngs Lake place once a forLnlghL. ckoncv0qcpo
9.2 108 4A vocabulary m|||enn|um n a perlod of 1,000 years, or Lhe Llme when a new 1,000-year
perlod beglns
Pow dld you celebraLe Lhe mlllennlum when Lhe year 1999
became 2000?
9.2 108 4A vocabulary quarter-century n LwenLy-flve years We sLarLed Lhls company a quarLer-cenLury ago. ctkootncvocto, cvo
copo ou otuvo
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9.2 108 C LlsLenlng |con n lconldol someone famous who ls admlred by many people and ls
LhoughL Lo represenL an lmporLanL ldea
Who do you Lhlnk ls Lhe blggesL muslc lcon of Lhe 1970s? tvo\o
9.2 108 C LlsLenlng trend n sLarL a new Lrend Lhe way a slLuaLlon ls generally developlng or changlng lL's my [ob Lo analyse Lhe shopplng Lrends of Lhe 8rlLlsh
9.2 108 6A LlsLenlng memorab|e ad[ good or en[oyable and llkely Lo be remembered lL was a memorable day for everybody who aLLended. ocooo,
9.2 109 8A vocabulary lus come back from phr v Lo reLurn Lo one place from anoLher When dld you come back from hollday? cntopcu ono
9.2 109 8A vocabulary lus come natura||y v phr when someLhlng ls easy because you have a naLural ablllLy She comes from a blg famlly, so belng a moLher herself comes
naLurally Lo her.
kt cpcot uotk
9.2 109 8A vocabulary lus g|ve d|rect|ons v phr Lo Lell someone how Lo geL Lo a parLlcular place Could you glve me dlrecLlons Lo Lhe posL offlce, please? tvu oqytc, kocu0uvu
9.2 109 8A vocabulary lus g|ve |nstruct|ons v phr Lo Lell someone how Lo do someLhlng My dad gave me lnsLrucLlons over Lhe phone abouL how Lo
prepare Lhe meal.
tvu oqytc
9.2 109 8A vocabulary lus make a mess v phr Lo make an area unLldy 1he dog came ln from Lhe garden and made a mess of our
whlLe carpeLs!
o\u, o kvu 0\oooo
9.2 109 8A vocabulary lus t|me trave| n ln sclence flcLlon, Lhe acLlon of golng Lo a Llme ln Lhe pasL or
Lhe fuLure
uo you Lhlnk Llme Lravel wlll ever be posslble? ott oo povo
9.2 109 8A vocabulary lus theoret|ca| phys|c|st n a sclenLlsL who uses maLhs and physlcs Lo Lry and explaln
naLural phenomena
All LheoreLlcal physlclsLs share Lhe same dream Llme Lravel. 0cupqtko uotko
9.2 109 8A vocabulary lus youthfu| ad[ Lyplcal of young people She looks very youLhful for her age. vcovtko
9.2 109 8A vocabulary lus un||ned ad[ unllned young faces smooLh, noL havlng any llnes or wrlnkles She had a beauLlful, unllned face. upt ypoc q putc
9.2 109 8A vocabulary lus drag v drag someLhlng behlnd you Lo pull someone or someLhlng somewhere 8en dragged hls sledge Lhrough Lhe snow. ocpvu
9.2 109 8A vocabulary lus conquer v Lo geL conLrol of a counLry or area by flghLlng 1he normans conquered Lngland ln 1066. kooku
9.2 109 8A vocabulary lus human|ty n people ln general Pow much has humanlLy really changed ln Lhe lasL 1,000
9.2 109 8A vocabulary lus ex|st v Lo be real or allve uo ghosLs really exlsL? unpu
9.2 109 8u vocabulary lus come f|rst v phr Lo wln l came flrsL ln Lhe race and won a 10,000 prlze! cpoot npuo, kcpt(u
9.2 109 8u vocabulary lus g|ve a ta|k v phr Lo make a speech 1hls mornlng our boss gave us a Lalk abouL Lhe company's
y(u \oyo
9.2 109 8u vocabulary lus have a break v phr Lo sLop worklng ln order Lo resL, eaL, eLc. We'll have a one-hour break for lunch afLer Lhls Lalk. kvu t\cto
9.2 109 8u vocabulary lus have a good t|me v phr Lo en[oy yourself uld you have a good Llme aL Lhe parLy lasL nlghL? ncpvu ko\
9.2 109 8u vocabulary lus make a dec|s|on v phr Lo make a cholce or [udgemenL afLer a perlod of dlscusslon or
Pave you made a declslon abouL wheLher Lo sell your house
or noL?
notpvu to onoooq
9.2 109 8u vocabulary lus make a prof|t v phr Lo make more money Lhan you spend LasL year our company made a proflL of 2.2 bllllon. y(u kcpo
9.3 110 2A vocabulary brave ad[ showlng LhaL you are noL afrald Lo do someLhlng LhaL ls
dangerous, frlghLenlng, or dlfflculL
l Lhlnk flreflghLers are lncredlbly brave. ycvvoto
9.3 110 2A vocabulary char|smat|c ad[ havlng Lhe naLural ablllLy Lo aLLracL and lnfluence oLher people MarLln LuLher lng was a very charlsmaLlc speaker. optootko
9.3 110 2A vocabulary exemp|ary ad[ exemplary behavlour ls excellenL and can be used as an
example for oLher people Lo copy
1hls ls a company wlLh an exemplary record on
envlronmenLal lssues.
9.3 110 2A vocabulary |nnovat|ve ad[ uslng clever new ldeas and meLhods Leonardo da vlncl was an exLremely lnnovaLlve man. kotvooo
9.3 110 2A vocabulary |nsp|rat|ona| ad[ provldlng encouragemenL or new ldeas for whaL you should do !ones ls an lnsplraLlonal flgure ln Welsh rugby. nou cnvcct
9.3 110 2A vocabulary or|g|na| ad[ hlghly orlglnal wrlLer compleLely new and dlfferenL from anyLhlng LhaL anyone has
LhoughL of before
MC Lscher was an lncredlbly orlglnal arLlsL. npuouno
9.3 110 2A vocabulary h|gh|y adv hlghly orlglnal wrlLer very Cllve ls a hlghly successful buslnessman. no\u
9.3 110 2A vocabulary k|dnap v Lo Lake someone somewhere by force, especlally ln order Lo geL
money for reLurnlng Lhem
ollce appealed for wlLnesses afLer a woman was kldnapped
aL gunpolnL.
9.3 110 2A vocabulary freedomf|ghter n someone who flghLs agalnsL Lhe governmenL or army LhaL
conLrols Lhelr counLry
Can you Lhlnk of any famous freedom flghLers? oqq q c\cu0cpto
9.3 110 2A vocabulary road tr|p n a long Lrlp LhaL you Lake ln a car, usually wlLh frlends 1hls summer, l'm dolng a road Lrlp across Lhe uS wlLh flve of
my frlends.
otko ott
9.3 110 2A vocabulary cont|nent n one of Lhe seven maln areas of land on Lhe LarLh WhaL ls Lhe world's largesL conLlnenL by area? qnctpo
9.3 110 4A luncLlon I haven't a c|ue phr used when you don'L know Lhe answer Lo someLhlng Pow many emalls do you send every day?' 'l haven'L a clue. AL
leasL LwenLy.'
cv cu tco
9.3 111 A luncLlon fa|r|y sure phr used when you Lhlnk you know someLhlng l'm falrly sure l'll be able Lo flnlsh Lhe pro[ecL by Lhen. opkc otyoupo
9.3 111 A luncLlon percent certa|n phr l'm a hundred percenL cerLaln
used Lo descrlbe how sure you are of someLhlng l'm abouL sevenLy-flve percenL cerLaln LhaL l remembered Lo
lock Lhe door, buL l'd beLLer go back and check.
...ot ckoo coto
9.3 111 A luncLlon scu|ptor n someone who makes sculpLures Mlchelangelo was Lhe sculpLor who creaLed 'uavld'. y\unq
9.3 111 A luncLlon d|nosaur n a large anlmal LhaL llved abouL 200 mllllon years ago and ls now
exLlncL no longer exlsLs
My son was fasclnaLed by dlnosaurs when he was llLLle. ctvoooupo
9.3 111 6A Learn Lo apparent|y adv used Lo say LhaL you have heard LhaL someLhlng ls Lrue,
alLhough you are noL compleLely sure abouL lL
ApparenLly, Lhe besL way Lo clean a red wlne sLaln ls wlLh
whlLe wlne!
9.3 111 6A Learn Lo med|ca| ad[ relaLlng Lo medlclne and Lhe LreaLmenL of dlseases or ln[urles 1he vlcLlms are currenLly ln hosplLal recelvlng medlcal
9.3 111 6A Learn Lo parachute n a plece of equlpmenL worn by people who [ump ouL of planes,
Lo make Lhem fall slowly and safely Lo Lhe ground
Would you ever do a parachuLe [ump? o\ctnuo
9.4 112 2 uvu prevlew un|que ad[ someLhlng LhaL ls unlque ls Lhe only one of lLs klnd Lvery person ls unlque. ovotko
9.4 112 2 uvu prevlew s|m||ar ad[ almosL Lhe same 1hls new car ls very slmllar Lo Lhe prevlous model. nopooto
9.4 112 2 uvu prevlew d|v|ne ad[ relaLlng Lo od or a god 8oman emperors used Lo belleve Lhey had dlvlne power. 0cko
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9.4 112 2 uvu prevlew eterna| ad[ conLlnulng for ever and havlng no end Some people use cosmeLlcs Lo Lry Lo glve Lhemselves eLernal
9.4 112 2 uvu prevlew scu|pture n a work of arL made from sLone, wood, clay, eLc. Per laLesL creaLlon ls a bronze sculpLure of a horse. y\uno
9.4 112 2 uvu prevlew rea||st|c ad[ someone who ls reallsLlc accepLs Lhe facLs abouL a slLuaLlon
and reallses whaL ls posslble and whaL ls noL posslble
ou need Lo be reallsLlc abouL your chances of wlnnlng. pco\totko
9.4 112 2 uvu prevlew morta| ad[ noL able Lo llve for ever All men are morLal. 0vqo
9.4 112 2 uvu prevlew awe-|nsp|r|ng ad[ very lmpresslve 1he pyramlds of LgypL are awe-lnsplrlng achlevemenLs nou npoko\ct co,
9.4 112 2 uvu prevlew feat n an lmpresslve achlevemenL needlng a loL of sLrengLh or sklll 1he Llffel 1ower was an amazlng feaL of englneerlng for lLs
0\o, cntcuyo
9.4 112 2 uvu prevlew stone n worked wlLh sLone a hard solld mlneral subsLance 1he car crashed lnLo a sLone wall. ncpo
9.4 112 2 uvu prevlew far fromord|nary phr exLraordlnary, lncredlble Mlchelangelo's LalenLs were far from ordlnary. cu ono o ouvq0tocvo
9.4 112 2 uvu prevlew asp|rat|on n a sLrong deslre Lo have or achleve someLhlng Sarah has asplraLlons of becomlng a veL. t\ooto
9.4 112 2 uvu prevlew quest n a long and dlfflculL search 1he book's abouL a hero on hls quesL Lo rescue Lhe prlncess
from a dragon.
9.4 112 3 uvu revlew chape| n a small church or room ln whlch ChrlsLlans pray and have
rellglous servlces
8eLhan goes Lo chapel every Sunday. nopckk\qot
9.4 112 3 uvu revlew dome n a round roof on a bulldlng SL aul's CaLhedral ln London has a huge dome as parL of lLs
9.4 112 3 uvu revlew [ewe| n a valuable sLone, such as a dlamond She loved dresslng up and wearlng prlceless [ewels. kooqo
9.4 112 3 uvu revlew crown n a clrcle made of gold and [ewels, whlch a klng or queen wears
on Lhelr head
1hls crown belonged Lo a vlklng klng. oco
9.4 112 3 uvu revlew sky||ne n Lhe shape made by Lall bulldlngs or hllls agalnsL Lhe sky l senL my parenLs a posLcard of Lhe famous new ork skyllne. ypoq opt(ovo
9.4 112 3 uvu revlew tempestuous ad[ full of anger and sLrong emoLlons Pe has a LempesLuous relaLlonshlp wlLh hls moLher. 0uc\\uq
9.4 112 3 uvu revlew r|va| n a person or group LhaL you compeLe wlLh 1he Lwo Leams had always been rlvals. ovtno\o
9.4 112 3 uvu revlew demon n someLhlng LhaL makes you anxlous and causes you problems She sLruggled wlLh her husband's demons of addlcLlon and
9.4 112 3 uvu revlew |mperfect ad[ noL perfecL Pe gave a Lalk abouL Lhe lmperfecL world LhaL we llve ln. oc\q
9.4 112 A uvu vlew |abourer n someone whose [ob lnvolves hard physlcal work, especlally
When l was aL unlverslLy, l had a summer [ob as a farm
9.4 112 A uvu vlew honest ad[ someone who ls honesL does noL lle, cheaL, or sLeal Pe seems a good, honesL man. tto
9.4 112 A uvu vlew stonecutter n someone whose [ob lL ls Lo cuL sLone lnLo smaller pleces from a
larger plece
8elng a sLonecuLLer was a very dlfflculL [ob. \t0ooo
9.4 112 A uvu vlew |ow|y-pa|d ad[ noL earnlng much money from your [ob Pe llkes belng a Lour gulde, buL lL's very lowly-pald. oq\oto0o
9.4 112 A uvu vlew persevere v Lo conLlnue Lrylng Lo do someLhlng dlfflculL ln a deLermlned
l'm noL en[oylng Lhe course, buL l'll persevere wlLh lL. cntcvu, cykopcpu
9.4 112 A uvu vlew v|s|on n an ldea of whaL you Lhlnk someLhlng should be llke MosL greaL arLlsLs have a vlslon whlch Lhey Lry Lo creaLe. opoo
9.4 112 A uvu vlew heaven n Lhe place where some people belleve LhaL good people go afLer
Lhey dle
LaLlng chocolaLe all day, every day ls my ldea of heaven! nopctoo
9.4 113 68 SpeakouL nove| n a long wrlLLen sLory abouL characLers and evenLs LhaL are noL
1he novels of !ane AusLen are classlcs of Lngllsh llLeraLure. u0toopqo
9.4 113 68 SpeakouL make your mark on v phr Lo have an lmpacL or lasLlng effecL on someLhlng or someone 1haL book was fanLasLlc - lL really made lL's mark on me. oqvu o otyo ou
9.4 113 7A WrlLeback comp||e v Lo make a book, llsL, eLc. uslng dlfferenL pleces of lnformaLlon 1he documenL was complled by Lhe ueparLmenL of PealLh. ouvoou
9.4 113 7A WrlLeback entry n wrlLe an enLry someLhlng LhaL you wrlLe, make, do, eLc. ln order Lo Lry and wln
a compeLlLlon
All compeLlLlon enLrles musL be recelved by Lhe 1Lh CcLober. cyypoq, koouptoq
9.4 113 78 WrlLeback s|tar n a very long muslcal lnsLrumenL from lndla, slmllar Lo a gulLar,
wlLh Lwo seLs of sLrlngs and a round body
uo you know anyone who can play Lhe slLar? otp
9.4 113 78 WrlLeback composer n someone who wrlLes muslc Who's your favourlLe composer of classlcal muslc? ouv0cq
9.4 113 78 WrlLeback performer n an acLor, muslclan, eLc. who performs Lo enLerLaln people 8elleve lL or noL, she used Lo be a clrcus performer! ckc\coq, cpqvcuq
9.4 113 78 WrlLeback co||aborat|on n Lhe acLlon of worklng LogeLher Lo produce or achleve
1he company ls bulldlng Lhe cenLre ln collaboraLlon wlLh Lhe
lnsLlLuLe of Cffshore Lnglneerlng.
ouvcpyooto, ounpoq
9.4 113 78 WrlLeback fu|| t|me adv for all Lhe hours of a week durlng whlch lL ls usual for people Lo
work, sLudy, eLc.
uennls has declded Lo focus full Llme on hls phoLography. n\qpq onooo\qoq
9.4 113 78 WrlLeback master n become a masLer of Lhe
someone who ls very skllled aL someLhlng 8ruce Lee was a kung fu masLer. optoocvq
9.4 113 78 WrlLeback f||mscore n muslc LhaL ls wrlLLen Lo accompany a fllm She made her money wrlLlng fllm scores ln Pollywood. ouotkq cncvuoq otvto
9.4 113 78 WrlLeback numerous ad[ many We've dlscussed Lhls before on numerous occaslons. no\upt0o
9.4 113 78 WrlLeback comm|tted v wanLlng Lo work hard aL someLhlng 1he new presldenL ls commlLLed Lo lmprovlng human rlghLs ln
hls counLry.
cocuoot, ovo\ovu
9. 114 4A assass|nate v Lo murder an lmporLanL person Pow many Amerlcan presldenLs have been assasslnaLed? o\oovu
9. 114 4A dec|are v declare war Lo sLaLe offlclally and publlcly LhaL a parLlcular slLuaLlon exlsLs
or LhaL someLhlng ls Lrue
She declared her lnLenLlon Lo sLand for presldenL. q\uvu
9. 114 4A e|ect v Lo choose someone for a [ob by voLlng She was elecLed resldenL. ck\cyoot
9. 114 4A |ceberg n a very large plece of lce floaLlng ln Lhe sea 1he 1lLanlc sank afLer hlLLlng an lceberg ln 1912. noyoouvo
9. 114 4A terror|st n someone who uses bombs and vlolence, usually agalnsL
ordlnary people, Lo Lry Lo force a governmenL Lo do someLhlng
We refuse Lo Lalk Lo LerrorlsLs. pookpq
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10.1 116 1A vocabulary heat v heaL your house Lo make someLhlng warm or hoL WhaL's Lhe mosL envlronmenLally-frlendly way Lo heaL your
10.1 116 1A vocabulary g|ve away phr v glve away old cloLhes and Loys Lo glve someLhlng Lo someone because you do noL wanL or
need lL for yourself
l gave mosL of my books away when l lefL college. opt(u
10.1 116 18 vocabulary doub|e-g|azed ad[ a Lype of wlndow wlLh Lwo layers of glass Pave you goL double-glazed wlndows ln your house? tn\ (to
10.1 116 18 vocabulary energy-sav|ng ad[ efflclenL and noL uslng much elecLrlclLy lnsLalllng energy-savlng llghL bulbs ln your house wlll
dramaLlcally cuL your elecLrlclLy bllls.
nou cotkovoct cvcpycto
10.1 116 18 vocabulary |nsu|ated ad[ heaL and sound lnsulaLed covered wlLh a maLerlal LhaL sLops elecLrlclLy, sound, heaL, eLc.
from geLLlng ln or ouL
1he beLLer lnsulaLed your house, Lhe lower your elecLrlclLy
bllls wlll be.
10.1 116 18 vocabulary ||ght bu|b n Lhe glass parL of an elecLrlc llghL, where Lhe llghL shlnes from uo you use energy-savlng llghLbulbs ln your house? \no
10.1 116 18 vocabulary on standby prep phr leave Lhe 1v on sLandby elecLrlcal equlpmenL noL compleLely swlLched off buL ready Lo
be used lf needed
Leavlng your 1v on sLandby may be more convenlenL, buL less
oc kooooq ovoovq
10.1 116 18 vocabulary organ|c ad[ relaLlng Lo farmlng or gardenlng wlLhouL uslng chemlcals LhaL
are harmful Lo Lhe envlronmenL
uo you mlnd paylng exLra for organlc food? opyovtko
10.1 116 18 vocabulary packag|ng n recycle Lhe packaglng of
Lhe bags, boxes, eLc. LhaL a producL ls sold ln We need Lo Lry and reduce how much packaglng we buy and
Lhrow away.
10.1 116 18 vocabulary pre-prepared ad[ descrlbes food whlch has been prevlously cooked and ls ready
Lo eaL as soon as you buy lL
SlcenLlsLs say LhaL pre-prepared food ls less healLhy Lhan
organlc food.
10.1 116 18 vocabulary processed ad[ processed food processed food has subsLances added Lo lL before lL ls sold ln
order Lo preserve lL, lmprove lLs colour, eLc.
rocessed food ls ofLen more faLLenlng Lhan organlc food. cnccpyoocvo
10.1 116 18 vocabulary recyc|e v Lo puL glass, paper, eLc. Lhrough a speclal process so LhaL lL can
be used agaln
Pow much of your rubblsh do you recycle? ovokuk\uvu
10.1 116 18 vocabulary rubb|sh n Lhlngs LhaL people Lhrow away such as old food, dlrLy paper,
Pow many Lonnes of rubblsh does Lhe average famlly
generaLe each year?
okountto, onoppptoo
10.1 116 18 vocabulary secondhand |tem n phr someLhlng you buy whlch ls noL new buL has been owned by
someone else before you
1here's a fanLasLlc shop ln Lown whlch sells all sorLs of
secondhand lLems.
10.1 116 28 8eadlng ed|tor n newspaper edlLor Lhe person who decldes whaL should be lncluded ln a book,
newspaper, magazlne, eLc. and checks for mlsLakes
AfLer belng a Leacher for flve years, he became an edlLor of
educaLlonal LexLbooks.
10.1 116 28 8eadlng get r|d of phr v Lo Lake acLlon so LhaL you no longer have someLhlng unpleasanL
LhaL you do noL wanL
We goL rld of our car and Lrled Lo llve eLhlcally for slx monLhs. copuvoot
10.1 116 28 8eadlng g|ve b|rth v phr lf a woman glves blrLh, she produces a baby from her body She's [usL glven blrLh Lo Lwlns. ycvvu
10.1 116 28 8eadlng heatwave n a perlod of unusually hoL weaLher AusLralla ls experlenclng lLs blggesL heaLwave for a decade. kuo (coq
10.1 116 28 8eadlng war zone n an area where a war ls belng foughL ou elLher have Lo be very brave or very sLupld Lo be a
[ournallsL ln a war zone!
cno\cq (uvq
10.1 116 28 8eadlng comp|ex ad[ havlng a loL of dlfferenL parLs and belng dlfflculL Lo undersLand
or deal wlLh
hoLosynLhesls ls a hlghly complex process. no\un\oko
10.1 116 28 8eadlng data n lnformaLlon or facLs Pe's collecLlng daLa for hls reporL. cocvo
10.1 116 28 8eadlng gang n a group of young people, especlally a group LhaL ofLen causes
Lrouble and flghLs
ls Lhere a problem wlLh gangs ln your clLy? ouopto
10.1 116 28 8eadlng put through he|| v phr Lo make someone suffer very much, elLher physlcally or
When Lhey goL dlvorced, her husband's lawyer puL her
Lhrough hell.
kvu q (uq knotou
10.1 116 28 8eadlng row n rows and blLLer argumenLs a shorL angry argumenL, especlally beLween people who know
each oLher well
Pe had a row wlLh hls wlfe abouL how much she was
spendlng on hls credlL card.
10.1 116 28 8eadlng argument n rows and blLLer argumenLs a slLuaLlon ln whlch people speak angrlly Lo each oLher because
Lhey dlsagree abouL someLhlng
1here are always argumenLs ln my house aL ChrlsLmas Llme. \oyooto
10.1 116 28 8eadlng carbon footpr|nt n Lhe amounL of carbon dloxlde LhaL a person or organlsaLlon
produces by Lhe Lhlngs Lhey do, used as a way of measurlng
how much Lhey harm Lhe envlronmenL
1here are loLs of ways you can reduce your carbon fooLprlnL. onounuo v0poko
10.1 116 28 8eadlng force v belng forced Lo Lo make someone do someLhlng Lhey do noL wanL Lo do Many companles have been forced Lo close. covoyk(u
10.1 116 28 8eadlng compe| v Lo force someone Lo do someLhlng 1he bad weaLher compelled me Lo sLay aL home. unopcuvu, ovoyk(u
10.1 116 28 8eadlng g|ve a go v phr Lo Lry dolng someLhlng l'd never Lrled aeroblcs before, so l LhoughL l'd glve lL a go. kvu to oktq
10.1 116 28 8eadlng regret v Lo feel sorry abouL someLhlng you have done and wlsh you had
noL done lL
We've always regreLLed selllng LhaL car. covtuvu
10.1 118 6A Speaklng garbage n wasLe maLerlal, such as paper, empLy conLalners, and food
Lhrown away Lhe Amerlcan word for rubblsh
Can you Lake ouL Lhe garbage? okountto
10.1 118 6A Speaklng patch n garbage paLch a small area of someLhlng We've goL a vegeLable paLch ln our garden, so we never need
Lo buy vegeLables from Lhe shops.
kot, cto
10.1 118 6A Speaklng waste p|ast|c n plasLlc whlch no one wanLs and has Lhrown away 1hls counLry ls one of Lhe blggesL producers of wasLe plasLlc
ln Lhe world.
n\ootk ono\qo
10.1 118 6A Speaklng mar|ne ad[ marlne anlmals relaLlng Lo Lhe sea and Lhe creaLures LhaL llve Lhere When l was younger, l wanLed Lo be a marlne blologlsL. 0o\ooto
10.1 118 6A Speaklng desert n a large area of very hoL dry land where few planLs grow 1he Sahara ls Lhe blggesL deserL on LarLh. cpqo
10.1 118 6A Speaklng d|s|ntegrate v Lo break up lnLo small pleces 1he whole plane [usL dlslnLegraLed ln mld-alr. onoouvt0cot
10.1 118 6A Speaklng |aw n Lhe sysLem of rules LhaL people ln a counLry or area musL obey eople are punlshed for breaklng Lhe law. voo
10.1 118 6A Speaklng scheme n an offlclal plan LhaL ls lnLended Lo help people or Lo achleve
She's lnvolved ln a governmenL Lralnlng scheme for young
10.1 118 7A vocabulary lus d|sobey v Lo refuse Lo do whaL someone ln auLhorlLy Lells you Lo do She would never dlsobey her parenLs. nopokouu
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10.1 118 7A vocabulary lus m|spronounce v Lo pronounce a word wrongly So many people mlspronounce my name and lL really annoys
npocpu \ov0oocvo
10.1 118 7A vocabulary lus m|sunderstand v Lo noL undersLand someLhlng correcLly l Lhlnk you mlsundersLood my quesLlon. nopovou, nopcqyu
10.1 118 7A vocabulary lus reusab|e ad[ descrlbes someLhlng you can use more Lhan once l Lry Lo Lake my own reuasable shopplng bags Lo Lhe
10.1 118 7A vocabulary lus underwe|ght ad[ below Lhe normal welghL 8elng underwelghL can be [usL as dangerous as belng
10.1 118 7A vocabulary lus a|um|n|umcan n a conLalner made from a recyclable meLal LhaL ls used Lo sLore
l Lhlnk all drlnks cans should be made from alumlnlum. koukt ono o\outvto
10.1 118 8 vocabulary lus po||cy n company pollcles a way of deallng wlLh someLhlng, especlally one LhaL has been
offlclally declded by a pollLlcal parLy or an organlsaLlon
rlme MlnlsLer, whaL ls your pollcy on lmmlgraLlon? no\ttkq
10.1 118 8 vocabulary lus desp|te con[ used Lo say LhaL someLhlng happened or ls Lrue, even Lhough
Lhls ls noL whaL you expecLed
She loved hlm desplLe Lhe way he LreaLed her. nop
10.1 118 9 vocabulary lus m|strust v Lhe feellng LhaL you cannoL LrusL someone or someLhlng Many anlmals mlsLrusL people. uontou npo
10.1 118 9 vocabulary lus renew v Lo arrange for an agreemenL or offlclal documenL such as a
llcence Lo conLlnue
l need Lo renew my passporL Lhls year. ovovcuvu
10.1 118 9 vocabulary lus overest|mate v Lo Lhlnk LhaL someone or someLhlng ls blgger, more lmporLanL,
eLc. Lhan Lhey really are
1he company overesLlmaLed demand for Lhelr new producL. uncpcktu
10.1 118 9 vocabulary lus underest|mate v Lo Lhlnk LhaL someone or someLhlng ls smaller, less lmporLanL,
Lhan Lhey really are
1hey underesLlmaLed Lhe slze of Lhe problem. unotu
10.1 118 9 vocabulary lus d|sapprove v Lo Lhlnk LhaL someone or someLhlng ls bad or wrong Per parenLs sLrongly dlsapprove of her llfesLyle. onookt(u
10.1 162 6A Speaklng househo|d n all Lhe people who llve LogeLher ln one house Many households have aL leasL one compuLer. votkokupto
10.1 162 6A Speaklng ||ght|ng n llghLlng appllances Lhe llghLs ln a place, or Lhe quallLy of Lhe llghL 8eLLer sLreeL llghLlng mlghL help prevenL crlme. utoo
10.1 162 6A Speaklng app||ance n a plece of elecLrlcal equlpmenL, such as a refrlgeraLor or a
washlng machlne, LhaL ls used ln peoples homes
WhaL do you Lhlnk ls Lhe mosL useful klLchen appllance? ouokcuq
10.1 162 6A Speaklng po||ut|on n damage caused Lo alr, waLer, soll, eLc. by harmful chemlcals and
olluLlon ls one of Lhe blggesL LhreaL Lo marlne llfe. o\uvoq
10.1 162 6A Speaklng so|ar system n Lhe Sun and all Lhe planeLs LhaL move around lL Pow many planeLs are Lhere ln our solar sysLem? q\toko ouoqo
10.1 162 6A Speaklng nat|on n a counLry and lLs people 1he world's mosL lmporLanL lndusLrlal naLlons are meeLlng ln
1okyo Lhls weekend.
10.2 119 2A 8eadlng food ha|| n Lhe parL of a large shop where food ls sold l'm golng shopplng. uo you need anyLhlng from Lhe food hall? o tpoo potuv oc
oouncp pkc
10.2 119 2A 8eadlng exc|us|ve ad[ avallable Lo only one person or group, and noL shared Cn Loday's show, we have an excluslve lnLervlew wlLh nelson
10.2 119 2A 8eadlng burst|ng v lL's bursLlng wlLh amazlng
places Lo eaL
exLremely full and llkely Lo break open aL any momenL Cn Lhe flrsL day of Lhe sales, our shop was bursLlng wlLh
10.2 119 2A 8eadlng sush| n !apanese food conLalnlng raw flsh Pave you ever Lrled sushl? oouot
10.2 119 2A 8eadlng |nstant nood|es n drled orlenLal pasLa whlch you mlx wlLh bolllng waLer and are
ready Lo eaL very qulckly
When l was a sLudenL, l llved on lnsLanL noodles and LoasL! otytoto ktvc(tko
10.2 119 2A 8eadlng bankrupt ad[ wlLhouL enough money Lo pay your debLs Many small buslnesses wenL bankrupL lasL year. pcukonqcvo
10.2 119 2A 8eadlng cu||nary ad[ relaLlng Lo cooklng eople from Lhe norLh of Spaln are known for Lhelr cullnary
10.2 119 3A LlsLenlng seafood n flsh and anlmals from Lhe sea LhaL you can eaL We're Laklng our parenLs Lo a seafood resLauranL for Lhelr
10.2 119 3A LlsLenlng a cross between phr a mlxLure or comblnaLlon of Lwo or more Lhlngs 1he duck-bllled plaLypus of AusLralla looks llke a cross
beLween a duck and a beaver.
to toooupuoq
ovcoo oc
10.2 119 3A LlsLenlng pancake n a Lhln flaL food made from flour, mllk, and eggs LhaL ls cooked
ln a pan and eaLen hoL
uld you eaL pancakes for breakfasL when you wenL Lo Lhe uS? qyovto
10.2 119 3A LlsLenlng a b|te to eat phr a small meal We had a blLe Lo eaL and a couple of drlnks before Lhe fllghL. to noukt
10.2 119 3A LlsLenlng gr|||ed ad[ grllled chlcken food cooked on a flaL meLal frame wlLh bars across lL, above or
below sLrong dlrecL heaL
uo you prefer grllled or roasLed meaLs? oq opo
10.2 119 38 LlsLenlng prawn n a small plnk sea anlmal LhaL you can eaL l'm sorry buL l can'L eaL LhaL - l'm allerglc Lo prawns. yopto
10.2 119 38 LlsLenlng deep fry v Lo cook food under Lhe surface of hoL faL or oll ln many chlp shops ln ScoLland, Lhey wlll deep fry any food
you ask for, even plzzas!
10.2 119 38 LlsLenlng f|uffy ad[ llghL, fluffy baLLer very sofL and llghL Lo Louch 1empura ls prawns and vegeLables, deep frled ln a llghL, fluffy
10.2 119 38 LlsLenlng batter n a mlxLure of flour, eggs, and mllk, used ln cooklng lry Lhe flsh ln baLLer. u\o, koupkout
10.2 119 38 LlsLenlng on and off prep phr for shorL perlods buL noL regularly over a long perlod of Llme Pe's been smoklng on and off for Len years now. ncptoootok, nou kot
10.2 119 38 LlsLenlng pastry n a mlxLure of flour, faL, and waLer LhaL you roll flaL Lhen flll wlLh
oLher food and bake
Pomemade pasLry ls qulLe dlfflculL Lo make. (uq
10.2 120 48 vocabulary good va|ue for money phr when you buy someLhlng LhaL cosLs less Lhan lL should When l go Lo Lhe supermarkeL, l always look for producLs
whlch are good value for money.
nou ot(ct o \c ou
10.2 120 A rammar show around phr v show us around alermo Lo go around a place wlLh someone when Lhey flrsL arrlve
Lhere, Lo show Lhem whaL ls lnLeresLlng, useful, eLc.
Would you llke me Lo show you around Lhe offlce? cvoyu
10.2 120 A rammar ch|||| n hoL chllly peppers a small, Lhln red or green pepper wlLh a very sLrong, hoL LasLe Some people can'L sLand chlllles, buL l love Lhem! koucpq ntncpt
10.2 120 7A Speaklng wou|d rather phr lf you would raLher do or have someLhlng, you would prefer Lo
do or have lL
l haLe slLLlng dolng noLhlng - l'd raLher be worklng. 0o npotouoo
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10.2 120 7A Speaklng pass|on n have a passlon for cooklng a very sLrong feellng of love or deslre Cooklng ls my passlon. n0o
10.2 120 7A Speaklng a waste of money n phr when you spend money on someLhlng LhaL ls unnecessary or
1haL exerclse blke was a compleLe wasLe of money - you
never use lL!
oto pquv
10.2 121 8A WrlLlng dcor n Lhe way LhaL Lhe lnslde of a bulldlng ls decoraLed 1he dcor ls a cross beLween anLlque and modern. tkooo
10.2 121 8A WrlLlng ch||d-fr|end|y ad[ belng sulLable for chlldren 1he resLauranL ls very chlld-frlendly - lL even has a play area. t\tko npo o nott
10.2 121 8A WrlLlng spec|a||ty n speclal dlshes a Lype of food LhaL ls made ln a parLlcular resLauranL or area
and ls always very good Lhere
rllled flsh ls our speclallLy. oncoto\tc
10.2 121 8A WrlLlng vegetar|an ad[ noL conLalnlng meaL or flsh uoes your menu have any vegeLarlan opLlons? opooytko
10.2 121 8A WrlLlng staff n Lhe group of people who work for an organlsaLlon Llsa's Lhe only female member of sLaff aL Lhe hoLel where she
10.2 121 8A WrlLlng spec|a| offer n speclal offers of Lhe day a speclal low prlce LhaL ls charged for someLhlng for a shorL
perlod of Llme
1he hoLel has a speclal offer of flve nlghLs for Lhe prlce of
cttkq npooop
10.2 121 88 WrlLlng d|ner n a resLauranL LhaL serves cheap food When we wenL Lo Lhe SLaLes Lhls summer, we only aLe ln
tkpo cotoopto
10.2 121 88 WrlLlng curry n splcy curry dlsh meaL or vegeLables cooked ln a splcy sauce Curry ls seen as a naLlonal dlsh ln Lhe u. oyqo oyctpccvo c
10.2 121 88 WrlLlng go aga|nst phr v lf someLhlng goes agalnsL your expecLaLlons, bellefs, prlnclples,
eLc., lL ls opposlLe Lo Lhem
LaLlng meaL goes agalnsL everyLhlng my parenLs LaughL me as
a chlld.
10.2 121 88 WrlLlng wh||st con[ alLernaLlve for whlle durlng Lhe Llme LhaL someLhlng ls
WhllsL l was walLlng Lo plck up my broLher from Lhe alrporL, l
read a gosslp magazlne.
10.2 121 88 WrlLlng surround|ngs n Lhe place where you are and all Lhe Lhlngs ln lL When l flrsL sLarLed my new [ob l felL a blL losL, buL l soon goL
used Lo my new surroundlngs.
ncpt\\ov, ncptupo
10.2 121 88 WrlLlng reasonab|y adv reasonably prlced ln a senslble way uesplLe her anger, she had behaved very reasonably \oytk
10.2 121 88 WrlLlng stuffed ad[ sLuffed green chlllles when a food ls fllled wlLh a mlxLure of bread or rlce, onlon, eLc.
before cooklng lL
1ry Lhe sLuffed peppers - Lhey're really good! yctoo
10.2 121 88 WrlLlng vegan ad[ someone who does noL eaL meaL, flsh, eggs, or mllk producLs aula ls a sLrlcL vegan. opoyo
10.2 121 88 WrlLlng cosy ad[ cosy aLmosphere warm and comforLable 1here's noLhlng llke a blg, cosy bed on a cold wlnLer's nlghL! (coo, vco
10.2 121 88 WrlLlng due to con[ because of someLhlng 1he planecrash was due Lo plloL error. \oyu
10.2 121 88 WrlLlng homemade ad[ made aL home ou can'L beaL homemade food! onttko
10.2 121 88 WrlLlng cater for v caLerlng for large parLles Lo provlde and serve food and drlnks aL a parLy, meeLlng, eLc. Cur resLauranL can caLer for up Lo 100 people. pooou
10.2 121 88 WrlLlng authent|c ad[ someLhlng LhaL ls auLhenLlc really ls whaL lL seems Lo be lf you're looklng for auLhenLlc lndlan food, Lry Lhls resLauranL. ou0cvtko
10.2 121 88 WrlLlng two-for-one ad[ when you can buy Lwo Lhlngs for Lhe prlce of one Lhlng Cur local lLallan resLauranL has a Lwo-for-one deal on plzzas
aL Lhe momenL.
uo oqv tq cvo
10.2 121 88 WrlLlng dea| n a Lwo-for-one deal on selecLed
an agreemenL or arrangemenL LhaL represenLs good value for
Are Lhere any good deals on aL your local supermarkeL? npooop
10.2 121 88 WrlLlng se|ected ad[ cerLaln, parLlcular We have 0 off on selecLed sofas Lhls weekend! cnt\cycvo
10.2 121 9A Learn Lo appa|||ng ad[ Lerrlble and shocklng 1he worsL Lhlng abouL vlslLlng a war zone ls seelng chlldren
llvlng ln appalllng condlLlons.
onototo, onokpouotko
10.2 121 9C Learn Lo rev|ew n resLauranL revlews an arLlcle ln a newspaper or magazlne LhaL glves an oplnlon
abouL a new resLauranL, book, fllm, eLc.
1hls resLauranL's had greaL revlews. kpttkq
10.3 122 1A vocabulary a|s|e seat n a seaL on a plan, Lraln or bus whlch ls nexL Lo Lhe walkway ln
Lhe mlddle of Lhe vehlcle, noL Lhe wlndow
Would you prefer Lhe alsle seaL or Lhe wlndow seaL? 0coq oo tpoo
10.3 122 1A vocabulary board|ng card n an offlclal plece of paper whlch shows LhaL you are allowed Lo
Lravel on a plane, Lraln, shlp or bus
Pave you prlnLed ouL our boardlng cards? kpo cnttooq
10.3 122 1A vocabulary board v your fllghL boards aL 9 o'clock Lo geL on a plane, Lraln, shlp or bus assengers ln rows 1 Lo 2 may now board. cntt(oot
10.3 122 1A vocabulary check |n phr v Lo go Lo Lhe desk aL an alrporL or hoLel Lo say LhaL you have
ou musL check ln Lwo hours before your fllghL. nopotu onookcuc oo
10.3 122 1A vocabulary gate n aL Lhe alrporL Lhe place ln an alrporL where you show your boardlng card
before geLLlng on Lhe plane
All passengers for Lhe Ldlnburgh fllghL go Lo gaLe number 4. nu\q
10.3 122 1A vocabulary hand |uggage n small bags LhaL you carry wlLh you when you Lravel on a plane l only Lake hand luggage lf l'm golng away for Lhe weekend. ctponookcuq
10.3 122 1A vocabulary passport n an offlclal documenL wlLh your phoLograph and deLalls abouL
you lnslde lL LhaL you need when you Lravel Lo oLher counLrles
My son holds an Amerlcan passporL. tooqpto
10.3 122 1A vocabulary pr|or|ty board|ng n lf you pay exLra money for Lhls, you can geL on Lhe plane before
oLher people
lf l could afford lL, l'd always pay exLra for prlorlLy boardlng. cnttooq ko
10.3 122 1A vocabulary proceed v proceed Lo gaLe 20 Lo move ln a parLlcular dlrecLlon Would all passengers please proceed Lo gaLe number 12. npoupu
10.3 122 1A vocabulary k-ray mach|ne n a plece of elecLronlc equlpmenL LhaL can see lnslde luggage and
people Lo see whaL ls lnslde
Lveryone musL have Lhelr hand luggage checked by Lhe -ray
qvqo oktvuv
10.3 122 28 luncLlon term|na| n alrporL Lermlnal a bulldlng where you geL onLo planes, buses, or shlps 1hey're bulldlng a new Lermlnal aL Lhe alrporL. cpotko oo0o
10.3 122 28 luncLlon drop off phr v Lhe Laxl drops you off Lo Lake someone or someLhlng Lo a place by car and leave Lhem
Lhere on your way Lo anoLher place
Can you drop me off aL Lhe shops on your way Lo work,
oqvu knotov kt
10.3 122 28 luncLlon dr|ve away phr v Lo leave a place ln a car, Laxl, bus, eLc. 1he crlmlnals ran ouL of Lhe bank, goL lnLo Lhelr car and drove
away aL Lop speed.
10.3 122 28 luncLlon check-|n desk n Lhe place where you go aL an alrporL or ln a hoLel Lo say LhaL
you have arrlved
We had Lo queue for Lwo hours aL Lhe check-ln desk! ypocto unooq
10.3 122 28 luncLlon get nowhere v phr bad manners wlll geL you
lf you do or say someLhlng buL do noL make any progress eLLlng angry ln posL offlce queues wlll geL you nowhere. cv oqyct nou0cv
10.3 122 28 luncLlon bomb n car bomb a weapon made of maLerlal LhaL wlll explode 1he bomb wenL off ln a crowded sLreeL. oo
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10.3 122 28 luncLlon drug n lllegal subsLances an lllegal subsLance LhaL people Lake Lo make Lhem feel happy,
relaxed, exclLed, eLc.
1he pollLlclan admlLLed Laklng drugs when she was aL
10.3 122 28 luncLlon [a|| n a place where crlmlnals are kepL as a punlshmenL Pe was senLenced Lo slx years ln [all. u\okq
10.3 122 28 luncLlon ||qu|d n 100ml Lhe llmlL Lo llqulds lf
you're Lravelllng by alr
a subsLance LhaL ls noL solld or a gas, such as waLer or mllk ou can only Lake small amounLs of llqulds ln your hand
luggage when you fly.
10.3 122 28 luncLlon go through phr v go Lhrough Lhe x-ray machlne Lo move from one slde of a doorway, Lunnel, eLc. Lo anoLher ou musL remove all meLal [ewelry and accessorles before
golng Lhrough alrporL securlLy.
ncpvu ono
10.3 122 28 luncLlon tray n puL meLal Lhlngs ln Lhe Lray
before you go Lhrough Lhe x-ray
an open conLalner ln whlch you puL meLal ob[ecLs, lapLops,
coaLs, eLc. before golng Lhrough alrporL securlLy
uL all your meLal lLems ln a Lray and collecL lL from Lhe oLher
slde of Lhe -ray machlne.
10.3 122 28 luncLlon departure gate n Lhe place from whlch you leave an alrporL Lo geL on a plane Would all remalnlng passengers please go Lo deparLure gaLe 3
as lL ls abouL Lo close.
nu\q ovoupqoq
10.3 122 28 luncLlon bother v l wlsh l hadn'L boLhered Lo make Lhe efforL Lo do someLhlng uon'L boLher Lo argue wlLh alrporL securlLy sLaff lL's noL
worLh lL.
notvu oov kono,
10.3 122 28 luncLlon budget hote| n a cheap, slmple place Lo sLay l'm qulLe happy sLaylng ln a budgeL hoLel lf lL's only for one
otkovotko cvoocto
10.3 123 4A luncLlon [ung|e n a large Lroplcal foresL wlLh Lrees and large planLs growlng very
close LogeLher
1he Amazon [ungle has mllllons of planLs and anlmals llvlng ln
10.3 123 4A luncLlon supposed to v lL's supposed Lo cosL llLLle
used Lo say whaL someone should or should noL do, especlally
because of rules or whaL someone ln auLhorlLy has sald
Cur hoLel was supposed Lo cosL 200 a nlghL, buL we goL a
greaL deal so we only pald 100!
unot0cot ot
10.3 123 4A luncLlon ma|ar|a n a serlous Lroplcal dlsease LhaL ls spread by mosqulLoes lf you're golng Lo CenLral or SouLh Amerlca, you should
deflnlLely Lake malarla LableLs Lo sLop you geLLlng lll.
10.3 123 4A luncLlon tab|et n malarla LableLs a small round plece of medlclne LhaL you swallow She Look a couple of sleeplng LableLs. nt
10.3 123 luncLlon waterproof ad[ noL allowlng waLer Lo enLer My new waLch ls waLerproof Lo 200 meLres. otpoo
10.3 123 luncLlon he|met n a hard haL LhaL proLecLs your head uon'L renL a moLorblke wlLhouL a helmeL. kpvo
10.3 123 luncLlon protect|ve ad[ proLecLlve cloLhlng used Lo proLecL someone or someLhlng from damage ou should wear proLecLlve cloLhlng lf you're golng Lo renL a
10.3 123 luncLlon fake ad[ fake waLches made Lo look or seem llke someLhlng else ln order Lo decelve
Look aL Lhe fake 8olex l boughL ln Asla - lL's a nolex! onotqoq
10.3 123 luncLlon va|uab|es n leave your valuables ln Lhe
Lhlngs LhaL you own LhaL are worLh a loL of money, such as
[ewellery or cameras
uL your valuables ln Lhe hoLel safe. to\q
10.3 123 6A Learn Lo have a tendency to v phr Lo usually happen l'm sorry, my husband has a Lendency Lo fall asleep afLer a
couple of drlnks!
cu qv oq vo
10.3 123 6A Learn Lo de|ay n Lhere are delays because of
when you have Lo walL for someLhlng Lo happen, or Lhe Llme
you have Lo walL
1here are long delays on Lhe moLorway due Lo an accldenL. ko0uocpqoq
10.3 123 6A Learn Lo mosqu|to n a small flylng lnsecL LhaL blLes and sucks blood ln some counLrles, mosqulLoes can glve you malarla. kouvount
10.3 123 6A Learn Lo common ad[ someLhlng LhaL ls common ls ofLen seen or ofLen happens uelays are common on Lhe London underground. kotvo, ouvq0tocvo
10.3 123 6A Learn Lo mosqu|to net n a neL placed over a bed as a proLecLlon agalnsL mosqulLoes lf l were you, l'd Lake a mosqulLo neL lf you're golng Lo sleep
ln Lhe [ungle.
10.3 123 6A Learn Lo obv|ous|y adv easlly noLlcable or undersLandable lrom her expresslon, she obvlously dldn'L wanL Lo go Lo Lhe
10.3 123 6A Learn Lo on the who|e prep phr generally or usually Cn Lhe whole, Lhe local people llke LourlsLs. ycvtk
10.3 123 88 Speaklng sunburn n geL sunburn when your skln ls red and sore from spendlng Loo much Llme ln
Lhe sun
1here's noLhlng more palnful Lhan havlng sunburn on Lhe
soles of your feeL.
q\toko cykouo
10.3 123 88 Speaklng wash off phr v suncream washes off ln Lhe
lf someLhlng washes off, you can remove lL from Lhe surface of
someLhlng by washlng lL
1ry and buy waLerproof suncream so lL doesn'L wash off ln
Lhe sea.
cn\cvu, ko0opt(u
10.3 123 88 Speaklng cora| n coral reef a hard plnk, whlLe, or red subsLance formed from Lhe bones of
very small sea anlmals
lL's lllegal Lo Lake coral awy from Lhe sea. kop\\t
10.3 123 88 Speaklng st|ngray n a large flaL flsh LhaL has a long Lall wlLh sharp polsonous polnLs
on lL
lf you go scuba dlvlng, waLch ouL for sLlngrays. oo\t
10.3 123 88 Speaklng nasty ad[ glve you a nasLy sLlng unpleasanL or unklnd SLlngrays and [ellyflsh can glve you a nasLy sLlng. uopcoo, oqo
10.3 123 88 Speaklng st|ng n glve you a nasLy sLlng a wound LhaL ls made when an lnsecL, planL, eLc. sLlngs you Some people are allerglc Lo bee sLlngs. otnqo
10.3 123 88 Speaklng shore n swlm Lo Lhe shore Lhe land along Lhe edge of an ocean, sea, or lake We're sLaylng ln a hoLel rlghL on Lhe sea shore. okq
10.3 123 88 Speaklng underwater ad[ underwaLer camera below Lhe surface of Lhe waLer l really wanL Lo pracLlce my underwaLer phoLography when
we go Lo Mexlco nexL monLh.
10.4 124 1 uvu prevlew narrate v Lo Lell a sLory or explaln whaL ls happenlng ln a fllm, Lelevlslon
programme, eLc.
LeL's waLch Lhls wlldllfe fllm narraLed by uavld ALLenborough
10.4 124 1 uvu prevlew me|t v Lhe lce melLs Lo change from solld Lo llquld, or Lo make someLhlng do Lhls by
heaLlng lL
Why ls Lhe melLlng lce a problem for polar bears? \tuvu
10.4 124 1 uvu prevlew seasona| ad[ happenlng or avallable only durlng one parLlcular season ou mlghL be able Lo geL seasonal work ln Lhe summer. cnotoko
10.4 124 1 uvu prevlew p|ummet v LemperaLures plummeL Lo suddenly and qulckly decrease ln value or amounL Pouse prlces have plummeLed over Lhe pasL year. ncu kookopuo
10.4 124 1 uvu prevlew |andscape n a vlew across an area of land 1he landscape of norLhern lLaly ls absoluLely sLunnlng. onto
10.4 124 3A uvu vlew f||cker v Lhe norLhern llghLs fllcker
across Lhe sky
Lo burn or shlne wlLh an unsLeady llghL 1he candle fllckered when Lhe door opened. pcooqvu
10.4 124 3A uvu vlew r|se v Lhe sun rlses lf an amounL rlses, lL lncreases 1he sea level ls rlslng due Lo global warmlng. ouvoot
10.4 124 3A uvu vlew drown v drown ln Lhe waLer Lo dle by belng under waLer for Loo long, or Lo klll someone ln
Lhls way
1he boys almosL drowned ln Lhe rlver. nvtyoot
(c) Pearson Education
Speakout Pre-Intermediate Worldlist Page 34
10.4 124 3A uvu vlew be |n your e|ement prep phr Lo be ln a slLuaLlon LhaL you en[oy, because you are good aL lL raham loves red meaL and red wlne, so when we wenL Lo
ArgenLlna on hollday he was ln hls elemenL!
ctot oo ootcto ou
10.4 124 3A uvu vlew sea| n hunLlng for seals anlmals a large sea anlmal LhaL eaLs flsh and llves by Lhe sea ln cold
olar bears hunL for seals Lhrough holes ln Lhe lce. ukto
10.4 124 3A uvu vlew uncover v Lo remove Lhe cover from someLhlng l only uncover my swlmmlng pool ln Lhe summer. cokcn(u
10.4 124 3A uvu vlew ado|escent ad[ a young person who ls developlng lnLo an adulL Many adolescenLs don'L geL on very well wlLh Lhelr parenLs. cqo
10.4 124 3A uvu vlew cub n bear cubs a young bear, llon, eLc. olar bears usually have one or Lwo cubs. vcoyvo (uou
10.4 124 3A uvu vlew fragment n fragmenL of glass a small plece of someLhlng LhaL has broken off Pe had Lo go Lo hosplLal because he had fragmenLs of glass ln
hls fooL.
10.4 124 3A uvu vlew extreme ad[ exLreme weaLher condlLlons very greaL ln amounL or severlLy Mllllons of people around Lhe world llve ln exLreme poverLy. kpo
10.4 124 3A uvu vlew starve v sLarve Lo deaLh Lo suffer or dle because you do noL have enough Lo eaL, or Lo
make someone do Lhls
1housands of people could sLarve Lo deaLh lf no emergency
help can geL Lo Lhem.
10.4 12 8 SpeakouL endangered ad[ Lo puL someone or someLhlng ln danger of belng hurL,
damaged, or desLroyed
1he glanL panda ls classed as an endangered specles . nou onct\ctot c
10.4 12 7A WrlLeback cobb|ed ad[ cobbled sLreeL made of cobble sLones Lngland has many old Lowns wlLh cobbled sLreeLs. n\okoopuo
10.4 12 7A WrlLeback cobb|e stone n a round sLone LhaL was used ln Lhe pasL for maklng road
Cobble sLones can be very dlfflculL Lo walk on lf you don'L
have Lhe rlghL shoes on.
10.4 12 7A WrlLeback be under threat v phr endangered 1he wlldllfe of Lhe Amazon ralnforesL ls under LhreaL from
uno qv onct\q
10.4 12 7A WrlLeback property deve|oper n developer plans Lo bulld ln Lhe
a person or company LhaL makes money by buylng land and
bulldlng houses, facLorles, eLc. on lL
reg's dad made hls money as a properLy developer ln Lhe
10.4 12 7A WrlLeback demo||sh v Lo desLroy a bulldlng 1he house was demollshed ln 1968. kocot(u
10.4 12 7A WrlLeback mach|nery n large machlnes ulane owns a company whlch sells agrlculLural machlnery. qovqoo
10. 126 2 cathedra| n Lhe mosL lmporLanL church ln an area 1homas 8eckeL ls burled ln CanLerbury CaLhedral. ko0cptko voo
10. 126 1A chem|ca| n a subsLance used ln or produced by a chemlcal process A loL of polluLlon ls caused Lhrough Lhe dlsposal of Loxlc
chemlcals lnLo rlvers and waLer supplles.
10. 126 3A concern|ng prep abouL or relaLlng Lo someLhlng ollce are asklng for lnformaLlon concernlng Lhe accldenL. ooov oop, octk c
10. 126 6A whatever pron any or all of Lhe Lhlngs LhaL are wanLed, needed, or posslble WhaLever you do, don'L Lell anyone abouL Lhe surprlse parLy
for Clalre!
10. 126 6A overs|eep v Lo sleep for longer Lhan you lnLended Sorry l'm laLe. l overslepL. nopokotot
10. 126 68 a|arm n have an alarm Lo wake me up a plece of equlpmenL LhaL makes a nolse Lo wake you up when
you are sleeplng
WhaL Llme do you seL your alarm for on weekdays? unvqqpt
10. 126 68 marathon n run a maraLhon a race ln whlch people run abouL 26 mlles or 42 kllomeLres LasL year l ran Lhe London MaraLhon. opo0uvto

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