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Character Traits

A donut with no hole is a danish.

WE SAY: Whatever you call it, it's still a donut.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: Ain't got much gumption.
WE SAY: No common Forest Gump(tion).
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: Bigwig.
WE SAY: An important person, someone "high-up".
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: Born on a Wednesday, lookin' both ways for Sunday.
WE SAY: A lazy person.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: Couldn't fall off a fence in a wind storm.
WE SAY: He's useless!
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: Crooked as a bedspring.
WE SAY: Dishonest.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: Crooked as a dog's hind leg.
WE SAY: Dishonest.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: Crookeder than a barrel of fish hooks.
WE SAY: He's dishonest.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He could sell a drowning man a glass of water.
WE SAY: He is a very smooth talker.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He could talk the dogs off of a meat truck.
WE SAY: He's very persuasive.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He could talk the legs off an iron pot.
WE SAY: He talks too much.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He doesn't get it off the wind.
WE SAY: That is a family trait.... don't blame him for that.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He sure showed his backside. (southern Georgia)
WE SAY: He looked foolish.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He thinks his shit don't stink.
WE SAY: He thinks he's really somethin'.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He would steal the shitball from a blind tumblebug, give him a marble and put
him on the wrong road home.
WE SAY: He is very dishonest person.

-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He'd rather wait until the cows come home.
WE SAY: He's a procrastinator.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He'd want a new rope to be hung.
WE SAY: He's very picky.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He's a wolf in sheep's clothing.
WE SAY: He can't be trusted.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He's about as useful as a screen door on a submarine!
WE SAY: He is not helpful at all
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He's as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
WE SAY: He's a little ansy.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He's as useless as dried spit.
WE SAY: He's pretty useless.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He's been rode hard and put away wet.
WE SAY: He's had a difficult life.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He's busier than a one legged man at an ass kickin contest.
WE SAY: He's a workaholic.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He's eat up with sorry.
WE SAY: He's lazy.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He's full of piss and vinegar.
WE SAY: He's full of energy or mischief.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He's going to hell in a hand basket!
WE SAY: He's bad news.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He's in like a porch climber.
WE SAY: He's got pull.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He's just a bump on the log!
WE SAY: He's lazy!
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He's lower than a snake's belly.
WE SAY: He's not very honest.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He's slicker than a gravy sandwich.
WE SAY: He's dishonest.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He's so horny,that the crack of dawn isn't safe. (N.W. PA.)
WE SAY: Watch out! He's quite amorous.

-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He/she is sorry 'an keyarn. (Southeast Kentucky)

WE SAY: He/she is real lazy.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: He/she is waiting for Christmas.
WE SAY: He/she is very slow.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: If bullshit were music, he'd have a brass band!
WE SAY: He really exaggerates, doesn't he?
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: It's like a woman with a nosebleed, if it ain't one damn thing it's another.
WE SAY: If it's not one thing it's another
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: It's like trying to push a wet rope up a hill.
WE SAY: He/She is so stubborn, getting them to do something is impossible - Somers Pt., NJ
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: Lower than a snake's grandmother's vest button laying in a wagon track.
WE SAY: Down right no account.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: Low rent!
WE SAY: Low class, low blow
.-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: Meaner 'n' a snake (Aunt Bess In S. Ohio)
WE SAY: Very mean and spiteful.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: Nervous as a whore in church.
WE SAY: Nervous.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: Nibby, nib-nose
WE SAY: Nosy.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: She has round heels.
WE SAY: She's easy.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: She looks run hard and put to bed wet.
WE SAY: A women of loose morals, a race horse.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: She's high mucky muck (or muckety muck)
WE SAY: She's high (in society, or business, or ...)
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: Slicker than snot on a glass door knob
WE SAY: Very slippery
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: So narrow- minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.
WE SAY: Narrow-minded.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: That's like the kettle calling the pot black.
WE SAY: That's being hypocritical.

-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: That/she/it's a daisy (a doozy?)

WE SAY: That/she/it's really neat.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: What a mench !
WE SAY: He's a gentleman .
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: You are the turd of misery.
WE SAY: You are really a miserable person.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: You go at everything like you're killing snakes with a stick!
WE SAY: You certainly are hyper-active!
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: You lie like a rug.
WE SAY: Your honesty is in question.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: You'd think she hung the moon.
WE SAY: She's really great or conceited.
-------------------------------------------------THEY SAID: You're a gentleman and a scholar and a credit to your father and forefathers
before you (spoken very quickly).
WE SAY: Thank you for your kindness.

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