Secrets To The Best Abs Ever!

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Six Pack Abs

Secrets To The Best Abs Ever!

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - What Are The Perfect Abs? Chapter 2 - You Are What You Eat Chapter 3 - Crunches For Abs Chapter 4 - Leg Lifts For Abs Chapter - Le!itating Lift For Abs Chapter " - Car#io!ascu$ar E%ercises For Abs Chapter & - Weight 'achines For Chapter ( - Pi$ates For Abs Chapter ) - Change *our routine Chapter 1+ - ,sing Enhance-ent .upp$e-ents Chapter 11- /eeping Your Fir- Abs Chapter 12 - The Ps*cho$ogica$ Factor

Chapter 1 - What Are The Perfect Abs?

You ha!e probab$* been hear# about 0si% pac1 abs23 an# 1no4 it is a goo# thing to ha!e2 but -a* be unsure of 4hat e%act$* a si% pac1 is5 6f *ou thin1 that getting a si% pac1 in!o$!es 7ust beer2 thin1 again5 An# beer is the $ast thing that *ou nee# 4hen *ou are tr*ing to get the perfect si% pac1 abs5 A perfect si% pac1 is 4hen *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es are so #efine# that the* are c$ear$* i#entifie#5 An*one 4ho $oo1s at *our sto-ach 4i$$ see that the -usc$es are 4e$$ #efine# an# 4i$$ be ab$e to pic1 the- out5 There are si% of the-2 three on each si#e of *our ab#o-en an# each one shou$# $oo1 pronounce#5 The perfect abs are sought after -ore so b* -en than 4o-en 4ho see1 to get 4e$$ #efine# -usc$e tone5 This is not to sa* that 4o-en shou$# not tr* to achie!e the perfect abs5 To the contrar*2 4o-en ten# to 4orr* -ore about ha!ing a f$at sto-ach than -en5 Wo-en can sti$$ ha!e a soft $oo1 to their bo#* an# not a bu$1*2 -uscu$ar $oo1 4hen the* achie!e the perfect abs using the -etho#s #escribe# in this boo15 Wo-en shou$# not be afrai# that the* 4i$$ bu$1 up if the* practice these techni8ues5 6nstea#2 4o-en 4ho $oo1 for the perfect abs an# fo$$o4 e%ercise an# #iet to achie!e this 4i$$ $oo1 s$i--er2 4i$$ fin# that their c$othes fit better an# 4i$$ ha!e -ore confi#ence 4hen 4earing c$othes or going to the beach5 .i% pac1 abs are for both -en an# 4o-en5 6n or#er to get the perfect abs2 *ou ha!e to e%ercise an# eat the right foo#s5 There are a fe4 short cuts that *ou can ta1e to enhance *our -usc$es an# the* 4i$$ be #iscusse# in this boo15 These short cuts2 ho4e!er2 are not a -agic pi$$ that can get *ou the si% pac1 abs o!ernight5 There is no -agic pi$$ that *ou can ta1e that can he$p *ou gain the abs of *our #rea-s in a 4ee15 You ha!e to be co--itte# to4ar#s 4or1ing har# to achie!e this goa$5 The rea$it* is that getting the perfect abs is a$$ about har# 4or1 an# #e#ication5 6f *ou are 4i$$ing to 4or1 har# to ha!e the bo#* of *our #rea-s2 then *ou 4i$$ be ab$e to achie!e it5 .o2 no4 that *ou 1no4 4hat the perfect abs are a$$ about2 *ou probab$* 4ant to 1no4 4h* an*one 4ants the perfect abs5 The* are #esire# -ost$* for cos-etic purposes5 Those 4ho 4ant to $oo1 their best 4ithout a shirt or at the beach 4ant the perfect abs5 .o-e ce$ebrities pri#e the-se$!es on achie!ing the perfect si% pac15 These inc$u#e stars of the -otion picture in#ustr* as 4e$$ as those in the sports 4or$#5 The* pri#e the-se$!es on getting the perfect abs because the* 1no4 the har# 4or1 it ta1es to #efine these -usc$es5 Whi$e 4o-en often 4ant to ha!e $ess #efinition an#2 b* nature2 ha!e -ore fat than -en2 -ost 4o-en sti$$ #esire a f$at sto-ach an# ab#o-ina$ area5 The e%ercises for the perfect abs out$ine# in this boo12 as 4e$$ as the #iet that *ou nee# to eat to achie!e the perfect abs 4i$$ be for both -en an# 4o-en5 Whi$e 4o-en -a* not 4ant the sa-e e%tre-e #efinition 2 these techni8ues 4i$$ #o the- goo# as the* 4i$$ achie!e a f$at sto-ach5

9ot on$* are the perfect abs so-ething to be prou# of cos-etica$$*5 9e4 -e#ica$ stu#ies in#icate that those 4ho carr* e%cess 4eight aroun# their -i##$e ha!e -ore of a ris1 for heart #isease an# stro1e5 This goes for both -en an# 4o-en5 6t is therefore #esirab$e for both se%es to ha!e f$at ab#o-ens an# tr* to achie!e the perfect abs an# carr* $ess 4eight aroun# their -i##$e sections5 6f *ou thin1 that *ou can get the perfect abs through sit ups an# a crash #iet2 thin1 again5 :etting the perfect abs ta1es training - rea$ training that 4i$$ entai$ *ou scu$pting *our -usc$es to the 4a* that *ou 4ant the-5 6f *ou are the t*pe of person 4ho sets out to #o so-ething an# then e!entua$$* #oes it2 *ou 4i$$ ha!e a -uch easier ti-e achie!ing the perfect abs5 6f *ou are the t*pe 4ho gi!es up at the first sign of a#!ersit*2 then *ou 4i$$ ha!e a #ifficu$t ti-e5 Loo1 for har# 4or1 in or#er to achie!e the perfect abs5 9o4 that *ou are a4are of 4hat the perfect abs are2 4hat the* can #o for *ou an# the fact that it 4i$$ ta1e har# 4or1 to get to the point 4here *ou can ha!e the perfect si% pac1 abs2 then *ou can get starte# on *our 4a* to4ar#s achie!ing the perfect abs5

Chapter 2 - You Are What You Eat

The first thing that *ou nee# to #o 4hen *ou are tr*ing to achie!e the perfect abs or an* t*pe of -usc$e #efinition is to 4atch *our #iet5 You nee# to bu$1 up on protein an# cut out the carboh*#rates if *ou 4ant to attain the perfect abs5 This #oes not -ean that *ou ha!e to $ose a $ot of 4eight2 but it #oes -ean that *ou ha!e to $ose be$$* fat2 4hich 4i$$ get serious$* in the 4a* of *our perfect abs5 6f *ou are o!er4eight2 *ou shou$# 4ant to ta1e the tips foun# in this boo1 to get ri# of the 4eight an# 4or1 to4ar#s scu$pting *our bo#*5 You 4i$$ not on$* $oo1 better2 but 4i$$ be #oing *our hea$th a fa!or at the sa-e ti-e5 The -ain thing is that *ou 4ant to #iet for -usc$e5 .o ho4 #o *ou #iet for -usc$e? You certain$* #o not 4ant to star!e *ourse$f as this 4i$$ not #o an*thing to he$p -usc$e #efinition5 You nee# to eat sensib$* 4hen *ou are see1ing the perfect abs or an* other t*pe of bo#* bui$#ing5 An# -a1e no -ista1e about it - *ou are bo#* bui$#ing 4hen *ou are $oo1ing for a si% pac15 This is part of scu$pting *our bo#* -usc$es so that the* $oo1 attracti!e an# are 4e$$ #efine#5 Foo#s that are high in protein are goo# for bu$1ing up -usc$e an# a$so $osing fat5 These foo#s ten# to tric1 the bo#* into thin1ing that it is getting -ore fue$ that it is actua$$* recei!ing5 You shou$# e-bar1 on a high protein #iet if *ou 4ant to bui$# up *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es5 You 4i$$ notice that bo#* bui$#ers an# ath$etes #rin1 ra4 eggs5 Whi$e this -a* be #isgusting to *ou2 there is a $ot of protein in those ra4 eggs that gi!es the ath$ete or bo#* bui$#er strength5 The bo#* bui$#er 4i$$ nee# this in or#er to bu$1 up5 You nee# to re-ain strong if *ou are going to #efine *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es so that *ou ha!e a fir- si% pac15 Foo#s that are high in proteins consist of the fo$$o4ing; 'eats Fish Pou$tr* 9uts Legu-es Eggs A$$ of these are !er* high in protein an# 4i$$ he$p *ou not on$* get energ*2 but 4i$$ a$so he$p *ou bu$1 up5 You can a$so eat foo#s that are fortifie# 4ith protein5 This inc$u#es foo#s that #o not nor-a$$* contain protein but ha!e protein a##e#5 <ne of the best foo#s to teat 4hen *ou are tr*ing to bu$1 up an# create si% pac1 abs is fish5 Especia$$* fish that is high in <-ega 3 oi$s such as the fatt* fish5 These are not on$* an e%ce$$ent source of protein2 but are a$so goo# for the heart an# #igesti!e tract5 There is e!en e!i#ence that fatt* fish can he$p *ou 1eep *our brain hea$thier5 6f *ou eat -eats2 s1ip the sauces an# the brea#s5 =ust eat the protein 4hen *ou are on a

high protein #iet5 This 4i$$ gi!e the bo#* energ* an# get the -etabo$is- to start burning fat5 <n$* it 4on>t be getting fat fro- carboh*#rates an# foo#s that are processe# 8uic1$* an# turn to fat5 .o the bo#* 4i$$ start burning the proteins5 You 4i$$ $ose 4eight in *our be$$* this 4a* that 4i$$ he$p *ou to #efine *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es5 Eggs are a$so a goo# for- of protein2 a$though *ou ha!e to 4atch ho4 *ou coo1 the-5 ?ar# boi$e# eggs are $o4 in ca$orie an# high in protein an# are a goo# 4a* to get starte# 4hen *ou are tr*ing to attain the $oo1 of the perfect si% pac15 Peop$e 4ho are not -eat eaters can eat $egu-es an# nuts as a for- of protein5 6t is a goo# i#ea to ta1e protein in the -orning to get *our -etabo$is- going5 Foods to stay away from 6n a##ition to the foo#s that *ou shou$# eat 4hen *ou are tr*ing to get si% pac1 abs2 there are a$so those that *ou nee# to sta* a4a* fro-5 These inc$u#e si-p$e carboh*#rates as 4e$$ as co-p$e% carboh*#rates5 @air* is a$so a pro#uct that is high in fat an# shou$# be $i-ite#5 Ta1e fiber b* capsu$es instea# of through brea#s or !egetab$es2 as the* ten# to be high in sugars5 You 4i$$ 4ant to e$i-inate a$$ of the sugars fro- *our #iet 4hen *ou are going for si% pac1 abs5 Ae-e-ber that it is i-portant to eat a$$ of the foo#s on the foo# p*ra-i#5 6t is ne!er a goo# i#ea to e$i-inate one t*pe of foo# o!er another for a $ong perio# of ti-e5 When *ou are $oo1ing to bui$# the perfect abs2 *ou shou$# concentrate on a high protein #iet2 but sti$$ eat !egetab$es as 4e$$ as 4ho$e grains an# #air*5 But s4eets ha!e no p$ace in *our #iet as the* #o not offer an* nutritiona$ !a$ue 4hatsoe!er5 .i-p$e carboh*#rates are absorbe# 8uic1$* an# #o not stic1 aroun# $ong enough to gi!e *our bo#* an* sort of nutrition5 E$i-inate si-p$e carboh*#rates an# starches fro- *our #iet if *ou 4ant to ha!e $ean2 roc1 har# perfect abs5 What to drink 6n a##ition to 4atching 4hat *ou eat2 *ou a$so nee# to 4atch 4hat *ou #rin1 4hen *ou are see1ing the perfect abs5 Water is *our best frien# 4hen *ou are tr*ing to attain the perfect abs5 .ta* a4a* fro- energ* #rin1s that are $oa#e# 4ith caffeine2 fro- so-ca$$e# hea$th #rin1s that are $oa#e# 4ith sugar an# fro- a$coho$5 'an* #rin1s that peop$e consu-e contain sugar5 This especia$$* inc$u#es a$coho$5 A$coho$ic #rin1s shou$# be a!oi#e# 4hen *ou are #ieting to ha!e the perfect abs5 A$$ a$coho$ic be!erages ha!e sugar in the- an# offer nothing b* 4a* of nutrition5 A!oi# a$coho$ 4hen *ou are $oo1ing to scu$pt *our bo#* an# ab#o-ina$ region5 6f *ou ta1e coffee or tea2 e$i-inate the sugar an# crea- fro- the #rin15 6f *ou cannot to$erate it in this -anner2 then s1ip the #rin1 a$together an# ha!e 4ater instea#5 You 4i$$ fin# that 4hether *ou are $oo1ing for the perfect abs2 or 7ust $oo1ing to $ose 4eight2 4ater can be a great benefit5 6t 4i$$ not on$* h*#rate *ou2 but it 4i$$ a$so gi!e *ou a boost of energ* that *ou nee# 4hen *ou are tr*ing to scu$pt *our bo#*5 How to eat

6t is i-portant that *ou eat -ore proteins in *our #iet in or#er to achie!e the perfect abs2 but 4hen *ou eat is a$so !er* i-portant as 4e$$ as ho4 *ou eat5 You 4i$$ 4ant to consu-e -ost of *our ca$ories in the -orning 4hen *ou are eating to get the perfect abs5 This is a goo# i#ea for an*one 4ho 4ants to sta* hea$th* as *ou 4i$$ en# up burning off ca$ories that *ou consu-e #uring the #a* if *ou are acti!e5 You #o not 4ant to eat an*thing $ate at night as this is har# to #igest an# 4i$$ en# up sta*ing in *our s*ste$onger5 Che4 *our foo# !er* 4e$$ before s4a$$o4ing5 This is not 7ust so-ething that *ou hear# fro- *our -other2 but is so-ething that he$ps *ou -aintain a proper 4eight an# a$so he$ps *our #igesti!e s*ste-5 B* proper$* che4ing *our foo#2 *ou 4i$$ fin# that *ou eat $ess an# ha!e fe4er #igesti!e prob$e-s5 @rin1 a g$ass of 4ater before each -ea$5 This 4i$$ curb *our appetite so that *ou eat $ess5 @rin1ing 4ater is goo# for *ou2 as out$ine# abo!e5 When *ou #rin1 a g$ass before each -ea$2 *ou fin# that *ou eat $ess5 B* beginning to eat an# #rin1 right2 *ou are on *our 4a* to4ar#s bui$#ing ab#o-ina$ -usc$es that others 4i$$ a#-ire5 'ost of a$$2 *ou are on *our 4a* to4ar#s not on$* $oo1ing hea$th*2 but being hea$th* as 4e$$C

Chapter 3 - Crunches For Abs

9atura$$*2 *ou 4i$$ ha!e to e%ercise if *ou 4ant to tone *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es5 6f *ou #o not nee# to $ose 4eight2 *ou can use the toning e%ercises as out$ine# here in this boo1 to he$p *ou get the scu$pte# ab#o-ina$ -usc$es that *ou nee#5 6f *ou are o!er4eight an# 4ant to $ose 4eight to get the scu$pte# -usc$es2 *ou sti$$ nee# to #o toning e%ercises an# 4i$$ a$so 4ant to 4or1 on so-e car#io!ascu$ar e%ercises that 4i$$ be #escribe# $ater on in this boo15 Crunches are the i#ea$ 4a* to tone *our abs an# are one of the -an* toning e%ercises that *ou shou$# use on a #ai$* basis to get the -usc$es in *our ab#o-en taut5 Crunches are the first e%ercise *ou 4ant to incorporate into *our #ai$* routine so that *ou can ha!e se%* abs5 6f *ou are a 4o-an 4ho 4ants to ha!e f$at abs but #oes not 4ant to ha!e the #efine# -usc$es that *ou see on -en2 re$a%5 Wo-en can get se%*2 4ashboar# abs 4ithout $oo1ing $i1e a -an5 Your ab#o-ina$ area 4i$$ be f$at2 but softer5 An# a$though the -usc$es 4i$$ be #efine#2 the* 4i$$ not be bu$ging $i1e a -an5 Wo-en an# -en both get #ifferent resu$ts fro- e%ercise routines5 ,sing the tips an# e%ercises here 4i$$ get *ou the perfect abs2 4hether *ou are a -an or a 4o-an5 To #o crunches2 $a* f$at on *our bac1 an# bring *ou 1nees up so that *our feet are f$at on the f$oor5 You 4i$$ then 4ant to put *our han#s behin# *our hea# an# pu$$ up to4ar#s *our 1nees2 concentrating fu$$* on the ab#o-ina$ -usc$es5 You shou$# iso$ate the -usc$es as *ou are pu$$ing up so that *ou fee$ the strain5 You 4i$$ 4ant to #o repetitions of ( crunches5 The first #a*2 *ou -ight be on$* ab$e to #o t4o or three repetitions5 <r *ou -ight on$* be ab$e to #o one5 6f it has been a 4hi$e since *ou ha!e 4or1e# out2 it 4i$$ be -ore #ifficu$t for *ou to use these -usc$es5 But *ou 4i$$ 4ant stri!e to #o as -an* reps as *ou can 4ithout hurting *ourse$f5 6f *ou fee$ as though *ou are in pain2 *ou shou$# stop5 The purpose of the crunches is to bui$# ab#o-ina$ -usc$e5 The 4a* that *ou bui$# -usc$e is to tear it a $itt$e2 $et it hea$ an# then tear it again5 This is 4here the pain co-es in 4hen *ou are #oing crunches5 You are actua$$* bui$#ing up the ab#o-ina$ -usc$es so that *ou can ha!e *our si% pac15 When *ou first start #oing crunches2 *ou 4i$$ notice that it is 8uite a strain an# that it is #ifficu$t5 As *ou #o this e%ercise e!er* #a*2 *ou 4i$$ notice that it is easier to #o an# 4i$$ start fee$ing the #ifference5 You 4i$$ not notice the strain an* $onger 4hen *ou are e%ercising in this 4a*5 The -ore *ou practice *our crunches2 the better tone# *our abs 4i$$ beco-e5 Crunches 4i$$ f$atten an# tone *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es2 but this is not the on$* e%ercise that *ou nee# to #o in or#er to get the perfect abs5 You a$so nee# to 4or1 on si#e to si#e crunches5 How to do side to side crunches

.i#e to si#e crunches 4i$$ he$p to #e!e$op the si#es of *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es5 =ust as *ou -o!e up straight2 *ou 4i$$ a$so 4ant to -o!e to the si#e5 .tart 4ith one si#e an# pu$$ *ourse$f up to $ean to4ar#s that si#e5 @o ( reps2 7ust as *ou 4ou$# 4ith the center crunches5 After *ou are finishe#2 4or1 on the other si#e5 6t is i-portant2 4hen #oing toning e%ercises2 to a$$o4 *our -usc$es to re$a% after each ti-e *ou #o *our reps of crunches5 You 4ant to ta1e a fe4 #eep breaths an# re$a% the -usc$es after *ou are finishe# the toning5 When *ou are perfor-ing the crunches2 ho4e!er2 *ou 4ant to tense up the -usc$es2 effecti!e$* iso$ating the- so that the* 4i$$ get tone#5 Another 4a* to perfor- crunches for perfect abs is to $ean on one si#e an# then $ift *ourse$f up2 concentrating on the ab#o-ina$ -usc$es5 This 4i$$ 4or1 the -usc$es on the si#es5 Ae-e-ber that *ou 4ant to 4or1 the entire ab#o-ina$ area to achie!e the $oo1 of a scu$pte# si% pac15 You nee# to #o both front crunches as 4e$$ as si#e crunches that are perfor-e# on *our bac1 as 4e$$ as *our si#e to achie!e this $oo15 Crunches -a* see- #ifficu$t at first2 but 4i$$ soon beco-e easier5 You -a* 4ant to increase *our repetitions as *ou continue to 4or1 on *our abs so that the* 4i$$ continue to be effecti!e5 The best aspect about using this t*pe of toning e%ercise is that *ou 4i$$ start to see the resu$ts of *our efforts not $ong after *ou ha!e 4or1e# on the abs5 You can usua$$* see a #ifference in *our -usc$e tone after a 4ee1 of perfor-ing these e%ercises5 Tr* to #o these e%ercises e!er* #a*5 6f *ou s1ip a #a*2 for so-e reason2 7ust pic1 up 4here *ou $eft off the ne%t #a*5 @o not get #iscourage# if *ou get out of the habit5 6t is -ore i-portant to get bac1 into the habit as soon as possib$e5

Chapter 4 - Leg L fts For Abs

Crunches 4i$$ 4or1 4e$$ to tone *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es2 but this is not the on$* e%ercise that *ou nee# 4hen *ou are $oo1ing for the perfect si% pac15 6n a##ition to the crunches2 *ou 4i$$ a$so 4ant to use $eg $ifts to tone the ab#o-ina$ -usc$es5 Leg $ifts can be #one at the sa-e ti-e *ou #o *our crunches5 La* f$at on *our bac1 on the f$oor an# put *our han#s to *our si#e 4ith *our pa$-s #o4n on the f$oor5 Lift both $egs up as high as *ou can2 e!en if it is $ess than an inch off of the groun#5 Whi$e *ou are #oing this2 *ou nee# to once again iso$ate the -usc$es in *our ab#o-en an# tighten the- up5 6t is a$4a*s goo# to 4or1 in repetitions of ( 4hen *ou are perfor-ing toning e%ercises5 The $eg $ifts 4i$$ 4or1 4e$$ to tighten the -usc$es in *our ab#o-en an# #efine the-5 Li1e the crunches2 *ou 4i$$ notice the resu$ts fro- this t*pe of e%ercise 4ithin a 4ee15 After *ou ha!e #one the t4o $eg $ift2 *ou can a$so #o one $eg $ift at a ti-e5 This is often easier to #o an# 4i$$ tighten the si#e ab#o-ina$ -usc$es5 @o one $eg at a ti-e an# then the other2 repeating the repetitions each ti-e5 As *ou continue to #o $eg $ifts for abs2 *ou 4i$$ notice that the $eg $ifts get easier to #o a$$ of the ti-e5 You 4i$$ be ab$e to $ift *our $egs higher an# higher as *ou continue to practice this e%ercise5 As *ou continue 4or1ing 4ith $eg $ifts2 *ou 4i$$ not on$* notice a change in *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es2 but a$so *our $eg -usc$es as 4e$$5 As *ou get better at this t*pe of e%ercise2 *ou can use $eg 4eights on *our an1$es so that it 4i$$ be -ore #ifficu$t for *ou to $ift *our $egs5 6f *ou continue to use this toning e%ercise on a #ai$* basis2 *ou 4i$$ notice that it beco-es -uch easier to raise *our $egs each ti-e5 You can purchase $eg 4eights at a sporting goo#s store5 Leg $ifts an# crunches are t4o of the toning e%ercises that *ou can use that 4i$$ 4or1 to4ar#s tightening up *our abs5 These 4i$$ 4or1 4e$$ in *our effort to get the perfect abs2 but -ust be use# e!er* #a*5 6t is i-portant to concentrate on the -usc$es that *ou are toning 4hi$e *ou are perfor-ing the e%ercises in or#er for the- to 4or15 B* iso$ating the -usc$es an# gi!ing the- tota$ concentration2 4hi$e 4or1ing on this acti!it*2 *ou 4i$$ fin# that the e%ercises not on$* get easier2 but the* start to pro#uce resu$ts right a4a*5 You 4i$$ be ab$e to fee$ the resu$ts fro- the $eg $ifts for abs as *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es tighten5

Chapter ! - Le" tat ng L ft For Abs

Another toning e%ercise that *ou can use to f$atten *our abs as 4e$$ as #efine the -usc$es is the $e!itating $ift5 Again2 *ou 4i$$ be $a*ing f$at on *our bac1 on the f$oor 4ith *our han#s at *our si#es2 pa$-s #o4n5 You 4ant to $ift both *our $egs an# *our hea# up a fe4 inches2 4hi$e concentrating on *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es5 This is si-i$ar to the $eg $ifts an# the first ti-e that *ou atte-pt this e%ercise2 *ou 4i$$ -ost $i1e$* not be ab$e to get -uch off of the groun#5 This can see- i-possib$e at first2 but as *ou continue 4or1ing at it2 *ou 4i$$ be ab$e to $ift up *our hea# an# *our $egs at the sa-e ti-e5 Whi$e this is si-i$ar to the $eg $ift e%ercise2 it e%ercises another part of the ab#o-ina$ -usc$es an# 4i$$ further 4or1 to4ar#s scu$pting the ab#o-ina$s5 When *ou are e%ercising on the f$oor2 toning *our -usc$es so that *ou can ha!e the perfect abs2 *ou shou$# ha!e an e%ercise -at5 This is not on$* -ore sanitar* to use2 but is a$so -ore co-fortab$e for *our hea# an# nec15 You shou$# tr* to #o these toning e%ercises in repetitions of ( each an# 4or1 on as -an* as *ou can at a ti-e5 @o not get #iscourage#5 A$though these e%ercises -a* see- to be har# at first2 in ti-e the* 4i$$ get to be -uch easier5 An# *ou 4i$$ get satisfaction b* seeing tone# an# hea$th* $oo1ing absC 6f *ou are o!er4eight an# nee# to $ose 4eight before *ou can e!en see *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es2 *ou shou$# sti$$ 4or1 on these toning e%ercises5 The* 4i$$ he$p tone *our -usc$es an# -a1e it easier for *ou to $ose 4eight5 Toning e%ercises 4or1 4e$$ in co-bination 4ith $o4er bo#* car#io!ascu$ar e%ercises to gi!e *ou the perfect abs5

Chapter # - Car$ o"ascular E%erc ses For Abs

6n a##ition to toning e%ercises that iso$ate the -usc$es an# gi!e *ou the tone that *ou 4ant in *our ab#o-ina$s2 *ou a$so nee# to use car#io!ascu$ar e%ercises that 4i$$ 4or1 on the $o4er ha$f of *our bo#*2 inc$u#ing *our abs5 There are -an* car#io!ascu$ar e%ercises that *ou can use for the $o4er ha$f of *our bo#*5 6f *ou are o!er4eight an# 4ant to #e!e$op the perfect abs2 the first thing that *ou nee# to #o is to start to $ose so-e of that e%cess 4eight5 We ha!e a$rea#* ta$1e# about proper #iet an# nutrition2 no4 4e -ust ta$1 about car#io!ascu$ar e%ercise5 Car#io e%ercises are those that get *our heart pu-ping an# 4i$$ he$p *ou $ose 4eight fast5 Car#io e%ercises shou$# be perfor-e# in the -orning or as ear$* as possib$e in the #a* so that *ou can get *our -etabo$is- going an# a$so burn -ore ca$ories #uring the #a*5 You shou$# ne!er perfor- car#io!ascu$ar e%ercises right before be# as *ou 4i$$ fin# it #ifficu$t to go to s$eep5 You shou$# a$so ne!er perfor- car#io!ascu$ar e%ercises after *ou ha!e eaten or it can gi!e *ou a cra-p5 6f *ou cannot set *our a$ar- ear$* so that *ou can get up to 4or1 on car#io e%ercises2 *ou shou$# #o the- 4hen *ou get ho-e fro- 4or1 an# before *ou eat5 This 4i$$ he$p *ou burn off ca$ories an# 4i$$ a$so tone *our $o4er bo#*5 This is not to sa* that the car#io e%ercises that *ou #o cannot 4or1 for *our upper bo#*2 too5 .o-e car#io -achines 4i$$ 4or1 both the $o4er an# upper part of the bo#*2 4hi$e others 4i$$ tone the $o4er ha$f of the bo#*5 You 4ant to -a1e sure that 4hate!er t*pe of -achine *ou use2 *ou 4i$$ be toning the $o4er ha$f of *our bo#*5 You can purchase *our o4n car#io -achine or *ou can 7oin a g*- an# gi!e *ourse$f the 4or1out that *ou nee# to tone up *our abs5 <r *ou can 7oin a g*- an# ha!e access to se!era$ -achines5 You 4i$$ fin# that the g*- is co-prise# of -an* e%ercise -achines that can he$p *ou get the abs that *ou 4ant as 4e$$ as he$p *ou $ose 4eight5 E!en if *ou are not o!er4eight2 *ou shou$# sti$$ e%ercise using car#io!ascu$ar -achines for *our abs5 This 4i$$ gi!e *ou an intense 4or1out that 4i$$ he$p scu$pt *our abs faster an# easier5 There are so-e g*-s aroun# that charge a $o4 -onth$* fee for -e-bership5 9ot on$* 4i$$ *ou get access to the car#io -achines that 4i$$ he$p *ou burn ca$ories as 4e$$ as tone up *our $o4er bo#* ha$f2 but *ou can a$so get access to 4eight -achines that 4e 4i$$ ta$1 about in the ne%t chapter5 .o-e of the car#io e%ercise -achines that *ou can use that 4i$$ tone up *our $o4er ha$f an# gi!e *ou the abs that *ou 4ant are the fo$$o4ing; .tair stepping -achine E$$iptica$ -achine Ao4ing 'achine Trea#-i$$

E%ercise Bi1e A$$ fi!e of these car#io!ascu$ar -achines 4i$$ 4or1 to not on$* get *ou s$i--er2 but a$so to tone up *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es5 You can use so-e or a$$ of the- to get the abs that *ou 4ant5 'ost peop$e fin# a -achine that the* $i1e an# sett$e into a routine5 You can #o that to he$p *ou get *our tu--* f$atter than e!er an# start to get that si% pac1 that *ou ha!e a$4a*s 4ante#5 Stair Stepping Machine The stair stepping -achine 4as the e%ercise -achine of choice in the 1)(+s an# 4or1s !er* 4e$$ as a car#io!ascu$ar -achine as 4e$$ as a $o4er bo#* toner5 You can get *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es tone# easi$* 4hen *ou are using the stair stepper5 When *ou first start 4or1ing on the stair stepper2 *ou 4i$$ fin# that it is #ifficu$t to sta* on this -achine for $ong5 There are se!era$ t*pes of -achines5 .o-e of the- actua$$* ha!e a ro$$ing set of stairs that *ou ha!e to c$i-b 4hi$e others si-u$ate the c$i-bing -otion5 'ost stair stepping -achines to#a* 4i$$ te$$ *ou ho4 -an* stairs *ou ha!e c$i-be# as 4e$$ as ho4 -an* ca$ories *ou ha!e $ost5 The first ti-e on the stair stepping -achine *ou 4i$$ fin# it har# to sta* on for -ore than fi!e -inutes2 especia$$* if it has been a 4hi$e since *ou e%ercise#5 6f *ou fee$ $ighthea#e# or #iDD* 4hen *ou are using the stair stepping -achine2 or fee$ short of breath2 *ou nee# to stop the e%ercise right a4a*5 .tair stepping is a high i-pact car#io!ascu$ar e%ercise5 You shou$# a$4a*s #iscuss an* ne4 e%ercise routine 4ith *our ph*sician before starting5 After *ou ha!e use# the stair stepper -ore often2 *ou 4i$$ notice that *ou can sta* on the stair stepper for a $onger perio# of ti-e5 You #o not nee# -ore than 2+ -inutes on the stair stepper each #a* to get the resu$ts that *ou nee#5 You can a#7ust the tension of the stair stepper to -a1e it -ore #ifficu$t to use the -achine an# increase the tension5 As *ou get better an# better on the stair stepper2 *ou can a$so attach $eg 4eights to *our an1$es so that *ou can increase the tension 4hen *ou are c$i-bing the stairs5 You can continue 4ith this e%ercise routine as *ou 4or1 to scu$pt *our abs5 As *ou are using the stair stepper2 *ou nee# to concentrate on *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es5 Your abs shou$# be first an# fore-ost 4hen *ou are using this -achine to get the perfect abs5 Pu$$ *our abs in as *ou are using the stair stepper an# 1eep the- taut 4hi$e *ou are using the stair stepper for the -a%i-u- benefit5 6n a##ition to e%ercising *our abs2 *ou 4i$$ a$so notice that *ou can get fir-er $egs2 buttoc1s an# thighs 4hen *ou use the stair stepper in this 4a*5 6f *ou $i1e the stair stepper2 *ou -a* #eci#e to purchase one of these -achines for ho-e5 You 4i$$ fin# that the -ore *ou use the stair stepper2 the better tone# *ou 4i$$ be an# the -ore ca$ories *ou 4i$$ burn5 6t 4i$$ a$so get easier to sta* on the stair stepper for the fu$$ 2+ -inutes as *ou continue5

Elliptical Machine The e$$iptica$ -achine 4i$$ not on$* get *our abs in shape2 but 4i$$ a$so e%ercise the $o4er ha$f of *our bo#* as 4e$$ as *our upper ha$f5 The e$$iptica$ -achine perfor-s the -otions of cross countr* s1iing5 This is a -achine that is $o4 i-pact an# is eas* to use5 6t 4i$$ a$$o4 *ou to -o!e both *our $egs an# *our ar-s at the sa-e ti-e5 6t is one of the -ost effecti!e 4a*s to $ose 4eight using a car#io!ascu$ar e%ercise -achine an# can #o 4on#ers 4hen it co-es to toning *our abs5 The e$$iptica$ -achine 4i$$ be easier to use than the stair stepper as it is not as high i-pact2 but it #o the 7ob5 You 4i$$ start to notice the resu$ts right a4a*2 but 4i$$ not fee$ as out of breath or as -uch i-pact 4hen *ou are using this -achine as oppose# to the stair stepper5 'an* peop$e $i1e using the e$$iptica$ -achine because the* can #o so 4ithout the i-pact to their 1nees an# bac1 that other -achines gi!e5 The e$$iptica$ -achine a$so a$$o4s *ou to -o!e *our ar-s bac1 an# forth2 pro-oting -ore ca$orie burning energ*5 Again2 4hen *ou are using the e$$iptica$ -achine2 suc1 in *our gut an# tighten *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es5 You 4i$$ fee$ the -achine start to 4or1 on a$$ of the -usc$es in *our bo#*5 When *ou concentrate on a certain set of -usc$es an# tighten the- as *ou are 4or1ing out2 *ou can then e%pect to get better resu$ts in that area5 6f *ou $i1e using the e$$iptica$ -achine to tighten an# tone *our abs2 not to -ention to $ose 4eight2 *ou -a* en7o* o4ning this -achine5 This is a fun -achine to use an# 4i$$ 4or1 4e$$ to tone a$$ of *our bo#* an# 4or1 to4ar#s gi!ing *ou the roc1 har# abs that *ou 4ant5 Rowing Machine The ro4ing -achine is one 4a* that *ou can a$so get *our abs tightene# up5 6t 4i$$ a$so 4or1 on *our $egs2 buttoc1s an# ar-s5 This is a high i-pact -achine an# 4i$$ re8uire *ou to -i-ic the -otions of ro4ing a boat5 6t is an e%ce$$ent 4a* to $ose 4eight an# 4i$$ he$p *ou burn ca$ories5 6t is best use# for so-eone 4ho is reasonab$* goo# hea$th an# not se!ere$* o!er4eight5 .o-e of the ne4 ro4ing -achines that *ou can use 4i$$ te$$ *ou ho4 -uch *ou ha!e ro4e# an# e!en a$$o4 *ou to race against other ro4ers5 You can a$so $earn ho4 -an* ca$ories *ou ha!e $ost an# *our heart rate 4ith this t*pe of car#io!ascu$ar e%ercise -achine5 The ro4ing -achine can be har# on the 1nees2 4hich is 4h* it is best for so-eone 4ho is not obese an# ha!ing troub$e 4ith their 1nees5 .uc1 in *our gut as *ou are ro4ing an# *ou 4i$$ fee$ the tension pu$$ing on *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es5 As *ou continue to ro42 *ou 4i$$ note that it gets easier an# easier each ti-e that *ou use the -achine5 Whi$e *ou -a* fin# it #ifficu$t to continue ro4ing for a $ong ti-e 4hen *ou first start out2 after *ou get the hang of this -achine2 *ou 4i$$ fin# that it is eas* to use an# e!en entertaining5 You -a* #eci#e to get one for *our ho-e to 1eep *our abs as 4e$$ as *our other -usc$es in shape5

Treadmill The trea#-i$$ is one of the -ost popu$ar of a$$ car#io!ascu$ar e%ercise -achines5 6t is use# for 4a$1ing as 4e$$ as 7ogging an# running5 An*one can use a trea#-i$$5 <ne of the best aspects about using the trea#-i$$ is that it can be use# b* an*one to tone up as 4e$$ as $ose 4eight5 You shou$# start out b* 4a$1ing on the trea#-i$$ an# suc1ing in *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es as *ou are 4a$1ing on the trea#-i$$5 Whene!er *ou are e%ercising on the trea#-i$$2 *ou shou$# concentrate on the -usc$es that *ou 4ant to e%ercise an# tone an# then focus on the- 4hen *ou are 4or1ing on the trea#-i$$5 The trea#-i$$ 4i$$ te$$ *ou ho4 far *ou ha!e 4a$1e# as 4e$$ as ho4 -an* ca$ories *ou ha!e burne# 4hen *ou are 4a$1ing5 This 4i$$ a$so te$$ *ou *our heart rate5 The trea#-i$$ can be use# for running2 a$though it is 7ust as effecti!e at toning up *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es 4hen use# for 4a$1ing5 The trea#-i$$s that *ou get to#a* are -uch -ore a#!ance# than those that 4ere -a#e -an* *ears ago5 You -a* fin# that *ou $i1e the trea#-i$$ so -uch that *ou #eci#e to bu* one for *our ho-e5 Exercise Bike The e%ercise bi1e is one 4a* that *ou can tighten *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es an# a$so $ose 4eight 4hi$e toning the $o4er ha$f of *our bo#*5 You can get an e%ercise bi1e that a$$o4s *ou to sit straight up an# #o4n2 or one in 4hich *ou rec$ine an# ha!e *our $egs in the air5 Both of these e%ercise bi1es are usefu$ for toning up *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es5 The ne4 e%ercise bi1es that are on the -ar1et to#a*2 as 4e$$ as in the g*-2 are ab$e to te$$ *ou ho4 far *ou ha!e ri##en as 4e$$ as ho4 -an* ca$ories *ou ha!e burne#5 The ne4 e%ercise bi1es 4i$$ a$$o4 *ou to race against other ri#ers that are #epicte# on the LC@ screen5 This can gi!e *ou an a##e# incenti!e if *ou nee# so-e -oti!ation to 1eep pushing on 4hen *ou are e%ercising5 This can -a1e using this piece of car#io!ascu$ar e%ercise e8uip-ent eas* an# fun5 Whene!er *ou are using car#io!ascu$ar e%ercise -achines2 *ou shou$# -a1e sure that *ou are in goo# hea$th before atte-pting the routine5 You shou$# ta$1 it o!er 4ith *our #octor an# see if *ou are hea$th* enough for an e%ercise routine5 6f *ou fee$ an* pain2 #iDDiness or $ighthea#e#ness2 *ou shou$# stop e%ercising5 This is so-ething that can be a #anger signa$5 .tart out *our car#io!ascu$ar e%ercising s$o4$* so that *ou can gra#ua$$* 4or1 *our 4a* up to the point that *ou can 4or1 4ith these -achines to 1eep *our bo#* tri- an# hea$th* an# a$so tone up *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es5

Chapter & - We ght 'ach nes For !s

You 4i$$ notice2 4hen *ou go to *our g*-2 that there are 4eight -achines that are -a#e to e%ercise the ab#o-ina$ -usc$es5 These 4i$$ 4or1 in a##ition to the other e%ercises an# routines that 4ere #iscusse# in this boo1 pre!ious$* to he$p *ou 1eep *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es in shape as 4e$$ as tone an# #efine the -usc$es5 When *ou are using the 4eight -achines for *our abs2 *ou shou$# use the- e!er* other #a*5 You #o not 4ant to bu$1 up *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es2 but -ere$* 4ant to tighten the- so that the* $oo1 tone# an# #efine#5 There are se!era$ 4eight -achines at the g*- that *ou can use to strengthen *our abs an# tone the- up so that *ou can ha!e the perfect si% pac15 T4o -achines that 4or1 4e$$ 4i$$ cause *ou to t4ist an# tighten *our abs an# a$so to -i-ic the sit up routine5 Because *ou can a#7ust the 4eights an# tension on these -achines2 *ou can e%pect goo# resu$ts if *ou use the- e!er* other #a* to tone up *our -usc$es5 Before *ou use an* t*pe of 4eight -achine at the g*-2 *ou shou$# be instructe# on ho4 to use the -achine5 'ost g*-s 4i$$ ha!e peop$e 4ho 4i$$ he$p *ou figure out ho4 to use a -achine5 The* 4i$$ instruct *ou on the right 4a* to use the e%ercise -achine so that *ou #o so the right 4a*5 ,sing a 4eight -achine incorrect$* can en# up causing *ou to hurt *ourse$f5 Ta$1 to a g*- counse$or before *ou start using the -achine5 As1 the- ho4 *ou can use the -achine that 4i$$ tighten up *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es5 The counse$or -a* e!en ha!e other -achines that can be use# for the sa-e purpose5 When *ou start using the 4eight -achines2 *ou 4i$$ 4ant to use the $o4est tension $e!e$ or 4eight 4hen *ou start out5 @o repetitions of the -otion as instructe# an# tr* to #o 3 reps of (5 This 4i$$ -ost $i1e$* be eas* for *ou to #o 4hen *ou are first starting out2 especia$$* if *ou are using the $o4est 4eight or tension on the -achine5 You -a* not thin1 that the 4eight -achine is #oing an* goo#2 but chances are that *ou 4i$$ fee$ tension in *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es the #a* after *ou e%ercise5 You 4i$$ 4ait a #a* an# then perfor- the sa-e e%ercises again5 You #o not 4ant to strain *our -usc$es 4hen *ou are using the 4eight -achines for *our abs or this can en# up #oing -ore harthan goo#5 You 7ust 4ant to create a $itt$e tension5 After a 4ee1 of using the 4eight -achines for abs 4ith success2 *ou can then -o!e up a $e!e$ 4hen it co-es to 4eights5 This -a* beco-e a $itt$e bit -ore #ifficu$t2 but *ou 4i$$ 4ant to use the sa-e repetitions5 Be sure to use both the t4isting -otion 4eight -achines to e%ercise the si#e ab#o-ina$ -usc$es as 4e$$ as the front ab#o-ina$ -usc$es 4hen *ou are using the sit up -achine5 Each 4ee1 4hen *ou up *our 4eight tension on the ab#o-ina$ 4eight -achines2 *ou 4i$$ notice a change in the ab#o-ina$ -usc$es5 You 4i$$ start to notice a change in the

tone right a4a* as *ou continue on this path5 6f *ou be$ong to a g*-2 *ou 4i$$ 4ant to ta1e a#!antage of a$$ of the 4eights that the* ha!e a!ai$ab$e2 inc$u#ing those that are use# to tighten an# tone abs5 ,n$ess *ou ha!e a ho-e g*-2 it is un$i1e$* that *ou 4i$$ ha!e these -achines in *our ho-e5 But the* can be !er* beneficia$ 4hen it co-es to getting the si% pac1 abs that *ou ha!e a$4a*s #rea-e# about5 =ust be sure to use the- the right 4a* so that *ou #o not en# up causing har- to *our -usc$es an# bui$# the- up5 B* as1ing ho4 to use the -achines an# using the- in the right 4a*2 *ou can then begin to 4or1 on the ab#o-ina$ -achines to further scu$pt *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es5

Chapter ( - P lates For Abs

Pi$ates is a t*pe of toning e%ercise that has been use# b* #ancers for near$* & *ears5 <ne 4a* that *ou get in!o$!e# in Pi$ates is to 7oin a c$ass5 This is another 4a* that *our $oca$ g*- can he$p *ou5 Pi$ates are e%ce$$ent 4hen it co-es to toning up -usc$e2 especia$$* the abs5 6f *our g*- offers a Pi$ates c$ass2 *ou can sign up for this c$ass that can he$p *ou 4or1 on toning up *our abs5 Pi$ates 4or1s 4e$$ 4hen it co-es to teaching *ou ho4 to iso$ate certain -usc$es an# 4or1 on the- to get the- tone#5 'ore than $i1e$*2 *our Pi$ates c$ass 4i$$ not on$* 4or1 on the abs2 but other -usc$es as 4e$$5 <nce *ou get the hang of the Pi$ates an# ho4 to use the-2 *ou can use this t*pe of e%ercise routine to 4or1 on *our abs 4hen *ou are at ho-e5 6f *ou #o not ha!e a Pi$ates c$ass at *our $oca$ g*-2 *ou -a* be ab$e to sign up for one at *our $oca$ par1s #epart-ent5 There are -an* peop$e 4ho are g$a# to teach Pi$ates so that others can $earn this t*pe of toning e%ercise5 Pi$ates 4i$$ $et *ou concentrate on *our -usc$es that *ou 4ant tone# an# e%ercise the- to the -a%i-u- of *our abi$it*5 Throughout this boo12 4e ha!e been ta$1ing about iso$ating -usc$es an# concentrating on the- 4hen e%ercising2 either 4ith a car#io!ascu$ar -achine2 toning e%ercise or 4ith a 4eight -achine5 You -ight be 4on#ering ho4 *ou can $earn to #o this5 Pi$ates can teach *ou ho4 to focus in on *our -usc$es an# -a1e the -ost of *our 4or1out5 Pi$ates is a -uch -ore concentrate# t*pe of e%ercise than an* other toning e%ercise routine5 <ne reason 4h* -an* peop$e $i1e to use Pi$ates as a 4a* to scu$pt their ab#o-ina$ -usc$es is because the* can get the sa-e resu$ts fro- a 1 -inute 4or1out 4hen using Pi$ates as the* can get fro- a 4 -inute tra#itiona$ 4or1out5 Pi$ates are -a#e to concentrate on -usc$es an# tone the- so that the* are strong as 4e$$ as scu$pte#5 6f *ou are at a $oss as to ho4 *ou can $earn Pi$ates e%ercises2 #o not ha!e a g*- 4here *ou can be taught or a c$ass offere# b* the par1s #epart-ent2 *ou can a$so $earn about ho4 to perfor- Pi$ates fro- 4atching a @E@5 Aent a @E@ at *our $oca$ !i#eo store so that *ou can $earn ho4 to perfor- these e%ercises that can he$p *ou get the f$at an# !er* tone# abs that *ou can sho4 off at the beach5 <nce *ou $earn Pi$ates2 chances are that *ou 4i$$ use the- in other e%ercise routines5 Pi$ates are $o4 i-pact an# *ou 4i$$ -ost $i1e$* not on$* appreciate the 4a* that *our abs $oo12 but a$so the rest of *our bo#* if *ou use Pi$ates on a regu$ar basis5 6f *ou 4ant to ha!e the best $oo1ing abs2 tr* Pi$ates5 'an* -o#e$s an# others 4ho e%hibit perfect abs s4ear b* this e%ercise routine that 4i$$ start to 4or1 right a4a*5 You 4i$$ notice a big change in *our bo#* 4hen *ou begin practicing Pi$ates an# 4i$$ not on$* e%hibit perfect abs2 but a$so perfect tone# -usc$es in other parts of *our bo#*5 6f *ou 4ant to achie!e the perfect abs2 *ou o4e it to *ourse$f to tr* Pi$ates - one of the best for-s of e%ercise for toning -usc$es - especia$$* abs5

Chapter ) - Change *our rout ne

As *ou are 4or1ing on *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es2 *ou 4i$$ notice that *ou reach a sta$e-ate 4here it see-s as if the abs are not getting an* -ore #efine#5 This often happens 4ith #ieters as 4e$$5 E!er*one 4ho 4or1s on $osing 4eight or tr*ing to #efine their -usc$es 4i$$ reach a point 4here the* cannot get an* further 4ith their efforts2 #espite the fact that the* are #oing e!er*thing that the* can #o to achie!e the resu$ts that the* 4ant5 .o 4hat #o *ou #o 4hen *ou are at a p$ateau an# cannot $ose an* -ore 4eight or gain an* i-pro!e-ent in *our -usc$es? The best 4a* that *ou can a!oi# this prob$e- is to change the 4a* that *ou are #oing things5 .o-eti-es2 *our bo#* gets use# to a certain routine to the point 4here *ou cannot get it to perfor- an -ore5 When this occurs2 the on$* thing *ou can #o is to change *our 4or1out routine5 6f *ou ha!e been using Pi$ates instea# of -achine 4eights2 begin using the-5 .tart changing the toning e%ercises as 4e$$ an# begin using another car#io!ascu$ar -achine5 This 7o$t -a* be 7ust 4hat *our bo#* nee#s in or#er to get bac1 into shape5 You nee# to -a1e so-e changes5 6f *ou fin# that *ou ha!e reache# a p$ateau 4hen it co-es to *our 8uest for the perfect abs2 *ou shou$# use a #ifferent -etho# of e%ercise to brea1 up the routine5 This 4i$$ cause *ou #ifferent resu$ts5 The sa-e concept ho$#s true for #ieting5 6f *ou are on a #iet an# reach a p$ateau2 *ou shou$# change the routine that *ou are using to get #ifferent resu$ts5 This 4or1s 4ith e%ercise as it #oes 4ith #ieting5 @o not continue on a p$an that is not 4or1ing5 Loo1 for a p$an that is s$ight$* #ifferent to further *our 8uest for the best $oo1ing abs5 You shou$# a$so 4atch *our #iet at this ti-e5 You -a* 4ant to start eating s-a$$er -ea$s -ore often in an effort to get -ore energ* into *our bo#*5 This is one change that *ou can -a1e that 4i$$ he$p *ou attain the goa$s *ou ha!e for *ourse$f5 6f *ou reach a sta$e-ate 4hen *ou are tr*ing to attain the perfect abs2 tr* so-ething ne45 Tr* perfor-ing a #ifferent e%ercise2 change *our 4or1out routine or change *our #iet so that *ou can once again start getting the resu$ts that *ou 4ant5

Chapter 1+ - ,s ng Enhance-ent .upple-ents

Enhance-ent supp$e-ents are use# b* bo#* bui$#ers2 inc$u#ing those 4ho 4ant to ha!e perfect$* 4e$$ for-e# abs2 as a 4a* to bu$1 up -usc$e gro4th5 The 4a* that natura$ enhance-ent supp$e-ents 4or1 is to increase b$oo# f$o4 to the -usc$es an# a$$o4 *ou to get -ore fro- *our 4or1out5 You can often get a -ore intense 4or1out 4hen *ou use enhance-ent supp$e-ents than if *ou 7ust 4or1out 4ithout these supp$e-ents5 9atura$ enhance-ent supp$e-ents are -a#e 4ith herba$ ingre#ients that ha!e been use# for hun#re#s of *ears as a 4a* to increase energ* $e!e$s in the bo#*5 An*one 4ho is $oo1ing for a 4a* to increase b$oo# f$o4 to -usc$es can use these natura$ enhance-ent supp$e-ents5 You shou$# not confuse natura$ enhance-ent supp$e-ents 4ith steroi#s2 a pro#uct that is create# fro- s*nthetic hor-ones an# shou$# on$* be ta1en un#er the super!ision of a #octor5 Enhance-ent supp$e-ents are -a#e fro- natura$ pro#ucts 4hereas steroi#s that -an* bo#* bui$#ers a$so ta1e2 are -a#e fro- che-ica$$* create# hor-ones5 'an* peop$e 4ho 4or1out an# 4ant to bui$# -usc$e bu$1 en7o* using enhance-ent supp$e-ents as part of their 4or1out routine5 The* can -a1e it easier to 4or1 out har#er for a $onger perio# of ti-e an# gi!e *ou better resu$ts fro- *our 4or1out routine5 <ther peop$e #is$i1e the i#ea of using enhance-ent supp$e-ents because the* #o not gi!e the- the instant bu$1 or -usc$e gro4th that the* e%pect5 'an* peop$e 4ho fee$ this 4a* #o so because the* ha!e confuse# natura$ enhance-ent supp$e-ents for 4or1ing out 4ith steroi#s5 .teroi#s are usua$$* i$$ega$$* obtaine# an# shou$# be a!oi#e# b* an*one 4ho 4ants to sta* hea$th*5 The si#e effects of ta1ing steroi#s inc$u#e increase# aggression2 organ #a-age an# e!en -enta$ instabi$it*5 'en 4i$$ notice their testic$es shrin1ing frota1ing steroi#s an# 4o-en 4i$$ begin to gro4 hair on their face an# chest5 .teroi#s are an unnatura$ enhance-ent that -an* in the bo#* bui$#ing circuit use to get those $arge2 unnatura$ $oo1ing -usc$es5 .i% pac1 abs are not unnatura$ $oo1ing5 The* are a 4e$$ #efine# -usc$e group in *our ab#o-ina$ region5 You #o not ha!e to resort to an* artificia$ -eans to achie!e the perfect si% pac1 4hen it co-es to *our abs5 You can get these abs using the e%ercises an# #iet for-u$as #e-onstrate# in this boo1 4ithout ha!ing to resort to an* supp$e-ents5 6f *ou 4ant to fee$ as though *ou are he$ping *our 4or1out a$ong2 *ou can ta1e natura$ supp$e-ents that contain herba$ ingre#ients2 no che-ica$s an# are #esigne# to a$$o4 for increase# b$oo# f$o4 to the -usc$e areas5 This 4i$$ not #o *ou an* har- an# -a* a$so gi!e *ou a ps*cho$ogica$ boost as 4e$$5 You can purchase natura$ enhance-ent supp$e-ents at hea$th foo# store as 4e$$ as so-e on$ine out$ets5 Ae-e-ber not to get an*thing other than a co-p$ete$* natura$ supp$e-ent an# sta* a4a* fro- steroi#s5

There is no -agic pi$$ that *ou can ta1e to get the perfect abs5 The* ta1e har# 4or1 an# #e#ication5 6f *ou are 4i$$ing to put the ti-e into e%ercising an# 4or1ing out for the perfect abs2 an# eat a proper #iet that 4i$$ a$so benefit *ou in this 8uest2 *ou can ha!e the perfect abs5 But if *ou are $oo1ing for a 4a* to get this $oo1 4ithout an* t*pe of effort on *our part2 thin1 again5 9o enhance-ent or -agic pi$$ is going to #o it for *ou5 ?ar# 4or1 an# #iscip$ine 4i$$ a$$o4 *ou to ha!e the perfect abs of *our #rea-s5

Chapter 11- /eep ng Your F r- Abs

6t stan#s to reason that once *ou ha!e achie!e# the perfect abs that *ou 4i$$ 4ant to 1eep the-5 <nce *ou get to the point 4here *ou are happ* 4ith the 4a* that *our ab#o-ina$ -usc$es $oo12 *ou 4ant the- to sta* that 4a*5 You shou$# continue to eat the right 4a*2 $ea# a hea$th* $ifest*$e an# 4or1out regu$ar$*5 This is a goo# $ifest*$e choice for an*one - regar#$ess of 4hether or not the* ha!e the perfect abs5 'an* peop$e 4ho achie!e this t*pe of feat fee$ that the* cannot e!er stra* fro- their routine 4ithout their perfect abs co$$apsing an# turning to fat5 Whi$e *ou 4i$$ 4ant to sta* on *our routine as -uch as possib$e an# eat hea$th* foo#s2 if *ou stra* fro- *our #iet or fai$ to sho4 up for the g*-2 #o not panic5 This #oes not -ean that *ou 4i$$ $ose the perfect abs that *ou 4or1e# so har# to attain5 /eeping the perfect abs is -ore of a -in# set than an*thing e$se5 You 4i$$ 4ant to continue to #iet an# e%ercise an# be -in#fu$ of the 4a* that *ou $oo15 Chances are2 that if *ou achie!e# the perfect abs of *our #rea-s2 *ou ha!e a$rea#* #e-onstrate# a re-ar1ab$e a-ount of #eter-ination an# abi$it* to achie!e a goa$5 You -ight e!en fee$ a $itt$e bit $et #o4n2 no4 that the goa$ has been co-p$ete#5 <r *ou -ight thin1 that *ou #o not ha!e to #o an*thing to -aintain this ne4 bo#*5 You shou$# ne!er fee$ $et #o4n because *ou ha!e co-p$ete# a goa$5 Whi$e the initia$ 8uest to achie!e the goa$ can be !er* inspiring for -an* peop$e2 an# get the- a$$ re!!e# up to co-p$ete the goa$2 *ou can sti$$ ha!e other goa$s that *ou can set *our -in# to that can gi!e *ou this fee$ing5 You shou$# sti$$ sta* 4ithin *our e%ercise routine as *ou are 4or1ing out so that *ou can continue to 1eep the fir- abs5 6f *ou fee$ that *ou can $et *our bo#* go an# aban#on *our e%ercise routine because *ou ha!e gotten to 4here *ou 4ant to get2 thin1 again5 You 4i$$ ha!e a -ore #ifficu$t ti-e getting bac1 into shape if *ou $et *our perfect abs go to 4aste5 <r sha$$ 4e sa* 4aist? This is because -usc$e 4i$$ turn to fat if not use#5 6t is i-portant that *ou continue e%ercising an# -aintaining *our perfect abs that *ou ha!e 4or1e# so har# to achie!e5 6t is not a goo# i#ea to fight har# to get the perfect abs for the su--er so that *ou can $oo1 goo# in a bathing suit an# then $et *ourse$f go #uring the co$# -onths so that *ou can eat 4hate!er *ou 4ant an# not e%ercise5 This is not on$* not goo# for *our bo#*2 but it 4i$$ -a1e things e!en -ore #ifficu$t for *ou 4hen ne%t su--er2 *ou once again 4ant to attain the perfect abs5 You nee# to -aintain the perfect abs through the su--er2 through the fa$$ an# through the ho$i#a* season 4hen *ou are eating an# #rin1ing things that *ou shou$# a!oi#5 Whi$e it is fine to in#u$ge no4 an# again2 *ou #o not 4ant to brea1 *our routine to the point 4here *ou ha!e to start a$$ o!er again fro- scratch in achie!ing the perfect abs 4hen *ou 4ant to get in shape for s4i-suit season5 <nce *ou ha!e achie!e# the perfect abs2 *ou 4i$$ fee$ goo# about *ourse$f an# 4i$$ a$so 4ant to sta* that 4a*5 <ne 4a* that *ou can #o this is to ta1e a picture of *ourse$f 4ith

*our perfect abs an# ho4 *ou fee$5 You can then post that picture on the refrigerator so that *ou are constant$* re-in#e# of ho4 har# *ou 4or1e# to achie!e 4hat *ou ha!e achie!e#2 ho4 goo# *ou fee$ that *ou ha!e the abs that *ou ha!e a$4a*s 4ante#2 an# 4hat *ou nee# to #o2 an# not to #o2 to -aintain the perfect abs5

Chapter 12 - The Ps*cholog cal Factor

Achie!ing the perfect abs can #o -ore for *our brain than an* other part of *our bo#*5 .ure2 *our bo#* 4i$$ $oo1 goo# an# *ou 4i$$ be hea$th* $oo1ing as 4e$$5 You 4i$$ fee$ goo# about *our hea$th an# happ* about the 4a* that *ou $oo1 in c$othes5 But the 4a* that *ou fee$ -enta$$* 4i$$ be e!en better than the 4a* that *ou fee$ ph*sica$$*5 This is because *ou 4i$$ ha!e a rene4e# sense of se$f confi#ence5 9ot on$* because *ou are happ* 4ith the 4a* that *ou $oo12 but because *ou ha!e set a goa$ for *ourse$f an# achie!e# that goa$5 Fe4 things enhance the confi#ence $e!e$ -ore than setting a goa$ an# co-p$eting a goa$5 This 4i$$ -a1e *ou fee$ $i1e a 4orth4hi$e person an# gi!e *ou a higher sense of se$f estee-5 6f *ou 4ant to fee$ goo# about *ourse$f2 one 4a* to #o so is to set a goa$ an# fo$$o4 through 4ith that goa$5 The ps*cho$ogica$ i-pact of attaining the perfect abs 4i$$ be enor-ous5 There is a$so a ps*cho$ogica$ co-ponent to achie!ing the perfect abs that *ou nee# to e%p$ore 4hen *ou are tr*ing to achie!e this goa$5 ?o4 ba# #o *ou 4ant it? You nee# to as1 *ourse$f ho4 ba# *ou 4ant to ha!e the perfect abs an# 4hat *ou are 4i$$ing to go through to get the-5 6n or#er to achie!e this goa$2 *ou nee# to 4ant it !er* ba#$*5 'an* peop$e 4i$$ co-p$ain that the* cannot $ose 4eight or cannot 8uit s-o1ing5 The* are usua$$* #efeating the-se$!es 4hen the* sa* this5 <f course the* can $ose 4eight an# 8uit s-o1ing as this is #one b* peop$e a$$ of the ti-e5 6f it 4as i-possib$e to $ose 4eight2 8uit s-o1ing or attain the perfect abs2 then no one 4ou$# #o it5 But peop$e #o this a$$ the ti-e5 .o it is not i-possib$e un$ess *ou sa* that this is so5 Whi$e the ps*cho$ogica$ i-pact of achie!ing the perfect abs is !er* po4erfu$2 the ps*cho$ogica$ factor that enab$es *ou to achie!e the perfect abs is !er* i-portant in this goa$5 6f *ou are geare# up to4ar#s achie!ing the goa$2 be$ie!e that it is possib$e an# beha!e accor#ing$*2 *ou 4i$$ be ab$e to ha!e the perfect abs5 /no4ing that *ou can #o it an# be$ie!ing in *ourse$f is 7ust as i-portant as eating right an# e%ercising 4hen *ou are tr*ing to achie!e this goa$5 The first thing that *ou 4i$$ 4ant to #o is to recogniDe the goa$ for *ourse$f5 6f *ou are o!er4eight2 fin# the right 4eight that *ou 4ant to be an# start to $ose2 base# on the tips an# secrets foun# in this boo15 Thin1 of *our perfect 4eight an# -a1e that *our $ong ter- goa$5 You 4i$$ ha!e to reach the 4eight goa$ before *ou can atte-pt to #efine the ab#o-ina$ -usc$es so that *ou ha!e si% pac1 abs5 ?o4e!er2 *ou can sti$$ continue 4ith the sa-e e%ercises an# #iet i#eas #escribe# in this boo15 After *ou ha!e co-e up 4ith the u$ti-ate goa$2 *ou nee# to set $itt$e goa$s to get there5 Each ti-e *ou achie!e a $itt$e goa$2 *ou 4i$$ fee$ e-po4ere# an# *our se$f estee- 4i$$ rise5 This 4i$$ -a1e it easier to achie!e the big2 u$ti-ate goa$5

6nstea# of te$$ing *ourse$f that *ou 4ant to $ose 2+ poun#s2 te$$ *ourse$f that this is *our u$ti-ate goa$2 but *our goa$ for the ne%t 4ee1 is to $ose 2 poun#s5 Begin *our regi-en of #iet an# e%ercise an# *ou 4i$$ easi$* $ose the 2 poun#s5 You 4i$$ fee$ goo# about *ourse$f as *ou ha!e achie!e# a s-a$$ goa$ that is on the 4a* to4ar#s a $arger goa$5 The sa-e 4a* of thin1ing -ust be use# 4hen *ou are tr*ing to achie!e the perfect si% pac1 abs5 When *ou ha!e reache# *our goa$ 4eight an# are rea#* to #efine *our abs so that *ou ha!e the perfect si% pac12 start to brea1 the goa$ #o4n into s-a$$er goa$s5 6t is often too o!er4he$-ing for so-eone to on$* focus on the $arge goa$ 4hen the* are tr*ing to attain a big i-pro!e-ent in their $ife5 An# a perfect$* scu$pte# bo#* is a big i-pro!e-ent5 6nstea# of $oo1ing at the entire picture2 brea1 it #o4n5 .et *our s-a$$er goa$s so that *ou can achie!e the $arge one b* sa*ing that *our goa$ for this 4ee1 is to -a1e it to the g*e!er* #a* an# achie!e a certain nu-ber of reps or -aintain a certain a-ount of ti-e on a -achine5 <ne of the best aspects about the car#io!ascu$ar e%ercise -achines is that the* can gi!e *ou resu$ts right a4a* as to ho4 -uch ti-e *ou ha!e spent on the-2 the ca$ories *ou ha!e burne# an# the 4or1out *ou achie!e#5 6f *ou tr* to attain a $itt$e bit -ore each ti-e2 *ou 4i$$ be not on$* 4or1ing to4ar#s *our goa$s2 but *ou 4i$$ a$so fee$ goo# about *ourse$f5 You 4i$$ fin# that b* e%ercising regu$ar$* an# eating hea$th* foo#s *ou 4i$$ start to #e!e$op a positi!e -in#set as it is5 E%ercise is $i1e a 4on#er #rug an# can re7u!enate *ou5 You 4i$$ notice that *ou ha!e -ore energ* an# fee$ better about *ourse$f 4hen *ou are e%ercising *our 4a* to4ar#s the perfect si% pac1 abs5 Your entire bo#* 4i$$ fee$ an# $oo1 hea$thier5 6t -a* ta1e a coup$e of -onths before *ou can achie!e the si% pac1 abs that *ou 4ant2 #epen#ing on *our current 4eight an# hea$th5 6t -a* e!en ta1e $onger5 But if *ou set s-a$$ goa$s for *ourse$f an# 4or1 to4ar#s achie!ing those goa$s2 *ou 4i$$ continue to fee$ -oti!ate# about ha!ing the perfect si% pac15 <ccasiona$$*2 *ou -ight in#u$ge in so-ething that is not goo# for *ou or s1ip e%ercise5 6f this happens2 #o not $et it #eter *ou fro- *our goa$5 <ne of the reasons 4h* -an* peop$e fai$ to achie!e their goa$s is because the* gi!e up the first ti-e the* encounter a#!ersit*5 The* go off the 4agon b* eating so-ething that the* shou$# not eat2 or not e%ercising for a #a* or t4o an# figure that the* shou$# 7ust gi!e up5 Peop$e 4ho #iet an# tr* to 8uit s-o1ing a$so -a1e this -ista1e5 <ne of the biggest secrets to ha!ing the perfect abs is that *ou cannot gi!e up5 6f *ou fa$$ off the 4agon2 7ust 7u-p bac1 on it again5 @o not beat *ourse$f up o!er a fai$ure because that is se$f #efeating5 ?ang a picture of the perfect si% pac1 abs 4here *ou can see it e!er* #a* so that *ou can continue to 4or1 to4ar#s *our goa$5 'oti!ate *ourse$f b* s-a$$ re4ar#s for a 7ob 4e$$ #one b* gi!ing *ourse$f s-a$$ gifts or treating *ourse$f to so-ething that *ou $i1e each ti-e *ou reach a goa$5 ?a!e a -oti!ation in -in# for 4hen *ou actua$$* achie!e the $arge goa$2 too2 a$though ha!ing the perfect abs an# achie!ing the goa$ of rea$iDing this is re4ar# enough for *our en#ea!ors5

<nce *ou ha!e ta1en the steps out$ine# in this boo1 to achie!e the perfect abs2 *ou can use the sa-e t*pe of goa$ oriente# -oti!ation to achie!e other areas of greatness in *our $ife5 As *ou see ho4 *ou 4or1e# to4ar#s this goa$2 *ou 4i$$ a$so see that it is possib$e to achie!e other goa$s as 4e$$5 :oa$s that2 at one ti-e2 *ou -ight ha!e #ee-e# to be i-possib$e5 An*thing is possib$e if *ou ha!e #rea-s2 a-bition an# goa$s5 6f *ou are 4i$$ing to #o 4hat it ta1es to -o!e to4ar#s that big goa$ b* accepting the cha$$enges of s-a$$er goa$s an# o!erco-ing the-2 then *ou ha!e 4hat it ta1es to #o 7ust about an*thing that *ou set *our -in# to in $ife5 6nc$u#ing getting the perfect$* scu$pture# bo#* an# gorgeous si% pac1 absC

dditional Resources
Truth About .i% Pac1 Abs .urprising foo#s Fthat *ou thought 4ere unhea$th*G that actua$$* assist the fat-burning process in *our bo#*2 3 Foo#s -ar1ete# as Hhea$th*H that actua$$* increase *our sto-ach fat555 sta* FAA a4a* fro- these2 4eir# 4or1outs Fscientifica$$*-base#G that burn be$$* fat faster than t*pica$ car#io an# -uch -oreC Tota$ .i% Pac1 Abs The Best si%-pac1 abs gui#e on the -ar1et - Perio#C Written b* a professiona$ trainer5 :$oba$ success stories - 1++I authentic2 no fa1e testi-onia$s5 Fu$$2 -one*-bac1 guaranteeC Fir- An# F$atten Your Abs '* s*ste- is uni8ue because it #oesn>t re8uire hun#re#s of crunches or e%pensi!e e8uip-ent2 an# be$ie!e it or not2 there>s not a sing$e sit up in an* of -* 4or1outs5 E!en -ore i-portant$*2 -* progra- 4i$$ not on$* gi!e *ou the 0si% pac1 abs3 *ou 4ant2 it 4i$$ a$so gi!e *ou a po4erfu$2 ath$etic -i#section 4hi$e re#ucing $o4 bac1 pain an# $oosening up stiff -usc$es an# 7oints5

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