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31 Alexandra Ave.

, Waterloo Application for Re-zoning Z-03-12 and Proposed New Development Summary of Major Zoning Changes and Variances
Existing Zoning Max. Height

1) Height (Proposed re-zoning to 25 storeys)

(Property currently is a mixture of four zoning classifications) Multiple Resident 25-storey (MR-25) Multiple Resident 12-storey (MR-12) Commercial 8 (C8-25) Industrial (I-25)

Proposed Re-zoning Use/Height

% Zoning Height Increase (if approved)/land use change

no change 108% in height, no change land use no height change; zoning change from commercial no height change; zoning change from industrial

25 storeys 12 storeys 25 storeys 25 storeys

no change MR-25 (25-storeys) MR-25 (25-storeys) MR-25 (25-storeys)

CORE Comment: In the 2012 Official Plan, the 31 Alexandra property is located entirely in the Uptown Complimentary Transition Area which is to serve as a transitional area between the more intensive urban uses of the Uptown Commercial Core and the established lower density residential neighbourhoods. Not sure how re-zoning a key section of this property with a 108% increase in height helps this development transition into the residential neighbourhood. The recent 133 Park St. development nearby provides an excellent example of planning that does transition well, in accordance with the Official Plan.

2) Density (Proposed # of units = 152)

(Site size = .322 hectares) Multiple Resident 25-storey (MR-25) Multiple Resident 12-storey (MR-12) Commercial 8 (C8-25) Industrial (I-25)

Existing Zoning Max. Density

(units per hectare) 250 200 250 n/a, zoned industrial

Proposed Development Density (units/hectare)

473 473 473 473

% exceeding existing zoning, if approved

by 89% by 137% by 89% n/a

CORE Comment: Proposed development in all cases is nearly double the existing zoning density requirement, and in the case of the MR-12 portion of the property, more than double. This significant non-compliance with existing zoning has serious aesthetic and traffic implications for nearby residents. Why have zoning bylaws if they are not adhered to? This is an unacceptable major variance for its impact on adjacent low-density residential areas that zoning bylaws are in place to protect.

3) Building Setbacks Existing Zoning Requirements:

Proposed Setback/Lot Cover

Negative Impact of Zoning Variance

a) 10 metre setback combined for both sides with a minimum of 3 metres for either side b) Minimum rear yard of 7.5 meters c) Zoning requires a minimum landscaped area of 30% (lot coverage of 70%)

0 metres

Structures base grows, substantially increasing the building envelope or footprint by over 25% Expansion of buildings footprint Green space is grossly non-compliant with zoning as a consequence of reduced setbacks above

3 metres 9% (lot coverage 91%)

CORE Comment: By comparison, consider the well-planned Seagram Loft development nearby and the ample and appropriate green space existing there. Overall Comment: Most of the properties west of Caroline St. where this property lies, comprise one and half to two storey residential dwellings, with front yards, side yards and rear yards. The scale and mass of this proposed development is not at all compatible with the surrounding uses it is "transitioning" into. This project is being shoe-horned into the property and is well beyond the scale that fits the surrounding area. The development should have consideration for adjacent historic residential neighbourhoods and it should clearly be developed without all the significant requested exemptions from the current zoning bylaw.

The above information has been largely sourced and summarized from an extensive report prepared by Ray Blackport and presented by him to City Council on April 22, 2013 at the Informal Public Meeting for 31 Alexandra Ave. It has been provided for the benefit of CORE members and for the community at large with his permission.

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