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Human Factors Engineering Dr. Osama Al Meanazel

Lecture 7 (Illumination, Luminance and Glare) October 3, 2013


Some Basic Principles and Lighting Requirements

1. Provide enough lighting to ensure an adequate level of visibility for the tasks that will be performed
visual angle ()
h is the height of the character or object d is the distance from the object

Contrast (C)
BL is the luminance of the brighter of two contrasting areas BD is the luminance of the darker area

Visual Acuity
20/20 or 6/6

Some Basic Principles and Lighting Requirements

2. Less illumination is needed when the visual acuity needed to perform the task is low, when the background luminance is high, or when the contrast between a visual detail and the background is high 3. Provide general illumination over a room for the most typical tasks and supplement with auxiliary light sources for more exacting visual tasks
Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA)
Step1: Identify the type of activity to be performed Step 2: Determine the total weighting factor (TWF) Step 3: Find the corresponding value of illumination from the standard table according to TWF (lx or fc)


Average weighted room reflectance value (AWRF)
Ai is the area of the ith surface of the room (i.e., ceiling, floor, walls) r is the reflectance of the corresponding surface



IESNA Example
A Hypothetical factory is expanding its operation. As part of this expansion an inspection station is to be moved to a new area of the plant. The type of activities which will be performed in this area include reading poorly reproduced orders and difficult, but not highly difficult, inspection tasks involving inspection of small parts. Speed and accuracy are critical in this task. The inspectors are between 40 and 55 year of age. The reflectance of the task background is only 20%.
What is the recommended illuminance level in lx? What is the background luminance in cd/m2? If the ceiling is 6 meter above the task surface what is the luminous intensity (Candelpower) of light source located at the ceiling? If the manager was planning to use hanging fluorescent lights as sources, how many watts of power would be required to illuminate this task? (Flourescent efficacy is 10 cd/watts) Power required = candlepower 12.57 / lamp efficacy If the plant keep the lights on for 200 hrs per month how many kilowatt-hr per moth will be used to light this task? Kilowatt-hr = p t /1000

Some Basic Principles and Lighting Requirements

4. More illumination and contrast is often helpful to people who are older or visually impaired
5. More illumination or contrast is needed when viewing times are short. This is also true if the critical visual details are on moving targets, or if their location or presence is unpredictable 6. Increasing either the contrast between an object and its background or the size of critical details can be a better strategy than increasing the amount of illumination


Some Basic Principles and Lighting Requirements

7. Ambient illumination of luminous displays such as CRTs and LEDs should be minimized to improve contrast. Light sources should be placed so they do not directly illuminate the surface of luminous displays 8. Eliminate or try to minimize direct sources of glare or shadows by using indirect lighting or by appropriate positioning of light sources 9. Avoid or minimize extreme transitions in illumination levels between adjoining areas of the task or environment.

Some Basic Principles and Lighting Requirements

10. Match the color and color-rendering properties of light sources to the task-related needs of the people using the environment


Photometry Example
A 100W bulb having luminous having luminous efficiency 10 lm/ W is placed at a distance 3 m from a screen S as shown in figure. Find the luminous intensity (Illumination) on screen at a point P as shown in figure.

Luminous flux of bulb = P = 10 100 = 1000 lumen Luminous intensity of bulb = Flux / 4 = 1000/4 = 250/ cd Illuminance of bulb on screen at point P is



I = L cos / r2 = (250/) cos 60 /2 3 = 125/ (2 3) = 3.32 lux

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