School of Discipleship & Missionary Making Training

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August 7 till 11 - 2013

In Mathew 16:15 - Jesus said to all disciples that - (Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.) This is the Great Commission Jesus gave to all His Disciple. When He send, He also gave all the authority and Power along with Commandment, Mission for Tribes and Nations is working hard to reach all kind of people in Nepal and Beyond countries to Preach the Gospel since 2008. This Year 2013, We did not only Go (Reach) but We tried to work out To Produce Missionaries toGO more and more Places in Nepal. So, We start praying for few months to start Preparing Missionaries. Hence God Open Door for us for today. He Blessed us with the Students who are really called up & have great Passion and Burden for Nepal. "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." After Long Prayer, We started SCHOOL OF DISCIPLESHIP & MISSIONARY MAKING TRAINING in Nepal with 11 Students in Smyrna Church. We Invite Our Students from Our Churches and have 5 days Bible Training (Theory & Practical) through our MfTN Bible Teachers and Senior Pastors. Our Training Goal was to Prepare People to GO for the Lord with the word of GOD & Power. TO Proclaim Peace, Resurrection of Jesus Christ & His Second Coming. We Invite Many Guest Pastors from different Churches & districts to Come and Encourage Our Students. Pastor Prem BK (District President of National Christian Federation), Pastor Ram Narayan Harijan (Missionary who has more than 3,000 People in Nepal and in India), Senior Pastor Rajendra Rasaili (Senior Pastor of Smyrna Church) were Guest Pastors who came with Message to encourage Students. They Helped us so well that Many students CRY and Dedicate them self to Serve Lord Our God. It was Wonderful Time. Our Teachers for this Training were Senior Pastor Bhola Peter (Director of Sekina Ministry, Treasurer of MfTN & Pastor in Immanuel Church), Missionary Pastor Mark Gurung (Missionary from India to Nepal & Pastor in Aaradhana Church) and Myself.


After Theory Class, We had Practical Outreach Class where we send our Students in Some Nearby Village with word of God. We trained them METHOD OF EVANGELISM. By which it help our students to go and preach gospel. Our Teachers also taught students about Practical things in Missionary Life. Pastor Peter made Students know BIBLE SURVEY from Genesis to Revelation. Pastor Mark taught students about HOLY SPIRIT and His work & power in our Life.

During Outreach (Practical)

Every day evening from 4 - 7 pm We use our Jeep to send our students to village to village. According to our Students ,"Nirmal Harijan"He says like this," We went to RaniPakat Village and we start Singing Song and People Gather together and We tell them about Why we were there and about Good News we brought them there. Every People they concentrate and hear us. We Preached them through Song" When They came back, He told me, Ruben Sir. Really We experienced that We can preach people through different Methods. We use Singing Methods to preach and people hear. May be Few people will added in your church this Saturday. Really I found a family from same village came to church this Saturday. Amen.


(First Batch of School of Discipleship & Missionary Making Training with Pastor Peter)

God is Good all the time. We are Blessed by this training. We are able to Produce 11 Missionaries this time in few short Time. We are Planning to continue this kind of Training in coming days too. OUR PLANNING: We are Planning to Begin One Year Missionary Training - 1 week in every 2 Month. We want to invite our same students for 1 year regularly in every 2 month for 1 week. After 1 year, We will send them to New Mission Field where there is no any churches as well as Nobody hearing Gospel. If we can do this, I believe We can produce 11 - 15 Missionaries in a year. It is Our Great Desire, Passion, Burden, and Vision to Produce More and More Labors for His Kingdom. Please Support us for this Work of God. For More Info: Please Contact us in Time. Missionary Pastor Ruben Rasaili Founder and Mission Director Mission for Tribes and Nations - Nepal. P O Box: 08 Parasi Nawalparasi Nepal. Email: / /


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