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You arrive at it by doing the hard work of thought and study and research.

Then you also start working with people who share a take on things and have a shared ethic of work. - Rick Heinrichs

Figure 1: Heinrichs was an Oscar Recipient That was the advice given by one of Hollywoods successful production designer, art director, set designer and Oscar recipient - Rick Heinrichs. Upon graduating from California Institute of the Arts (CalArts), Heinrichs began his career as an animator in Disney Studios where he met his creative alliance, Tim Burton. After working as an art director for half a decade, Heinrichs decided to make a change in his career. It was not a drastic one but he decided to take on a role as a production designer. He met Bo Welch, an outstanding production designer while he was an art director on the movie, Beetlejuice. Welch took Heinrichs under his leadership and gave him his first job as the set designer for Ghostbusters 2 (1989). Few years down the road, Heinrich was appointed the production designer in Fargo (1996). He loved his new title and what it has to offer so in an interview by Lisowski questioning Heinrichs about how his career evolved, he simply said If you havent really been there and set designed and had to do the whole slog through art direction then its hard to understand what it really is people are doing. (Lisowski, 2013) Some of Heinrichs work includes blockbuster films such as Sleepy Hollow (1999), Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004), Pirates of the Carribeans: Deads Man Chest (2006), and Captain America: The First Avenger (2011).

Figure 2: Behind the Scenes of Sleepy Hollow (1999) [Still Image]

Figure 3: Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004) [Still Image]

Figure 4: Heinrichs on the set of Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (2007)

Figure 5: Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (2007) [Still Image]

Figure 6: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallws: Part 2 (2011) [Still Image]

Heinrichs loved being a production designer because the deep level of satisfaction he gets when he gets himself immersed in the set. He uses the space and environment really well, filling with props that some may be less prominent than other but yet important to achieve the ultimate visual aspect. To support this statement, he said in an interview with Lisowski about a set from Sleepy Hollow (1999), I like walking onto a set I built that was living in my mind for a really long time. In particular something with forced perspective and some theatrical elements to it. I like to just sit there and enjoy the environment (Lisowski, 2013)

Figure 7: Sleepy Hollow (1999) [Still Image] As a production designer, Heinrichs is an inspiring figure personally because his works are usually dark and very expressive. It is also very distinctive. A statement by 5D Institute supports this when it states Heinrichs' production designs often incorporated a darker color scheme than most other films, a feature that he used to good effect, evincing drama, danger and otherworldliness. (5D Institute, s.d) As I am learning to find my own art style, Heinrich advice is very similar to what is being encouraged in school. His advice was simple. It was Its really important to be able to draw. To do some of the work yourself whether its drawing a plan or an illustration. I do a very rough version of most of the illustrations I want people to work on. Theyre shitty, theyre not rendered, but they say everything I want them to say and it gives the illustrators enough to get going. Excellent illustrators help because what you want to do is communicate to the director both the fundamental spirit as well as the particulars a given set. (Lisowski, 2013) His confidence and certainty of how something should look like by translating the idea to a visual concept is an attribute that I really admire. Hence, Ive learnt to be firm with the decisions I make in terms of the creative aspect but not closing the doors to valuable feedbacks that will help make my work better.

List of Illustriations: Figure 1 Rick Heinrichs [Still Image] at accessed on 30 November 2013 Figure 2 Behind the Scenes of Sleepy Hollow (1999) [Still Image] at accessed on 30 November 2013 Figure 3 Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004) [Still Image] at accessed on 30 November 2013 Figure 4 Heinrichs on the set of Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (2007) at accessed on 30 November 2013 Figure 5 Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (2007) [Still Image] at accessed on 30 November 2013 Figure 6 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallws: Part 2 (2011) [Still Image] at deathly_hallows_p2_029.jpg accessed on 30 November 2013 Figure 7 Sleepy Hollow (1999) [Still Image] at! on 30 November 2013

List of Bibliography: 5D Institute No Date Rick Heinrichs Accessed on 30 November 2013

Lisowski, Tom 2013 Rick Heinrichs Accessed on 30 November 2013

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