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Pricing information for Task 3.

2 to be issued during the class room activity The students are allowed to refer any printed material during the classroom activity no allowed to share the materials All prices are including delivery cost
Basic price list
Material Unit Basic price Rs Transport Rs Unloading Wastage Density Remarks


Bag 850.00 (50kg) m m Per block Per sheet 2800.00 2000.00 42.00

15/ per bag included included 4/per block 10/ per sheet

Sand Metal 100 cement block 25 thk Ply wood

1hr unskilled per 1 tonn N/A N/A N/A



1% 1% 2%

1600kg/m (approximately) 1600kg/m (approximately) N/A


5/ per sheet



m 160.00 10% N/A Timber 50x50mm Allow2% of timber cost 50x75mm m 180.00 50x100mm m 200.00 100x100 m 220.00 25x100 m 125.00 50 dia. Steel props may be hired @ a cost of Rs20.00 per day including transport to site and back to the yard 16mmR/F tonn 85000.00 4000/per 2hrs 5% N/A bars tonn unskilled per tonn Gauge 18 kg 220.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A Allow binding 10kg per wire 1 tonn of R/F bars 200x200 Per 140.00 including delivery and 5% N/A ceramic tile unloading tiles Lime tonn 2500.00 including delivery and 5% 1500kg/m unloading Emulsion Liter 900.00 including delivery and 5% N/A 25m

Shall use for 5 time Shall use for 4 time



Wall sealer Liter

400.00 including delivery and unloading



will cover with 1 liter 60m will cover with 1 liter

Labour constant Mixing Gr.20 concrete 2 unskilled workers with a concrete mixer, hourly hiring cost of the mixer Rs. 700.00 without operator 1 skilled and 1 unskilled worker will place 0.20m of concrete in slab 2 unskilled workers will mix 0.30m of mortar per hour Rs. 25.00 will be paid as block laying cost per block 1 skilled and 1 unskilled worker will fix beam formwork for 3m length of the beam within 5 hours 1 unskilled will remove and prepare 3m length of beam formwork for reuse within 3 hours 1 bar bender and 1 unskilled worker will mark, cut and bend 1 tonn of 16mm bars within 40 hours 1 steel fixer will fix 1 tonn of 16mm bar within 40 hrs 1m of tile will be laid and finished with tile grout @ a rate of Rs 300.00 per m 1m of wall painting including one coat of sealer and two coats of painting will be completed @ a rate of Rs 120.00per m All-in rates for labour Skilled Rs. 175.00 per hour Unskilled Rs. 140.00 per hour Note Reasonable assumptions will be made if relevant information is not found only. However allowances to be assumed by the students for relevant sundry items which are not included above. The nature or type of sundry items should be listed if any allowances are made.

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