Mathematical Association of America

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Mathematician at Work Author(s): ELIZABETH SWEET Source: Math Horizons, Vol. 2, No. 1 (September 1994), p.

26 Published by: Mathematical Association of America Stable URL: . Accessed: 23/08/2013 10:06
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working at the Bureau of the Census as a mathematical statistician. I do not work on the Decennial Census, but rather, Iwork on a few of the ongoing
surveys the Census Bureau conducts.

May 19881 graduated from Loyola inmath College with a bachelor's ematics. Shortly thereafter I began


Statistical Association (ASA) in I 1990. meeting August developed, with the input from many people, a computer simulation which mimics in terviewer travel in a geographic region.

the idea behind a very interesting project at the which I ultimately presented

I specifically work on the Consumer Expenditures Survey. This survey gath ers information about what items people buy. Examples include everything from tooth paste to cars. After the data is collected, it is sent to another agency in order to produce the Consumer Price Index

Our goal was todecide if different travel patterns would save travel time, thus savingmoney. Itwas a great experience forme to use my computer skills from

Loyola days as well as gain experience inpublic speaking. Although that expe rience was both exciting and scary, I treat itas an honor and look forward to

ing, variance, estimation. It quickly be came apparent that there was a whole world of statistics beyond what I had

the next paper. (CPI). In my spare time, I am working to initial "so how does was, My question statistics come into play?" Believe me it wards a Masters inApplied Statistics at the George Washington University. Al does. The firstyear opened up a new terms: of cluster dictionary sampling,

Elizabeth Sweet While the Census Bureau encour ages furthering one's education, I am thankful that they do not hold back interesting and challenging work from anyone who does not have a graduate

previously experienced. As a mathematical statistician, my main duty is to insure the sample se lected isrepresentative, so that the "best" data can be obtained. This includes projects in sample selection, tracking
nonresponse, data



initial question
"so how does

statistics come into

naires, and computing variances on the





also are always researching new of ways collecting accurate data for less money. This sort of cost modeling was We

play?" Believe me itdoes.

degree. It has been my experience that many skills needed for successful work are obtained at the undergraduate level. I look forward to completing my Mas ters and the new challenges that lie ahead at the Census Bureau.

ELIZABETHSWEET received her BS in math

ematics from

rentlyemployed by theBureau of theCen

sus as a mathematical statistician.




is cur

though it is a lot of work, I find it rewarding to learn something in the classroom and then immediately see the benefits of that knowledge in my job.

age of 18 profiles available for $3.00,

at Work, Mathematical Scientists $3.00. Both are available from theMath ematical Association of America. and

If you would like to learn more careers mathematics, using "Mathematicians of the Month,"

about order a pack

26 MathHorizons 1994 September

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