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Conjoint 1) Create a template!

-Market Engineering, Conjoint Create study design template -Type in your attributes (your first column) as many as you need -Then specific levels for each attributes -Generate the Data Collection Template? YES -What type of method? RATINGS -Number of respondents? Depends. -Select whole table of Study design, now you check to make sure you have Bundles and Respondent Ratings (for those dudes to fill in) 2) Create some Part worths! -What do you see? Some bundles. -Make sure those people have already rated stuff -Use the Ratings, and Bundles to estimate partworth, for each attribute -Conjoint Estimate Preference Part worths. Pick Ratings and check. Select the template (auto matically pick the Study Design table so just pick Ok). Same for Bundles! -Now for data, dont have to pick empty space. Just pick as much as needed -Woohoo! I now have part worths conjoints for each person. NOTE the highest of each attribute should all sum up to 100! 3) Create Analysis Template! -estimate the impact of using new brand on market! -Conjoint Create Analysis Template -Check Existing Product Profiles, NEW Product profiles, incremental revenue potentials. And make sure first column is checked too. -Next, pick Study Design table first, then all the partworths! -Now specify Products ALREADY available for market. So pick each profile/portfolio (like Elitepad, or Ipad) and classify by each attribute. This could take a while.

-Now add products NEW TO THE MARKET. Same as before. Add some stuff in. new meat -Yay! I get lots of tables! One with existing product profiles, another with new profiles -Now you hae profit potential table. The base level for each attribute is 0. So just add incremental profit (5 over 3 is 2). 4) Lets finish Market Shares -Conjoint, Run Analysis, Market Share Simulation (with new Product profiles), Optimize Market Share or Revenue (it depends.). Options (consider incremental rev potentials) use baseline as 100. Keep first column checked. You can use Last column if you want to. -Also use First Choice Run its the simpliest! But can do Share of Preference -uncheck include market shares for existing product profiles if youre not using Alpha rule -Next. Attribute table already picked, rev potential too, as well as the partworths, the range of the existing data, and then the new data -Now you see Predicted, and a tab has each new product added -Look at Market Share simulations. Predicted shares (status quo would be without new product). Then what happens with new stuff

-What about Revenue potential? Conjoint, Run Analysis, allow software pick the Optimal Product Profiles with XXX best options, and Optimize revenue! Pick incremental rev potentials. Still use Share of preference Rule. Now you see Market Share and Revenue simulations with optimal products 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -Optimal Product profiles are seen

Segmentation Segmentation and classlfication run segmentation, -which type of cluster? (large sample 200, K-means!)

-but can use hierarchal cluster, but K means is more robust -how many clusters do I want? Trial and see what works for you! Lets try 15 -Segmentation Data: data is already standardized! So no transformation -Display option lowest to highest -Discriminant data (enable, 5%) -Look at data, DO NOT include the column with the names! -Correlation test? Continue Analysis: -see clusters at bottom -the smallest clusters together are represented by the # at the column, then it goes up Rerun with 3 segments, K means -Desriminant data, get rid of column with names! Analysis! I now have two tabs, segmentation and descrination -Segmentation -I see cluster sizes! Woohoo! -Note the segmentation variables, put space between the attributes to make it easier! -the highest are green, lowest are red! -insert a bar chart with the clusters! -Destrimation Tab -you had added new tab with new consumers right? Oops, its new data for discrimination tab. These 10 show how you can classify them into new benefits -look at destrimination tab. Most important is the Discriminant Variables! Its gree/red as before, and shows average for the discriminant variables. You can see stuff -for new sample, use classification weights and coefficients. The software will use it automatically. Classify the 10 new customers into new benefit segments, only using info we reserved. -HEADINGS, margeting engnineering, classification, run classification, just do next.

-input the classification weights. Results, the weights in discrimination tab. Highlight the weights. Then put classification coefficient, highlight the table. -then go to original data, highlight the classification data, the discriminant data. Make sure the table is covered (including names). Click OK. Boom, there it is! -I can see consumer 1 or 2, is likely to be a member of Segment Predicted cluster.. -So you classified new consumers into existing clusters due to discriminant data!

Positioning Stuff Create Template: know how many brands you must haveand how many attributes needed,how many consumers youre going to interview. Heading, Positioning, Create Template. -Input # of columns, Perceptual and Preference data, # of attributes, and and # of N students. OK How fill this stuff with data. Mapping it -Perceptual Data Table has Average Perceptions of each magazine with each attribute -Preference Data has each consumer and each rating for each item/magazine in their preference -Headings, Positioning, Run Analysis (watch out for douchers who rated the same so they will be ignored like the sacks of shit that they are) -Create a vector map. You see a Positioning Map, blue lines are features/attributes, and the pink are consumers. The software only draws vectors from origin to point of higher value. -You can draw a vector, and see stuff -variance map, if you drawn only 1-D map, you can see how much variance is explained. So you can see what is more complex and need to stop. -Can read Diagnostics tab, which has information

How to create Market Shares -How you can estimate market share under a set of assumptions -CTRL-SHIFT, left click, (can choose First Choice or Share of Preferences

-SHIFT, left click on one mag, you can see Market Share of an item! You can also move an item to another place, or to have it emulate another competitor. Shift, Left Lick, on new direction and vector. The question is: is it feasible, what would the dude have to do to turn around its position. -Reposition? As Wagner says, You can do something to get laid! Positioning, Run Analysis (3d, interactive), still keep preference and personal data and vector model, Make sure you select all the preference data table -Woohoo, a 3 d table. You can rotate to get the best perspective. And see who gives the most fuck towards an item. -And you can repositioning. Go to Market Share, select the item, the Reposition, then Rule Share of Preference. Now you can move the item to another direction, and see how much the market share will improve, assuming that it is feasible.


Pilgrim Bank A -How to check profitability of customers? And variation too? HISTOGRAM! -Graph, Legacy Diablogs, Histogram, Variable Profitability. -All left to the mean, youre losing $ -How to Run Descriptive Statistcs? -Analyze, Descriptive Statistics, Descriptive, Var: profitability. Options Mean, Std Dev, SE Mean -How to group people into segments profitability? -Transform, Rank cases, Var: Profitability, check Rank, and Ntiles:10 -No graphp, go to database Data. NT001 column, you see rank 1-10. Rename the variable to Profit rank -How to get mean profitability? -Analyze, Compare Means, Dependent Profitability, Independend Percentile Group -See Table, Mean, N, and Std Dev -Graph, Legacy Dialogs, Bar, Simple, Summaries for Group of Cases ,OK Other Statistics, VarMean Profitability, Categoriy Axis Percentile Group of Profit

-How to get mean and standard error of a Variable? -Analze, Descriptive Statistics, Descriptives. -How to compare Means of Profit by Online? -Analze, Compare Means, Depend: Profitability, Independ: Online -Plot it! Graphs, Legacy Dialogs, Error Bar, Simple:Error Bar, Summaries for groups of case, Variable Profitability, Category Axis Online -Plotting Means! Age (rows) by Online (col) -Analyze, Descriptive Stats, Crosstabs, Rows: Age, Columns: Online, Cells, Counts observed, Percentages row -Run regression for Profit using Online and Age as predictors? -Analyze, Regression, Linear, Dependent (Profit), Independend (online, and Age). -Look at coefficients, higher better. R2 can be bad, but N is huge! -Compare customer demographics in compare online and offline profitability? Dummy variable! -The rest? Just see the handout

Tuscan Analyize, Compare Means, Means, Dollars Dep vs Bought from Last catalog!

Case Processing Summary Cases Included N Dollars ordered from last catalog * Bought from last catalog 96551 Percent 100.0% N 0 Excluded Percent 0.0% N 96551 Total Percent 100.0%

Report Dollars ordered from last catalog Bought from last catalog no yes Total Mean .00 104.24 2.56 N 94180 2371 96551 Std. Deviation .000 157.001 29.417

Transfrom, Rank Cases, Select the Last Transform, Compute Variable. (Nlast * 100) + (Nnumords * 10) + (Ntotdol)

Analyze, Compare Means, Means, Dollars Ordered vs Bought from Last Category

Case Processing Summary Cases Included N Dollars ordered from last catalog * Bought from last catalog 96551 Percent 100.0% N 0 Excluded Percent 0.0% N 96551 Total Percent 100.0%

Report Dollars ordered from last catalog Bought from last catalog no yes Total Mean .00 104.24 2.56 N 94180 2371 96551 Std. Deviation .000 157.001 29.417

Analyze, Compare Means, Means, Total Life to date Orders vs Bought from Last Category

Analyze, Compare Means, Means, Days since Prior Purchase vs Bought from Last Category Analyze, Compare Means, Means, Total Life to date Dollars vs Bought from Last Category

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