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Laura Anderson TCH 414 October 14, 2013 Collaborative Information Literacy Lesson lan Description Grade level:

: !t" Location (Where you will teach the lesson): Library Length/number of lessons: 1 Lan#ua#e Arts $loc% &!4 minutes' Topic ( entral focus): (valuatin# )ources ollaborating teacher: *essica $ess+!t" ,rade Lan#ua#e Arts !urpose and planning: T"is is not a stand-alone lesson. T"is lesson is /art of t"e e0/ository 1ritin# unit tau#"t in !t" #rade. !t" #rade teac"ers started re1ritin# t"eir curriculum last year to ma%e sure t"e s%ills t"ey 1ere teac"in# lined u/ 1it" t"e Common Core )tandards. T"e standards dictate t"at students %no1 "o1 to evaluate sources, 2uote or /ara/"rase sources 1it"out /la#iari3in#, and cite sources correctly 1"ile conductin# researc" and 1"en 1ritin# a researc" /a/er. I c"ose t"is lesson because it seems li%e a natural fit for collaboration bet1een t"e lan#ua#e arts teac"ers and myself as a librarian. )tudents 1ill use t"e library to locate sources, evaluate sources credibility, and effectively conduct database and ,oo#le searc"es. T"e ability to locate information and 4ud#e its validity is a s%ill 1"ic" students 1ill use t"rou#"out t"eir lives. "nformation Literacy #utcomes: After t"ese instruction sessions, students 1ill be able to use t"e CA556) met"od to evaluate sources, conduct a database searc", and an effective ,oo#le searc" on #iven to/ics. $tandards: "%$&"L $tandard ' &ccess information efficiently and effectively to in(uire) thin* critically) and gain *nowledge o 5eco#ni3e t"e need for information o 7ormulate 2uestions based on information needs o Identify various /otential sources of information o 6evelo/ and use successful strate#ies for locatin# information o )ee% information from diverse sources "%$&"L $tandard + ,valuate information critically and competently o 6etermine accuracy, relevance, and com/re"ensiveness of information o 6istin#uis" amon# fact, /oint of vie1, and o/inion o Identify inaccurate and misleadin# information o )elect information a//ro/riate to t"e /roblem or 2uestion ommon ore $tandards Writing
Text Types and Purposes

CC.!.8.1.b )u//ort claim&s' 1it" lo#ical reasonin# and relevant evidence, usin# accurate, credible sources and demonstratin# an understandin# of t"e to/ic or te0t.
Research to Build and Present Knowledge

CC.!.8.! ,at"er relevant information from multi/le /rint and di#ital sources, usin# searc" terms effectively9 assess t"e credibility and accuracy of eac" source9 and 2uote or /ara/"rase t"e data and conclusions of ot"ers 1"ile avoidin# /la#iarism and follo1in# a standard format for citation. &&$L $tandards for the +'st entury Learner 1.1.: (valuate information found in selected sources on t"e basis of accuracy, validity, a//ro/riateness to needs, im/ortance, and social and cultural conte0t. 1.1.; 5ead, vie1, and listen for information /resented in any format &e.#., te0tual, visual, media, di#ital' in order to ma%e inferences and #at"er meanin#. -,T$%$
./ 0esearch and "nformation 1luency )tudents a//ly di#ital tools to #at"er, evaluate, and use information. )tudents< a. /lan strate#ies to #uide in2uiry. c. evaluate and select information sources and di#ital tools based on t"e a//ro/riateness to s/ecific tas%s.

onte2t: )tudents 1ill "ave already 1atc"ed several videos and too% notes on t"e definition of /la#iarism, "o1 to avoid it, and usin# t"e CA556) met"od for determinin# if a source is credible. )tudents "ave been introduced to t"e CA556) #ra/"ic or#ani3er. T"e lessons in t"e e0/ository unit are meant to build on eac" ot"er and end in a final researc" /a/er 1ritten on a to/ic of t"e student=s c"oice. I %no1 t"at students "ave conducted researc" in /revious #rades. )tudents still need furt"er /ractice in evaluatin# sources as 1ell as database and ,oo#le searc"es. T"ese s%ills 1ill be necessary t"rou#"out t"eir academic and adult lives. T"e standards+learnin# ob4ectives 1it"in my learnin# se#ment address student=s abilities to become critical t"in%ers, s%illful researc"ers, and et"ical users of information by teac"in# t"em to evaluate t"e credibility of t"eir sources, and conduct effective database and ,oo#le searc"es.

"nstructional resources 3 materials Co/ies of CA556) #ra/"ic or#ani3er Co/ies of ,rou/ 1-; )caven#er Hunt instruction s"eets List of students from eac" class divided into ; #rou/s ; )tation Cards- detailin# 1"at students 1ill do at eac" station > to/ics 2 Occu/ational Handboo%, to/ic< Com/uter ro#rammer &2012 edition, 1??; edition' Children's Atlas of the Universe by 7rancis 5eddy (topic Pluto) The Pluto Files: The Rise and Fall of America's Favorite Planet by @eal de,rasse Tyson Czechoslovakia: A Countr !tud "uide edited by I"or ,a1dia% &1?!?' #$ % e&itness Travel "uide: Czech and !lovak Repu'lics &2013' 8ebsite< www/allaboute2plorers/com (topic: (al'oa) 6atabase< (ncyclo/edia $ritannica (topic: (al'oa) 8ebsite< 8ebsite< "tt/< Co/ies of List of all subscri/tion+free databases 1it" syno/sis of eac" database > /ass1ords

Co/ies of 6atabase 5ecord s"eet for station :+ &bac%side' station ; ,oo#le searc" terms. C"eat s"eet for ,oo#le searc"es from "tt/< Library com/uters ro4ector ro4ector screen

"nstructional strategies and learning tas*s (&ctive Learning) o 1ocusing event: o )tudents 1ill enter t"e library already %no1in# 1"ic" #rou/ t"ey are in and 1"at station t"ey are startin# at for t"e )caven#er Hunt. )tudents 1ill #o to t"eir assi#ned station. Librarian: Will give an overview of each station/ )tudents are e0/ected to 1or% as a #rou/ to com/lete a CA556) #ra/"ic or#ani3er for 4 of t"e stations on eac" source #iven in order to determine t"e most credible source of t"e 2 offered. &at 3 stations, students 1ill loo% at /rint resources, 4t" station deals 1it" 1ebsite validity'. At station :, students 1ill be #iven a reminder about 1"at databases are available to t"em, bot" free and subscri/tion &info s"eet 1ill be available'. )tudents 1ill 1or% in /artners 1it"in t"eir #rou/ to use at least 2 of t"e databases to searc" for a to/ic of t"eir c"oice and list te0t features found for c"osen to/ic. At station ;, librarian 1ill conduct a mini-lesson on t"e best 1ays to conduct ,oo#le searc"es.

"nput from you: Teacher: 8ill circulate amon# #rou/s at stations 1-4 ans1erin# 2uestions and #uidin# students in usin# t"e CA556) met"od to determine source validity. Teac"er 1ill %ee/ an eye on time and determine 1"en students s"ould move to t"e ne0t station in t"eir rotation. Librarian: 8ill focus attention on #rou/s at stations : > ;. 8"en #rou/s 1st arrive, #ive bot" #rou/s &: > ;' an overvie1 of available databases. o Subscription: %nc clopedia (ritannica )nline* Pro+uest $,-., Culture"rams* /nfoTrac,!tudent Resource Center* 0r1 2 "ale 3irtual Reference o Free: Fact 4onster* 5ational "eo6raphic* 5asa* C/A 7orld Fact (ook* $ids1"ov o ,rou/ ;< /ass out ,oo#le )earc" C"eat )"eet )"o1 students t"e 1ebsite< "tt/< Have students follo1 alon# 1it" 1ebsite and cover t"e basic ,oo#le )earc" Conventions.

Guided practice:

,rou/ : 1ill t"en follo1 station instructions to c"oose a to/ic, searc" at least 2 databases and record t"e te0t features t"ey found on eac" database. ,rou/ ;< ,ive eac" set of /artners &3' t"e follo1in# researc" /a/er to/ics< 1. )"ould s"oe com/anies be able to #ive a1ay free s"oes and e2ui/ment to "i#" sc"ool at"letesA 2. )"ould t"e state or federal #overnment /ut la1s into /lace to /revent bullyin#A 3. Are c"ildren smarter because of t"e InternetA As a #rou/, 1or% on t"e best 1ay to searc" t"e first to/ic. Have students reference t"e 1ebsite and t"eir c"eat s"eets to come u/ 1it" t"e most effective searc" terms for t"is to/ic. Bsin# e0am/le, 1ebsite, c"eat s"eet- students #enerate searc" terms for remainin# to/ics, in/ut into com/uter and see t"eir results. )tudents 1ill com/lete )tation ; ,oo#le )earc" Terms 1or%s"eet.

losure T"e activity+lesson 1ill end 1"en all ; #rou/s "ave circulated t"rou#" eac" of t"e si0 stations. )tudents 1ill come bac% to#et"er as a class to discuss t"eir findin#s. Librarian: ,o t"rou#" stations 1-4. As% students to raise t"eir "and to indicate 1"ic" source t"ey felt 1as most credible. As% different #rou/s to e0/lain 1"y and bac% u/ t"eir ans1er 1it" su//ort from t"eir CA556) or#ani3er. )"o1+remind students on /ro4ector "o1 to access databases and catalo# from "ome. As% eac" #rou/ of students to #ive one tric% t"ey learned to #enerate better results 1"en searc"in# ,oo#le.

Differentiation 6ifferentiation 1ill be addressed in t"e /lannin# sta#es of t"is activity. Teac"er and librarian 1ill meet and determine #rou/s for t"e activity based on academic needs and social issues. 8e 1ill #rou/ stron# students 1it" students 1"o tend to stru##le &i.e. stru##lin# readers, students 1it" I( s, and under/erformin# students'. 8e 1ill as% t"e stron#er students in eac" #rou/ to act as leaders &t"is 1ill not be identified to t"e entire class' 8"en teac"er informs students 1"ic" #rou/ t"ey are in, one name 1ill be "i#"li#"ted as #rou/ leader. T"e leader is res/onsible for %ee/in# t"eir #rou/ on tas% and ma%in# sure t"ey com/lete t"e CA556) #ra/"ic or#ani3er for stations 1-4. T"e teac"er 1ill be circulatin# amon# t"e stations and be able to aid students 1"o are confused or stru##lin#. &ssessment / ,valuation of "nformation Literacy Learning #utcomes o Com/leted< CA556) #ra/"ic or#ani3ers )tation : 6atabase (0/loration )"eet )tation ; ,oo#le )earc" Terms )"eet Class discussion What4s ne2t5 @e0t students 1ill use t"e s%ills #ained in t"e )caven#er Hunt activity and a//ly t"em to t"eir first small researc" /ro4ect t"rou#" 1"ic" t"ey 1ill find 1 di#ital and 1 /rint resource and document t"e ori#in of t"eir first, middle, or last name. T"rou#" t"is activity students 1ill learn "o1 to 1rite /ro/er notecards 1it"out /la#iari3in#, /ractice 1ritin# source cards to document 1"ere t"ey found t"eir information, and conduct a /ersonal intervie1 as /art of t"e assi#nment in order to #ain information about t"e ori#in of t"eir name. T"ere 1ill be furt"er researc" /ro4ects on a colle#e, career, and t"en finally a /ro4ect on a

to/ic c"osen by t"e student. (ac" /ro4ect 1ill re2uire students to 4ud#e t"e validity of t"eir sources via t"e CA556) met"od, use databases and ,oo#le searc"es as 1ell as an added ne1 s%ill.

&ssignment omponents 6escri/tion and Conte0t )tandards &I)AIL, Common Core, AA)L > @(T)' 5esources In-class activities and differentiations Assessments Total oints

10 10 10 3: 3: 100

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