LDS Community Challenge Assignment Sheet 2013

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LDS Community Challenge 2013

Assignment Each person can identify as a member of multiple communities. Think critically about the communities (ex: hometown, school, religious, sports, clubs, etc.) which you and your team members are a part of. Do you feel at home in these communities? Do you feel connected to these communities? Why or why not? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these communities.

You and your team members are now community planners. Your task is to create your ideal community. Each class will be split into groups of 4-5 students. Groups will work together to create an ideal community based on the parameters below.

Your presentation must include the following: 1. Name of Community 2. Community Structure a. Leadership: Who leads the community? 3. 10 Rules of Governance 4. How does someone become a member of this community? 5. Population/Size of community 6. 2-3 Community events or traditions 7. Motto/Slogan 8. Community Flag

9. Language a. Is there a common language or multiple languages spoken in your community? Is there an official language? 10. Economic Structure: What is the primary industry within your community? 11. Is there an education system in this community? 12. What public services are offered? How are services funded? 13. Any other aspects of the community to include?

Each team must cooperatively design a multimedia presentation (ex: website, video, iMovie, Powerpoint, Prezi, etc.). This presentation must describe why your community functions as an ideal community.

Include citations to references you used (ex: websites, online journal articles, books, personal communications with experts, etc.).

Upload all presentation materials and resource citations to each team members individual e-portfolios.

Each team must present in class. Each section will rank and or vote to cooperatively select their top presentation. The winning presentations will be invited to the 2013 Community Challenge Showcase event in December.

Each team member must submit an individual reflection paper (1-2 pgs.) about the LDS Community Challenge assignment/experience. In this reflection, each team member must answer the following questions: 1. Why is your community a better place to live than the real world? 2. What improvements could realistically be made in our society to reflect this ideal community? 3. How did your group work together as a team? In what ways could this have been improved?

Project Timeline 1. Instructors will assign students to teams. Students should record all contact information for each of their team members. 2. Week of September 23rd - September 27th Students will work on projects in class this week with their teams. 3. Week of November 11th - November 15th Projects and Presentations are due this week. Teams will present in class together. 4. Monday, November 18th Class Winners are submitted to LDS Team. 5. Week of Monday December 2nd - Community Challenge Showcase The top presentations will be showcased at the Community Challenge Showcase.

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