Two Main & 1 Transfer Busbar: By: Vaithiyanathan, Posted On: 2008-05-23 09:51:34

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Busbar Protection



Two Main & 1 Transfer Busbar 09:51:34

By: vaithiyanathan,

Posted on: 2008-05-23

2 Main and 1 Transfer Scheme.pdf, 2 Main & 1 Transfer Bus.pdf Dear all, I had attached the single line diagram of Two main & One transfer bus arrangement . Any one kindly explain me how the faults will be cleared in the two cases? Fault location also marked in the attachments. Here i am using ABB RADSS relay for Busbar protection. Thanks & Regards, Vaithyanathan.R Explanation By: Tamizh, Posted on: 2008-05-26 08:50:17

Two main and transfer busbar scheme.pdf Dear Mr. Vaithiyanathan Iam attaching a document with figures showing operation of the scheme you had attached for different fault conditions. Ive made these drawings bases on general logic on how this busbar protection scheme for two main and transfer with only two differential and a direction relay should work. Hope this answers your question. If possible, please compare the busbar scheme attached with the actual scheme drawing at site and please let me know if there is any difference. If there are any doubts please feel free to post it here. Cheers Tamizh Thanks you madam Hi Tamije Selvy, Thanks a lot for sending the detailed logic for the Busbar scheme. It is very easy for me to understand the concept with the direction of current flows mentioned in the figures. In figure 11 during fault in Bus 1 the breakers of F1 , F2, F3 , Bus coupler are getting By: vaithiyanathan, Posted on: 2008-05-28 05:17:23

tripped by 87-1 Relay. But still the fault is fed by Feeder4 (F4) Through TBC via isolators 389A & 389B. Thanks & Regards, Vaithiyanathan.R Correction - Ver 2 By: Tamizh, Posted on: 2008-05-29 01:37:44

Two main and transfer busbar scheme - Ver 2.pdf Dear Mr. Vaithiyanathan You are right about Figure 11. There is a small correction I had missed out in it. Since isolator 389B is closed, its auxiliary contact 389b will also be closed. Hence Bus 2 Trip will get back energised from Bus 1 Trip via 389b (even though bus 2 differential element did not pick up). This will trip the transfer bus coupler breaker and stop the feed from feeder 4 thus completely isolating the fault. I am attaching version 2 of the document with these changes made. Cheers Tamizh any other way Dear Madam Is there any other way to protect two main & 1transfer busbar scheme without using 67 relay to discriminate the fault in transfer bus? Use a seperate zone Hi, Yes you can also provide a seperate zone for transfer bus. It also depends on whether the line CT is inside or outside the byspass isolator. If the line CT is also bypassed, then the line protection itself is transferred to the transfer bus coupler CT, in which case transfer bus fault also is covered by the line protection itself. Cheers Pradeep By: Pradeep, Posted on: 2010-08-06 06:09:11 By: eeemurali, Posted on: 2010-08-03 13:28:51

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