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A Brief Overview of Energy Psychology

Author Information Course: Description Objectives Materials Certificate & CE

Course Materials: Two Free Papers

Energy Psychology: New Paradigm or the Old Razzle Dazzle Energy Psychology: A Review of the Evidence Exam for Certificate and CE Credit

Author: David Feinstein, Ph.D.

Dr. Feinstein is a clinical sychologist who has done ioneering wor! in the areas of ersonal mythology and energy sychology. A"thor of # $oo!s and over %& rofessional a ers' he has ta"ght at (he )ohns *o !ins +niversity ,chool of -edicine and Antioch College. *is m" Energy Psychology Interactive"dy training rogram was a reci ient of the O"tstanding Contri$"tion Award from the Association for Com rehensive Energy Psychology. *e is a mem$er of the American Psychological Association' and the Association for Com rehensive Energy Psychology.

Course Description:

Credit ours: 3

These two papers rovide a $rief' a"thoritative overview of the emerging field of energy sychology. Energy Psychology: New Paradigm or the Old Razzle Dazzle is an ex anded version of an article "$lished in the )an"ary /&&% iss"e of Psychotherapy Networker. (he article' which introd"ces $asic conce ts and a standard energy sychology rotocol' details fo"r cases ill"strating common elements "sed in energy. $ased sychothera y. Energy Psychology: A Review of the Evidence 0)"ne' /&&12 s"rveys a range of st"dies in energy sychology and related fields' considering efficacy' roced"res' mechanisms' and indications and contraindications for an energy a roach to sychological iss"es.

!earning O"#ectives:
3dentify common elements of Energy Psychology a roaches +nderstand hy othesized ne"rological mechanisms "nderlying EP treatment o"tcomes Descri$e three research findings in fields which contri$"ted to the emergence of Energy Psychology 4orm a !nowledge $ase to $egin eval"ating the new energy sychology

aradigm Descri$e 5 hases of research in eval"ating new thera ies s"ch as Energy Psychology Descri$e 6 s ecific res"lts from research and clinical trials in Energy Psychology

Course Materials: Information & Ordering

Energy Psychology: $ew Paradig% or the Old &a''le Da''le
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Energy Psychology: A &eview of the Evidence

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Do nloa! in Printable Format " PDF #ie in $eb Pa%e Format

Exam for Certificate and CE Credit:

A Brief Overview of Energy Psychology Preview the (est and Com lete the Co"rse for Credit
com lete co"rse information review 7 rint exam 8"estions register for Certificate 7 CE Credit

Credit *o"rs: 5

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