Answering Comprehension Passages

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Answering Comprehension passages:


For questions testing literal comprehension, answers can be lifted from the text as long as they answer the question precisely. However, you should focus on the precise question being asked and should be careful not to copy a long section of the passage in the hope that examiners will do all the work to pick out the relevant answer.

What rather frightening prospect made Emma unwilling to get into her mother s car! "#$ Answer: Simple lift of lines 12 (She was on the brink..starting a new school)

%esting inferential comprehension requires the meaning to be extracted from &or, as the mark scheme often says, 'distill the information from( the text.

Explain in your own words what misgivings the family and their friends already had about their 'promises to write and visit . ")$

promises to write an !isit "ote that this is an #$" $#%&S '(estion. &o not insist on s)non)ms for i ea of keeping * breaking promises+ b(t there m(st be some link to writing* !isiting*promising+ howe!er !ag(e.

For the vocabulary question, you to show the understanding of the word in the context of the passage, not simply in direct synonyms, of five words or expressions from a choice of eight. ,ou are therefore advised to examine the word from the passage in context before suggesting a synonym.

-hoose five of the following words. For each of them give one word or short phrase &of not more than seven words( which has the same meaning that the word has in the passage. #. meandering &line )#( .. procedures &line .#( ). multiplicity &line )/( /. casually &line ./( 0. enthralled &line )1( 1. focused &line /2( 3. devoted &line .4( 5. imminent &line 54( ".$ *nswer+ 1. mean ering (line 21) twisting * t(rning * win ing * wea!ing * wan ering * ,ig,agging * ben ing * (going in a) hapha,ar (wa)) * right an left * here an there * this wa) an that * in all irections * threa ing * wen ing *

looping * snaking * c(r!ing * in an S shape * serpentine * sin(o(s 2. m(ltiplicit) (line 2-) m(ltit( e * large n(mbers * man) * a lot * plent) * ab(n ance * plethora *prof(sion * loa s of * m)ria * n(mero(s * proliferation .. enthralle (line 2/) fascinate * enchante * bewitche * capti!ate * spellbo(n * entrance * charme * mesmerise * h)pnoti,e * enrapt(re * beg(ile 0. e!ote (line 12) gi!en (to) * e icate (to) * allocate (to) * concentrate (on) * foc(se (on) * assigne to * reser!e for * set asi e for * kept for 1. proce (res (line 11) metho s * wa)s * con!entions * mo es * approaches * ro(tines * processes * steps * r(les * reg(lations * c(stoms * formalities * s)stems * practices -. cas(all) (line 1-) witho(t a f(ss * informall) * off3han (wa)) * (nceremonio(sl) * rela4e * nat(rall) * nonchalantl) * eas)3going * or inar) * normall) * lai back /. foc(se (line -5) concentrate * centre * fi4 * ,ero in * was all * mostl) abo(t * e!ote to * was base on targete * ga!e f(ll * more attention * home in 6. imminent (line 62) impen ing * abo(t to happen * aro(n

the corner * soon * shortl) * approaching * looming * abo(t to be * coming (p * forthcoming * near * oncoming * close * in prospect * at han * on the hori,on Tips: 1. Attempt onl) those 789: wor s which )o( are perfectl) s(re abo(t. 2. 8f more than 789: are offere + the e4cess are cancelle . .. #nl) the first answer is marke when more than one answer is offere . A comma or the wor ;or; in icates a secon attempt. 0. 7or two answers <oine b) ;an ;+ one correct answer is allowe if the other answer is not wholl) wrong b(t ne(tral+ e.g. ;twisting an mo!ing for ;mean ering;. 1. 7or a short phrase answer+ the first se!en wor s are marke onl). A correct element within this limit is cre ite onl). -. =is3spelling is ignore if the wor is phoneticall) recognisable. /. :rrors of tense an grammatical form are ignore + b(t onl) if the meaning is clearl) (n erstoo .

.. %he summary question has #. marks for -ontent and #4 marks for 6tyle &7wn Words and 8se of English(. ,ou have to summari9e the required points in the given passage concisely and accurately : not to use your own ideas. 6tyle is assessed according to how well you are able to use your own words and the extent to which you are able to write error;free, continuous prose, using a variety of sentence structures.
Emma is very worried about starting her new school, and at first her fears seem <ustified. Using your own words as far as possible, write a summary of the actions and events which by the end of the day made her feel much happier. USE ONL T!E "#TE$%#L &$O" L%NE '( TO L%NE ))* ,our summary, which must be in continuous writing &not note form( must not be longer than #/4 words, including the #4 words below. =egin your summary as follows+ *fter the school secretary introduced Emma to her class teacher ... ").$ 1 >he teacher * she smile (warml)) at her ** she recei!e a (warm) smile (from the teacher). 2 >he teacher * she intro (ce her to class(mates) * e!er)one ** aske class to make her welcome ** she was intro (ce to class. . >he teacher e4plaine to :mma in i!i (all) the ro(tine ** e4plaine the ro(tine in etail * caref(ll) to :mma. (Accept passi!e).

0 >he teachers <oke abo(t there being two new girls (ma e :mma feel less alone) ** the teacher was (also) new. 1 A st( ent * a girl * >an)a (!ol(nteere to) show her the recreation * o(t oor area. - >an)a seeme (gen(inel)) intereste in :mma (an her famil)) ** aske * talke abo(t :mma * her famil) * pre!io(s school. / >he science teachers enth(siasm (ma e her less ner!o(s). 6 :mma intereste in * en<o)e lesson on global warming ** global warming was * the science lesson was on fa!o(rite * known topic. 6A :mma forgot her an4iet) (abo(t being new) "ee conte4t of science class 5 At l(nch3time her classmates incl( e her ** she sat * was with her classmates. >he) talke * chatte * aske her '(estions (abo(t her holi a)s) ** seeme * were intereste in her holi a)s. 12 >he rama teacher intro (ce her to the (class) acti!it) * s(b<ect * role3 pla) (gentl)). 11 She en<o)e * was goo at imagining herself in !ario(s sit(ations * reacting appropriatel)* rolepla) ( rama * acting ? 2). 12 She en<o)e * was goo at imagining herself in !ario(s sit(ations * reacting appropriatel)* rolepla) ( rama * acting ? 2). 1. She was istracte from her problems * forgot she was a newcomer) "ee conte4t of rama class 10 She en<o)e * was intereste in * was intrig(e b) the poetr) (abo(t tigers in :nglish). 11 She was able to contrib(te to * start the isc(ssion (abo(t the poetr) * tigers) ** she talke abo(t tigers. 1- She became the centre of the isc(ssion * of attention. 1/ (She tol herself she was starting to belong) "ee conte4t of isc(ssion 16 >he (school) secretar) was frien l) * beame at her * aske abo(t her a).

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