Operation Dauntless: Illustrated Example of Armor Reaction Cycle (ARC)

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Operation Dauntless: Illustrated Example of Armor Reaction Cycle (ARC)

The ARC simulates the frantic, knife-thrust nature of motorized/mechanized operations as compared to the slower, more methodical pace of infantry and other leg units. It is one of the key things that sets Operation Dauntless apart from its sister game, Red Winter. The ARC is basically a sub-phase of the normal Action Phase or Combat Phase; the rest of the game is "put on hold and the cycle continues until it exhausts itself no more units qualify to react, or wish to react, to the current trigger. It is possible for non-vehicle units to be drawn into the cycle so long as their target is a vehicle unit. However, (Important!) one of the two units involved at any stage of the cycle (either as the triggering unit or the reacting unit) must be a vehicle unit. Note: The following example is an excerpt from the Playbook. It should be considered a work-in-progress and is subject to change.

11.8.4 ARC Involving Multiple Units: Extended Example of ARC

The following is a rather extreme example of how the ARC might be initiated, perpetuated, and end. Playtest map art by Antonio Pinar; playtest counters by Mark Mokszycki and Michael Evans. All artwork is for playtesting purposes only and NOT final versions!

1. A German MG unit fires (performs FF) on a moving British infantry company. The infantry companys move (indicated by the yellow arrow) is temporarily paused while the FF is resolved. The FF results in No

Effect and the infantry can continue moving. However, a nearby British tank unit has range and LOS to the German MG unit. Note that the MG fire is both FF and a Fire Trigger for the ARC. 2. The MG fire draws Return Fire from the tank. The British infantry companys movement is temporarily put on hold; the British player uses the MPs Remaining marker on the Info Track as a reminder. The tank fire is resolved on the RAT and yields No Effect. 3. The tank fire, in turn, draws Return Fire from a German mortar unit, continuing the cycle. This fire is resolved on the PFVT and also yields No Effect. The mortar unit is rotated to its "Fired" facing and can no longer participate in the cycle. 4. A British armored car unit uses Return Fire against the mortar unit. Note that the original British tank unit might have done so instead, assuming it had range and LOS to the mortar unit, because units without a "Fired" arrow may participate in the same ARC any number of times. These are 90 minute turns, after all! The armored car unit resolves its attack against the mortars using the RAT, and eliminates them. 5. A German panzer unit conducts Return Fire against the armored cars and achieves a step reduction result on the ATFT.

Photo: A Panzer IV-H of 8 Kompanie, II. Battalion, 12SS Panzer Regiment (featured prominently in the game). 6. The cars conduct a Reaction Move, placing themselves behind a bocage hex and out of LOS of all German units. As no German units can react to the cars Movement Trigger, the cycle ends. 7. The British Action Phase continues where it left off, with the movement of the British infantry company (conveniently noted by the MPs Remaining marker on the Information Track).

Players may wish to use the following ARC Flowchart player aid (available as a separate PDF download) while learning the ARC. The cycle, which initially sounds rather difficult from a reading of the rules, is really quite simple in practice.

Note: This flowchart is for playtesting purposes only and subject to change. It is NOT a final version! _________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for looking! If you have any questions pertaining to the ARC or any other aspect of the game please fire away. I'm always happy to answer questions. You can contact me on BGG, CSW, or at my personal email: duckweedseattle@yahoo.com

Mark Mokszycki (designer)

Photo: British in Caen.

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