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Greenberg Printing Services 6740 NW 127th Way Miami, FL 33065 March 16th, 2013 Jack Skip Walker Skipper

Charter Airlines 123 Coastal Blvd. Miami, FL 33131 Dear Mr. Walker, The Greenberg Printing services are pleased to submit a proposal in response to Skipper Charter Airlines Request for Proposal in the Printing of an Annual Marketing Brochure. We would like to thank you for this opportunity, and demonstrate the necessary steps and creation characteristics for this brochure, in order to meet your companys final product expectations. The Greenberg Printing Services were founded in 1996, and have worked for many corporate companies and advertisements agencies ranging from Reebok sports wear catalogs, Whole Foods brochures, and even Jet Blue pamphlets to name a few. We are very experienced in the aspect of supplying both specific and unique needs for every organization and company, as well as targeting diverse audience groups. We are known for providing high quality, reliable and precise services, as well incorporating the use of different departments within our company to deliver direct expertise in each aspect of our creation process. We take pride in the high volumes of networking and collaboration that we have done throughout the years, and have a history of always completing our services within the deadline. This proposal will outline the essential creation aspects, design characteristics, management operations, and furthermore, the overall project approach that we will take in order to produce this brochure. Please contact us at (954)-483-2843 or email us at for any questions. Respectfully, Dasha Karpovtsev Head of Marketing Management

Attachment: Proposal

Executive Summary
Once again, the Greenberg Printing Services would like to thank you for the opportunity in response to Skipper Airlines Request for Proposal in the printing of an Annual Marketing Brochure. As stated in our opening letter, our company was founded by John Greenberg in 1996, allowing us to acquire not only substantial experience in the advertising field, but also succeed throughout the years in supplying customers with both unique and extensive services in order to target specific audiences. We are known for providing reliable, precise, and high quality services that are always completed within the deadline, as well as high volume of networking with other departments. By having rather disparate departments within our company, allows accurate expertise to take place in each step of the creation process, which then helps develop a product that is both aesthetically and functionally sufficient. Your airlines has requested a marketing advertisement in the form of a 3 folded, color and printed glossy paper brochure, which is something that we specifically specialize in. Our company can provide you with the creativity, functionality and advertisement efficiency that your airlines needs, and can all be completed in both a cost-efficient and innovative manner. This proposal will outline the essential creation aspects, design characteristics, management operations, and furthermore, the overall project approach that we will take in order to produce this brochure. Along with the deadlines, budget, and quality aspects, the proposal will also portray the brochure in a detailed light, so that you can fully understand and analyze how the overall, final product will look like.

Experiences and References

The Greenberg Printing Services have worked for many corporate companies and advertising agencies throughout the years. Some of big ones were: -Reebok athletic wear (2004) -Whole Foods (2006) -Jet Blue (2006) - Publix (2008) - Allstate (2011) - GNC (2012) - Starbucks (2013) Many of these companies requested both pamphlets and brochures in order to advertise their businesses which had rather contrastive target audiences and ideas. Our company specializes in creating both distinct and exclusive brochures, due to the fact that we have many different qualified departments within our company in order to convey professional expertise. Many printing services will have only one or two departments which will work on the entire creation, marketing, and operational aspects of the product, which is not ideal when looking for both quality and proficiency. To give a quick overview of our departments, we have the creative, print/

time management, marketing, research and distribution, and even the evaluation management departments, something that many other companies lack. I will go into further detail on the jobs, responsibilities and time managements of each in the personnel and roles section of the proposal.

Benefits of the Greenberg Printing Brochure

We understand that Skipper Charter Airlines if focus on attracting both leisure travelers as well as business clientele, therefore with our experience, we believe that we can create a unique and targeted brochure that will be efficient in marketing your services. As stated earlier, we have different departments that will provide an expertise in the creation process of this brochure, allowing you the full benefits of both quality and efficiency. It is important for an airlines company to advertise their services through either a pamphlet or brochure, so we understand the functional aspects of this request, especially since we had created a successful pamphlet for Jet Blue back in 2006. Greenberg Printing Services is disparate and unique from many other printing services, and we hope that reading throughout this proposal, you will see why.

Target Audience
From our understanding, Skipper Airlines flies passengers between Florida and the Bahamans, which includes primarily leisure travelers as well as business clientele. To create this brochure, we will have the Marketing department which includes the research and distribution personnels do some general research on both the demographic as well as psychographic characteristics of those individuals. This will enhance our ability to target the audience in such a manner, that will be both efficient and accurate in the advertisement aspect of the brochure. By then studying and analyzing the following research that we would find, we could then conclude what interests and ideas to use within the brochure along with distinct pictures. These considerations would be: -Tourism -Beaches -Food/Cuisine -Business ventures -City life -Landscape aesthetics By then examining these concepts, we will make the brochure consist of both tourist and business like elements, making the advertisement successful in attracting both parties. Since it is a 3 folded brochure, we would have 2 of the flaps focus on the leisure travelers, including more pictures, color, and tourist components and have one flap focus on the business clientele. For the business individuals, we can depict the city life aspects, or some sort of flying packages for frequent fliers in order to attract interest. We will also go into detail on what makes your airlines different from others, which is both convenience and quality, as well the simplicity of traveling straight to the Bahamas from the Miami area.

Personnel and Roles

Creative Department Design services Variable- Data Printing Print/Time Management Prepress Printing/Evaluation Management Marketing Research and Distribution Copy Centers

Here is a brief description of the 3 main departments, that are broken down even more into specific and organized personnels that will be in charge of the entire production process. Our company has always been more specialized than comprehensive, therefore you are guaranteed to have each aspect of the brochure portray both high quality and standard. In the following Project Approach down below, each of the departments and personnel roles involved in the project will be further explicated with both detail and job responsibilities in completing the brochure.

Project Approach
The Project approach that we have for this brochure, is to break up each step into a different department, in order for the specific personnel to using both quality and precision to complete their tasks. Once again, we will pertain back to the expertise aspect of our company, and by splitting up the work, it will be much more time efficient as well productive. Quick Overview ( See outline for more descriptive steps, procedures, and roles) First off, the Marking department consisting of the research and distribution personnel will do the following research in order to target the specific audience, and analyze which information and graphics to use in the following advertisement brochure. The Creative department will incorporate both the design services and variable-data printing in order to construct the overall graphics and information layout. Next, the Variable data printing will be in charge of supplying and altering the pictures and graphics from the sources that the marketing department found ( in other words; changing the lighting, exporting from pdf or .mpg, sizing). The lamination part of the brochure will be done by the Print/Time management, which will first be reviewed by the prepress. The copy and distribution centers of the Marketing department will need to product an inventory of how the final product would be sent out. Print/Time Management will examine the quality aspects of the brochure once the design services is actually done with the creation process. Steps in Creating the Brochure I. Creative Department ( designing phase) -Design services will be in charge of choosing the following once creating a layout: - Font size - Colors - Graphic size

- Ratio of information to graphics - Designs - The layout consists of 2 folds advertising to leisure flyers and 1 fold for the business clientele. II. Marketing Department ( analyzing phase) -Research and Distribution will study the demographics and psychographics of potential flyers which includes the business clientele as well as the leisure flyers. -This information is then sent back to the Creative department in order to fill out the layout that they had created for both the graphics and information III. Variable Data Printing (analyzing cont.) -In charge of altering pictures and graphics from the marketing sources -Create the effects on certain graphics and writing -Change the lighting, exporting from pdf or .mpg, resizing imaged to match the brochure size which is 8.5 x 11 IV. Print/Time Management (production phase) -Once the product is complete, the Prepress will review the brochure for any mistakes or typos and only allow for lamination if the product reflects 100% high quality. -Lamination process begins V. Marketing Department (production cont.) - Will need to produce an inventory of how the final product will be sent out

Description of Finished Produce

1. The 3 folded brochure will contain 2 flaps on each side containing information towards the leisure flyers, where as stated earlier, facets such as tourism, food and beaches will be portrayed as an advertisement tactic. Also the quality and efficiency of using your airlines will be elucidated throughout the brochure. 2. The middle of the brochure will contain the business clientele, where premium flying packages and depictions of corporate, city life will be displayed. 3. The Skipper Charter Airlines logo will be displayed in the middle of the brochure, on the top, with both vivid color, font, and sizing. 4. There will also be a small introduction on your airlines company as well as your companys logo once again on the front page of the brochure (the part you will open up). We would like your target audience to have an understanding of both your location and services that you had explicated earlier in your RFP. It is important for the audience to open up the brochure, and automatically become familiarized with the most significant information, therefore we will focus on more bullet points, facts, and shorter sentences with picture captions in order to not loose the reader.

5. The brochure will contain a border around each of the flaps, and we will use the highest resolution and quality pictures, with both color and creative fonts. More pictures will be used for the leisure flying individuals rather than the business clientele, and the brochures vivid colors will make it stand out from a mile away. 6. By allowing the audience to automatically see the pricing, location services, benefits and quality of your airlines without having them read many paragraphs and useless information, is our goal. Our company specialized in creating crisp, straight to the point, and catchy brochures that are known to fulfill the specific advertisement needs of corporate companies.

Project Schedule
March 30th: Begin assessment of the project, as well as divide the department works and responsibilities into step by step categories April 2nd: Design services will create a unique layout, specifically for the 3 folded brochure, analyzing the placements of where the following information and graphics about the company will be explicated April 3rd: The Marketing department will conduct further research in order to target the specific audience, analyzing both the demographics and psychographics intertwined in creating the brochure. The following information will be sent back to the Design services in order to begin filling out the constructed layout. April 17th: The Design services will take around two weeks to fully place and distribute the following information and graphics throughout the brochure, and will send it off to the prepress for any visual or grammatical corrections. This is considered the first draft. April 20th: Variable Data Printing edits and alters graphics and resolution for both high quality and format purposes. April 25th: After the draft is approved by both departments, Print/Time management will start the lamination process April 30th: Marketing department will send out the final product.

Operations and Quality Control Processes

Both the Print/Time Management and Marketing Department review both the rough drafts and final product making, along with the prepress as well. Therefore your company can be comfortable knowing that the caliber of the product and its services will only exceptional, since Greenberg Printing Services assures high quality and standards within our contract. For over 17 years now, we have never once missed a deadline or created a product that a company was not satisfied with. I am the head director of the Marketing Department, therefore I personally will be sending out the brochures and making sure that they are done correctly, on time, and delivered without fail. Due to the fact that there will be several departments working on your product, the project being a success is always promised, and you should have no doubts in our expertise. Our personnel is fully qualified and if your read further down, their education, recruitment and numbers are clarified in detail.

Management Practices and Personnel Qualifications

Referring back to the Project Approach of this proposal, I had explicated the roles and responsibilities of each department, in order for you to fully comprehend their part in the creation process of this brochure. You now know the jobs that the personnel part takes in, and how it is reflected throughout this product execution. But I would like to further explain in detail, are the numbers and qualifications of each department and how this will benefit your companys request in creating this new marketing brochure. As I have stated earlier, I am the head of the Marketing Department and have acquired a Bachelors degree in Marketing from the University of Florida, as well as a Masters in International Marketing and Entrepreneurship from Columbia University. I have been working for the Greenberg Printing Services for almost 9 years now. Each head individual that is in charge of a department has at least a masters degree and 5 years of prior experience in both in the Marketing and Advertising field. Head of the Creative Department: Susan Johnson -Bachelors degree in Creative development from Florida State University -Masters degree in Media Art/Print and from University of Miami - Has been working for Greenberg Printing Services for over 10 years Head of the Print/Time Management: Chris Fields -Bachelors degree in Information Technology from Columbia University -Masters degree in Media Art/Print from Boston University -Has been working for the Greenberg Printing Services for 8 years The departments are then broken down as you know, and there are 20 personnel in each sub division (not counting the head directors), having 10 employees for example in the design services and 10 in the Variable-data Printing. Therefore, there is a total of 63 members within our company. Each of these employees has at least a bachelors degree and has worked in the field for at least 4 years. We are proud in our competent divisions at Greenberg Printing Services, and believe that in order for a product to be created accurately, a company must have the correct qualifications and experience in order to perform this task. Most of these employees have been working within our company for years, and it would only benefit Skipper Charter Airlines if you chose a printing company that has had a lot of experience in both diverse fields as well as similar situations such as ourselves. We had already created a pamphlet for Jet Blue, therefore our staff already knows what actions and necessary steps need to be taken in order to complete this airlines brochure. By also having an educated staff that is both skilled and proficient in their own field, will allow the product to have strong, intertwined facets, that will prove to be successful and efficient.

We have estimated the costs in order for us to complete the requested brochure, and have explicated the specific materials, services, and fees necessary down below. The official deadline once again for this product would be April 30th, 2013, which will be completed in a month starting from March 30th, 2013.

DATE: March 16th, 2013 PROJECT: Annual Marketing Brochure HARD COSTS: Paper Ink Printer fees Import Master TOTAL SOFTWARE PROFESSIONAL FEE ESTIMATE: Design and Art Services $5,000 $1,255 850 850 645 $3,600 TO: Skipper Charter Airlines

PRODUCTION FEE ESTIMATE: Planning Printer Set Up Printing Fold and Sort Shipping QA PRODUCTION FEES HOURS 9 5 9 9 9 18 $6,930

The Greenberg Printing Services would once again like to thank you for both the opportunity and taking the time to read our proposal. If you would like to make any changes or recommendations on either our ideas or services, please let us know. We hope that our proposal was adequate in accordance to your RFP requirements.

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