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The Water Cycle

Title: Water... the Everlasting Cycle Topic: Water cycle Grade: 2 Stage 1- Desired Results
Established Goals including State Standards District !andates and !easurable aspects o" #our $ission State!ent :

Subject/Course: Science Designer(s): Glenn Reed

%&1 Student 'utco!es: 1. Core Subjects and 21st Century Themes 2. Learning and nnovation S!ills ". n#ormation and Technology S!ills $. Li#e and Career S!ills (STE )ETS "or Students: 1. Creativity and Innovation - Students demonstrate creative thin!ing% construct !no&ledge% and develo' innovative 'roducts and 'rocesses using technology. Students( )a* a''ly e+isting !no&ledge to generate ne& ideas% 'roducts% or 'rocesses. 2. Communication and Collaboration - Students use digital media and environments to communicate and &or! collaboratively% including at a distance% to su''ort individual learning and contribute to the learning o# others. Students( )d* contribute to 'roject teams to 'roduce original &or!s or solve 'roblems. ". Research and Information Fluency - Students a''ly digital tools to gather% evaluate% and use in#ormation. Students( )b* locate% organi,e% analy,e% evaluate% synthesi,e% and ethically use in#ormation #rom a variety o# sources and media. $. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Thinking - Students use critical thin!ing s!ills to 'lan and conduct research% manage 'rojects% solve 'roblems% and ma!e in#ormed decisions using a''ro'riate digital tools and resources. Students( )c* collect and analy,e data to identi#y solutions and-or ma!e in#ormed decisions. .. Digital Citi enshi! - Students understand human% cultural% and societal issues related to technology and 'ractice legal and ethical behavior. Students( )a* advocate and 'ractice sa#e% legal% and res'onsible use o# in#ormation and technology )b* e+hibit a 'ositive attitude to&ard using technology that su''orts collaboration% learning% and 'roductivity. /. Technology "!erations and Conce!ts - Students demonstrate a sound understanding o# technology conce'ts% systems% and o'erations. Students( )a* understand and use technology systems )d* trans#er current !no&ledge to learning o# ne& technologies. District Curriculu!: 0LE1.0L.S.2.1. denti#y states o# matter as solids% li2uids% and gases. 0LE1.0L.S.2.3. 4escribe eva'oration% condensation% and 'reci'itation in the &ater cycle. 0LE1.0L.TE.562.7. 8se digital tools to access and retrieve in#ormation. 0LE1.0L.EL0.2."9. Recount or describe !ey ideas or details #rom a te+t read aloud or in#ormation 'resented orally or through other media

*nderstandings: Students +ill understand that, Water is a rene&able resource. There are #our stages o# the &ater cycle( eva'oration% condensation% 'reci'itation% and &ater collection. Water is assumes #orm o# a solid% li2uid% and a gas.

Essential -uestions: Where does our drin!ing &ater come #rom: ;o& old is the &ater on the Earth: Where can &e see each #orm o# &ater:

Students +ill .no+, Where our drin!ing &ater come #rom Why &ater is considered a rene&able resource Water comes in all sha'es and si,es

Students +ill be able to , 4escribe the di##erent #orms o# &ater. 4e#ine the terms 'reci'itation% condensation% and eva'oration. Label and e+'lain the each stage o# the &ater cycle.

%er"or!ance Tas.s: Students &ill(

Stage &- /ssess!ent E0idence 'ther E0idence:

8se a variety o# internet sources to gain su''lemental in#ormation to connect 'rior !no&ledge. 4emonstrate an accurate understanding o# in#ormation and di##erentiate bet&een each stage o# the &ater cycle. nter'ret conce'ts or ma!e connections through analysis% evaluation% in#erence% and-or com'arison. Collect and analy,e in#ormation relevant to the to'ic. <rgani,e% synthesi,e% and 'ara'hrase-summari,e in#ormation. Com'lete a summative assessment demonstrating the mastery o# the content.

<ral res'onse to the essential 2uestions. n#ormal assessments &hile teacher is mobile.

Stage 1- 2earning %lan 3: Water is essential #or li#e o# all living organisms. 4: 8sing interactive media and games% students &ill become involved &ith the &ater cycle. E: Students &ill use a variety o# 're6determined sources and com'uters to achieve the desired understandings. R: Students &ill learn the true origin o# drin!ing &ater and the 'rocess o# &ater rene&al. E: n#ormal assessments and collaboration &ill be monitored throughout #ollo&ed &ith a summative #ormal assessment. T: Students &ill e+'erience each o# the 'redetermined &ebsites and choose the one that best #its their learning style. ': The lesson is organi,ed and is clearly stated. The interactive media is com'eted inde'endently online a#ter the lesson 'resentation.



Alabama Learning Exchange Lesson components with an asterisk are required. Before preparing your lesson plan, we strongly advise teachers to review the Lesson Plan Criteria Checklist that will be used to judge Lesson Plan quality for posting to AL !. *Author Information Name E-mail address (will not be published) School School System "lenn #eed greed$%& Athens 'tate (niversity Li&estone County

*Title) *ay be plain or designed to grab attention+ ,ater... the verlasting Cycle *O!er!ie"#Annotation) A three to five sentence description of the lesson. -our annotation &ay describe the primary nature (such as hands-on, inquiry, technology-based, project, lecture), whether interdisciplinary or single-subject, and/or its relationship to other lessons (such as part of a unit, follows or precedes another submitted lesson, remediation or e tension of another submitted lesson) or courses (such as a !areer-"ech course lesson addresses embedded credit content)# $eing clear, descripti%e, and specific will help in &eyword searches# .he lesson is derived of lecture presentations, hands/on technology based research, and collaboration. 'tudents will learn the process of the water cycle. Although the lesson is pri&arily based on science, the lesson incorporates other standards required by the Alaba&a Course of 'tudy. *$ontent Stan%ar%&s') One or more of Alabama's course of study content standards ( .he content standard ste& and bullets would be included, although the bulleted for&at need not be retained. A lesson &ay address a single content standard, a portion of a content standard, two or &ore content standards fro& the sa&e subject area, or content standards fro& two or &ore subject areas. $ourse of Stu%y Ale0 $121 $ourse 'cience )ra%e Le!el $ $ontent Stan%ar% * 2 $ontent Stan%ar% 3dentify states of &atter as solids, liquids, and gases.

$ourse of Stu%y Ale0 $121 $ourse 'cience )ra%e Le!el $ $ontent Stan%ar% * 4 $ontent Stan%ar% 5escribe evaporation, condensation, and precipitation in the water cycle. National#Other Stan%ar%s 67ptional8 9ational standards &ay be provided to assist teachers that &ay require the&. Place a standard here to align the lesson with national or other standards# AL !.AL.. .:/$.;. (se digital tools to access and retrieve infor&ation. AL !.AL. LA.$.<1. #ecount or describe key ideas or details fro& a te0t read aloud or infor&ation presented orally or through other &edia

*Primary Learning Ob+ecti!es&s' The concept, knowledge, skill, or application students can demonstrate at the lesson's completion. .his &ay be the sa&e as or very si&ilar to the content standard= however, it could be narrower or perhaps broader. 7bjectives &ay be stated in the for& of critical ,uestions students should be able to answer. 'tudents will label and e0plain in detail the stages of the water cycle.

A%%itional Learning Ob+ecti!e&s' 67ptional8 .hese &ay be incidental, related outco&es that are not assessed= they &ay be s&aller steps students need to take to lead to the Pri&ary Learning 7bjective= or they &ay be broader objectives that e0tend beyond the scope of the lesson but that the lesson partially addresses 6e.g., critical thinking8.

*Total -uration .he anticipated ti&e of the entire lesson 6including assign&ents and assess&ent8 stated in &inutes. >? to @1 &inutes

*.aterials an% E,uipment .hose required by teacher andAor students, with pertinent notes to guide preparation or other special instructions needed such as safety considerations. Please list technology ite&s in the ne0t field. *aterials needed include paper, pencil, visual aids or &odels of the water cycle, and science te0tbook.

*Technology /esources Nee%e% !amples of technology tools might include" slideshows, digital ca&eras, 3nteractive Boards, podcasts, laptops, Photostory, web sites, de&onstrations, e0peri&ents with probeware, etc. .he technologies required for this lesson are co&puters, interactive whiteboard or digital projector, and internet connection. Access to the (#Ls) http)AAwww.healthywaterways.orgA& http)$.ht& http) http) http) http)AAstudyja& 0ac1groun%#Preparation Background infor&ation Aprerequisite learning &aterial needed by the students or teacher andAor advanced preparation required # Background knowledge of the four stages of the water cycle) evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and water collection is needed. Cisiting the attached (#Ls prior to students to check for availability and fa&iliariDation is suggested.

*Proce%ures#Acti!ities A clear, succinct description of the activity. 3t should be divided into steps or sections. 3nclude web links and file attach&ents as needed to strengthen your lesson. 97. ) Eor tips on uploading files, videos, and attach&ents, check the EAFGs.

Step 2 .he instructor will begin with probing questions to assess prior knowledge, present the basic infor&ation of the water cycle, and begin with a video for the whole class over the digital projector. Lesson .aterials to be attache% 6Attach files as needed8 3eb Lin1s Title Annotation Title Annotation)

Title .he ,ater Cycle 4/L http'//studyjams#scholastic#com/studyjams/jams/science/ecosy stems/water-cycle#htm Annotation ' is a great, school friendly website for all ages.

Step 5 'tudents will refer to the (#Ls and e0perience the &edia with the hands/on technology research.

Lesson .aterials to be attache% 6Attach files as needed8 3eb Lin1s

Title Annotation Title Annotation)

Title Carious water cycle resources 4/L) http)AAwww.healthywaterways.orgA& http) http) Annotation ach website is fro& an educational resource.

Step 6 .he students will co&plete an online assess&ent as a whole class. .he instructor will use an (#L and the students will work collaborately. Lesson .aterials to be attache% 6Attach files as needed8 3eb Lin1s Title Annotation Title Annotation)

Title Hefferson Labs 4/L) http) Annotation .his website is a great resource that incorporates critical thinking and proble& solving to answer the questions.

Step 7 .he instructor will ad&inister a for&al assess&ent after a clear understanding is achieved.

Lesson .aterials to be attache% 6Attach files as needed8 3eb Lin1s

Title Annotation Title Annotation)

Title 4/L) Annotation

((dd additional steps if needed#)

*Assessment Strategies .his &ay si&ply indicate the type of assess&ent &ost appropriate, or it &ay provide sa&ple questions, entire tests, or rubrics. .he &ost appropriate assess&ent is to have a test that has the drawing of the water cycle. .he students should have roo& to label each stage and give an e0a&ple of which for& of water is present.

Extension 0plain how the lesson &ight be &odified for students who already know or can do the Pri&ary Learning 7bjective, such as activities that apply the concept to new content. 'tudents can create a diagra& with construction paper, &arkers, crayons, andAor cotton balls to show the water cycle in their own creative way.

/eme%iation 0plain what &ay be done for students who need e0tra preparation before or e0tra assistance after the lesson. A student can use various different childrenGs literature about the water cycle as reading &aterial to receive re&ediation or supple&ental &aterial for learning.

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