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8th century temple site in Bujang Valley demolished

B Nantha Kumar | November 29, 20 !

" N#$ is urging the %ourism and &ulture 'inistry to stop a housing developer (rom demolishing remnants o( ancient temples in Bujang Valley and to preserve the area)

*+%",-N# ."/"0 " housing developer has demolished several temples sites, including an 8th century heritage site, in Bujang Valley, Kedah, and the authorities are not ta1ing any action to stop the act) Non2governmental organisation Bujang Valley 3tudy &ircle chairman V Nadarajan has urged the %ourism and &ulture 'inistry to stop the developer (rom (urther destroying the area and preserve the site) Nadarajan said several ancient temples, called &andi, had been demolished in the last (e4 years to ma1e 4ay (or development) 5e said the developer had no4 demolished the most (amous 8th century temple remnants 1no4n as &andi 3ungai Batu estate or Bujang Valley site ) Nadarajan, 4ho is a la4yer, urged %ourism and &ulture 'inister 'ohamed Na6ri "bdul "6i6 to stop the demolition process) 7%he temple in 3ungai Batu estate is the most (amous tourism spot in Bujang Valley, but no4 it is gone,8 he said) Nadarajan, 4ho has 4ritten a boo1 on the Bujang Valley heritage site, said the authorities had (ailed to stop the demolition) 7%he National 5eritage 9epartment, 'useum, Kedah state tourism committee and 3ungai *etani 'unicipal &ouncil should have protected the sites but they have turned a blind eye to the demolition 4or1,8 he added) Area is packed with historical artifacts 5e said that he 4as not sure 4hen the &andi 3ungai Batu 4as demolished but believes it 4as done earlier this 4ee1) 5e only realised it 4as demolished 4hen he visited the &andi t4o days ago)

7%his entire area is pac1ed 4ith historical arti(acts) 'ost o( them are hidden a4ay (rom our vie4) %his particular temple site is (amous 4ith tourists) 7%he developer is greedy and 4illing to pay the (ine (or the demolishing the temples :and its remnants; because they 4ill ma1e a huge pro(it (rom the housing project) 7- am surprised 4hy the 'alaysian government is so careless in Bujang Valley 4hen countries li1e -ndonesia and &ambodia are proud o( their heritage sites,8 said Nadarajan) %he Bujang Valley is an archeological site and e<cavation had revealed jetty remains, iron2 smelting areas and a clay2bric1 monument dating bac1 0"9 ma1ing it the oldest man2made structure to be recorded in 3outh2east "sia) 7-t is the most important entry port be(ore 'alacca : =th century; and 3ingapore : 9th century;) Bujang Valley has been a mid24ay hub to "rab nations, -ndia and &hina,8 said Nadarajah) 7>e should be proud o( the heritage and not give the site to pro(it2minded individuals,8 he added) Nadarajan urged the ministry to issue a stop24or1 order to the developer and preserve the remaining sites)

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