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Curriculum Vitae of M. U. M.


Personal Information: Full Name: Postal Address: Mobile Phone No: +mail Address: .ate o/ !irth: Se1: 2ivil Status: Nationality: N42 Number: Mohamed Uwain Mohamed Shabeen No: 10, Zaviya ane , !eruwela, Sri an"a. #$% && '$(&)*' ,#$% '% ** &&&0( shabeenuwain,yahoo.-om 0uly 0(, 1$$* Male Sin3le Sri an"an $*1$00%0)5

S-hools Attended: Al 6umaisara 2entral 2olle3e, !eruwela. !anadranaya"e Maha 5idyalaya, Miri3ama. 7alutara 2entral 2olle3e, 7alutara.

Medium o/ Studies: Sinhala an3ua3e S"ills: Sinhala,8amil and +n3lish

Professional Qualifications: Su--eess/ully -om9leted the Diploma in Airlines Reservation Course at the institute o/ 4nternational Airline 8i-"etin3 A-ademy -ondu-ted by Mr Deepal Perera. in 2011 Su--ess/ully 2om9leted the Universit !usiness Studies, 2olombo in *00$. Sub:e-ts: A--ounts !usiness Studies 4n/ormationa 8e-hnolo3y ;eb and <ra9hi- .esi3nin3 !usiness +n3lish !oun"ation Course at the 4nstitute o/

Su--ess/ully -om9leted the Diploma in #ar"$are %n&ineerin& $it' (et$or)in& at the 8urn"ey 48 8rainin3 2entre o/ 8urn"ey 2om9uter Systems =Pvt> td, 2olombo 0' in 0anuary *010. Sub:e-ts:

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

4ntrodu-tion @ System theory. Mother !oards, 2PU, Memory, 6ard .is" and +1ternal .evi-es. .issemblin3 Assemblin3 @ 4nternal Ar-hite-ture o/ P2s. Memory Ar3aniBin3 @ U93radin3. Monitors @ .is9lay Ada9ters. Partitionin3, Formattin3 @ System 2on/i3urations. 4nstallin3 .rivers @ So/tware Pa-"a3es. U93radin3, Servi-in3 @ Maintainin3 2om9uters. P2 Ce9airin3, .ia3nosti-s @ 8roubleshootin3 Problems. Modems, ;eb 2on/i3uration =4nternet, +D mail>. 4nstallin3 ;eb 2ameras, 85 2ards @ Multimedia +ssentials. o-al Area = AN> E ;ide Area =;AN> Networ"in3 2on-e9ts. 2on/i3urin3 a Peer to Peer Networ". Networ" 8o9olo3ies, Proto-ols @ Sharin3 Networ" Cesour-es. 5ideo Mailin3 @ 5oi-e Mailin3. 4nstallin3 @ 2on/i3urin3 ;indows A9eratin3 System.

Sat /or the *C% +,- %.amination in 200/ ;or"in3 as a Volunteer 0eac'er at the 7aluthara .istri-t Ahadiyya .aham S-hool Federation A Pro1ect 2upport Volunteer atta-hed to +-o 2are Sri an"a 4nitiative /or introdu-in3 a s-hool based solid waste mana3ement 9ra-ti-es in-ludin3 re-y-lin3 2

Referees: Mr M.!.M (alr !ormer In3service 0eac'er4s A"vicer3Ministr of %"ucation Principal Al3 'am5ra (ational 2c'ool Dar&ato$n6Alut'&ama 0elep'one: 0713/8129:;6 077738:/989 Ms <o)ila *una$ar"ana %.32ri -an)a Airline 2taff Mem5er of $estern Provincial Council -olu$a&o"a6 Miri&ama 0elep'one: 0777 7;078/ As-sheikh Agar Mohamed Director of Jamia Naleemia, China Fort, Beruwala Telephone !"#-$%#$%&$

I do hereby certify that the above details are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. --Signed ============== M.U.M. 2'a5een

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