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What needs to be included in literature review Background of a study It provides background information relating to the social/political/historical/ educational (etc)

context of the study. It may include historical, cultural, political, social or organizational information about the context of the research May include a theoretical starting point May include personal motivation Literature Review What needs to be included in a review of the literature? he key issues !hich underlie the research pro"ect he ma"or findings on the research topic, by !hom and !hen he main points of vie! and controversies that surround the issue being investigated # critical evaluation of these vie!s, indicating strengths and !eaknesses of previous studies on the topic $eneral conclusions about the state of the art at the time of !riting, including !hat research still needs to be done% that is, the gap that remains in the research that the study !ill aim to fill Steps and strategies for writing a literature review Steps How to do? &ocate relevant 'ources may be in hard form as !ell as in soft form literature Identify key authors and "ournals (se $oogle 'cholar for computerized searches (se ables of )ontents from key "ournals to find relevant articles (se reference lists from articles, books and chapters )ritically read the Identify themes in the literature literature Identify strengths and !eaknesses of individual articles Identify strengths and !eaknesses of the field as a !hole *repare to !rite )onsider the expected length and format of the literature revie! Make a preliminary outline +rganize the literature you !ill cover &imit the scope of the revie! to the topic you have chosen ,rite the revie! ,rite the introduction ,rite subsections )ombine and critically evaluate the literature #void plagiarism Indicate the (se the revie! to lead to your study and research -uestion/s gap Reading and summarizing previous studies echni!ue "uestions to be answered Summarizing a previous study ,hat are the ma"or research -uestions or hypotheses in the study. ,hat !ere the main findings of the study. ,hy !as it important to carry out the research. ,hat is the relationship bet!een this study and your o!n

pro"ect. ,hat other research studies !ere conducted in the same area. ,hat is the relationship bet!een these studies and your o!n pro"ect.

ypical tenses used in the literature review ense /xample simple 0ichard (1232) sho!s present that..................... 4

simple past

0ichard (1232) sho!ed that ....................4 0esearch has sho!n that ....... ...............4

present perfect

,hen to use # generalization is being made # reference is being made to the state of current kno!ledge *revious findings are being presented/are accepted as facts # reference is being made to a single study # specific piece of research and its findings are being referred to # general area of investigation or in-uiry is being referred to # general statement is made about previous research

Sample Islamic finance is a financial system, the fundamental aim of !hich is to fulfill the teaching of the 5oly 6uran, as opposed to reaping maximum returns on financial assets. he basic principle in the 'haria (Islamic )ommon &a!) is that exploitative contracts based on 0iba (interest or usury) or unfair contracts that involve risk or speculation ($harar) are unenforceable. 5o!ever the 5oly 6uran contains no condemnation of morally acceptable investments that yield fair /legitimate profits and economic/social 77added8value99 ('iddi-i 1222). !o more principles are fundamental to understanding Islamic finance. :irst, the Islamic la! reflects the totality of #llah9 ($od9s) commands that regulate all aspects of the life of a Muslim. 'econd, Islamic finance is directly involved !ith spiritual values and social "ustice. (nder Islam, there is no separation of mos-ue and state or of business and religion (;icolas 122<)======================== ()ontinued) Reference#
Siddiqi A Moin. 1999. The growing popularity of Islamic ban ing.!! Middle "ast# $ondon# %91# &&_&'. (icholas )* Angell. 199+. Islamic and ,estern ban ing- .art I/Ma0or features# structural forms# comparison with ,estern ban s# 1iba.!! Middle "ast "2ecuti3e 1eports. 14* 1%* 9_1+.

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