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BFC32802 / BFC 3172 : REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN 2 Project instruction: This project must be carried out by group of maximum four or five (4 or 5) members. This project will contribute 20% of courseworks mark. 1.0 Introduction Your consultant company wins bid to build a multi-story commercial building in Batu Pahat City Center. An area of 30 m x 20 m has been allocated for the development purpose. As a team of designer and structural engineer, your group have been appointed to prepare the design and detail of the building, including a complete report of the following scopes: a) Description of proposed building and details of project. b) Layout of building for each floor, side and elevation views complete with location of columns, beams and footings. c) Analysis of design actions subjected to all probable combinations of loads. d) Design of staircase, frame analysis, columns and foundations. e) Detailing f) Discussion and a clear recommendation of the design.

2.0 Details of the project a) Site The proposed building will be constructed in Batu Pahat City Center. The location can be considered as urban area with flat topography, slope < 0.05 and dense terrain. Other information is shown in the figure below. 30 m 30 m

Land for development


Main wind direction


b) Design consideration: i. All variable and permanent actions must follow the recommendation of Eurocode. However, any relevant assumptions can be made to calculate the wind action. ii. The number of story is 5 with height of floor is 3.6 m. iii. The dimension of beam and thickness of slab must be designed based on relevant requirement for the multi-story building. iv. The distance between two columns must not more than 4m, or 7m if supported by secondary beam. v. Foundation to ground floor has height of 2 m. vi. Any relevant assumptions can be employed, whatever necessary.

3.0 Report a) Report should include the information/parameters, analysis, design and drawing of structure and structure plan arrangement. b) Computer drawings using a CAD system are highly encouraged. c) Analysis and design of specific structure should be conducted as scheduled, which is at 8.0 Schedule. d) A compile report must be submitted upon completing the course.

4.0 Assessment - Structural system and idealization, concepts and assumptions 10% - Analysis and design 35% - Detailing 25% - Report and Organization of report 20% - Professionalism and creativity 10%

5.0 Important date Dateline of report submission : 20th December 2013 If the project is submitted late without sufficient cause, a penalty shall be applied. A deduction of 15% of the maximum mark available from the actual mark achieved by the group shall be imposed upon expiry of the deadline. A further deduction of 5% of the maximum mark available from the actual achieved by the group shall then be imposed of the next subsequence days.


6.0 Warning Plagiarism and academic dishonesty can have some severe penalties and repercussions. 7.0 Example of layout

8.0 Schedule 18 October 2013 15 November 2013 06 December 2013 20 December 2013 20 December 2013 : Layout of building and staircase design : Analysis of frame structure : Column Design : Footing design : Complete report and submission

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