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Karina Rizqa Fadhlillah F12108009 07 A/V Friday/ January 28th 2011

1. What kind of a person do you think Mc Teague was? Refer to the story in giving your description. I think Mc Teague is a strange people, because he is afraid to the girl, like stated in the first paragraph full-bellied Is and hs. Then it is supported in the page six, He was embarrassed, troubled. These young girls disturbed and perplexed him. He did not like them, obstinately cherishing that intuitive suspicion of all things feminine-the perverse dislike of an overgrown boy. He also is a clumsy person, like stated in first paragraph, very clumsy. His hand writing shows his personality so that is why I think he is a clumsy person. Then it is stated in the third page, there was a long silence. It was impossible for Mc Teague to work and talk at the same time. That statement supports my conclusion that Mc Teague is a clumsy guy. He is an introvert man, because he has little friend, maybe only Marcus his friend. Mc Teague is also a perfectionists person, he does his work carefully, like stated in the third page, he worked slowly, mechanically, . . He does everything in good result.

2. What moral lessons do you think need from the story The Brute Power of Instincts? Have quotations from the story to support your opinion. The moral values that I need in this story: Being open-minded. Based on Mc Teague character that he is not an openminded person about women especially, so we can learn much from his experience. Like stated in the page six, He was embarrassed, troubled. These young girls disturbed and perplexed him. He did not like them, obstinately cherishing that intuitive suspicion of all things feminine-the perverse dislike of an overgrown boy. Have to control the emotion, especially the passion. Mc Teague is in this story has a brute power of instinct, so as a lesson for me to control the emotion, especially

the passion. Like stated in page nine last paragraph, It was a crisis--a crisis that had arisen all in an instant; a crisis for which he was totally unprepared. Blindly, and without knowing why, McTeague fought against it, moved by an unreasoned instinct of resistance. Within him, a certain second self, another better McTeague rose with the brute; both were strong, with the huge crude strength of the man himself. Dont be too an introvert person. Mc Teague is someone who is shy, quiet and unable to make friends easily. Like stated in first paragraph of page one that very clumsy, full-bellied Is and hs Being friendly to everybody without differentiate the sex (male or female). Like what I have said in above that Mc Teague is an introvert and selective in having friends. He is afraid to the girl, like stated in the first paragraph full -bellied Is and hs. It shows that he only care about he himself and the other man. There are no women in his world. Being organized people. Like stated in first paragraph of page one His writing was immense, very clumsy, and very round, with huge, full- bellied l's and h's. He saw that he had made an appointment at one o'clock for Miss Baker . Based on his writing I can conclude that he is a well-organize person.

3. Louisa was kind of perfectionist person. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being a perfectionist person like her. (refer to the story)

Being perfectionist means doing everything to be perfect and demanding the highest standards possible. Surely, being perfectionist has advantages and disadvantages, like Louisa character in this story. In my conclusion, the advantages of being perfectionist person are: Has well-organized life. (Page 1 in the second paragraph) Stick on her principle. (Page 4 in the first and second paragraph) Has neat and tidy house (Page 6 in the second paragraph) The results of her works are excellent. (Page 1 in the second paragraph)

Then, the disadvantage of being perfectionist is taking a very long time in her movements and too taking pain in doing something. Like what have been written in the story, in the second paragraph. Louisa was slow and still in her movements; it took her a long time to prepare her tea; but when ready it was set forth with as much grace as if she had been a veritable guest to her own self. That sentence shows that being perfectionist always does everything like in slow motion, because she wants the best result. The other disadvantage of being perfectionist that sometimes I think that perfect person is freak (strange) person. Like what have been written in the story, in the third page. Louisa kept eying them with mild uneasiness. Finally she rose and ch anged the position of the books, putting the album underneath. Those sentences mean that Louisa as the perfectionist person does not want hers (things) be disturbed by people even it is her boyfriend.

4. Write your personal opinion about The Great Good Place in these aspects: a. Theme The theme of this story is about Danes unconsciousness or Danes imagination of his great good place.

b. Plot George Dane woke up in a bright new day after a long night by his unfinished works. He was a writer and too busy to his routine. He was bored and tired to any kind of his work. So, on that day, when breakfast time a guest Young Man came to him and suddenly Dane was transported to somewhere, The Great Good Place. He spent three weeks at the place. In the place he felt better because what he expected coming true. And then, he had a close imagination friend, Brother who had same age with him. Brother was also a good listener and a wise person, so that was why Dane really enjoyed talking to him. Back to Danes real life, he was eventually awakened by his servant; Brown, after eight hours overslept and he realized that his vision was gone. But, Young Man a mysterious guest had straightened up his study. Therefore, Danes life seemed clearer and more realizable than before.

c. Moral lessons the story offer Being thankful to God about this life. I think in this story George Dane is someone who is less thankful to God because he really dreams about his life in his imagination or unconsciousness. So whatever that we get in this life just past it sincerely. (In the page 5 on the last paragraph of 1st part) Being friendly to everyone. I think Dane is not a kind man. (In page 3, on the second paragraph stated that Dane treat Brown quite rudely) Being sincere person so makes life be easier. As a social community, we need other people in this life. So, being a kind person is very important. Dont force yourselves to work, work, and work but give yourselves a chance to refresh your mind from the daily routines. It is stated in the early part of this story. A retreat from the world that will invigorate the self. So, do not do crazy about wealth in the world.

5. Write a good summary In the Cage! A young lady (the protagonist) works in the branch post office at Croker, London, sending telegrams for the upper class people who live in her area. She works in a blocked enclosure set up in a small grocery store. It is like "an animal in a cage... in framed and wired confinement, the life of a guinea-pig or a magpie." From time to time, a handsome and apparently wealthy young man by the name of Captain Phillip Everard comes to send off messages to his friends. In the few moments she waits on him she sees him as "extraordinarily kind, very fair." The mere bloom of his beatitude [she thinks]. He himself, absent as well as present, was all. She is engaged to a grocer by the name of Mudge who walks around with "a pen behind his ear" and is described as "oleaginous." Still, when she leaves work, she manages to walk past Everard's apartment every afternoon. She finally meets the good Captain. He takes her to a nearby park where they have one of those complicated Jamesian dialogues: "Well, here we are, and it may be right enough; but this isn't the least, you know, where I was going." As to whether she's eaten supper,

"Yes we do feed once. But that was long ago." And then: "I've walked so much out of my way with you only just to show you that ... that ... that anything you may have thought is perfectly true." Then she cries and states to Captain. "I'll do anything for you," she says, and then runs home. When she confesses that she stayed at her job because of the Captain, she says: I've known perfectly that you know I took trouble for you; and that knowledge has been for me, and I seemed to see it was for you, as if there were something --- I don't know what to call it! --- between us. I mean something unusual and good --- something not a bit horrid or vulgar. It shocks him when she announces that she may be planed to move on. Startled by the news, Everard selfishly cries out that he will be disappointed if she goes: I shall miss you too horribly. Then she leaves Everard with a bad warning that she will not give him up. Later that summer, while on vacation at Bournemouth with Mudge and her mother, she lies to Mudge that her duty now is to stay at Cocker's, to go on assisting her captain in his works. A few weeks later, Everard comes to Mudge's engagement party and asks about a particular telegram that Lady Bradeen had sent earlier in the year. Everard is upset, but when the telegraphist is able to bring the telegrams data, Everard can accept that because Lady Bradeen also has sent the wrong message. Everard departs without a gesture or word of thanks or good-bye. She never sees him again. Then, weeks go by and the telegraphist is chatting with a friend of hers, a Mrs. Jordan, who is a widow but is soon to be married to a Mr. Drake. He is a servant of Lady Bradeen, and Drake tells Mrs. Jordan that Everard and Lady Bradeen will also be marrying soon. Mrs. Jordan cannot tell the detail, but some facts emerge from her conversation with the telegraphist: Everard is not wealthy; he is a philanderer and a fortune hunter; Lady Bradeen once went so far as to steal something in order to protect him; and, finally, Mrs.

Jordan concludes that Everard is wedding Lady Bradeen because she has the power to coerce him into marriage. This story ends with the disillusioned telegraphist ready to take Mudge up on his offer of marriage as soon as possible. Further, she is perturbed at having to hear all this scandalous news from Drake through Mrs. Jordan about Captain Everard and Lady Bradeen. Knowing, however, that her obsession with Everard is over and that marriage to Mudge is inevitable, the telegraphist curiously muses on one aspect of all that has happened: It was strange that such a matter should be settled for her by Mr. Drake. Then she finally forgets about Captain and begins her life with Mudge. 6. Analyse In the Cage in terms of: a. Theme The theme of this story is about the life of a telegraphist (a protagonist), whose position in London is both not respected and not interesting.

b. Plot

This is a story about a telegraphist or (celled protagonist / she) who works in the branch post office at Cockers, London. She has a fianc, his name is Mudge, and he is the owner of a grocer. Mudge wants her fianc to move to a cheaper neighborhood to save money. But she refuses because she likes the glance of society life she gets from the telegrams at her current location. Because of her job as a telegraphist she is involved to the love story of Captain Count Philip Everard and Lady Bradeen. She helps Captain Everard to keep their secrets by remembering certain code numbers in the telegrams. Then, after the death of Lady Bradeen's husband, Everard will marry her, though he no longer seems that interested in her. She finally decides to marry his fianc, Mudge and reflects on the unusual events she was part of dishonest.

c. Settings Based on In the Cage story, the setting place occurs in Mayfair that is a highly fashionable upper-class district in London. Then the other setting is happened in

Regents Park, London Street. The most of the setting place occurs in London. And the most important place is the branch post office at Cocker's. d. Characters There are six main characters in this story: The protagonist : She is a young woman who works as telegraphist in

the branch post office at Cockers, London. Her identity in this story has never been revealed by the author. She has grown up and still live in poverty. She is also an inquisitive person, selfish, and materialistic. Mr. Mudge : He is the protagonists fianc. He is decent man,

caring, oleaginous ,and dull. He is the owner of groce. Captain Count Philip Everard : He is an affair of Lady Bradeen. He is smiling, handsome, unscrupulous, selfish, and materialistic. Lady Bradeen : A wealthy woman who has affair with Captain Everard

after her husband death. Mrs Jordan : She is a widow but will get marry as soon to Mr.

Drake. Mr. Drake is a servant who works with Lady Bradeen. Mrs. Jordan gives some information to the protagonist about Lady Bradeen and Captains life. e. Moral lessons the story offer Do not be an inquisitive person Do not be selfish Do not be greedy Keep away from bad behavior Do not be materialistic Do not be tricked on the cover but look in the insight.

7. Do you like the story? (In the Cage). If you do, what do you like about it? If you dont, what dont you like? Yes, I do. I like In the Cage story because it give me inspirations about her life. It means that I should open my eyes and mind to being aware about this life. That story also remind me bad behavior that sometimes I do not realize that I did it, such being selfish,

curious about the other peoples life. So, after read this short story at least gives me some lesson. But, in the other hand this story is too complicated to understand, because the author in prolix way.

8. Of the four stories we have read which one do you like best? Discuss your reason for favouring the particular story. Make good quotation to support your choice. The story that I like so much is A New England Nun. I like this story because it is a simple story but meaningful, I mean this story left impression for me. Louisas major characteristic opens my eyes that being perfectionist is important to get great result. Then, the love story in this story is so romantic. She is kind of faithful lady; she allows ending up her relationship to Joe Dagget even she loves Joe so much. She prefer to Joes happiness. I think it is good inspiration for me as reflection that allows the most important or precious thing do not mean end of life but the beginning of life.

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