My Background I Topics and Objectives A. A Dire Assessment

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The Politics of Policy in the U.S. Political Science 320B, 2013 Prof. Paul J.

Quirk Course Introduction Lecture 01 September 5

Plans for Today 1) Introduce course topics and objectives. 2) Discuss requirements and assessment. 3) Explain outline of topics.

My Background I Topics and Objectives A. A Dire Assessment The Nixon era [1969-1974] was a time in which leading figures in both parties were capable of speaking rationally about policy, and in which policy decisions werent as warped by corporate cash as they are now. America is a better country in many ways than it was 35 years ago, but our political systems ability to deal with real problems has been degraded to such an extent that I sometimes wonder whether the country is still governable. Paul Krugman, New York Times, August 31, 2009. Is this true? How does it look four years later? (Discuss.)

B. A dramatic statement of the issues: Public Policy is the main test of a political system We have various ideas about how political systems operate. Some common ideas about US politics (and sometimes other systems): Government is controlled by business, or the wealthy. -Politicians are bought by campaign contributions. Government responds to the preferences of the public. (Two versions.) -The public is intelligent and gets what it wants. OR -The public is ill-informed and gets harmful or irrational policies. Divided institutions (separation-of-powers) lead to deadlock and incoherence. What these ideas have in common: They have clear implications for the nature of public policy, how it is adopted, and how it changes. To understand these things, study public policy making. Example: If business controls government, we should see the

policy changes are those preferred by business representatives, benefit business, and harm others. Is this the story of the 2008-2009 financial bailout? (Preview: I think that idea is simplistic.) PQ observation: the study of the politics of public policy should be the central focus for understanding the nature of a political system. C. Questions of special interest for Canadians 1) Why the US health care system does not provide universal coverage. (Or does it? Certain hospitals are obliged to give free care for those who cannot pay.) Obamacare is now a focus of the presidential debate. 2) Why the US is relatively restrictive on gay rights especially widespread resistance to same-sex marriage. 3) Why the US adopts trade and related policies that harm Canada. -- Softwood lumber wars -- American content provisions in stimulus package -- Obama administration blocking or delaying Keystone gas pipeline. D. Major theoretical issues and puzzles for the course.

1) How powerful are organized interest groups? -- Literature on effect of campaign contributions on legislators votes: very limited effect. Surprises most. -- Other possible means of influence: -- Providing information, substantive or political. -- Lobbying Perhaps interest groups arent that powerful! How can we tell? What about groups that represent the wealthy? Wall Street, Banking industry? Important development of billionaires funding a major part of political campaigns (via Superpacs).

2) Does the general public have a great deal of influence or little, and has it increased or decreased? Jacobs and Shapiro: Politicians Dont Pander. -- claim its not very much influence and has decreased in recent decades. -- evidence: politicians extreme positions on Clinton health care (not median public) movements in polls less related to changes in policy. 3) Are citizens competent in their participation? Do political

rhetoric and the media inform them effectively? Note dire circumstances of California, arguably due to thirty years of policymaking by referendum. -- limits on taxes -- mandated spending -- mandated prison sentences (e.g. three-strikes-and-youre out.) California has turned the corner. Gov. Brown won public acceptance of a tax increase. 4) Comparisons to Canada. How and why US is different from Canada. E. Studying US public policy in the middle of a period of crisis. War with Syria? We will discuss. Debt limit and budget issues: will there be a default on bonds? Will there be long period of govt shutdown? Will the econ recovery be undermined? Other issues: immigration reform =================

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