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by Barry J. Gardener

Monograph No. 17



"RADIO MAGNETISM" Is an Educational and Inspirational course of study especially written and intended for BUDDING INDIVIDUALS everywhere.

Single Copies $1.00 Each, Postpaid. (By Air Mail $1.30 Each)

Harry J. Gardener, Publisher 1044 South Olive Street Los Angeles 15, California



AS WE BEGIN TO STUDY It has ever been a habit of man to record how he has striven through the ages to exceed the accomplishments of the generations prior to his own. It cannot truly be said that man, holding this attitude, is a perpetual egotist. Far better it is to believe, and rightly, that man in every age has tried to leave an example of progress that the future in MUST strive to exceed. Han is father to man, and like a parent, eternally endeavors to spur his own kind onward to greater achievement than he himself has marked. Using this same incentive, the author invites you to examine and apply the ideas incorporated in the present course , You will discover it is a step forward in the literature of CONstructive psychology. It claias no hidden charm that un f olds to you sudden riches and sacceoe , It merely takes you a pace bee,eond the posture you new hold, perhaps duo to other courses the author has been fortunate enough to supply you. It begs you to appreciate in calm examination its morits, and above all, to follow its manner until you SEE that you are being VASTLY' imp:oved in all aays by its application. Most of us regard the glories of a newborn day rejoicing in oar possession of LIFE. In comparative lsouzat, you are hOW standing before the dawn of FEW IDEAS, and if you will summon LXPLCTATION in sufficient power, you will sense a new LIFT in life coming to you and as you proceed with the study of RADIO MAGNETISM, you will SENSE the GLOW of new zeal uniting; your ego to God's. Face the dawn, then! ASS ist the eagerness of the author to XNOW that you are grasping the truths at this course. Strengthened in every atom of your being, travel OITIARD, ever GYVARD:

RADIO MAGNETIS M FIRST --- MENTAL-MAGNETIZED ENERGY Today, one of the most used words is "energy'. This Why? word now fills our language, both written and oral. Simply because people have come to realize that energy is the cne quality that causes everything to Improve. Not a whit of progress ever could be made without the application of energy. Machines are Men have to use it in every moment of life. powerless until they are fueled or powered to produce energy. And as the heart is the energizing CENTER of yout mental BEING, it would be of little value to study the uses in higher meaning of the subconscious and superconscious minds until we have examined and begun to understand the possibilities of MENTAL man. COSMIC energy vastly differs from the energy contacted in the practice of REGULATED visualizing. These two energies operate through exactly opposite principles. In REGULATED visualizing, YOU seek to attain energy, whereas COSMIC energy can be attracted to seek YOU. There is this to remember, however: COSMIC energy does not seek you UNTIL you have become a MAGNET to it. That condition can come to you ONLY when you have learned to make your mind a MAGNET to COSMIC energy -- as the author is going to teach you right NOW. Undoubtedly, all of you are familiar with the manner of procedure of a surgeon who is ready to operate. FIRST of all, he CLEANSES the part to be operated upon. In this course, oar PATIENT is the MIND. That is the part of you to be operated upon by YOU as surgeon. Therefore, like a good intern, follow the accepted fundamentals to the letter, by CLEANSING your mind first of all. Do To do this is extremely easy. you trust your hand at random in a fire? Why submit your MIND to a blistering by allowing it to harbor impurities? There is a guide within that tells you what is RIGHT THOUGHT. There are also the experiences and teachings of many years to escort you. Then, do not inflame your mind with improper thought. All who have courage can trace their most unfortunate happenings to a wrong attitude of mind. Now, no attitude of mind could be wrong if we had the PROPER thought in the first place. It so happens that most of as stagger under a common handicap of not being able to llet loose when faced with the necessity of considering NEW THOUGHT. We seem to like kidding ourselves into believing that the old way is best. Usually, our inner guide will URGE as to try the new manner of THINZNG, but our stubborn, material MIND constrains us to stay in the worn rut. LET LOOSE: Like a pioneer, DARE the NEW PRONTIER01 7 e have the most wonderful of all creations with which to experiment -- THOUGHT CENT -MS. Cleanse then of hatred, jealousy, -.3-

envy, desire for vengeance, covetousness, lust, lewdness, doubt, With dawn of each now day, THANK GOD for fear and pessimism) LIFE -- for the NEW BIRTH of ego which attends the rising morning' Train your mind to become an incurable addict --enslaved to OPTIMISM and FORWARD THOUGHT. As you know, first of all the MIND must be brought to this state in EARNEST and for GOOD --- if you would proceed with thc practice of becoming a MAGNET to COSMIC energy. Do you For a moment, let us look back into youth. . recall if you wondered about GROWTH? Have you not, at times, examined yourself in amazement --- so utterly astonished to realize that YOU wore GROWING? When a man or woman comes to PHYSICAL maturity, that certainly need never be the end of growth. The body reaches a natural state of maximum development and then, with the MOTOR units of man complete as can be, God invites us to grow --- MENTALLY, MORALLY, and. SPIRITUALLY Who are those men and women that grow old before their time? They are those who do not follow God's plan --- who fail to develop INDEPENDENT higher forces after God has brought their PHYSICAL forces to maturity. Of course, people who arc victims Howof illness and accident have physical crosses to boar ever, even such disabled persons often possess physical attributes that lend thorn a GLOW similar to that of the perfect and whole man. PURITY of MIND and THOUGHT is not difficult to attain. Once you have accepted this condition, and attempt to hold it successfully, you will ASSUREDLY never again allow your mind Your cots window to slip back into mucky thought-gutters. will be shining and clear; then you will be able to proceed creating yourself a MAGNET to COSMIC energy. Naturally, there will be times when a fleeting evil thought will try to smudge Homver, you can DENY such an adversity so your window pane FIRMLY that it will become discouraged in attempting to unseat In a sense, the MIND is like a piece of moist clay --you. every time any repetition of thought pounds upon it, more solidity will result and release of the idea will be more difficult. If you keep your THOUGHT-clay moistened with the right attitude, all assaults cf wrong thought will only servo to SOLIDIFY the right control of your mind --- and then, you will be well on the road to becoming a MAGNET.
Have you ever appreciated the groat and marvelous Therein lies the deffact of realizing in its fallest sense? inition 7=n. If your mind be clean and clear, the very MOMENT you REALIZE with a THRILL that you arc becoming a MAGfrom which source emanates all opportunNET to COSMIC onorgy ity and improvement --- at that very MOM7,NT will you bccome a MAGNET, beginning to set in motion principles of cosmic attraction that shall bring to you the valuable and helpful DESIRES of your ego/ Most of you have KNOWN the marvelous results of It is an elementary mental methodical, REGULATED visualizing.


training most essential to your building-up into fitness to study the practice of contacting COSMIC energy. For a moment, let as consider the very familiar principles of beauty culture. 'that brings forth TEUE loveliness of face and form? It is the APPLICATION of all energies toward the OPE desired result --- BEAUTY. In the hum, the case is exactly the same. Beauty of thought can be materialized ONLY when every effort is directed toward THAT end --- when "creams" If and "cesmetios" of PROPER THOUGHT are applied regularly. they are so applied, THOUGHT-BEAUTY will result, and COSMIC energy will speed to you with marvels to behold. Have you ever FELT that you were EXPANDING beyond yourSELF? Have you ever experienced a sense of becoming "in flated" --- being light and swift, yet seeming to cover many times your body's space? .?hat is the feeling to watch for in the approach of your ego to MAGNETIC POWER. You will VIBRATE --- you will actually feel emanations of COSMIC energy passing in and out of your body. "that a great sense of victory it gave the author at the first experience! -om that day on, he was BORN ^ NE1V Faces seemed kinder, words were attuned to harmony, attitudes of everyone around him seemed miraculously more favorable. It was not accomplished in any way other than that herein stipulated --- FIEST, by maintaining a clear, clean MIND --- then REACHING OUT with TEEMENDOUS DESIRE to contact COSMIC energy; and in that manner, becoming so brim-full of super-power that MAGNETISM was an INSTANT result and CCSIvIIC energy answered AT ONCE! Of course, REGULATED VISUALIZING of a kind can never be abandoned altogether. ALL THOUGHT is VISUALIZED. What CAN be changed is the MANNER of VISUALIZING. Contacting COSMIC energy allows you to depart from the time-limit and special posture system. YOU become the CENTER to which opportunity is ATTRACTED! --- instead of you seeking the environments MENTALLY wherefrom such opportunity may commence to reach you. The following simple exercise is about all that-need be practiced to build tremendous powers of MAGNETISM. Merely VISUALIZE, and in time actually learn to HEAR rays of energy from your MIND whirring out into the UNIVERSE with lightning speed, causing to enter the direct presence of your ego all people, places, circumstances, and energies needed to bring to BEING the DESIRE of your MIND. With closed eyes, SEE these whirring emanations of METNAL-MAGNETIZED energy thrust themselves into all parts of the UNIVERSE. It is not well to pick out any definite person, place, or condition in the exercise --that is the contacting task of the INCOMING COSMIC energy. However, be sure you FORM DESIRE-PICTURES while whirring energies are being sent out. COSMIC energy will bring you whatever you are 71,615 LI:,- IrG. and DESIRING without you being the one to set the pattern for materialization.

ani It is common thought that the hours of roti arisig are best for the practice f! any m,ontal This is explained by realizing that at such hours the body is at night, REDY to relax; in the morning, RESTED and prepared to do the biddin; of the subconscious and superconscieus minds --- to perform in FlYSICAL manifestation whatever Ti:OTJETS the subconscious and superconscious minis have obeyed durin,r sleeping hours. Such reasoning follows logic very= readily, and the author suggests you apply the b7:Atime End sunrise system. 1G OW that yea are becoming KLGNWIC to COS`IC energy, then set in motion VIBRATIONS that will draw to you tho COU1C force. Intermingling your ogees individuality with COSMIC energy mer;ly instructs the HIGHER PO - rER what mc nncr of man or woman you ARE. When COSMIC energy oncc , gets into your VIBRATION, yeti will discover what n wonderful ftculty it has in attracting to you just th:, things f' conditions you DESERVE and can USE and EX7R1 7,SS. You will thus be WHAT YOU .:J',21 --- in a degree of perfection end serTice to to he rankind that will certnirly eJ.maze you. 2,11 men wonderful in their phase of 7.nde ,2,:ver. 'The 1 you h.wo thf,,t energy is CONSTAITTLY to ATTRACT COS=T energy to you, TZE your bringing to you the CONDITIOYS necessary to nLTERI TLSTRES, powers of MErTL.11-a&GYETISM vvi11 incrof.tso with such , he FII:oed that often, you will . fool actually coastr-Linod aloud the pvlises of God. f r HIS 7111.N.



Second --- Solar Magnetism In scanning the history of religion, it is found that among all faiths the worship of the Sun has been most pronounced. This fact seems entirely natural Before ho had a skilled brain mechanism, man mast have had the clemontary faculty of loving and adoring that which ha felt was cioa for him. The warmth alone of the. Sun as it came tc bless the world after the chilliness of night, after the terror of sovoro storms -- without doubt soomed to man a sign of favor from the GREAT SPIRIT. Even today, there arc Sun-worshiptors. Is ib not well to have high rogard for all God's creations --and more ospocially, those that sustain LIFE, such as air, wator, earth, and the Sun? To acquire strength and beauty, it is essential first of all to love such qualities. For example, in courtship, there is little use imaginini7 you aro goingto :air. the truo love of your dosired companion UNTIL you show you have a comparable SINCERE intontion toward th other party. In fact, oasicly it is true that you must love ana desire what you arc socking to find beforo you over will have a chance to discover it. At this momonto it is YOUR pleasant tas%: to build a DESIRE for UNDERSTANDING that will load you to practice of principles enabling. you to contact tho groat MAGNETIC (7ETTER of the UNIVERSE known as the SUN. Remombor,this is NOT instruction urging yea to elavn.te the Sun to GOD. It is mcant to show that the best way to please Goa is by paying intelligent attention to His creations --- using thom in their highest capacity for YOUR hottorment. Now, for a moment, let us look a big FAKER straight in the face --- that feeler cA: mon called .MITRE. Is failure any part of God's plan? What if God allowed the light of the Sun to fade, the rain to cease falling, the air to lose oxygenic properties, the earth to re 'use germination of sod? If you think forever, you will be unable to bring forth ONE SINGUI INSTANCE of God's desertion to failure. Therefore, it is true that FAILURE is man-made BY man-THOUGHT. Every time we admit DEFEAT, we are slipping just that much farther along the pathway leading into regions farther from the KINGDOM of MAGNETISM. Now most of us have been taught that we are to try to srow MORE like God. How in the v!orld are we over to accomplish this if we begin by slapping God in the face in TTINKIT]G 01' :urselvos as HABITUAL failures? E.-or pitrt in. Goats groat creation operates through the ONE principle of MOTIO11. No part of th solar system could hositato a sacond in its regulated ccur6c without upsetting the whole UNIVERSE. In the CENTER of all this marvelous system, wh4t do we find? A solid, dopondablo, cheering creation we have called the SUN. -7-

It is the commen nature of man to admire fixity, dependability. Science shows that the Sun is stationary --being that FORCE which holds the Planets, the Moon and the Earth in proper course Early man probably did not appreciate the tremendous importance of the Sun as a preserver of cosmic equilibrium. He had the highest regard for what the Sun could do for him in a PTTYSICAL way. Now, although present day knowledge undoubtedly is very fundamental in light of what the future MAF shall understand, we are beginning to recognize that the San, when properly APPRECIATED, can demonstrate powers greater than those of light, heat and direction in PHYSICAL meaning --- that through proper AMOTLEDGITeT4T of the Sun's powerful PURPOSE, man can attain to the heights' Suppose you never say, "thank you" to a certain man who has often befriended you. Do you suppose that such a man will continue through years to assist you who haven't enough appreciation for LOVE to express it by recognizing such aid? It is the same way with God in the OPPORTUNITY He supplies in such great generosity --- we had better USE opportunity, or sec it depart from as forever' Every ion of COSMIC energy is charged 17y the Creator to assist some living being or form to HIGHER LIFE. ro:/ what is the use of allowing such a Freat FRIE 10 as COSMIC energy to waste its power on careless men? Man must not look to glitter ef jewels and metals as his ONE source of wealth; CO31]10 energy is far mere saturated with UNTW,UGHPriches' It is exactly as though someone .-core to offer yea two positions --- one carrying a steady income for life of one hundred dollars per month; the ether offering to BEGIN, fifty dollars a month, but with GREAT CPPORTU1ITY for advancement. Sad to say, most men likely weald arras for the ASSURED income. In so doing, they would sae to God that their trust in Him was so negligible that on material supply alone they chose to place their dependence. The man who would accept the smaller wage with chance for advancement would show faith that God would grant him COURAGE and ABILITY and knITION which to SUCCEED. The man settling into the assured. income "rut" would be admitting tc the =Id that he had reached his Pinnacle, and from that MOMENT, disintegration of MI:SeD and SPIRIT would set in. The other man would demonstrate that his PURPOSE was to GROW with PROGRESS 'sad to contribute ORIGI 7 7AL ideas for the USE of mankind. With such an incentive, all of you CAN press ONWARD, applying thu principles of RADIO MAGNETISM --- attaining SUCCESS far beyond all hopes. Remember that stagnation in any part of year MA7IFESTED 2EIYO will delay YOURSELF most of all, and seat Le the use of LIFE without an effort te I,L 3ROVE? Holdi4g these few stimulating thoushts of S0' ,AR HAGITETISY, ana the natural forces of Goi, let us proceed to the mechanics of USING SOLI%R magnetism. Step by step, this course will conlict you You must apply FIRST OF ALI, the princioles

exalained in proceeding parts to understand and benefit by -8-

what you NOW study. Indeed, it is a simple matter to employ VISUALIZED MENTAL-MAGNETISM in attracting COSMIC DESIRE and whirring . energy. Merely PROJECT your MENTAL lightning belts cf THOUGHT straight to the Sun. As in all such exercises, what you are doing must be grounded in the unshakeable faith that you WILL Now, sonic people likely will say ATTAIN the result sought. you arc kidding yourself into self-hypnosis. It is s lie, and a terrible one. By VISUALIZING, you are using SKILL given of God to bring you what you DESIRE, and in contacting COSMIC and SOLAR energy, yea arc merely saying tc God --- "I realize and appreciate Your manifestations of assistance, :nd I am not such a fool as to deny myself their use." New here All of you love some person most dearly. is a way to set your MIND on the quickest pathway in reaching the CENTER of the Sun to contact SOLAR magnetism: as you bring your DESIRE PICTURE into your inner consciousness, imagine this
DEAREST person waiting for y-u IN TNT' SUN. Then, with the

terrific speed of MENTAL magnetism releasing to the power cf THOUGHT-bolts, send out your DESIRE PICTURE tr the presence of the DEAR ONE. Instantly, you will be thrilled, by the great power of SOLAR magnetism, and the thrill will increase with growing faith. You nee not look AT the Sun, in these exercises --- merely PICTURE the Sun mentally. As you sit, or stand, SMILING, also SENSE that your entire ego is expanding. Lot it embrace the room, then the house, then the block, then the town, the county, the state, the country, the world, and finally, ALL SP= in the UNIwith surges of COSMIC and SOLAR power that will endow such feeling of GREiTNESS and PURPOSE that you will be able to maintain a quiet attitude. Your ego, as it the whole UNIVERSE in this expansive way, will place you in immediate contact with EVERY ION of COSMIC and SOLAR energy, and you will find attunament with all hearts and with all minds. Can you not SEE what great purity and exaltation of PERSONALITY this contact will give you? Then, while alone, as is always bust in any mental stimulation, BEGIN to see yourself as .t miniature Sun --- emitting SOLAR magnetism from your own solar plexus. Sec t- it . that you are be/lc.. fitting everyone and everything you contact.
Sec that you arc receiving THANKFULLY and humbly the approval cf God in your faith to use His pnwers. Never have you seen the face of the Sun sad. In fact, when slouch, try to cover it, there is usually a time when part rf the Sun shows through. What cheer it then brings to the consciousness of OPTIMISTIC men and women; Of course, there are and probably will be for thousands cf generations to come --- people who hate LIGHT. How happy arc they? How much beauty does PESSIMISM and gloom -9VERSE. fill you you with scarcely embraces This system rf VISUALIZED expansion ABSOLUTELY will

flect? How great a benefit can such negative expression bring Manind? If they 8. - e well and nourished, children are hap e y. LE the si ..01t of the reat ORIGINATOR of life, we are all children, That is the sense ref starving ourselves in a world wherein plenty has been ORDERED for the happiness of all? Even temporary daortages of supply that attack as need never take away SUNLIGHT. ' There is generally a way to be found that will keep the body well, the mind optimistic. And when a man understands it, yet refuses to slam raoGRIzsrvE VISUALIZING to assist him, slow relief indeed must he expect Mout poverty is the result of mismanagement in one department of life or another. Basicly, all misfortune can be laid right at our awn doorsteps. To be needed and appreciated when a friend is ill or desperate, to be WANTED for your good companionship, to FEEL you are becoming a necessary part of God': plan in LIFTING humanity, and to RLALIZE that you are ASCENDING in LIFE --- such are the sails that the WIND of SOLAR magnetitm will float into your harbor;

.Thus, project ilito the great SPACLS your MENTAL manetism until it oontam,s the body of the Sun. Therein, let your heart swell in its ey at being in contact with the source of light and life Then, expand your whole ego until YOU are SPIRITUALLY in actual touch with every PORTIOU of the UTIV72SEZ. Finally, begin. ,to REALIZE that YOU are a unit of SOLAR magnetism and can send out LIGHT and LIFE to those with whom you deal every day". . Never will you be able to fill your mind with .thoughts .of HATPIN :SS, SUNSHINE, and BEING without bringing such blessed states to actuality in daily manifesto. , ti on." Therefoi'e',.cif you will seek HIGHER 1.)OWLRS willingly and with GR7AT ZEAL, you will :assuredly ATTAIN them, and once they become YOUlkS o 'ethey will never get a chance of escape , Since GROWTH and advancement are the results of contact with the Sun and'God's'other nat al blessings, you will GROW, you will EXPAND, and you wil summ) in lust the degree your Z -SAL will allow;


Third -- Sensitized Reception What is a principal cause for the fruitless lives we see all about us? Very often, it is that people are no more than waste baskets for any and all thoughts that happen to strike their sensitized brain centers. It is a pitiful thing such people apparently submit to the entrance of ANY thought -whether it harm them or do them momentary good. It places such men and women in the class of will-less individuals, for they are NOT the masters of their fate. Usually, these unfortunate people are found among those who have not had education, early training, or INCENTIVE enought to do anthing about correcting the evil condition. This is not always the case. However, it is right to believe that the man who makes a struggle to improve from a SIMPLE beginning shows MORE courage than he who had everything to begin with --- good health, good home, education, and a constant supply of material necessities; finally, also the STRUGGLING man finds fuller SECURITY because he has had to make the GREATER EIGHT to ATTAIN SUCCESS. Perhaps the greatest stumbling block to improvement of thought-control is the fact that most of as do not use that simple method of regulation called "choice." If we go into a restaurant, for example, and there we find a selection of foods, should we be asked if we desire a certain kind of vegetable not pleasing to our taste, we quickly refuse it and order something we enjoy eating. Yet in the case of THOUGHT, most of us let that great power run at random, bringing as the chaff with the grain --- filling our minds with "dusty" and "filthy" ideas at times, then expecting what good and pure thought may remain to have full and beneficial power. It simply cannot be that way. It is our task to examine the ways and means of keeping a mental household that shall admit the presence of FAVORABLE thought alone, then to apply the principles that control what thought reaches us. This must be done to attain the elementary sense of mastery over thought that shall allow us to inbuild self-confidence. To do this, follow the instruction of the following pages. Let us consider, just for a moment, the radio receiving set. That is that a person usually desires most in a radio? It is usually a combination of tone rind reception, Selection is also very vital-and to a certain extent, the style of cabinet; however, if a person pays most attention to the body of the set rather than to its PEREORMANCE, he shows himself to be material-minded and can ea8i1'y become the victim of clever salesmen who will sell such a vain fellow a radio for its outward beauty rather than DEPENDABILITY. It is well known that all parts of a radio's machinery must be in harmonious and efficient working-order to bring a gratifying result

from the air-waves. It is hardly necessary to say that such is exactly the need in obtaining the best RESULTS from MIND. It is therefore YOUR task to make a critical examination of the motor of your mental receiving set. pre you able to adjust what thought is attracted to you by a mere "turning" of the dial? Can you INCREASE the clear vibration of a desired thought by turning another mental dial? Can you select your thought by reaching a certain point in wave length where no other thought can enter your mind while that first thought is being considered? If you can accomplish this, then skip to the next section of the course. However, there are few people with such control --- and we are all TRYING to gain it. Thus, let us travel together through the discussion of what to do in gaining mastery over MIND that shall approximate the mastery we exert over the operation of a radio set. 20 begin with, you must learn how to "shut out" what thought is not wanted. the way of doing this is very simple. It seems that 4ed intended that any method He supplied man to use in self-correction should easily be acquired. ior long ages, the mystics who had discovered secrets of POWER held them in deeply-guarded silence, fearing that PERSONAL power would be dissipated by the acquisition of these mysteries by the public. If any student showed signs of "awakening," unless he be one of the CHOSEN disciples, these "masters" so muddled the seeker that he would cease trying to untangle the mysteries. Now, "secrets" are being exposed as being not secrets at all --but the ways of G-od. They are fast becoming the common man's property, which God's intention. Do you know what is the result of any proposition that may be pat before you if you say TO to it? that idea, as long as yon. THIrK AGAINST IT, has no chance ever of becoming a materiaaed fact, You must maintain a stubbornness of MIND egaine:; hazmful thought in order to control it Whenever a theuarh not to year liking enters your brain centers, say mentally "I deny you as a malicious vibration and you shall not hara: me by yoa continued presence." Aenember, you MUST 702 say this in your mind as if it were 4 line of beautiful poetry. You have to use force and conviction, or your subconscious mind will believe you are stroking the unwanted IDEA's back, hoping your harsh words will restrain it from biting you. VIGOROUSLY DI= ALL U19":iaNTED THOUGHT. Probably you have seen news reel photographs of presentaday great world leaders. Have you not remarked how every geeture, look, movement of body and expression of face SHOWS CONVICTION, concentrated PURPO6E, and IDE-a? You must gain similar control over the acts of YOUR being by learning to cis ntrel your MIND. When you are assailed 137 adverse thought, it is unnecessary to shake fists, rave and rant; however, you make it very definite tc the subconscious mind that you are the 3000 of yourSELZ --- that you will not tolerate the presence of any -12-

unfavoratle vibration in your MIT:D.

r000ption and thought selection. As you enter your period of

calm, relaxed concentration, ALONE, close your eyes,, and wait until your mind becomes attuned with the great energies of

Eere is a simple exercise to use in developina thought

COSAIC vibration. You see, your "mental" tubes are warming up, and before reception can demonstrate the "tubes" must be aglow.

Then when you feel surges of COSMIC power passing in and out of your body in ever-increasing number, begin to do a little
selection in this wayt

Imagine your MIND to be a great hotel lobby. VISUALIZE your THOUGHTS as individuals --- SEEING the good thoughts' foreheads banded with gold ribbon, an the unfavorable thoughts
having black ribbons in like position. As these Ii, `Li GIIIT,;:RY individuals of your MENTAL PICTURE enter the revolving door of your hotel lobby, begin the selection. Allow the gold-ribboned

"thought" individuals entrance to the lobby; at the desk, they will inquire for YOU, and the clerk which is symbolized as the
subconscious mind will direct them to your room. This will

instruct the subconscious mind to WELCOME every good thought

and admit it to your MIND at once. As for the black-ribboned thought-individuals, as THEY step into the revolving door seeking admittance to your lobby, see them STARED DOWN by the clerk you know as the subconscious mind, then watch the evil thoughts keep right on circling in the revolving door until they pass into the street again. YOU watching their backs dis-

appear. This will advise your subconscious mind that adverse thought can find no welcome from you whatsoever, and that you want no sight of their faces, but the vision of them leaving you UNRECOGNIZED. It will amaze you to notice how, with this simple exercise being applied, you soon gain control over taoughtselection to such a sensitized degree that you will be able to

leave selection almost entirely up to the subconscious mind;

for the subconscious will realize what are your wishes re-

garding THOUGHTS that seek to reach you. The subconscious ALWAYS obeys what YOUR wishes as MASTER appear to be --- by your MENTAL attitude. You will then come to the happy state wherein it is 'a matter of knowledge that your brain CENTERS,
through contacting COSMIC energy and SOLAR magnetism are ar-

rived at the efficient stage where they admit to your household

only favorable THOUGHT. Occasionally there will come a "sneak" thought hiding behind a good one until it arrives at the desk of your hotel lobby. However, no such craven thought can possibly enter the DOOR of your MIND unless YOU welcome it. That you will certainly not do, but deal with such adverse VIBRATION exactly as you have learned to deal with the blackribboned thought-individuals. It is high time people are learning the TRUE -13-


harmfulness of FEAR. When you ignore it, FEAR is as powerless as a drop of water on the desert at high noon in midsummer. It gains the power of a terrific flood in a narrow river-bed when you ADMIT its existence. When finally you can control thought so your MENTAL mechanism will ALLOW only what thoughts are favorable --- and this can be accomplished QUICKLY by using the foregoing exercises --- then you will SEE -the dawn of fulfilled DESIRE, of ACCOMPLISHED PURPOSE', of RIPENING SUCCESS. Self-confidence and egotism are separate manifestations of a man's opinion of HIMSLLF. The first is the result of KNOWLEDGE of FITNESS; the second, when exag.7erated, makes a an the perfect double of an ass. It is not sane for man as a PHYSICAL being to think too highly of himself --- for the FT'ISH-YOU is tangible to destruction. That a man OUGHT to do is SENSE that his spirit and MIND are POWERS --- to allow the body in elean, healthy state to carry him into greater manifestations of a properly-guided ego. Conceit bears the stamp of petty THINKING. Confidence lioas a man's FAITH in God's will that he BE an INDIVIDUAL.

NEGATIVE thought certainly will turn cowardly once you have gained such selection that the subconscious mind automatically takes charge of mental "weeding , " FEAR will find no sympathy with you --- will no dare peer through your window. All sense of weakness, and lack of fitness to do your life, work will flee --- unless you relax, allowing the black-ribboned evil thoughts to infest your hotel. In all evolution of the EGO --- there are only two ways to travel --- forward and backward. Stubborn fools let opportunities of improvement pass them --- but YOU will NOT YOU are going to ascend lAith the rest of o.s who want to exert DIVINE principle in PRIVATE CART M. Also, it is well never to forget that, regardless of how wonderful a teaching may seem to YOU, there will follow others MORE WONDERFUL. We must accept NEW REVELATION, seeking ever for MORE LIGHT;


Fourth --- Long Aerials and Deep Groundings Perhaps the main excuse for the existence of the PHYSICAL body is found in the necessity that it be heavy enough to respond to the law of gravity, taus allowing us to remain on earth as long as LIFE lasts. It shows that in such , a case, at least, DENSITY is important and to be respected SOLIDITY is of body is to be filairtained, as is strength. However, in our search for improvement, other bodies than the PHYSICAL must have attention. It is said that every living being owns what is termed an ASTRAL body --- an etheric body extending in equal measure OUTWARD from the CENTER of the solar plexus and enveloping the entire physical dhape. When we contact ASTRAL bodies of other people, by the VIBRATION which exchange between their ASTRAL and our ASTRAL bodies we SENSE if we are in harmony with them. Pow, in the installation of radio sending or receiving sets, you KNOW how vital it is to have the parts (1JTSIDE , the body mechanism in perfect fitness and proportion Among these, the AERIAL and GROUND are very important. We are in this course endeavoring to show that the radio can be studied in comparative meaning to those acts which a man performs with himSELF as a "radio." It is apparent that God tries over centuries to show a man the truth about himself and his POWER; when man refuses to awaken to the simple FACTS of manifestation, God has to place some INANIMATE object, such as the radio, in the field of man's vision. Finally, by favor of a leader, man grasps POWER by proven comparison. THOUGHTS are the programs you send from your MENTAL broadcasting station, and THOUGHTS are the programs you receive from millions of sensitized SENDING sets found in the NINDS of other men and the phenomena of COSMIC energy and SOLAR magnetism. With no study at all, man has and uses these abilities to send and receive. But UNLESS he UNDERSTAND their HIGHER USE and PROPER handling, he is likely to come to sorrow --to suffer many delays and reversals because he cannot manage such POWER with INT. ILLIGENOE. Your AERIAL is the contact your ASTRAL body and sub)16nsciOas mind make with COSMIC energy and SOLAR magnetism. Your GROUND is the healthy and pure condition in which you keep vOur PHYSICAL body. If you neglect either, you cannot receive same result as you could if BOTH were in perfect HOOK-UP. the AERIAL is neglected, you will get into many embarrassin messes; it is worse for you than to neglect the ground, although. to desert either is serious indeed. For example, in radio operation, it seems to be better to use AERIAL than GROUND if you do not hook-up both. However, the use of the


GROUND will bring you PURITY of TONE as well as DEPTH of RECEPTION while the AERIAL contacts DISTANCE. =TALLY, they are TWINS in the DIVINE system of cooperation to bring YOU success and contentment through their SENSIBLE and FAITHFUL application. A THOUGHT is a word or words INCORPORATED into picture form. Right NOW, try thinking of a word --- any word --- and see if you can do so without bringing a PICTURE of some nature to your mum. YOU never can do it, nor can anyone else. That gives FORM to thought? It is the whirring VIBRATION of COSMIC energy shaping an IDEA into PICTORIAL ACCENT. You set in manifestation the needed FORCE to bring to BEING whatever you are THINKING at the very MOMENT you THINK it! Is it necessary, then, to repeat how CAR:T.FUL we but be in selecting THOUGHT? Believe the author, if you will THINK rightly and FAITHFULLY, you can no more escape the manifestation of your DESIRE than can you escape getting wet if you fall into a bathtub full of water. Think for the
moment how MARVELOUS it is that God has given us such CHOICE -

that we BECOME the shapers of our DESTINY through DIVINE RIGHT of THOUGHT!
We enter the world mainly in the realm of PHYSICAL expression. Thus, to follow the logic of comparison of SELF with the radio, it would. seem that the first NECESSITY is to attend to the GROUND, to see that it comes to proper health. Our PHYSICAL bodies CONSTITUTIONALLY must be as strong as we can keep them --- our habits must be as sane and regular as moderate LIVING will allow them to be. In other words, FIRST of all we must be GROUND7M in RIGHTEOUS MANIFESTATION of the

FLESH wherein the SPIRIT dwells. Of course, there is little use trying to be ANGELIC before our time. We can appear TOO GOOD, you know, by holding such strict, nonsensical codes of worn-out ethics that it would be impossible for any CREATION save A-NUMBER-ONE angels to live up to them, and in the eyes of radical reformers, even such super-beings probably would commit many wrong-doings. SWEETNESS of TONE will demonstrate when we are living in PURITY and with HIGH PURPOSE, yet trying to be a fellow to mankind, and not a pedestal-sitter. There
can be no CLOGGING of the PHYSICAL BODY as it prepares to put to operation the principles of subconscious mind through the

water for cleansing will find difficulty in passing But after the particles of orange that clog the sieve are removed,

ASTRAL body into fields of COSMIC energy to gontact SOLAR magnetism. For example, examine an unwashed 'sieve after it has been used to strain an orange. Through such a sieve, ,

water will flow through it freely. In bodily expression YOU

must be like a clean SIZV should you DESIRE to repeive QUICK, FULL BENEFIT from the contacted manifestations of COSMIC -

energy and SOLAR magnetism.

Much has been stated concerning the results from -16-

PROPER BaOADCASTING. Yet NOW we are going to deal with a HIGHER USE and PRACTICE. If you will RECOGNIZE, seek to UNDERSTAND and LOVE your ASTRAL body, you will certainly gain much faster access to that ENVIRONM7NT and MANNER of life service you DESIRE. Your ASTRAL body, remember, is thought to be a part of God; it is said to be indestructible at death, to hold within it the SUM of all your experiences. It loves YOU and wants to protect YOU. If you will only be gracious enough to RECOGNIZE its high regard_and concern for you and its tender nurturing of your SPIRITUAL well-being, great demonstrations of SUCCESS and almost unbelievable results from VISUALIZING will show. The farther away from a sense of PHYSICAL limitation you can remove yourSELF when using your AERIAL, the better will be your RESULTS from its use. 'One such moment spent in such obliviousness to the FLESH will bring marvels. For we are not expecting any hokuspokus demonstrations in our improvement ENDEAVORS --- we are looking for the TRUTH of God's LAW and finding it! All nature is orderly and methodical. That is how MIND must become' For the , aoment, let 'as consider TONES of THOUGHT. It is well known that COLOR has much to do with THOUGHT , For example, white is the color of PURITY and 0 -"TIMISM. Red symbolizes strength and vitality; also, anger and war. Blue suggests placidity and artistic temperament. Black has ever been associated with failure, death, gloom and distress , So we see at a glance that blending color will produce VARIED and MODIFIED VIBRATION. NEVER ALLOW BLACK TO COME INTO YOUR VISION WHILE CONCENTRATING. If it does come, STOP VISUALIZING AT ONCE and turn to other occupation until you FEEL that you are strong enough to DENY BLACK. Any moment spent visualizing while BLACK evidences certainly will bring dire result , It will delay you DAYS in your much sought progress. The reason for such a meaning being the property of BLACK is obvious ---

BLACK being the one TONE that can saturate and hold forever IMPRISONED all others. It cannot destroy COMIC energy nor
SOLAR magnetism, but it CAN and WILL bounce them on a tangent

from you.. Blue, orange and white are colors to be DESIRED in

visualizing. Just remember when you bring to your subconscious mind and your visualizing CENT:FRS any picture Lacked by

TREMENDOUS DESIRE to materialize it, and you contact the

fields of electro-magnetism in expression of COSMIC energy and SOLAR magnetism, if you will ALLOW an AURA, or COLOR-FIELD of shades in strong BLUE, strong ORANGE, or strong WHITE to

surround and saturate your PICTURE, you will send out from your broadcasting station the swiftest kind of DEMNSTRABIE THOUGHT-POD7R possiblel Whenever you are sitting ALONE anywhere, with no PRESSING matter to occupy your mind, relax as you begin to feel in pro-er CALME7,33 of thought, and with closed. eyes TRY
to bring into BEING around you the CONSTRUCTIVE color-fields.

Never enter any VISUALIZING period with any other than a -17-

happy, SMILING attitude. While we are in the FLESH, a smile will always be the test INDICATOR of inner contentment. Yea mast give your ASTRAL body, your sabconscious mind, and God's Cosmic enemy and SOLAA magnetism a REASON to FEEL that you YOJRSELF sense their presence. Any recognition you give to such POTERS, they will return you in GREAT INCREASE by demonstrating for you whatever you may DESIRE of them This effect you can easily cause by directing from your PERSONAL being such strong rays of active OPTIMISM that your sincerity and ENERGY cannot be mistaken. Never for a moment forget that PROOF in your ATTITUDE that you DESIRL IMPROVEMENT, that you RECOGNIZE God's PRESENCE, that you are doing your part in the maintenance of a well-directed THOUGHT PROGRAM toward gaining MANIFESTATION of your DESIRES --- these things are all that God and. His forces NEED to SEE as They begin OPERATING to MATIkiiALIZE your thought-forms. As days pass in your new attitude of LOVING your ASTRAL body as a BIG BROTHER who has never been absent from you a single second of all your experiences, you will SENSE that you are GROWING. 3onetimes, it will take a long look in a mirror to convince yourself that you actually are not GPOWING in VISIBLE ways. You will be deepening your GROUND and extending your AERIAL. You will gain DENSITY of TONE and SELLCTION to a great degree. Them will come a GLOW that will characterize you beautifully, and people will remark it. In case you are keeping company with a sweetheart, or if you are married and happily so, you will notice IN ASTONISHM7NT ho.v often the object of your DEVOTED affection will T=ili YOU of the LCTE that is for youi And if you are one who has never cared for intermingling of the sexes, you will CERTAINLY notice how you are more and more SINCERELY DESIRED as COMPANY by your friends, and how YOUR individual traits you ycurself

may never have considered obvious before will begin to excite FAVORABLE COMMENT, .giving you more and more of the CONSTRUCTIVE color-AURA you are 'funding up around you Two pathways lie before you --- one Uphill, the other DOWNhill. Uphill will lead you into INCREASED glory of the orange glow of 90LAR magnetism at each secure step. Downhill will conduct you into the unsafe, treacherous black shadows. You will not move into valleys of self-destruction You will USE THOUGM and VISUALIZING to bring you UPWARD in .LIFE. You want to be more HONORED, more LOVED by proof of your SERVICE to humanity. You will attain thesE blessings in all the accompanying senses of auccrss and IMPROVE:ENT 1- y APPLYING this knowledge.



Fifth --- Spiral and Lateral Thought-Eddies There are times when it is indeed very pleasant to glance backward into the days of childhood, recalling certain experiences that meant to us a great unfoldment of some certain principle of truth. At such moment, you and I can remember how the REALIZATION of new-found FACT came to us like the , burating of a great light on our conscious plane Such occurrences bring THRILLS never to be forgotten, and when proper connections recur in life's interwoven happenings, the =ID returns to the-first THRILL and we reclaim once more all the glorious marvel of AWAIENLO REALIZATION that was ours at that early date. In this section of RADIO MAGNETISM, we are going to study an absolutely NEW conception of THOUGHT VIBRATION, and it is so simply applied that the author knows you are going to find INSTANT success with it, and the buoyancy of SPIRIT it will bring you shall mean much in the ESTABLISHMENT of proper FOUNDATION for all future REALIZATIONS of DESIRE. All of us are constantly on the watch for BETTER WAYS to succeed, to gain health and love. Better ways ARE, as we have learned, ALWAYS in the hand of God ready to be released freely by Him when man shows himself wise enough to RECOGNIZE the better way. Somewhere along the back trail to childhood, you likely recall having dropped a stone into still water, then watching the eddies circling wider and wider from the spot where the stone entered the water --- until a GREAT circle was formed and the ripples seemed. to VIBRATE rather than take on the appearance of a smooth-lined circle. NEVER ALLOW THOUGHT VIBRATION TO IMPRESS YOUR VIgUALI7ING MIND AS BRING SMOOTH OR STRAIGHT' VIBRATION cannot be exactly straight, nor can. it be smooth and even. If it be that way, it is not VIBRATION at all --- since it then becomes merely a projection of the conscious mentality and has no UNCEASING vibration to carry the thought beyond the point to Which it shall be directed by your MATERIAL mind. You have listened to singers whose voices had no vibrato. What sound is more disagreeable than that? Yet you recall the magnificent sensation that is yours when listening to a great artist Whose voice shows just the right amount of vibrato. All things in life have a common REASON for being and an IDENTICAL operation through the one great law of CONSTANT VIBRATION. It is said that all material of the UNIVERS7 is held together by VIBRATION. Thus, when dealing with the science of mental projection, we MUST use VIBRATORY principles. Have you ever lived in a neighborhood where someone was studying the violin? You will, if such be true, recall the horrible tones that CAN be produced by a violin in the hands

of a beginner. The same instrument played by a master would. cause you to betray your deepest emotions. How can the beginner call forth such hideous discords, sometimes, it would seem, with careful pains to disturb the equilibrium of all nature? It is certainly NOT the fault of the student as a PERSONALITY It is because he has not yet learned the secret of calling PRO.SZt VIBRATION from the violin, and thus, he lacks confidence to play harmoniously even the few note; he Ina y know , Exactly the same case can be laid to all sound, and especially to the human voice. Some people, beautiful to see, disappoint as cruelly when we discover they have displeasing voicee. PERSONALITY is displayed in TONE VIBRATION more than in any other non-material qu.ality. Now we will enter the actual discussion of spiral and lateral thought-odd:10S; whether you believe it at ?RESENT, you. will shortly discover you have a gold mine of information herein. Thought is projectible into the UNIV7R.SE in two general directions that embrace every part of space --- the shape of this dual-erojeeting field being like a cross. THOUGHT is projectible straight up and straight d. own; THOUGHT is also projectible OUT:la:RD on PARALLEL with the earth to all part s of the UNIVIIISE. Now , picture in yo :r VISUALIZING mind these two phases of VDDATIM. INSTANTLY, you will see how the straight up-and-down THOUGHT-70DI13 can wirier,. until they reach to all parts of the T3NIV -213:; and how the aJT - 7.ARD and PAR.ALLEL-to-the-EARTH TIOUGHT-EDDI7S can grow thicker upu and-down until they enter all space. Ths, notice alnain that THOUGHT VIBR aTIM , although daally var ' iated, FOLLOT3 the ONE lea; of the COSMOS by filer ging u..nt o great , an incessant CIRCLE:. TraLE cannot be coneidered tte broadcasting of THOUGHT VIBRATION, for the INSTANT a thou: eht takes form, it comes IIVITEDIATELY in contact Wi. t h all sensitiaed. RECEIVIIRS in the UNIVERSE, and t trei.11 find. Dir:IriONSD-SABLE lodging IF the sender of the thought anderstands HO AT to M.103 THOUGHT PR OD 'JOE If you 3ELIEV7.:; you edll receive what you are demanding of the (.7].i.EATOR .. in your VISITALI::::ING and cent act in g of (70STEC energy and SOLAR magnetism, your THXGHT is charged. with :ers electric force that MUST contact ita raise ion and. DEMONSTRATE its qualifi cations and worthine ss to serve you . Without this FAITH, you can visualize all your life and. never contact more than the routine opportemitiea that come to all people who are semi-intelligen 4,-,, whether they THINK or not Let us considaT eyamp,le in our search :! . or edge. Suppose yeu have two pieces of wood. that are notched at the edges and you. want to fit these into one another 3 they will produce a ,iepee,dable joint . In case the imperfect, you. work with the wood until the -twopieees e:o together as if they inerely had 'reen severed by a thin. kni:t'eblade without so much as a tiny :splinter being lost. In the

manner of THOUGHT attacks upon the fields of energy and magnetism, the procedure is the same as with the two pieces of wood. VIBaATION, which is NEVER smooth, mates "notches" in the fields of power. Your THOUGHT and the EYER = of the COSMOS being of one and tho same intan.ible expres,lion, are the same as the two pieces cf matched wood , You FIST iit MIND with ENL`R i GY perfectly in order to sec'Ire D =DAa:LE result from your VISUALIZING. The VIBRATION of COSflIC energy when it meets the VIBRATION of your THOUGHT broadcast will solder the two ?IDLY. Your VIBRATION never lust become GOLD, for the HEAT of COMIC energy cannot operate withcat the COUNTER-HEAT of your win energy, Athletes take the best of care of their physical bodies in order to s.ray fit to co -apete. In the work we are studying, ITITTAL athletes such as the ASTRAL body and the autconecious mind must have the best of training from you and me as COAO7ES in order that we may prove fit to receive the rewards of kAT -TaIALIATIOh. As you enter your period of VISUAII.]ING, imagine yourself calmly seated at the edge of a platform above a body of blue, placid water. Gaze into this water for a few minutes while you see mirrored therein the exact conditions you want prevailing in your life. SEE that you are a PERFECT BEING with PERFLCT PERSONALITY, and see every detail of all your , DESIRES GROWING in the clear water from small to LIFE SIZE it the golden glow of the Sun, symboliaing the everpresence of SOLAR magnetism, play over the blue water and let the color-tone cf the ID:hAIS you arc BUILDING in the water be green, white and orange. When. - you have spent a few minutes in this calm reflection and in building of DESIRTD environment and circumstance, imagine a THOUGHT "aroaningu from your TAIND into the water. This released THOUGHT as it meets the water will start EDDIES flowing away from the spot of contact with t4e water. WATCTH these. eddies FLOW THROUGH the objects in your mental picture WITHOUT DISTURBING them, but rather forming a freely flawing current of VIBRATICE through all the parts of your DESIRE PICTURTE, Also SEE that the field of magnetism from these thought-eddies is rising ABOVE the water and. Teaching below its surface --- as "'ell as extending OUTWARD from the entrance aoint of the THOUGHT into the water. Now, as these spiral and lateral thought-edaies INGRJOASE their sphere of influence, YOU remain as the oRIGINATOR of FORCE, the DYNAMO of perpetual BROADCASTING Even. while you are practicing this system of VISUAIIZING, lines of force will be directinP; their ENERG=.3 toward your Dife7TT.LT7. IMYTWVEKENT in SO= porticn of the UNITa2Sr. You eannotescape it. You would izet the sarle result were you to DE91-RE something evil --- BUT --- the JaUONSVRATED VIBRATION as it returned to you woulj c.) -La-toned Lealing you great harm for being the ORIGINATOR of a DEstractive thonght ,
Many of you have studentf ,3 of the author's works for several years. If you it loot back investigatingly, you will realize that IDEA by IDEA, we are proceeding -21-

together toward GRE2.TER POWER, and yet, have you not also noticed how with.gmater power, there has also come GREATER SIMPLICITY in the attaining of it? The more powerful we become, the more powlm We can DLMONSTRATE and ATTiACT. Remember that it is not always the seed alone tilt aoroures a plentiful harvest. The planting must be done ,when WHT:ATILLa is right for it In our MENTAL planting, the WEATHER of our physical condition must always be interpreted. If we are tired and ready to fall asleep, there is tittle lab - trying to VISUALIZE. You will likely work yourslf an irjury, for you will be demonstrating LACK of power to the ul-conscious. The subconscious has no porr to CREATE. other than that which you DEMONSTRATE. It will do as you THI57, and. that only. It is never INTELLIC- 7NT until it has 1 - eon given . } trou1 h ycrIr 3=TALtitude. at In the exercise aC VITJAII'zIN:7 , above, the use of WATER is symbolic of D7VSITY fond 7i2TH that aiso contains TRAMPAREKCY. In other -ordo2t, the saicenscious is Ltaae to understand you EX7ECT a SUL1T TEIII result, one that iJ ACTUAL and TMERSTAliDABI,E. The o- the air mirht have b.7,er used in some VITJATJIZATIOV to contact COSMIC oner!w an SOLAR magnetic fields, using the spiral anl lateral thouhtedaies. However, -.hsre is no g-3emont that can embr(ce all Tialities in OYE as can voltar. Since we are in 7HYSIC:JJ bodies, we must use a 27YS1 1 L'L symbol to attract a 7 =-T YSICkL InSULT from our VISUALL:IYG. There is no use elv:riL, the presence of material =,S3ITY on this earth. Of cei,rse some will not suffer thiou,:1,h the inconvFniences of and talce a Tay of de9artare that -nrin;?;s dishonor to 17ird ones and stigma of cowarctisr to themselves. It ij undoultelly YOUR purpose to -1er.ome ?TiTnICAT,LY as oorfect as you can accomor then, plish. J r 0: 1 -t 9TArD tat through use of 'FLMALU;1 Ii POW1R, you will be :etter eauipped to serve auloanitw' --tc KNOW the satisfaction tht comes it-,11 the REALT.J.TIO that cl'OU are V.ALUALLE to thy- cause of 1 =0V=NT in the world, In all mental pictra-es, the more of and aLTURAL COLOi:S and 0E-TXTS you brim?' into p'!.ominonce, the swifter will come contact with _TOSfliC enerPT and SO:ihR magnete fieLis. In the beOnnin.o . , AIL was YATURAI.. TIlsvefore, FIRST creations, and FIRST environlanto, owr TrITMNDOUS Mr:PLIES of SUPER POWT,R to PT.R7GR .: ., for and to TZ -',. - 01:::R 6,2T. your DESIR:S.



Sixth --- YoaI An Accessory to God and His Riches! In studying a business or profession, it is customary to take into serious consideration the merits, habits and records of those who stand foremost in it. Nov:, it is our pleasant obligation to do just exactly that in our endeavor to master AreaiTAL ATTRACTIM. Are we not striving to exert POWER over CIRCUMSTANCE? Then it becomes our sensible plan to look to the One Who is all- 7?071.atFUI, --- the CRFATOR --- then try to emulate His method of procedure. No one v.1.11 ever {e et to the =TEL of the CREATM, but all may RISE by paying strict attention_ to His }Or HODS. TS FORTE is the power of TIT OUGHT projected thr rgy - To fields of SOLAR magnetism by OS in C the ,- .egree -vie master same principle of 'POWER, to that degree will be approachable the level of God and. at every upward step, we SLE Go issmile broaden and His benefits exT.:01/77, CJPPORTUNI7.7 and prese to us more bountifully :SUPPLY! Then , WE nest We mos t of as el t hat k of God as being must be hone st _Us o, Deo pie, like to t God shows ONE eo be lust We not ce th jos t WE t mast there ore instigate a P.IINE in all rna nifest at i system of IPLRSONAL 17L1_iIISSILE that shall employ ONE Pia-2,1 ONLY --that of strict adherence to natural law as demonstrated in the principle of THOUGHT becoming the FOR C7: tbr oag ih ch we make ourselves. WHAT we A.L. Tovv of course , through this trust of God, we are so powerful that THOUGHT can be used. as an ally of ears or en 9,emy It is asually vihen People have sent out THOUGHT whose nature eas AG..4.1reUST their best interest, that they turn their backs to God, accusing Him of injustice, when IDT!7.A. ry thinking of euch evils assail t hem N tee? , the against God only will sale it 11,76":H more difftcult for such people to ascend to any level near the plane they some day thouet a neighbor were to hoped. to attain. It is e'actly you a pie on a silver plate; after havinF eaten the pie, you had_ gone to sell the silver plate. You cannot accept God'ti law, then expect to escape His preeminence as FINAL JUDGE of you) You mulct praise Him in one breath, then next moment by harboring negative, MI6ICELY His law of THINTaiim malicious, Covetous

((3-od i ho




How may we ho true to the CREATOR'? First of ail, we may show ACTIT7ILY: we are tryina: to emulate His law of PROI7Te THIFYING There is no ase imagining we will not stumble occasionally. It is human to 11.7.2.R, an the,- best of as will some, , we times be human --- at least , in THAT re ect. However can get up quickly after each fall, and. iniard much closer any future embarrassment of such nature before God. A child. oh one will beginning to walk will take mealy tumbles bat


teach a lesson and FEL:ILLY, with 11111 CONFID7IICE and, STRTNGTH, the child. will walk normally --- perhaps tripping or skidding occasionally. In MENTAL and. YORAL life, the two habits of 1; ripping and skidding follow us the main part of time. However, a great number aich errors SHOWS lack of WILL-POWER It becomes a duty to occupy ourselves with the necessity of ", TRLNGTHIZTING our WILL until it shall set the watchdog of our su_bconsciais mind. on :MV` .Y THOUGHT and IDEA that means as injury. Again, let it be said. that VITAL importance must be attached. to the HABIT you must form of FRAMING your VISUALIZATIONS in NATURAL environment s USE "me rt al" rivers that are calm, trees full of glovious foliage, flowers of matchless be auty and fragrance (you. can very quickly learn to d.istingaish or s through the Pcymt of your ASTRAL body, ) ant mais gentle and graceful mien, people with. HIGH M. 7k=LIDS, -and. the. t eu,ands of combi nati on of ELETUITS E.4.nd. 7,37.:I1.` GS tha t shall eve.)r-y MENTAL 21 OrPURE what i t must a Iv.iays have -t se Ls e of ACTIVE REALIT 7.1 1: in LIFE and. MOT I ON I r aU a it i yo ur V I arii,LI 77.". you in co rp ar at ;Dore .14.1.TURAI., th is , t T IO1T, t be more GLUTIINC.V;st a become C your mint will until the subconscious realm 1A1.11 R1'7537 all b ut r.eif (13 G HT t 0 bring back: ONLY C MODS t hat send. out e le ctri c IT I 7eRAIT.' I the ripe fruit of conte.cted. OPPORTUNITY that shall DEMONSTRATE material form You must put on a cloak of beauty that shall allow s favor to reach you The ho lie st per s on on earth can God's 77 be beautiful if possessed e PERSONALITY that beams T...0V :. and GOOD-1ILL for all being's wit h or: t he hoTe y one shares life ea id. is PIRITEZT and. BEAUTITi'UL i t Ev erybody s ASTRAL f or a The material HOUSE of the SPIRIT which we call the pliT; body is subject to a ilm'ent , and therefore, cannot .always be per fe et in symmetry and. texture. At ..inner, is it the SITAPE of the ham that most attracts you.? Is it the beautiful , smoothness of the lamb- - roast? Most people's likin.r. ; for each foodsis i based. on DEM T-0r; for FLAVOR --- no t app earance alone It is true that 2:,00d-looking food is an aid, to digestion. Novi, such. s the manner of God. '3 THOUGHT -- He REGARDS the 7.71? SON ALI Y which is 7:VI TENthe b cd.y , just as FLAY OR i s meat. God. wants YOU to be as attractive as possible , or , then, you are pleasing to other people 'a sight an' : can help others to 3.1TE beauty, inCOGNIZE it s importance, and. LOVE it for it s OPTIMISTIC significance Now , never forget that the GREAT part of you that Mt 3T become beautiful in order to at--'.- ;ho God' 3 interest in 371}7.1,1G you approach INYFR you --- the SPIRITUAL you. If God. had not loved. you, He never vioald. have created. you.. Thus, it is your daty7 to become . .:,! ort hy of this act of ,iving you EXPRES5.31 ON of form by LOVIVG yourself -God. in .7. th as much NATURAL creation --- enoutt. to cloak you.rself H -24-

beauty as possible. In ether words, you must become ALL that is POSSIBLE in PERSONAL CHARM. Your motive must be SINCERE, your purpose in attracting others to you mast be for THEIR BHTTERMENT. If you were to try using THOUGHT-POWER to attract people for their ability to satisfy selfish desires, you would suffer a BLACK future. Guided by the LIGHT of right UNDERSTANDING in practice, you cannot fall and will soon forget the existence and even the meaning of such a word as "failure." Since you KNOW that all law is based on FORWARD MOTION, if yea contact this very PRINCIPLE and. FOLLOW it, you cannot go backward., ICEHIND you alone dwells that monster that devours the TEAT : --FAILURE! No calamity is swift enough to overtake the man or woman who sets FACE FO31aRD and will allow no light but the WHITE LIGHT of GOD to guide FUTURE. Try to IMAGINE the UNIVTLISE as the g: eat TEYSICAI bod3, of God , If you can learn to do t,hie, an it is certainly simple of accomplishment, then INSTANTLY you will RE2J)I7,7 that this TRUTH being ACTUAL, yol RELLLY are a par; of God's t:ody; LING --that in some way your OTS attract His senec of TM pleasing or displeasing Him as the case may be. it is locical, then, to believe that every wrong act will cause a eharp pain to pass through God's bedy --- as if yoa became conscious of There it oniy ere way to an annoying pimple cr blackhead relieve such uneasiness --- it mast c aETFOV7D or CORRECTED. How God's justice REMCAT:S us from 7is pleasure when lee become to Him corrupt like cores in our own bodies. You 'All see how it is that we are the cause for our own misfortune, since God's law has NO FAVORITES and ALL offenders SUFFER the same DISCIPLINE. When adversity strikes, study the past and you. will see your OWN mistakes rearing their ugly heads in the background. Then you ill "MOW whom to blame, and certainly will never harm yourself by accusing God! Now as we approach the close of this course vilerein so much pleasure of meeting with you has been the author's lot, allow a few moments while we learn a :NEI the to contact WEALTH --- to VIBRATI1 it through RADIO (electric) AAG1 -ETISIJ into our separate AU? A3, or environmental spheres. Our wealth-attracting exercise indeed is very simple, and ENJOYABLE. Imagine yourself standing on the crest of a green hill with the Sun risines Never S -,17 the San eettine, or after high-noon posit ion, for if you do, there will build-up a subconscious:impression that y Cu are recedinc, rather than ASCENDING. New, imagine that Cr cm the Sun are emanting RAYS of LIGHT you can S:E approaching IOU. As each ray of light comes nearer, VISUY.LIZE it as a pin-point of GOLD. Then, allaaing this pin-point to GLOW, finally Tr'E it take shape as a GOLD COIN and enter any one of three chests that stani open before you --- one to the left, one to the right, the third in


front of yes. In this TROUGHT-PISYIYURE, UTTER place a chest 1,71 ,:in you; you must ALWAYS keeT JUPPLY before your VISION, and NETT behind it, ar in the background. As the GOLD COINS come, in time they w ill fill all three chests, kneel and place 7ou two hands on your fOrehead ;pile you offer a prayer of illankfulness to God far SUPPLY. Then VISUALIZE uses that are : JR.AL and COUstruct-ive to Which the GOLD COINS may be directed and joyfully, release as many COINS as, are needed to brinF to liKING the DESIRLS of your VISUAIIZING Along the pathway ap the hill will ascend certain clean, honest-appearing individuals ?ROJECT a fewCOINS to them and SIT their gratitude as they move upward more OPTIMISTICLY toward. the crest of the hill. You must ALJAYS b ready to SHARE in. order to obtain CONSTANT 3 =LY from God's inexhaustible storehouses of Ia our exe reis o we :use THRTTE chests, fx THRT2E in occultism is the number ruling SUPPLY in its PHILOSOPHIC meaning --- net SUPny fo selfish aso. A final '1:) r d in regard to all mcntal pictures is to Ral;.1017. they are SI -WDGI.LIC --they INDICATE to tho 'subconscious mind and ASTRAL body what INTLET you have in life . You will not fail to attain your FONDEST Dr.,SIRE if you will MOW that this 3 =OLIC work in TOUGHT- .G - is bringing you OPPORTUYI71ES to materialize whatever you PICTUR:. God stanas ready to assist you to TIGCLFIS when you are 7 -1:1LING t o USE it for WJT.70 .AD's betterment I

a.. ** , A* 4-

TATT HaIART , ._LL '.:11:"0 LIVE FOR impagr7Z,T,T,TalT TO meet you.on the common ground of study hao brought great happiness to the author You will, he ailcw him a personal word as we separate for a little while. NEVM cease to look. for NEW light J. improvement! Fo matter how mervelouS any teaching may seem t o you, there always will come an that shall supersede all former methods of advancing SELF. Even now, the author is at work 1,77,r1 dd. gging from th e great storehouses of KENT 1 SUP:T):Eir and easily understood TRUTHS to pass to all !.1 .0 are interest : c. in ASCENDING' 'jie are going to loolr. forward. to many, many future hours of valuable CONTACT with one another thr ugh literary medium. TH'S LUTHR

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